No More Secrets

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This book is intended for any person who has been exposed to
the ‘Secret’ or ‘The law of attraction’. You can read and re-read
this with ease. There’s no catch and I’m not going to request any
money from you. I have been through a wilderness of books
spanning centuries. I have done a relentless amount of research
into theologies, theories, old doctrines and just about anything to
do with the law of attraction. I for one have achieved moderate
success using this powerful law, but on occasions I’ve run short
on some ‘bigger’ things. This book is intended to bring about a
grander perception and a higher understanding of the invisible
forces that make thoughts manifest into reality. There is a reason
you get what you want and what you don’t want and that reason is

♠Part 1 - The natural laws of the universe

♠Part 2 - The underlying secret of the ages

Part 1
In this chapter we will discuss the following laws in detail.

A) The Law of Attraction

B) The Law of Giving and Receiving
C) The Law of Fear

The Law of Attraction

“That which is like is drawn unto itself”

I trust that you understand that all matter is actually vibrating energy. This
is an ‘ocean of motion’ universe where absolutely nothing stands still. It’s
a scientifically proven fact. Another thing to consider is that everything
resonates at a frequency. All the things that surround you in the room you
are in is resonating at a frequency. You yourself are at this very moment
resonating at a frequency! That frequency is drawing its equal or like
energy from the universe back unto itself. Therefore you are always
getting out what you are putting in.

That is a huge statement and one that brings about a lot of frustration
especially to those who are in the habit of monitoring their thoughts. I don’t
think the average human being is aware of the amount of self destructive
thoughts going through his or her mind on a daily basis. The law of
attraction is ALWAYS at work. It responds to your every thought
(vibrational offering) and most importantly BELIEF! That is the catch! Most
people out there who are selling self help books dealing with this law
hardly ever elaborate on this fact. The law of attraction responds
RAPIDLY to your belief OR DISbelief. Take this as an example….
Sara believes that she is underpaid and overworked. She is currently
filling two positions at work and is only being paid for one. Every end of
the month she pays her debts and soon finds herself running low on cash
again. Sara spends an hour a day visualizing money coming into her life
and really enjoys the feeling of it. Alas she goes through month after
month barely scraping through and ever building on her mental platform
the picture of not having enough money.

Why isn’t Sara getting more money? She visualizes? She spends 7-10
hours a week visualizing! Why isn’t she getting results?

The answer is simple. Her predominant frequency is one of lack and

limitation. She might spend 10 hours a week visualizing money coming
into her life, but she is spending 40 hours a week mainly during business
hours (the waking hours of the day) being frustrated and projecting the
exact opposite. Her belief system is simply not allowing abundance. It
cannot! Don’t think that her efforts to attract money have gone by
unnoticed. They haven’t. Unfortunately she will not receive anything until
she gets off ‘lacking’ mode and onto ‘receiving’ mode.

Let’s talk about visualization. I don’t doubt the power of visualization, but
there is a lot of hocus pocus involved with it. The objective of visualization
is to get a mental picture/frame of you and what you want together. The
more pictures you accumulate the more you believe it to be possible. If
you go without visualizing then the attraction process would undoubtedly
take longer, but visualization itself does not guarantee you will receive
anything! When you understand this you will take up a much more
practical approach when visualizing. It’s fun and healthy for the mind.
The Law of Attraction is a multi step process.
Here are the steps:

1) Decide what you want and be clear about it

2) Visualize you and what you want in the same picture
3) Mentally dwell upon having achieved or received it
4) Intend it
5) BE open and receptive

Now let’s elaborate:

Step 1) Decide what you want and be clear about it.
It’s really as simple as that. Be specific. Don’t say I want more money
instead specify how much you would like and MOST importantly WHEN
you would like to have received it. If you want a car you should be specific
about the model, make or color and its specifications. Details are very
important! I cannot over emphasize this fact! Details; details; details!

