Profiling The QLD Amphetamine Market Report 2006 - 0

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Profiling the Queensland

amphetamine market

December 2006
CMC vision:
To be a powerful agent for protecting Queenslanders from major crime and promoting a
trustworthy public sector.
CMC mission:
To combat crime and improve public sector integrity.

© Crime and Misconduct Commission 2006

ISBN: 1 876986 44 1
Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted
under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without permission. Inquiries
should be made to the publisher, the Crime and Misconduct Commission.

Crime and Misconduct Commission

140 Creek Street, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 4000
GPO Box 3123
Brisbane Qld 4001
Tel.: (07) 3360 6060
Fax: (07) 3360 6333
Email: [email protected]

List of tables and graphs......................................................................................................................... v

Preface................................................................................................................................................... vii
Summary................................................................................................................................................ ix
Chapter 1: Introduction........................................................................................................................... 1
Background..................................................................................................................................... 1
Presentation..................................................................................................................................... 2
Chapter 2: Methods................................................................................................................................. 3
The Amphetamines in Queensland (AIQ) research project.................................................................. 3
Limitations............................................................................................................................ 4
Respondent profile................................................................................................................. 4
Respondent location............................................................................................................... 4
Amphetamine market discussion forums............................................................................................ 5
Interpretative framework................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 3: Indicators of demand............................................................................................................ 7
Types of amphetamines used............................................................................................................. 7
Changes to patterns of amphetamine use........................................................................................... 7
Polydrug use.................................................................................................................................... 8
Initiation to amphetamine use......................................................................................................... 10
Changes since using amphetamines................................................................................................. 10
Type of amphetamine use and levels of dependency......................................................................... 11
Normalisation of amphetamine use.................................................................................................. 12
Overview....................................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 4: Indicators of supply..............................................................................................................15
Amphetamine availability................................................................................................................ 15
Sourcing amphetamines.................................................................................................................. 16
Paying for amphetamines................................................................................................................ 17
Location of amphetamine purchases................................................................................................ 18
Distance travelled to obtain amphetamines...................................................................................... 18
Amphetamine production............................................................................................................... 19
The distribution of amphetamines and other illicit substances........................................................... 20
Selling amphetamines........................................................................................................... 20
Initiation to the sale of amphetamines................................................................................... 21
Distribution networks........................................................................................................... 21
Quantities usually sold......................................................................................................... 21
Selling other drugs............................................................................................................... 22
Money from selling drugs..................................................................................................... 23
Overview....................................................................................................................................... 23
Chapter 5: Risks associated with amphetamine use..............................................................................25
Risk of adverse health..................................................................................................................... 25
Amphetamine-induced psychosis..................................................................................................... 25
Risk of HIV and Hepatitis C........................................................................................................... 26
Risk of violence.............................................................................................................................. 26
Risk of crime.................................................................................................................................. 28

Factors predictive of involvement in crime....................................................................................... 29
Physically assaulting someone............................................................................................... 29
Robbing a person without a weapon...................................................................................... 30
Stealing from a person or place............................................................................................. 30
Breaking in to steal.............................................................................................................. 31
Sold, bought or traded stolen goods...................................................................................... 31
Selling drugs........................................................................................................................ 32
Overview....................................................................................................................................... 33
Chapter 6: The impact of law enforcement interventions.....................................................................35
Amphetamine users’ experience of, and attitudes towards, criminal justice......................................... 35
Law enforcement and the perceived risk of selling amphetamines...................................................... 36
Friends arrested for selling amphetamines....................................................................................... 37
Number of friends arrested for selling amphetamines....................................................................... 38
Desistance of amphetamine use....................................................................................................... 39
Desistance of selling amphetamines................................................................................................. 40
Perceived effectiveness and future of law enforcement interventions.................................................. 41
Collaborative responses to illicit drug use........................................................................................ 42
Overview....................................................................................................................................... 44
Chapter 7: Conclusion............................................................................................................................45
Characteristics of the amphetamine market...................................................................................... 45
Amphetamine demand.......................................................................................................... 45
Amphetamine supply............................................................................................................ 45
Risks associated with amphetamine use................................................................................. 46
Amphetamine users’ perceptions of law enforcement activity............................................................ 46
Impact of law enforcement interventions.......................................................................................... 47
Implications and future directions................................................................................................... 47
Concerns about the harmful outcomes of amphetamine use................................................... 48
Demand-reduction strategies................................................................................................ 48
Increased use of ice.............................................................................................................. 48
Value and limitations of supply-reduction strategies............................................................... 48
Integrated and responsive approach....................................................................................... 49
Evaluate interventions and conduct further research.............................................................. 49
Analyses of AIQ data based on seller rank variable........................................................................... 51

List of tables and graphs

Table 2.1: Location of respondents.................................................................................................... 4
Table 3.1: Regular use of amphetamine, by type of amphetamine and region....................................... 9
Table 4.1: Reliability of obtaining amphetamines.............................................................................. 15
Table 4.2: Proportion of respondents reporting very reliable sources of amphetamine, by region......... 16
Table 4.3: Sources of amphetamine................................................................................................. 16
Table 4.4: Method of obtaining amphetamines................................................................................. 17
Table 4.5: Location of amphetamine purchases................................................................................ 18
Table 4.6: Proportion of respondents travelling more than 50 km to obtain amphetamines,
by dealer status.............................................................................................................................. 19
Table 4.7: Key indicators of selling initiation.................................................................................... 21
Table 5.1: Amphetamine use and physical violence against various types of people............................. 27
Table 5.2: Involvement in property and personal offences................................................................. 29
Table 5.3: Predictors of physically assaulting someone...................................................................... 29
Table 5.4: Predictors of robbing someone without a weapon............................................................. 30
Table 5.5: Predictors of stealing from a person or place.................................................................... 30
Table 5.6: Predictors of breaking in to steal..................................................................................... 31
Table 5.7: Predictors of selling, buying or trading stolen goods......................................................... 31
Table 5.8: Predictors of selling drugs............................................................................................... 32
Table 6.1: Amphetamine users’ attitudes towards, and experience of, the QPS................................... 35
Table 6.2: Perceived risk of selling amphetamines............................................................................. 36
Table 6.3: Key indicators of selling desistance.................................................................................. 40

Figure 3.1: Prevalence of amphetamine use in combination with selected drugs (n=665)...................... 9
Figure 3.2: Key indicators of amphetamine initiation of use, by gender............................................. 11
Figure 3.3: Significant changes since using amphetamines, by gender................................................ 12
Figure 4.1: Place of amphetamine production — users’ perceptions (n=647)..................................... 19
Figure 4.2: Ever sold amphetamines, by type of user........................................................................ 20
Figure 4.3: Amphetamine market networks — to whom and how often amphetamines are sold........... 22
Figure 4.4: Quantities of amphetamines usually sold (n=111)........................................................... 22
Figure 4.5: Share of total income made from sale of illicit drugs, including amphetamines (n=180).... 23
Figure 5.1: Experience of violence associated with amphetamine use................................................. 27
Figure 5.2: Experience of violence associated with amphetamine use, by dealer status........................ 27
Figure 6.1: Attitudes towards criminal justice — do law makers understand drug use? (n=664).......... 36
Figure 6.2: Risk of selling amphetamines, by dealer status................................................................ 37
Figure 6.3: Perceived risk of selling amphetamines, by whether friends or acquaintances had
recently been arrested for drug offences involving amphetamines...................................................... 38
Figure 6.4: Number of friends arrested for drug offences involving amphetamines (n=656)................ 38
Figure 6.5: Potential reasons for not using amphetamines (n=656).................................................... 40



This report was prepared by the Research and Prevention unit of the Crime and Misconduct
Commission (CMC) with funds contributed by the National Drug Strategy Law Enforcement
Funding Committee of the Queensland Police Service. It provides law enforcement with a profile
of the Queensland amphetamine market, focusing on amphetamine demand and supply, and
other issues relevant to those working in the illicit drug field. It was developed using quantitative
data collected by the Amphetamines in Queensland (AIQ) research project and qualitative data
collected by focus group discussions with those who respond to illicit drug use in the community.

The report will be of particular interest to those working in the field of illicit drug use and those
committed to developing effective illicit drug interventions. The results will also form a useful
point of reference for future projects that aim to measure the impact of recently implemented
initiatives on the amphetamine market. These initiatives include legislation amendments, the
increased regulation of precursor chemicals, and modifications to the way in which compounds
containing pseudoephedrine are sold.

