Caraga RDP RM 2023 2028 Final

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1 Caraga Regional Development Plan Results Matrices 2023-2028

Caraga Regional
Development Plan
The completion of the Caraga Regional Development Plan (RDP) 2023-2028 marks an important milestone in the
Region’s development planning process. The Caraga Results Matrices (RM) 2023-2028, an accompanying document
of the RDP, was developed to provide a collectively agreed strategic and results framework of the Region’s
development direction in the next six years. The RM as a tool, is firmly rooted in Results-based Management (RbM),
a performance-oriented strategy that highlights achievements based on outcomes and impacts.

Guided by the Caraga RDP 2023-2028 Strategic Framework, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), and the
President’s 8-Point Socioeconomic Agenda, the Caraga RM provides a results-oriented approach for monitoring the
Region’s performance based on the Caraga RDP outcomes and targets. The RM includes fourteen core chapters with
results statements for the medium-term, anchored on the Country’s long-term vision of a matatag, maginhawa at
panatag na buhay para sa lahat. The RM incorporates indicators, along with corresponding baseline data, as well as
annual and end-of-plan targets. This ensures that the Region remains aligned with its sectoral and regional development priorities, tracking progress
throughout the planning period. The 2023-2028 RM focuses on providing targets for attaining high growth trajectory and low levels of poverty incidence,
unemployment, and inflation, to achieve the Region’s overarching strategy enshrined in the Caraga RDP 2023-2028 of industrializing and innovating
Fishery, Agro-forestry, Mining and Ecotourism (i2FAME).

The involvement of various stakeholders from the regional line agencies, local government units, civil society organizations, and the business, academe
and other private sectors made the development of the Caraga RM 2023-2028 feasible – an effective monitoring tool that the Region can utilize. Thus,
my sincere gratitude to the wholehearted support and enthusiastic participation of the officials and technical personnel from our diverse group of
development partners. Our responsibility, however, does not end in the formulation of RM, but extends to each partner’s implementation of strategies,
programs, and projects to achieve the set targets. I call on everyone to remain steadfast towards achieving our targets and in implementing our programs
and projects.

Let us continue to work collaboratively and earnestly towards the advancement of our Region by leveraging on our unique strengths and deliberate
strategies to achieve our goals in the next six years.


Vice Chairperson, Caraga RDC and
Regional Director, NEDA Caraga
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 | Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Strategic Framework 1-3

Chapter 2 | Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals 4-7
Chapter 3 | Contribution to the President’s 8-Point Socio-Economic Agenda 8-10
Chapter 4 | Promote Human Capital and Social Development 11-21
Chapter 5 | Increase Income-Earning Ability 22-26
Chapter 6 | Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power 27-35
Chapter 7 | Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness 36-53
Chapter 8 | Revitalize Industry: Science, Technology, and Innovation-Driven Industrialization 54-57
Chapter 9 | Reinvigorate Services 58-65
Chapter 10 | Advance Research and Development, Technology, and Innovation 66-68
Chapter 11 | Promote Trade and Investments 69-71
Chapter 12 | Promote Financial Inclusion and Improve Public Financial Management 72-75
Chapter 13 | Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure 76-85
Chapter 14 | Ensure Peace and Security and Enhance Administration of Justice 86-89
Chapter 15 | Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic Efficiency 90-93
Chapter 16 | Accelerate Climate Action and Strengthen Disaster Resilience 94-97
Chapter 17 | Industrialize and Innovate Fishery, Agro-forestry, Mining, and Ecotourism (i2FAME) 98-99
1 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Caraga Regional Development Plan

2023-2028 Strategic Framework
Chapter 0 1 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Strategic Framework 2
3 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of-

8 Pt. Socio- Means of Responsible Reporting Assumptions and
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Plan
economic Agenda Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Verification Agency Agency Risks
Economic transformation 3
for a prosperous, inclusive, Ensure sound
and resilient society macroeconomic
fundamentals by Gross Regional Domestic Product
improving (GRDP) growth rate (at constant 2018 2021 7.2 5.1 - 6.1 5.5 - 7.0 5.7 - 7.2 6.0 - 7.5 6.5 - 8.0 7.0 - 8.5 7.0 - 8.5 PSA Report NEDA PSA
bureaucratic Prices) increased (%)
efficiency and
ensuring sound fiscal
4 8.5.2
Create more jobs by Unemployment rate
infrastructure, and
ensuring energy
security, among Unemployment rate reduced (%) 2021 5.7 5.5 - 5.6 5.2 - 5.5 4.9 - 5.1 4.6 - 4.8 4.0 - 4.5 3.5 - 4.5 3.5 - 4.5 PSA Report NEDA PSA

Create quality jobs by
encouraging research
and development and
innovation, and
enhancing the digital

6 23.0 - 22.5 - 22.0 - 21.5 - 21.0 - 20.0 - 20.0 -

Underemployment rate reduced (%) 2021 25.9 PSA Report NEDA PSA
Create green jobs by 23.5 23.0 22.5 22.0 21.5 21.0 21.0
pursuing a green and
blue economy and
establishing livable
and sustainable
Protect the
purchasing power of
families by ensuring
food security, Inflation rate stabilized (%) 2021 4.1 2.0 - 4.0 2.0 - 4.0 PSA Report NEDA PSA
reducing transport
and logistics costs,
and reducing energy
Reduce vulnerability
and mitigate scarring
from the COVID-19
pandemic by tackling Poverty incidence of population 28.0- 26.0- 24.0- 22.0- 20.0- 15.0- 15.0-
2021 33.2 PSA Report NEDA PSA
reduced (%) 29.0 27.0 25.0 23.0 21.0 18.0 18.0
health, strengthening
social protection, and
addressing learning
Chapter 0 2 Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals 4

Contribution to the Sustainable

Development Goals
5 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices
Chapter 0 2 Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals 6
7 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices
Chapter 0 2 Contribution to the President’s 8-Point Socio-Economic Agenda 8

Contribution to the President’s

8-Point Socio-Economic Agenda
9 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices
Chapter 0 2 Contribution to the President’s 8-Point Socio-Economic Agenda 10
11 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Promote Human Capital

and Social Development
Chapter 0 4 Promote Human Capital and Social Development 12

Figure 4.1: Strategy Framework to Boost Health

13 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Baseline Annual Plan Targets

8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target Verification Agency Agency

Societal Goal
Economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society
Intermediate Goal
Develop and Protect Capabilities of Individuals and Families
Chapter 4
Promote Human Capital and Social Development
Sub-Chapter 4.1
Boost Health 2 Crude Death Rate (per 1,000 population) 2021 5.02 Decreasing Decreasing FHSIS DOH DOH The crude death rate is not
Reduce vulnerability and targeted per year. The DOH
mitigate scarring from the programs provide a preventive
COVID-19 pandemic by mechanism to address
tackling health, diseases leading to death.
strengthening social Mortality rate attributed to Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live 2022 77.23 76 75 74 73 72 70 70 FHSIS DOH DOH Strengthened advocacy on
protection, and cardiovascular disease, cancer, births) decreased Antenatal Care and risks of
addressing learning diabetes, or chronic respiratory early/teenage pregnancy;
losses disease Continued capacitation of
health care providers on Basic
Emergency Obstetric and
Newborn Care (BEMONC)
Training; Traditional Birth
Attendants are discouraged to
attend deliveries especially in
Geographically-Isolated and
Disadvantaged Areas (GIDA).
Infant Mortality Rate (per 1,000 Infant mortality ratio (per 1,000 live births) 2022 10.15 7.86 7.78 6.8 5.78 5.06 4.42 4.42 FHSIS DOH DOH Availability of adequate number
live births) decreased of health professionals,
particularly pediatrician in
hospitals; Prevention of
pregnancy complications
leading to infant mortality;
Effective implementation of
child health services such as
routine immunization, nutrition
program and management of
Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 Under-5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live 2022 14.62 12.9 12.02 11.88 11.02 10.85 10.25 10.25 FHSIS DOH DOH Availability of Monitoring Tool
live births) births) from the Central Office
exclusive for Child Mortality-
Child Program that also focuses
on immunization and nutrition
services; Availability of
adequate number of health
professionals, especially
pediatricians in GIDA areas.
Morbidity of major diseases such as
HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria
Number of a) Number of newly-diagnosed HIV 2021 242 Decreasing Decreasing 1)AIDS DOH DOH Intensified advocacy on HIV
new HIV infections cases decreased Epidemic testing and against risky sexual
(newly diagnosed cases/year) Model behaviors.
and Spectrum
and ART
Registry of the
Tuberculosis (TB) incidence per b) Tuberculosis incidence per 100,000 2022 347 Decreasing Decreasing FHSIS DOH DOH Availability and accessibility of
100,000 population population decreased effective TB drug treatment;
Reduced prevalence of
undernourishment, HIV,
smoking, diabetes and alcohol
Malaria incidence c) Malaria incidence per 1,000 2022 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FHSIS DOH DOH
per 100,000 population population sustained

Sub-Chapter 4.1 Outcome 1

Social Determinants of Health Proportion of families with access Households with access to safe water 2022 86.26 ≥97 ≥97 ≥97 ≥97 ≥97 ≥97 ≥97 FHSIS DOH DOH Availability of water sources
Improved to improved water supply supply increased (%) and funds for the upgrading of
water systems from level 1 to
level 3.
Proportion of population living in Access to improved sanitation facilities 2022 80.43 ≥95 ≥95 ≥95 ≥95 ≥95 ≥95 ≥95 FHSIS DOH DOH Reduced exposure to natural
households with access to a increased (%) disasters which damages
sanitary facility sanitation facilities; targeted
sanitation facility projects in
communities near shorelines/
Chapter 0 4 Promote Human Capital and Social Development 14

Baseline Annual Plan Targets

8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target Verification Agency Agency

Percentage of targeted communities, 2022 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 60% FHSIS DOH DOH Whole-of-society support for the
schools, and workplaces recognized as Healthy Settings Program
Healthy Settings increased implementation in communities,
schools and workplaces.
Sub-Chapter 4.1 Outcome 2
Healthy choices behaviors 2 Health literacy rate increased 2022 0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 60% DOH Admin DOH DOH Intensified health promotion
enabled Reduce vulnerability and Data activities; Health
mitigate scarring from the misinformation/ misconception
COVID-19 pandemic by countered.
tackling health, Note: Central Office Target
strengthening social Contraceptive Prevalence Rate Contraceptive Prevalence Rate 2021 36.7 37% 38% 39% 40% 41% 42% 42% FHSIS DOH DOH Improved access to Family
protection, and Planning (FP) Information and
addressing learning commodities.
Sub-Chapter 4.1 Outcome 3
Access, quality and efficiency 2 Hospital bed to population ratio increased 2021 1:1,262 1:1,000 1:1,000 1:1,000 1:1,000 1:1,000 1:1,000 1:1,000 FHSIS DOH DOH Availability of funds/Increased
of health care improved Reduce vulnerability and investment for Health to
mitigate scarring from the operationalize/upgrade health
COVID-19 pandemic by facilities.
tackling health, Human Resource for Health (HRH) to Attractive employment,
strengthening social population ratio (per 10,000 population) capacitation and welfare
protection, and increased benefits for health care
addressing learning professionals; Improved
losses scholarship programs for
medical and allied courses.
a) Physician to population ratio 2021 1: 29,916 1:20,000 1:20,000 1:20,000 1:20,000 1:20,000 1:20,000 1:20,000 FHSIS DOH DOH

b) Nurse to population ratio 2021 1: 2,929 1:10,000 1:10,000 1:10,000 1:10,000 1:10,000 1:10,000 1:10,000 FHSIS DOH DOH Note: The target ratio is based
on WHO standards. The region
is able to meet the standard
with the augmentation of
Human Resources for Health
from DOH to LGU.
c) Midwives to population ratio 2021 1:3,840 1:5,000 1:5,000 1:5,000 1:5,000 1:5,000 1:5,000 1:5,000 FHSIS DOH DOH Note: The target ratio is based
on WHO standards. The region
is able to meet the standard
with the augmentation of
Human Resources for Health
from DOH to LGU.
Sub-Chapter 4.1 Outcome 4
Health systems strengthened 2 Percentage of health facilities with 2021 0 Increasing Increasing FHSIS DOH DOH Availability of funds/Increased
Reduce vulnerability and electronic medical record (EMR) investment for Health to
mitigate scarring from the increased operationalize/upgrade health
COVID-19 pandemic by facilities.
tackling health, Percentage of functional epidemiology 2021 0 Increasing Increasing FHSIS DOH DOH Availability of funds/Increased
strengthening social and surveillance units increased investment for Health to
protection, and operationalize/upgrade health
addressing learning facilities.
15 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Figure 4.2: Strategy Framework to Transformative Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All Ensured
Chapter 0 4 Promote Human Capital and Social Development 16
Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of
8 Pt. Socio- Responsib Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Plan Verificatio Assumptions and Risks
economic Agenda Year le Agency Agency
Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target n
Societal Goal

Economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society

Intermediate Goal
Develop and Protect Capabilities of Individuals and Families
Chapter 4
Promote Human Capital and Social Development
Sub-Chapter 4.2
Transformative Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All Ensured

Sub-Chapter 4.2 Outcome 1

Quality, inclusive, 2 4.1.1 Proportion of children Proportion of learners achieving at
adaptive, and future- Reduce and young people: (a) in least "Proficient" in the National
ready basic education grades 2/3; (b) at the end of Achievement Test (NAT) increased
vulnerability and primary; and (c) at the end
for all achieved (%)-Overall Rating
mitigate scarring of lower secondary
from the COVID- achieving at least a Grade 6 NAT
2018 2.51 11.01 13.51 28.01 36.51 45.01 53.51 62.01 DepEd DepEd
19 pandemic by minimum proficiency level in Results
tackling health, (i) reading and (ii) Grade 10 NAT
mathematics 2018 0.32 8.82 17.32 25.82 34.32 42.82 51.32 59.82 DepEd DepEd
strengthening Results
social protection, Grade 12 NAT
2018 0.00 8.5 17.00 25.5 34.00 42.5 51.00 59.50 DepEd DepEd
and addressing Results
learning losses Proportion of learners achieving at
least "Proficient" in the National
Achievement Test (NAT) increased
Grade 6 NAT
2018 2.88 11.38 19.88 28.38 36.88 45.38 53.88 62.38 DepEd DepEd
Grade 10 NAT
2018 1.89 10.39 18.89 27.39 35.89 44.39 52.89 61.39 DepEd DepEd
Grade 12 NAT
2018 0.02 8.52 17.02 25.52 34.02 42.52 51.0 59.52 DepEd DepEd

Proportion of learners achieving at

least "Proficient" in the National
Achievement Test (NAT) increased

Grade 6 NAT
2018 6.9 15.40 23.90 32.40 40.90 49.40 57.90 66.40 DepEd DepEd
Grade 10 NAT
2018 1.82 10.32 18.82 27.32 35.82 44.32 52.82 61.32 DepEd DepEd
Grade 12 NAT
2018 0.36 8.89 17.39 25.89 34.39 42.89 51.39 59.89 DepEd DepEd
ALS Accreditation and Equivalency
(A&E) passing rate (%) increased 2021 81.12 82.74 84.39 86.07 87.79 89.54 91.33 91.33 EBEIS DepEd DepEd

4.3.s4 Certification rate Percentage of SHS graduates with

(TVET) National Competency (NC)
Across all skills
2021 97.18 98.15 99.13 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 EBEIS DepEd DepEd
FAME-related skills
98.15 99.13 100 100 100 100 100 EBEIS DepEd DepEd

4.3.1 Participation rate of Net Enrolment Rate

youth in formal and non-
formal education and Elementary
training in the previous 12 2020 91.95 96.50 97.25 98.00 98.50 98.75 98.88 98.88 EBEIS DepEd DepEd
months, by sex
Junior High School
2020 84.38 89.04 89.04 89.04 90.63 92.22 93.82 93.82 EBEIS DepEd DepEd

Senior High School

2020 46.17 68.86 73.02 76.59 79.27 81.95 84.64 84.64 EBEIS DepEd DepEd

4.1.s1 Completion Rate Completion Rate

2020 92.68 94.41 94.56 95.00 95.50 95.88 96.16 96.16 EBEIS DepEd DepEd

Junior High School

2020 90.07 90.07 90.07 90.07 90.07 90.07 90.07 90.07 EBEIS DepEd DepEd

Senior High School

2020 82.42 82.42 82.42 84.00 85.00 85.75 86.31 86.31 EBEIS DepEd DepEd
17 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices
Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of
8 Pt. Socio- Responsib Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Plan Verificatio Assumptions and Risks
economic Agenda Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 le Agency Agency
Target n
4.1.s2 Cohort Survival Rate Cohort Survival Rate

2020 93.19 95.82 96.78 97.74 98.72 99.71 100.71 100.71 EBEIS DepEd DepEd

Junior High School

2020 91.02 92.85 93.78 94.72 95.66 96.62 97.59 97.59 EBEIS DepEd DepEd

Senior High School

2020 84.83 86.54 87.40 88.27 89.16 90.05 90.95 90.95 EBEIS DepEd DepEd

4.1.s3 Dropout Rate or Dropout Rate or School Leavers Rate

School Leavers Rate
2020 1.27 1.24 1.22 1.20 1.17 1.15 1.13 1.13 EBEIS DepEd DepEd

Junior High School

2020 3.20 3.14 3.07 3.01 2.95 2.89 2.83 2.83 EBEIS DepEd DepEd

Senior High School

2020 3.37 3.30 3.24 3.17 3.11 3.05 2.99 2.99 EBEIS DepEd DepEd

Sub-Chapter 4.2 Outcome 2

Globally Competitive and 2 4.3.s3 Passing rate in Licensure examination for teachers
inclusive TVET and higher Reduce vulnerability licensure exam (HEd) (LET) passing rate (%)
education, and improved and mitigate
research output attained scarring from the Elementary (first time takers) CHED, PRC,
for a broader knowledge COVID-19 pandemic 2022 80 75 75 75 80 80 80 80 PRC Result SUCs, SUCs,
economy HEIs HEIs
by tackling health,
strengthening social Secondary (first-time takers) CHED, PRC,
2022 63 63 63 65 65 67 67 70 PRC Result SUCs, SUCs,
protection, and
addressing learning
losses 4.3.s3 Passing rate in Licensure examination across all
licensure exam (HEd) disciplines passing rate increased

First-time takers CHED, PRC,

2022 60 50 53 55 55 60 62 62 PRC Result SUCs, SUCs,
Number of higher education
institutions (HEIs) in reputable Quacquarel
rankings increased li Symonds
2022 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 SUCs, SUCs,
identified by

4.3.s4 Certification rate TESDA Certification Rate (%)

Registry of
(TVET) sustained Workers
2022 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Assessed TESDA TESDA
No. of graduates in baccalaureate 2022 6,197 4,521 3,674 5,312 8,057 8,862 9,748 9,748 HEMIS CHED, CHED,
courses increased (AFF, mining, Annual SUCs SUCs
tourism, and Science, Technology, Data
Engineering and Mathematics Collection
(STEM)-related disciplines)

Availment of Tertiary Education Validated

Subsidy (TES) and Tulong Dunong Masterlist
Program (TDP) increased 2022 1,077 1,185 1,303 1,433 1,577 1,735 1,908 1,908 from
4.5.1 Parity indices Ratio of boys and girls in tertiary CHED, CHED,
education 19377:14 19764: 20159: 20562: 20973: 21392: 21819: 21819: CHECKS,
2021 SUCs, SUCs,
705 14999 15298 15603 15915 16233 16557 16557 CHED
4.c.s1 Faculty qualifications Faculty qualifications (HEd)
with MS/MA degree/s Admin
2021 679 882 882 882 1146 1146 1146 1146 Data, CHED CHED
With Ph.D degree/s Admin
2021 248 272 272 272 299 299 299 299 Data, TESDA TESDA
Chapter 0 4 Promote Human Capital and Social Development 18
Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of
8 Pt. Socio- Responsib Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Plan Verificatio Assumptions and Risks
economic Agenda Year le Agency Agency
Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target n
Number of TVET trainers certified Admin
4.c.s2. Number of TVET (Percentage of TVET trainers certified 126 132 139 146 153 161 161 Data,
vis-à-vis baseline, increased) 2022 120 TESDA TESDA TESDA
trainers trained (5.00) (10.00) (15.83) (21.67) (27.5) (34.17) (34.17)

Sub-Chapter 4.2 Outcome 3

2 4.c.1 Percentage of Percentage of teachers who received
Reduce vulnerability teachers who received in- in-service training in the last 12
and mitigate service training in the last months
scarring from the 12 months Elementary
Governance for human
2022 52 62 75 80 85 90 100 100 DepEd DepEd DepEd
COVID-19 pandemic
capital development by tackling health, Junior High School
improved strengthening social 2022 51 61 75 80 85 90 100 100 DepEd DepEd DepEd
protection, and
Senior High School
addressing learning 2022 66 76 80 85 90 95 100 100 DepEd DepEd DepEd
Special Education Fund (SEF) SEF
utilization increased Budget LGUs and LGUs and
2022 41.79 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Accountabil DepEd DepEd
ity Form 1
19 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Figure 4.3: Strategy Framework to Establish Livable Communities

