Information Communication Technologies Education in Elementary School: A Systematic Literature Review

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Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn)

Vol. 18, No. 3, August 2024, pp. 1078~1090

ISSN: 2089-9823 DOI: 10.11591/edulearn.v18i3.21435  1078

Information communication technologies education in

elementary school: a systematic literature review

Rois Saifuddin Zuhri1, Insih Wilujeng1, Haryanto Haryanto1, Hamidulloh Ibda2

Department of Doctoral of Basic Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training,
Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung, Temanggung, Indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: Implementing ICT education in elementary schools in the industrial era 4.0 is
urgent. Several studies have explored ICT education in elementary schools,
Received Nov 2, 2023 but few studies with systematic literature reviews remain. This article presents
Revised Feb 7, 2024 a literature review for 2019-2023 regarding ICT education in elementary
Accepted Feb 17, 2024 schools. The Systematic Review Literature method and PRISMA protocol use
Publish or Perish 7, VOSviewer, and NVIVO 12 Plus. The search results for
Scopus articles contained 812, which were then filtered according to the theme
Keywords: to 61 for the study. The 61 articles were analyzed according to topic via
NVIVO 12 Plus, and the results were described according to the research
Elementary school questions. ICT education in elementary school is a form of technology in
ICT education learning to send, process, create, share, display, store, and exchange
ICT framework information. The characteristics of ICT education in elementary schools are
Systematic literature review ICT for online learning, communication interaction, digital media, software,
TPACK inclusive, real-time, TPACK-based, and making students independent. The
implementation of ICT education in elementary schools is carried out in
learning, digital-based projects, curriculum, tools, and learning materials for
Mathematics and language in elementary schools, which are supported by
teachers’ digital competence. Future researchers must study ICT education in
elementary schools according to technological developments.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Rois Saifuddin Zuhri
Department of Doctoral of Basic Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology,
Yogyakarta State University
St. Colombo No.1, Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected].

Information communication technologies (ICT) education in elementary school is urgent in the era of
industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0 because the current trend is a conversion from manual to digital [1],
[2]. In addition to using innovative learning, elementary school teachers must adjust the development of digital
pedagogy approaches, tools [3], science, technology, engineering, art, dan mathematics (STEAM),
computational thinking [4], mobile technology [5], integration of digital technology and education [6], online
learning with various digital platforms [7], digital media and libraries [8], Tuweb and Tuton applications for
distance learning [9], distance learning with social media platforms [10], and the application of visual novel
games in elementary school [11]. This indicates that elementary school teachers must adapt to the times by
mastering digital pedagogy, digital competence, and mastery of ICT education [12], [13]. This is because the
elementary school that uses technology positively impacts learning and outside of learning [14].

