Exercise SgMuda Step-By-Step

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Setting up and analysing a water resource model of the Sungai

Muda Basin in Malaysia
Step-by-step training guide
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761177196.docx/KEG/2017-01-31 - © DHI
Setting up and analysing a water resource model of the Sungai Muda Basin in

1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................1
1.1 The objective and tasks of the exercise.............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Background information about the model area and its water resources issues..................................2
1.3 Model data for step-by-step exercise.................................................................................................. 3

2 Create model file and generate catchment inflows..........................................................4

2.1 Step 1: Create a MIKE HYDRO document and set the required projection........................................4
2.2 Step 2: Import the River Network........................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Step 3: Import supporting Shape File Layers......................................................................................8
2.4 Step 4: Digitise catchment nodes and import catchment shapes.....................................................10
2.5 Step 5: Configure NAM Rainfall-Runoff model for each catchment..................................................11
2.6 Step 6: Run simulation...................................................................................................................... 12

3 Define Reservoirs and Water Users................................................................................15

3.1 Step 1: Insert reservoir nodes at the correct locations......................................................................15
3.2 Step 2: Specify minimum releases at Beris Dam..............................................................................16
3.3 Step 3: Run second simulation......................................................................................................... 17

4 Add water users................................................................................................................17

4.1 Step 1: Adding Water Users to represent pump stations..................................................................17
4.2 Step 2: Add a Water user to represent the Saiong Tunnel...............................................................19
4.3 Step 3: Add the rule for water supply to Saiong Tunnel....................................................................20
4.4 Step 3: Run third simulation.............................................................................................................. 21

5 Add Minimum Remote Flow Control Node below Muda Barrage.................................21


ii Setting up and analysing a water resource model of the Sungai Muda Basin in Malaysia - © DHI
Add Minimum Remote Flow Control Node below Muda Barrage

1 Introduction

1.1 The objective and tasks of the exercise

The present document is a step-by-step exercise for setting up a Water Resources
analysis model with MIKE HYDRO Basin for the setting up and analysing a water
resource model of the Sungai Muda Basin in Malaysia.

The objective of the exercise is make the user known to the methodology and usage of
MIKE HYDRO Basin in general as well as usage of more specific water resource
modelling features of the model framework. Participants can then use the knowledge
gained to make a more detailed model configuration of the basin, with the purpose of
meeting the project deliverables relating to water availability assessment, analysis of
operating rules and creation of medium to long term model that will be deployed in the
National Water Balance Management System (NAWABS).

The exercise includes the different steps included in defining the entire model framework
for a MIKE HYDRO model used for resources analysis. The tasks included in this
exercise are:

• Importing catchments and rivers for model configuration,

• Rainfall-Runoff modelling,
• definition of reservoirs,
• water users,
• Defining rules for operating the system, such as:
o Linking reservoirs together with storage demand rule, and
o Making releases from upstream reservoirs to maintain minimum flows
downstream (Remote flow control rule)

Each section in the exercise includes a description on how to define the basic properties
for the different features to be applied.

The end objective of this exercise is to have a model configured (numerical

representation) of the Muda River Basin. This model should be able to help with
determination of:

1. Long term water availability, and reliability of water supply to different users
2. Assessment of operating rules
3. Impact of adding additional water resources infrastructure into the basin


1.2 Background information about the model area and its water resources
The Sungai Muda Basin (the “Study Area”) in Kedah is part of an area more popularly
known as the Rice Bowl of Malaysia has an area of 4,150 km2. The sources of water for
the Study Area is vital to several important key economic sectors including industry,
agriculture, services, tourism, and paddy planting for central and south Kedah, Seberang
Prai, and also for Pulau Pinang.