Chapter 0 4 Promote Human Capital and Social Development 20

Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of

8 Pt. Socio- Responsib Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Plan Verificatio Assumptions and Risks
economic Agenda Year le Agency c Agency d
a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target b n
Societal Goal
Economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society
Intermediate Goal
Develop and Protect Capabilities of Individuals and Families
Chapter 4
Promote Human Capital and Social Development
Sub-Chapter 4.3
Establish Livable Communities
Sub-Chapter 4.3 Outcome 1
Social Environment 2 Percentage of Homeowners 2021 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 Accomplish DHSUD DHSUD
Promoted Reduce vulnerability Association and Communities ment
and mitigate scarring Organized and Empowered sustained Report
from the COVID-19 6.1.1 Proportion of households with access 2021 91.7 93 93 94 94 95 95 95 Accomplish DOH DOH
pandemic by tackling Proportion of population to safe drinking water increased ment
health, strengthening using safely managed Report
social protection, and drinking water services
addressing learning
losses 6.2.1 Proportion of households with access 2021 89 89 89 90 90 91 91 91 Accomplish DOH DOH
Proportion of population to sanitary toilets increased ment
6 using (a) safely managed Report
sanitation services and (b)
Create green jobs by
a hand-washing facility with
pursuing a green and
soap and water
blue economy and
establishing livable
Number of civil society organizations 2022 TBD Increasing Accomplish DILG, DILG
and sustainable
accredited by the Provincial, ment LGUs
communities Municipal, or City Sanggunian Report
Sub-Chapter 4.3 Outcome 2
Environmental quality 2 Proportion of barangays served by 2021 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 EMB EMB, EMB
improved Reduce vulnerability material recovery facilities sustained annual LGUs
and mitigate scarring Report
from the COVID-19 Proportion of cities and/or 2021 4 4 7 10 13 16 21 25 EMB EMB, EMB
pandemic by tackling municipalities served by sanitary annual LGUs
health, strengthening landfill facilities increased Report
social protection, and 11.6.2p1 Percentage of monitored Highly EMB EMB EMB
addressing learning Percentage of highly Urbanized Cities (HUCs) within annual
losses urbanized and other major Ambient Air Guidelines (PM10 and Report
urban centers within PM2.5) by 2028 sustained
ambient air quality Butuan City:
guidelines value increased PM10 (24-hour, ug/Ncm) 2021 Good (0- Good (0-54), Fair (55-154)
Create green jobs by
pursuing a green and 54), Fair
blue economy and (55-154)
establishing livable PM2.5 (24-hour, ug/Ncm) 2021 25 25 ug/Ncm
and sustainable ug/Ncm
communities Cabadbaran City:
PM10 (24-hour, ug/Ncm) 2021 Good (0- Good (0-54), Fair (55-154)
54), Fair
PM2.5 (24-hour, ug/Ncm) 2021 25 25 ug/Ncm
6.3.2.p1 Number of monitored water bodies EMB EMB EMB
Proportion of monitored conforming with water quality Annual
bodies of water with good guideline values for the following Report
ambient water quality intended use sustained:
Public water supply (Class A) 2021 14 1 1 1 1 1 1
Recreational (Class B) 2021 10 2 2 2 2 2 2
Food production (Class C) 2021 13 None None None None None None
Area of green spaces increased 2018 1,187.85 Increasing CLUP LGUs LGUs
(hectare) ha
Standards for water quality of fresh EMB EMB, EMB
water and coastal/marine waters annual LGUs
complied sustained: Report
6.3.2.p1.1 Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 2021 Very Very Good (7-11 mg/L), Good (4-7 mg/l)
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Good (7-
Good (4-
7 mg/l)
6.3.2.p1.2 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) 2021 7 mg/l 7 mg/l
Biochemical Oxygen
Deman (BOD)
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 2021 80 mg/l 80 mg/l
21 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices
Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of
8 Pt. Socio- Responsib Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Plan Verificatio Assumptions and Risks
economic Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 le Agency c Agency d
Target b n
Potential for Hydrogen (pH) 2021 6.5-9.0 6.5-9.0
Temperature 2021 25C-31C 25C-31C
Chlorides 2021 350 mg/l 350 mg/l
True Color 2021 75 TCU 75 TCU
Fecal Coliform Bacteria 2021 200 200 MPN/100ml
Nitrate as NO3-N 2021 7 mg/l 7 mg/l
Phosphate 2021 0.50 mg/l 0.50 mg/l
Number of air monitoring/sampling 2021 4 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 EMB EMB EMB
stations per province/city established annual
increased Report
- Agusan del Norte 2021 2 4 5 5 5 5 5
- Butuan City 2021 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Number of additional water bodies 2021 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 EMB EMB EMB
classified increased annual
Number of water bodies monitored 2021 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 EMB EMB EMB
sustained annual
Number of critical watersheds 2021 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EMB EMB EMB
declared as WQMA increased annual
Sub-Chapter 4.3 Outcome 3
Built environment 2 No. of housing units increased 2020 1,078 33,579 33,579 33,579 33,579 33,579 33,580 201,475 Accomplish KSAs, KSAs,
upgraded Reduce vulnerability ment LGUs LGUs
and mitigate scarring Report
from the COVID-19 Number of LGUs assisted and 2021 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 Accomplish DHSUD, DHSUD
pandemic by tackling capacitated to provide secure tenure ment LGUs
health, strengthening through different modalities sustained Report
social protection, and Percentage of housing and real estate 2021 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 Accomplish DHSUD, DHSUD
addressing learning development projects monitored and ment LGUs
ensured compliance sustained Report

Create green jobs by
pursuing a green and
blue economy and
establishing livable
and sustainable
Sub-Chapter 4.3 Outcome 4
Responsive governance 2 Percentage of LGUs with climate and Accomplish DHSUD, DHSUD,
advanced Reduce vulnerability disaster risk-informed plans by 2028 ment DILG DILG
and mitigate scarring increased Report
from the COVID-19 CLUP 2021 52 65 70 80 90 95 100 100
pandemic by tackling LSP 2021 13.6 15 20 25 30 40 45 50
health, strengthening Proportion of LGUs implementing 2021 25 36 41 44 48 52 55 EMB EMB, LGUs EMB
social protection, and single-use plastics ordinance annual
addressing learning increased Report
losses Proportion of Local Housing Board 15 20 25 30 40 45 50 Accomplish LGUs LGUs
created increased ment
6 Report
Create green jobs by Number of functional EMB EMB, LGUs EMB
Airshed/Governing Board per annual
pursuing a green and
province/city Report
blue economy and
- Agusan del Norte and Butuan City 2021 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
establishing livable
and sustainable
Chapter 0 5 Increase Income-Earning Ability 22

Increase Income-Earning Ability

23 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices
Figure 5: Strategy Framework to Establish Livable
Chapter 0 5 Increase Income-Earning Ability 24

Baseline Annual Plan Targets

8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target Verification Agency Agency

Societal Goal
Economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society
Intermediate Goal
Develop and Protect Capabilities of Individuals and Families
Chapter 5
Increase Income-Earning Ability
Chapter 5 Outcome 1

Employability Increased 5 5.5.2 Proportion of women in Proportion of employed college graduates 2020 25% 25.0% 25.0% 22.0% 20.0% 18.0% 15.0% 15.0% Labor Force DOLE, LGUs PSA Availability of industries
Create quality jobs by managerial positions in elementary occupations (%) decreased Survey CHED, TESDA offering higher level
increasing employability, occupations
encouraging research and Employment rate of TVET graduates 2022 69% 69% 70% 71% 72% 73% 74% 75% Survey TESDA, DOLE, TESDA Passage of Enterprise-Based
development and increased LGUs Training (EBT) to Employment
innovation, and enhancing Bill
the digital economy 4.3.s4 Certification rate (TVET) TESDA Certification Rate increased 2022 92% 92.0% 92.5% 93.0% 93.5% 94.0% 94.5% 94.5% Registry of TESDA TESDA
Assessed and

TESDA Certification Rate of fishery, agro- 2022 92% 92.0% 92.5% 93.0% 93.5% 94.0% 94.5% 94.5% Registry of TESDA TESDA
forestry, mining and ecotourism (FAME)- Workers
related/support skills increased Assessed and

TESDA Mandatory Assessment Rate 2022 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% Training and TESDA TESDA
increased Assessment
TVET graduates in priority/relevant 2022 17,275 18,139 19,046 19,998 20,998 22,048 23,150 24,308 Training and TESDA TESDA
disciplines increased Assessment
TVET graduates in i2FAME-supportive 2022 9,125 9,581 10,060 10,563 11,091 11,646 12,228 12,840 Training and TESDA TESDA
disciplines increased Assessment
TVET enrolment in priority/relevant 2022 16,585 17,414 18,285 19,199 20,159 21,167 22,225 23,337 Training and TESDA TESDA
disciplines increased Assessment
TVET enrolment in FAME-related/ support 2022 9,758 10,246 10,758 11,296 11,861 12,454 13,077 13,730 Training and TESDA TESDA
increased Assessment
Number of TVET beneficiaries provided 2022 7,307 7,672 8,056 8,459 8,882 9,326 9,792 10,282 Training and TESDA TESDA
with scholarship increased Assessment
Availment of TESDA Coconut Farmers 2022 481 505 530 557 585 614 645 677 Training and TESDA TESDA
Scholarship Program increased Assessment
National Competency (NC) Certification 2022 92% 98% 99% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% BEIS DepEd DepEd
Rate of SHS graduates improved
4.c.s2. Number of TVET trainers Number of TVET trainers in priority/relevant 2022 120 126 132 139 146 153 161 161 Registry of TESDA TESDA
trained disciplines increased NTTC I Holders
Number of TVET programs offered 2022 80 84 88 92 97 102 107 107 Compendium of TESDA TESDA
increased Registered
No. of STEP beneficiaries increased 2022 2,591 2,721 2,857 2,999 3,149 3,307 3,472 3,646 Training and TESDA TESDA
Number of companies implementing EBT 2022 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 47 Online Registry TESDA, Private TESDA Positive response from
increased Sector industries on vocational
Percent share of EBT in overall TVET 2022 15% 15% 15% 16% 16% 17% 17% 17% Enrollment/Term TESDA TESDA training and education
enrollees increased inal Report engagement; Passage of the
proposed amendment to the
EBT graduation rate improved 2022 90% 91% 91% 92% 93% 94% 95% 95% Enrollment/Term TESDA, Private TESDA Apprenticeship Act; Passage
inal Report Sector of EBT to Employment Bill
Number of TVET beneficiaries provided 2022 7,114 7,470 7,844 8,236 8,648 9,080 9,534 9,534 Training and TESDA TESDA
with scholarship increased (annual % (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (34%) Assessment
increase) Result
Ratio of TVET providers versus 2022 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 Compendium of TESDA TESDA With policy support on the
assessment centers sustained Registered establishment of assessment
Programs; centers
Registry of
25 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices
Baseline Annual Plan Targets
8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target Verification Agency Agency

Ratio of assessment centers versus 2022 1:1 1:2 1:2 1:2 1:2 1:2 1:2 1:2 Registry of TESDA TESDA With policy support on the
competency assessors improved Accredited establishment of assessment
Assessment centers
Registry of
Total No. of established and maintained 2022 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 Compendium of TESDA TESDA Approval of proposed training
training centers increased (cumulative) Registered centers.
Total No. of Senior High School (SHS) 2021 37,808 38,943 40,111 41,314 42,554 43,830 45,145 45,147 BEIS DepEd, TVET DepEd
students who proceeded to TVET programs (3%) (3%) (3%) (3%) (3%) (3%) (19.41%)
increased (annual % increase)
Number of baccalaureate 2022 511 516 521 526 532 537 542 542 CHED Positive CHED CHED
programs/disciplines offered increased List
No. of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) 2022 45 47 50 52 55 57 60 60 MOA TESDA, Private TESDA There is an increase in the
forged for Supervised Industry Learning Sector number of medium to large
increased enterprises in the Region.

Positive response from

industries on vocational
training and education
engagement; Passage of the
proposed amendment to the
Apprenticeship Act; Passage
of EBT to Employment Bill
Total Number of Micro, Small and Medium 2022 38,352 27,176 28,535 29,962 31,460 33,034 34,683 34,683 DTI and DOST DTI, DOST, DTI, DOST
Enterprises (MSMEs) assisted: Reports Industry Clusters
Agusan del Norte 2022 7,498 6,189 6,498 6,823 7,165 7,523 7,899 7,899

Agusan del Sur 2022 8,762 7,001 7,351 7,719 8,105 8,510 8,935 8,935

Dinagat Islands 2022 3,681 1,594 1,674 1,757 1,845 1,938 2,034 2,034

Surigao del Norte 2022 9,324 5,000 5,250 5,513 5,788 6,078 6,381 6,381

Surigao del Sur 2022 9,087 7,392 7,762 8,150 8,557 8,985 9,434 9,434

Chapter 5 Outcome 2
Access to Employment 5 8.6.1 Proportion of youth (aged Employment rate increased 2021 94.3% 94.4%-94.5% 94.5%-94.8% 94.9%-95.1% 95.2%-95.4% 95.5%-96% 95.5%-96.5% 95.55-96.5% Labor Force CHED, TESDA, PSA Availability of jobs in the
Opportunities Expanded Create quality jobs by 15-24 years) not in education, Survey DepEd, DOLE, Region; business continuity
increasing employability, employment or training LGUs, DTI plans of major industries are in
encouraging research place and implemented to
Underemployment rate decreased 2021 25.9% 23.0%-23.5% 22.5%-23.0% 22.0%-22.5% 21.5%-22.0% 21.0%-21.5% 20.0%-21.0% 20.0%-21.0% Labor Force CHED, TESDA, PSA mitigate impact of future
and development and
Survey DepEd, DOLE, pandemic and economic
innovation, and shocks
enhancing the digital
economy Placement rate (%) of Public Employment 2021 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% Annual OPCR DOLE, LGUs DOLE PESOs are institutionalized in
Service Offices (PESO) sustained the LGUs.

JobStart placement rate sustained 2021 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% Annual OPCR DOLE, LGUs DOLE

Employment rate of TVET graduates from 2021 69% 69% 70% 71% 72% 73% 74% 75% Survey TESDA, LGUs TESDA Availability of jobs in the
FAME-related/support courses increased Region

Number of youth provided with employment Programs are continually

through the programs in: supported with sufficient
budget allocation
(a) Special Program for the Employment 2021 3,752 3,244 3,406 3,576 3,754 3,941 4,138 4,138 Annual OPCR DOLE DOLE
of Students (SPES)
(b) Government Internship Program 2021 1,674 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Annual OPCR DOLE DOLE
(c) Jobstart 2021 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Annual OPCR DOLE DOLE

No. of LGUs with skills registry increased 2021 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 70 Annual OPCR DOLE, LGUs DOLE PESOs are institutionalized in
the LGUs; Without major
online system issues.
No. of jobseekers and employers with
access to labor market information system

(a) Jobseekers thru PESO Information 2021 15,657 16,440 17,262 18,125 19,031 19,983 20,982 20,982 Annual OPCR DOLE DOLE PESOs are institutionalized in
System the LGUs; Without major
online system issues.
Chapter 0 5 Increase Income-Earning Ability 26
Baseline Annual Plan Targets
8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target Verification Agency Agency

(b) Employers thru Philjobnet system 2021 195 205 214 225 237 248 261 261 Annual OPCR DOLE DOLE PESOs are institutionalized in
and PESO Information System the LGUs.
(b) GIP 2021 1,674 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Annual OPCR DOLE DOLE

Chapter 5 Outcome 3
Shared Labor Market 5 Proportion of LGUs with institutionalized 2021 17% 19% 22% 24% 27% 29% 32% 32% Annual OPCR DOLE, LGUs DOLE 100 percent support from
Governance Achieved Create quality jobs by PESO (13 LGUs) (15 LGUs) (17 LGUs) (19 LGUs) (21 LGUs) (23 LGUs) (25 LGUs) (25 LGUs) LGUs; Insufficient funds of
increasing employability, LGUs for the
encouraging research institutionalization of PESO.
and development and Number of beneficiaries of career and 2021 2,423 2,500 2,500 2,625 2,625 2,700 2,700 2,700 Annual SPRS/ DOLE, DepEd DOLE
innovation, and employment coaching activities in public OPCR
education institutions
enhancing the digital
economy Number of career and employment 2021 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 Annual SPRS/ DOLE, DepEd DOLE
coaching activities in public education OPCR
27 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Reduce Vulnerabilities and

Protect Purchasing Power
Chapter 06 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power 28

Figure 6.1 Strategy Framework to Ensure Food Security and Proper Nutrition
29 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Baseline Annual Plan Targets

8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target b Verification Agency c Agency d

Societal Goal
Economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society
Intermediate Goal
Develop and Protect Capabilities of Individuals and Families
Chapter 6
Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power
Sub-Chapter 6.1
Ensure Food Security and Proper Nutrition
Sub-Chapter 6.1 Outcome 1
Sufficient and stable supply of 1 Food Sufficiency Level increased (%)
food commodities attained Protect purchasing power a. Rice
and mitigate DA Annual
Caraga 2021 84.63 111.27 119.66 124.13 128.68 133.38 138.25 138.25 DA DA
socioeconomic scarring Report
Agusan del Norte DA Annual DA DA
2021 41.72 59.19 61.22 63.32 65.49 67.74 70.05 70.05
Agusan del Sur DA Annual DA DA
2021 186.86 267.37 277.95 288.94 300.34 312.19 324.48 324.48
Surigao del Norte DA Annual DA DA
2021 60.47 55.21 65.57 67.67 69.84 72.07 74.38 74.38
Surigao del Sur DA Annual DA DA
2021 56.53 67.35 81.22 84.29 87.48 90.79 94.22 94.22
Dinagat Islands DA Annual DA DA
2021 27.54 49.68 50.20 54.85 57.63 60.56 63.62 63.62
b. Corn
Caraga DA Annual DA DA
2021 100.36 78.15 89.15 101.68 115.97 132.26 150.83 150.83
Agusan del Norte DA Annual DA DA
2021 78.00 78.29 88.97 101.10 114.88 130.52 148.30 148.30
Agusan del Sur DA Annual DA DA
2021 139.92 91.31 104.29 119.10 136.01 155.31 177.35 177.35
Surigao del Norte DA Annual DA DA
2021 279.04 303.67 344.62 391.00 443.51 503.01 570.46 570.46
Surigao del Sur DA Annual DA DA
2021 43.17 50.69 57.82 65.96 75.23 85.79 97.83 97.83
Dinagat Islands DA Annual DA DA
2021 18.83 14.25 16.45 19.07 21.96 25.39 29.31 29.31
Caraga DA Annual DA DA
2021 27.83 20.85 39.63 68.71 93.97 122.65 155.22 155.22
Agusan del Norte DA Annual DA DA
2021 -226.62 -235.40 -221.98 -202.19 -184.87 -165.52 -143.86 -143.86
Agusan del Sur DA Annual DA DA
2021 189.06 157.66 188.21 235.83 277.40 324.84 378.97 378.97
Surigao del Norte DA Annual DA DA
2021 -31.96 -1,870.78 -1,786.92 -1,645.73 -1,521.76 -1,374.86 -1,202.17 -1,202.17
Surigao del Sur DA Annual DA DA
2021 -77.27 6.21 15.02 28.58 40.24 53.39 68.22 68.22
Dinagat Islands DA Annual DA DA
2021 -790.84 -10.64 -10.37 -9.95 -9.59 -9.19 -8.73 -8.73
c. Pork
Caraga DA Annual DA DA
2021 90.63 93.28 94.63 96.01 97.39 98.80 100.23 100.23
Agusan del Norte DA Annual DA DA
2021 74.38 76.28 77.26 78.24 79.24 80.24 81.26 81.26
Agusan del Sur DA Annual DA DA
2021 108.87 112.79 114.80 116.85 118.93 121.05 123.21 123.21
Surigao del Norte DA Annual DA DA
2021 101.56 103.75 104.86 105.99 107.13 108.28 109.44 109.44
Surigao del Sur DA Annual DA DA
2021 12.96 13.38 13.60 13.82 14.04 14.27 14.50 14.50
Dinagat Islands DA Annual DA DA
2021 709.02 750.65 772.38 794.73 817.73 841.39 865.74 865.74
d. Chicken
Caraga DA Annual DA DA
2021 62.67 65.84 71.40 77.43 83.96 89.22 94.81 94.81
Agusan del Norte DA Annual DA DA
2021 110.88 124.59 134.75 145.74 157.63 167.09 177.11 177.11
Agusan del Sur DA Annual DA DA
2021 65.51 74.35 80.82 87.85 95.50 101.74 108.39 108.39
Chapter 06 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power 30
Baseline Annual Plan Targets
8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target b Verification Agency c Agency d

Surigao del Norte DA Annual DA DA

2021 40.28 45.08 48.66 52.53 56.70 59.99 63.46 63.46
Surigao del Sur DA Annual DA DA
2021 6.11 6.91 7.50 8.14 8.84 9.40 10.00 10.00
Dinagat Islands DA Annual DA DA
2021 103.65 120.23 132.12 145.18 159.53 171.81 185.04 185.04
e. Fish
Caraga BFAR Annual BFAR BFAR
2021 80.63 81.22 82.16 83.12 84.10 85.11 100.10 100.10
Agusan del Norte BFAR Annual BFAR BFAR
2021 53.72 54.09 54.63 55.20 55.78 56.38 60.00 60.00
Agusan del Sur BFAR Annual BFAR BFAR
2021 3.87 3.90 3.95 4.00 5.00 5.11 5.50 5.50
Surigao del Norte BFAR Annual BFAR BFAR
2021 133.19 149.97 152.45 155.01 157.64 160.35 163.00 163.00
Surigao del Sur BFAR Annual BFAR BFAR
2021 147.04 131.52 131.97 132.42 132.87 133.33 138.00 138.00
Dinagat Islands BFAR Annual BFAR BFAR
2021 119.34 121.63 124.00 126.41 128.88 131.39 134.00 134.00
f. Beef
Caraga DA Annual DA DA
2021 70.45 72.21 74.93 77.74 80.66 83.69 86.85 86.85
Agusan del Norte DA Annual DA DA
2021 69.18 70.23 72.50 74.85 77.28 79.78 82.36 82.36
Agusan del Sur DA Annual DA DA
2021 82.38 84.46 87.64 90.93 94.35 97.90 101.57 101.57
Surigao del Norte DA Annual DA DA
2021 85.91 86.87 89.50 92.22 95.02 97.91 100.88 100.88
Surigao del Sur DA Annual DA DA
2021 29.05 29.70 30.76 31.87 33.02 34.20 35.43 35.43
Dinagat Islands DA Annual DA DA
2021 85.71 89.81 94.25 98.81 103.62 108.67 113.98 113.98
g. Chicken eggs
Caraga DA Annual DA DA
2021 58.44 98.79 102.23 105.78 109.46 113.26 117.20 117.20
Agusan del Norte DA Annual DA DA
2021 161.24 203.72 210.32 217.14 224.17 231.43 238.93 238.93
Agusan del Sur DA Annual DA DA
2021 59.73 76.23 79.10 82.07 85.16 88.36 91.68 91.68
Surigao del Norte DA Annual DA DA
2021 10.99 13.83 14.24 14.68 15.12 15.58 16.06 16.06
Surigao del Sur DA Annual DA DA
2021 34.64 44.07 45.65 47.30 49.00 50.76 52.58 52.58
Dinagat Islands DA Annual DA DA
2021 25.62 33.42 35.05 36.76 38.56 40.45 42.43 42.43
h. Vegetables
Caraga DA Annual DA DA
2021 27.39 29.34 30.36 31.42 32.51 33.64 34.82 34.82
Agusan del Norte DA Annual DA DA
2021 20.03 21.35 22.04 22.76 23.49 24.25 25.04 25.04
Agusan del Sur DA Annual DA DA
2021 60.04 64.63 67.06 69.58 72.20 74.91 77.73 77.73
Surigao del Norte DA Annual DA DA
2021 5.01 5.32 5.48 5.65 5.82 6.00 6.18 6.18
Surigao del Sur DA Annual DA DA
2021 12.47 13.38 13.86 14.36 14.87 15.41 15.96 15.96
Dinagat Islands DA Annual DA DA
2021 10.83 11.91 12.50 13.11 13.75 14.42 15.13 15.13 Report

1 Volume of Rice Stocks Procured (50

Protect purchasing power kg/bag) increased
and mitigate Caraga 2021 96,845.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 150,000.00 180,000.00 200,000.00 210,000.00 940,000.00 NFA Annual NFA NFA
socioeconomic scarring Report
Agusan del Norte 2021 22,071.00 23,000.00 23,000.00 33,600.00 40,000.00 44,800.00 47,000.00 211,400.00 NFA Annual NFA NFA
Agusan del Sur 2021 58,530.00 46,800.00 46,800.00 71,400.00 86,000.00 95,200.00 100,000.00 446,200.00 NFA Annual NFA NFA

