Tutorial Topics in Infection For The Combined Infection Training Programme 1St Edition Cheuk Yan William Tong Full Chapter PDF

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Tutorial Topics in Infection for the

Combined Infection Training

Programme 1st Edition Cheuk Yan
William Tong
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Tutorial Topics in Infection for the Combined Infection
Training Programme
Tutorial Topics in Infection
for the Combined Infection
Training Programme


Cheuk Yan William Tong†

Consultant in Clinical Virology
Department of Infection
Barts Health NHS Trust
London, UK

Caryn Rosmarin
Consultant in Medical Microbiology
Department of Infection
Barts Health NHS Trust
London, UK

Armine Sefton
Emerita Professor of Clinical Microbiology
Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Queen Mary University of London
London, UK

Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP,
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This book is dedicated to our colleague and friend Dr Cheuk Yan William Tong,
whose knowledge, humility and love for his work continues to inspire us all.

Thank you to Dr Maximillian Habibi and Dr Mark Hopkins, who reviewed Dr William Tong’s
chapters. We are grateful for your help.

Abbreviations xiii
Contributors xxi


1 The Biology of Bacteria 3
2 The Biology of Viruses 9
3 The Biology of Fungi 19
4 Parasites and Worms 25
5 The Host-​Parasite (Microbe) Relationship 35
6 Basic Immunology 44


7 The Use of the Laboratory in the Investigation, Management,
and Prevention of Infection 57
8 Bacteriology Diagnostic Methods 64
9 Virological Diagnostic Methods 77
10 Fungal Diagnostics 86
11 Molecular Diagnostics 96
12 Laboratory Quality Control and Accreditation 105


13 Biosafety Categorisations and Containment Levels 115
x   Contents


14 Key Communicable Diseases of Public Health Significance and
UK Legislation 127
15 Vaccine-​Preventable Diseases 136


16 Common Organisms Responsible for Healthcare-​associated
Infection (HCAI) 143
17 The Concept of Chain of Infection and Infection Control
Principles 153
18 Antimicrobial Stewardship 161
19 Tools in Infection Prevention and Control 170
20 Sterilization and Decontamination 177


21 Sepsis—​Recognition, Diagnosis, and Management in Adult
Patients 187
22 Pyrexia of Unknown Origin (PUO) 193
23 Blood-​Borne Viruses 199
24 Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Infections 206
25 Multisystem Infections 213
26 Cardiovascular Infections 220
27 Skin and Soft Tissue Infections 230
28 Bone and Joint Infections 239
29 Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract Infections 245
30 Gastro-​intestinal, Hepatic, Pancreatic, and Biliary Infections 251
31 Urinary Tract and Genital Infections including Sexually ​
Transmitted Infections (STIs) 259
32 Infection of the Central Nervous System 266
33 Ocular Infections 279
34 Device-​Associated Infections 286
35 Zoonotic Infections 290
36 Exanthemata 297
37 Pregnancy-​Associated Infections 305
Contents   xi

38 Infections in Neonates and Young Children 313

39 Infections in the Immunocompromised Host 319
40 Post-​Infection Syndrome 325


AGENTS 3 2 9
41 Mechanism of Action of Antimicrobial Agents 331
42 Use of Antimicrobials and Toxicity 339
43 Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance 347
44 Detecting Antimicrobial Resistance 354
45 Immunotherapy 363
46 Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Treatment (OPAT) 369
47 Antivirals 375

48 Different Types of Vaccines 385
49 Vaccination Schedules 391
50 Vaccination of Specific Groups 397
51 Post-​Exposure Prophylaxis 404


52 Epidemiology and Natural History of HIV 413
53 Laboratory Diagnosis and Monitoring of HIV Infection 422
54 Therapeutic Options for HIV Infection 428
55 Opportunistic Infections in HIV Infection 437


56 Geographical Pattern of Infectious Diseases and Infection
Prevention for Travellers 447
57 Malaria 454
58 Fever in Returned Travellers 460

Index 467

+ve positive
-​ve negative
A&E Accident and emergency
ACDP Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens
ACT Artemisinin combination therapy
ADEM Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
AFB Acid fast bacilli
AHA American Heart Association
AMR Antimicrobial resistance
AMS Antimicrobial stewardship
ANTT Aseptic non-​touch technique
APC Antigen-​presenting cells
API Analytical profile index
ART Antiretroviral therapy
ASOT Antistreptolysin O Titer
AST Antimicrobial susceptibility test
ATLL Adult T cell leukaemia/​lymphoma
ATP Adenosine triphosphate
ATS American Thoracic Society
BAL Broncho-​alveolar lavage
BBV Blood-​borne virus
BCG Bacillus Calmette-​Guérin
BDG Beta-​D-​glucan
BNF British National Formulary
BP Blood pressure
BSAC British Association of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
BSC Biological safety cabinet
BSE Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
BSI British Standards Institution
CA-​MRSA Community-​acquired MRSA
CAP Community-​acquired pneumonia
cART Combination anti-​retroviral therapy
cccDNA Covalent-​closed-​circular DNA
CCG Clinical Commissioning Groups
CCHF Crimean/​Congo haemorrhagic fever
CDC Centers for Disease Control
CDI Clostridium difficile
xiv   Abbreviations

cDNA Complementary DNA

CFS Chronic fatigue syndrome
CJD Creutzfeldt-​Jakob disease
CL Containment level
CLO Campylobacter-​like organism
CMV Cytomegalovirus
CN V Trigeminal nerve
CNS Central nervous system
CNS Coagulase-​negative staphylococci
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
CPA Clinical Pathology Accreditation
CPE Cytopathic effect
CPE Carbapenemase-​producing Enterobactericeae spp.
Cq Quantification cycle
CQC Care Quality Commission
CRE Carbapenem-​resistant enterobacteriacae
CRO Carbapenem-​resistant organisms
CRP C-​reactive protein
CSF Cerebrospinal fluid
CSF Colony stimulating factor
CT Computed tomography
Ct Crossing threshold
CTLA-​4 Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-​associated protein 4
CVC Central venous catheter
CVID Combined variable immune deficiency
DAIR Debridement and retention of implant
DALY Disability-​adjusted-​life-​years
DHFR Dihydrofolate reductase
DHR Dihydrorhodamine
DIC Disseminated intravascular coagulation
DIF Direct immunofluorescence
DIPC Director of Infection Prevention & Control
DMSA Dimercaptosuccinic acid
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
DoH Department of Health
DTP Diphteria, tetanus, and polio
DVT Deep venous thrombosis
EBV Epstein-​Barr Virus
EFI European Federation of Immunogenetics
EIA Enzyme immunoassay
ELISA Enzyme-​linked immunosorbent assay
ELISPOT Enzyme-​linked immunospot
EM Electron microscopy
EORTC European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer
EPI Expanded Programme on Immunisation
EPP Exposure-​prone procedure
ESBL Extended spectrum betalactamase
ESC European Society of Cardiology
ESIMS Electrospray ionization-​mass spectrometry
ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Abbreviations   xv