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In reality, teachers in several countries are still resistant to ICT education on the grounds of lack of
provision due to the lack of systematic and sustainable training in the use of ICT [15], the outsized role of
teachers as tutors when using ICT [16], at least advanced training in the concept and implementation of website
creation, video, conferencing, and e-learning [17], the lack of clarity on the concept of ICT, facilities and
infrastructure, laboratories, funding, practice and social inclusion [18], and teachers’ reliance on traditional
practices, official textbooks, printed teaching modules, and unwillingness to accept critical ICT-based learning
approaches [19]. According to several studies, the nature of ICT education has a positive impact on educational
progress. Research in Botswana states that ICT education positively impacts student academic achievement
and helps teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic [20]; as many as 1,407 elementary and junior high school
teachers in Italy, only one-third reject ICT education, especially in asynchronous teaching models. However,
most of the thousands of teachers agreed to use ICT tools for learning because they were satisfied and supported
learning success [21]. Research in South Africa found that, apart from urban areas, ICT has a positive impact
on the quality of education in rural areas [22], ICT education has a positive impact on economic growth in
several countries using the ICT development index (IDI) which increases 0.175 per cent statistically which
means very high [23], and almost all countries were greatly helped by ICT education during the COVID-19
pandemic and after that until now who are accustomed to the digitization of education and learning [24], [25].
This indicates that ICT education is a fixed price that must be accepted by elementary schools [26].
Several studies have explored ICT education and digital education with literature review. Meta-
analysis, and systematic literature review (SLR) methods, namely digital technology in music education in
Spain [27], the effect of the flipped classroom on students’ academic achievement [28], [29], gaming and math
anxiety [30], robotics and education [31], technological innovation in engineering education [32], support in education [33], the relation of ICT literacy to students’ socioeconomic status [34],
best practices of educational ICT use in Spain [35], gender differences in ICT literacy [36], digital literacy in
learning [37], ICT/digital devices gap in policy, theory, and practice in education [38], internet addiction and
social networking [39], ICT use for digitally competent teachers [40], new technologies, nutrition programs,
and activities for elementary school students [41], app usage issues in mathematics learning in Malaysia [42],
use of virtual reality technology in sports education [43], teachers’ pedagogical skills in teaching with YouTube
[44], and integration of technology and measurement in K-12 education [45]. This proves that research using
the SLR method on ICT education in elementary school is still minimal and indicates the urgency of research
related to this theme.
Conceptually, ICT education in elementary school is the information technology and communication
technology used in education and learning [46]. There are three areas of ICT in education. First, ICT is a science
that acts as a source of science, technology, art, and others. Second, ICT is a tool that facilitates learning. ICT
education includes ICT tools, multimedia, graphics, computer devices, photos, posts, displays, images, visual
media, and e-learning. Third, ICT is used for educational facilities such as computer laboratories, math
laboratories, language laboratories, peer-teaching laboratories, music and sound recording studios, multimedia
rooms, and others. Fourth, ICT is for competency standards, namely for educational facilities that can
complement the functions of schools or educational institutions [47]–[49]. From this conceptual framework, in
essence, ICT education in elementary school becomes a unity in the form of knowledge, tools, facilities, and
competency standards for elementary school teachers to succeed in the agenda of strengthening the quality of
education [50], [51]. The integration of education and ICT is needed, which can run with the key of willing
and able teachers [52].
Based on the above background, which refers to social facts and literature facts, research on ICT
education in elementary school is urgent. To answer this, the researcher asked the main research question: How
is the concept of ICT education in elementary school? To answer this central research question, the researcher
asked three specific research questions: i) How is the concept of ICT education in elementary school? ii) How
are the characteristics of ICT education in elementary school? And iii) how is the implementation of ICT
education in elementary school?

2.1. Research design
This research on ICT education in elementary school uses the SLR method to describe the findings
and analysis of ICT education in elementary school [53]. The stages of this SLR method start from identifying
the latest articles relevant to ICT education in elementary school in the aspects of concepts, features, and their
use on Scopus databases [54]. To facilitate the SLR method, the preferred reporting items for systematic
reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) technique is applied to carry out the stages of identification, screening,
testing feasibility, the inclusion of data, after which analysis is carried out, and presentation in the form of
descriptions [55].

Information communication technologies education in elementary school: a … (Rois Saifuddin Zuhri)

1080  ISSN: 2089-9823

2.2. Inclusion and exclusion criteria for selection of publications

At this stage, researchers determined nine criteria for the articles searched. First, Scopus indexed
articles. Second, the articles were in English, while other languages were not used. Third, the articles reviewed
were limited to peer-reviewed scientific articles. At the same time, other literature findings such as theses,
theses, dissertations, papers, book chapters, conference proceedings, research reports, and books were not used.
Fourth, articles published in 2019-2023. Fifth, the articles searched are on ICT education in elementary school.
Sixth, the article is in English. Seventh, article searches only use the Publish or Perish 7 application as an
application that makes it easy to find articles indexed explicitly by Scopus by entering the API Key in the
application. Eighth, the articles used are from open access Scopus indexed journals, while close access ones
are not used, except for downloadable articles indexed in databases/indexers such as,,, and Ninth, the articles used were full pdfs, while the findings of articles
that needed to be completed pdf were not used.