Surigao del Norte 2021 1,516.00 4,700.00 4,700.00 7,000.00 8,100.00 9,000.00 9,500.00 43,000.00 NFA Annual NFA NFA

Surigao del Sur 2021 14,728.00 25,500.00 25,500.00 38,000.00 45,900.00 51,000.00 53,500.00 239,400.00 NFA Annual NFA NFA
31 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices
Baseline Annual Plan Targets
8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target b Verification Agency c Agency d

Dinagat Islands NFA Annual NFA NFA Dinagat Islands data included
2021 - - - - - - - - Report in Surigao Norte
Sub-Chapter 6.1 Outcome 2
Access of consumers to 1 Purchasing Power of Peso (%) increased
affordable and safe food Protect purchasing power Caraga 2021 0.91 increasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
expanded and mitigate Report
Butuan City 2021 0.92 increasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
socioeconomic scarring Report
Agusan del Norte 2021 0.93 increasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
Agusan del Sur 2021 0.91 increasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
Surigao del Norte 2021 0.89 increasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
Surigao del Sur 2021 0.92 increasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
Dinagat Islands 2021 0.87 increasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
1 Consumer Price Index of Food Commodity 2021 110.1 decreasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
Group reduced Report
Protect purchasing power
and mitigate
socioeconomic scarring
1 Annual per capita food threshold among PSA Annual PSA PSA
population increased Report
Protect purchasing power
and mitigate Caraga 2021 19,079 increasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
socioeconomic scarring increasing PSA Annual
Agusan del Norte 2021 19,375 PSA PSA
Agusan del Sur increasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
2021 19,399 Report
Surigao del Norte 2021 18,445 increasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
Surigao del Sur 2021 18,358 increasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
Dinagat Islands increasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
2021 20,772 Report
1 Subsistence incidence among population PSA Annual PSA PSA
reduced Report
Protect purchasing power
and mitigate Caraga decreasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
2021 12.8 Report
socioeconomic scarring decreasing PSA Annual
Agusan del Norte 2021 11.8 PSA PSA
Agusan del Sur decreasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
2021 17.2 Report
Surigao del Norte decreasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
2021 10.6 Report
Surigao del Sur decreasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
2021 10.8 Report
Dinagat Islands 2021 12.8 decreasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
1 Magnitude of subsistence poor population PSA Annual PSA PSA
reduced Report
Protect purchasing power
and mitigate Caraga 2021 923,517.13 decreasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
socioeconomic scarring decreasing PSA Annual
Agusan del Norte 2021 230,127.15 PSA PSA
Agusan del Sur 2021 306,146.94 decreasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
Surigao del Norte 2021 148,253.19 decreasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
Surigao del Sur decreasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
2021 195,262.04 Report
Dinagat Islands 2021 43,727.81 decreasing PSA Annual PSA PSA
1 No. of active Local Price Coordinating
Protect purchasing power Council maintained
and mitigate Butuan City 2021 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DTI Report DTI DTI
socioeconomic scarring Agusan del Norte 2021 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 DTI Report DTI DTI
Agusan del Sur 2021 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 DTI Report DTI DTI
Surigao del Norte 2021 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 DTI Report DTI DTI
Surigao del Sur 2021 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 DTI Report DTI DTI
Dinagat Islands 2021 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 DTI Report DTI DTI
Sub-Chapter 6.1 Outcome 3
Nutrition Across All Ages 1 2.2.1 Prevalence of stunting Prevalence of stunting among children 2021 8.44 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 NNC Report NNC NNC
Improved Protect purchasing power (height for age <-2 standard under 5 (%)
and mitigate deviation from the median of the
socioeconomic scarring World Health Organization
(WHO) Child Growth Standards)
among children under 5 years of
1 Prevalence of Prevalence of wasting among children 2021 5.7 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 NNC Report NNC NNC
malnutrition for children under 5 under 5 (%)
Chapter 06 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power 32
Baseline Annual Plan Targets
8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target b Verification Agency c Agency d

Protect purchasing power years <-2 SD from the median of

and mitigate the WHO CGS (wasting)
socioeconomic scarring
1 Prevalence of underweight among children 2021 4.23 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 NNC Report NNC NNC
Protect purchasing power under 5 (%)
and mitigate
socioeconomic scarring
1 Prevalence of Prevalence of overweight among children 2021 3.5 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 NNC Report NNC NNC
Protect purchasing power malnutrition for children under 5 under 5 (%)
and mitigate years <+2 SD from the median of
socioeconomic scarring the WHO CGS (overweight)
1 2.1.1p1 Proportion of households Prevalence of households meeting 100% 2021 25.4 26.6 27.8 29 30.2 31.4 32.6 32.6 NNC Report NNC NNC
Protect purchasing power meeting 100% recommended of recommended energy intake (%)
and mitigate energy intake
socioeconomic scarring
1 2.1.2 Prevalence of moderate or Prevalence of moderately and severely 2021 36.6 34.7 32.9 31.3 29.7 28.2 26.7 26.7 NNC Report NNC NNC
Protect purchasing power severe food insecurity in the food insecure (%)
and mitigate population, based on the Food
socioeconomic scarring Insecurity Experience Scale
1 % Operation Timbang (OPT) Plus
Protect purchasing power coverage
and mitigate Caraga 2021 77.10% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% NNC Report NNC NNC
socioeconomic scarring Butuan City 2021 89.50% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% NNC Report NNC NNC
Agusan del Norte 2021 79.30% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% NNC Report NNC NNC
Agusan del Sur 2021 80.30% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% NNC Report NNC NNC
Surigao del Norte 2021 69.40% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% NNC Report NNC NNC
Surigao del Sur 2021 75.20% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% NNC Report NNC NNC
Dinagat Islands 2021 55% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% ≥ 80% NNC Report NNC NNC
1 No. of nutrition capability building services
Protect purchasing power for LGUs and other stakeholders
and mitigate conducted
socioeconomic scarring Caraga 2021 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 NNC Report NNC NNC
Butuan City 2021 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 NNC Report NNC NNC
Agusan del Norte 2021 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 NNC Report NNC NNC
Agusan del Sur 2021 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 NNC Report NNC NNC
Surigao del Norte 2021 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 NNC Report NNC NNC
Surigao del Sur 2021 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 NNC Report NNC NNC
Dinagat Islands 2021 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30 NNC Report NNC NNC
33 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Figure 6.2 Strategy Framework to Strengthen Social Protection

Chapter 06 Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power 34

Baseline Annual Plan Targets Reporti

8 Pt. Socio- End-of-
Means of Responsibl ng Assumptions and
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Plan
economic Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Verification e Agency c Agency Risks
Target b d

Societal Goal
Economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society
Intermediate Goal
Develop and Protect Capabilities of Individuals and Families
Chapter 6
Reduce Vulnerabilities and Protect Purchasing Power
Sub-Chapter 6.2
Strengthen Social Protection
Sub-Chapter 6.2 Outcome 1
A universal, modern, and 2
integrated social protection Reduce vulnerability
system achieved and mitigate scarring
from the COVID-19 Percentage of 4Ps Households with
pandemic by tackling self-sufficient level of well-being 2022 15.5 17 19 21 23 25 28 28 DSWD DSWD
t Report
health, strengthening increased
social protection, and
addressing learning
Sub-Chapter 6.2 Outcome 2
Individual and life cycle 2
risks mitigated Reduce vulnerability
and mitigate
scarring from the
COVID-19 pandemic 26.0- 24.0- 22.0- 20.0- 15.0- 15.0- Annual Poverty
Poverty incidence (percent) among 28.0-
by tackling health, 2022 33.2 Indicators PSA PSA
population reduced 29.0 27.0 25.0 23.0 21.0 18.0 18.0
strengthening social Survey
protection, and
addressing learning

Reduce vulnerability
and mitigate 1. The program to
scarring from the 70.88% Annual, Quarterly maintain the regional
COVID-19 pandemic Percentage of households identified by (189,312 Accomplishment target of 189,278 poor
by tackling health, NHTS as poor provided with 2022 Increasing Reports and/or PPIS DSWD DSWD households;
strengthening social Conditional Cash Grants increased and MCCT 2. Financial Subsidy will
267,096) Information System remain constant and no
protection, and
addressing learning decrease until 2028

Reduce vulnerability
and mitigate scarring
from the COVID-19
Percentage of indigent senior citizens Quarterly
pandemic by tackling 2022 100 % Sustained DSWD DSWD
provided with social pension sustained Accomplishmen
health, strengthening
t Reports
social protection, and
addressing learning

Reduce vulnerability
and mitigate scarring
Percent share of active to total
from the COVID-19 Membership
members of Overseas Workers OWW
pandemic by tackling 2022 11.3 Increasing Processing OWWA
Welfare Administration (OWWA) A
health, strengthening System
increased (percent)
social protection, and
addressing learning
Sub-Chapter 6.2 Outcome 3
Economic risks managed 2
Reduce vulnerability
and mitigate
scarring from the CPPD
COVID-19 pandemic Number of SSS Contributors
2022 41,323 Increasing Management SSS SSS
by tackling health, increased
strengthening social
protection, and
addressing learning
35 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices
Baseline Annual Plan Targets Reporti
8 Pt. Socio- End-of-
Means of Responsibl ng Assumptions and
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Plan
economic Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Verification e Agency c Agency Risks
Target b d

Reduce vulnerability
and mitigate scarring
from the COVID-19
pandemic by tackling a. Employees 2022 27,385 Increasing
health, strengthening
social protection, and
addressing learning
Reduce vulnerability
and mitigate scarring
from the COVID-19
pandemic by tackling b. Self-Employed/Voluntary 2022 13,938 Increasing
health, strengthening
social protection, and
addressing learning
Sub-Chapter 6.2 Outcome 4
Natural, health, climate, 2
and human-induced Reduce vulnerability Under the Universal
hazards mitigated and mitigate scarring Health Care (UHC)
from the COVID-19 3.8s1 Percent of population PhilHealth Law, all Filipinos are
Percentage of families covered with 93 94 95 98 100 100
pandemic by tackling covered by the social health 2022 92.50 96 Membership PHIC PHIC covered and can avail
PhilHealth insurance (percent)
health, strengthening insurance Database the PhilHealth Benefits.
social protection, and The data are based on
addressing learning Registration Rate.
Sub-Chapter 6.2 Outcome 5
Governance and political 2
risks addressed Reduce vulnerability
and mitigate scarring Ordinance
from the COVID-19 Appropriating
Percentage of LGUs with Social TBD
pandemic by tackling 2022 Increasing 100% Funds for Social DSWD DSWD
Protection Plan (percent)
health, strengthening Protection
social protection, and PPAs
addressing learning
Reduce vulnerability
and mitigate scarring
from the COVID-19 Ordinance
Percentage of LGUs with Social TBD
pandemic by tackling 2022 Increasing 100% Adopting Social DSWD DSWD
Protection Ordinance (percent)
health, strengthening Protection
social protection, and
addressing learning
Chapter 0 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness 36

Modernize Agriculture
and Agribusines
37 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices
Chapter 0 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness 38

Objectives/Results 8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of Verification Responsible Reporting Assumptions and
Agenda Plan Agency Agency Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target
Societal Goal
Economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society
Intermediate Goal 1
Transform Production Sectors to Generate More Quality Jobs and Competitive Products
Intermediate Goal 2
Industrialize and innovate fishery, agro-forestry, mining, and ecotourism (i2FAME)
Chapter 7
Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness
Chapter 7 Outcome 1
Efficiency of AFF production 1 1.5 Gross Value Added (GVA) in Agriculture, 2021 (4.6) 0.8-0.9 0.9-1.1 1.0-1.2 1.1-1.4 1.2-1.6 1.4-1.8 1.4-1.8 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
enhanced Protect the purchasing By 2030, build the resilience Forestry and Fishing (AFF) increased at Report
power of families by of the poor and those in 2018 constant prices (%)
ensuring food security, vulnerable situations
reducing transport and Volume of Crop Production by commodity increased, Metric Tons (MT)
logistics costs, and 1.1.1 Palay 2021 467,743.50 633,845.20 690,891.27 726,603.92 763,660.72 802,607.42 843,540.38 843,540.38 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
reducing energy costs Proportion of the population Report
living below the international
Agusan del Norte 2021 64,669.00 94,325.19 99,135.78 104,191.70 109,505.48 115,090.26 120,959.86 120,959.86 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
poverty line by sex, age, Report
6 employment status and
Create green jobs by geographic location Agusan del Sur 2021 257,215.00 375,278.25 394,417.44 414,532.73 435,673.90 457,893.27 481,245.82 481,245.82 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
pursuing a green and (urban/rural) Report
blue economy and
Dinagat Islands 2021 6,393.12 11,474.60 11,605.76 12,674.85 13,321.27 14,000.65 14,714.68 14,714.68 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
establishing livable and Report
sustainable 2.5.1
communities Number of (a) plant and (b) Surigao del Norte 2021 63,997.64 60,756.04 73,313.60 77,052.59 80,982.27 85,112.37 89,453.10 89,453.10 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
animal genetic resources for
food and agriculture secured in Surigao del Sur 2021 75,468.74 92,011.12 112,418.69 118,152.05 124,177.80 130,510.87 137,166.92 137,166.92 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
either medium- or long-term Report
conservation facility
Corn, White 2021 56,992.00 45,507.19 52,560.81 60,707.74 70,117.44 80,985.64 93,538.42 93,538.42 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
2.1.2 Agusan del Norte 2021 9,856.00 10,234.46 11,820.80 13,653.02 15,769.24 18,213.47 21,036.56 21,036.56 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
Prevalence of moderate or Report
severe food insecurity in the
Agusan del Sur 2021 39,605.00 26,417.16 30,511.82 35,241.15 40,703.53 47,012.58 54,299.53 54,299.53 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
polation, based on the Food Report
Insecurity Experience Scale
(FIES) Dinagat Islands 2021 273.00 207.26 239.39 276.50 319.35 368.85 426.03 426.03 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 1,220.00 1,378.19 1,591.81 1,838.54 2,123.52 2,452.66 2,832.82 2,832.82 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 6,038.00 7,270.12 8,396.99 9,698.53 11,201.80 12,938.08 14,943.48 14,943.48 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Corn, Yellow 2021 84,656.65 80,978.85 93,530.00 112,939.00 130,444.00 150,663.00 174,015.00 174,015.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 9,301.92 10,748.43 12,414.00 14,990.00 17,314.00 19,998.00 23,097.00 23,097.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 69,016.00 61,911.47 71,508.00 86,346.00 99,729.00 115,187.00 133,041.00 133,041.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 673.70 125.91 145.00 176.00 203.00 234.00 271.00 271.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 5,568.03 704.49 814.00 983.00 1,135.00 1,311.00 1,514.00 1,514.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 97.00 7,488.55 8,649.00 10,444.00 12,063.00 13,933.00 16,092.00 16,092.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Abaca 2021 8,273.62 8,615.00 8,771.00 9,006.00 9,173.50 9,358.00 9,546.00 9,546.00 Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,
Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Agusan del Norte 2021 1,195.87 1,250.00 1,270.00 1,290.00 1,315.00 1,340.00 1,370.00 1,370.00 Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,
Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Agusan del Sur 2021 2,434.50 2,535.00 2,580.00 2,700.00 2,750.00 2,805.00 2,860.00 2,860.00 Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,
Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Dinagat Islands 2021 - - - - - - - - Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,

Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Surigao del Norte 2021 24.00 25.00 26.00 27.00 27.50 28.00 29.00 29.00 Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,
Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Surigao del Sur 2021 4,619.25 4,805.00 4,895.00 4,989.00 5,081.00 5,185.00 5,287.00 5,287.00 Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,
Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Banana 2021 122,490.33 126,192.60 128,085.49 130,006.78 131,956.88 133,936.22 135,944.64 135,944.64 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 39,972.05 41,180.21 41,797.91 42,424.88 43,061.25 43,707.17 44,362.78 44,362.78 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
39 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Objectives/Results 8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of Verification Responsible Reporting Assumptions and
Agenda Plan Agency Agency Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target
Agusan del Sur 2021 40,071.92 41,283.09 41,902.34 42,530.88 43,168.84 43,816.37 44,473.62 44,473.62 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 286.95 295.62 300.06 304.56 309.13 313.76 317.83 317.83 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 4,483.60 4,619.12 4,688.40 4,758.73 4,830.11 4,902.56 4,976.10 4,976.10 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 37,675.81 38,814.56 39,396.78 39,987.73 40,587.55 41,196.36 41,814.31 41,814.31 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Cassava 2021 20,287.30 30,329.51 45,342.63 64,839.94 96,935.73 144,918.91 216,653.77 216,653.77 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 3,926.83 5,871 8,776.56 12,550 18,763 28,051 41,936 41,936 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 5,318.66 7,951 11,887.34 16,999 25,413 37,993 56,799 56,799 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 1,270.58 1,900 2,839.78 4,061 6,071 9,076 13,569 13,569 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 1,893.02 2,830 4,230.95 6,050 9,045 13,522 20,216 20,216 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 7,878.21 11,778 17,608.00 25,179 37,643 56,277 84,134 84,134 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Coffee 2021 1,581.07 1,677.36 1,727.58 1,779.50 1,832.90 1,887.89 1,944.52 1,944.52 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 144.59 153.40 158.00 162.74 167.62 172.65 177.83 177.83 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 113.88 120.82 124.44 128.17 132.02 135.98 140.06 140.06 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.30 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 0.66 0.70 0.72 0.74 0.77 0.79 0.81 0.81 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 1,321.70 1,402.19 1,444.16 1,487.58 1,532.21 1,578.18 1,625.52 1,625.52 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Cacao 2021 170.77 181.66 191.09 200.65 210.68 221.22 232.28 232.28 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 21.40 22.47 23.95 25.14 26.40 27.72 29.11 29.11 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 101.41 108.08 113.48 119.16 125.11 131.37 137.93 137.93 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 7.18 7.65 8.03 8.43 8.86 9.30 9.77 9.77 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 2.27 2.42 2.54 2.67 2.80 2.94 3.09 3.09 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 38.51 41.04 43.09 45.25 47.51 49.89 52.38 52.38 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Coconut 2021 1,371,791.5 1,663,118.2 1,694,833.4 1,727,690.3 1,761,730.1 1,825,152.4 1,890,857.9 1,890,857.9 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
1 9 6 9 7 5 4 4 Report PCA

Agusan del Norte 2021 220,685.55 228,630.23 236,860.91 245,387.91 254,221.87 263,373.86 272,855.32 272,855.32 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Agusan del Sur 2021 184,485.47 191,126.95 198,007.52 205,135.79 212,520.68 220,171.42 228,097.59 228,097.59 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Dinagat Islands 2021 78,344.27 117,516.40 117,516.40 117,516.40 117,516.40 121,746.99 126,129.88 126,129.88 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Surigao del Norte 2021 443,083.07 664,624.60 664,624.60 664,624.60 664,624.60 688,551.08 713,338.92 713,338.92 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Surigao del Sur 2021 445,193.15 461,220.11 477,824.03 495,025.69 512,846.62 531,309.10 550,436.23 550,436.23 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Mango 2021 20,193.24 21,423.00 22,002.86 22,662.32 23,342.84 23,421.77 24,032.92 24,032.92 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 19,223.79 20,394.52 20,946.53 21,574.30 22,222.18 22,545.80 22,879.14 22,879.14 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 182.82 193.95 199.20 205.18 211.33 214.41 217.58 217.58 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 23.77 25.22 25.90 26.68 27.48 27.88 28.29 28.29 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 247.35 262.41 269.52 277.60 285.93 29.09 294.38 294.38 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
Chapter 0 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness 40

Objectives/Results 8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of Verification Responsible Reporting Assumptions and
Agenda Plan Agency Agency Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target
Surigao del Sur 2021 515.51 546.90 561.71 578.56 595.92 604.59 613.53 613.53 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Oil Palm 2021 1,745,557 1,763,013 1,780,643 1,798,449 1,816,434 1,834,598 1,852,944 1,852,944 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Agusan del Norte 2021 14,556 14,702 14,849 14,997 15,147 15,299 15,451 15,451 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Agusan del Sur 2021 1,691,648 1,708,565 1,725,650 1,742,907 1,760,336 1,777,939 1,795,719 1,795,719 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Dinagat Islands 2021 - - - - - - - - Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,

Report PCA

Surigao del Norte 2021 - - - - - - - - Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,

Report PCA

Surigao del Sur 2021 39,353.06 39,746.59 40,144.06 40,545.50 40,950.95 41,360.46 41,774.07 41,774.07 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Rubber 2021 18,078.23 19,179.20 19,754.57 20,347.20 20,957.62 21,586.35 22,233.95 22,233.95 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 1,105.90 1,173.25 1,208.45 1,244.70 1,282.04 1,320.50 1,360.12 1,360.12 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 16,857.89 17,884.54 18,421.07 18,973.70 19,542.91 20,129.20 20,733.08 20,733.08 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 - - - - - - - - Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA


Surigao del Norte 2021 - - - - - - - - Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA


Surigao del Sur 2021 114.44 121.41 125.05 128.80 132.67 136.65 140.75 140.75 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Vegetables 2021 18,138.75 19,997.97 20,997.87 22,047.77 23,150.16 24,307.65 25,523.05 25,523.05 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 3,544.36 3,907.66 4,103.04 4,308.19 4,523.60 4,749.78 4,987.27 4,987.27 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 12,048.22 13,283.16 13,947.32 14,644.69 15,376.92 16,145.77 16,953.06 16,953.06 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 156.17 172.18 180.79 189.83 199.32 209.28 219.75 219.75 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 329.51 363.28 381.45 400.52 420.55 441.57 463.65 463.65 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 2,060.49 2,271.69 2,385.27 2,504.54 2,629.77 2,761.25 2,899.32 2,899.32 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Area Harvested by commodity increased (Hectares)