EVD External ventricular drain

EWD Endoscope washer-​disinfector
FBC Full blood count
FITC Fluorescein isothiocyanate
GAS Group A strep
GBS Group B strep
GCS Glasgow Coma Score
GCSF Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor
GDH-​EIA Glutamate dehydrogenase enzyme immunoassay
GIT Gastro-​intestinal tract
GM Galactomannan
GMC General Medical Council
GPEI Global polio eradication initiative
GPEI Glycopeptide-​resistant enterococci
GUM Genito-​urinary medicine
GVHD Graft versus host disease
H&E Haematoxylin and Eosin
HAART Highly active anti-​retroviral therapy
HACEK Haemophilus, Aggregatibacter, Cardiobacterium, Eikenella, Kingella
HAP Hospital-​acquired pneumonia
HBIg Hepatitis B immunoglobin
HBV hepatitis virus B
HCAI Healthcare-​associated Infection
HCC Hepatocellular carcinoma
HCCA Alpha-​4-​cyano-​4-​hydroxy cinnamic acid
hCMV Human cytomegalovirus
HCV hepatitis virus C
HCW Healthcare worker
HEPA High-​efficiency particulate air
HFMD Hand, foot, and mouth disease
hGISA heterogeneous glycopeptide-​intermediate S. aureus
Hib Haemophilus influenzae type b
HICPAC Hospital Infection Control Advisory Committee
HII High-​impact interventions
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus
HLIU High Level Isolation Unit
HNIg human normal immunoglobulin
HPT Health protection team
HRIg Human rabies immunoglobin
HSE Health and Safety Executive
HSE Herpes simplex encephalitis
HSV Herpes simplex virus
HTA Human Tissue Authority
HTIg Human tetanus immunoglobin
HUS Haemolytic uraemic syndrome
IA Invasive aspergillosis
ICED-​IE ICED-​infective endocarditis
ICED-​LI ICED lead infections
ICP Intracranial pressure
ICPT Infection Control and Prevention Team
ID Infectious diseases
xvi   Abbreviations

IDSA Infectious Diseases Society of America

IE Infective endocarditis
IFD Invasive fungal disease
IFU Instructions for use
IgG Immunoglobulin G
IgM Immunoglobulin M
IGRA Interferon Gamma Release Assay
IPC Infection prevention and control
IRIS Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome
ISAGA Immunosorbent agglutination assay
ISO International Standards Organization
ITN Insecticide-​treated bed nets
ITP Idiopathic thrombyocytopenic purpura
IUGR Intrauterine growth restriction
IV Intravenous(ly)
IVDMDD In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Directive
IVDU Intravenous drug use
IVIg Intravenous immunoglobulin
JCVI Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunisation
KOH Potassium hydroxide
KPC Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase
KS Kaposi’s sarcoma
LAIV Live attenuated intranasal influenza vaccine
LDH Lactate dehydrogenase
LDT Laboratory developed test
LFT Liver function test
LP Lumbar puncture
LPS Lipopolysaccharide
LRINEC Laboratory Risk Indicator for Necrotizing Fasciitis
LTBI Latent TB infection
MAC Membrane attack complex
MAG3 Mercapto acetyl tri-​glycine
MALDI-​ToF Matrix-​assisted laser desorption/​ionization-​Time of Flight
MAP Mean arterial pressure
MASPs Mannose-​binding lectin-​associated serine proteases
MAT Microscopic agglutination test
MBL Mannose-​binding lectin
MBL Metallo-​beta-​lactamases
MC&S Microscopy, culture, and sensitivity
MDR Multi-​drug resistant
MDR-​TB Multidrug-​resistant tuberculosis
MDT Multidisciplinary team
MHC Major histocompatibility complex
MHRA Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority
MIC Minimum inhibitory concentration
MLSB Macrolides, lincosamides (clindamycin), and streptogramin B
MMR Measles, mumps, rubella
mRNA Messenger RNA
MRSA Meticillin-​resistant Staphylococcus aureus
MS Mass spectrometry
MSM Men who have sex with men
Abbreviations   xvii

MSU Midstream specimen of urine

MTB Mycobacterium tuberculosis
NAAT Nucleic acid amplifying test
NaTHaC National Travel Health Network and Centre
NBT Nitroblue-​tetrazolium
NEC Necrotizing enterocolitis
NETs Neutrophil extracellular traps
NEWS National early warning score
NGS Next-​generation sequencing
NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
NNRTI Non-​nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor
NPV Negative predictive value
NRTI Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
NTM Nontuberculous mycobacteria
NVE Native valve endocarditis
OCT Outbreak control team
OI Opportunistic infection
OLM Ocular larva migrans
OPAT Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial treatment
OPV Oral polio vaccine
PAMPs Pathogen-​associated molecular patterns
PAN Polyarthritis nodosa
PAS Periodic acid shift
PBP2a Penicillin-​binding protein
PCP Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia
PCR Polymerase chain reaction
PD Pharamcodynamic
PD-​1 Programmed cell death protein 1
PEG Polyethylene glycol
PEP Postexposure prophylaxis
PET Positron emission tomography
PHI Primary HIV infection
PHT Public health team
PI Protease inhibitor
PICC Peripherally inserted central catheter
PII Periods of increased incidence
PIR Post-​infection review
PIS Post-​infection syndrome
PJI Prosthetic joint infection
PK Pharamcokinetic
PLHIV People living with HIV
PML Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
PMR Polymyalgia rheumatica
PMTCT Prevention of mother-​to-​child transmission
PNA FISH Peptide nucleic acid fluorescence in-​situ hybridization
PPD Purified protein derivative
PPE Personal protective equipment
PPV Positive predictive value
PPV23 Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine
PR Rectal examination
PrEP Pre-​exposure prophylaxis
xviii   Abbreviations

PRRs Pathogen recognition receptors

PTFE Teflon
PTLD Post-​transplant lymphoproliferative disease
PUO Pyrexia of unknown origin
PVE Prosthetic valve endocarditis
PVL Panton-​Valentine leucocidin
PWID People who inject drugs
QA Quality assurance
QC Quality control
QMS Quality management system
qSOFA Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment
RA Rheumatoid arthritis
RBC Red blood cells
RCA Root cause analysis
rCTB Recombinant cholera toxin B
RDT Rapid diagnostic test
RIPL Rare and Imported Pathogens Laboratory
RITA Recent infection testing algorithm
RMP Registered medical practitioner
RNA Ribonucleic acid
RPR Rapid plasma reagin
RR Respiratory rate
RSV Respiratory syncytial virus (or bronchiolitis)
RT Reverse transcriptase
S Svedberg units
S/​CO Signal-​to-​cutoff ratio
SAPO Specified Animal Pathogens Order
SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
SCT Stem cell transplant
SD Standard deviation
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SFTS Severe fever with thrombocytopaenia syndrome
SIGN Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
SIRS Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
SIV Simian immunodeficiency virus
SLE Systemic lupus erythematosus
SNHL Sensorineural hearing loss
SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment
SOP Standard operating procedure
SPE Streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin
SSI Surgical site infection
SSPE Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
SSTI Skin and soft tissue infection
SUI Serious untoward incident
SVR Sustained virological response
TB Tuberculosis
TBE Tick-​borne encephalitis
TCR T cell receptor
Th T-​helper
TOE Transoesophageal echocardiogram
ToF Time of flight
Abbreviations   xix

TORCH Toxoplasma, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus

TPPA Treponema pallidum particle agglutination
TSI Triple sugar iron
TSS Toxic shock syndrome
U&E Urea and electrolytes
UKAS UK Accreditation Service
ULN Upper limit of normal
URT Upper respiratory tract
UTI Urinary tract infection
UV Ultraviolet
VAP Ventilator-​associated pneumonia
VDRL Venereal disease research laboratory
VFR Visiting friends and relatives
VHF Viral haemorrhagic fever
VIP Visual Infusion Phlebitis
VISA Vancomycin-​intermediate Staphylococcus aureus
VP Ventriculoperitoneal
VRE Vancomycin-​resistant enterococci
VZIG Varicella-​Zoster immunoglobulin
VZV Varicella-​zoster virus
WBC White blood cells
WCC White cell count
XDR-​TB Extensively drug-​resistant TB
XLD Xylose lysine deoxycholate
ZN Ziehl-​Neelsen