It would not have been possible to complete this report without the commitment of all of those
involved in the AIQ research project, including research participants, peer researchers, peer
research supervisors, administrative and data support personnel, the AIQ Steering Committee
and the research team. The AIQ research team included Dr Mark Lynch (CMC), Robert Kemp
(Queensland Health), Andrew Conroy (Queensland Health), Julianne Webster (CMC) and Leigh
Krenske (CMC).

A debt of gratitude is owed to those people from health, research and law enforcement agencies
who participated in the amphetamine market discussion forums. The following agencies were
• Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Branch, Queensland Health
• Australian Crime Commission
• Australian Customs Service
• Australian Federal Police
• Biala Alcohol and Drug Service, Queensland Health
• Logan Alcohol and Drug Service, Queensland Health
• Queensland Alcohol and Drug Research and Education Centre
• Queensland Injectors Health Network
• Queensland Needle and Syringe Program, Queensland Health
• Queensland Police Service.

The CMC also gratefully acknowledges the assistance provided by Dr Paul Mazerolle (formerly
of the CMC) and the project’s steering committee at the initial stages of the preparation of this
report. The steering committee consisted of Dr Mark Lynch, Robert Kemp and Leigh Krenske.
The additional analyses provided in the report’s appendix were performed by Dr Jeremy Prichard
(CMC) and Dr James Freeman (CMC) undertook the multivariate analyses presented in
Chapter 5. Thanks also to Dr Margot Legosz (CMC) for her comments on an earlier draft of this
report, and the CMC’s Communications Unit for preparing the report for publication.

The report was written by Leigh Krenske.

profiling the queensland amphetamine market


ACC Australian Crime Commission

AFP Australian Federal Police
AIQ Amphetamines in Queensland (research project)
ANCAHRD Australian National Council on AIDS, Hepatitis C and Related Diseases
ATODS Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Substances
CMC Crime and Misconduct Commission
DAT Drug Action Teams
DAES Drug Assessment and Education Session
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
IDCDP Illicit Drugs Court Diversion Program
IDRS Illicit Drug Reporting System
MCS Mental Component Summary
NDC National Drugs Campaign
NDSHS National Drug Strategy Household Survey
NGOs Non-government organisations
NSP Needle and Syringe Program
OR odds ratio
PCS Physical Component Summary
PDP Police Diversion Program
QMERIT Queensland Magistrates Early Referral into Treatment
QNSP Queensland Needle and Syringe Program
QPS Queensland Police Service
SDS Severity of Dependence Scale
SF12 12-item Short Form Health Survey



The increased use of amphetamines in Australia over the past 15 years is of growing concern
to health and law enforcement agencies. Amphetamine use is associated with a range of adverse
outcomes both for individual users and the community as a whole. The Crime and Misconduct
Commission (CMC) compiled this research report to provide law enforcement with a detailed
profile of the overall Queensland amphetamine market. It was funded by the National Drug
Strategy Law Enforcement Funding Committee of the Queensland Police Service.

This report aims to:

• profile the characteristics of Queensland amphetamine users — what are the indicators of
demand and supply, and what are the risks associated with amphetamine use?
• reveal amphetamine users’ perceptions of law enforcement — do law enforcement activities
affect users?
• assess the impact of law enforcement activity — is the current law enforcement approach

Significantly, this report brings together the views of amphetamine users and those who respond
to the challenges of illicit drug use. It draws upon quantitative data from the Amphetamines in
Queensland (AIQ) research project and qualitative data collected from focus group discussions
with staff from health, research, law enforcement and non-government organisations. The AIQ
project involved a 2002 statewide survey of 665 current amphetamine users about a range of
issues, including demand and supply characteristics of the Queensland amphetamine market,
some of the risk factors that may contribute to involvement with amphetamines, the harms
associated with using the drug and amphetamine users’ attitudes towards law enforcement
interventions. The focus group discussions held in December 2005 collected information on
the key concerns currently facing those working in the illicit drugs field, their perceptions of
amphetamine market dynamics and their views about the effectiveness of strategies aimed at
reducing the impact and prevalence of amphetamine use.

It should be noted that this study’s results generally reflect the state of the amphetamine market
before the recent introduction of a range of precursor control strategies (which include the
re-scheduling of over-the-counter products containing pseudoephedrine to more restricted
categories; Project STOP, an online recording system of pseudoephedrine purchases made in
pharmacies; and the introduction of products containing phenylephrine as an alternative to
pseudoephedrine). This information will be particularly useful for monitoring and evaluating any
changes resulting from those strategies.

Characteristics of Queensland amphetamine users

Based on an analysis of the AIQ survey of amphetamine users, this report reveals comprehensive
features of the Queensland amphetamine market.

Indicators of demand
Most popular type of amphetamine
Overall, more AIQ respondents had used speed powder (‘speed powder/pills’) (85%) and base
(‘base/pure/wax’) (72%) than any other type of amphetamine. In terms of recent use (in the
preceding six months), 64 per cent of respondents had used speed powder and 63 per cent had
used base. Although respondents were less likely to use ice (‘ice/shabu/crystal amphetamine’)
(44%) than speed powder and base amphetamine, the prevalence of ice use in the Brisbane
sample of respondents was substantially higher (45%) than that of Queensland respondents in
general (28%).

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

Polydrug use
Most respondents engaged in polydrug consumption, with the most common substances
recently used being cannabis (75%), alcohol (71%) and cigarettes (65%). Both legal and other
illicit drugs are often used in combination with amphetamines to enhance or manage the drug
experience. The most common substances used to ‘come up’ with amphetamines were tobacco
(49%), alcohol (47%), cannabis (40%) and ecstasy (24%), while the most common substances
used to ‘come down’ from amphetamines were cannabis (59%), tobacco (39%), alcohol (29%),
benzodiazepines (21%) and heroin (18%). The mean number of different substances (including
alcohol and cigarettes) ever used by respondents was 8.5; the mean number of different
amphetamine types used was 2.5.

Reasons to start using

The main reasons respondents gave for deciding to use amphetamines were experimentation,
opportunity and peer influence. Amphetamine use led to a range of outcomes, such as a better
sex life, becoming more compulsive, becoming less tolerant, and not achieving aims or becoming
easily distracted.

Based on the Severity of Dependence Scale, 39 per cent of respondents were assessed as being
dependent on amphetamines.

Indicators of supply
Sourcing amphetamines
AIQ respondents reported that amphetamines are readily available throughout Queensland,
and the types of amphetamine most reliably sourced are those that are most commonly used.
Approximately 70 per cent of AIQ respondents had very or somewhat reliable sources of speed
powder and base. The availability of ice was less reliable (35% of AIQ respondents had very or
somewhat reliable sources), but more reliably sourced in Brisbane than in other regions.

Users generally pay for amphetamines with cash, but there are a number of different payment
or sourcing options. While 76 per cent of respondents mostly paid for amphetamines with cash,
51 per cent sometimes received amphetamines as a gift, 36 per cent sometimes obtained credit
from dealers and 31 per cent sometimes traded other drugs for amphetamines. Only 3 per cent
reported that they mostly swapped sex for amphetamines.

Amphetamines are usually purchased in private locations, signifying a closed market. Eighty-
two per cent of AIQ respondents mostly bought amphetamines in private dwellings; of
those respondents, 48 per cent usually had their amphetamines delivered to them. Brisbane
respondents were more likely than respondents in other regions to obtain amphetamines in
public spaces.

Production of amphetamines
The notion that illicit amphetamines are produced in portable ‘boxed’ laboratories in Queensland
was supported by the views of AIQ respondents. Although a significant proportion (28%)
of respondents did not know where amphetamines were produced, 56 per cent believed that
amphetamines were manufactured in ‘backyard or boxed’ labs, while 16 per cent believed that
amphetamines were produced in professional laboratories. It is likely that the dynamics of
amphetamine manufacture will change in response to the recently introduced precursor chemical
control initiatives.


Selling amphetamines
It is relatively common for amphetamine users to become involved in the sale of amphetamines
and other illicit drugs. Nearly half of the AIQ sample had sold amphetamines at some
stage, while 16 per cent were currently selling amphetamines. The main reasons for selling
amphetamines were to get money and to support drug use. Twenty-five per cent of AIQ
respondents were involved in the sale of other illicit substances.

Patterns of selling also indicate a closed amphetamine market in Queensland. Those respondents
who were currently dealing amphetamines were more likely to sell the drugs on a weekly basis to
close friends or casual acquaintances (44%) than to strangers (18%).