The northern states in Malaysia comprising Perlis, Kedah and Pulau Pinang form the
major part of the Northern Corridor Development Region (NCDR), and have the second
highest GDP after the central region. This area also has the biggest granary IADA
(Integrated Agriculture Development Area) scheme in Malaysia which is at about 100,000
ha and produces about 40% of the total paddy production in the country.
The Study Area is a very important river as it is the main water source for the irrigation
and potable water for Kedah, southern Perlis and Pulau Pinang. It is therefore appropriate
that the river be accorded due recognition and priority in appropriate water resources
management to supply adequate water resource in support of the regional corridor

Increasing water demand mainly for agriculture and potable water supply has caused
water stress in the area which becomes more pronounced especially during dry seasons.
Conflicts in water allocation are more apparent between these different water use sectors
and users from different states relying on the same water source. The issue becomes
more complex as the management of dams and river infrastructures are developed and
managed by several different agencies from the state and federal levels.

As an effort to resolve the water issues, which is anticipated to get more acute, the Client
has initiated the development of tools which will help stakeholders make informed
decisions. The tool comprises water resources simulation software specifically developed
for the basin. The system, when completed, shall be able to produce various output
scenarios pertaining to the water resource. Among others, the scenarios include varying
drought conditions and allocation options under different land use conditions within the

A schematic diagram of the water resources network showing key infrastructure is shown
in the

2 Setting up and analysing a water resource model of the Sungai Muda Basin in Malaysia - © DHI
Add Minimum Remote Flow Control Node below Muda Barrage

Figure 1.1 Network layout of the key infrastructure in the Sungai Muda Basin (shaded catchment
in the South)

The Muda Dam (active storage 100 MCM), is the most upstream dam on the Muda River.
Almost of the water that flows into Muda Dam is diverted across into the neighbouring
catchment via the Saiong Tunnel. The Saiong Tunnel discharges water into the Pedu
Dam Reservoir (1 080 MCM active storage), which is the main water source for the MADA
granary area.

The most important dam for water supply within the Sungai Muda Basin is the Beris Dam
(active storage 114 MCM), which is situated on the Beris River, which is a tributary Muda
River. Operational water releases are made from Beris Dam during periods of low flow to
augment the supply of water to users downstream.

At the most downstream point of the basin, the Muda Barrage is the final infrastructure of
the basin. The barrage limits salinity intrusion from the ocean, and maintains the water
level for abstraction purposes in the lower reaches of the Muda River.

1.3 Model data for step-by-step exercise

A number of files containing specific data for the Muda river basin model are provided
with this exercise. Data files include time series files and shape files. All time series files
are located in the ‘TS’ folder. Shapefiles are located in the ‘Shapes’ folder.


2 Create model file and generate catchment inflows

2.1 Step 1: Create a MIKE HYDRO document and set the required
The initial task when conducting a Water Resources analysis study with MIKE HYDRO is
to define the MIKE HYDRO document. This will include all overall model settings as well
as specific definitions for features included in the Water Resources model.

To create a new MIKE HYDRO document:

• Open MIKE ZERO and select ‘File’ -> ‘New’
• Choose MIKE HYDRO from the Product Type list
• Select MIKE HYDRO MODEL (.mhydro).

Press OK or double-click to create new document.

A setup Wizard is available for MIKE HYDRO. This wizard will open automatically when
creating a MIKE HYDRO document the first time (file-type: *.mhydro).

Please follow the steps in the wizard:

On the opening page it is possible to switch off the option for presenting the wizard next
time a new .mhydro document is created. It is advised to keep this option active.

4 Setting up and analysing a water resource model of the Sungai Muda Basin in Malaysia - © DHI
Add Minimum Remote Flow Control Node below Muda Barrage

Click ‘Next’ to continue to the ‘Modules’ page.

On the Modules page we can select the model type and the modules to be activated
within the selected model. Please select Basin model type, and ensure the Basin
Simulation and Rainfall-Runoff modules are selected.

Click ‘Next’ to continue to the ‘Description’ page


On the Description page we must supply a title for the simulation.

This is an important step as this title will be interpreted as the Name for simulations – and
later used as a default name for in output files from simulations.
For this exercise, specify the Title to be: “Simulation_01”

Specifying text in the Description field is optional and it can be left blank for this exercise.
Generally, this field will be used to specify information and details about the actual model
setup – and all other kind of information relevant to store with the model-file.