Fatima Ahmad, Biomedical Scientist, Department of Infection, Barts Health NHS Trust,
London, UK
Sarfaraz Ameen, Anti-​Microbial Pharmacist, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Gurtan Atamturk, Biomedical Scientist, Department of Infection, Barts Health NHS Trust,
London, UK
Zahir O. E. Babiker, Assistant Professor and Consultant in Infectious Diseases, College of
Medicine and Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
Marina Basarab, Consultant, Department of Infection, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Ruaridh Buchanan, Specialist Registrar in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Barts Health
NHS Trust, London, UK
Duncan Clark, School of Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
Martina N. Cummins, Clinical Director Infection Prevention and Control, Barts Health NHS
Trust, London, UK
Subathira Dakshina, Specialist Registrar in Genitourinary Medicine, Barts Health NHS Trust,
London, UK
Satya Das, Consultant, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Jayshree Dave, Consultant Microbiologist, HPA Specialist Microbiology Network (SMN), Public
Health England
Heather Dolphin, Chief Biomedical Scientist, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Rohma Ghani, Specialty Trainee, Infectious Diseases, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Jennifer Henderson, Biomedical Scientist, Department of Infection, Barts Health NHS Trust,
London, UK
Desmond Hsu, Specialist Registrar in Microbiology, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Mark Hopkins, Consultant Clinical Scientist, Department of Infection, Barts Health NHS Trust,
London, UK
George Jacob, Consultant in Medical Microbiology, Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust,
Berkshire, UK
Angelina Jayakumar, Specialist Registrar in Infectious Diseases, Barts Health NHS Trust,
London, UK
Anna Jeffery-​Smith, Infectious Diseases and Virology Registrar, Barts Health NHS Trust,
London, UK
Steve Kempley, Clinical Senior Lecturer in Paediatrics, Blizard Institute, Barts and The London,
School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, UK
Palwasha Khan, Clinical Epidemiologist, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology,
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK; Interactive Research and
Development, Karachi, Pakistan
xxii   Contributors

Jonathan Lambourne, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Department of Infection, Barts

Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Tim Linehan, Biomedical Scientist, Department of Infection, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Rohini J. Manuel, Consultant Medical Microbiologist, National Infection Service, Public Health
England, London, UK
Sylvia Martin, Decontamination Lead, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Mark Melzer, Consultant in Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Department of Infection,
Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Michael Millar, Consultant, Department of Infection, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Caoimhe NicFhogartaigh, Consultant in Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, Barts Health
NHS Trust, London, UK
Anthony R. Oliver, Programme Manager at CliniSys, Chertsey, UK; Formerly Advanced
Practitioner, Virology, Barts Health NHS Trust, UK
Chloe Orkin, Consultant Physician, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Sarah Parry, Specialist Registrar in Genitourinary Medicine and HIV, Department of Infection
and Immunity, Barts Health NHS Trust, UK
Lynette Phee, Clinical Research Fellow, Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London;
Specialist Registrar in Medical Microbiology and Virology, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Anna Riddell, Specialist registrar in Infectious Diseases and Virology, Barts Health NHS Trust,
London, UK
Caryn Rosmarin, Consultant in Medical Microbiology, Department of Infection, Barts Health
NHS Trust, London, UK
Marta Gonzalaz Sanz, Specialist Registar in Medical Microbiology, University College London
Hospitals, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Shila Seaton, Bacteriology Scheme Manager, UK NEQAS for Microbiology, National Infection
Service, PHE, Colindale, London, UK
Armine Sefton, Emerita Professor of Clinical Microbiology, Barts and the London School of
Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK
Gee Yen Shin, Consultant Virologist, Public Health Laboratory London, Public Health England,
London, UK
Stephanie J. Smith, Specialist Registrar in Medical Microbiology, Department of Infection,
Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Sherine Thomas, Consultant in Infectious Diseases, Department of Infection, Barts Health
NHS Trust, London, UK
Simon Tiberi, Consultant, Department of Infection, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Cheuk Yan William Tong †, Consultant in Clinical Virology, Department of Infection, Barts
Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Robert Serafino Wani, Consultant in Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, Department of
Infection, Barts Health NHS Trust, Royal London Hospital, London, UK
David Wareham, Clinical Senior Lecturer/​Honorary Consultant in Microbiology, Queen Mary
University of London, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
Mark Wilks, Clinical Scientist, Department of Microbiology, Barts Health NHS Trust,
London, UK
Elizabeth Williams, Consultant in Sexual Health and HIV, Homerton Sexual Health Services,
Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Emily Zinser, Specialist Registrar in Immunology, Department of Immunology, Barts Health
NHS Trust, London, UK


The biology of bacteria

Armine Sefton

1.1 Organisms that cause infection 1.5 How bacteria multiply 6
in man 3 1.6 DNA exchange between bacteria 6
1.2 What determines pathogen, 1.7 What we need to know about each
pathogenicity, and virulence? 3 pathogen we study 6
1.3 The basic structure of bacteria 3 1.8 Assessment questions 7
1.4 Other basic ways of categorizing 1.9 Answers and discussion 7
bacteria 6

1.1 Organisms that cause infection in man

Bacterial infections and infestations of man can be caused by both microbes and non-​microbes.
Microbes include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. Non-​microbes include worms, insects, and
arachnids. This chapter concentrates on the basic biology of bacteria.

1.2 What determines pathogen, pathogenicity, and virulence?

A pathogen is an organism that is able to cause disease in its host and the pathogenicity of any
organism is its ability to produce disease. Microbes express their pathogenicity by means of their
virulence. The virulence of any pathogen is determined by any of its structural, biochemical, or
genetic features that enable it to cause disease in the host.
The relationship between a host and a potential pathogen is non-​static; the likelihood of any
pathogen causing disease in its host depends both on the virulence of the pathogen and the degree
of resistance or susceptibility of the host, due mainly to the effectiveness of the host’s defence
mechanisms. Two of the main factors influencing a bacteria’s pathogenicity are its ability to invade
and it ability to produce toxins—​either exotoxins or endotoxins.

1.3 The basic structure of bacteria

Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotic micro-​organisms, unlike human cells, which are eukaryotic.
Fungi, protozoa, helminths, and arthropods are also eukaryotic. Prokaryotic organisms contain
both DNA and RNA, but their genetic material exists unbound in the cytoplasm of the cell as,
unlike eukaryotic cells, they have no nuclear membrane. Sometimes bacteria contain additional
smaller circular DNA molecules, called plasmids.
The main features of a bacterium are the cell wall, cytoplasm, and cell membrane. However,
some bacteria have additional features such as spores, capsules, fimbriae (pili), and flagellae. The
4   Chapter 1 The Biology of Bacteria

construction of the cell wall is different in different bacteria, but all cell walls contain peptidoglycan.
The structure of the cell wall determines the staining characteristics when stained using the Gram
stain. Although its first use was over a hundred and fifty years ago, is still the standard method for
primary classification of bacteria. Occasionally, bacteria do not have a cell wall.
Gram staining of a fixed smear of bacteria is used to separate bacteria into Gram positive or
Gram negative, and also to demonstrate their shape. Bacteria with a thick peptidoglycan layer
but with no outer membrane stain purple and are called Gram positive. Bacteria with a thinner
peptidoglycan layer but with an outer membrane stain pink and are called Gram negative. The cell
wall is rigid, and imposes shape on the bacterium.