Step 2) Visualize you and what you want in the same picture.
A lot of people tend to confuse visualization with meditation. You don’t
need a certain posture or technique to visualize. You don’t have to chant
‘ohm’, light a candle, do breathing exercises. You make the rules! The
objective is to create pictures or movie sequences in your mind of that
which you want to be a part of your life experience. You can sit and do
this, walk and do this. It really doesn’t matter how. The purpose of this is
to provide the logical parts of your mind with data suggesting that what it
feels to be impossible to actually BE possible. Simply put it’s a
psychological boost in the right direction.

Step 3) Mentally dwell upon having achieved or received it.

When visualizing and especially during the daytime hours it is of great
importance that when you dwell upon that which you do want that you do
so with the mind set that it’s already been achieved. Here’s an awesome
piece of advice when wandering in the mind – “Fake it till you make it!”
Thinking of what you want from the perspective that you have already
acquired it promotes better emotions and makes the frequency you omit
into the universe much more inviting. Another good word of advice would
be not to voice anything about not having achieved/received anything.
Spoken word is FAR MORE potent than thought alone.
Yes you read correctly. Spoken word is FAR more potent that thought
alone. Why? Spoken words originate from thoughts. Think of it as doubt
the amount of energy! Affirmations are also something to consider. The
disclaimer however is that you shouldn’t affirm things to yourself and
experience feelings of contradiction whilst saying them. For that matter
what you feel while you say them should only be positive energy
otherwise you will nullify why you are trying to project.

Step 4) Intend it.

Remember that focused energy is like a bolt of lightning. The more
constructively you focus on what you want the quicker you are bound to
receive it! Make it your priority! Tie a string around your finger. Draw a
circle on your hand. Do anything that will remind you of the goal at hand.
It’s only practical. There are millions upon millions of distractions out there
in our daily lives. It is so easy to lose the plot, but not if you are constantly
reminded! By deliberately guiding your thoughts throughout the day you
are actively intending and insisting on something to happen. It is your right
to have what you want! There is nothing you can’t have, be or do, but
there will be more on that later.

Step 5) Be open and receptive.

This is the MOST important and often overlooked step! BE OPEN and
RECEPTIVE! You cannot receive anything if you aren’t open to it. Read
the previous sentence again. It’s fact. For the most part of the average
persons life he/she hopes of receiving things, but in that thought sparks a
frequency of not receiving anything. Expect it at any moment at any time
of the day. Think of a door between you and that what you want. The door
is labeled ‘expectancy’ Keep that door open!
The Law of Giving and Receiving
I personally had a lot of trouble with this one. I had given so much away in
my life and not received anything back. I remember giving things away in
times I couldn’t really afford to. Money, furniture, hardware, guitars, name
it! At the end of the day I always had to pay for what I received next. I
couldn’t grasp this law! How could it be possible for everyone else except

The higher truth of this law will be explained later on in this book, but for
now let’s just call this law a mindset. Each time you give something away
say to yourself mentally -”As I give so shall I receive” Make it your priority
to do so. Repeat it when you pay for something. In fact whenever you
open your wallet say it out loud in your mind. Get into the habit of doing
this. It will conjure amazing results in your life. More on this subject will be
explained on Chapter 2.

The Law of Fear

As you fear, so shall it be done unto you.
This law is the simplest of the three. Let’s examine it closely.

Fear is an emotion and a powerful one at that. If you think of disease and
feel fearful towards it you would have successfully lessened the gap
between you and that which you are fearful off. Creation is rapid when
thoughts are fueled with emotions. This is true for the good and the bad.
In our human experience we often look at what we want with feelings of
uncertainty, hopelessness and insecurity. We tend to invoke fear in our
own minds every so often not realizing the destructive nature of it.
Emotion is the key to success no matter where and who you are in life. It
is the intangible embodiment of divine energy that creates and moves
matter. Love too is a very strong emotion. It is in fact the opposite of fear
in this specific equation. If you are feeling love or fear for something while
thinking of it you can rest assured that whatever it is you are thinking of is
speedily on its way to you. It can take on the shape exactly as you
imagined it or in a lesser form. It all depends on how much energy you
focused on the matter.