Although current dealers were more likely to sell amphetamines in measures of personal use than
in large quantities, just over 50 per cent obtained half their income from selling amphetamines,
while 18 per cent reported that more than half, but less than all, of their income was obtained
from the sale of amphetamines.

Risks associated with amphetamine use

Amphetamine users in the AIQ study were more likely than those in the general population to
experience a range of unfavourable outcomes such as poor physical and mental health, violence
and criminal activity. However, because of the study methods, we cannot determine a causal
relationship between these attributes and amphetamine use: it may be that participants had these
attributes before they began using amphetamines.

Respondents had poorer physical and mental health than adult Australians in general. The least
physically healthy AIQ respondents (lowest 25%) aged 18 to 34 years had a mean physical
component summary score (PCS) indicating that they were mildly physically disabled or worse.
General population studies on the other hand show that the least physically healthy (lowest 25%)
of the general population aged 18 to 34 years have a mean PCS indicating that are not disabled
or worse. Similarly, the mean mental component summary (MCS) score for AIQ respondents
indicated mild mental disability among survey participants, while the mean MCS score for the
general population indicates no mental disability.

Respondents had a higher prevalence of HIV than that found among adult Australians. Nearly
3.5 per cent of respondents who had been tested for HIV reported that they had tested
positive at their last test, while nearly 30 per cent of those respondents who had been tested
for Hepatitis C reported that their last test was positive. However, caution should be exercised
when interpreting self-reported information on the incidence of blood-borne viruses — the
results of blood testing for HIV and Hepatitis C would provide a more accurate measure. These
results do, however, highlight the importance of Needle and Syringe Programs (NSPs), and the
significance of police maintaining discretion around these facilities so that NSP client access is
not discouraged.

Amphetamine users also experience relatively high levels of verbal and physical violence. About
half the respondents had been verbally threatened as a result of their own or someone else’s
amphetamine use, while 28 per cent had been assaulted without a weapon and 16 per cent had
been assaulted with a weapon. Furthermore, one in four respondents had been physically violent
towards another person because of their own amphetamine use.

Respondents had reasonably high levels of involvement in criminal activities. Nearly half (45%)
of those surveyed reported stealing something from a place or person and/or dealing in stolen
goods, while one in three (33%) reported committing a break and enter and 30 per cent reported
committing an assault/caused bodily harm. The likelihood of all offences being committed while
using amphetamines was greater for personal offences (26%) than property offences (19%).

The impact of law enforcement

The results of the AIQ survey suggest that law enforcement initiatives may affect the dynamics of
the market and the length of involvement with amphetamines.

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

Nearly three-quarters (74%) of respondents believed that police activity made selling
amphetamines a ‘very’ or ‘quite’ risky activity. Current amphetamine dealers were just as likely as
ex-dealers to indicate that police made selling amphetamines very risky, although ex-dealers were
more likely than current dealers and non-dealers to indicate that they believed that the police
made selling amphetamines quite risky.

Forty-two per cent of AIQ respondents reported that they had friends or acquaintances who had
been arrested for amphetamine-related offences in the past six months — thereby demonstrating
a reasonable level of police activity in the amphetamine market. These respondents were more
likely than respondents without friends or acquaintances apprehended for amphetamine-related
offences to believe that police actually made selling amphetamines risky.

The most common factors identified by AIQ respondents as potentially influencing a decision to
stop using amphetamines were to avoid trouble with the police/law (41%); to have greater control
of their life (38%); to have better mental health (37%); and to have better physical health (33%).
The most common reasons given by ex-amphetamine dealers to explain why they no longer
participated in the sale of amphetamines were participation fatigue (55%) and to avoid being
caught by the police (37%).

A significant number of respondents believed that they had been harassed by police because they
looked like they used drugs (46%); their belongings had been searched for no reason while out
in public (51%); and they were usually treated unfairly by the police (35%). The majority (69%)
also reported that law makers did not understand illicit drug use.

Views of health and law enforcement staff

Discussion forums held with health and law enforcement representatives uncovered some
similarities and differences of opinion about the dynamics of the Queensland amphetamine

Heath and law enforcement representatives agreed that:

• the demand for amphetamines would continue in the future
• the amphetamine market would increase due to increased demand
• the ‘normalisation’ of amphetamine use (i.e. accepting illicit drug consumption as a normal
activity) was prevalent among amphetamine users
• particular attention should be paid to ice use due to its potency, rising prevalence and mode
of consumption
• the use of amphetamines, and in particular the growing use of potent forms of
amphetamines, was likely to contribute to an increase in the prevalence of amphetamine-
related health problems, including amphetamine-induced psychosis
• a valid and robust method of assessing amphetamine-induced psychosis was required.

Health representatives suggested that:

• supply-reduction strategies that targeted individual amphetamine users at the retail level had
no significant impact on the market
• further collaboration with law enforcement would be beneficial
• the principles of harm minimisation needed to be adopted and implemented by all agencies
involved for collaborative responses to be effective
• the impact of interventions on individuals and the community needed to be considered
during their development
• there were currently no adequate or attractive health interventions for amphetamine users
interested in stopping their amphetamine use
• the efficacy of illicit drug interventions would improve through the expansion of early or
developmental approaches.


Law enforcement representatives suggested that:

• a significant amount of time was spent dealing with mental health issues related to
amphetamine use
• precursor chemical control was an integral and valuable component of supply reduction
• precursor chemical control interventions could potentially displace problems into other
• legislation deficiencies were impeding law enforcement’s ability to respond to amphetamine
• extending the range of collaborative responses with health was a complex process requiring
considerable effort, organisational change and (in some cases) resources
• the introduction of roadside drug testing was possible
• ongoing support of the National Drugs Campaign (NDC) was necessary
• future NDC television commercials could contain further information about the production
of illicit substances.

In relation to precursor control initiatives, law enforcement participants acknowledged

diminished access to local sources of pseudoephedrine could result in:
• the increased importation of precursor chemicals from other countries
• the increased importation of amphetamines from other countries
• a rise in the theft of pseudoephedrine from pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies
• the re-emergence of old production methods that do not rely on pseudoephedrine
• the emergence of new production techniques that do not rely on pseudoephedrine
• the creation of more sophisticated clandestine laboratories to overcome the supply gap
created by dismantling small operators
• the creation of more sophisticated crime networks to organise amphetamine production
• an increase in demand of other illicit substances due to reduced amphetamine supply
• an increase in drug-related crime due to increased amphetamine prices.

Conclusion and implications

Despite the existing prevalence of amphetamines in Queensland, this study provides evidence
that law enforcement strategies do affect the dynamics of the amphetamine market.

Key messages from this profile encompass:

• law enforcement and health agencies’ concerns about the harmful outcomes of amphetamine
• the need for effective demand-reduction strategies
• the increased use of ice
• the value and limitations of supply-reduction strategies
• the importance of maintaining an integrated and responsive approach to amphetamine use
• the need to evaluate interventions and conduct further research.

These will be discussed in turn.

Concerns about the harmful outcomes of amphetamine use

Law enforcement and health agencies — key organisations that have to deal with the detrimental
consequences of amphetamine use — consistently report that amphetamine use is increasing in
Queensland, as are the harmful mental and physical outcomes resulting from the drug.

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

Demand-reduction strategies
The high demand for amphetamines suggests that successful strategies to reduce demand would
significantly affect the market. Such initiatives should target amphetamine users as well as the
broader community and respond to the characteristics of demand, such as the normalisation of
amphetamine use and the perceived benefits of the drug.

Increased use of ice

Ice use needs to be monitored to assess any changes in usage patterns, levels of availability and
harmful outcomes for those who take this potent form of the drug.

Value and limitations of supply-reduction strategies

The existence of international and local sources of amphetamines has important implications
for reducing supply of the drug. The closed nature of the amphetamine market also represents a
serious obstacle for supply-reduction strategies. Law enforcement responses should continue to
build upon current inter-agency approaches that strategically target the various lines and phases
of supply.

Integrated and responsive approach

Although this report demonstrates that criminal justice responses can potentially affect the
dynamics of the amphetamine market, there is no evidence to suggest that stand-alone measures
implemented by law enforcement will adequately respond to the complex aetiology or causes of
amphetamine use and significantly reduce the level of use. This highlights the need for a tiered
approach, involving strategies to reduce demand, harm and supply, as outlined by the harm-
minimisation framework. Law enforcement strategies and initiatives should be developed with
consideration of the potential effects on individuals and communities.

