What Is Language

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What is Language?

 Code of communication
 Language is medium of exchanging thoughts & feelings
 Language is symbolic system
 A language is a system of communication which consists of a set of
sounds and written symbols which are used by people of a
particular country or region for talking or writing.
 Language is primary source of communication. It’s the method
through which we share our ideas and thoughts with others.
 Language is the source of communication. In other words, language
is the factor of communication. With the help of language, we can
converse with each other and be able to talk or dialogue easily and
also is able to express our views and ideas. If we don’t have a
language, we cannot convey our thoughts to the persons.
 In an olden time, there was no concept of language, at that time
people used to communicate or converse with each other by the
help of gestures and body language. As, human being developed
themselves then many languages originated in throughout world.
At present time many languages are spoken and understood in
whole world.
 In briefly, we can define language, it is a tool of communication or
conversation it is a factor of communication because we can
communicate with the help of language.

Types of Language
 Verbal Language (Oral)
 Non-Verbal Language (Written)
 Signed Language (Gesture)

Language is further divided into two types.

1. Developed Languages

2. Undeveloped Languages

Developed Languages such languages which have four skills i.e,

reading, writing, speaking and listening. In other words, we can say
languages, which we can read, write, speak and listen are called
developed languages.

Example: English, Sindhi, Urdu etc

Undeveloped Languages: All regional & local languages are come

into undeveloped languages. We can define undeveloped languages in
such a way, those languages, which have two skills speaking and
listening are called undeveloped languages. In other words such
languages which we can only speak and listen are called undeveloped

Example: Dhatki, Marwari etc

What is the importance of Language?

Language is a vital part of human connection. Language allows us to

share our ideas, thoughts and feelings with others. It has power to build
What is English?

 English is a language that started in Anglo-Saxon England.

 It is the language of England, widely used in many varieties
throughout the world.
 Modern Language
 International/Global Language
 Official Language

What is abbreviation of ENGLISH?


ENGLISH Stands for:

 E-England
 N-Native
 G-General
 L-Language
 I-Irish
 S-Scottish
 H-Hales

England Native General Language of Irish, Scottish & Hales

Who is the father of English?

Geoffrey Chaucer is known as the father of English. He was an English

author, poet & philosopher.
Why English is important in education?

English is important for studies as it broadens their minds, develop

emotional skills, improve the quality of life by providing job
opportunities. Moreover, the use of English as an international language
is growing with time because it is the only medium for communication in
many countries.


 English language is said to be one of the happiest language in the

 Now days English has been an important role in our daily life. It is
the massive means of communication.
 English is a language which is not phonetics.
 Two most common words in English are “I” and “You”.
 English is most essential to the field of education.
 Al most 90% educational subjects are written in English.

Reason to learn English

 It is essential to work
 It is the universal language
 It will open the door of new cultures
 You will travel comfortably
 It is most learned language

Importance of English
 English language plays an essential role in lives as it helps in
communication. It is the main language for studying any subject all
over the world.
 People know the importance of it and this is why this language is
taught as a basic language in every state.
 Speaking internationally, it would be really difficult to prosper in
this world without knowing English.

Why do we prefer to English?

There are many reasons and causes that’s why we do prefer to English
language as compare to other languages of the world. These causes or
factors are given below.

 English is an international language, which is spoken and

understands in throughout world. Whenever you go, you will have
to need English language in every corner of the world.
 Whole powerful media related with English language i.e radio, TV,
computer, internet and newspapers are come into media and their
language is English language.
 English is an official language of many countries. Even official
language of Pakistan is English.
 Powerful literature of the world is also in English. In other words
we can say standards books of world are also in English language.

English is the International Common Tongue

 There are several factors that make the English language essential
to communication in our current time.
 First of all, it is the most common foreign language. This means that
two people who come from different countries (for example, a
Pakistani & an American). Usually use English as a common
language to communicate. This is called Lingua Franca, that’s why
everyone needs to learn the language in order to interact at
international level.
 Speaking it will help you communicate with people from countries
all over the world, not just English speaking ones.

Composed & Compiled by: Sadam Sagar

Army model school & college chachro

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