1.3.1 The Gram stain

The Gram stain has four stages.
1. A slide: containing a fixed smear of bacteria, it is initially covered with crystal violet for thirty
seconds to a minute, which penetrates the cell wall and plasma membrane and stains the cells
2. A mordant: Gram’s iodine is added for about the same period and forms a complex with the
crystal violet.
3. The slide: it is rinsed briefly with acetone, which interacts with the cell membrane lipids and
removes the outer layer, exposing the peptidoglycan layer. As this layer is very thin in gram-​
negative bacteria, the crystal violet/​iodine complex is easily washed away and the purple
stain is removed, whereas the multilayered structure of gram-​positive bacteria retains the
purple stain.
4. A pink/​red counterstain: neutral red or carbol fuchsin is applied to the slide for about a minute
and gives a pink/​red colour to the decolourized gram-​negative bacteria, but the gram-​positive
bacteria retain their purple colour.
It is important to note that some bacteria, e.g., mycobacteria, also have fatty acids and waxes
within the cell walls, making it very difficult for materials to pass through the wall and making them
resistant to Gram staining. Hence, special stains e.g., the Ziehl–​Neelsen stain are required.

1.3.2 The cell wall

This important structure surrounds the bacterium outside the plasma membrane. As human cells
do not have cell walls, antimicrobials which work at this site, e.g., beta-​lactams, are likely to have
good selective toxicity, i.e., be much more toxic to bacteria compared to human cells. Different
groups of bacteria have differently shaped walls. The main shapes are:
● Spherical (cocci): which may occur in pairs (diplococci) or clusters like grapes (staphylococci),
or in long chains (streptococci);
● Rod shaped (bacilli);
● Comma shaped (vibrios); and
● Spiral (spirochaetes).

1.3.3 The cytoplasm

Within the bacterial cytoplasm are other structures, which include:
● the genome: a single circular chromosome. The genetic material is coiled and supercoiled
under the control of the enzymes DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase;
● Bacterial mRNA: transcribed from DNA as in animal cells;
● Ribosomes: both bacteria and eukaryotic organisms have ribosomes. However, bacterial
ribosomes are smaller than eukaryotic ribosomes. Bacterial ribosomes are 70 S (‘S’ refers to
1.3 The basic structure of bacteria   5

Svedberg units, which is how a particle behaves under ultracentrifugation) and are composed
of two sub-​units—​a 30s sub-​unit, which contains 16S sRNA, and a 50 S sub-​unit. Eukaryotic
organisms are 80 S: they contain a 40 S sub-​unit, which contains 18S RNA, and a 60 S
● Granules: some bacteria have granules containing stored nutrients;
● Mesosome: an invagination of the cell membrane, involved in cell division;
● Other constituents: proteins, carbohydrates, messenger and transfer RNA, amino acids,
etc; and
● plasmids: these structures, which occasionally appear, are independently replicating fragments
of circular double-​stranded DNA.

1.3.4 The cell membrane

This is a phospholipid bilayer with embedded protein molecules and structures and is similar
to that of eukaryotic membranes. Entry and exit of molecules through the membrane is
controlled by permeases through a variety of mechanisms. The membrane has several
important features:
● Pores to control the entrance and exit of substances, such as nutrients, waste products and
● Respiratory enzymes on its inner surface;
● Enzymes involved in cell wall synthesis on the outer surface; and
● Is involved in binary fission.

1.3.5 Other features present in some bacteria

● Endospores: tough, spherical forms that resist extremes of temperature. Spore formation is
triggered by adverse environmental conditions. In this form they remain dormant, with the
ability to survive for many years.
● A capsule: it is outside the cell wall in gram-​positive bacteria or outside the outer membrane
in gram-​negative bacteria. The capsule is composed of carbohydrates and/​or proteins
and helps hide the antigenic proteins, making the bacteria more resistant to host cell
● Flagella: whip-​like structures that move, making the bacterium motile.
● Pili (fimbriae): long, thin, stiff structures that enable bacteria to adhere to the cells of the host
through specialized molecules called adhesins.

1.3.6 Unusual types of bacteria

● Chlamydia spp.: small, difficult-​to-​see, gram-​negative bacteria, which can only divide within host
cells. They have a ‘lifecycle’ with two forms: the elementary body and the reticulate body. Both
forms have a cell wall and an outer membrane. They are similar to viruses in that they have
to replicate in a host cell, but they encode all of their own materials, except ATP which they
cannot produce and obtain from the host.
● Rickettsia: only replicate within a host cell, but they lack the special structures and lifecycle of
chlamydia. They are just small, fastidious bacteria with a gram-​negative structure.
● Mycoplasma spp.: have no cell wall, are very small, and of no definite shape. As they have no
cell wall, they are resistant to antibiotics such as the penicillins, cephalsosporins, carbapenems,
and glycopeptides that act at this site.
6   Chapter 1 The Biology of Bacteria

1.4 Other basic ways of categorizing bacteria

● Microscopy (see 1.3.1): shape and staining characteristics. Most bacteria are gram-​positive
cocci or bacilli, or gram-​negative cocci or bacilli, but some do not fit into either category.
● Growth characteristics, e.g., haemolysis, lactose fermentation, aerobic/​anaerobic growth.
● Motility.
● Other tests include biochemical tests, antigen detection, toxin demonstration, or molecular
techniques. Tests commonly used in the laboratory include:
■ Catalase test: used for gram-​positive organisms only. Gram-​positive cocci are divided

into streptococci and staphylococci by catalase test. Staphylococci are catalase positive
whereas streptococci are catalase negative.
■ Coagulase test for gram-​positive organism only. Staphylococci are divided into coagulase

positive (S. aureus) and coagulase negative by coagulase test.

■ Oxidase test, urease, etc.

1.5 How bacteria multiply

The rate at which bacteria grow and divide depends mainly on their nutritional environment.
Bacteria divide by binary fission. The circular chromosome replicates by using a DNA-​dependent
DNA polymerase, with the help of DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase to facilitate uncoiling.
When placed in a new environment, they undergo four sequential main phases.
1. Lag phase.
2. Exponential phase—​with rapid growth and constant doubling rate.
3. Stationary phase—​induced as nutrients are depleted and toxic products accumulate.
4. Death phase—​cell growth declines and the cells die.

1.6 DNA exchange between bacteria

DNA can be exchanged between bacteria by various methods.

1. Conjugation: a conjugation tube forms between two bacteria, made by an outgrowth of the
cell wall. Plasmids pass from one bacterium to the other along the tube.
2. Transduction: bacteriophage viruses infect bacteria and replicate. The new virions may
incorporate bacterial genes from the chromosome or from plasmids, and transfer them to
other bacteria.
3. Transformation: bacteria can pick up exogenous bacterial DNA.

1.7 What we need to know about each pathogen we study

Information you should know on each pathogen you study includes its:
● Ecology;
● Epidemiology;
● Structure and function;
● Virulence mechanisms;
● Effects on man; and
● Diagnosis, therapy, and prevention.
1.9 Answers and discussion   7

1.8 Assessment questions

1.8.1 Question 1
Bacterial cells are significantly different from human cells.
Which of the following is the most correct description of the differences between human and
bacterial cells?
A. Bacteria are multicellular eukaryotes with a nuclear membrane and differently sized ribosomes
to humans.
B. Bacteria are multicellular prokaryotic micro-​organisms with no nuclear membrane and
similarly sized ribosomes to humans.
C. Bacteria are unicellular eukaryotic organisms with a nuclear membrane and similarly sized
ribosomes to humans.
D. Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotic micro-​organisms with a nuclear membrane and differently
sized ribosomes to humans.
E. Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotic micro-​organisms with no nuclear membrane and
differently sized ribosomes to humans.

1.8.2 Question 2
Staphylococcus aureus is a common cause of wound infection. The Gram film, catalase, and coagulase
tests are commonly used to help identify infections caused by this organism in the laboratory.
Which of the following is the most accurate description of the properties of Staphylococcus
A. Gram-​negative coccus, which is catalase negative, coagulase negative.
B. Gram-​negative coccus, which is catalase negative, coagulase positive.
C. Gram-​positive coccus, which is catalase negative, coagulase negative.
D. Gram-​positive coccus, which is catalase positive, coagulase negative.
E. Gram-​positive coccus, which is catalase positive, coagulase positive.