A lot of people get really worried when hearing about this law. I think
eliminating fearful patterns of thinking should be the first priority when
taking control of your life. It’s simple. When you catch yourself thinking or
feeling fearfully simply guide your thoughts to its opposite: LOVE. It
doesn’t matter who you are or where you are from. Every person has
something that he/she loves or is grateful for. Gratitude is the 2nd best

All it takes to become the conscious creator of your life is to accept

responsibility for all the things and events as they happen in your reality;
to deliberately guide your thoughts into the direction of things you would
like to see happen and to experience in your life. Be open and receptive
and concentrate on focusing energy.
Most importantly – Believe in yourself.

Every person is unique and there are millions of ways of doing the exact
same thing. You can trust your instincts when it comes to attraction. Do
what works for you and feel free to be creative.
Part 2

A) Oddities of Modern Religions

B) Religion and your Belief System
C) Your true Identity
D) Heaven and Hell

Oddities of Modern Religions

There is no doubt that some of the world’s largest religions to date share
some rather astounding similarities. I was raised Christian and stumbled
upon a website a couple of years back claiming the Christian religion to be
an almost exact copy of that of the Buddhists. I investigated this and
couldn’t believe that the bible was literally word for word taken from the
Buddhist scriptures predating Christ by 400-500 years! Needless to say
this shook my faith in Christianity indefinitely. As time passed by with more
intensive research it became clear that the Islamic bible also had too
much in common with the Buddhist scriptures. I couldn’t believe my eyes!
It really just went from bad to worse and history revealed 20-25 different
accounts of messiahs born of a virgin impregnated by a holy spirit,
coupled by 12 apostles, ultimately crucified, dead for three days and
finally resurrected. The oldest documented messiah legend is that of
Horus from Egypt which predates Christianity by 3000 years.

We as a race are headed into the ‘MIND’ era. I encourage anyone to do a

bit of homework on their religions. After losing mine I came to higher
understanding of life, god and my relationship to it.
Religions teach ignorance and prohibit healthy minds from natural
evolution. I was a victim in that game for far too long. You can’t imagine
what a massive impact a religion has on your physical and mental well
being. If you are taught and told repeatedly that you are nothing but a
spec of dust for long enough you begin to believe it. How can you use the
natural laws of the universe that were placed here for a reason to get what
you want if you believe you are nothing but another number? How can you
conjure massive financial abundance if you believe money is evil?

I do admit that there is some substance to religion. There is no way

of identifying which one out of the thousands of ‘deities’ was the
original messiah; however I do believe that there is some truth to
be found therein.

Religion and Your Belief System

Let’s look at the similarities almost ALL religions have.
Here are some of the statements:
►You were created in the image and likeness of the creator
►With faith you can accomplish anything.
►The kingdom of God is within you
►Earth, Heaven and Hell

Most of the old ‘masters’ or teachers insisted on man himself being a god
or a piece of a divine source. I have never heard any reverent elaborate
on this ever! Created in the image and likeness of the
source/God/Goddess of the universe? Not a single word. It’s undeniably
true. The natural laws of the universe alone prove it. Through the focusing
of attention/energy man is capable of whatever his mind can conceive.
There are many stories of healing and wondrous miracles of man doing
the impossible spanning through the ages.

Your religion can limit your belief system and your creative experience.
Through traveling blindly on a path simply because you were lead to
BELIEVE it is true can substantially lower your life’s potential! If you
believe you are incapable of anything grand you won’t ever experience
any grandness. People devote their entire lives to religion without ever
doing just a little bit of research on it. I remember when I starting dabbling
into the archives a few people warned me that my faith was being tested.
It’s rather amusing when I look back at it now, but the churches today
have blinded everyone. The churches don’t pay taxes. The churches
always need money. They preach eternal damnation (fear) if their laws
aren’t followed. They have people convinced that God would condemn
any soul to eternal suffering for questioning his unconditional love. Any
being with a hint of a logical mind will tell you something isn’t place here. If
God made you as an inquisitive being why would he want you to practice
ignorance in a once off lifetime?

