Digital Control - F - 15-16

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AL-Azhar university Final Exam.

Faculty of Engineering 3rd Year Power Sec.
Electrical Engineering Department Time Allowable: 3 hours
Digital Control system (70 marks)
Answer the following questions:
Q1-a) Find the z-transform and express this transform in closed form ?
I) (2 marks) II) (2 marks)

Q1-b-I) Write as a number series, the z-transform of the sequence generated by

sampling the time function every T seconds, beginning at t = 0. Can you
express this transform in closed form? (3 marks)
II) If T=0.05s, Evaluate the coefficients in the series of part (a). (2 marks)
III) The exponential e(t) =e-bt every T=0.2 s, yielding the Z-transform
E(z)=1+(1/2) z-1 + (1/2)2 z-2 + (1/2)3 z-3 + . . ., Evaluate b (3 marks)
Q2-a) Find the inverse z-transform of E(z):

I. (3 marks) II) (3 marks)

Using partial fraction expansion method and Inversion formula method.

Q2-b) Solve the given difference equation for x(k) using z-transform: (8 marks)

Will the final value theorem give the correct value of x(k) as k→∞?

Q3-a) Given , find E*(s) and E(z) (6 marks)

Q3-b) Figure. 1 shows an open loop sample - data control system.

Figure. 1

I) Give expression for G*(s) and C(z) when ( ) . (2 marks)

II) Give an expression for the response of C(z) in term of E(z) and G(z). (2 marks)
============================= P.T.O =============================
AL-Azhar university Final Exam. 2015/2016
Faculty of Engineering 3rd Year Power Sec.
Electrical Engineering Department Time Allowable: 3 hours
Digital Control system (70 marks)
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III) Obtain the response C(z) and c(nT) to a unit step input. (4 marks)

Q4-a) For the system of Figure 2, draw the original flow graph then calculate the unit
step response and the steady state output. (8 marks)

Figure. 2

Q4-b) If T = 1s, find the time constant τ, damping ratio ζ and the natural undamped
frequency ωn. (6 marks)
Q5-a) By using Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion, determine the stability of the
following digital systems whose characteristic are given as: (8 marks)

Q5-a) By using Jury test, determine the stability of the following digital systems
whose characteristic are given as: (8 marks)

With my best wishes Dr. Mountasser M. Ramadan

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