1.8.3 Question 3
Some, but not all, bacteria possess a capsule, which is generally regarded as a virulence factor.
Which of the following best describes the main pathogenic function(s) of a bacterium’s capsule?
A. Induction of antibodies.
B. Mediation of detachment from host cell surface.
C. Prevention of bacteriophage-​induced cell lysis.
D. Prevention of desiccation of bacterium.
E. Prevention of phagocytosis and complement-​mediated cell lysis.

1.9 Answers and discussion

1.9.1 Answer 1
E. Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotic micro-​organisms with no nuclear membrane and
differently sized ribosomes to humans.
Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotic organisms with no nuclear membrane, unlike fungi, helminths,
arthropods, protozoa, and human cells, all of which are eukaryotic. Bacteria also have smaller sized
ribosomes (70 S) compared to eukaryotic organisms, which have 80 S ribosomes. In the diagnostic
laboratory for important specimens, when an infective aetiology is thought likely but standard
culture has been negative, the samples can be sent for sequencing of the 16 S gene (for bacteria) or
18 S for fungi to try and determine the infective cause. Additionally, the prokaryotic organisms have
8   Chapter 1 The Biology of Bacteria

a cell wall, which the eukaryotic cells do not. These differences are important when trying to find
an antimicrobial agent with good selective toxicity (selective toxicity means that the antimicrobial
should be highly effective against the microbe, but have minimal or no toxicity to humans). The
selective toxicity of antimicrobials is brought about by finding vulnerable targets for the drug in the
microbe that either do not exist in humans or are dissimilar, e.g., differently sized ribosomes. As a
general rule it is easier to do this for agents effective against the prokaryotic bacteria than against
the eukaryotic fungi, helminths, arthropods, and protozoa.

1.9.2 Answer 2
E. Gram-​positive coccus, which is catalase positive, coagulase positive.
The two most common types of aerobic/​ facultatively anaerobic gram-​ positive cocci are
streptococci and staphylococci, and both can cause cellulitis and wound infections. Staphylococci
can be differentiated from streptococci by a simple catalase test. In this test staphylococci are
catalase positive whereas streptococci are catalase negative. Streptococci will then be further
identified by whether or not they cause beta, alpha, or no haemolysis on blood agar plates. The
beta-​haemolytic streptococci, Groups A–​G, especially Group A beta-​haemolytic streptococci, are
the most likely streptococci to cause cellulitis and wound infections. Streptococcus pneumoniae is
the most well-​known alpha-​haemolytic streptococci and is a common cause of both community-​
acquired pneumonia and bacterial meningitis.
Staphylococci are identified further by a rapid test called the coagulase test; S. aureus are coagulase
positive, whereas other staphylococci are coagulase negative. Both S. aureus and coagulase-​negative
staphylococci may be present on a person’s skin. However, whereas S. aureus is a common cause
of skin and soft tissue infections and can also cause severe bacterial endocarditis, osteomyelitis,
sepsis, and pneumonia, coagulase-​negative staphylococci generally only cause infection if people
have prosthetic material in situ.

1.9.3 Answer 3
E. Prevention of phagocytosis and complement-​mediated cell lysis.
For bacteria to cause disease in a host they need to escape phagocytosis by macrophages or
polymorphonuclear phagocytes, and having a capsule is a common way they do this. If a capsule is
removed from a normally capsulated bacterium it becomes much less pathogenic. The capsule has
many pathogenic functions. It helps the bacteria to adhere to the host surface prior to invasion,
The capsule prevents opsonization and prevents phagocytes adhering to and then engulfing the
bacteria. It also deters neutrophil killing of engulfed bacteria. Additionally, the capsule helps shield
the bacterium from desiccation and helps protect anaerobes from oxygen toxicity.
Induction of antibodies by the capsule is not one of it pathogenic functions. However, it is
important in medicine because it is the basic of the serological diagnosis of infections caused by
some capsulated bacterium. It is also the basis for vaccine production against some infections, e.g.,
the polyvalent (twenty-​three serotypes) polysaccharide vaccine of the Streptococcus pneumoniae

The biology of viruses

Anna Jeffery-​Smith and C. Y. William Tong

2.1 What is a virus? 9 2.7 The importance of the cellular
2.2 Why mycoplasma and chlamydia are receptor 14
not viruses 9 2.8 The effects of selection pressure on a
2.3 The structure of a typical virus 11 virus 14
2.4 Virus classification 11 2.9 Outcomes for a cell infected with a
virus 15
2.5 The Baltimore classification system and
its use 12 2.10 Assessment questions 16
2.6 The life cycle of a virus 13 2.11 Answers and discussion 17

2.1 What is a virus?

In order to be classified as a virus, certain criteria have to be fulfilled. Viruses must

● Be only capable of growth and multiplication within living cells, i.e. obligate intracellular
parasite. Host cells could include humans, animals, insects, plants, protozoa, or even bacteria.
● Have a nucleic acid genome (either RNA or DNA, but not both) surrounded by a protein coat
● Have no semipermeable membrane, though some have an envelope formed of phospholipids
and proteins.
● Be inert outside of the host cell. Enveloped viruses are susceptible to inactivation by organic
solvents such as alcohol.
● Perform replication by independent synthesis of components followed by assembly (c.f. binary
fission in bacteria).

Viruses are considered as a bundle of genetic programmes encoded in nucleic acids and packaged
with a capsid +/​-​envelope protein, which can be activated on entry into a host cell (compare
this with computer viruses packaged in an enticing way in order to infect and take over control of
your PC).

2.2 Why mycoplasma and chlamydia are not viruses

Although they share some similarities in their properties, mycoplasma and chlamydia are true
bacteria (Table 2.1).
Table 2.1 Differences between mycoplasma/​chlamydia and viruses

Mycoplasma Chlamydia Viruses

Size 0.15–​0.3 µm ~ 0.3 µm 0.017–​1µm
Number of species > 100 species 3 species of chlamydia (C. trachomatis, Numerous (> 300,000 infecting
C. suis, C. muridarum) and 3 species mammals)
of chlamydophila (C. psittaci,
C. pneumoniae, C. pecorum)
Semipermeable Has cell membrane but no cell wall Has cell membrane but no cell wall No, some virus have a lipid envelope
membrane containing viral proteins
Shape Variable—​spherical to filamentous Spherical elementary bodies and larger Spherical (icosahedral), helical or
intracellular reticulate bodies complex (e.g., poxvirus, rabies
Genome Chromosomal DNA +/​-​plasmids Chromosomal DNA +/​-​plasmids Either DNA or RNA
Requires a living cell No—​can grow in tissue fluids Obligatory intracellular, energy parasite Obligatory intracellular
for growth and as cannot produce ATP
Cytopathic effect (CPE) No CPE, but can contaminate cell Inclusion bodies identified by staining Variable—​some viruses are cytocidal,
culture with Giemsa, iodine (if glycogen others are not
positive), or monoclonal antibodies
Require cholesterol for Yes Yes No
membrane function and
Mode of replication Binary fission Binary fission Independent synthesis of components
and assembly
Susceptibility to antibiotics Yes Yes No
2.4 Virus classification   11

Genomic material–either

Non-structural proteins,
such as viral polymerase

Protein capsid formed of

multiple capsomeres

Envelope: derived from host cell

membranes containing
phospholipids and proteins. Viral
glycoproteins for binding to host cell
Figure 2.1 Virus structure.