In particular, the harmful mental and physical health outcomes associated with amphetamine
use, and the health concerns highlighted by individual users, points to the importance of
developing and implementing collaborative strategies between health and law enforcement
agencies. Collaborative responses could be improved by better communication between agencies,
additional resources and greater understanding of experiences.
Furthermore, since a number of risk factors associated with illicit drug use are also associated
with involvement in criminal activity, effective strategies will ideally target the shared aetiology of
illicit drug use and criminal activity to reduce the impact of the drug–crime nexus.

Evaluate interventions and conduct further research

Recent strategies to reduce the supply of amphetamines, particularly those targeting precursor
chemical control, must be evaluated. Further research is also needed for the development of:
• a robust and valid assessment tool that can adequately diagnose amphetamine-induced
• best-practice protocols and procedures for service providers working with amphetamine-
affected individuals
• responsive, adequate and accessible treatment programs for amphetamine users.

The CMC acknowledges that law enforcement agencies are already implementing some of the
approaches highlighted above.



This chapter outlines why the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) undertook
this profile of the Queensland amphetamine market.

General population surveys show that, after cannabis, amphetamines are the second most
prevalent illicit drug used in Australia (AIHW 2005a). The 2004 National Drug Strategy
Household Survey (NDSHS) showed that 33.6 per cent of Australians aged over 14 years had
used cannabis at some point in their lives and 9.1 per cent had used amphetamines. The same
study also estimated that, within the previous 12 months, 11.3 per cent of Australians aged over
14 years had used cannabis and 3.2 per cent had used amphetamines (AIHW 2005a).

Although the results of the NSDHS indicate that amphetamine use among the general
Queensland population is slightly less prevalent than in some other Australian jurisdictions
(AIHW 2005b), other Queensland-based research demonstrates a high prevalence of regular
amphetamine use among certain populations. For example, the 2005 Illicit Drug Reporting
System (IDRS) showed that 79 per cent of the injecting drug users participating in the study
reported using methamphetamines in the past six months, with 14 per cent reporting daily
use. In addition to this, the proportion of IDRS respondents nominating methamphetamine as
their drug of choice increased from 23 per cent in 2004 to 37 per cent in 2005. Similarly, the
proportion of IDRS respondents reporting methamphetamine as the drug most recently injected
increased from 37 per cent in 2004 to 50 per cent in 2005 (Kinner, Fischer & Lloyd 2006).

Anecdotal evidence also suggests that Queensland amphetamine users are moving towards the
more potent forms of amphetamine such as base or ice, and law enforcement agencies continue
to detect an increasing number of amphetamine laboratories in Queensland (ACC 2005).

The growing use of amphetamines, and associated related harms, in Queensland is of concern
to criminal justice and health agencies. Alcohol and drug treatment agencies have reported a
considerable rise in the number of people seeking help for their amphetamine use (Baker &
Dawe 2005) and it has been noted that the injection of amphetamines carries the risk of vein
damage, fungal infection and the transmission of blood-borne viruses (Southgate et al. 2003).
More people are experiencing detrimental psychological reactions (especially when using the
more potent types of amphetamine) including paranoid, agitated and aggressive behaviour
(ACC 2003). Furthermore, there is an interrelationship between amphetamine use, crime and
victimisation (Lynch et al. 2003).

The adverse outcomes associated with amphetamine use have significant implications for
individual users, their families, people delivering response services and the general community.
Similarly, the costs associated with using amphetamines include those experienced on a personal
level — such as financial, work, social and emotional difficulties — and community level — such
as crime, emergency department utilisation, hospital stays, Needle and Syringe Programs (NSPs)
and community agency support, police, ambulance and mental health transportation, care in jail
and mental health facilities, road trauma and accidents and loss of productivity (Richards et al.
1999; Dietze et al. 2003).

Law enforcement agencies currently form a major component of the harm minimisation strategy
framing Australia’s response to illicit drug use. This strategy takes a three-tier approach, focusing
on demand reduction, supply reduction and environmental responses that promote the safe
use of illicit substances (Hamilton & Rumbold 2004). Law enforcement responses work most
notably in the area of supply reduction, but also feature in demand-reduction and environmental
strategies. Supply-reduction strategies include dismantling production and supply networks and

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

preventing the diversion of precursor chemicals for the manufacture of illicit substances. Demand
reduction and environmental strategies are evident in drug diversion initiatives and the practice
of law enforcement officials maintaining discreet distances from needle and syringe outlets,
ambulance call outs and drug overdoses. The link between supply and demand in illicit drug
markets means that successful law enforcement supply-reduction initiatives potentially reduce the
level of demand for illicit drugs by increasing their price and limiting their availability.

The CMC compiled this research report to provide law enforcement with a detailed profile of
the Queensland amphetamine market. The preparation of the report was funded by the National
Drug Strategy Law Enforcement Funding Committee of the Queensland Police Service (QPS).

The primary objectives were to:

• profile the characteristics of Queensland amphetamine users
• reveal amphetamine users’ perceptions of law enforcement
• assess the impact of law enforcement activity.

This report has been developed using quantitative data collected by the Amphetamines in
Queensland (AIQ) research project and qualitative data from health and law enforcement
personnel involved in responding to illicit drug use in the community.

This report is in seven chapters:
• Chapter 2 outlines the methods used to obtain the quantitative and qualitative data profiled
in this report.
• Chapter 3 examines various indicators of amphetamine demand to better understand the
characteristics of amphetamine users and the reasons why some people choose to consume
the drug.
• Chapter 4 focuses on indicators of supply and other issues relating to the organisation of the
amphetamine market in Queensland.
• Chapter 5 provides an overview of some of the risks associated with using amphetamines.
• Chapter 6 observes how amphetamine users perceive law enforcement, the impact of
law enforcement on the amphetamine market and the possible role it has in reducing
amphetamine market participation.
• Chapter 7 summarises the findings of the project and discusses the implications for law

 Initial results from the AIQ research project have been published elsewhere. See Patterns of amphetamine
use: initial findings from the Amphetamines in Queensland research project, by Lynch et al. (2003) for further



This chapter explains the methods used to gather quantitative data for the AIQ
research project and qualitative data from non-government organisations (NGOs),
health, research and law enforcement personnel working in the illicit drugs field.

The Amphetamines in Queensland (AIQ) research project

The AIQ research project involved collaboration between the CMC’s Research and Prevention
unit and the Queensland Needle and Syringe Program (QNSP) section of the Alcohol, Tobacco
and Other Drug Substances (ATODS) unit within Queensland Health.

In contrast to surveys that attempt to measure the prevalence of amphetamine use across the
general population, the AIQ project specifically targeted individuals who had used amphetamines
within the past 12 months. The project used a peer researcher model to collect information from
a broad range of amphetamine users. The main advantage of this model was its ability to access
hidden networks of amphetamine users. The model also facilitated rapport between researchers
and respondents, which is critical when researching sensitive topics such as illegal activity
(Griffiths et al. 1993).

Peer researchers were selected on the basis of their capacity to access amphetamine networks
and their ability to undertake the role of interviewer. To maximise the representativeness of
the sample, peer researchers were selected from different social contexts and the number of
interviews conducted by each peer researcher was capped at 15. In total, 48 peer researchers
were involved in the study.

The peer researchers were responsible for recruiting eligible respondents, administering the
questionnaire and reimbursing respondents for their time and travelling expenses associated with
participating in the research. In the interests of data reliability and validity, each peer researcher
was provided with basic research training before entering the field. A total of 690 survey
questionnaires were administered. After an internal quality audit, 665 of these were accepted as
valid. The survey questionnaire was administered between October and December, 2002.

A research network comprising 17 urban and rural sites throughout Queensland was established
and managed by QNSP. Eighteen supervisors located at the various research sites participated
in the research process, each having extensive experience in drug- and alcohol-related issues and
occupying a position within a health or community agency. These supervisors were responsible
for selecting peer researchers, coordinating field work, handling payments and providing peer
researcher support where necessary.

Supervisors and peer researchers provided valuable input into the development of the
questionnaire, which collected information about patterns of illicit drug use, physical and
mental health status, levels of amphetamine dependence, sociocultural contexts of use, market
characteristics, involvement in crime, testing and knowledge about Hepatitis C and HIV,
injection practices and experiences of treatment services.

Survey responses were coded and entered into SPSS 13.0 for analysis; missing data were
excluded for the purposes of analysis. A range of statistical techniques were applied to the data
including frequencies, cross tabulations (chi-square analysis) and multivariate analyses (logistic
regression). In particular, multivariate analyses were performed to determine the most significant
predictors of involvement in crime.