Name your first simulation (leave the description field blank): “Simulation_01”

Click ‘Next’ to continue to the ‘Coordinate System’ page

The Coordinate System page allows you to define coordinate system for the Map view
and the Features (catchments, branches etc.) stored in the setup respectively

For this exercise please set both the Map view and the model features projection to be

Click ‘Next’ to continue to the ‘Background map’ page

6 Setting up and analysing a water resource model of the Sungai Muda Basin in Malaysia - © DHI
Add Minimum Remote Flow Control Node below Muda Barrage

Keep the default background map:

Hereafter, you can skip the ‘Background Layers’ and ‘Working Area’ pages by clicking

The final page states that MIKE HYDRO setup wizard is complete.

Click ‘Finish’ to close the wizard and enter the MIKE HYDRO Basin editor:

The last step after defining the initial settings through the wizard is to Save your model

Choose ‘File’ -> ‘Save’ from the main menu bar to save the .mhydro file.

Name: SgMuda
Location: choose your working directory for this exercise (preferably where
you have the data)

2.2 Step 2: Import the River Network

In this step we will learn how to create import a river network into the model using an
existing shapefile. The shapefile used in this exercise is based on the MIKE11 network
files used in the Flood Forecasting model for the Muda River. This will help ensure
consistency between model configurations. Under the File > Import menu, select import
from Shape File.
• Choose to import the branches from shapefile;
• Browse ‘ModelBranches.shp’
• Select to Auto connect branches within a 500 meter distance increment.


2.3 Step 3: Import supporting Background Layers

MIKE Hydro Basin allows for import of shape file layers into the map view. In the tree view
on the left, navigate to ‘Background Layers’ and add all shapefile by clicking on the ‘Add’

8 Setting up and analysing a water resource model of the Sungai Muda Basin in Malaysia - © DHI
Add Minimum Remote Flow Control Node below Muda Barrage

Symbology of layers can be changed, and labels can also displayed for features. The
resulting map view should be something similar to below. Which has model branches and
overlaying shape files.


2.4 Step 4: Digitise catchment nodes and import catchment shapes

You would have seen that the catchments shapefile contains 11 individual catchments. A
MIKE Hydro Basin catchment needs to be defined for each of them. The process to be
followed in this exercise is to add the relevant catchment node using the ‘Add sketch’ tool
in the catchments ribbon. Catchment nodes should be placed on branches where the
catchment boundary intersects the branch (see below).

Once this has been done for all 11 catchments, the resulting map view should be similar
to the view represented below.

10 Setting up and analysing a water resource model of the Sungai Muda Basin in Malaysia - © DHI
Add Minimum Remote Flow Control Node below Muda Barrage

The previous view is a conceptual catchment view. More realistic catchment boundaries
can be imported from the shape file which represents the actual boundary more
accurately. The process to do this is done by:

4. Selecting the catchment in the tree view,

5. Clicking the load shape button
6. Browsing to the relevant shapefile
7. Selecting the appropriate feature.

HINT: Before doing this, make sure to label both the model catchments, and the
shapefile catchments so you can import the correct feature for each model object.

Labels for the shapefile overlays are done in the ‘Background Layers’ in the tree view.
Labels for model objects are done in the ‘Symbology’ tab.

2.5 Step 5: Configure NAM Rainfall-Runoff model for each catchment

The catchment nodes in the model need to produce inflows into the network model. There
are 2 options for this runoff data:

1. Using an existing runoff time series that has been generated externally. This could be
an observed discharge time series, or a simulated time series result from a rainfall-
runoff model.
2. Utilising one of the in-built rainfall runoff models within MIKE Hydro Basin.


For this exercise, please define the runoff type for each catchment to be NAM rainfall
runoff model. The NAM model requires definition of 3 main inputs:

1. Time series which represent rainfall. A single time series can be used, or a weighting
function can be applied between several different rainfall stations.
2. Time series which represent evaporation demand.
3. Parameters which define the rainfall runoff response to the time series input

For the purpose of this exercise, please map the rainfall timeseries similar to below.