2.3. Screening and eligibility assessment for data analysis

At this stage, screening of literature findings from Scopus was carried out on January 25-29, 2023.
Screening literature on aspects of title, abstract, and keywords. Different keywords determine the determination
of keywords in the search; this is done to get many articles. From the search findings, 812 articles from the
Scopus database were published in 2019-2023. The details are “ICT Education” 200 articles; “ICT Education
in Primary Schools” 100 articles; “ICT in Primary Schools” 152 articles; “ICT in Primary Schools” 200 articles;
and “ICT in Primary Schools” 160 articles for a total of 812 articles. The findings from the search of 812
articles were not all selected and reviewed, but the same articles were discarded. In the final stage, 61 articles
were selected, entered into the Mendeley application, and saved in RIS format. The RIS file from the Mendeley
application was then entered into the VOSviewer application for initial network mapping of theme relevance.
Based on the results of the initial thematic association analysis it shows that ICT education in elementary
schools has a very complex association pattern in Figure 1 in terms of network visualization and Figure 2 in
terms of overlay visualization, and the article density visualization based on keywords in the VOSviewer
application in Figure 3 is based on density visualization.
Figures 1 and 2 show discussions and studies related to ICT education in elementary school, which
are very close to studies such as the concept of ICT education, characteristics of ICT education, implementation
of ICT education, ICT, digital learning, integration, educational innovation, distance learning, professional
development, elementary education, gamification, TPACK, teacher, teacher training, technology, 21st-century
skills, and constructive learning. While the themes that have a deep connection with ICT education in
elementary school are capacity, co2 emission, computational thinking, STEM, lesson plan, Greece, ICP
adoption, mix-method, 21st-century learning, design and development, computer self-efficacy, using ICT, ICT
use, coding, social inclusion, Asian Pacific Region, Refugees, Linear Regression Model, review, longitudinal
research, use, latent growth curve modelling, smart city, scratch jr, teacher’s beliefs, process, quality of life,
learning modalities, pedagogical issues, IOT, k-12 classroom, Koran natural language processing, Europe,
early years education, big data vr, automation, stress, science, rural China, Simpson index, LMS, is success
model, Argentina, training, parent, physical education, and Ghana. Meanwhile, Figures 1 and 2.

Figure 1. Initial network visualization Figure 2. Initial overlay visualization

J Edu & Learn, Vol. 18, No. 3, August 2024: 1078-1090

J Edu & Learn ISSN: 2089-9823  1081

Based on the mapping of 236 keywords referring to occurrences and total link strength in VOSviewer,
it was found that the most studied themes were ICT education (occurrences: 58, total link strength: 385),
elementary school (occurrences: 44, total link strength: 309), ICT (occurrences: 20, total link strength: 150),
implementation of ICT education (occurrences: 20, total link strength: 142), characteristic of ICT education
(occurrences: 19, total link strength: 136), and concept of ICT education (occurrences: 10, total link strength:
65). The remaining keywords with less than 10 occurrences were not used for the main study because they
were not related to the three research questions posed.

2.4. PRISMA flow diagram

The article search process with the PRISMA flowchart has four structured schemes. The four schemes
are identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion. [56]. All four schemes were implemented, and articles
relevant to the research theme were obtained. Details can be seen in Figure 3. At the identification stage, 812
Scopus-indexed articles were found through the help of the Publish or Perish 7 application Table 1. In the
screening stage, articles were checked for similarity according to keywords, 552 articles were found, and the
remaining 260 articles were selected. Determination of similarity does not refer to databases because this SLR
method only uses one database, namely Scopus, so the similarity determination is reviewed from the keywords
used. From the screening stage, 125 articles were selected, while 135 irrelevant articles were discarded. At the
eligibility stage, 90 articles were selected for full-text reading, while 35 were discarded. At the included stage,
61 articles were selected concerning the research question regarding title, abstract, keywords, and article
substance. The final step is that all articles that have been saved in RIS format in Mendeley are entered into
the Nvivo 12 Plus application to be analyzed, mapped, and presented the results according to their relevance
to the research questions, namely i) How is the concept of ICT education in elementary school? ii) How are
the characteristics of ICT education in elementary school? and iii) How is the implementation of ICT education
in elementary school?

Figure 3. PRISMA flow diagram for systematic review [57]


The results of the analysis of 61 articles before being presented according to the three research
questions, first presented the results of 61 articles with the criteria of journals (journal name, volume, edition,
year, and citation), country of research, methodology, and research questions (RQ) namely RQ (A) concept of
ICT education in elementary school, (B) characteristics of ICT education in elementary school, and (C)
implementation of ICT education in elementary school in Table 1 [58]-[118] (see in Appendix).

3.1. The concept of ICT education in elementary school

ICT education in elementary school is the technology applied in learning to transmit, process, create,
share, display, store, or exchange information through electronic means between teachers and learners [85].

