Unit Plan Template: Name(s)

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Unit Plan Template

Name(s): Elif Alagöz
Süheyla Benli
Betül Kurhan
Unit Content
Social Sciences
Unit Title

Grade Level [ASSURE (Analyze Learners)]

61 – 72 Months (5 – 6 years old)
3 Lesson Hours (Per hour equal to 40 minutes)
Prerequisites [ASSURE (Analyze Learners)]
He or she interested in forest
He or she interested in the animals that live in forest
He or she
Sequence of the Content
Topic1: Tree Houses
SubTopic1: Animals who live in trees
Topic2: Names of Forests
Topic3: Types of Trees in Forest
SubTopic1: Physical characteristics of trees
Unit Plan

Activities Measurement & Explanations


Learning Outcome
Evaluation (If any)

Bilişsel Gelişim The aim of the 40- In the part where -
Kazanım 4. minute activity is Powtoon is used,
Nesne/durum/olayla ilgili to inform children the teacher will
tahminlerini değerlendirir. about the animals ask open-ended
Nesne/durum/olayı inceler. that live in questions to
Tahminini söyler. trees.In this understand the
Gerçek durumu inceler. activity, the children's
Write the unit title for which you will prepare a unit plan.

teacher will use interest in the

Dil Gelişimi Powtoon to subject and their
Kazanım 3. Dili iletişim inform children progress. If
amacıyla kullanır. about animals necessary, the
Başlatılan konuşmaya katılır. that live in trees. prepared video
Konuşmayı sürdürür. The teacher will will be stopped
present to the and continued
Fiziksel Gelişim ve Sağlık children an audio after discussion.
Kazanım 9. Özgün çizimler visual tool he The teacher will
1. Week

yaparak kompozisyon prepared via obtain the


oluşturur. Powtoon. The children's

Çeşitli figürler/temel figürler teacher will use progress on the
çizer. this tool to subject and the
Özgün çizimler yapar increase children's knowledge they
integration with have acquired
technology. The about the
teacher will use subject while
this tool to make observing the
a presentation to children.
the children and Children's
use the method of activity and
learning through enthusiasm in
presentation. the lesson can be
indicators for the
Bilişsel Gelişim This activity is At the end of the -
Kazanım 2. designed for 61- activity, children
Nesnelerin/varlıkların 72 Months old are given papers
özelliklerini açıklar. children. The and crayons to
Nesnelerin/varlıkların adını purpose of the make their own
söyler. activity is drawings about
Nesneleri/varlıkları inceler. children’s learning the forests they
Nesnelerin/varlıkların fiziksel to tell the names learned. The
özelliklerini betimler. and qualities of teacher tells
Dil Gelişimi the most famous children to
Kazanım 7. forests in the choose one of
Dinlediklerinin/izlediklerinin world. At the the forests they
anlamını yorumlar. beginning, a learned and
Dinlediklerini/izlediklerini concept map is imagine that
başkalarına açıklar. discussed. This they are in that
Dinledikleriyle/izledikleriyle concept map is forest at that
2. Week

ilgili sorulara yanıt verir. used to prepare moment. The


Fiziksel Gelişim children’s minds teacher asks

Kazanım 9. Özgün çizimler for the activity. them to draw
yaparak kompozisyon Then, the teacher what they see
oluşturur. opens Prezi there around
Çeşitli figürler/temel figürler presentation and and how they
çizer. children are given feel. Children are
Özgün çizimler yapar. booklets to follow also reminded
Figürlerinde ayrıntı kullanır. the information in about using the
Anlam bütünlüğü olan bir the videos. World information they
resim çizer. map is also used learned from the
for children to videos.
guess and learn
about the exact
locations of the
forests in the
Bilişsel Gelişim During the The teacher aims -
Kazanım 2. activity, children to carry out the
Nesnelerin/varlıkların will discover the evaluation
özelliklerini açıklar. various tree process with a
Nesnelerin/varlıkların adını species in the test he prepared
söyler. forest and learn beforehand. This
Nesneleri/varlıkları inceler. the names and test ensures
Nesnelerin/varlıkların fiziksel physical understanding
özelliklerini betimler. characteristics of and
these trees. They reinforcement of
Kazanım 3. Algıladıklarını will have the the information
hatırladığını gösterir. opportunity to discovered
Nesne/durum/olayı bir süre examine these throughout the
sonra yeniden söyler. trees thanks to activity process,
Hatırladıklarını yeni the information the tree species
durumlarda kullanır. cards used in the and their
activity. After a characteristics in
Fiziksel Gelişim ve Sağlık while, they tell the forest. Since
Kazanım 11. Bedenini their peers about the questions in
kullanarak yaratıcı the new the test will be
hareketler yapar. information they directed to the
Nesne/durum/olayı discovered and children
hareketleri ile taklit eder. what they individually by
3. Week

Verilen bir yönergeye/göreve perceived thanks the teacher, the


uygun farklı hareket formları to the test teacher observes

üretir. presented to the children's
them during the knowledge
evaluation acquisition.
process, and use
the information
they remember in
these situations.
At the point when
they explain the
flashcards to their
friends, they
express the cards
in original ways,
verbally or non-
verbally. For
example, they
make creative
movements using
their bodies, and
their friends try to
guess by imitating

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