Palay 2021 147,878.00 167,684.00 172,747.00 172,747.00 172,747.00 172,747.00 172,747.00 172,747.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 20,368.00 22,637.00 22,637.00 22,637.00 22,637.00 22,637.00 22,637.00 22,637.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 80,622.00 96,561.00 96,561.00 96,561.00 96,561.00 96,561.00 96,561.00 96,561.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 2,882.00 3,693.00 3,693.00 3,693.00 3,693.00 3,693.00 3,693.00 3,693.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 19,031.00 19,432.00 19,432.00 19,432.00 19,432.00 19,432.00 19,432.00 19,432.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 24,975.00 25,361.00 30,424.00 30,424.00 30,424.00 30,424.00 30,424.00 30,424.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Corn, White 2021 22,958.00 15,922.19 16,718.30 17,554.23 18,431.93 19,353.52 20,321.20 20,321.20 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 3,068.00 3,241.35 3,403.42 3,573.59 3,752.27 3,939.88 4,136.88 4,136.88 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 15,718.00 8,374.80 8,793.54 9,233.22 9,694.88 10,179.62 10,688.60 10,688.60 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 138.00 104.36 109.58 115.06 120.81 126.85 133.19 133.19 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 605.00 646.80 679.14 713.10 748.75 786.19 825.50 825.50 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 3,429.00 3,554.88 3,732.62 3,919.26 4,115.22 4,320.98 4,537.03 4,537.03 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Corn, Yellow 2021 17,975.00 15,932.00 16,728.00 17,565.00 18,445.00 19,367.00 20,333.00 20,333.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 2,070.00 2,156.00 2,263.00 2,377.00 2,495.00 2,620.00 2,751.00 2,751.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
41 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Objectives/Results 8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of Verification Responsible Reporting Assumptions and
Agenda Plan Agency Agency Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target
Agusan del Sur 2021 13,972.00 11,405.00 11,975.00 12,574.00 13,203.00 13,863.00 14,556.00 14,556.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 32.00 39.00 41.00 43.00 46.00 48.00 50.00 50.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 276.00 293.00 308.00 323.00 340.00 357.00 374.00 374.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 1,625.00 2,039.00 2,141.00 2,248.00 2,361.00 2,479.00 2,602.00 2,602.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Abaca 2021 8,309.76 8,438.50 8,568.00 8,698.00 8,830.00 8,960.00 9,091.00 9,091.00 Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,
Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Agusan del Norte 2021 831.49 866.50 900.00 935.00 972.00 1,006.00 1,042.00 1,042.00 Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,
Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Agusan del Sur 2021 1,688.94 1,728.00 1,768.00 1,809.00 1,849.00 1,888.00 1,930.00 1,930.00 Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,
Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Dinagat Islands 2021 - - - - - - - - Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,

Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Surigao del Norte 2021 61.09 66.00 71.00 77.00 81.00 86.00 92.00 92.00 Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,
Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Surigao del Sur 2021 5,728.24 5,778.00 5,829.00 5,877.00 5,928.00 5,980.00 6,027.00 6,027.00 Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,
Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Banana 2021 8,545.44 8,804.18 8,936.24 9,070.30 9,206.34 9,344.44 9,484.59 9,484.59 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 2,720.00 2,802.36 2,844.39 2,887.06 2,930.36 2,974.32 3,018.93 3,018.93 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 3,319.00 3,419.49 3,470.79 3,522.85 3,575.69 3,629.33 3,683.76 3,683.76 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 60.00 61.82 62.74 63.69 64.64 65.61 66.59 66.59 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 1,163.00 1,198.21 1,216.19 1,234.43 1,252.95 1,271.74 1,290.82 1,290.82 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 1,283.44 1,322.30 1,342.13 1,362.27 1,382.70 1,403.44 1,424.49 1,424.49 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Cassava 2021 2,808.73 3,230.04 3,714.54 4,086.00 4,698.91 5,403.74 6,214.30 6,214.30 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 441.00 507 583.22 642 738 848 976 976 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 471.34 542 623.35 686 789 907 1,043 1,043 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 178.64 205 236.25 260 299 344 395 395 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 265.00 305 350.46 386 443 510 586 586 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 1,452.75 1,671 1,921.26 2,113 2,430 2,795 3,214 3,214 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Coffee 2021 5,048.60 5,201.19 5,279.20 5,358.40 5,438.79 5,520.36 5,603.17 5,603.17 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 700.00 721.16 731.97 742.95 754.10 765.41 776.89 776.89 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 1,698.00 1,749.32 1,775.56 1,802.20 1,829.23 1,856.67 1,884.52 1,884.52 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 188.60 194.30 197.21 200.17 203.18 206.22 209.32 209.32 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 12.00 12.36 12.55 12.74 12.93 13.12 13.32 13.32 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 2,450.00 2,524.05 2,561.91 2,600.34 2,639.35 2,678.94 2,719.12 2,719.12 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Cacao 2021 2,673.54 2,754.36 2,795.67 2,837.59 2,880.17 2,923.36 2,967.22 2,967.22 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 75.00 77.27 78.43 79.60 80.80 82.01 83.24 83.24 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 2,289.04 2,358.23 2,393.60 2,429.50 2,465.95 2,502.94 2,540.48 2,540.48 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 150.00 154.53 156.85 159.20 161.59 164.01 166.48 166.48 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 70.00 72.12 73.20 74.30 75.41 76.54 77.69 77.69 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
Chapter 0 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness 42

Objectives/Results 8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of Verification Responsible Reporting Assumptions and
Agenda Plan Agency Agency Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target
Surigao del Sur 2021 89.50 92.21 93.59 94.99 96.42 97.86 99.33 99.33 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Coconut 2021 295,644.72 302,059.10 308,697.99 315,569.24 322,680.99 333,974.82 345,663.94 345,663.94 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Agusan del Norte 2021 47,561.54 49,226.19 50,949.11 52,732.33 54,577.96 56,488.19 58,465.28 58,465.28 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Agusan del Sur 2021 39,759.80 41,151.39 42,591.69 44,082.40 45,625.29 47,222.17 48,874.95 48,874.95 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Dinagat Islands 2021 16,884.54 16,884.54 16,884.54 16,884.54 16,884.54 17,475.50 18,087.14 18,087.14 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Surigao del Norte 2021 95,492.04 95,492.04 95,492.04 95,492.04 95,492.04 98,834.26 102,293.46 102,293.46 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Surigao del Sur 2021 95,946.80 99,304.94 102,780.61 106,377.93 110,101.16 113,954.70 117,943.11 117,943.11 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Mango 2021 2,631.00 2,631.00 2,631.00 2,631.00 2,631.00 2,631.00 2,631.00 2,631.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 1,702.00 1,702.00 1,702.00 1,702.00 1,702.00 1,702.00 1,702.00 1,702.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 299.00 299.00 299.00 299.00 299.00 299.00 299.00 299.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 247.00 247.00 247.00 247.00 247.00 247.00 247.00 247.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 343.00 343.00 343.00 343.00 343.00 343.00 343.00 343.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Oil Palm 2021 22,696.70 22,919.54 23,144.59 23,371.90 23,601.48 23,833.36 24,067.55 24,067.55 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Agusan del Norte 2021 410.61 410.61 410.61 410.61 410.61 410.61 410.61 410.61 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Agusan del Sur 2021 21,240.59 21,453.00 21,667.53 21,884.20 22,103.04 22,324.07 22,547.31 22,547.31 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Dinagat Islands 2021 - - - - - - - - Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,

Report PCA

Surigao del Norte 2021 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Surigao del Sur 2021 1,042.50 1,052.93 1,063.45 1,074.09 1,084.83 1,095.68 1,106.63 1,106.63 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Rubber 2021 13,186.00 13,460.92 13,662.64 13,867.78 14,075.80 14,286.94 14,501.24 14,501.24 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 850.00 875.69 888.63 902.16 915.69 929.43 943.37 943.37 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 11,500.00 11,847.59 12,025.30 12,205.68 12,388.77 12,574.60 12,763.22 12,763.22 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 120.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 716.00 737.64 748.71 759.94 771.34 782.91 794.65 794.65 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Vegetables 2021 2,003.93 2,003.93 2,003.93 2,003.93 2,003.93 2,003.93 2,003.93 2,003.93 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 275.55 275.55 275.55 275.55 275.55 275.55 275.55 275.55 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 1,352.49 1,352.49 1,352.49 1,352.49 1,352.49 1,352.49 1,352.49 1,352.49 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 32.38 32.38 32.38 32.38 32.38 32.38 32.38 32.38 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 42.30 42.30 42.30 42.30 42.30 42.30 42.30 42.30 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 301.21 301.21 301.21 301.21 301.21 301.21 301.21 301.21 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Yield of major commodities increased (MT/Hectare)

Palay 2021 3.16 3.78 4.00 4.21 4.42 4.65 4.88 4.88 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
43 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Objectives/Results 8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of Verification Responsible Reporting Assumptions and
Agenda Plan Agency Agency Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target
Agusan del Norte 2021 3.18 4.17 4.38 4.60 4.84 5.08 5.34 5.34 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 3.19 3.89 4.08 4.29 4.51 4.74 4.98 4.98 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 2.22 3.11 3.14 3.43 3.61 3.79 3.98 3.98 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 3.36 3.13 3.77 3.97 4.17 4.38 4.60 4.60 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 3.02 3.63 3.70 3.88 4.08 4.29 4.51 4.51 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Corn, White 2021 2.48 2.86 3.14 3.46 3.80 4.18 4.60 4.60 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 3.21 3.16 3.47 3.82 4.20 4.62 5.09 5.09 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 2.52 3.15 3.47 3.82 4.20 4.62 5.08 5.08 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 1.98 1.99 2.18 2.40 2.64 2.91 3.20 3.20 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 2.02 2.13 2.34 2.58 2.84 3.12 3.43 3.43 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 1.76 2.05 2.25 2.47 2.72 2.99 3.29 3.29 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Corn, Yellow 2021 4.71 5.08 5.59 6.43 7.07 7.78 8.56 8.56 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 4.49 4.99 5.49 6.31 6.94 7.63 8.40 8.40 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 4.94 5.43 5.97 6.87 7.55 8.31 9.14 9.14 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 21.05 3.23 3.54 4.09 4.41 4.88 5.42 5.42 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 20.17 2.40 2.64 3.04 3.34 3.67 4.05 4.05 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 0.06 3.67 4.04 4.65 5.11 5.62 6.18 6.18 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Abaca 2021 1.00 1.02 1.02 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.05 Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,
Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Agusan del Norte 2021 1.44 1.44 1.59 1.38 1.35 1.33 1.31 1.31 Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,
Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Agusan del Sur 2021 1.44 1.47 1.46 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.48 1.48 Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,
Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Dinagat Islands 2021 - - - - - - - - Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,

Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Surigao del Norte 2021 0.39 0.38 0.37 0.35 0.34 0.33 0.32 0.32 Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,
Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Surigao del Sur 2021 0.81 0.83 0.82 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.88 Annual Statistical PhilFIDA, PSA,
Report LGUs PhilFIDA

Banana 2021 14.33 14.33 14.33 14.33 14.33 14.33 14.33 14.33 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 14.70 14.69 14.69 14.69 14.69 14.69 14.69 14.69 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 12.07 12.07 12.07 12.07 12.07 12.07 12.07 12.07 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.78 4.77 4.77 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 3.86 3.86 3.85 3.86 3.85 3.86 3.85 3.85 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 29.36 29.35 29.35 29.35 29.35 29.35 29.35 29.35 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Cassava 2021 7.22 9.39 12.21 15.87 20.63 26.82 34.86 34.86 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 8.90 11.58 15.05 19.56 25.43 33.06 42.98 42.98 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 11.28 14.67 19.07 24.79 32.23 41.90 54.47 54.47 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 7.11 9.25 12.02 15.63 20.31 26.41 34.33 34.33 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
Chapter 0 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness 44

Objectives/Results 8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of Verification Responsible Reporting Assumptions and
Agenda Plan Agency Agency Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target
Surigao del Norte 2021 7.14 9.29 12.07 15.69 20.40 26.52 34.48 34.48 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 5.42 7.05 9.16 11.91 15.49 20.14 26.18 26.18 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Coffee 2021 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.35 0.35 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 0.21 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.23 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 0.54 0.56 0.56 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.60 0.60 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Cacao 2021 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.08 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 0.29 0.29 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.35 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 0.43 0.45 0.46 0.48 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.53 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Coconut 2021 4.64 5.51 5.49 5.47 5.46 5.46 5.47 5.47 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Agusan del Norte 2021 3.50 3.63 3.76 3.89 4.03 4.18 4.33 4.33 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Agusan del Sur 2021 3.31 3.43 3.55 3.68 3.81 3.95 4.09 4.09 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Dinagat Islands 2021 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.33 4.49 4.65 4.65 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Surigao del Norte 2021 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.61 3.74 3.87 3.87 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Surigao del Sur 2021 5.42 5.62 5.82 6.03 6.24 6.47 6.70 6.70 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Mango 2021 7.68 8.14 8.36 8.61 8.87 8.90 9.13 9.13 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 11.29 11.98 12.31 12.68 13.06 13.25 13.44 13.44 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 0.61 0.65 0.67 0.69 0.71 0.72 0.73 0.73 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 0.59 0.63 0.65 0.67 0.69 0.70 0.71 0.71 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 1.00 1.06 1.09 1.12 1.16 0.12 1.19 1.19 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 1.50 1.59 1.64 1.69 1.74 1.76 1.79 1.79 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Oil Palm 2021 28.24 28.52 28.81 29.10 29.39 29.68 29.98 29.98 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Agusan del Norte 2021 11.00 11.11 11.22 11.33 11.45 11.56 11.68 11.68 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Agusan del Sur 2021 36.86 37.23 37.60 37.98 38.36 38.74 39.13 39.13 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Dinagat Islands 2021 - - - - - - - - Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,

Report PCA

Surigao del Norte 2021 - - - - - - - - Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,

Report PCA

Surigao del Sur 2021 36.86 37.23 37.60 37.98 38.36 38.74 39.13 39.13 Annual Statistical PCA, LGUs PSA,
Report PCA

Rubber 2021 1.37 1.42 1.45 1.47 1.49 1.51 1.53 1.53 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
45 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Objectives/Results 8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of Verification Responsible Reporting Assumptions and
Agenda Plan Agency Agency Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target
Agusan del Norte 2021 1.30 1.34 1.36 1.38 1.40 1.42 1.44 1.44 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 1.47 1.51 1.53 1.55 1.58 1.60 1.62 1.62 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 - - - - - - - - Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA


Surigao del Norte 2021 - - - - - - - - Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA


Surigao del Sur 2021 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.18 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Vegetables 2021 9.05 9.98 10.48 11.00 11.55 12.13 12.74 12.74 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 12.86 14.18 14.89 15.63 16.42 17.24 18.10 18.10 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 8.91 9.82 10.31 10.83 11.37 11.94 12.53 12.53 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 4.82 5.32 5.58 5.86 6.16 6.46 6.79 6.79 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 7.79 8.59 9.02 9.47 9.94 10.44 10.96 10.96 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 6.84 7.54 7.92 8.31 8.73 9.17 9.63 9.63 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

2.1.2 Rice Stock Inventory (MT) 2021 5,466.75 4,340.90 8,300.00 8,300.00 8,300.00 8,300.00 8,300.00 8,300.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
Prevalence of moderate or Report
severe food insecurity in the Annual Statistical PSA, DA
Agusan del Norte 2021 1,464.40 852.15 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 DA, LGUs
population, based on the Food Report
Insecurity Experience Scale
(FIES) Agusan del Sur 2021 2,931.10 2,424.15 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 - - - - - - - - Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA


Surigao del Norte 2021 431.90 278.05 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 639.35 786.55 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Volume of Production of Livestock and Poultry (in MT)

Carabao 2021 1,693.58 1,778.27 1,867.18 1,960.55 2,058.57 2,161.49 2,269.57 2,269.57 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 541.94 569.04 597.49 627.37 658.73 691.67 726.26 726.26 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 734.35 771.07 809.62 850.10 892.61 937.24 984.10 984.10 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 9.90 10.40 10.92 11.47 12.04 12.64 13.27 13.27 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 102.10 107.21 112.57 118.20 124.11 130.31 136.83 136.83 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 305.29 320.55 336.58 353.41 371.08 389.63 409.11 409.11 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Hog 2021 31,286.35 34,492.83 36,217.48 38,028.35 39,929.76 41,926.25 44,022.56 44,022.56 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 8,725.08 9,619.31 10,100.28 10,605.29 11,135.55 11,692.33 12,276.95 12,276.95 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 8,777.81 9,677.75 10,161.64 10,669.72 11,203.21 11,763.37 12,351.53 12,351.53 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 802.24 884.21 928.42 974.84 1,023.58 1,074.76 1,128.50 1,128.50 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 4,606.20 5,078.12 5,332.03 5,598.63 5,878.56 6,172.49 6,481.11 6,481.11 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 8,375.02 9,233.44 9,695.11 10,179.87 10,688.86 11,223.30 11,784.47 11,784.47 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Goat 2021 598.60 660.39 693.42 728.08 764.48 802.71 842.84 842.84 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 177.14 195.14 204.90 215.14 225.90 237.19 249.05 249.05 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 329.19 362.72 380.86 399.90 419.89 440.89 462.93 462.93 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
Chapter 0 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness 46

Objectives/Results 8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of Verification Responsible Reporting Assumptions and
Agenda Plan Agency Agency Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target
Dinagat Islands 2021 17.04 18.74 19.68 20.66 21.69 22.78 23.92 23.92 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 20.53 23.15 24.31 25.52 26.80 28.14 29.55 29.55 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 54.70 60.64 63.67 66.86 70.20 73.71 77.39 77.39 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Cattle 2021 1,321.71 1,387.80 1,457.19 1,530.05 1,606.55 1,686.88 1,771.22 1,771.22 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 506.50 531.83 558.42 586.34 615.66 646.44 678.76 678.76 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 412.62 433.25 454.91 477.66 501.54 526.62 552.95 552.95 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 6.60 6.93 7.28 7.64 8.02 8.42 8.84 8.84 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 303.06 318.21 334.12 350.83 368.37 386.79 406.13 406.13 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 92.93 97.58 102.46 107.58 112.96 118.61 124.54 124.54 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Chicken 2021 14,568.37 16,061.63 16,864.70 17,707.94 18,593.35 19,523.01 20,499.16 20,499.16 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 9,159.79 10,098.67 10,603.60 11,133.78 11,690.47 12,275.00 12,888.75 12,888.75 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 3,279.15 3,615.26 3,796.02 3,985.82 4,185.12 4,394.37 4,614.09 4,614.09 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 162.21 178.84 187.78 197.17 207.03 217.38 228.25 228.25 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 648.96 715.48 751.25 788.82 828.26 869.67 913.15 913.15 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 1,318.26 1,453.38 1,526.05 1,602.35 1,682.47 1,766.59 1,854.92 1,854.92 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Chicken Eggs 2021 8,767.77 9,666.47 10,149.79 10,657.29 11,190.14 11,749.66 12,337.13 12,337.13 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 5,882.05 6,484.96 6,809.21 7,149.67 7,507.15 7,882.51 8,276.63 8,276.63 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 1,720.69 1,897.06 1,991.91 2,091.51 2,196.08 2,305.89 2,421.18 2,421.18 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 118.40 130.54 137.07 143.92 151.12 158.67 166.61 166.61 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 201.75 222.43 233.55 245.23 257.49 270.37 283.88 283.88 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 844.88 931.48 978.05 1,026.96 1,078.30 1,132.22 1,188.83 1,188.83 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Duck 2021 143.30 157.99 165.89 174.19 182.89 192.04 201.64 201.64 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 25.86 28.51 29.94 31.43 33.00 34.65 36.39 36.39 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 91.48 100.86 105.90 111.20 116.76 122.60 128.73 128.73 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 6.55 7.22 7.58 7.96 8.36 8.78 9.21 9.21 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 4.38 4.83 5.07 5.33 5.59 5.87 6.16 6.16 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 15.03 16.57 17.40 18.27 19.18 20.14 21.15 21.15 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Duck Eggs 2021 527.11 581.13 610.19 640.70 672.73 706.37 741.69 741.69 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 153.80 169.56 178.04 186.94 196.29 206.10 216.41 216.41 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 247.43 272.79 286.43 300.75 315.79 331.58 348.16 348.16 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 6.78 7.47 7.84 8.24 8.65 9.08 9.53 9.53 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 3.99 4.40 4.62 4.85 5.09 5.35 5.62 5.62 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 115.11 126.91 133.26 139.92 146.91 154.26 161.97 161.97 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA
47 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Objectives/Results 8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of Verification Responsible Reporting Assumptions and
Agenda Plan Agency Agency Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target
Number of Clustered Farms
Rice 2021 14 5 7 4 3 2 3 24 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA

Corn 2021 8 10 6 8 9 8 6 47 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA


High Value Crops 2021 6 3 1 4 3 4 3 18 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA


Livestock 2021 1 2 6 6 7 5 6 32 Annual Statistical DA, LGUs PSA, DA


Area of Clustered Farms (in hectares)

Rice 2021 4,582 700 690 400 355 100 200 2,445 DA Annual Report DA DA

Butuan City 2021 970 - 120 - - - - 120 DA Annual Report DA DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 370 100 110 - - - - 210 DA Annual Report DA DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 1,425 120 110 - 150 - - 380 DA Annual Report DA DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 - - 100 - - - - 100 DA Annual Report DA DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 202 - 250 200 100 100 100 750 DA Annual Report DA DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 1,614 480 - 200 105 - 100 885 DA Annual Report DA DA

Corn 2021 2,525 3,559 3,505 2,106 1,650 1,032 655 12,507 DA Annual Report DA DA

Butuan City 2021 - 414 630 - - - - 1,044 DA Annual Report DA DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 200 530 404 270 855 200 210 2,469 DA Annual Report DA DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 1,052 2,415 1,721 1,581 695 681 445 7,538 DA Annual Report DA DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 - - 250 - - - - 250 DA Annual Report DA DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 716 - 300 - - - - 300 DA Annual Report DA DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 557 200 200 255 100 151 906 DA Annual Report DA DA

