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1. Complete the following statement with a suitable word:
a. The world-wide growth of ____________ and the expansion of empires during the medieval period
created the need of _____________ maps.
b. An Arab geographer ______________made a world map in 1154 CE.
c. _________ and ______________ on the basis of which we write history known as __________.
2.. Answer the following in one word:
a. The science of Drawing maps.
b. The person who makes maps.
c. Study of inscriptions on coins, buildings, pillars and rock edicts.
d. A literary work which is written by hand.
e. The Successor of Prophet Muhammad.
3.State True or false
a. A cartographer studies about flora and fauna.
b. Manuscripts were written by hand.
c. Rajputs were famous for their valour and loyalty.
d. Jatis had no rules and regulations.
e. Bhakti required no rituals and priests.
4.. Assertion Reason
For question numbers 1 to 4, two statements are given one labelled Assertion (A) a other labelled
Reason (R). Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), and (d) as given below:
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) Assertion is false but Reason is true.
1. Assertion (A): Babur used the term 'Hindustan'.
Reason (R): He used it to describe the geography, fauna and culture of Indian people.
2. Assertion (A): People in the Medieval Period wrote lots of texts, letters, teachings and petitions.
Reason (R): By now, paper had become quite cheap and widely available.
3. Assertion (A): Ziauddin Barani wrote his chronicle first in 1354.
Reason (R): He revised it after two years.
4. Assertion (A): Jatis were formed according to the background and occupation of people.
Reason (R): Jatis had no rules and regulations.
This is the picture of a famous monument of the 13th century. Look at it carefully and answer the following

a. Name the monument.

b. Name the city where this monument is located.
c. Monuments act as historical sources.” Could you elaborate on the ways in which this is true?
d. Name some other sources of history.
e. Write two more monuments of the Medieval India.

Social and Political Life

1. Define the following terms:
a. Constitution b. discrimination c. Dignity d. Creed.

2. Choose the correct answer:

i) Which of the following show(s) the existence of inequality in our daily life? wors

(a) A large number of people living below poverty line in India

(b) The caste system in India

(c) Untouchability in India

(d) All of these

ii) Our government has tried to implement equality through

(a) various laws (b) various programmes (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these

iii) Who among the following was the leader of Civil Rights Movement of America?

(a) Barack Obama (b) Rosa Parks (c) Nelson Mandela (d) None of these
3 . Fill in the blanks
a. In a democracy, all citizens are__________________________ before the law.

b. __________________refers to thinking of oneself and other persons as worthy of

c. In order to promote equality _____________has been abolished by law.

d. The attitude of the people to think of all as equal, changes______________________.

e.Civil Rights Movement began in 1950s in______________________.

4. State True or False

a. Our constitution guarantees equality for all citizens.

b. The government enacts various policies to ensure equality for all.

c. The Mid-day Meal Scheme was started in Andhra Pradesh.

d. Attendance of children has improved by the Mid-day Meal Scheme.

e. Other countries of the world do not face inequality.

5. Answer the following questions:
a. Draw a logo of National Commission for scheduled castes.
b. Define equality and constitution.
c. Write a short note on Civil Rights movement.



A. Choose the correct answer.

1. Environer is a word

(a) Hindi (b) Greek (c) French (d) English

2. Which of the following is included in the natural environment?

(a) Air (b) Land (c) Water (d) All of these

3. Lithos refers to

(a) water (b) rocks (c) moisture (d) gases

4. Which of the following forces hold the atmosphere around the earth?

(a) Gravitational force (b) Neutron force (c) Coriolis force (d) None of these

5. The elevation of any landform is measured by the

(a) plains (b) plateaus (c) ocean floor (d) none of these
6. In which of the following zones the land, air and water meet to support life?

(a) Hydrosphere (b) Biosphere (c) Atmosphere (d) Lithosphere

7. Which one of the following systems is an artificial ecosystem?

(a) Aquarium (b) Rain forest (c) Ponds (d) Deserts

8. Which one of the following factors is a threat to environment? Hors

(a) Growing industries (b) Growing crops (c) Growing population (d) None of these


1. Differentiate between the natural and the man-made environment.
2. Define the term ‘atmosphere'. Write in short how the atmosphere is useful for us.
3. What do you know about the human environment?
4. 'Man modifies his environment'. Give reasons to support this statement.
1. Discuss how the plants and animals are interdependent on each other. HOTS
2. Define the term ecosystem. How is it useful for human beings?
3. 'Human activities are adversely affecting how? HOTS our environment.' Do you agree with this
statement ?
Classify these pictures into Natural and Man-made Environment.

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