2.3 The structure of a typical virus

The virion (assembled infectious particle) consists of viral nucleic acid and capsid (Figure 2.1).
The nucleic acid of a virus can either be ribonucleic acid (RNA) or deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA), and the amount of genetic material varies widely, with some viruses able to encode a
few proteins and others having genetic material that encodes hundreds of proteins. In association
with the nucleic acid there may be non-​structural viral proteins, such as a viral polymerase. The
nucleic acid and non-​structural proteins are protected by a surrounding layer of capsid proteins.
The capsid includes proteins which can attach to host cell receptors. The proteins and the cell
receptors to which they bind determine a virus’ tropism, i.e., the ability to bind to and enter
different cell types. The term nucleocapsid refers to the nucleic acid core surrounded by capsid
Some viruses also have an envelope made up of phospholipids and proteins surrounding the
nucleocapsid. This envelope can be formed by the host cell membrane during the process of a
virus budding from a cell during replication. Protein spikes from the envelope can also attach to
cell receptors.

2.4 Virus classification

Viruses are grouped into families with similar properties based on morphology, chemical
composition, and mode of replication.

2.4.1 Morphology

•​ Protein capsid shape: capsomeres form capsids of differing shapes—​helical, icosahedral, or

•​ Presence or absence of an envelope
12   Chapter 2 The Biology of Viruses

2.4.2 Chemical compositions and method of replication

The chemical composition of the genome, i.e., RNA or DNA, determines the mode of replication,
i.e., the route to obtaining mRNA for translation of viral proteins.
DNA is single stranded, double stranded, or partially double stranded. RNA is single or double
stranded. Single-​stranded RNA genomes can be positive sense or negative sense, depending
on whether the RNA genome is the same as the mRNA coded (positive sense) or forms the
complementary strand to mRNA (negative sense).
Some viruses have a segmented genome with multiple pieces of nucleic acid, e.g., influenza
viruses, rotavirus.
Viruses in the same family share a common morphology, genomic structure, and replication
mechanism, e.g., all herpesviruses are composed of double-​stranded DNA genome surrounded by
an icosahedral protein capsid and a phospholipid envelope. However, modern taxonomy of virus is
based on the degree of nucleic acid homology, rather than morphology. As a result, many viruses
have been reclassified, e.g., echovirus 22 and 23 have been reclassified as parechovirus type 1 and
type 2 based on their genetic differences from enteroviruses.

2.5 The Baltimore classification system and its use

The Baltimore classification system uses the nucleic acid composition and mechanism of replication
to separate viruses into seven groups (Figure 2.2).
Coding +mRNA is the central point as this is the template from which viral proteins are translated
by the host cell apparatus. The route to obtaining +mRNA is determined by the original nucleic acid
composition of the genome. Viruses within a group all behave in a similar way during the process


Partially + DNA
+/– DNA

+/– DNA

+/– DNA +/– DNA

+ mRNA

+/– RNA
+/– DNA





Figure 2.2 The Baltimore system of viral classification.

2.6 The life cycle of a virus   13

Table 2.2 The Baltimore system of classification of viruses

Baltimore group Genome Examples

I dsDNA Adenoviruses, herpesviruses, poxviruses
II ssDNA Parvoviruses
III dsRNA Reoviruses
IV (+)ssRNA Picornaviruses, togaviruses
V (–)ssRNA Orthomyxoviruses, rhabdoviruses
VI (+)ssRNA RT Retroviruses
VII Partially dsDNA RT Hepadnaviruses
ds: double stranded; ss: single stranded; (+) positive sense; (-​) negative sense); RT: reverse transcriptase.

of replication, and so understanding of the virus and research into targets for antiviral medications
can be based on this information. Grouping of viruses by disease phenotype or morphology does
not guarantee this due to the diversity of viruses and similarities of infectious presentations. Table
2.2 gives examples of the viruses in each Baltimore group.

2.6 The life cycle of a virus

The main stages in the life cycle of a virus can be separated into attachment, penetration, uncoating,
replication, assembly, and release (Figure 2.3).
1. Attachment: The virus attaches to the target cells occurs through specific binding between
proteins on the viral surface and receptors on the host cell surface. The specificity of the viral
surface protein determines the cell types to which the virus can bind, and therefore, which
hosts and tissues it can infect.


Cytoplasm 4 Nucleus

Figure 2.3 Viral replication within the cell.

14   Chapter 2 The Biology of Viruses

2. Penetration: The viral particle is engulfed by the cell membrane.

3. Uncoating: Cellular lysosymes remove the viral envelope if one is present. The capsid is often
removed following trafficking of the viral genomic material to the nucleus.
4. Replication: The components required to assemble new viral particles are produced by the
infected cell. Copies of the viral genome are made using the cell’s nucleotides. Viral proteins
are translated from viral mRNA using the cell’s ribosomes on the endoplasmic reticulum.
5. Assembly: Virions are assembled from viral nucleic acid and viral proteins. This can occur in the
cell nucleus or cytoplasm.
6. Release: Assembled virions are released from the cell, either by budding from the cell
membrane, which for enveloped viruses contributes to the formation of the envelope, or by
cell lysis, whereby the cell dies during the release of viral particles.

2.7 The importance of the cellular receptor

The cellular receptor determines which cells a virus can enter—​the tissue tropism of the virus
(Table 2.3). The proteins within the capsid or envelope of a virus determine to which host cell
receptors the virus can bind, and therefore, which cells it can enter and replicate. Some viruses
have widespread host tissue tropism, i.e., their receptors result in an ability to bind and enter
multiple cell types. Other viruses are very limited in which cells they can bind to and enter.
Cellular receptors are also important as a potential therapeutic target. If the binding between
viral surface proteins and cellular receptors can be blocked the virus will not be able to enter and
replicate within the cell.

2.8 The effects of selection pressure on a virus

Natural selection determines that individuals most suited phenotypically to the environment
are more likely to survive and reproduce. Phenotypic variation in viruses determined by genetic
variation means that some viruses will be better adapted to the changing host environment during
the course of infection, and more likely to survive to perpetuate infection and be transmitted to
During the course of viral infection the environment of the host can change in multiple ways, e.g.,
through host immune system formation of antibodies in response to infection and development
of specific cytotoxic T cells targeting viral epitopes on infected cells. External factors like antiviral

Table 2.3 Examples of viruses and their cellular receptors

Virus Cellular receptor Cell type

HIV CD4 + co-​receptor (CCR5 or CD4+ cells including T
CXCR4) lymphocytes and macrophages
Hepatitis B virus Sodium taurocholate co-​ Hepatocytes
transporting polypeptide
Hepatitis C virus CD81 Hepatocytes
Primate erythroparvovirus 1 Erythrocyte P antigen Erythroid progenitor cells
(formerly Parvovirus B19)
Rabies Acetylcholine receptor Neurons
Rhinovirus (major group) Intercellular adhesion molecule Respiratory epithelial cells
1 (ICAM-​1)
2.9 Outcomes for a cell infected with a virus   15

medications will also apply selection pressure. Features favouring survival in the face of these
pressures arise from genetic mutations during viral replication that cause phenotypic differences
in viral progeny. Mutations occur naturally during virion production in the host cell, and are more
likely to occur in some viruses, e.g. HIV and hepatitis B, than others due to the nature of the
enzymes involved in replication. The majority of mutations arising through this route will be lost
due to reduced viral fitness, but some will become fixed in the population due to advantages such
as resistance to anti-​viral medications. In the face of anti-​viral selection pressure virus with the anti-​
viral resistance mutation will become the dominant viral population.