High Value Crops 2021 1,140 120 2,237 36 0 0 0 2,393 DA Annual Report DA DA

Butuan City 2021 0 - 120 36 - - - 156 DA Annual Report DA DA

Agusan del Norte 2021 296 - - - - - - 0 DA Annual Report DA DA

Agusan del Sur 2021 0 - 1,847 - - - - 1,847 DA Annual Report DA DA

Dinagat Islands 2021 150 - 50 - - - - 50 DA Annual Report DA DA

Surigao del Norte 2021 500 - 100 - - - - 100 DA Annual Report DA DA

Surigao del Sur 2021 194 120 120 - - - - 240 DA Annual Report DA DA

Number of completed Cluster 2021 2 35 34 38 20 23 20 170 DA Annual Report DA DA

Development Plan increased

Rice 2021 1 13 8 6 4 4 3 38 DA Annual Report DA DA

Corn 2021 1 15 10 17 6 7 7 62 DA Annual Report DA DA

High Value Crops 2021 0 6 8 7 3 3 3 30 DA Annual Report DA DA

Livestock 2021 0 1 3 8 7 9 7 35 DA Annual Report DA DA

Fisheries 2021 0 - 5 - - - - 5 DA Annual Report DA DA

Chapter 0 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness 48

Objectives/Results 8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of Verification Responsible Reporting Assumptions and
Agenda Plan Agency Agency Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target
Volume of Fishery Production (MT) 2021 61,561.60 63,722.70 65,342.39 67,011.58 68,732.05 70,505.68 72,334.44 72,334.44 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Norte 2021 11,268.86 11,693.28 11,990.88 12,297.65 12,613.93 12,940.04 13,276.32 13,276.32 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Sur 2021 760.84 780.14 797.51 815.32 833.62 852.39 871.66 871.66 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Dinagat Islands 2021 4,137.32 4,224.75 4,311.01 4,399.10 4,489.02 4,580.86 4,674.63 4,674.63 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Norte 2021 19,749.96 20,171.26 20,583.58 21,004.56 21,434.39 21,873.23 22,321.33 22,321.33 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Sur 2021 25,644.62 26,853.26 27,659.41 28,494.95 29,361.10 30,259.16 31,190.49 31,190.49 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Commercial 2021 8,496.93 8,666.87 8,840.20 9,017.01 9,197.35 9,381.29 9,568.92 9,568.92 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Norte 2021 - - - - - - - - BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Sur 2021 - - - - - - - - BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Dinagat Islands 2021 - - - - - - - - BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Norte 2021 2,300.08 2,346.08 2,393.00 2,440.86 2,489.68 2,539.47 2,590.26 2,590.26 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Sur 2021 6,196.85 6,320.79 6,447.20 6,576.15 6,707.67 6,841.82 6,978.66 6,978.66 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Municipal 2021 39,281.02 40,066.64 40,867.97 41,685.33 42,519.04 43,369.42 44,236.81 44,236.81 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Norte 2021 7,370.52 7,517.93 7,668.29 7,821.65 7,978.09 8,137.65 8,300.40 8,300.40 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Sur 2021 721.17 735.59 750.31 765.31 780.62 796.23 812.15 812.15 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Dinagat Islands 2021 4,070.16 4,151.56 4,234.59 4,319.29 4,405.67 4,493.79 4,583.66 4,583.66 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Norte 2021 16,984.71 17,324.40 17,670.89 18,024.31 18,384.80 18,752.49 19,127.54 19,127.54 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Sur 2021 10,134.46 10,337.15 10,543.89 10,754.77 10,969.87 11,189.26 11,413.05 11,413.05 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Aquaculture 2021 13784 14989 15634 16309 17016 17755 18529 18529 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Norte 2021 3898 4175 4323 4476 4636 4802 4976 4976 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Sur 2021 40 45 47 50 53 56 60 60 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Dinagat Islands 2021 67 73 76 80 83 87 91 91 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Norte 2021 465 501 520 539 560 581 604 604 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Sur 2021 9313 10195 10668 11164 11684 12228 12799 12799 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Volume of Production by high value 2021 - - - - - - - - BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR
fishery commodity
Milkfish 2021 5385 5708 6051 6414 6799 7206 7639 7639 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Norte 2021 3047 3230 3424 3629 3847 4078 4322 4322 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Sur 2021 - - - - - - - - BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Dinagat Islands 2021 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 23 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Norte 2021 339 359 381 404 428 454 481 481 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Sur 2021 1983 2102 2228 2361 2503 2653 2812 2812 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Tilapia 2021 411.56 423.91 436.63 449.72 463.21 477.11 491.42 491.42 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Norte 2021 217.69 224.22 230.95 237.88 245.01 252.36 259.93 259.93 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR
49 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Objectives/Results 8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of Verification Responsible Reporting Assumptions and
Agenda Plan Agency Agency Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target
Agusan del Sur 2021 39.37 40.55 41.77 43.02 44.31 45.64 47.01 47.01 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Dinagat Islands 2021 2.18 2.25 2.31 2.38 2.45 2.53 2.6 2.6 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Norte 2021 33.76 34.77 35.82 36.89 38 39.14 40.31 40.31 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Sur 2021 118.56 122.12 125.78 129.55 133.44 137.44 141.57 141.57 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Shrimp 2021 78.31 92.02 92.92 93.87 107.57 108.61 109.71 109.71 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Norte 2021 17.17 18.03 18.93 19.88 20.87 21.91 23.01 23.01 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Sur 2021 - - - - - - - - BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Dinagat Islands 2021 0.66 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Norte 2021 35.75 43.27 43.27 43.27 50.78 50.78 50.78 50.78 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Sur 2021 24.73 29.92 29.92 29.92 35.12 35.12 35.12 35.12 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Seaweeds 2021 6,862.04 6,999.28 7,139.27 7,282.05 7,427.69 7,576.25 7,727.77 7,727.77 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Norte 2021 - - - - - - - - BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Sur 2021 - - - - - - - - BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Dinagat Islands 2021 42.83 43.69 44.56 45.45 46.36 47.29 48.23 48.23 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Norte 2021 14.13 14.41 14.70 14.99 15.29 15.60 15.91 15.91 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Sur 2021 6,805.08 6,941.18 7,080.01 7,221.61 7,366.04 7,513.36 7,663.63 7,663.63 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Number of registered fisherfolks 2021 79,140 79,140 79,140 79,140 79,140 79,140 79,140 79,140 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR
Butuan City 2021 1,768 1,768 1,768 1,768 1,768 1,768 1,768 1,768 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Norte 2021 10,377 10,377 10,377 10,377 10,377 10,377 10,377 10,377 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Sur 2021 8,152 8,152 8,152 8,152 8,152 8,152 8,152 8,152 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Dinagat Islands 2021 8,820 8,820 8,820 8,820 8,820 8,820 8,820 8,820 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Norte 2021 22,204 22,204 22,204 22,204 22,204 22,204 22,204 22,204 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Sur 2021 27,819 27,819 27,819 27,819 27,819 27,819 27,819 27,819 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Number of registered aquaculture 2022 32 50 56 98 122 122 122 122 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR
farms increased
Butuan City 2022 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Norte 2022 4 6 6 16 20 20 20 20 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Sur 2022 0 1 5 15 20 20 20 20 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Dinagat Islands 2022 0 1 3 10 15 15 15 15 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Norte 2022 2 3 3 10 15 15 15 15 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Sur 2022 15 27 27 35 40 40 40 40 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Number of registered Commercial 2022 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Fishing Vessels and Gears increased
Agusan del Norte 2022 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Sur 2022 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Chapter 0 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness 50

Objectives/Results 8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of Verification Responsible Reporting Assumptions and
Agenda Plan Agency Agency Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target
Dinagat Islands 2022 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Norte 2022 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Sur 2022 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Number of registered fisheries 2022 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

facilities (fish processing plants, pre-
15.1.2 processing plants, buying stations,
Proportion of important sites live food facility, etc.) increased
for terrestrial and freshwater Number of Marine Protected 2021 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR
biodiversity that are covered Areas/fish sanctuaries/fishery
by protected areas reserves maintained
Butuan City 2021 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Norte 2021 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Sur 2021 - - - - - - - - BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Dinagat Islands 2021 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Norte 2021 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Sur 2021 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Area of Marine Protected Areas/fish 2021 4,647 4,647 4,647 4,647 4,647 4,647 4,647 4,647 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR
sanctuaries/fishery reserves
maintained ( in hectares)

Butuan City 2021 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Norte 2021 538 538 538 538 538 538 538 538 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Sur 2021 - - - - - - - - BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Dinagat Islands 2021 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Norte 2021 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Sur 2021 3,130 3,130 3,130 3,130 3,130 3,130 3,130 3,130 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

2.2.1 Volume of Log Production increased 2021 642,679 649,493 667,110 684,728 702,345 719,962 737,579 4,161,217 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR
Volume of production per labor (in cu.m)
unit by classes of
farming/pastoral/forestry Agusan del Norte 2021 34,900 53,875 55,336 56,798 58,259 59,720 61,182 345,170 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR
enterprise size

Agusan del Sur 2021 432,963 437,888 449,765 461,642 473,520 485,397 497,275 2,805,487 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR
Number of countries Dinagat Islands 2021 - - - - - - - - DENR Annual Report DENR DENR
developing, adopting and
implementing policy
instruments aimed at Surigao del Norte 2021 27,861 22,069 22,668 23,267 23,865 24,464 25,062 141,395 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR
supporting the shift to
sustainable consumption and Surigao del Sur 2021 146,955 135,661 139,341 143,021 146,701 150,380 154,060 869,164 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR
Number of Forest Agreements Issued 2021 141 10 25 31 21 7 14 108 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR
Forest area as a proportion of Agusan del Norte 2021 35 5 11 10 5 2 33 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR
total land area
Agusan del Sur 2021 43 1 6 13 5 10 35 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR
Progress towards sustainable
forest management Dinagat Islands 2021 2 1 - - 2 1 - 4 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR

15.4.1 Surigao del Norte 2021 12 1 - 4 - - 5 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR
Coverage by protected areas
of important sites for mountain
biodiversity Surigao del Sur 2021 49 3 7 8 5 4 4 31 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR
51 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Objectives/Results 8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of Verification Responsible Reporting Assumptions and
Agenda Plan Agency Agency Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target
15.1.2 Forestlands Covered by Forest 2021 252,422 11,318 24,836 51,030 19,762 60,676 24,068 191,690 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR
Proportion of important sites Agreements increased (Hectares)
for terrestrial and freshwater Agusan del Norte 2021 42,770 2,765 9,738 10,764 9,945 638 - 33,850 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR
biodiversity that are covered
by protected areas
Agusan del Sur 2021 122,840 500 11,704 34,696 7,181 - 23,360 77,441 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR

Dinagat Islands 2021 0 1 - - 2 3 - 5 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR

Surigao del Norte 2021 6,176 - 878 - 1,532 - - 2,410 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR

Surigao del Sur 2021 80,636 8,053 2,516 5,570 1,102 60,036 707 77,984 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR

Private Lands Developed for Tree 2021 6,702 6,518 6,177 5,837 5,497 5,156 4,816 34,001 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR
Plantation increased (in Has.)
Agusan del Norte 2021 591 511 543 574 606 637 668 3,539 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR

Agusan del Sur 2021 3,411 3,962 3,760 3,559 3,357 3,155 2,954 20,747 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR

Dinagat Islands 2021 - - - - - - - - DENR Annual Report DENR DENR

Surigao del Norte 2021 241 310 334 359 383 408 432 2,225 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR

Surigao del Sur 2021 2,459 1,735 1,540 1,345 1,151 956 762 7,489 DENR Annual Report DENR DENR

15.1.2 Number of established Mariculture 2021 3 6 13 14 14 14 14 14 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR
Proportion of important sites increased
for terrestrial and freshwater Butuan City 2021 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR
biodiversity that are covered
by protected areas
Agusan del Norte 2021 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Sur 2021 - - - - - - - - BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Dinagat Islands 2021 - - 3 4 4 4 4 4 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Norte 2021 1 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Sur 2021 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

5.a.1 Land Acquisition and Distribution 2021 2,657 985 1,395 0 0 0 0 2,380 DAR Annual Report DAR DAR
(a) Proportion of total increased (has)
agricultural population with Agusan del Norte 2021 163 101 82 - - - - 184 DAR Annual Report DAR DAR
ownership or secure rights
over agricultural land, by sex;
and (b) share of women Agusan del Sur 2021 1,359 457 393 - - - - 850 DAR Annual Report DAR DAR
among owners or rights-
bearers of agricultural land, by Surigao del Norte 2021 486 13 566 - - - - 579 DAR Annual Report DAR DAR
type of tenure

Surigao del Sur 2021 648 413 354 - - - - 768 DAR Annual Report DAR DAR

Chapter 7 Outcome 2

Access to markets and AFF labor productivity (PhP) at 2018 2017 92,439 Increasing Annual Statistical PSA PSA
Agriculture, Forestry and 2.2.1 constant prices increased Report
Fishing (AFF)-based Volume of production per labor Number of legislated hatcheries 2022 0 2 3 4 0 0 1 10 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR
enterprises expanded unit by classes of
enterprise size Agusan del Norte 2022 0 1 1 - - - 2 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Sur 2022 0 - - 1 1 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Dinagat Islands 2022 0 1 - - - 1 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Norte 2022 0 2 - - - 2 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Sur 2022 0 1 1 2 - - - 4 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Number of Agrarian Reform 2022 1556 555 760 835 1360 1035 1110 1110 DAR Annual Report DAR DAR
Beneficiaries supported
Chapter 0 7 Modernize Agriculture and Agribusiness 52

Objectives/Results 8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of Verification Responsible Reporting Assumptions and
Agenda Plan Agency Agency Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target
Butuan City 2022 120 60 120 120 60 60 DAR Annual Report DAR DAR

Agusan del Norte 2022 109 300 450 450 900 450 450 450 DAR Annual Report DAR DAR

Agusan del Sur 2022 932 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 DAR Annual Report DAR DAR

Dinagat Islands 2022 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 DAR Annual Report DAR DAR

Surigao del Norte 2022 245 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 DAR Annual Report DAR DAR

Surigao del Sur 2022 270 150 205 280 355 480 555 555 DAR Annual Report DAR DAR

Number of Farmers Cooperative and 2022 61 80 84 92 106 122 140 140 DA Annual Report DA DA
Associations (FCAs) assisted

Chapter 7 Outcome 3
Resilience of AFF value 15.1.2 Number of LGUs with Coastal 2022 19 24 32 35 39 44 48 222 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR
chains improved Proportion of important sites Resource Management (CRM) Plans
for terrestrial and freshwater increased
biodiversity that are covered
by protected areas
Butuan City 2022 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Norte 2022 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 41 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Agusan del Sur 2022 0 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Dinagat Islands 2022 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 27 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Norte 2022 3 5 10 11 13 15 17 71 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Surigao del Sur 2022 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 77 BFAR Annual Report BFAR BFAR

Number of Farmers which have Crop 2022 80,357 80,357 84,374 88,593 93,021 97,671 102,552 546,568 PCIC Annual Report PCIC PCIC
Insurance increased

Butuan City 2022 4,238 4,238 4,450 4,672 4,905 5,150 5,407 28,822 PCIC Annual Report PCIC PCIC

Agusan del Norte 2022 9,656 9,656 10,139 10,646 11,178 11,737 12,324 65,680 PCIC Annual Report PCIC PCIC

Agusan del Sur 2022 35,255 35,255 37,017 38,868 40,811 42,851 44,993 239,795 PCIC Annual Report PCIC PCIC

Dinagat Islands 2022 568 568 596 626 657 690 724 3,861 PCIC Annual Report PCIC PCIC

Surigao del Norte 2022 9,556 9,556 10,034 10,536 11,063 11,616 12,196 65,001 PCIC Annual Report PCIC PCIC

Surigao del Sur 2022 21,084 21,084 22,138 23,245 24,407 25,627 26,908 143,409 PCIC Annual Report PCIC PCIC

Number of Fisherfolks with Risk 2022 874 879 924 970 1018 1070 1126 5987 PCIC Annual Report PCIC PCIC
Insurance increased

Butuan City 2022 5 6 6 7 9 12 45 PCIC Annual Report PCIC PCIC

Agusan del Norte 2022 261 261 274 288 302 317 333 1775 PCIC Annual Report PCIC PCIC

Agusan del Sur 2022 52 52 55 58 61 64 67 357 PCIC Annual Report PCIC PCIC

Dinagat Islands 2022 85 85 89 93 97 102 107 573 PCIC Annual Report PCIC PCIC

Surigao del Norte 2022 214 214 225 236 248 260 273 1456 PCIC Annual Report PCIC PCIC

Surigao del Sur 2022 262 262 275 289 303 318 334 1781 PCIC Annual Report PCIC PCIC

Production area covered by crop 2022 87,357.51 91,725.38 96,311.65 101,127.23 106,183.60 111,492.78 117,067.45 623,908.10 PCIC Annual Report PCIC PCIC
insurance increased
53 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Objectives/Results 8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of Verification Responsible Reporting Assumptions and
Agenda Plan Agency Agency Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target

Chapter 7 Outcome 4
Agricultural institutions 17.7.1 Number of trainings for LGUs 2022 95 197 210 231 260 265 270 270 ATI Report ATI ATI
strengthened promote the development, conducted
transfer, dissemination and
diffusion of environmentally Number of Agriculture Extension 2022 2055 3356 4,565 5022 5524 6076 6684 7352 ATI Report ATI ATI
sound technologies Workers at the LGU level increased
resources made available to Number of Learning Site for 2022 27 24 28 31 34 37 41 45 ATI Report ATI ATI
strengthen statistical capacity Agriculture (LSA) increased

Number of Farmers Information 2022 3500 2,500 3000 3300 3630 3993 4392 4832 ATI Report ATI ATI
Technology System at the municipal
level established
Chapter 0 8 Revitalize Industry 54

Revitalize Industry
55 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Figure 8: Strategy Framework to Revitalize Industry

Chapter 0 8 Revitalize Industry 56

Baseline Annual Plan Targets

8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target Verification Agency Agency

Societal Goal
Economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society
Intermediate Goal 1
Transform production sectors to generate More quality jobs and competitive products
Intermediate Goal 2
Industrialize and innovate fishery, agro-forestry, mining, and ecotourism (i2FAME)
Chapter 8
Revitalize Industry: Science, Technology, and Innovation-Driven Industrialization
Chapter 8 Outcome 1
Market Production and Supplier 8 8.2.1 Low: 3.1 Low: 3.5 Low: 3.6 Low: 3.9 Low: 4.3 Low: 4.7 Low: 4.7
GVA growth rate in the industry sector
Base Expanded Ensure a level playing Annual growth rate of real 2021 10.7 GRDP DTI PSA
accelerated (%)*
field by strengthening Gross Domestic Product (GDP) High: 3.7 High: 4.4 High: 4.6 High: 4.9 High: 5.4 High: 5.9 High: 5.9
market competition and per employed person
reducing barriers to entry 9.2.1 115,091,705 119,119,915 123,408,232 128,221,153 133,734,662 140,020,191 759,595,858
and limits to Manufacturing value added as GVA in Industry Sector (PhP'000) increased 2021 106,721,931 GRDP DTI PSA
entrepreneurship a proportion of GDP and per 116,204,175 121,317,158 126,897,747 133,115,737 140,303,987 148,581,922 786,420,727
Number of LGUs with institutionalized Increasing
2021 48 Agency Reports DTI DTI
Negosyo Center increased

Number of MSMEs assisted Agency Reports DTI DTI

Agusan del Norte 2022 7498 6189 6498 6823 7165 7523 7899 6189
Agusan del Sur 2022 8762 7001 7351 7719 8105 8510 8935 7001
Dinagat Islands 2022 3681 1594 1674 1757 1845 1938 2034 1594
Surigao del Norte 2022 9324 5000 5250 5513 5788 6078 6381 5000
Surigao del Sur 2022 9087 7392 7762 8150 8557 8985 9434 7392
Chapter 8 Outcome 2
Moving up the value chain achieved
Chapter 8 Outcome 2.1
Competitiveness Improved 5 8.2.1
Number of establishments in the industry
Create quality jobs by Annual growth rate of real GDP sector increased TBD TBD Increasing Increased Agency Reports LGUs/DTI DTI
increasing employability, per employed person
encouraging research
9.3.1 Loan portfolio for micro-, small-, and medium-
and development and
Proportion of small-scale sized enterprises (MSMEs) increased
innovation, and
industries in total industry value (PhP'000) TBD TBD Increased Increased Agency Reports LBP/DBP/DTI LBP/DBP/DTI
enhancing the digital added Loan available for MSMEs increased
economy (PhP'000)
Proportion of small-scale
Loan available for MSMEs increased
industries with a loan or line of TBD TBD Increasing Increased Agency Reports LBP/DBP/DTI LBP/DBP/DTI
No. of establishment adopting e-commerce Agency Reports DTI
2021 13,108 Increasing Increased DTI
Chapter 8 Outcome 2.2
Dynamic industry ecosystem 5 8.2.1
Create quality jobs by Annual growth rate of real GDP Number of Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
2022 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 10 Agency Reports PEZA/LGU
increasing employability, per employed person operationalized increased
encouraging research 9.2.1
Manufacturing value added as
and development and Labor productivity in manufacturing
a proportion of GDP and per
innovation, and capita increased 2020 185.6 Increasing Increased ULE DOLE PSA
enhancing the digital ('000s)
Employment generated by the industry 214 ULE
2020 Increasing Increased DOLE PSA
sector increased ('000s)

Volume of production of semi-processed MGB

2020 12,868.50 24,546.24 23,052.61 30,710.80 29,217.17 36,875.35 35,381.72 179,783.88 Agency Reports MGB
mineral products

Volume of production of manufactured wood- DENR

2021 386,071 477,458.38 499,440.25 521,422.11 543,403.98 565,385.85 587,367.72 3,194,478.29 Agency Reports DENR
based products
Export volume of processed mineral Statistics/
TBD TBD Increasing Export MGB PSA/DTI
products increased Marketing
Export volume of processed wood-based Statistics/
2020 8,135 Increasing Increased Export DENR PSA/DTI
products increased (KG) Marketing
Number of Establishments engaged in export
57 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Baseline Annual Plan Targets

8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target Verification Agency Agency

Chapter 8 Outcome 3
Inter-Sectoral Linkages Number of industry cluster/commodity
TBD TBD Increasing Increased Agency Reports DTI/DA DTI/DA
Enhanced roadmaps increased
Chapter 8 Outcome 4
Enabling Economic Percentage of LGUs adopting integrated
Environment Business Permits and Licensing System 2022 51% Increased Agency Reports LGUs DICT
3: Ensure sound (iBPLS) increased
macroeconomic Number of countries that adopt • City (6) Increasing Agency Reports DICT
2022 17% Increased LGUs
fundamentals by and implement constitutional,
improving bureaucratic statutory and/or policy Increasing
Agency Reports DICT
efficiency and ensuring guarantees for public access to • Municipality (67) 2022 54% Increased LGUs
sound fiscal management information
Number of LGUs with institutionalized
electronic Business One-Stop Shop TBD TBD Increasing Increased Agency Reports LGUs/DTI DTI
(eBOSS) increased
Chapter 0 9 Reinvigorate Services 58

Reinvigorate Services
59 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Figure 9: Strategy Framework to Reinvigorate Services