Muda Dam 5808069
Muda Inc 1 6106034
Beris Dam 5806065
Muda Inc 2 5806065
Chepir 5807067
Muda Inc 3 5606077
Sedim 5406081
Muda Inc 4 5505033
Ketil 2 5606077
Tembak 5606077
Ketil 1 5708071

2.6 Step 6: Run simulation

Prior to launching the simulation, we must specify ‘Simulation Period’ and ‘Time step
control’. The required inputs have been defined to run a rainfall-runoff simulation. Please
set the simulation timing as below. The model should be executed on a daily time step.

Start date: 1978/02/01

End Date: 2008/02/01

Try AutoCal for the Ketil 1 catchment using the observed discharge:

od_5608418_SG. KETIL at KUALA PEGANG, KEDAH.dfs0

Results from the simulation can be analysed in the Result tab, for available branches,
nodes and catchments in the model setup.

12 Setting up and analysing a water resource model of the Sungai Muda Basin in Malaysia - © DHI
Add Minimum Remote Flow Control Node below Muda Barrage

3 Define Reservoirs and Water Users

In this exercise we will continue to use the model from SgMuda, adding reservoirs and
water users into the model, run simulation and compare the results. As part of the
exercise, we will add the Muda Dam, and the Beris Dam into the model configuration.

The physical characteristics of these two dams are summarised below1.

Item Muda Dam Beris Dam
Full Supply Volume (gross) 170.7 122.4
Full Supply Volume (net) 154.0 114.0
Minimum operating Level 82.3 68.0
Dam Crest Level 100.6 84.0

The minimum input characteristics for reservoir nodes in MIKE Hydro Basin are:
1. A Height-Volume-Area (HVA) table to describe the storage characterises of the
reservoir. The levels need to be relative to the defined levels for the dam
2. The dam crest, bottom and minimum operating levels (Characteristic Levels)
3. A flood control level

It is also possible to add other properties for the spillway relationship, minimum release
discharges, maximum discharge capacities, losses and gains etc. For the purpose of this
exercise, we will just include the minimum requirements initially.

The required times series input requirements have been provided in the ‘TS\Dams’ folder
in the exercise data.

3.1 Step 1: Insert reservoir nodes at the correct locations

Insert reservoir nodes to represent the Muda and Beris Dams at the correct location in the
model network. Insert the reservoir just downstream of the relevant catchment node. The
example for Beris Dam is shown below.

In the tabular view, the required time series can be included by browsing to the relevant
files. It is important that the initial water level is within the range of levels defined in the
HVA file. Please enter the Full Supply level, which means the reservoir will start full.

The flood control level is defined by browsing to the correct file in the ‘Operations’ tab

Some of this data has been assumed and / or estimated. The actual characteristics need to be verified.


Please make the same exercise for the Muda Dam.

3.2 Step 2: Specify minimum releases at Beris Dam

A minimum release time series has been specified for Beris Dam. The TS corresponds
with the table for maximum demands for the 2010 year. The file name is ‘Beris-
MinRel.dfs0’. The minimum releases are specified in the Operations Tab.

14 Setting up and analysing a water resource model of the Sungai Muda Basin in Malaysia - © DHI
Add Minimum Remote Flow Control Node below Muda Barrage

3.3 Step 3: Run second simulation

Change simulation title to be: “Simulation_02”. Rerun the simulation to investigate result
items on the 2 reservoirs.

4 Add water users

4.1 Step 1: Adding Water Users to represent pump stations

Water user nodes need to be included to represent the pump station abstractions for both
water supply and irrigation. The location of these pump stations is defined in the Muda
Pumps shapefile that was added into the model file. A water user is added by selecting
the ‘add water user button’ from the water user ribbon.


The water user needs to be connected to the supplying branch by adding a connection.
The connection is made by selecting the ‘Add’ in the connection part of the water user
ribbon. Select the branch with the mouse, and without releasing the button, drag the
cursor over the user. When a ‘+’ symbol is observed over the user, release the button,
and the connection branch will be added.