For those not familiar with multivariate analyses, odds ratios (OR) indicate the strength of
associations and ‘p’ values and confidence intervals indicate the statistical significance and
precision of associations. The larger the quantitative size of the OR the greater the magnitude
of the association between a possible predictor or risk factor and an outcome. The closer the
OR is to 1, the smaller the measure of association; the larger the OR the greater the association.
Therefore, an OR of 1.5 for example, indicates that the outcome is about 50 per cent more

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

likely to occur amongst the predictor or risk factor group than its counterparts; an OR of 2.00
indicates that the outcome is twice as likely to occur among the predictor or risk factor group
than its counterparts. The width of the confidence interval indicates the amount of variability
inherent in the OR estimate and thus the precision of the findings and the confidence that can be
placed in the estimate of the OR. For example, a confidence interval of 1.3–1.8 indicates a much
smaller degree of variability than one of 1.2–7.6 and is much more informative about the true
magnitude of the OR (CMC 2006).

It should be noted that the AIQ data provide useful information about the characteristics of the
amphetamine market before the introduction of a range of precursor chemical control strategies
that aimed to minimise access to the chemicals (such as pseudoephedrine) necessary for the
manufacture of illicit amphetamines.

The sampling strategies used to recruit participants means that the results presented in this
report do not represent the views and characteristics of all amphetamine users in Queensland.
Similarly, results presented by region are subject to probable bias, due to relatively small sample

Respondent profile
The socio-demographic characteristics of the 665 AIQ respondents were:
• 44 per cent were female
• 63 per cent were aged under 30
• 57 per cent had not obtained more than secondary levels of education
• 9 per cent identified as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
• 55 per cent relied on government benefits as their main source of income
• 40 per cent earned $500 or less net income each fortnight
• 7 per cent identified as gay or lesbian and 21 per cent identified as bisexual

It is also worth noting that of the total sample:

• 76 per cent were injecting drug users
• 39 per cent were amphetamine dependent according to responses to the Severity of
Dependence Scale.

Respondent location
AIQ research sites were collapsed into regional locations to preserve the anonymity of
respondents. Regional classifications were: Sunshine Coast/Pine Rivers (Sunshine Coast and Pine
Rivers); Far North/North (Cairns, Mackay and Townsville); Far West (Mount Isa, Longreach,
Charleville and Roma); Gold Coast/Logan (Gold Coast and Logan); Mid-West (Ipswich,
Toowoomba and Warwick); Mid-Coast (Rockhampton and Bundaberg) and Brisbane (Brisbane
only). Table 2.1 shows the number of respondents recruited across the Queensland locations.

Table 2.1: Location of respondents

No. of
Location % of total sample
Sunshine Coast/Pine Rivers 104 15.6
Far North/North 144 21.7
Far West 74 11.1
Gold Coast/Logan 100 15.0
Mid-West 68 10.2
Mid-Coast 100 15.0
Brisbane 75 11.3
Total 665 100


Amphetamine market discussion forums

Qualitative data were collected through two focus group sessions with staff from NGOs and
health, research and law enforcement agencies. These focus group sessions took place at the
CMC over two days in December 2005. Health, NGO and research participants together
attended one forum session, while law enforcement participants attended another session.

Participants were recruited by invitation and participant referral. Members of the project’s
steering committee identified key personnel, who were invited by letter to participate in
the forums and asked to nominate any other suitable participants. Letters were also sent
to relevant commanding officers and upper management of appropriate agencies seeking
organisational support for the project. Eight participants attended the health personnel forum
and 18 participants attended the law enforcement forum, which included representatives from
the Australian Crime Commission, the QPS, the CMC, Australian Customs Service and the
Australian Federal Police.

Each discussion forum commenced with a short presentation of the results of the AIQ research
project. Group discussion was facilitated and guided by key research questions that sought
information on:
• the types of issues currently facing amphetamine users and those responding to them
• the dynamics of the amphetamine market
• the perceived effectiveness of interventions aimed at minimising amphetamine-related harms
and reducing the prevalence of amphetamine consumption.

The forums also provided participants with an opportunity to interact and share knowledge with
others working in the illicit drug field.

Four research officers took extensive notes during the discussion forums, and this information
was collated and forms the basis of this report’s qualitative data. The qualitative data were
continuously and sequentially analysed (Becker 1970) in relation to the research questions and
the generated themes emerging from the discussion. Although for clarity this report summarises
the qualitative data into law enforcement and health perspectives, multiple participants were
involved at the discussion forums and each of these individuals contributed in different ways.

Interpretative framework
The results presented in this profile are generally presented and discussed around the dimensions
of supply and demand. This approach assumes that illicit markets share similar characteristics to
licit markets and are formed by a complex interaction between the economic forces of supply and



This chapter presents information on amphetamine demand, and covers the types
of amphetamines taken, polydrug use, the reasons for first using amphetamines, the
perceived effects of the drug, and levels of amphetamine dependency. It also includes
the views of health and law enforcement staff concerning recent changes in patterns
of amphetamine use. Information from this chapter will be particularly useful in
formulating policy responses to reduce amphetamine demand.

Types of amphetamines used

AIQ participants used a range of different types of amphetamine. Speed powder (‘speed
powder/pills’) (85%) was the most prevalent form of amphetamine ever used by those
participating in the AIQ research, followed by base (‘base/pure/wax’) (72%). However, within the
past six months, just as many respondents had used base amphetamine (63%) as speed powder
(64%). Significantly, recent users of base amphetamine were likely to consume this potent form
of the drug more frequently than recent users of the typically less potent speed powder.

Although not used as regularly, a significant proportion of participants (44%) had at some stage
used ice (‘ice/shabu/crystal’), while the least prevalent forms of amphetamine were amphetamine
liquid (21%) and prescription amphetamines (26%), such as Ritalin and Dexamphetamine.
The latter occurred despite only 4 per cent of the respondents having been prescribed such
drugs to treat attention deficit disorders. The median number of days that amphetamine had
been consumed in the past six months varied between the different types of the drug. Base
amphetamine had been used a median of 30 days, speed powder had been used on a median 20
days and ice had been used on a median of 10 days.

Table 3.1 (page 9) shows the proportion of respondents reporting regular use of amphetamine
by type of amphetamine and region, revealing different patterns of amphetamine use across the
state. The most prevalent regular use of base was in the Mid-West (88%), Mid-Coast (75%) and
Brisbane (73%) regions. The most prevalent regular use of speed powder was in the Sunshine
Coast or Pine Rivers (78%) and the Far North or Northern (76%) areas of Queensland.
Respondents from Mid-West region were also far more likely than respondents from other
areas to report the regular use of prescription amphetamines (24% compared with 11% of the
total sample), suggesting that the practice of doctor shopping may be an important source of
amphetamines or precursor chemicals for the production of amphetamines at these locations.

The results also indicate that Brisbane respondents have a preference for base over speed powder
and are more likely to regularly consume ice than other respondents. This prevalence of ice use
in Brisbane suggests that the local market is supported by a relatively complex web of supply
networks relying on both domestic and imported sources of amphetamine.

Changes to patterns of amphetamine use

During the discussion forums, health and law enforcement representatives discussed changes
in amphetamine usage patterns. Health representatives noted a continuing expansion of the
amphetamine market, driven by increasing demand and supply issues, and the prevalence
of more potent forms of amphetamine. The increasing consumption of amphetamines was

 Amphetamine is a synthetic central nervous system stimulant. For the purpose of this report, the
term amphetamine is used as a broad category that encompasses amphetamine and amphetamine
derivatives. The different types of amphetamine include amphetamine sulphate (speed powder/pills);
methamphetamine/methylamphetamine (base/pure/wax); crystal methamphetamine/crystalline
methylamphetamine hydrochloride (crystal/ice/shabu); and methylphenidate (Ritalin or other prescribed

 Recent/regular use is defined as used within the last six months.

 The median number, rather than average number, of days is shown due to skewed data.

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

considered likely to contribute to escalating health problems, an issue particularly challenging

for health agencies given that treatment options for amphetamine users are limited. In particular,
health representatives were concerned about the increasing availability and use of ice, which
they predicted would lead to an increase in amphetamine-related harms. In addition, as ice is
generally smoked rather than injected, users may be less likely to access NSPs, an important
health intervention point.