Chapter 0 9 Reinvigorate Services 60

Baseline Annual Plan Targets

8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results Agenda Indicators Indicator Target Verification Agency Agency Assumptions and Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Societal Goal
Economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society
Intermediate Goal 1
Transform Production Sectors to Generate More Quality Jobs and Competitive Products
Intermediate Goal 2
Industrialize and innovate fishery, agro-forestry, mining, and ecotourism (i2FAME)
Chapter 9
Reinvigorated Services
Chapter 9 Outcome 1
Market Access Improved 4 All Caraga
Create more jobs by Gross Value Added (GVA) of the Services Sector (PhP’000) increased
promoting investments, 189,660,858.2 207,432,080.6 227,718,938.1 250,900,726.0 277,471,112.9 307,992,935.3 307,992,935.3 CHED, DepEd,
improving infrastructure, DHSUD, DILG,
1 3 1 1 0 2 2 Statistical
and ensuring energy High DND, DOH, PSA
security, among other DOST, DOT,
2021 160,354,366 DOTr, DPWH,
188,929,494.7 205,819,791.6 224,775,794.4 246,062,062.1 270,028,507.0 297,031,357.7 297,031,357.7
Low 8 1 2 5 0 0 0
All Caraga
Growth in GVA of the Services Sector (%) increased
8.68 8.94 9.21 9.74 9.74 10.00 10.00 CHED, DepEd,
High Statistical DND, DOH,
Report DOST, DOT,
2021 8.1 DOTr, DPWH,
8.96 9.37 9.78 10.18 10.59 11.00 11.00
All Caraga
CHED, DepEd,
Percent (%) Share of Services Sector Statistical DND, DOH,
2021 52.5 Increasing PSA
increased Report DOST, DOT,
No. of registered establishments under the LGUs, DOT,
2021 22,422 Increasing ULE PSA
Services Sector increased DTI
No. of MSMEs under the Services Sector LGUs, DOT,
2021 22,371 Increasing ULE PSA
increased DOST, DTI
Butuan City LGUs, DOT,
TBD TBD Increasing ULE PSA
Agusan del Norte 6,572 LGUs, DOT,
2021 Increasing ULE PSA
Agusan del Sur 5,190 LGUs, DOT,
2021 Increasing ULE PSA
Surigao del Norte 4,864 LGUs, DOT,
2021 Increasing ULE PSA
Surigao del Sur 4,432 LGUs, DOT,
2021 Increasing ULE PSA
Dinagat Islands 1,313 LGUs, DOT,
2021 Increasing ULE PSA
No. of Large Establishments increased LGUs, DOT,
2021 51 Increasing ULE PSA
Butuan City LGUs, DOT,
TBD TBD Increasing ULE PSA
Agusan del Norte 24 LGUs, DOT,
2021 Increasing ULE PSA
Agusan del Sur 8 LGUs, DOT,
2021 Increasing ULE PSA
Surigao del Norte 11 LGUs, DOT,
2021 Increasing ULE PSA
Surigao del Sur 5 LGUs, DOT,
2021 Increasing ULE PSA
Dinagat Islands 3 LGUs, DOT,
2021 Increasing ULE PSA
5 Contribution of e-commerce to the GRDP LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI/PSA
Create quality jobs by (%) increased DTI
increasing employability, No. of establishment adopting e-commerce LGUs, DICT,
encouraging research 2021 13,108 Increasing Agency Report DTI
increased DTI
and development and Butuan City LGUs, DICT,
innovation, and TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
61 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices
Baseline Annual Plan Targets
8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results Agenda Indicators Indicator Target Verification Agency Agency Assumptions and Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
enhancing the digital Agusan del Norte LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
economy DTI
Agusan del Sur LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Surigao del Norte LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Surigao del Sur LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Dinagat Islands LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
No. of MSMEs with online/ social media LGUs, DICT,
presence TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Butuan City LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Agusan del Norte LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Agusan del Sur LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Surigao del Norte LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Surigao del Sur LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Dinagat Islands LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
No. of established BPO Industry increased LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Butuan City LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Agusan del Norte LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Agusan del Sur LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Surigao del Norte LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Surigao del Sur LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Dinagat Islands LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
4 8.9.1.p1 Tourism Tourism employment as a proportion to LGUs, DICT,
Create more jobs by direct GVA as a total employment increased (%) TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
promoting investments, proportion of total No. of tourist arrivals increased
improving infrastructure, GDP and in growth 2022 508,022 609,626 731,552 877,862 1,053,434 1,264,121 1,516,946 6,053,541 Agency Report LGUs, DOT DOT
and ensuring energy rate
security, among other Butuan City
2022 67,350 80,820 96,984 116,381 139,657 167,588 201,106 802,536 Agency Report LGUs, DOT DOT
8.9.1.p1.1 Share of
Tourism GVA to Agusan del Norte
GDP 2022 57,734 69,281 83,137 99,764 119,717 143,661 172,393 687,953 Agency Report LGUs, DOT DOT

Agusan del Sur

2022 36,827 44,192 53,031 63,637 76,364 91,637 109,965 438,827 Agency Report LGUs, DOT DOT

Surigao del Norte

2022 245,103 294,124 352,948 423,538 508,246 609,895 731,874 2,920,624 Agency Report LGUs, DOT DOT

Surigao del Sur

2022 94,325 113,190 135,828 162,994 195,592 234,711 281,653 1,123,968 Agency Report LGUs, DOT DOT

Dinagat Islands
2022 6,683 8,020 9,624 11,548 13,858 16,629 19,955 79,634 Agency Report LGUs, DOT DOT

Tourism Receipts (in Billion Pesos)

increased 2022 6.096 7.316 8.779 10.534 12.641 15.169 18.203 72.642 Agency Report LGUs, DOT DOT

Butuan City
2022 0.808 0.970 1.164 1.397 1.676 2.011 2.413 9.631 Agency Report LGUs, DOT DOT

Agusan del Norte

2022 0.693 0.831 0.998 1.197 1.437 1.724 2.069 8.256 Agency Report LGUs, DOT DOT

Agusan del Sur

2022 0.442 0.530 0.636 0.764 0.916 1.100 1.320 5.266 Agency Report LGUs, DOT DOT

Surigao del Norte

2022 2.941 3.529 4.235 5.082 6.099 7.319 8.782 35.046 Agency Report LGUs, DOT DOT

Surigao del Sur

2022 1.132 1.358 1.630 1.956 2.347 2.817 3.380 13.488 Agency Report LGUs, DOT DOT
Chapter 0 9 Reinvigorate Services 62

Baseline Annual Plan Targets

8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results Agenda Indicators Indicator Target Verification Agency Agency Assumptions and Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Dinagat Islands
2022 0.080 0.096 0.115 0.139 0.166 0.200 0.239 0.955 Agency Report LGUs, DOT DOT

No. of DOT-accredited TREs increased

2022 103 220 225 230 235 240 245 245 Statistics DOT DOT

Butuan City Quarterly

2022 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 Statistics DOT DOT
Agusan del Norte Quarterly
2022 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 Statistics DOT DOT
Agusan del Sur Quarterly
2022 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 Statistics DOT DOT
Surigao del Norte Quarterly
2022 34 140 141 142 143 144 145 145 Statistics DOT DOT
Surigao del Sur Quarterly
2022 17 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 Statistics DOT DOT
Dinagat Islands Quarterly
2022 2 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 Statistics DOT DOT
No. of Inbound Flights increased

Butuan City Airport

2022 3,774 Increasing Agency Report DOTr, CAAP CAAP

Surigao City Airport

2022 315 Increasing Agency Report DOTr, CAAP CAAP

Sayak Airport
2022 1,776 Increasing Agency Report DOTr, CAAP CAAP

1 Percent Share of logistics cost to sales

Protect the purchasing decreased
power of families by
ensuring food security, Statistical DOTr, CAAP,
TBD TBD Decreasing DOTr/PSA
reducing transport and Report PPA
logistics cost, and
reducing energy costs

4 Employment generated in services sector All Caraga

Create more jobs by increased ('000s) SUCs, CAAP,
promoting investments, CHED, DepEd,
improving infrastructure, DHSUD, DILG,
and ensuring energy Statistical DND, DOH,
2020 546,286 Increasing PSA
security, among other Report DOST, DOT,
Percent Share of Employed Persons in the All Caraga
Services Sector to Total Employment SUCs, CAAP,
CHED, DepEd,
Statistical DND, DOH,
2020 54.8 Increasing PSA
Report DOST, DOT,
63 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices
Baseline Annual Plan Targets
8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results Agenda Indicators Indicator Target Verification Agency Agency Assumptions and Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Labor Productivity of the Services Sector All Caraga
(PhP) increased SUCs, CAAP,
CHED, DepEd,
Statistical DND, DOH,
2020 271,070 Increasing PSA
Report DOST, DOT,
Chapter 9 Outcome 2
Creativity and Innovation in Value 5 No. of techno parks, innovation centers, DOST, DTI and DOST, DTI and
Proposition Strengthened and creative hubs established increased TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report
Create quality jobs by DICT DICT
increasing employability, Butuan City DOST, DTI and DOST, DTI and
encouraging research TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report
and development and Agusan del Norte DOST, DTI and DOST, DTI and
innovation, and TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report
enhancing the digital
economy Agusan del Sur DOST, DTI and DOST, DTI and
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report
Surigao del Norte DOST, DTI and DOST, DTI and
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report
Surigao del Sur DOST, DTI and DOST, DTI and
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report
Dinagat Islands DOST, DTI and DOST, DTI and
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report
No. of Established Start-Up Firms
increased 2021 32 Increasing Agency Report DOST, DTI DOST

Butuan City
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST, DTI DOST

Agusan del Norte

TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST, DTI DOST

Agusan del Sur

TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST, DTI DOST

Surigao del Norte

TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST, DTI DOST

Surigao del Sur

TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST, DTI DOST

Dinagat Islands
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST, DTI DOST

No. of MSMEs availed of the RSTL

Services increased 2021 5,560 Increasing Agency Report DOST DOST

Butuan City
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST DOST

Agusan del Norte

TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST DOST

Agusan del Sur

TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST DOST

Surigao del Norte

TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST DOST

Surigao del Sur

TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST DOST

Dinagat Islands
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST DOST

No. of MSMEs availed of the Packaging

and Labelling Services increased 2021 55 Increasing Agency Report DOST DOST

Butuan City
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST DOST

Agusan del Norte

TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST DOST

Agusan del Sur

TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST DOST

Surigao del Norte

TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST DOST

Surigao del Sur

TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST DOST

Dinagat Islands
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOST DOST
Chapter 0 9 Reinvigorate Services 64

Baseline Annual Plan Targets

8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results Agenda Indicators Indicator Target Verification Agency Agency Assumptions and Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Value of Investments on STI Intervention
(PhP) increased All Caraga
Increasing SUCs, DA, DOST
2021 81,023,650 Agency Report

3 No. of firms availed of incentives under

CREATE, BMBE laws increased DTI, BOI, DOF,
Ensure sound TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
fundamentals by Butuan City DTI, BOI, DOF,
improving bureaucratic TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
efficiency and ensuring Agusan del Norte DTI, BOI, DOF,
sound fiscal management TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Agusan del Sur DTI, BOI, DOF,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Surigao del Norte DTI, BOI, DOF,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Surigao del Sur
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Dinagat Islands DTI, BOI, DOF,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
5 No. of students graduated under creative All Caraga
Create quality jobs by courses increased TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report SUCSs, CHED
increasing employability, CHED, TESDA
encouraging research
Crafts and Folk Arts
and development and All Caraga
innovation, and TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report SUCSs, CHED
enhancing the digital CHED, TESDA
Media Arts All Caraga
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report SUCSs, CHED
Film\Theater All Caraga
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report SUCSs, CHED
Design All Caraga
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report SUCSs, CHED
Visual Arts All Caraga
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report SUCSs, CHED
All Caraga
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report SUCSs, CHED
All Caraga
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report SUCSs, CHED

All Caraga
Services Increasing Agency Report CHED
All Caraga
AY 2020-2021 672 Increasing Agency Report SUCSs, CHED

Chapter 9 Outcome 3
Inter-Sectoral Linkages Enhanced 4 No. of priority industry cluster roadmaps LGUs, DTI,
Create more jobs by approved/ updated TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DOT, DICT, DTI
promoting investments, CHED
improving infrastructure, Tourism Industry Cluster LGUs, DTI,
and ensuring energy TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
security, among other
ICT Cluster LGUs, DTI,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Creative Industry Cluster LGUs, DTI,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
No. of marketing/ partnership agreements
between downstream and upstream
Increasing Agency Report BOI, DA, DTI
industries in value chains increased TBD TBD
65 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices
Baseline Annual Plan Targets
8 Pt. Socio-economic SDG Tier 1 End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results Agenda Indicators Indicator Target Verification Agency Agency Assumptions and Risks
Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
3 Number of Consumer Complaints Resolved DA, DOH, DTI, DA, DOH, DTI,
increased TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report
Ensure sound DICT, NTC DICT, NTC
macroeconomic Butuan City DA, DOH, DTI, DA, DOH, DTI,
fundamentals by TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report
improving Agusan del Norte DA, DOH, DTI, DA, DOH, DTI,
bureaucratic efficiency TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report
and ensuring sound fiscal
management Agusan del Sur DA, DOH, DTI, DA, DOH, DTI,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report
Surigao del Norte DA, DOH, DTI, DA, DOH, DTI,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report
Surigao del Sur DA, DOH, DTI, DA, DOH, DTI,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report
Dinagat Islands DA, DOH, DTI, DA, DOH, DTI,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report
No. of LGUs with operational i-BPLS LGUs, DICT,
increased 2021 37 Increasing Agency Report DICT
Butuan City LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DICT
Agusan del Norte LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DICT
Agusan del Sur LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DICT
Surigao del Norte LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DICT
Surigao del Sur LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DICT
Dinagat Islands LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DICT
No. of LGUs with operational BOSS LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DILG, DTI, DTI
Butuan City LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DILG, DTI, DTI
Agusan del Norte LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DILG, DTI, DTI
Agusan del Sur LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DILG, DTI, DTI
Surigao del Norte LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DILG, DTI, DTI
Surigao del Sur LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DILG, DTI, DTI
Dinagat Islands LGUs, DICT,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DILG, DTI, DTI
No. of LGUs with Negosyo Center LGUs, DOF,
increased 2021 48 Increasing Agency Report DTI
Butuan City LGUs, DOF,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Agusan del Norte LGUs, DOF,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Agusan del Sur LGUs, DOF,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Surigao del Norte LGUs, DOF,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Surigao del Sur LGUs, DOF,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Dinagat Islands LGUs, DOF,
TBD TBD Increasing Agency Report DTI
Chapter 1 0 Advance Research and Development, Technology, and Innovation 66

Advance Research and

Development, Technology, and
67 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Figure 10: Strategy Framework to Advance Research and Development, Technology, and Innovation
Chapter 1 0 Advance Research and Development, Technology, and Innovation 68

Baseline Annual Plan Targets

8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target b Verification Agency c Agency d

Societal Goal
Economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society
Intermediate Goal 1
Transform production sectors to generate more quality jobs and competitive products
Intermediate Goal 2
Industrialize and innovate fishery, agro-forestry, mining, and ecotourism (i2FAME)
Chapter 10
Advance Research and Deveopment, Technology, and Innovation
Chapter 10 Outcome 1
Basic Research & Development 9.5.1 (R&D expenditure as a R&D expenditure to GRDP ratio 2018 0.08 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.0 DOST Survey DOST DOST
and Knowledge Creation proportion of GDP) increased (%)  Low funding approval on R&D project
Strengthened 4 (Create more jobs by proposals.
promoting investments,  Limited R&D capacity of human
improving infrastructure resources in government, SUCs, and
and ensuring security, other instrumentalities.
among others), 5 (Create
quality jobs by increasing No. of R&D centers 2021 15 Increasing 46 Caraga RRDIC DOST, SUCs, Caraga RRDIC
employability, encouraging maintained/increased Report concerned
R&D and innovation, and  Low funding approval on
enhancing the digital establishing/upgrading R&D centers.
economy), 6 (Create  Limited capacity to operate R&D
green jobs by pursuing a centers.
green and blue economy
and establishing livable
9.5.2 (Researchers (in full-time No. of researchers (in full-time 2018 88 Increasing 150 DOST Survey DOST Caraga RRDIC
and sustainable
equivalent) per million equivalent) (per million population)  Brain drain. Filipino researchers will go
communities) inhabitants) abroad for better opportunities.

Chapter 10 Outcome 2
Market-Driven and Customer- 4,5,6 9.5.1 (R&D expenditure as a Academe-Industry-Government 2022 64th 62nd 59th 57th 55th 52nd 50th 50th Global CHED, DOST, World
Centered R&D Advanced proportion of GDP) R&D linkages strengthened and Innovation Index DTI, SUCs Intellectual  Weak linkage of government with the
increasede (GII) Annual Property academe and industry.
Report Organization  Mismatch of R&D needs with the
(WIPO) market demand.
 Limited funding support from the
private sector.

No. of Technology Business 2022 1 2 - 3 - 4 - 4 Caraga RRDIC DOST, SUCs Caraga RRDIC  Low funding approval on establishing
Incubators increased, cumulative Report TBIs.
 Limited capacity/experts to operate
Functional Regional Inclusive 2022 0 Increasing 1 Caraga RIIC DOST, DTI Caraga RIIC
Innovation Centers established Report  Limited capacity of human resources
to maintain the RIIC network.
 Limited funding support in establishing

Chapter 10 Outcome 3
Technology Adoption, 4,5 9.5.1 (R&D expenditure as a No. of patent grants increased, 2022 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 Caraga RRDIC DOST, SUCs Caraga RRDIC,  Limited capacity in writing best and
Utilization, and proportion of GDP) cumulative Report IPOPHL approval ready patent applications.
Commercialization Scaled Up  Long feedback or processing time from
IPOPHL on applications.
Percentage of R&D products 2021 TBD Increasing Caraga RRDIC DOST, SUCs Caraga RRDIC
commercialized/adopted increased Report  Mismatch of R&D needs with the
market demand.

Chapter 10 Outcome 4
Innovation and 4,5,6 9.5.1 (R&D expenditure as a GII ranking improvede 2022 59th 57th 54th 52nd 49th 46th 43rd 43rd GII Annual DOST, SUCs WIPO  Low funding approval/expenditure on
Entrepreneurship Accelerated proportion of GDP) Report R&D project proposals.
 Limited R&D capacity of human
resources in government, SUCs, and
other instrumentalities in implementing.
 Poor innovation and R&D governance
in institutions especially in the
government and LGUs.
No. of successful startups increased 2022 TBD Increasing Increasing Caraga RRDIC DOST, SUCs Caraga RRDIC  Low funding approval on startup
Report proposals.
 Limited capacity in establishing
 Limited funding support from the
private sector.
69 Caraga Regional Development Plan Results Matrices 2023-2028

Promote Trade
and Investments
Chapter 1 1 Promote Trade and Investments 70

Figure 11: Strategy Framework to Promote Trade and Investments

71 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Baseline Annual Plan Targets

8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target b Verification Agency c Agency d

Societal Goal
Economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society
Intermediate Goal 1
Transform Production Sectors to Generate More Quality Jobs and Competitive Products
Intermediate Goal 2
Industrialize and innovate fishery, agro-forestry, mining, and ecotourism (i2FAME)
Chapter 11
Promote Trade and Investments in Goods and Services
Chapter 11 Outcome 1
Export Sectors Strengthened 4 17.11.1: Developing countries’
and Expanded Create more jobs Total Import Value Increased (in US$ Increasing PSA Report PSA, BOC
and least developed countries’ 2021 5.10 PSA, BOC
share of global exports

Total Export Value Increased (in US$ Increasing PSA Report PSA, BOC
2021 1,778.00 PSA, BOC

Total External Trade Value Increased Increasing PSA Report PSA, BOC
2021 1,783.10 PSA, BOC
(Million US$)

Total Export Value of Minerals (PhP billion) PSA Report PSA, BOC
2021 69.61 Increasing PSA, BOC

Chapter 11 Outcome 2
Total Investments Increased 4
10.b.1 Total resource flows for
Create more jobs
development, by recipient and
donor countries and type of flow Total Filipino National approved PSA, DTI, BOI, PSA, DTI, BOI,
2021 554.30 Increasing PSA Report
(e.g. official development investments increased (PhP million) SEC, LGUs SEC, LGUs
assistance, foreign direct
investment and other flows)

Total Foreign approved investments PSA, DTI, BOI, PSA, DTI, BOI,
2021 1,133.92 Increasing PSA Report
increased (PhP million) SEC, LGUs SEC, LGUs

Total BOI-Registered investments Increasing BOI Report DTI

2021 1,688.20 DTI
increased (PHP million)

17.5.1 Number of countries that

adopt and implement investment
Percentage of LGUs with operationalized Increasing DILG Report DILG, LGUs
promotion regimes for 2021 48% DILG, LGUs
e/i-BPLS increased
developing countries, including
the least developed countries

10.b.1 Total resource flows for

development, by recipient and
donor countries and type of flow Number of Established and Operational Increasing DTI Report DTI
2021 48 DTI
(e.g. official development Negosyo Centers increased
assistance, foreign direct
investment and other flows)

Total number of business establishments TBD DTI and DOST DTI, DOST, DTI, DOST,
2021 22,422 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Reports LGUs
established (MSME and Large) increased LGUs

Micro 2021 20,687 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD

Small 2021 1,622 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD



Chapter 1 2 Promote Financial Inclusion and Improve Public Financial Management 72

Promote Financial Inclusion

and Improve Public Financial
73 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Figure 12: Strategy Framework to Promote Financial Inclusion and Improve Public Financial Management
Chapter 1 2 Promote Financial Inclusion and Improve Public Financial Management 74

Baseline Annual Plan Targets

8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target Verification Agency Agency

Societal Goal
Economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society
Chapter 12
Promote Financial Inclusion and Improve Public Financial Management
Sub-Chapter 12.1
Inclusive, Innovative, and Healthy Financial Sector Promoted
Sub-Chapter 12.1 Outcome 1
Financial Inclusion Broadened 3
Ensure sound 8.10.2 Proportion of adults (15
and Deepened NSFI Report or
macroeconomic years and older) with an account
Proportion of adults (15 years and older) Financial BSP
fundamentals by at a bank or other financial 2021 56% ≥70% ≥70% ≥75% ≥75% ≥80% ≥90% ≥90% Inclusion BSP
owning financial accounts (%)e
improving bureaucratic institution or with a mobile- Survey
efficiency and ensuring money-service provider
sound fiscal management PSOD Payment
Volume of digital payments over total retail
2021 30.3% 50.0% 52.0%-54.0% 54.0%-58.0% 56.0%-62.0% 58.0%-66.0% 60.0%-70.0% 60.0%-70.0% Dashboards BSP BSP
payment transactions in the country (%)e

Percentage of adults with an acceptable

2019 35% Increasing BSP Report BSP BSP
level of financial literacyf Number of commercial

Number of bank branches present in the
bank branches per 2022 251 Increasing BSP Report BSP BSP
Region increased
100,000 adults Number of automated

Number of operational ATMs in the Region
teller machines (ATMs) per 2022 352 Increasing BSP Report BSP BSP
100,000 adults

Sub-Chapter 12.1 Outcome 2

Financial Sector Health
3 Number of financial cooperatives increased 2022 748 Increasing Agency Reports CDA CDA
Ensure sound
fundamentals by Number of complaints on financial products
improving bureaucratic and services of BSFI received and 2022 28 Decreasing BSP Report BSP BSP
efficiency and ensuring processed
sound fiscal management

Sub-Chapter 12.2
Sound Fiscal Management Ensured and Tax Regime Improve
Sub-Chapter 12.2 Outcome 1
Productive and simple tax 3
system established Ensure sound
fundamentals by 17.1.1 Total government revenue Tax revenue to Gross Regional Domestic
2021 1.96% Increasing Agency Reports LGUs BIR
improving bureaucratic as a proportion of GDP Product (GRDP) ratio increased
efficiency and ensuring
sound fiscal management

