AdrashSingh MpReport

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From (September 2023 to November 2023)

Name of the student: ADARSH SINGH

University Roll No: 2100320139001


I would like to acknowledge the contributions of the following people without

whose help and guidance this report would not have been completed.
I acknowledge the counsel and support of TANAYA GUPTA mam with respect
and gratitude, whose expertise, guidance, support, encouragement, and enthusiasm
has made this report possible. Their feedback vastly improved the quality of this
report and provided an enthralling experience. I am indeed proud and fortunate to
be supported by him. I am also thankful to Prof. (Dr.) Amit Sinha, H.O.D of
Information Technology Department for his constant encouragement, valuable
suggestions and moral support and blessings.
Although it is not possible to name individually, I shall ever remain indebted to the
faculty members of ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad for their persistent
support and cooperation extended during this work.
This acknowledgement will remain incomplete if I fail to express our deep sense of
obligation to my parents and God for their consistent blessings and encouragement.


Roll Number :- 2100320139001


 Introduction to Company/Platform
 Internship/Course description
 Project Based Learning during the Internship /Course
 Data flow diagram /UML/ER Diagrams/WorkFlowDiagram

 Summary

 References

 Annexures: (1) Codes snippets

(2) Project Demo snippets
(3) Certificate(s)

 Introduction to Company/Platform :-

 Cognitive Classes.AI stands as a beacon in the realm of online education, offering an

expansive platform that transcends traditional boundaries of learning. At its core, the
platform is a haven for individuals eager to delve into the intricacies of artificial
intelligence, machine learning, and cognitive computing. One of its standout features is
the diverse course catalog, meticulously curated to address the burgeoning demand for
expertise in cutting-edge technologies.
 The courses, led by seasoned industry experts, provide not just theoretical knowledge
but a practical understanding of how AI reshapes industries. From natural language
processing to computer vision, the platform covers a spectrum of specializations,
ensuring learners can tailor their educational journey to match their career aspirations.
 Here are the benefits of choosing Cognitive Class.AI for free training:

 Diverse Course Catalog: Offers a comprehensive range of courses in artificial

intelligence, machine learning, and cognitive computing. Specializations cover topics
such as natural language processing, computer vision, and deep learning.
 Industry-Relevant Content: Courses designed to address real-world challenges and
applications in various industries, including healthcare, finance, and technology.
Emphasis on practical skills and hands-on projects to enhance real-world problem-
solving abilities.
 Interactive Learning Environment: Engaging and interactive platform with a user-
friendly interface. Incorporates multimedia elements, quizzes, and assignments to
ensure active participation and understanding.
 Expert Instructors: Courses led by industry experts and experienced practitioners in
the field of artificial intelligence. Instructors provide insights into the latest trends,
best practices, and case studies.

 Flexible Learning Paths: Adaptive learning paths cater to individuals with different
skill levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners. Allows learners to progress at
their own pace, accommodating diverse schedules and learning preferences
 Certification Programs: Offers certification upon completion of courses, validating
the skills acquired during the learning journey. Certificates recognized by industry
professionals and organizations, enhancing career prospects.
 Community and Networking: Provides a platform for learners to connect,
collaborate, and share knowledge. Access to forums, discussion boards, and
networking opportunities within the Cognitive Classes.AI community.
 Continuous Updates: Regularly updated content to keep pace with advancements in
artificial intelligence and related technologies. Ensures learners have access to the
latest tools, frameworks, and methodologies.
 Practical Application Emphasis: Focus on practical, hands-on projects to reinforce
theoretical concepts. Encourages the application of acquired knowledge in real-world
 Innovative Assessment Methods: Utilizes innovative assessment methods,
including real-time coding challenges and scenario-based evaluations. Ensures a
holistic evaluation of a learner's proficiency in applying AI concepts. Encourages
critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
 Career Services and Placement Assistance: Offers dedicated career services,
including resume building and interview preparation. Facilitates networking
opportunities with potential employers through job fairs and industry connections.
Placement assistance programs enhance the transition from learning to professional
 Feedback Mechanisms: Establishes robust feedback mechanisms for course
improvement. Learners can provide feedback on course content, delivery, and overall
experience. Iterative improvements based on feedback contribute to an evolving and
responsive learning platform.

 Internship/Course description :-

The MERN stack enables developers to create robust, scalable, and dynamic web
applications using JavaScript-based technologies across the entire development cycle.

Course Overview:

 Introduction to MERN Stack: Understanding the fundamentals and architecture of


 MongoDB: Learning NoSQL database management, schema design, and CRUD

operations using MongoDB.

 Express.js: Building backend applications using Express.js, including RESTful API

creation and middleware implementation.

 React: Mastering the frontend with React, creating dynamic user interfaces,
managing states, and component-based architecture.

 Node.js: Leveraging Node.js for server-side scripting, event-driven architecture, and

asynchronous programming.