Law enforcement staff were also concerned about patterns of amphetamine use. In particular,
they believed that the amphetamine market would continue to expand, noted an increase in the
use of ice, and called for an effective intervention to stop the prevalence of binge use, which was
linked to aggressive and erratic behaviour and problems for general duty police officers.

Polydrug use
Polydrug consumption (the use of more than one drug) was common among AIQ respondents.
The most common non-amphetamine substances used in the previous six months were cannabis
(75%), alcohol (71%) and cigarettes (65%). Ecstasy was recently used by 37 per cent of
respondents, 30 per cent had used benzodiazepines, 20 per cent had used heroin and 14 per
cent had used cocaine. Usage rates varied between the different substances consumed in the
six-month period. Cigarettes were used a median number of 180 days (that is, daily). This
compares to 150 days for cannabis, 48 days for alcohol, 26 days for benzodiazepines, 20 days
for heroin, 5 days for ecstasy and 3 days for cocaine. The mean number of different substances
(including alcohol and cigarettes) ever used by respondents was 8.5, while the mean number of
amphetamine types used was 2.5. These results are consistent with other studies that show high
rates of polydrug consumption among regular amphetamine users (Fisher & Kinner 2004; Brecht
et al. 2004).

AIQ participants often used amphetamines in conjunction with or sequentially to other illicit
substances. Figure 3.1 shows that amphetamines were often combined with alcohol, cannabis
and/or other stimulants to ‘come up’, while cannabis and other depressants such as heroin and
benzodiazepines were used to ‘come down’ from amphetamines. It is likely that stimulants are
used to prolong or enhance the amphetamine experience, while depressants are used to balance
or self-medicate the unfavourable side effects of the drug.

The prevalence of polydrug use has significant implications:

• It increases the likelihood of adverse health outcomes for users, especially if stimulant and
depressant substances are used in combination.
• It makes the effects of particular drugs difficult to isolate and measure.
• Polydrug users may be more difficult to treat than drug users who have a primary drug of
• It indicates that illicit drug markets do not operate as individual entities.
• Diminished access to amphetamines may not necessarily lead to a reduction in overall illicit
drug use.

 It is worth noting that a recent increase in ice availability was not reported in the IDRS for Queensland
(Kinner et al. 2006, p. 25), but 34% of respondents from the Party Drugs Initiative 2005 study reported
that ice was easier to obtain compared with 20% in 2004 (Fischer et al. 2006, p. 29).

 Although alcohol and cigarettes are not illicit substances, they have been included in the polydrug
analyses given their association with harm.

 The term ‘come up’ refers to the onset of pharmacological effects associated with illicit drugs, while
‘come down’ refers to the winding down of the effects. The experiences associated with ‘come up’ and
‘come down’ can be perceived to be both positive and negative.


Table 3.1: Regular use of amphetamine, by type of amphetamine and region

Percentage of respondents reporting use within
the past 6 months
Region Speed
Base/pure/ Ice/shabu/ Amphet. Prescript. number
wax crystal liquid amphet.
S’Coast/Pine Rivers 77.9 49.0 25.0 6.7 10.6 104
Far North/North 76.4 42.4 26.4 8.3 3.5 144
Far West 67.6 64.9 21.6 6.8 14.9 74
Gold Coast/Logan 60.0 69.0 19.0 8.0 11.0 100
Mid-West 57.4 88.2 30.9 8.8 23.5 68
Mid-Coast 52.0 75.0 29.0 3.0 15.0 100
Brisbane 48.0 73.3 45.3 2.7 8.0 75
Total sample 64.4 63.0 27.5 6.5 11.3 665
Chi2 test, p=<.001.
Note: Caution should be used when interpreting results by region, since they are subject to probable bias due to sampling strategies and

Figure 3.1: Prevalence of amphetamine use in combination with selected drugs (n=665)






Type of drug


6.1 Come up
Come down





No other

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Note: This graph summarises the results of multiple frequency analyses, therefore total number size may change slightly across the
different drug variables due to missing data.

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

Initiation of amphetamine use

The decision to begin using drugs can be precipitated by a number of factors, including a desire
for experimentation, rebellion, problem elimination, sensation heightening and increased self-
esteem, as well as drug availability and peer influence (Panaia & Bell 1999). AIQ respondents
were offered a range of possible reasons for their decision to begin using amphetamines and
asked to indicate whether they agreed (a little, a lot or not at all) with these reasons. Figure
3.2 illustrates the proportion of respondents reporting that they agreed ‘a lot’ with each of the
specified reasons, by gender.

The AIQ survey found that experimentation, opportunity and peer influence were all important
factors in a person’s decision to first use amphetamines. Just over two-thirds (67%) of
respondents agreed ‘a lot’ that they initially tried amphetamines just to ‘see what it was like’,
while ‘someone gave it to me’ (39%) and ‘my friends were doing it’ (33%) were both significant
reasons for amphetamine initiation. Eighteen per cent of respondents first tried amphetamines
because they wanted to escape their problems and nearly 20 per cent indicated that the reason
‘I’m not sure why, but I just always knew that I eventually would’ was highly relevant to them.
The sizable proportion of respondents selecting these two explanations as the basis of their
decision to use amphetamines presents particular challenges to agencies attempting to craft
effective strategies to discourage amphetamine use.

Amphetamine initiation varied by gender. Female users were significantly more likely than male
users to be encouraged to use amphetamines by their partner, try amphetamines to escape
their problems, be interested as a way to lose weight or get fit, and use because somebody
gave it to them. Male users, on the other hand, were more likely than female users to first use
amphetamines to stay awake for work or study, and to be experimental.

Changes since using amphetamines

To identify some of the perceived consequences of amphetamine use, AIQ respondents were
asked to comment on a range of statements about any changes they might have experienced since
using amphetamines. These responses highlight the perceived ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ effects of
amphetamine use, which in turn inform discussions about consumer demand.

The results in Figure 3.3 (page 12) show that ‘a better sex life’ was the most significant change
brought about by the use of amphetamines (37%). However, this benefit was followed by a
series of less favourable outcomes. One-third of respondents agreed ‘a lot’ that amphetamine
use had made them more compulsive, while about 20 per cent strongly believed that they had
become less tolerant and were not achieving all that they wanted to. A potential link between
amphetamine use and violent behaviour was also apparent, with 17 per cent of respondents
reporting that they had become more aggressive since using amphetamines.

While a fifth of the respondents indicated that they had started to put themselves before their
families, a small minority (7%) strongly agreed that their relationships with other people had
improved since using amphetamines. This benefit may be explained by the loss of inhibitions and
increased sociability often associated with amphetamine use. Taking amphetamines for work-
related purposes was also evident in the proportion of respondents reporting that amphetamines
has made them ‘work harder’ (26%). Twelve per cent of respondents strongly agreed that they
had experienced ‘spiritual and personal growth’ since using the drug.

Although ‘helps me lose weight and get fit’ was the only response that was statistically significant
in terms of gender differences associated with the effects of amphetamine use, some interesting
gender distinctions were evident. Female users were more likely than male users to report that
amphetamine use was linked to their personal and spiritual development and less likely than male
users to find that their sex life had improved or that they put themselves before their families
because of their amphetamine use.

Overall, these results draw attention to some of the challenges faced by those responding to
amphetamine use in the community. In particular, policies aimed at preventing initiation to
the use of amphetamines (and illicit substances in general) need to respond to the demand


Figure 3.2: Key indicators of amphetamine initiation of use, by gender

I thought it would help me lose 14.9

weight/get fit*

I wanted to become a more 9.3

interesting person*

What I usually use wasn’t 7.2


My partner/boyfriend/girlfriend 27.8
encouraged me*

I needed to stay awake for 7.6

work or study

I wanted to forget 20.6

my problems*

I’m not sure why, but I always 18.8 Female (n = 294)

knew that I eventually would
Male (n = 361)

My friends were doing it

Someone gave it to me*

I wanted to see what it
was like* 71.1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percentage of respondents who agreed ‘a lot’ with reasons

*Chi2 test, p=< .05

Note: This graph summarises the results of multiple cross-tabulations across different variables — number sizes for gender change slightly
across the different reasons leading to initiation variables due to missing data.

for amphetamines created by a desire to escape from personal problems. Further research is
also needed to understand why some people believe that their introduction to amphetamines
was innate and therefore inevitable. In addition, the high proportion of respondents indicating
that opportunity was a key factor in their initiation to amphetamine use reinforces the value of
supply-reduction strategies. It is also interesting to note that, while amphetamine use is generally
considered an extremely social activity, there is little evidence to suggest that a person’s use
improves their relationships with others.