2.9 Outcomes for a cell infected with a virus

The outcome of a cell infected with a virus depends on both the cell type and the virus. Infected cells
that support viral replication are called permissive. Cells that do not support the virus infection—​
and so cannot be used to produce viral progeny—​result in abortive infection.
Alterations to a cell following infection with a virus can be morphological, physiological, and
biochemical, and can include toxic effects on the genetic composition of the cell. Combined,
these effects can result in one of three outcomes for the cell—​cell death, persistent infection,
or transformation of the cell. Within an infected individual the virus can demonstrate all of these
effects on host cells, e.g., Epstein-​Barr Virus (EBV) can cause an acute infection with cytocidal
effects in some infected cells, resulting in the symptoms of glandular fever syndrome. In other
infected cells the virus can become latent, with the ability to reactivate in the future, and in some
cells, transformation can occur resulting in an EBV-​related malignancy (Table 2.4).

2.9.1 Cell death

Infection results in the hijacking of cellular machinery to produce viral progeny. This can cause
death of the cell by the following routes:
● Immune killing of the cell—​the host immune system recognizes the cell as being infected and it
is destroyed.
● Direct viral effects—​the effects of viral production cause changes in the cell such that cellular
apoptosis occurs when the cell is unable to fulfil its usual functions, e.g., by damage of cellular
DNA during viral replication causing genetic instability and cell death.

Table 2.4 Examples of malignancies associated with viruses

Virus Associated malignancy

Epstein–​Barr Virus Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Burkitt’s lymphoma
EBV-​associated B cell lymphoma
Hepatitis B virus Hepatocellular carcinoma
Hepatitis C virus Hepatocellular carcinoma
Human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 Adult T cell leukaemia/​lymphoma (ATLL)
Human Herpes Virus 8 Kaposi’s sarcoma
Primary effusion lymphoma
Castleman’s disease
Human papillomavirus Cervical cancer
Ano-​genital cancer
Oropharyngeal cancer
16   Chapter 2 The Biology of Viruses

2.9.2 Persistent infection

The virus remains in some of the host’s cells following an initial acute infection, often with
minimal detectable changes in the host. This can occur with chronic infection, latent infection, and
transforming infections:
● Chronic infection—​e.g., hepatitis B. After initial infection some host cells remain infected and
actively synthesize viral particles, continuing to release viral progeny but with minimal resulting
cell death. Virus and viral proteins continue to be detectable in laboratory testing, but the
infection appears to be kept in check by host immune system factors such that damage to the
host through viral replication is not detectable, or appears to be minimal. These hosts remain
infectious to others.
● Latent infection—​e.g. herpesviruses. All herpesviruses are characterized by the ability to
remain latent in their target cell. In latent infection the viral genome persists in certain host
cells and retains the ability to reactivate and utilize cellular machinery to produce virus and
cause cytopathic effects in the future. Between episodes of reactivation viral replication
is restricted and viral nucleic acid cannot be detected. Reactivation can occur as a result
of effects on the immune system reducing immune surveillance. Environmental stressors
causing immunosuppression include infection with another virus (e.g. HIV), stress to the host
caused by bacterial sepsis or organ dysfunction due to non-​infectious causes, or iatrogenic
immunosuppression as a result of chemotherapy. Between episodes of reactivation the patient
is not infectious.

2.9.3 Transformation
The cell develops the potential to become cancerous after viral infection. In such cases the virus
causes alterations to the cellular DNA such that the cell becomes immortal, usually by incorporation
of the viral genetic material into that of the cell. Following immortalization viral proteins acting
as transcription factors can inactivate tumour suppressor genes resulting in impaired cell cycle
regulation. During unregulated cellular replication, mutations in other cellular genes are likely to
develop, resulting in cumulative genetic changes and highly abnormal malignant cells with the ability
to invade tissues (Table 2.4).

2.10 Assessment questions

2.10.1 Question 1
A patient known to have long-​standing, well-​controlled HIV on combination anti-​retroviral therapy
(cART) with undetectable plasma viral load presents with new onset confusion. A contrast CT
scan of the head shows volume loss, but no focal lesions. Lumbar puncture is performed and the
following results are obtained:

Plasma Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

HIV viral load (log10 copies/​ml) Not detected 4.7

What mechanism is the most likely to explain these discordant results between plasma and CSF?
A. Elite controller.
B. Failure of drug penetration to central nervous system (CNS).
C. Poor adherence to cART.
D. Progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy (PML).
E. Switching co-​receptor usage to CXCR4.
18   Chapter 2 The Biology of Viruses

that target reverse transcriptase encoded by the virus. Neither HIV nor HBV uses host
polymerase enzymes. RNA-​ dependent RNA polymerase enzymes are commonly carried
by RNA viruses; DNA-​dependent DNA polymerase can be viral (in DNA virus) or host. DNA-​
dependent RNA polymerases (transcriptase) are used by viruses and host to transcribe DNA
into RNA.
2.11 Answers and discussion   17

2.10.2 Question 2
A patient is immunosuppressed following chemotherapy for lung cancer. She subsequently presents
to hospital with a unilateral vesicular rash on her trunk, associated with burning pain. She is
diagnosed and commenced on anti-​viral medication.
In which cell type does the causative virus lie dormant?
A. Astrocytes.
B. B lymphocytes.
C. Dorsal root ganglion cells.
D. Hepatocytes.
E. Purkinje cells.

2.10.3 Question 3
A patient who is co-​infected with HIV and hepatitis B virus is started on a regimen that contains
tenofovir and emtricitabine (Truvada).
What is the target of this drug combination?
A. Cellular RNA polymerase II.
B. DNA-​dependent DNA polymerase.
C. DNA-​dependent RNA polymerase.
D. RNA-​dependent DNA polymerase.
E. RNA-​dependent RNA polymerase.

2.11 Answers and discussion

2.11.1 Answer 1
B. Failure of drug penetration to CNS.
Certain anatomical sites in the body, such as the CNS and the genital tract, are identified as
sanctuary sites whereby the selection pressure on the virus could be different from other parts of
the body. This could result in compartmentalization with a different rate of virus replication and
development of drug resistance. One of the mechanisms that leads to compartmentalization is
the restriction of penetration of certain antiretroviral agents into CNS. This patient probably has
good adherence to cART as the plasma viral load is undetectable. Nevertheless, the antiviral agents
for this patient need to be reviewed. CNS HIV are often R5 in tropism but a tropism test will be
required if CCR5 entry inhibitors are to be used for intensification.

2.11.2 Answer 2
C. Dorsal root ganglion cells.
Varicella-​zoster virus as the causative agent of shingles lies dormant in the dorsal root ganglia.
Immunosuppression, as in the case of this patient, can result in the virus reactivating and the
patient developing shingles. The vesicular rash typically arises in a dermatomal distribution,
reflecting the sensory nerve root from which the virus has reactivated. In those who are heavily
immunosuppressed, reactivation of varicella can become widely disseminated. In addition, viral
shedding from lesions will persist for far longer periods than from immune-​competent individuals
with the concomitant infection control concerns.