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ICT education in elementary school is an educational platform for communication, interaction, and means of
achieving educational goals, especially the development of sustainable education [93]. ICT education in
elementary school conceptually originated from the development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. In Malaysia,
ICT education is developed through the integration of artificial intelligence, big data, virtual and augmented
reality (AR), the internet of things (IoT), and other ICT paradigms according to the times [78]. The Horizon
report calls ICT education all forms of technological tools, online tools, and digital tools used for collaboration,
communication, and interaction in digital environments in elementary school. ICT education is conceptually
an integration of ICT and education [88]. ICT education is conceptually an integration of ICT and education
[66]. ICT education presents teachers combining ICT and pedagogy, one of which is through the technological
pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) framework [67], gamification-based learning [109], educational
computing, digital skills, technology, information systems [116], learning with the latest technology such as
mobile learning [89], online-based [90], or flipped learning [79]. Since the 1980s until now, as a new paradigm
in modern education, ICT education in elementary school is substantially the same as e-learning, all forms of
educational or learning activities that use cyber networks based on computer technology and the internet [61].
ICT education is the knowledge of various technologies from the trivial to the highest to facilitate education
and learning activities such as software, interactive whiteboards, internet, videos, social media, games, and all
digital devices that are safe to use in education [69]. ICT education is a product of the times that provides a
didactic offer for all teachers and students to accept ICT as a tool to facilitate technology-based learning, digital
tools, e-learning, internet, automation, and all ICT supports all-in-one learning [108].
ICT education in elementary school is implementing the concept of automation in education. ICT
education makes learning automatic, fast, easy, effective, paper-saving, and done anywhere [117]. ICT
education is a digital tool that supports learning, presentation activities, and the creation of specific content
being studied [63]. ICT education has the same substance as TPACK, which integrates technology, pedagogy,
and knowledge [73]. It contains the scope and outcomes of digital learning, learning techniques, digital tools,
digital learn insurable results [107]. TPACK, in this context, is a conceptual framework for exploring teachers’
knowledge of the pedagogical use of ICT in learning [62]. From a global view, ICT education is a digital tool
that has an essential role in internet-based learning that everyone can reach regardless of ethnicity, region, and
ability [92]. Narrowly, ICT education in elementary school can be defined as all ICT devices used in teaching and
learning activities by teachers and learners [105]. This research argues that ICT education is all digital tools,
media, facilities and resources intended for learning to improve formative processes in elementary school [72].

3.2. The characteristic of ICT education in elementary school

The characteristics of ICT education are patterns, characteristics, characters, kinds, and all
technological devices that are easily integrated into education and learning, both in the form of hardware and
software [101], including AR which is part of ICT education to support the achievement of social cohesion in
the 21st century. AR technology has a role in development, innovation, research investment in ICT products,
communication, and diversification on a global scale [87]. The characteristics of ICT education in elementary
school are similar to the school level above. The characteristics of ICT education include ICT for online
learning, communication-interaction-based, ICT for academic work, social exchange in digital media,
software-based, and ICT for blended learning [58]. The characteristics of ICT education in the industrial era
4.0 are all forms of digital technology, innovative technology, and intelligent technology to facilitate
communication, connection, and automation with comprehensive such as IoT, cloud computing, big data, and
others to facilitate pedagogical work [104], virtual reality-based learning and digital technology to facilitate
teachers in transferring knowledge and experience through the help of [99].
Research in Granada states that there are several characteristics of ICT education in terms of function:
fast, innovative, effective, accessible anywhere, inclusive, broad, interactive, real-time, and collaborative,
making students independent and communicative. In comparison, the types of ICT education are digital e-
learning, virtual video, interactive multimedia, chat, and social media [94]. ICT education has characteristics
with types of hardware and software that can be applied in elementary school through mastery of TPCK [83].
Several ICT education features widely used by elementary school teachers in Italy are Google Workspace
(Google Suite), Google Classroom, Google Docs, and Google Drive. These facilitate interaction between
teachers and students because they are cloud-based [70]. At the same time, the characteristics of ICT education
in the use of computers are divided into three, namely basic computer skills, the use of computers as
information tools, and the use of computers as learning tools. These three characteristics must be mastered by
teachers so that ICT education can maximally support learning [98].
ICT education has the characteristic of bringing changes in the lives and activities of teachers and
students, such as how to operate, work, learn, and communicate. In short, ICT education has the characteristic
of impacting the behaviors and development of educational people [65]. The development of ICT education
gave birth to many products, such as e-learning which has pedagogy-based characteristics based on digital