Type of amphetamine use and levels of dependency

The AIQ survey sampled a range of different types of amphetamine users. When participants
were asked to self-identify their consumption of amphetamines, the majority (55%) perceived
themselves as recreational/casual users, 21 per cent as binge users and 13 per cent as dependent
users. Only 7 per cent self-identified as work-related users and 4 per cent as experimental
users. However, self-perception of amphetamine dependence was substantially different from
dependence levels measured by the Severity of Dependence Scale (SDS). The results of the
SDS show that 39 per cent of AIQ respondents were dependent on amphetamines. Interestingly,
although females (43%) were more likely than males (36%) to be identified as dependent
according to SDS responses (p=<.05), males (23.9%) were more likely than females (17.9%)

 The SDS is a validated five-item scale developed by Gossop et al. (1995) to measure drug dependence.
It was implemented and evaluated in relation to amphetamine dependence by Topp & Mattick (1997).

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

to define themselves as dependent users. It is also worth noting that 23 per cent of those self-
reporting recreational/casual use were assessed as amphetamine dependent by the SDS, as were
49 per cent of self-identified work-related users and 55 per cent of self-identified binge users.

Figure 3.3: Significant changes since using amphetamines, by gender

It helps me lose weight /
get fit* 4.6

My relationships with people 7.3

have generally improved

I have undergone spiritual and 13.9

personal growth

I am more aggressive

I don’t achieve all that I want 19.3

to / I’m very easily distracted

I put myself before my family

20.8 Female (n = 294)

I find that I’m less tolerant
Male (n = 361)

I work harder

Once I start something, I can’t
stop doing it 31.8

Sex is more enjoyable

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percentage within gender who agreed ‘a lot’ with changes

*Chi2 test, p=< .001

Note: This graph summarises the results of multiple cross-tabulations across different variables — number sizes for gender change slightly
across the different changes caused by amphetamine use variables due to missing data.

Normalisation of amphetamine use

The ‘normalisation’ of illicit drug use refers to the process of accepting illicit drug consumption
as a normal activity. This issue was consistently raised at both health and law enforcement
discussion forums. Law enforcement representatives held normalisation as a primary reason for
the increasing demand for amphetamine, while health representatives believed that developing a
better understanding of the normalisation process could assist in providing improved responses
to amphetamine use.

Law enforcement delegates recognised the significance of the social context of amphetamine
use and stated that the normalisation process was most likely to occur among young people and
those frequenting nightclubs or other dance events. It was acknowledged that the increasing
normalisation of amphetamine use meant that the illegal status of the drug was less relevant to
users than the health implications involved and most amphetamine users did not show concern

 The results of the AIQ study showed that amphetamines were usually used in private locations — 86%
of respondents reported that they usually used amphetamines in private dwellings, while only 6%
reported usually using amphetamines in a public space such as a nightclub.


regarding the criminal justice system until they had been apprehended for involvement with
illicit drugs. Law enforcement representatives advocated disrupting the normalisation process by
raising awareness of the legal consequences of illicit drug use.

Health delegates believed that the most effective way to reduce amphetamine use was to
develop responses that connected to the everyday perceptions and experiences of users. This
involved accepting normalisation as a reality of amphetamine users and part of the drug’s
social context. They suggested that an understanding of amphetamine-use normalisation could
reduce the stigma levelled at those who consumed the drug, which, in turn, would improve law
enforcement’s relationship with illicit drug users and improve the likelihood of users seeking
assistance or treatment.

Although law enforcement and health representatives at the discussion forums both
acknowledged that amphetamine use was highly normalised among illicit drug users, their
approaches were substantially different. For instance, law enforcement representatives advocated
the disruption of the normalisation process to reduce demand for amphetamines. Health
representatives, on the other hand, believed that a better understanding of amphetamine-use
normalisation could improve responses to the drug’s use. These differing views reflect law
enforcement’s commitment to upholding the law and health’s commitment to minimising harm.

This chapter explored dimensions of amphetamine demand. The most prevalent forms of
amphetamines are base and speed powder. Although the use of ice is less common, it is more
prevalent in Brisbane than other Queensland regions. This requires ongoing monitoring,
given that anecdotal evidence and the drug’s usage patterns in Brisbane may indicate future
consumption trends for other regions. Importantly, the fact that ice is usually smoked, rather
than injected, may mean that users are less likely to access NSPs, which provide a key point of
intervention for health agencies. It was also noted that law enforcement agencies identified a
need to develop effective ways to respond to patterns of binge use.

Polydrug consumption is prevalent among amphetamine users and this may compound the
adverse effects of amphetamines and pose particular problems for the development of effective
interventions. The disparity between self-reported levels of amphetamine dependency compared
with SDS-accessed levels of dependency also requires further exploration and may represent an
early intervention point for health professionals.

The reasons people use amphetamines represent an important component of demand. Demand-
reduction strategies need to recognise that amphetamine use is highly normalised and that users
associate amphetamines with a range of perceived benefits, despite acknowledging some of its
adverse effects. Although there is some evidence to suggest that reducing the availability of
amphetamines may affect demand for the drug, it is noteworthy that approximately one in five
respondents believed that their use of amphetamines was inevitable.



This chapter draws together a range of indicators to provide information on

amphetamine supply characteristics. This includes perceptions of amphetamine
availability, and the different ways in which amphetamines are sourced, paid for,
purchased, distributed and produced in Queensland.

Amphetamine availability
The availability of illicit substances can affect the demand, price and levels of use of particular
forms of drugs and is therefore an important indicator of illicit drug market characteristics. The
AIQ results demonstrate the ready availability of amphetamines in Queensland, with the types of
amphetamines most reliably sourced being the types most commonly used. Table 4.1 shows that
speed powder and base were considered the most prevalent forms of amphetamine available. Just
over 70 per cent of respondents had a very or somewhat reliable source of speed powder, while
68 per cent could obtain base very or somewhat reliably. The availability of ice and prescription
amphetamine was considerably less reliable, and the least available form was amphetamine liquid.
Nearly 60 per cent of respondents stated that they did not use or were not able to comment on
the availability of amphetamine liquid and only 6 per cent believed that it could be sourced very

The perceived availability of different types of amphetamine varied across the state, possibly
signifying the operation of distinct markets in particular regions (see Table 4.2, next page).
Despite the geographical isolation of towns such as Mount Isa, Longreach, Charleville and
Roma, respondents living in the Far West region of Queensland reported the overall highest levels
of availability across the various forms of the drug. Respondents in this region were most likely to
report very reliable sources of speed powder, amphetamine liquid and prescription amphetamines
and relatively high levels of base and ice availability. Indeed, the perceived availability of base
in this region was comparable to that reported by respondents living in Brisbane and the very
reliable sources of ice was second to that in Brisbane.

Respondents in the Sunshine Coast/Pine Rivers region reported the highest level of speed
powder availability, but found base more difficult to obtain than most respondents. Mid-Coast
respondents indicated that easy access to ice in this area was extremely limited — only 1.1 per
cent of survey participants living in Rockhampton or Bundaberg reported very reliable sources
of ice compared with 12 per cent of the total sample. Of particular interest is the relatively low
proportion of Brisbane respondents stating that they had very reliable sources of speed powder
— 17 per cent compared with 50 per cent in the Sunshine Coast/Pine Rivers region and 39
per cent across the total sample. This result can be partly explained by the high proportion of
Brisbane-based respondents stating that they did not use speed powder or did not know about its
availability. It may also reflect the high availability and the relatively high usage of ice in the area.
Nearly 30 per cent of Brisbane respondents reported that they had very reliable sources of ice,
compared with just 12 per cent for the total survey population.

Table 4.1: Reliability of obtaining amphetamines

Percentage of respondents reporting level of reliability
Type of amphetamine
Don’t know/ number
Very Somewhat Not at all
don't use
Speed powder/pills 39.1 31.2 11.8 17.9 642
Base/pure/wax 31.2 37.1 15.6 16.1 641
Ice/shabu/crystal 12.2 22.9 27.2 37.8 625
Prescription 10.4 11.4 14.6 63.6 616
Amphetamine liquid 5.9 12.9 22.9 58.3 612

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

Table 4.2: Proportion of respondents reporting very reliable sources of amphetamine, by region
Percentage of respondents reporting very reliable sources
Region Speed Base/pure/ Ice/shabu/ Amphet. Prescript. number
powder/pills* wax* crystal* liquid** amphet.*
S’Coast/Pine Rivers 49.5 22.3 10.9 8.2 9.2 104
Far West 43.5 38.5 16.7 10.0 26.7 74
Far North/North 42.9 20.9 14.7 6.7 9.0 144
Gold Coast/Logan 40.4 33.7 7.1 4.2 12.2 100
Mid-West 39.7 41.2 9.4 3.2 4.8 68
Mid-Coast 33.7 36.1 1.1 5.3 9.3 100
Brisbane 17.1 38.0 29.2 3.0 4.4 75
Total 39.1 31.2 12.2 5.9 10.4 665

*Chi2 test, p=<.001, ** Chi2 test, p=<.01

Note: This table summarises the results of multiple cross-tabulations — number sizes across the regions may change slightly due to
missing data. Caution should be used when interpreting results by region, since they are subject to probable bias due to sampling
strategies and size.