2.11.3 Answer 3
D. RNA-​dependent DNA polymerase.
RNA-​ dependent DNA polymerase is reverse transcriptase, which is used in the replication
cycle of both HIV and hepatitis B virus. Tenofovir and emtricitabine are nucleos(t)ide analogues

The biology of fungi

Stephanie J. Smith and Rohini J. Manuel

3.1 Fungi and how they are classified 19 3.4 The structures of a spore and why
3.2 The fungal structure and its notable they are important for the survival of
organelles 19 fungi 22
3.3 The key elements of the fungal 3.5 Assessment questions 23
reproductive cycle 21 3.6 Answers and discussion 24

3.1 Fungi and how they are classified

Fungi are found ubiquitously in the environment such as soil, water, and food. There are an estimated
1.5 million fungal species worldwide, although this number is felt to be grossly underestimated and
is regularly updated. Of these vast numbers, around 500 fungi to date have been implicated in
human disease.
As opposed to bacteria, which are prokaryotes, fungi are eukaryotes, meaning they have a well-​
defined nucleus and have membrane-​bound organelles in the cytoplasm, including an endoplasmic
reticulum and a golgi apparatus.
In 1969, the scientist R. H. Whittaker first proposed that organisms be classified into five
kingdoms: Monera (Bacteria), Protista (Algae and Protozoans), Plantae (Plants), Mycetae (Fungi),
and Animalia (Animals). Since then, there have been dramatic changes to the classifications of fungi,
largely due to the appliance of phylogenetic molecular techniques. This has resulted in variances to
the number of phylums, and the species assigned to them.
Table 3.1 shows the seven phyla of the Fungi Kingdom.
The majority of fungi pathogenic to humans inhabit the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota phyla.
Fungi used to be dually named if they had a pleomorphic life cycle with sexual/​asexual stages
(teleomorph/​anamorph, respectively), which meant that fungi often had two names and were classed
differently. This practice was discontinued in January 2013 after the International Commission on
the Taxonomy of Fungi decided that a ‘one fungus, one name’ approach should be followed.

3.2 The fungal structure and its notable organelles

Fungi can be unicellular (yeast) or multicellular (fungi). Yeasts may look globose in nature when
grown, whereas multicellular fungi grow as tubular, filamentous material called hyphae that can
create a branching, hyphal network called a mycelium. Hyphae may have septa that cross their
walls or be nonseptate, which is a method of differentiating fungi. An early hyphal outgrowth from
a spore is called a germ tube. The germ tube test can be used to differentiate the yeasts Candida
albicans and Candida dubliniensis from other Candida species.
20   Chapter 3 The Biology of Fungi

Table 3.1 Kingdom Fungi and examples

Ascomycota Largest phylum in the kingdom

Examples: Candida spp., Fusarium spp., Aspergillus spp.,
Saccharomyces spp., Penicillium spp.
Basidiomycota Second-​largest phylum in the kingdom. This group and the
Ascomycota make up the Dikarya subkingdom
Example: Cryptococcus spp.
Glomeromycota Example: Rhizopus spp.
Chytridiomycota The Chytridiomycota are unique among all fungi in having motile
stages in their life cycles; no other fungi have this trait
Example: Rhizophidium spp.
Microsporidia Once considered protozoans. Lack mitochondria and can produce
Example: Toxospora
Blastocladiomycota Example: Coelomomyces spp.
Neocallimastigomycota Anaerobic fungi commonly found in animal digestive tracts
Example: Piromyces spp.

The fungal cell wall is composed of chitin and glucans, which are different components to the
human cell wall. This means that they can be an effective target for antifungal therapy.
Some fungi grow solely as yeasts, which undergo asexual reproduction by budding (budding
yeasts) or binary fission (fission yeasts). An example is Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a budding yeast.
Some types of fungi are able to exist in both yeast and mould forms (depending on environmental
temperature and conditions), and these are called dimorphic fungi. Examples include Histoplasma
and Coccidioides species.
Candida albicans is a polymorphic fungus that can grow either as an ovoid-​shaped budding yeast,
as elongated ellipsoid cells with constrictions at the septa (pseudohyphae), or as parallel-​walled
true hyphae.
Spores can be produced by fungi, and vary in size and structure.
Some fungal structures are characteristic of a particular species. For example, Aspergillus and
Penicillium species have multiple-​branched hyphae with flask-​shaped phialides and conidial spores at
the end, which are released to disseminate in the environment (Figure 3.1)
Fungi can be described as being heterotrophic, meaning that they use organic carbon for growth.
They can be further divided into photoheterotrophs and chemoheterotrophs.
Fungi generate energy from a variety of methods (Table 3.2).



Vesicle Conidiophore

s Stem

Figure 3.1 Conidiophore of Aspergillus spp.

Reproduced courtesy of UK NEQAS.
3.3 The key elements of the fungal reproductive cycle   21

Table 3.2 Methods of fungal energy production

Biotrophs Receive nutrients from a living host

Saprotrophs Derive nutrients from dead plants/​animals
Chemoheterotrophic Utilization of organic carbon sources in the environment and
subsequent energy produced from these to make further
compounds grow
Photoheterotrophic Fungi that use light for energy, but cannot use carbon dioxide as
their sole carbon source

Smaller compounds, like amino acids, can be absorbed via the cell wall. Larger proteins must be
broken down first by extracellular enzymes to allow for absorption.

3.3 The key elements of the fungal reproductive cycle

Reproduction in fungi can either be asexual or sexual, the latter being a more complicated process
(Figure 3.2 and 3.3).

Fungi Life Cycle


Germination Mitosis

Mycelium (1n)

Haploid cells from Germination:
two different mycelia A multi-cellular
fuse to form a mycelium is formed.
heterokaryotic cell
with two or more
nuclei. Sexual
Reproduction Spores

Karyogamy: Meiosis:
The nuclei fuse to Haploid (1n) spores
form a diploid (2n) Zygote are formed.

Figure 3.2 Asexual and sexual fungal reproduction.

Reproduced from Boundless Biology. Fungi Reproduction. Boundless Biology and Lumen. Copyright © 2016 Boundless
Biology. Available at: https://​www.boundless.com/​biology/​textbooks/​boundless-​biology-​textbook/​fungi-​24/​
22   Chapter 3 The Biology of Fungi

Figure 3.3 Mucoraceous mould structures of asexual and sexual spores.

Reproduced with permission from Wahlert, J. H. et al, Laboratory Notes for BIO 1003. Copyright © 1999 John
H. Wahlert & Mary Jean Holland. Available at: http://​faculty.baruch.cuny.edu/​jwahlert/​bio1003/​fungi.html

3.3.1 Asexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction occurs via spores. The resulting offspring are genetically similar to the parents
and are produced by mitosis. Spores may be endogenous or exogenous in nature (sporangium and
conidia, respectively). Different genera may be identified by the characteristics of their conidia, such
as their shape, size, and pigmentation. The sporangium is essentially an enclosed ball of spores that
may be released to disseminate freely in the environment.
Asexual reproduction can also occur via a process termed fragmentation. The ends of hyphae
may break to produce fragments (arthrospores) that can develop into new individuals. The hyphae
may also detach via fission or budding. An example of budding occurs in Saccharomyces species.

3.3.2. Sexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction has a haploid and diploid phase. The haploid phase (One set of chromosomes)
possesses the (n) number of chromosomes in the nucleus, whereas this number becomes (2n) in
the diploid phase (two homologous copies of each chromosome, usually one from the mother and one
from the father).
The gametes are haploid (n) and, by sexual reproduction, become diploid (2n) sexual spores. To
become haploid (n) cells once more, meiosis occurs and the number of chromosomes halves. The
fusion of the plasma of the gametes is called plasmogamy, which is usually followed by the nuclear
fusion called karyogamy.
Examples of sexual spores include zygospores and basidiospores.
When both the gametes occur on the same mycelium, the fungus is said to be homothallic, and
when they are found on different mycelia, the fungus is called heterothallic.

3.4 The structures of a spore and why they are important

for the survival of fungi

Spores are specialized structures of a fungus that function as an effective dispersal method to allow
for spread of a species, further reproduction, and provide dormancy in unfavourable environmental
conditions for a prolonged period of time. After they are produced they can be easily dispersed
in the environment, permitting transportation to areas that may potentially be more nutritionally
beneficial to the spore.
Fungal spores can be produced via asexual or sexual reproduction—​(see Section 3.3).
Spores may be unicellular or multicellular. They are composed of an outer exosporium
surrounding an inner core. The cell wall is very resistant to any adverse conditions, including
extreme cold, heat, desiccation, and pH changes. The inner core contains a nutrient source of
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