J Edu & Learn, Vol. 18, No. 3, August 2024: 1078-1090

J Edu & Learn ISSN: 2089-9823  1083

technology and has the aim of facilitating the delivery system, facilitating communication with various models,
mechanisms, processes, practices, procedures, communicative, interactive, and user-friendly [118]. The
characteristics of ICT education for its users must have a structured framework such as digital competence,
information literacy, digital technology-based communication, and problem-solving competence in the digital
environment [68]. The characteristics of ICT education are the accessibility and availability of the internet,
applications, and digital devices, such as Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams, in online classes
where teachers and students can access online with digital devices and the internet [112]. ICT education in the
form of learning mobile systems has the characteristics of virtual-based (online), teacher-guided, using e-
learning applications, software, and video conferencing [75], and creates communication and collaboration
between teachers and elementary school students [97].
Accommodating new technology is one of the characteristics of ICT education. For example, this
research mentions the concept of smart pedagogy, which integrates pedagogical intelligence with ICT to
facilitate learning [100]. The style of ICT education in elementary school gave birth to new genres in online
classes, gamification, and online tests [106], requiring teachers to master digital literacy, new media, digital
media, media navigation, and the ability to prevent ICT from harming students [86]. The research mentioned
that ICT education resulted in students needing to focus on the material. Teachers must also be able to guide
virtually. Therefore, solid digital pedagogy is needed in elementary school teachers [81].

3.3. The implementation of ICT education in elementary school

The implementation of ICT education in Europe is applied to learning, access to education, and
facilitating digital-based educational projects [64]. At the same time, elementary school students in Argentina
are greatly helped to learn using ICT education because they can learn at home and school using several digital
devices [102]. Schools in Korea do not just use ICT education as a tool but incorporate ICT education into the
curriculum as computer science and informatics [95]. Other research suggests that students’ habituation to
using ICT education will make it easier for them to continue at the next school. This research suggests that all
elementary schools need to implement ICT education because children’s future in the next ten years will be all
about using ICT [77]. To realize a “smart city” in Italy, ICT education is implemented from elementary school
to university based on IoT and contemporary technology. This study mentions that ICT is developing in
education, economy, health, industry, transportation, tourism, and others, which significantly support the
government in realizing smart cities in Italy [84].
Research in Pakistan mentions that implementing ICT education needs to start with teachers first
through training. After teachers understand, they use ICT with mobile learning platforms and software to
implement learning anywhere and anytime [103]. Research in Indonesia mentioned that to use ICT education,
teachers and prospective teachers must know TPACK, beliefs about ICT, and teachers’ activeness in operating
ICT in various situations [91]. ICT education in rural elementary schools in China is implemented through
smartphones, computers, broadband internet, and access to information to facilitate learning [82]. Whereas in
the United States, the implementation of ICT education is organized, and the provision of digital resources is
supplied by large institutions, namely the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and the
Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) [74].
Elementary schools in Spain have implemented ICT education in collaborative learning using massive
online open courses (MOOCs) and WebQuests in Social Science subjects [71]. The professionalism of
elementary school teachers primarily determines the implementation of ICT education. It is necessary to realize
digital competencies, professional development, and digital-based pedagogical content to make it easier for
teachers to implement various ICT education platforms in digital learning [113]. The implementation of ICT
education in elementary school is applied through curriculum, learning, and the use of ICT in learning to
support teachers’ careers. So a digital technology-friendly curriculum is needed, and teachers must be equipped
with digital competence [111]. ICT education in the era of the digital revolution is a necessity to be
implemented in schools, either as a tool, media, or subject matter [59], determined by the digital competence
of elementary school teachers themselves [115], through education, training, development, and further study
to deepen ICT education [76].
Implementing ICT education in elementary schools through the learning system to improve the quality
of education through visualization, presentation, and simulation of ICT-based learning materials [60]. A survey
of 155 teachers in Mauritius found that the use of ICT education had a positive impact on Mathematics learning
outcomes. This is because, almost every day, 71.6% of 155 teachers use computers for learning [80]. The use
of ICT education in learning elementary school mathematics by applying the science, technology, engineering
and math (STEM) approach. It positively impacts motivation, problem-solving, and improved student
performance in answering math problems [114]. In language learning in elementary schools, it is necessary to
develop new areas such as technology enhanced language learning (TELL) which facilitates teachers in
language learning [110], and a variety of spelling applications and reading techniques [96].