Sub-Chapter 12.2 Outcome 2

Efficient and inclusive budget 3
Budget utilization rate (BUR) increased 2022 98% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Agency Reports BLGF BLGF
system institutionalized Ensure sound
fundamentals by
improving bureaucratic Regional passing rates for Seal of Good SGLG
Local Governance (SGLG) Good Financial 2022 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 28% 29% 29% Evaluation DILG DILG
efficiency and ensuring
Housekeeping improved Report
sound fiscal management

Sub-Chapter 12.2 Outcome 3

Local government finance 3
enhanced Ensure sound Locally sourced revenues (LSRs) 11.5% 12% 12.5% 13% 13.5% 14% 14.5% BLGF
2022 11% Agency reports BLGF
macroeconomic dependency ratio increased (%)
fundamentals by
improving bureaucratic Utilization rate of local development funds
2022 47% Increasing Agency reports BLGF BLGF
efficiency and ensuring (LDFs) increased (%)
sound fiscal management
Percentage of LGUs adopting Integrated
Business Permits and Licensing System 2022 47.46% Increasing Agency reports DILG DILG
(iBPLS) increased (%)

Number of LGUs adopting online tax- Increasing BLGF BLGF

2022 1 Agency Reports
related transactions increased
75 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Baseline Annual Plan Targets

8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target Verification Agency Agency

Sub-Chapter 12.2 Outcome 4

Sustainable management of 3
debt insured Ensure sound Locally sourced revenues (LSRs) 11.5% 12% 12.5% 13% 13.5% 14% 14.5% BLGF
2022 11% Agency reports BLGF
dependency ratio increased
fundamentals by
improving bureaucratic (for
efficiency and ensuring Percent of LGUs with Local Investments
and Incentives Codes (LIICs) increased 2020 municipalities) Increasing Agency reports DILG DILG
sound fiscal management
(%) 100%
(for cities)
Chapter 13 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure 76

Expand and Upgrade

77 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Figure 13: Strategy Framework to Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure

Chapter 13 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure 78

Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of

8 Pt. Socio- Responsib Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Plan Verificatio Assumptions and Risks
economic Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 le Agency c Agency d
Target b n
Societal Goal
Economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society
Chapter 13
Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure
Chapter 13 Outcome
Sustainable, resilient, integrated, and modernized transportation facilities and services delivered
Chapter 13 Sub-Outcome 1
Resilient, seamless, and 1 Road Transport
inclusive transportation Protect the
system achieved purchasing power of Travel time decreased via land
families by ensuring per key corridor (in hours)
food security,
Butuan City to Davao City 202 5 hours 5 hrs. 5 hrs. 5 hrs. 5 hrs. 5 hrs. 5 hrs. 5 hrs.
reducing transport
1 (hrs.) and 30 and 30 and 30 and 30 and 30 and 30 and 30
and logistics costs, Agency
and mins. mins. mins. mins. mins. mins. mins.
and reducing energy DPWH DPWH
41.64 Report
Butuan City to Bukidnon, 202 3 hrs. 3 hrs. 3 hrs. 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour
Northern Mindanao 1 and 44 and 44 and 44 and 46 and 46 and 46 and 46 and 46 DPWH DPWH
mins. mins min mins. mins. mins. mins. mins.
San Miguel, Surigao del Sur - 202 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 9 hrs. 3 hrs. 3 hrs.
Agusan del Sur - Bukidnon, 1 and 31 and 31 and 31 and 31 and 31 and 31 and 7 and 7 DPWH DPWH
Northern Mindanao mins mins. mins. mins. mins. mins. mins. mins.
Butuan City to Tandag City 202 3 hrs. 3 hrs. 3 hrs. 3 hrs. 3 hrs. 3 hrs. 1 hour 1 hour
1 and 32 and 32 and 32 and 32 and 32 and 32 and 32 and 32 DPWH DPWH
mins. mins. mins. mins. mins. mins. mins. mins.
Butuan City to Surigao City 202 2 hrs and 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours
1 17.94 and 7 and 7 and 7 and 7 and 7 and 7 and 7 DPWH DPWH
mins. mins. mins. mins. mins. mins. mins. mins.
Butuan City to Lanuza, 202 4 hrs. 16 4 hrs. 16 4 hrs. 16 4 hrs. 16 4 hrs. 16 4 hrs. 16 2 hrs. 2 hrs.
Surigao del Sur 1 mins. mins. mins. mins. mins. mins. and 31 and 31 DPWH DPWH
mins. mins.
Butuan City to Bislig City, 202 3 hrs. 20 3 hrs. 3 hrs. 3 hrs. 3 hrs. 3 hrs. 3 hrs. 3 hrs.
Surigao del Sur 1 mins. and 10 and 10 and 10 and 10 and 10 and 10 and 10 DPWH DPWH
mins. mins. mins. mins. mins. mins. mins.
3.6.1 Death rate due to road
No. of road accidents (vehicular Decreasi Decreasi Decreasi Decreasi Decreasi Decreasi Agency DOTr,
traffic injuries per 100,000 2022 3,211 0 PNP
accident) reduced ng ng ng ng ng ng Report DPWH

Water Transport

Passenger traffic increased Passenger volume,
(number of passengers,
Maritime Sector (in millions)
1,029,64 1,421,99 1,841,80 2,291,00 2,771,64 2,771,6 Agency PPA PPA
Agusan 2022 320,273 662,965
6 4 6 6 9 49 Report Agusan Agusan
1,378,93 3,023,30 4,818,95 6,779,79 8,921,04 11,259,2 13,812,6 13,812 Agency PPA S PPA
Surigao 2021
4 1 0 9 6 88 48 ,648 Report urigao Surigao Cargo volume,
Cargo transported increased
Maritime Sector (in million
(MT, cumulative)
metric tons)
4,405,40 9,119,18 14,162,9 19,559,7 25,334,3 31,513,1 38,124,4 38,124, Agency PPA PPA
Agusan 2022
5 9 38 49 37 46 71 471 Report Agusan Agusan
30,025,2 60,606,4 90,286,1 120,926, 152,561, 185,228, 218,964, 218,964 Agency PPA PPA
Surigao 2021
07 77 74 178 391 232 716 ,716 Report Surigao Surigao Passenger volume,
Maritime Sector (in millions);
RoRo Traffic increased (unit, Cargo volume, cumulative)
Maritime Sector (in million
metric tons)
Agusan Agency PPA PPA
2022 22,675 48,465 76,061 105,588 137,182 170,988 207,160 207,160
Report Agusan Agusan
Surigao 1,146,3 1,473,5 1,817,3 2,178,3 2,178,3 Agency PPA PPA
2021 255,894 538,245 834,826
55 85 07 53 53 Report Surigao Surigao

Air Transport

Passenger traffic increased Passengers volume, Increasin Increasin Increasin Increasin Increasin Increasin Agency CAAP Area CAAP Area
(number of passengers, 2021 265,074
Aviation Sector (in millions) g g g g g g Report 12 12
79 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of

8 Pt. Socio- Responsib Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Plan Verificatio Assumptions and Risks
economic Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 le Agency c Agency d
Target b n Cargo volume,

Cargo transported increased Increasin Increasin Increasin Increasin Increasin Increasin Agency CAAP Area CAAP Area
Aviation Sector (in million 2021 4,215
(MT, cumulative) g g g g g g Report 12 12
metric tons)
Chapter 13 Sub-Outcome 2
Interconnectivity, Speed, 5 Ookla
Dependent on the internet
and Security of Digital Create quality jobs Average fixed broadband download Speedtest DICT,
2022 41.99 46.19 50.81 55.89 61.48 67.63 74.39 74.39 DICT service provider
Connectivity Enhanced by increasing speed increased (Mbps) Global PSRTI
infrastructure availability
employability, Index
encouraging 17.6.2 Fixed Internet Dependent on the internet
Households with internet access DICT,
research and broadband subscriptions per 2019 20 22 24.2 26.62 29.28 32.21 35.43 35.43 NICTHS DICT service provider
development and increased (in % pop.) PSRTI
100 inhabitants infrastructure availability
innovation, and 4.4.1p1 Proportion of Dependent on the internet
enhancing the digital Percentage of individuals using the DICT,
population with exposure to 2019 20.7 22.77 25.05 27.55 30.31 33.34 36.67 36.67 NICTHS DICT service provider
economy internet increased (in % pop.) PSRTI
internet infrastructure availability
Project Dependent on the fund
Number of public places with access to
2022 67 861 859 748 437 417 489 3,811 Service DICT DICT allocation for DICT
Free Wi-Fi internet connectivity
Contracts Region-13 by DICT-CO.

Agusan del Norte 2022 4 179 166 127 76 69 96 713

Agusan del Sur 2022 14 204 199 180 118 126 138 965

Dinagat Islands 2022 45 62 57 59 34 30 30 272

Surigao del Norte 2022 18 220 198 183 97 86 107 891

Surigao del Sur 2022 2 196 239 199 112 106 118 970

List of
Dependent on the fund
Number of interconnected government agency
2022 93 5 105 30 25 25 0 190 DICT DICT allocation for DICT
agencies thru GovNet with
Region-13 by DICT-CO.
Project Dependent on the yearly
Number of enhanced ICT infrastructures
2022 0 5 6 0 0 0 0 11 Service DICT DICT fund allocation for NBP by
(DICT buildings and towers)
Contracts the Congress.

Agusan del Norte 2022 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 7

Agusan del Sur 2022 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2

Dinagat Islands 2022 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Surigao del Sur 2022 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Surigao del Norte 2022 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2

Project Dependent on the yearly

Construction of New DICT Buildings 2022 0 2 3 1 0 0 0 6 Service DICT DICT fund allocation for NBP by
Contracts the Congress.

Agusan del Norte 2022 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

Agusan del Sur 2022 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Dinagat Islands 2022 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2

Surigao del Sur 2022 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2

Surigao del Norte 2022 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

Number of new resilient communication Project Dependent on the yearly

towers established for National 2022 0 0 2 9 1 0 0 12 Service DICT DICT fund allocation for NBP by
Broadband Project Contracts the Congress.

Agusan del Norte 2022 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2

Agusan del Sur 2022 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2

Dinagat Islands 2022 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2

Surigao del Sur 2022 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 3

Surigao del Norte 2022 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 3

Chapter 13 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure 80

Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of

8 Pt. Socio- Responsib Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Plan Verificatio Assumptions and Risks
economic Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 le Agency c Agency d
Target b n
Provincial Wireless Broadband Network Service Dependent on DICT-CO
2022 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 DICT DICT
Established Contracts allocated fund for NBP.
Provincial Broadband Fiber Optic Cable Service Dependent on DICT-CO
2022 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 DICT DICT
Network Established Contracts allocated fund for NBP.
Communication/Simulation Exercises and Agency
2022 4 6 2 2 2 2 2 16 DICT DICT
Drills conducted Report
Number of ETC/DRRM capacity
development activities and advocacies 2022 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 DICT DICT
Cybersecurity Advocacy and Awareness Agency
2022 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 36 DICT DICT
Program Activities conducted Report
CERT-PH Essential Training, Scenario-
Based and Tabletop Exercises Conducted 2022 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 DICT DICT
for Points-Of-Contacts
Philippine National Public Key
Infrastructure (PNPKI) Promotion and 2022 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 12 DICT DICT
Awareness Campaigns Conducted
Number of participants trained on PNPKI Agency
2022 180 90 90 90 90 90 90 540 DICT DICT
User's Training Report
Number of issued PNPKI digital Agency
2022 500 250 250 250 250 250 250 1500 DICT DICT
certificates Report
Number of participants trained on ILCDB- Agency
2022 250 125 250 350 650 750 750 2875 DICT DICT
Digital JobsPH technical training Report
Number of participants trained on ICT Agency
2022 0 440 400 400 400 400 400 2440 DICT DICT
specialized upskilling training programs Report
Number of Examinees served for the ICT Agency
2022 0 125 125 125 125 125 125 750 DICT DICT
Certification Exam Conducted Report
Number of ICT users trained 2022 0 60 100 100 100 100 100 560 DICT DICT
Number of ICT-enabled centers (Digital Agency
2022 1 2 2 0 4 3 2 13 DICT DICT
Transformation Centers) established Report

Agusan del Norte 2022 0 1 2 3

Agusan del Sur 2022 1 1 1

Dinagat Islands 2022 0 1 1 2

Surigao del Sur 2022 0 1 2 1 4

Surigao del Norte 2022 0 1 1 1 3

Chapter 13 Sub-Outcome 3
Affordable, accessible, 6
reliable, and clean energy Create green jobs
provided by pursuing a green DOE
and blue economy 7.1.1 Proportion of Proportion of households with access Household
and establishing population with access to to electricity increased (% of total 2022 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Electrificati DOE
livable and electricity HHs) on Level
sustainable Status

4 The targets are based on

Create more jobs by the National Renewable
promoting Energy Program (NREP)
investments, 2020-2040 and
improving calculations of the
infrastructure, and 7.2.1 Renewable energy Share of renewable energy (RE) in the DOE Key
National Renewable
ensuring energy share in the total final power generation mix in Mindanao 2021 44.99 27.5 35 Energy DOE DOE
Energy Board to which
security, among energy consumption increased (%)e Statistics
the Region can not
others deviate. Currently, the
Mindanao Grid has
reached the End of Plan
Target as of 2021.
81 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of

8 Pt. Socio- Responsib Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Plan Verificatio Assumptions and Risks
economic Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 le Agency c Agency d
Target b n
Share of indigenous energy on the
total primary energy supply increased The targets are based on
(% share)e the National Renewable
Energy Program (NREP)
2020-2040 and
2021 31.8 27.5 35 DOE calculations of the
National Renewable
DOE List of Energy Board to which
Existing the Region can not
Power deviate.
Chapter 13 Sub-Outcome 4
Water security, 6 1.4.1p7 Proportion of Proportion of HHs with access to safe
ecological integrity of Create green jobs families with access to water supply (% of total number of
water systems, and by pursuing a green improved water supply HH) increased
resiliency to water and blue economy FHSIS
and establishing 587,238
hazards attained Caraga 2021 97.53 98.76 99.38 99.69 99.85 99.93 100% Annual DOH
livable and 95.06%
sustainable FHSIS
communities 73,555
Agusan del Norte 2021 93.74 96.87 98.44 99.22 99.61 99.81 100% Annual DOH
Agusan del Sur 2021 95.72 97.86 98.93 99.47 99.74 99.87 100% Annual DOH
Surigao del Norte 2021 - - - - - - 100% Annual DOH
Surigao del Sur 2021 98.58 99.29 99.65 99.83 99.92 99.96 100% Annual DOH
Province of Dinagat 2021 97.695 98.84 99.42 99.71 99.86 99.93 100% Annual DOH
Bislig City 2021 94.24 97.12 98.56 99.28 99.64 99.82 100% Annual DOH
Butuan City 2021 98.02 99.01 99.5 99.78 99.88 99.97 100% Annual DOH
Surigao City 2021 95.16 97.58 98.79 99.4 99.7 99.85 100% Annual DOH
1.4.1p8 Proportion of
Proportion of HHs with access to
population living in
improved sanitation (% of total
households with access to
number of HH) increased
sanitary facility
552,335 FHSIS Annual
Caraga 2021 94.71 97.38 98.69 99.35 99.68 99.84 100% DOH
(89.41%) Report
74,609 FHSIS Annual
Agusan del Norte 2021 94.37 97.19 98.6 99.3 99.65 99.83 100% DOH
(88.74%) Report
149,848 FHSIS Annual
Agusan del Sur 2021 95.98 97.99 99 99.5 99.75 99.88 100% DOH
(91.96%) Report
74,926 FHSIS Annual
Surigao del Norte 2021 96.13 98.07 99.04 99.52 99.76 99.88 100% DOH
(92.25%) Report
104,499 FHSIS Annual
Surigao del Sur 2021 95.57 97.79 98.9 99.45 99.73 99.87 100% DOH
(91.14%) Report
22,768 FHSIS Annual
Province of Dinagat 2021 88.54 94.27 97.14 98.57 99.29 99.65 100% DOH
(77.08%) Report
18,188 FHSIS Annual
Bislig City 2021 90.16 95.08 97.54 98.77 99.39 99.7 100% DOH
(80.31%) Report
74,132 FHSIS Annual
Butuan City 2021 94.8 97.4 98.7 99.35 99.68 99.84 100% DOH
(89.60%) Report
33,365 FHSIS Annual
Surigao City 2021 91.81 95.91 97.96 98.98 99.49 99.75 100% DOH
(83.61%) Report
1.4.1p7 Proportion of Proportion of households served with
families with access to safely-managed water supply services
improved water supply increased
FHSIS Annual
Caraga 2021 45.45 52.24 59.03 65.82 72.61 79.40 86.19 100% DOH
FHSIS Annual
Agusan del Norte 2021 46.58 49.21 51.84 54.47 57.10 59.73 62.36 100% DOH
FHSIS Annual
Agusan del Sur 2021 29.61 34.32 39.02 43.73 48.44 53.15 57.86 100% DOH
Chapter 13 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure 82

Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of

8 Pt. Socio- Responsib Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Plan Verificatio Assumptions and Risks
economic Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 le Agency c Agency d
Target b n
FHSIS Annual
Surigao del Norte 2021 52.37 54.29 56.21 58.14 60.06 61.98 63.90 100% DOH
FHSIS Annual
Surigao del Sur 2021 49.94 52.16 54.38 56.60 58.81 61.03 63.25 100% DOH
FHSIS Annual
Province of Dinagat 2021 45.87 48.59 51.30 54.02 56.74 59.46 62.17 100% DOH
FHSIS Annual
Bislig City 2021 67.80 67.83 67.86 67.89 67.93 67.96 63.99 100% DOH
FHSIS Annual
Butuan City 2021 51.27 53.33 55.38 57.44 59.59 61.55 63.61 100% DOH
FHSIS Annual
Surigao City 2021 55.66 57.18 58.70 60.22 61.74 63.26 64.77 100% DOH

Cropping intensity increased

NIA Annual
Agusan del Norte 2021 16.39% 1.17% 0.96% 1.59% 4.69% 2.12% 1.98% 100% NIA
NIA Annual
Agusan del Sur 2021 -5.48% 1.74% 0.34% 2.56% 1.7% 1.31% 0.19% 100% NIA
NIA Annual
Surigao del Norte 2021 16.76% 0.81% 2.16% 0.35% 0.31% 0.32% 0.5% 100% NIA
NIA Annual
Surigao del Sur 2021 8.23% 0.68% 1.1% 9.55% 0.19% 0.45% 0.42% 100% NIA
NIA Annual
Province of Dinagat 2021 26.41% 3.15% 2.72% 15.44% 0.2% 0.16% 0.13% 100% NIA
Protect the Ratio of actual irrigated area to total New irrigation; not
purchasing power of potential irrigable area increased restoration
families by ensuring
food security, NIA Annual
Agusan del Norte 2021 16.00% 1.16% 0.96% 1.59% 4.82% 4.37% 4.29% 100% NIA
reducing transport Report
and logistics costs, NIA Annual
and reducing energy Agusan del Sur 2021 5.13% 1.72% 0.35% 2.56% 1.69% 1.32% 1.85% 100% NIA
NIA Annual
Surigao del Norte 2021 18.57% 0.84% 2.13% 0.34% 0.33% 0.32% 0.6% 100% NIA
NIA Annual
Surigao del Sur 2021 10.96% 0.89% 1.88% 9.55% 0.2% 0.45% 1.09% 100% NIA
NIA Annual
Province of Dinagat 2021 26.92% 3.16% 2.72% 15.44% 0.19% 0.15% 0.12% 100% NIA
Percentage of flood-protected areas to
Create green jobs 6.5.1.p1 Percentage of the total flood-susceptible areas
by pursuing a green implementation of increased
and blue economy programs and projects
and establishing identified in the Integrated
livable and Lower Agusan River Basin 2021 14.08% 6.96% 33.08% 13.80% 11.60% 8.26% 12.21% 100.00% Agency Report DPWH DPWH
River BasinMaster Plans
communities Middle Agusan River Basin 2021 10.29% 14.57% 33.40% 23.40% 15.83% 2.50% 100.00% 100.00% Agency Report DPWH DPWH

Cabadbaran River Basin 2021 11.25% 0 51.15% 18.04% 14.62% 4.94% 100.00% 100.00% Agency Report DPWH DPWH

Lake Mainit River Basin 2021 4.70% 0 7.16% 33.78% 33.78% 15.21% 5.37% 100.00% Agency Report DPWH DPWH

Lake Mainit-Tubay River Basin 2021 14.98% 19.84% 65.18% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Agency Report DPWH DPWH

Daywan River Basin 2021 0 22.58% 19.35% 19.35% 19.35% 19.35% 100.00% 100.00% Agency Report DPWH DPWH

Magtiaco River Basin 2021 40.75% 0.00% 23.70% 23.70% 11.85% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Agency Report DPWH DPWH

Surigao River Basin 2021 24.88% 0.70% 25.61% 14.36% 14.36% 10.04% 10.04% 100.00% Agency Report DPWH DPWH

Tago River Basin 2021 4.20% 2.54% 27.92% 22.59% 21.95% 9.75% 11.04% 100.00% Agency Report DPWH DPWH

Carac-an River Basin 2021 50.00% 6.57% 12.06% 12.64% 18.72% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Agency Report DPWH DPWH

Chapter 13 Sub-Outcome 5

6 Target 12.4 By 2020,

achieve the environmentally Solid Waste Management (SWM)
83 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of

8 Pt. Socio- Responsib Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Plan Verificatio Assumptions and Risks
economic Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 le Agency c Agency d
Target b n
Enhanced support to Create green jobs sound management of Assuming availability of
Percentage of barangays served EMB
social development by pursuing a green chemicals and all wastes Barangay area and funds
by Material Recovery Facility 2021 657 680 700 720 750 770 800 800 Annual EMB EMB
provided and blue economy throughout their life cycle, as for the establishment of
(MRFs) increased Report
and establishing agreed international MRFs
livable and frameworks, and Percentage of LGUs served by
sustainable significantly reduce their final disposal sites increased
communities release to air, water and soil (e.g., sanitary landfills (SLFs), Assuming availability of
in order to minimize their waste-to-energy (WtE) ) LGU fund for the
2021 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 Annual EMB EMB
adverse impacts on human establishment and
health and the environment. operation of SLF

Health Infrastructure

Ideal Hospital bed to population

License to
ratio achieved 2022 1:700 1:1000 1:1000 1:1000 1:1000 1:1000 1:1000 1:1000 DOH DOH

Percentage of
municipalities/barangays with
primary care facilities increased


Agusan del Norte 2021 27% 38% 49% 60% 73% 86% 100% 100% *Adequate
Butuan City (Capital) 2021 16% 27% 38% 49% 65% 82% 100% 100% *Adequate
2 *Adequate
Reduce vulnerability City of Cabadbaran 2021 25% 50% 75% 95% 100% 100% 100% 100%
and mitigate Population
scarring from the Ration
COVID-19 pandemic
by tackling health, *2021 LGU DOH DOH
strengthening social Health
protection, and Scorecard
addressing learning *Adequate
losses Agusan del Sur 2021 22% 33% 44% 57% 80% 93% 100% 100%