There are a total of 17 water user abstraction points that need to be added. The demands
for each one are shown in the table below:

16 Setting up and analysing a water resource model of the Sungai Muda Basin in Malaysia - © DHI
Add Minimum Remote Flow Control Node below Muda Barrage

Abstraction Cap
# Name Operation (m3/sec)
1 Nami Water Supply 0.183
2 Lubuk Merbau Water Supply 0.024
3 Jeneri Water Supply 0.250
4 Jeniang Lama Water Supply 0.266
5 Teloi Kanan Water Supply 0.033
6 Bukit Selambau Water Supply 0.417
7 Kuala Ketil Water Supply 0.486
8 Sungai Petani Water Supply 2.894
9 Sidam Kiri Irrigation 0.560
10 Sidam Kanan Irrigation 1.080
11 Pantai Perai Irrigation 1.120
12 Pinang Tunggal PP Irrigation 5.600
13 Pekula Irrigation 3.080
14 Bumbung Lima Irrigation 9.259
15 Pinang Tunggal Kedah Irrigation 0.560
16 Terat Batu Irrigation 0.168
17 Lahar Tiang Water Supply 10.417
TOTAL 36.397

4.2 Step 2: Add a Water user to represent the Saiong Tunnel

A water user can be connected to Muda Dam to represent the Saiong Tunnel inter-basin
transfer in a simplified manner. The maximum capacity of the tunnel is 42 m3/sec. A
demand file has been included for this in the ‘\TS\WaterUsers’ folder.

Connect the water user directly to the Muda Dam using the same water user connection
that was used for other water users.


4.3 Step 3: Add the rule for water supply to Saiong Tunnel
MHB requires that a reduction rule curve be created for water users that are connected to
reservoirs. The reduction rule curve defines the amount of demand that can be supplied
to a user for different water levels in the reservoir. When the reservoir water level
becomes very low, the supply to the user can be restricted to prevent the dam from
running empty. This type of rule can be conceptualised in the diagram below.

Reduction Level in Reservoir Associated Restriction


Band1 NoRestriction

Band2 25%
40%Level Restriction
Band3 80%
20%Level Restriction
Band4 95%

A default rule curve for the Saiong Tunnel has been created.

The current rule stipulates that when the Muda Dam Reservoir Water Level is less
than 90 m, the supply to the Saiong Tunnel should be decreased by 50 %.

This rule is defined in the ‘Users’ tab of the reservoir setup. You need to enter a value of 1
for the number of reduction levels. As per the diagram above, many different reduction
levels can be defined. You wish to add more, then a value higher than 1 can be entered.
After entering the value, expand the rule by clicking the small arrow next to the name.

The expanded view:

Browse to the default rule in the ‘\TS\Rules’ folder.

18 Setting up and analysing a water resource model of the Sungai Muda Basin in Malaysia - © DHI
Add Minimum Remote Flow Control Node below Muda Barrage

4.4 Step 3: Run third simulation

Change simulation title to be: “Simulation_03”. Rerun the simulation to investigate result
items associated with the new water users and the Saiong Tunnel inter-basin transfer.

5 Add Minimum Remote Flow Control Node below Muda

One of the important operation actions for the management of the Muda River Basin is
the release that needs to be made from the Beris Reservoir during times of low flow. This
water release is used to augment the demand of downstream users, and maintain the
water level upstream of Muda Barrage.

The objective of this section of the exercise is to add an operational rule to Beris Dam,
which will calculate operational releases, rather than using the predefined release
distribution that has been used up to this point.

To create the rule, water user tab, make a connection from Beris Dam, to a point on the
branch below Muda Barrage. See figure below:

Once this connection has been made, a remote flow control rule will be present in the
Beris Dam properties. Select Beris Dam, check the ‘Min Flow Requirement’ box, and then
browse to the file in the ‘\TS\Rules’ folder.


In order to ensure that the model determines the releases, you need to set the minimum
release value to a small number, and not the previous rule that was defined. A time series
has been created which has a value of 0.5 m3/sec. Configure Beris dam to use that TS.

20 Setting up and analysing a water resource model of the Sungai Muda Basin in Malaysia - © DHI

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