 Integration: Integrating frontend (React) with backend (Node.js and Express),

enabling data flow and communication.

 Authentication and Authorization: Implementing user authentication and

authorization using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) or other methods.

 Database Connectivity: Connecting the application frontend and backend to

MongoDB, handling data interactions and manipulation.

 Deployment: Deploying MERN applications to cloud platforms like Heroku, AWS,

or using containers like Docker.

Key Learning Objectives:

 Building a full-stack web application from scratch.

 Understanding the role and interaction of each technology in the MERN stack.
 Employing best practices for secure and efficient development.
 Implementing RESTful APIs and database interactions.
 Creating responsive and dynamic user interfaces with React.
 Collaborative and version-controlled development using tools like Git and GitHub.
 Deployment strategies and considerations for web applications.

Projects and Practical Application:

The course often involves hands-on projects and assignments. Students work on real-world
scenarios, developing applications incrementally and implementing various features using
the MERN stack. These projects allow learners to apply concepts learned throughout the
course, fostering practical experience and portfolio-building opportunities.

Target Audience:

 Individuals aspiring to become full-stack developers.

 Developers seeking to specialize in JavaScript-based web development.
 Professionals aiming to upgrade their skills in modern web application development.
Overall, a course based on the MERN stack equips learners with comprehensive skills
essential for building powerful, scalable, and feature-rich web applications, preparing them
for careers in the rapidly evolving field of web development.

 Project Based Learning during the Internship /Course :-


1. Project Initiation:
Start with a clear understanding of the project's objectives and scope, including the
goal to develop a comprehensive management system for adventure tours and travels.

2. Requirements Analysis:
 Define the specific requirements of the system, considering features such as
online booking, reservation management, resource allocation, sustainability
considerations, and more.

3. Design and Development:

Create a plan for designing and developing the system. This phase involves:
 User Interface Design: Design the user-friendly interface for
customers and administrators.
 Database Design: Develop the database structure to store
information about tours, reservations, customer data, and more.
 Software Development: Build the actual software that will power
the system, including front-end and back-end components.

Web Development Skills:

 HTML/CSS: Learn the basics of HTML and CSS for creating and styling web

 JavaScript: Understand JavaScript for adding interactivity and dynamic features to

your website.

 Responsive Design: Learn how to make your website look good and function well
on various screen sizes (desktop, tablet, mobile).

 Data flow diagrams/Class Diagram :-

 ER Diagrams :-

 WorkFlowDiagram :-

 Summary :-

The Natours project is a comprehensive platform that enables users to discover,

select, and book adventure tours based on their preferred destinations and
availability. Designed as a user-centric system, it offers a seamless journey from
tour exploration to booking confirmation.

Users start by registering or logging into their accounts, gaining access to a wide
array of adventure tours. Each tour is listed with detailed information regarding
destinations, duration, activities, and pricing, allowing users to make informed
choices. The platform ensures a user-friendly experience, aiding users in finding
suitable tours matching their preferences.

One of the key functionalities is the availability calendar, providing an intuitive

interface to showcase open slots for each tour. Users can browse through dates
and time slots using the calendar view, enabling them to select the most
convenient options for their schedule. Once a desirable tour and slot are chosen,
users proceed to book and make payments via an integrated and secure payment

The backend functionality manages data storage, including tour details, user
information, bookings, and availability schedules. Authentication mechanisms
secure user access, while the booking system updates slot availability in real-time
upon user bookings. An admin dashboard empowers administrators to manage
tours, availability, user accounts, and reviews, ensuring smooth system

Technologically, the Natours project leverages modern tools such as React for
frontend development, Node.js and Express for backend functionalities, and
MongoDB for robust database management. Integration with secure payment
gateways safeguards transactions, assuring users of a safe and trustworthy
booking process.

Natours simplifies the adventure tour booking process by providing an interactive

and user-focused platform. It streamlines tour exploration, slot selection, and
payment, enhancing user convenience and satisfaction. This project amalgamates

cutting-edge technologies with user-oriented design, offering a holistic solution
for individuals seeking thrilling and hassle-free adventure tours.


Stakeholder Identification:
Identify users, administrators, and other involved parties.

Gathering Requirements:
Conduct user interviews and stakeholder workshops.

Functional and Non-Functional Requirements:

Define functionalities (e.g., tour listings, bookings) and system qualities
(performance, security).

Use Case Scenarios:

Develop scenarios outlining user interactions (browsing, booking).

System Design and Architecture:

Outline frontend/backend tech, database structure, and integrations.

Prototyping and Mockups:

Create wireframes to visualize the user interface and functionalities.

Validation and Verification:

Regularly validate requirements with stakeholders for alignment.

Document all gathered requirements for reference and development guidance.

 References :-

 Android Tutorial - W3schools


 Annexures:-

 Codes snippets:-

 Project Demo snippets :-
 Certificate :-


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