City of Bayugan 2021 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% RHO


Dinagat Islands 2021 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% *Adequate


Surigao Del Norte 2021 74% 78% 82% 86% 90% 94% 100% 100% *Adequate
Chapter 13 Expand and Upgrade Infrastructure 84

Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of

8 Pt. Socio- Responsib Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Plan Verificatio Assumptions and Risks
economic Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 le Agency c Agency d
Target b n
Surigao City (Capital) 2021 56% 67% 78% 89% 100% 100% 100% 100% *Adequate


Surigao del Sur 2021 55% 61% 67% 73% 79% 89% 100% 100% *Adequate
*2021 LGU
City of Bislig 2021 60% 80% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% *Adequate DOH DOH
*2021 LGU
City of Tandag (Capital) 2021 34% 77% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% *Adequate DOH DOH

Target 4.a Build and

upgrade education facilities Educational Infrastructure
that are child, disability and
gender sensitive and provide Ideal Classroom-to-pupil ratio
safe, non-violent, inclusive achieved (1:40 Standard)
and effective learning
environments for all Primary DepEd
2021 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 1:30 NSBI and DepEd DepEd
Junior High School (HS) DepEd
2021 1:38 1:38 1:38 1:38 1:38 1:38 1:38 1:38 NSBI and DepEd DepEd
Senior HS DepEd
2021 1:37 1:37 1:37 1:37 1:37 1:37 1:37 1:37 NSBI and DepEd DepEd

4.a.1.5 Proportion of Percentage of public schools with

schools with access to water and sanitation (WatSan)
basic handwashing facility
facilities (as per the
Primary (1:10 > 1 facility with
WASH indicator
10 water outlets; 1 water 2021 29.34% 35.00% 50% 75% 100.00% 100% 100% 100% WinS OMS DepEd DepEd
definitions) (%, outlet to 10 learners)
Secondary Schools Junior
High School (HS) (1:4) 2021 46.76% 50% 75% 85% 100% 100% 100% 100% WinS OMS DepEd DepEd

Senior HS (1:4) 2021 46.76% 50% 75% 85% 100% 100% 100% 100% WinS OMS DepEd DepEd

4.a.1.1 Proportion of Percentage of public schools with

schools with access to electricity increased (%,
electricity cumulative)
Primary 2020 97.77% 98.75% 99.74% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% EBEIS DepEd DepEd

Junior High School (HS) 2020 98.72% 99.71% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% EBEIS DepEd DepEd

Senior HS 2020 98.73% 99.72% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% EBEIS DepEd DepEd

Proportions of public schools with

functional computers increased
(%, cumulative)
Primary 2020 61.70% 62.93% 64.19% 65.48% 66.79% 68.12% 69.48% 69.48% EBEIS DepEd DepEd

Junior High School (HS) 2020 79.57% 81.16% 82.78% 84.44% 86.13% 87.85% 89.61% 89.61% EBEIS DepEd DepEd

Senior HS 2020 75.89% 77.41% 78.96% 80.54% 82.15% 83.79% 85.46% 85.46% EBEIS DepEd DepEd
85 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of

8 Pt. Socio- Responsib Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Plan Verificatio Assumptions and Risks
economic Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 le Agency c Agency d
Target b n
Proportions of public schools with
4.a.1.2 Proportion of internet access increased (%,
schools with access to
the Internet for
pedagogical purposes Primary 2020 27.21% 28.57% 30.00% 31.50% 33.07% 34.73% 36.46% 36.46% EBEIS DepEd DepEd

Junior High School (HS) 2020 38.30% 40.22% 42.23% 44.34% 46.55% 48.88% 51.33% 51.33% EBEIS DepEd DepEd

Senior HS 2020 33.50% 35.18% 36.93% 38.78% 40.72% 42.76% 44.89% 44.89% EBEIS DepEd DepEd
Chapter 1 4 Ensure Peace and Security and Enhance Administration of Justice 86

Ensure Peace and Security

and Enhance Administration
of Justice
87 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Figure 14: Strategy Framework to Ensure Peace and Security and Enhance Administration of Justice
Chapter 1 4 Ensure Peace and Security and Enhance Administration of Justice 88
Baseline Annual Plan Targets
8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target b Verification Agency c Agency d

Societal Goal
Economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society
Chapter 14
Ensure Peace and Security and Enhance Administration of Justice
Sub-Chapter 14 Outcome 1
Ensure Peace and Security
Sub-Chapter 14 Outcome 1.1
Protection and development of 8 2021 47 increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing Annual AFP
conflict-affected communities Uphold public order and Accomplishment
Number of cleared barangays increased Report
and conflict-vulnerable areas safety, peace, and
sustained security
Sub-Chapter 14 Outcome 1.2
Protection and safety of the 8 Average annual index crime rate reduced 2021 3.6 3.42 3.24 3.07 2.91 2.74 2.60 3.6 Annual PNP
general public insured Uphold public order and 16.1.s2 Monthly average index Accomplishment
safety, peace, and crime rate Report
Crime solution efficiency rate improved 2021 72.35% 75.96% 79.96% 83.73% 87.91% 92.30% 96.91% 96.91% Annual PNP
Crime solution clearance efficiency rate 2021 97.87% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% Annual PNP
improved Accomplishment
Police to population ratio (1:500) improved 2021 1:410 1:406 1:398 1:391 1:396 1:400 1:405 1:405 Annual PNP
Police response time (5 minutes) improved 2021 5 or 15 5 or 15 5 or 15 5 or 15 5 or 15 5 or 15 5 or 15 5 or 15 Annual PNP
minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes Accomplishment
Firefighters response time (Fireman to 2021 7 minutes 7 minutes 7 minutes 7 minutes 7 minutes 7 minutes 7 minutes 7 minutes Annual BFP
Population Ratio : 1:2,242) Accomplishment
No. of drug-cleared/free barangays 2021 20 increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing Annual DILG, PDEA
5.2.s1 Number of reported 2021 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CIRAS Data PNP
gender-based violence cases
(includes e- VAW)
5.2.s2 Number of reported abuse 2021 1,501 1,576 1,655 1,737 1,824 1,916 2,011 2,011 CIRAS Data PNP
cases among women and
5.2.s2.1 Number of reported 2021 710 745 783 822 863 906 951 951 CIRAS Data PNP
abuse cases among women
2021 791 830 872 916 961 1009 1,060 1,060 CIRAS Data PNP
5.2.s2.2 Number of reported
abuse cases among children

Sub-Chapter 14 Outcome 2
Enhance Administration of Justice
Sub-Chapter 14 Outcome 2.1
Quality and Efficiency in 8 Percentage of successful prosecution 2021 93.65% 93.66% 93.67% 93.68% 93.69% 93.70% 93.71% 93.71% Annual DOJ-RPO
Disposition of Cases improved Uphold public order and improved (convictions vis-à-vis acquittal) Accomplishmen
t Report
safety, peace, and
Completion rate of cases handled improved 2021 32.98% 33.14% 33.54% 33.94% 34.49% 35.04% 35.60% 35.60% Annual PAO
Percentage of qualified clients assisted with 2022 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Annual PAO
mediation and conciliation services Accomplish
sustained ment Report
Settlement rate of ADR cases by the Annual DILG
Katarungang Pambarangay improved Accomplish
ment Report
- Agusan del Norte 2022 82.7% 83% 84% 85% 86% 87% 88% 88%

- Agusan del Sur 2022 87.8% 80% 81% 82% 83% 88% 89% 89%

- Province of Dinagat Islands 2022 84.5% 85% 86% 87% 88% 89% 90% 90%

- Surigao del Norte 2022 78% 78% 79% 80% 81% 82% 83% 83%

- Surigao del Sur 2022 77% 70% 71% 72% 73% 74% 75% 75%

- Butuan City 2022 63.8% 70% 71% 72% 73% 74% 75% 75%
89 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices
Baseline Annual Plan Targets
8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target b Verification Agency c Agency d

Sub-Chapter 14 Outcome 2.2

Access to quality, free or 8 Percentage of request for judicial and quasi- 2022 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Annual PAO
affordable legal services Uphold public order and judicial services acted sustained Accomplish
improved safety, peace, and ment Report
Sub-Chapter 14 Outcome 2.3
Living conditions of persons 8 Congestion rate in jail facilities reduced Annual BJMP
deprived of liberty (PDL) Uphold public order and Accomplish
improved and their productive safety, peace, and ment Report
reintegration ensured security
2021 390% 111% 105% 99% 93% 90% 81% 81%
-Regional Level

2021 273% 25% 22% 19% 16% 13% 10% 10%

-City and Municipal Jails

2021 205% 86% 83% 80% 77% 74% 71% 71%

-District Jails

Facilities with Male PDL 2022 240% 224% 214% 205% 169% 188% 179% 179% Annual BJMP
ment Report
Facilities with Female PDL 2022 240% 7% 7% 7% 7% 6% 6% 6% Annual BJMP
ment Report
Participation rate of PDL in reformation
programs increased
-Skills Enhancement Program 2021 0 15% 20% 25% 30% 25% 40% 40% Annual BJMP
ment Report
-Livelihood Program 2021 63% 50% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 80% Annual BJMP
ment Report
Percentage of clients successfully 2021 99.45% 99.55% 99.55% 99.55% 99.55% 99.55% 99.55% 99.55% Annual DOJ-PPA
terminated from probation or parole Accomplish
sustained ment Report
Chapter 15 Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic and Regulatory Efficiency 90

Practice Good Governance

and Improve Bureaucratic
and Regulatory Efficiency
91 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Figure 15: Strategy Framework to Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic and Regulatory Efficiency
Chapter 15 Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic and Regulatory Efficiency 92

Baseline Annual Plan Targets

8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Target b Verification Agency c Agency d

Societal Goal
Economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society
Chapter 15
Practice Good Governance and Improve Bureaucratic and Regulatory Efficiency
Chapter 15 Outcome 1
Participatory governance 3 16.10.2 Number of local government units (LGUs)
deepened Ensure sound Number of countries that adopt with seated Indigenous Peoples NCIP Annual
2022 293 293 320 390 420 490 500 500 LGUs NCIP
macroeconomic and implement constitutional, Representative (IPMR) increased Report
fundamentals by statutory and/or policy (cumulative)
improving bureaucratic guarantees for public access to Number of Ancestral Domains (ADs) with
efficiency and ensuring information Indigenous Peoples Structure (IPS) NCIP Annual
sound fiscal management 2022 32 34 37 41 42 43 44 44 NCIP NCIP
documented increased Report
Percentage of voter turnout increased 2022 85% increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increased COMELEC COMELEC
Annual Report
Chapter 15 Outcome 2
Public accountability and 3 16.10.2 Percentage of LGUs with institutionalized
integrity bolstered Ensure sound Number of countries that adopt DILG Annual
Civil Society Organization (CSO) desks 2022 84% 85% 86% 87% 88% 89% 90% 90% LGUs DILG
macroeconomic and implement constitutional, Report
fundamentals by statutory and/or policy
Percentage of LGUs conferred with Seal
improving bureaucratic guarantees for public access to DILG Annual
information of Good Local Governance (SGLG) 2022 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 28% 29% 29% LGUs DILG
efficiency and ensuring Report
sound fiscal management increased
DILG Annual
• Province (5) 2022 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% LGUs DILG
DILG Annual
• City (6) 2022 34% 34% 34% 34% 34% 34% 34% 34% LGUs DILG
DILG Annual
• Municipality (67) 2022 21% 22% 24% 25% 27% 28% 30% 30% LGUs DILG
Percentage of LGUs passed the Good DILG Annual
2022 93% 93% 95% 96% 97% 100% 100% 100% LGUs DILG
Financial Housekeeping (GFH) increased Report
DILG Annual
• Province (5) 2022 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% LGUs DILG
DILG Annual
• City (6) 2022 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% LGUs DILG
DILG Annual
• Municipality (67) 2022 93% 93% 94% 96% 97% 99% 100% 100% LGUs DILG
Percentage of LGUs fully complied with at
least 30 percent of the Commission on COA Annual
2020 69% increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increased LGUs COA
Audit Report
Audit (COA) recommendations increased
COA Annual
• Province (5) 2020 80% increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increased LGUs COA
Audit Report
COA Annual
• City (6) 2020 50% increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increased LGUs COA
Audit Report
COA Annual
• Municipality (67) 2020 70% increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increased LGUs COA
Audit Report
Chapter 15 Outcome 3
Government functions, 3 16.10.2 Percentage of LGUs adopting integrated
systems, and mechanisms Ensure sound Number of countries that adopt Business Permits and Licensing System DICT Annual
2022 51% increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increased LGUs DICT
rationalized and strengthened, macroeconomic and implement constitutional, (iBPLS) increased Report
and burden of regulations fundamentals by statutory and/or policy
reduced improving bureaucratic guarantees for public access to DICT Annual
• City (6) 2022 17% increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increased LGUs DICT
efficiency and ensuring information Report
sound fiscal management DICT Annual
• Municipality (67) 2022 54% increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increased LGUs DICT
Percentage of LGUs with Cities and
DTI Annual
Municipalities Competitive Index (CMCI) 2022 10% increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increased LGUs DTI
Score improved
DTI Annual
• Province (5) 2022 0% increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increased Report LGUs DTI

DTI Annual
• City (6) 2022 50% increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increased Report LGUs DTI

DTI Annual
• Municipality (67) 2022 7% increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increased Report LGUs DTI

Percentage of LGUs with approved Local

DILG Annual
Investment and Incentives Codes (LIICs) 2022 87% 90% 92% 96% 100% 100% 100% 100% LGUs DILG
93 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Baseline Annual Plan Targets

8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year a Target b Verification Agency c Agency d
Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

DILG Annual
• Province (5) 2022 80% 83% 83% 83% 83% LGUs DILG
DILG Annual
• City (6) 2022 83% 83% 83% 83% 100% LGUs DILG
DILG Annual
• Municipality (67) 2022 88% 100% LGUs DILG
Percentage of LGUs with Community-
PSA Annual
Based Monitoring System (CBMS) 2022 82% increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increased LGUs PSA
institutionalized increased
PSA Annual
• City (6) 2022 83% increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increased LGUs PSA
PSA Annual
• Municipality (67) 2022 82% increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increased LGUs PSA
Percentage of population registered with
PSA Annual
the Philippine Identification System 2022 81% 86% 92% 98% 100% 100% 100% 100% PSA PSA
(PhilSys) increased
Chapter 15 Outcome 4
Competent, motivated, agile, 3 16.10.2 90% of 90% of 90% of 90% of 90% of 90% of 90% of
Percentage of LGUs provided with DILG Annual
and resilient public servants Ensure sound Number of countries that adopt 2022 90% requests requests requests requests requests requests requests DILG DILG
capacity-building activities sustained Report
supported macroeconomic and implement constitutional, received received received received received received received
fundamentals by statutory and/or policy 90% of 90% of 90% of 90% of 90% of 90% of 90% of
improving bureaucratic guarantees for public access to DILG Annual
• Demand-Driven Trainings 2022 90% requests requests requests requests requests requests requests DILG DILG
efficiency and ensuring information Report
received received received received received received received
sound fiscal management 90% of 90% of 90% of 90% of 90% of 90% of 90% of
• Program/Project-Based Capacity DILG Annual
2022 90% requests requests requests requests requests requests requests DILG DILG
Development Report
received received received received received received received
Number of LGUs, regional line agencies
(RLAs), and state universities and colleges
(SUCs) conferred with Program to 5 CSC Annual LGUs, RLAs,
2022 increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increasing increased CSC
Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence (bronze) Report SUCs
in Human Resource Management
(PRIME-HRM) increased
Chapter 16 Accelerate Climate Action and Strengthen Disaster Resilience 94

Accelerate Climate Action

and Strengthen Disaster
95 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Figure 16: Strategy Framework to Accerate Climate Action and Strengthen Disaster Resilience
Chapter 16 Accelerate Climate Action and Strengthen Disaster Resilience 96

Baseline Annual Plan Targets

8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year a Target b Verification Agency c Agency d
Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Societal Goal

Economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society

Chapter 16

Accelerate Climate Action and Strengthen Disaster Resilience

Chapter 16 Outcome 1
Socioeconomic resilience to 6
climate and disaster risks Create green jobs by 13.1.1 Number of deaths,
increased pursuing a green and blue missing persons and directly
economy and establishing affected persons attributed to
livable and sustainable disasters per 100,000 population
1 Number of deaths attributed to
disasters per 100,000
populations Post-disaster
Zero casualties achieved (Typhoon 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RDRRMC OCD
2 Number of missing persons
attributed to disasters per
100,000 populations

3 Number of directly affected

persons attributed to disasters
per 100, 000 population

Productive Sector (Agriculture and
2022 1.45%
fisheries, Industry, Services, Tourism) Post-disaster
(Typhoon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RDRRMC OCD
damages and losses due to disasters Report
Odette) Losses:
reduced (Share to GRDP, %)
Social Sector damages due to disasters Post-disaster
(Typhoon 8.88% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RDRRMC OCD
reduced (Share to GRDP, %) Report

Infrastructure Sector damages due to Post-disaster
(Typhoon 1.47% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RDRRMC OCD
disasters reduced (Share to GRDP, %) Report

Chapter 16 Outcome 2
Ecosystem resilience improved 6
Create green jobs by Forest cover increased (in hectares) 2020 741,827 757,315.33 764,081.82 764,081.82 NAMRIA Map DENR DENR
pursuing a green and blue
economy and establishing
livable and sustainable
communities Closed canopy forest cover increased (in 134,501
2020 143,916.07 145,201.94 145,201.94 NAMRIA Map DENR DENR

Open canopy forest cover increased (in 580,068

2020 585,868.68 591,103.32 591,103.32 NAMRIA Map DENR DENR

Mangrove forest cover increased (in 27,258.00

2020 27,530.58 27,776.56 27,776.56 NAMRIA Map DENR DENR

Number of LGUs with approved Forest

2021 56 Increasing Annual Report DENR, LGUs DENR
Land Use Plans (FLUPs) increased

Number of functional watershed

2022 1 1 3 6 7 7 7 7 Annual Report DENR, LGUs DENR, LGUs
management councils increased

No. of illegal logging hotspots reduced 2022 8 8 8 6 5 4 4 4 Annual Report DENR DENR

No. of approved critical habitats increased 2022 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Annual Report DENR DENR

Number of PAs with PAMB maintained 2022 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Annual Report DENR DENR
97 Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 Results Matrices

Baseline Annual Plan Targets

8 Pt. Socio-economic End-of-Plan Means of Responsible Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Assumptions and Risks
Agenda Year a Target b Verification Agency c Agency d
Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Marine protected area (in hectares)

2021 4,578 Increasing Agency Report BFAR BFAR
established and maintained

Chapter 16 Outcome 3
Climate change and disaster 6 Percentage of LGUs with approved Local Annual
risk governance improved Create green jobs by Climate Change Action Plan increased 2022 70 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Accomplishment DILG, OCD DILG, OCD
pursuing a green and blue Report
economy and establishing Percentage of LGUs with Disaster Risk Annual
livable and sustainable Reduction and Management Plans 2022 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Accomplishment DILG, OCD DILG, OCD
communities increased/maintained Report
Percentage of LGUs with fully functioning Annual
13.1.3 Proportion of local LDRRMCs increased/maintained 2022 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Accomplishment DILG, OCD DILG, OCD
governments that adopt and Report
implement local disaster risk Percentage of Local Government Units
reduction strategies in line with (LGU) undertaking or updating Climate and Annual
national disaster risk reduction Disaster Risk Assessments (CDRA) 2022 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Accomplishment DILG, OCD DILG, OCD
strategies in Caraga increased/maintained Report

Percentage of hazard, exposure and

vulnerability databases established Annual
increased/maintained 2022 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Accomplishment DILG, OCD DILG, OCD
Chapter 1 7 Industrialize and Innovate Fishery, Agro-forestry, Mining, and Ecotourism (i2FAME) 98

Industrialize and Innovate

Fishery, Agro-forestry, Mining,
and Ecotourism (i2FAME)
Chapter 1 7 Industrialize and Innovate Fishery, Agro-forestry, Mining, and Ecotourism (i2FAME) 99

Baseline Annual Plan Targets End-of- Means of

8 Pt. Socio- Responsib Reporting
Objectives/Results SDG Tier 1 Indicators Indicator Plan Verificatio Assumptions and Risks
economic Agenda Year a Value 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 le Agency c Agency d
Target b n
Societal Goal

Economic transformation for a prosperous, inclusive, and resilient society

Intermediate Goal

Transform Production Sectors to Generate More Quality Jobs and Competitive Products

Chapter 17 Outcome 1
F.A.M.E. products and
services upgraded GRDP growth rate (at constant 2018
2021 7.2 5.1-6.1 5.5-7.0 5.7-7.2 6.0-7.5 6.5-8.0 7.0-8.5 7.0-8.5 PSA PSA
Prices) increased

GVA growth rate in AFF Sector (at BFAR,
2021 (4.6) 0.8-0.9 0.9-1.1 1.0-1.2 1.1-1.4 1.2-1.6 1.4-1.8 1.4-1.8 PSA PSA
2018 constant prices) increased (%) DENR,

GVA growth rate in Industry Sector (at DTI,

2021 10.7 3.1-3.7 3.5-4.4 3.6-4.6 3.9-4.9 4.3-5.4 4.7-5.9 4.7-5.9 PSA PSA
2018 constant prices) increased (%) LGUS

GVA growth rate in Service Sector (at DTI.DOT.

2021 8.1 7.2-8.6 7.7-9.8 7.8-9.8 8.1-9.9 8.6-10.3 9.0-10.8 9.0-10.8 PSA PSA
2018 constant prices) increased (%) LGUS

Employment share of Industry Sector 18.1- 19.1- 20.1- 21.3- 22.4- 23.7- 23.7- DTI.
2021 17.0 PSA PSA
increased (%) 18.4 19.3 21.4 21.5 22.6 23.8 23.8 LGUS

Employment share of Service Sector 59.0- 61.7- 64.5- 67.6- 70.9- 74.3- 74.3- DTI, DOT,
2020 54.8 PSA PSA
increased (%) 59.6 62.2 65.0 68.1 71.3 75.0 75.0 LGUS

260,334. DOLE,
Labor productivity increased (PHP) 2021 Increasing PSA PSA
All rights reserved. Any part of this book may be used and reproduced provided proper acknowledgement is made.
Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 – Results Matrices

Published by:
National Economic and Development Authority – Regional Office Caraga
J. Rosales Avenue, Butuan City
Tel: (0917) 836 0338; (0920) 607 9840  (085) 815-0308
Email:[email protected]

Printed in the Philippines

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