Fear is the key that holds organized religion together.

Unbeknownst to most of the new world there was once a religion called
“Gnosis” which means knowledge. It was one of the first practiced
mystical religions whereby the patrons had divine knowledge of them
being in no way separate from God. They practiced being the
embodiments of the divine source. Jesus Christ was said to be a Gnostic
himself. That makes sense as he wasn’t worshipping himself?

The Jews killed the Gnostics as they killed Christ. The ‘Secret’ video
revealed what it called the greatest secret of all time. Initially it did, but it
was changed soon thereafter and a couple of people were edited out of
the movie who elaborated on it in more detail. The secret was never the
law of attraction in fact that law is quite obvious when you think about it.
The secret is your true identity.
Your True Identity
This is the secret of the ages which has been suppressed time and time
again. It is an unmistakable truth which the cultivated minds of today and
those of tomorrow might not all accept in their lifetimes.

You are the physical embodiment of that which you call God. You have
deliberately come forth into this time space reality for the sole purpose of
singular conscious creation, the experience of joy and of the expansion of
the universe.

That is the biggest secret you will ever hear in your life. Many who
eventually reveal it spend a tremendous amount of time beating around
the bush over this concept. All the power you need resides within yourself.
All you need to do is remember. Make it your 1st priority! Take time each
day to go inside yourself, meditate and remember. That is why I have
gone through the trouble of writing this little book. This is what it all boils
down to. You and I and everyone else are the collective unconscious of
the creator. When that unconscious becomes totally conscious of itself we
as a race will suffer no more. We shall know peace, harmony, tolerance
and abundance. That was the goal before we came here. It shall be done.

No doubt you have heard the term ‘enlightenment’?

Or Buddha (Enlightened one)
What do you suppose the Buddha’s of past whether you call him/her
Jesus, Krishna, Mohammed, Moses, Horus were enlightened to?


We are in no way separated from that which we call God! We are the
same! We are focused energy of the divine creative source made in its
image and likeness with all of its attributes.

That is the purpose of man. To remember who he/she truly is! To stop
looking at the sky’s for the kingdom of God when you are walking and
living in it. Right here right now! You don’t need to spend thousands of
dollars on self help DVD’s, books, meditation or yoga courses to
reconnect with that which you are or to attain that which you are looking
for. All the knowledge you need has been cleverly engraved into the back
of your mind!

“Be still and know that I AM God”

That is a common sentence in most religious scriptures. So do it! Be still,

sit down, meditate on it and unveil the non-reality that was your life and
assert your sovereignty!!! What do you have to lose? NOTHING! You
have everything to gain!

Do it in whatever way you choose. The truth shall set you free.
When you realize that you are but a part of that which you call God your
potential to create will expand beyond believe.

Can you imagine waking up knowing who and what you truly are? A divine
immortal being with the world as its playpen! Can you conceive its
implications? Knowing that well being is at the tip of your fingers? All that
you could possibly want is already here. Remember that.

Go within.
Within us lie all knowledge and power.
Heaven and Hell
Then and then only will you see that heaven and hell are merely terms for
your experience here on earth. Your experience is what you make of it. It’s
up to you! It always has been! You decide at any given moment to be
happy or not. The outside world cannot dictate your well being. You
choose. This is the way it has always been whether you know it to be true
or not. You can change your experience at any given moment. You can
also recreate yourself at any given moment. In fact you’re constantly
recreating yourself and your beliefs. You add to them, you subtract from
them, you color them in. You can stop creating life on an ‘autopilot’ state.
Reconnect with that which you truly are and you will soon realize how
limitless your potential truly is.
Last note from the author….

Trust in yourself.
If you put all your trust in other people life can
disappoint you, because they are only human.
Even enlightened beings make mistakes. How
else would you know right from wrong if it weren’t
for your mistakes? I’m not saying we are here to
learn, as a matter of fact I know we that all
knowledge resides within us. We are here to


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