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1084  ISSN: 2089-9823

According to the literature findings, ICT education in elementary school is a form of technology in
learning to transmit, process, create, share, display, store, or exchange information. ICT Education in
elementary school is all the tools, devices, and digital media based on hardware and software to facilitate
teachers and students in the learning process to succeed in educational goals. The characteristics of ICT
education in elementary school consist of ICT for online learning, based on communication-interaction, digital
media, software, inclusive, real-time, based on TPACK, and making students independent. The implementation
of ICT education in elementary school is carried out in learning, digital-based education projects, incorporated
into the curriculum, and used as tools and subject matter such as Mathematics and language materials in
elementary schools supported by digital competencies owned by teachers. Future researchers must examine
ICT education in elementary schools in depth according to technological developments.

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Rois Saifuddin Zuhri is a Ph.D. candidate in Department of Doctoral of Basic

Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta,
Indonesia. He can be contacted at email: [email protected],
[email protected].

Insih Wilujeng is a professor of science education, at Yogyakarta State

University. She teaches courses such as integrated science, science learning practice, science
education, physics learning innovation practicum, science for elementary education, and
others. She can be contacted at email: [email protected].

Haryanto Haryanto is a professor of educational technology at Faculty of

Education and Psychology, Yogyakarta State University. His expertise is in learning
technology. Received a Ph.D. degree in learning technology from the State University of
Jakarta. He can be contacted at email: [email protected].

Hamidulloh Ibda is a lecturer, lector, and researcher in Department of Madrasah

Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Institut Islam
Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung, Temanggung, Indonesia. Ph.D., of Department of Basic
Education Doctoral Program, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Yogyakarta State
University, Indonesia. His research and scientific articles focus on literacy, digital literacy,
digital media, digital game, digital learning, learning media, school literacy media, language,
linguistics, ect. He can be contacted at email: [email protected] or
[email protected].

J Edu & Learn, Vol. 18, No. 3, August 2024: 1078-1090

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Table 1. Fındıng 61 artıcles from the Scopus database

