6.polystop PVC 4mm 10mm - Tds

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Internal and external PVC waterstop

POLYSTOP water stops are high grade Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) resin extrusions that are plasticized and
stabilized to offer long life performance in concrete structures against water leakages.the cross section
configuration features a multi rib design for an effective grip and tenacious anchor to the concrete and
a flexible, hollow center bulb to accommodate moderate expansion and contraction in the concrete.

POLYSTOP waterstops are manufactured to meet the most stringent performance specifications and are
resistant to abrasion and chemicals.
CHARACTERISTICS and differential movement in both lateral and
transverse direction without excessively stretching
4 High tensile strength & elongation the material. For greater versatility and superior
4 Unique design. Specific ribbed profile for ef- mechanical bonding, the waterstop is
fective water sealing performance incorporated with multiple ribs and fins on both
4 Brass eyelets on edge flanges for tying with steel the lengthwise edges.
reinforcements (Internal profiles)
4 Non toxic. Suitable for use in contact with- POLYSTOP ECJ - External Construction Joints
potable water External construction joint waterstop is used at
4 Prefabricated intersections joints of slab on grade or walls that gets backfilled
4 Excellent chemical resistance on vertical walls. the profile of this waterstop is flat
1 4 Non-staining. Will not discolor concrete or with multiple ribs and fins along its flanges for
produce electrolytic action better mechanical bond or interlock in the
POLYSTOP EEJ - External Expansion Joints
POLYSTOP waterstops are used in conjunction with External expansion joint waterstop is used in
expansion and construction joints in RCC concrete expansion or isolation joints. these are
structures like: designed with centre bulb with a tear web. these
4 Water reservoirs & storage tanks type of waterstop is used where large movements
4 Retaining walls, basements, foundations in expected. tear web keeps concrete out of the
4 subways, tunnels & culverts bulb during concrete placement. Upon joint
4 Drainage, sewerage & waste water structures movement, the thin tear web ruptures allowing
4 treatment plants substantial mechanical deformation of center bulb
4 swimming pools without stressing the material.
4 Dams, canals
INTERNAL PROFILE DETAILS Fixing Internally: Internal and centrally placed
POLYSTOP ICJ - Internal Construction Joints waterstops are positioned within the concrete
the internal Construction joint waterstops is where the centerline of the waterstop is aligned
placed in the centre of the concrete construction with the centre of the joint. such waterstops
joints. since this type of waterstop is embedded functions as a watertight diaphragm wall against
into the concrete they are designed and any water leakage. For a proper placement of the
incorporated with fins and multiple solid-core ribs waterstop, split formwork is recommended when
along the two lengthwise edges. these fins installing in slab-to-slab, slab-to-wall and wall-to-
interlocks the waterstop in the concrete thus wall joints. the waterstop is then tied with wires
providing a superior mechanical bond with the trough the eyelets provided at the end flanges to
concrete. the ribs are designed with particular the reinforcement. this will ensure that the
angle which anchors with the concrete and further waterstop firmly held in position and is not
reinforces the mechanical bond. In addition to that misaligned or fold during the concrete pour. one
angle in the ribs ensures a torturous path for the half of the waterstop has to be positioned within
passage of water. the first pour and the other half projecting into the
POLYSTOP IEJ - Internal Expansion Joints second pour. A tight fit between the waterstop and
the Internal Expansion joint waterstop is placed in the form is also necessary to prevent excessive
the centre/internal section of the concrete leakage of concrete paste, which could lead to
expansion joint. this waterstop has a central honeycombing of the concrete.
hollow bulb which is designed to allow the cyclical Fixing Externally: the externally placed waterstop is
installed prior to pouring of concrete. the external
Product Guide V6 - structural Waterproofing 97
expansion joint profile is usually loosely laid on top
of the compacted grade or mudslab. the stop end HEALTH & SAFETY
form works are then fixed on top of the waterstop. POLYSTOP is completely non-hazardous and non-
the waterstop can either be nailed or glued into flammable. But care should be taken while cutting
position to avoid displacements during the and welding the joints. Hydrogen Chloride vapors
concrete pour. the External construction joint will be released during the hot welding, therefore
profile is glued or nailed on to the vertical shutter. the working area should be properly ventilated.
the waterstop is so positioned that only the ribbed
side is embedded into the concrete. SUPPLY
Jointing: A fully continuous water stop network must PolystoP ICJ 4mm 250mm x 15m, wt 22.5kg#
be formed throughout. At bends and additional 200mm x 15m, wt 19.5kg#
joints, factory welded junctions are to be used when 150mm x 15m, wt 16.5kg#
jointing with the placed water stops. Field buttsplices 10mm 250mm x 15m, wt 49.5kg#
shall be heat fused welded using a teflon coated
PolystoP IEJ 4mm 250mm x 15m, wt 25.5kg#
thermostatically controlled welding iron (240V).the
200mm x 15m, wt 22.5kg#
edge of the water stop shall be cut with a knife to
150mm x 15m, wt 19.5kg#
get an even and sharp finish and aligned in a
10mm 250mm x 15m, wt 57.0kg#
specially designed fixing jig.the edges will then be