No Journals Countries Method RQ
1 Computers & Education Vol. 134 2019 [58] Spanish A comparative study B
2 Education Sciences Vol. 9 No. 3 2019 [59] Spanish A descriptive and C
correlational research
3 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications Vol. 513, 1 January Serbia Qualitative C
2019 [60]
4 Education and Information Technologies Vol. 24 2019 [61] Italy Survey A
5 Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Vol. 35 2019 [62] Finland Longitudinal study A
6 Journal of Research on Technology in Education 2019 [63] Greece TPACK Survey A
7 Communications of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 44 Europe Literature review C
2019 [64]
8 Technological Forecasting & Social Change Vol. 148 2019 [65] Europe Research And B
9 Journal of Medical Internet Research Vol. 21 No. 9 2019 [66] Several Systematic Search and A
Countries Review
10 Technology, Pedagogy and Education 2019 [67] Turkey Survey A
11 Education Sciences Vol. 9 2019 [68] Mongolia Survey B
12 Education Research International 2019 [69] Africa Analytical Research A
13 IET Smart Cities Vol. 2 No. 2 2020 [70] Italy Analytical Research B
14 Sustainability Vol. 12 No. 14 2020 [71] Spanish Survey C
15 Sustainability Vol. 12 No. 602 2020 [72] Spanish A Case Study A
16 Australasian Journal of Educational Technology Vol. 36 No. 2 2020 [73] Spanish Quantitative approach A
17 Asia-Pacific Education Researcher Vol. 29 No. 1 2020 [74] Korea, Presenting the Research C
Taiwan, Hong Paper
Kong, and
18 International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Vol. 9 No. 1 Indonesia Research And B
2020 [75] Development
19 Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 41 2020 [76] Thailand Mixed Method approach C
20 Sustainability Vol.12 2020 [77] Saudi Arabia Quantitative (Survey) C
21 Informatics Vol. 7 No. 13 2020 [78] Malaysia Quantitative method A
22 European Physical Education Review Vol. 26 No. 1 2020 [79] United A case study/ A
Kingdom appreciative inquiry
23 EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Mauritius Mixed method approach C
Vol. 16 No.6 2020 [80]
24 Education and Information Technologies Vol. 25 2020 [81] Finland Content analysis B
25 Applied Economics 2020 [82] China Survey C
26 EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Indonesia Quantitative method B
Vol.16 No.1 2020 [83]
27 Smart Cities Vol. 3 2020 [84] Italy Analysis Research C
28 Technology, Knowledge and Learning Vol. 25 2020 [85] Several Literature Review A
29 Education and Information Technologies Vol. 25 2020 [86] Poland Questionnaire Research B
30 Sustainability Vol. 12 2020 [87] Taiwan, A bibliometric analysis B
United States,
31 Sustainability Vol. 12 2020 [88] Spain A quantitative and A
transversal work design
32 Technology, Knowledge and Learning 2020 [89] Greece Questionnaire Research A
33 Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8 (11B) 2020 [90] Indonesia Qualitative A
34 Data in Brief Vol. 28 2020 [91] Indonesia Purification of the dataset; C
development of instruments,
survey, and exploratory factor
analysis (EFA).
35 Sustainability Vol. 12 2020 [92] Spanish Quantitative research A
36 Education and Information Technologies Vol. 26 2021 [93] Ghana A Semi-structured interview A
37 Sustainability Vol. 13 2021 [94] Granada Qualitative B
38 JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization Vol. 5 No. 4 South Korea Study analyzed C
2021 [95]
39 Journal of Education and e-Learning Research Vol. 8, No. 2 2021 [96] Selangor A Case Study C
40 Sustainability Vol. 13 No. 1858 2021 [97] Spanish Descriptive analysis B
41 Frontiers in Psychology Vol. 12 2021 [98] Spanish Quantitative method B
42 JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization Vol. 5 No. 3 Several Systematic Literature B
2021 [99] Countries Review
43 Technology, Knowledge and Learning Vol. 26 2021 [100] Poland Qualitative B
44 Education Sciences Vol. 11 2021 [101] Portugal A theoretical proposal B
45 Education and Information Technologies 2022 [102] Argentine Quasi-experimental C

Information communication technologies education in elementary school: a … (Rois Saifuddin Zuhri)

1090  ISSN: 2089-9823

Table 1. Fındıng 61 artıcles from the Scopus database (continue)

No Journals Countries Method RQ
46 International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies Shaheed Quantitative method C
(iJIM) Vol. 16 No. 09 2022 [103] Benazirabad,
47 Sustainability Vol. 14 2022 [104] China A Threshold Regression Analysis B
48 Electronics Vol. 11 No. 2090 2022 [105] Slovenia A qualitative case study A
49 JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization Malaysia Intervention strategies B
Vol. 6 No. 2 2022 [106]
50 Australasian Journal of Educational Technology Vol. 38 No. Athens, Quantitative design A
6 2022 [107] Greece
51 TEM Journal, Vol. 11 No. 2 2022 [108] Croatia Survey questionnaire A
52 International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Malaysia Quantitative method A
Education Vol. 11 No. 3 2022 [109]
53 Education Sciences Vol. 13 No. 73 2023 [110] Several A Systematic Review C
54 EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Australia and A comparative analysis C
Education Vol. 19 No. 1 2023 [111] Finland
55 International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Vietnam A case study B
Education Vol. 12 No. 1 2023 [112]
56 International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Several A systematic literature review C
Education Vol. 12 No. 1 2023 [113] Countries
57 Mathematics Vol. 11 No. 272 2023 [114] Several A Systematic Review of the Literature C
58 Journal of Intelligence Vol. 11 No. 1 2023 [115] Several A Systematic Review C
59 Journal of Computers in Education 2023 [116] Several A review A
60 International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Peru Qualitative approach A
Education Vol. 12 No. 1 2023 [117]
61 European Journal of Educational Research Vol 12 No 1 2023 Malaysia Investigative Research with Fuzzy B
[118] Delphi Method

J Edu & Learn, Vol. 18, No. 3, August 2024: 1078-1090

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