positioned in the jig in such a fashion that at least PolystoP ECJ 4mm 250mm x 15m, wt 30.0kg#
25mm of water stop protrudes from the jig. Place 200mm x 15m, wt 27.0kg#
the welding knife in between the two ends, and when 150mm x 15m, wt 22.5kg#
the PVC starts melting (>140°C), beads will start 10mm 250mm x 15m, wt 58.5kg#
forming around the section. Remove the welding PolystoP EEJ 4mm 250mm x 15m, wt 36.0kg#
knife and press both the ends firmly against each 200mm x 15m, wt 30.0kg#
other to form a neat buttsplice. Press the joints 150mm x 15m, wt 25.5kg#
against each other for sometime till the PVC cools 10mm 250mm x 15m, wt 69.0kg#
and forms a strong fusion welded joint. Ancillaries/tools Pre-fabricated junctions,
jointing jigs, welding knife 240v
Approximate weight
1. Concrete in and around the waterstop has to
be properly compacted in order to ensure a full
contact of the waterstop and a water tight seal. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION
2 2. surface of the waterstop shall be cleaned of all PROPERTIES VALUES TEST
dirt and cement laitance which can affect the STANDARDS
water tight seal with the concrete. Width, (mm) 150, 200, 250
3. the clearance between the waterstop and the Web thickness, (mm) 4, 10
reinforcement should be at least twice that of specific Gravity ≥1.32
the maximum size of the aggregate. this will
prevent the formation of voids and honeycomb tensile strength, ≥15 Bs 2782
around the waterstop. (N/mm²)
4. the waterstop should not be punctured to Elongation, (%) ≥300 Bs 2782
allow a reinforcement to pass through the shore A Hardness 80±5 AstM D 2240
waterstop. Bs softness 40-50 Bs 2782
5. Installed waterstops should be protected from Resistance to water Nil Bs EN 12390
UV. Prolonged exposure will make the PVC pressure @5bar
waterstop brittle.
Water absorption, (%) <0.2 AstM D 570
STORAGE Chemical resistance pH 2.5 to 11.5 AstM D 543
store the material in a cool and shaded area. suitability with Passes
Protect from UV and high temperatures. Prolonged potable water (Non toxic) Bs 6920
exposure to sunlight and harsh environment will standard Compliance Bs 2571, CRD-C 572-74
result in deterioration of the product. Keep away
All values given are subject to 5-10% tolerance.
from sharp edges to prevent damage.
All values are based on testing of compound.

Apart from the information given here it is also important to observe the relevant guidelines and regulations of various organisations and trade associations as well
as the respective standards. the aforementioned characteristics are based on practical experience and applied testing. Warranted properties and possible uses which
go beyond those warranted in this information sheet require our written confirmation. All data given was obtained at an ambient and material temperature of
+23°C and 50 % relative air humidity unless specified otherwise. Please note that under other climatic conditions hardening can be accelerated or delayed.
the information contained herein, particularly recommendations for the handling and use of our products, is based on our professional experience. As materials
and conditions may vary with each intended application, and thus are beyond our sphere of influence, we strongly recommend that in each case sufficient tests are
conducted to check the suitability of our products for their intended use. legal liability cannot be accepted on the basis of the contents of this data sheet or any ver-
bal advice given, unless there is a case of wilful misconduct or gross negligence on our part. this technical data sheet supersedes all previous editions relevant to
this product.

Manufactured in G.C.C.
Henkel Polybit Industries Ltd. Henkel Polybit Industries Ltd.
P.o. Box 293, Umm Al Quwain, UAE P.o. Box 2230, Al Khobar 31952, KsA
tel: +971 6 7670777, Fax: +971 6 7670197 tel:+966 13 808 4061/62, Fax:+966 13 812 1164
[email protected] [email protected]

98 www.henkelpolybit.com

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