No statistically significant gender-based differences were found in relation to amphetamine

availability. However, regular amphetamine users were more likely than non-regular users to
report very reliable sources for the type of amphetamine they most regularly used.

Sourcing amphetamines
The illegal nature of illicit drug markets means that consumers and suppliers ideally need to
establish trustworthy relationships to carry out successful drug transactions. The importance of
trust in illicit drug markets is evident in Table 4.3, which shows that most respondents sourced
their amphetamines from either dealers or people they knew rather than from strangers. Dealers
were the most common source of amphetamines for most respondents, with 74 per cent stating
that they mostly obtained from a dealer and 15 per cent stating that they sometimes used dealers
to access amphetamines.

A significant proportion also sourced their amphetamines from friends or family members
— 68 per cent reported that they mostly or sometimes relied on such people. Similarly, 70 per
cent reported that they never approached people they did not know for amphetamines. Only 2
per cent stated that they mostly obtained amphetamines from strangers. Five per cent of those
surveyed also indicated that they sometimes accessed amphetamines from a pharmacist or
doctor, suggesting that a small number of users rely on prescription amphetamines to supplement
their amphetamine use.

Further analyses show that experimental, recreational/casual and work-related users were more
likely than dependent or binge users to depend on their friends or family members to access
amphetamines. Female respondents were also more likely than male respondents to state that
they obtained amphetamines from their partners.

Table 4.3: Sources of amphetamine

Person used to obtain Percentage of respondents reporting Total
amphetamines Mostly Sometimes Rarely Never number

Dealer 74.5 15.4 5.4 4.8 650

Friends/family 23.0 45.0 11.2 20.9 618
Partner/boyfriend/girlfriend 11.6 29.4 12.9 46.1 595
Pharmacist/doctor 1.0 5.4 7.4 86.2 579
Strangers 2.2 10.2 17.3 70.4 591


Paying for amphetamines

Although the majority of respondents (76%) indicated that they mostly paid for amphetamines
with cash, a number of different payment arrangements were available to people involved in the
amphetamine market. These included receiving amphetamines from others as a gift, credit from
dealers, trading drugs, swapping sex and doctor shopping (see Table 4.4).10

About half of the people surveyed (51%) indicated that they sometimes received amphetamines
from others without paying and 15 per cent stated that they were mostly given their
amphetamines. This suggests the existence of a ‘gift economy’ operating within the Queensland
amphetamine market. Within the context of the illicit drug market, a gift economy implies a
shared understanding of reciprocal practice and obligation among users — drugs are often shared
with an expectation of returned favours (Grund 1993). The results also highlight the sociability
of amphetamine consumption — users like to take drugs with other users.

The operation of a gift economy has important health implications, since the act of sharing
amphetamines may increase user exposure to infection from blood-borne viruses. Southgate and
Weatherall (2003, p. 30) point out that the contingent and often immediate circumstances of
receiving illicit substances as a ‘gift’ reduces the likelihood of users implementing safe injecting
practices — users are more likely to share injecting equipment and drug containers, as well as
inject others when requested.

Nine per cent of those surveyed reported that they mostly obtained amphetamines on credit
and 36 per cent stated that they sometimes used dealer credit. However, credit from dealers
is generally only given to trusted clientele and is more likely to occur between dealers rather
than between dealers and consumers. Nineteen per cent of those respondents dealing at the
time of the survey stated that they mostly sourced amphetamines ‘on-tick’ and 52 per cent
sometimes relied on dealer credit. This is higher than that for respondents who had never dealt
amphetamines or were no longer dealing, of whom 7 per cent reported that they mostly used
dealer credit to obtain amphetamines and 33 per cent stated that they sometimes used dealer

That the amphetamine market operates within the broader illicit drug economy is highlighted
by the proportion of respondents indicating that they mostly (4%) or sometimes (31%) traded
other drugs for amphetamines. Further analysis shows that 64 per cent of those respondents who
mostly traded drugs for amphetamines also sold illicit drugs other than amphetamines and 39
per cent of those who sometimes traded drugs for amphetamines reported selling other drugs.

The practice of swapping sex for amphetamines was also apparent. Thirteen per cent of those
surveyed reported that they mostly or sometimes paid for amphetamines with sex. Of these
respondents, 74 per cent were female, 25 per cent were involved in sex work, 53 per cent were
either binge or dependent users and 32 per cent were recreational/casual users.

Table 4.4: Method of obtaining amphetamines

Method of obtaining Percentage of respondents reporting Total
amphetamines Mostly Sometimes Rarely Never number

Pay cash for it 75.8 18.8 4.4 1.1 656

Get given it 15.1 50.9 27.3 6.7 644
Credit from dealers 8.9 36.3 19.2 35.7 631
Traded drugs 4.0 30.8 18.4 46.8 620
Swapped sex 3.4 9.4 8.0 79.2 615
Doctor shopping 1.5 9.1 8.9 80.6 607

10 Although not measured by the survey instrument, it is also likely that stolen goods are traded for

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

Location of amphetamine purchases

Amphetamine users and dealers employ a number of different strategies to avoid police
detection while performing amphetamine transactions. This includes minimising the visibility
of distribution networks by making amphetamine purchases in private, rather than in public
locations. Table 4.5 shows that 82 per cent of respondents reported that they mostly purchased
amphetamines in private dwellings. Of these respondents, 48 per cent indicated that their
amphetamines were mostly delivered to them. The high proportion of respondents obtaining
amphetamines from either their own or other private dwellings suggests that deals are primarily
arranged before the actual exchange of amphetamines occurs, thereby reducing the time it takes
to make a transaction and further decreasing the chances of police interception.

A regional analysis of location of purchase shows that Brisbane has the most open amphetamine
market overall compared with other regions. Fifteen per cent of respondents living in Brisbane
compared with 6 per cent of the total sample reported that they mostly obtained amphetamines
in a public space and 10 per cent of Brisbane respondents compared with 5 per cent of the total
sample indicated that they mostly obtained amphetamines in a transport/vehicle. Interestingly,
respondents living in the Sunshine Coast/Pine Rivers region were most likely to report mostly
obtaining amphetamines in a commercial building (12% cent compared with 5% of the total

Self-identified work-related and binge amphetamine users were more likely than other types of
users to mostly obtain amphetamines in a public space. Work-related users were far more likely
than other types of users to mostly obtain amphetamines in a transport/vehicle (which may
reflect amphetamine use within the transport industry). Overall, male respondents were slightly
more likely than female respondents to report purchasing amphetamines in a public space,
commercial or a transport/vehicle space.

Table 4.5: Location of amphetamine purchases

Place of amphetamine Percentage of respondents reporting Total
purchase Mostly Sometimes Rarely Never number

Private dwelling 81.5 14.8 1.5 2.1 655

Commercial building 4.8 31.5 26.2 37.5 619

Public space 5.6 25.2 22.3 46.8 622
Transport/vehicle 5.3 29.7 23.3 41.6 622

Distance travelled to obtain amphetamines

Most respondents obtained their amphetamines within five kilometres of their place of residence.
Forty-eight per cent of those surveyed reported that they mostly did not have to leave their
homes to obtain amphetamines, with 35 per cent indicating that they sometimes did not have to.
Thirty-six per cent mostly travelled less than five kilometres to procure amphetamines and 45 per
cent sometimes travelled less than five kilometres.

Table 4.6 shows that very few respondents reported travelling more than 50 kilometres for
amphetamines on a regular basis (5%). Dealers were significantly more likely than non-dealers
and ex-dealers to travel long distances to make amphetamine purchases. Indeed, current
dealers were nearly five times more likely than non-dealers to report mostly travelling more
than 50 kilometres and twice as likely to sometimes travel more than 50 kilometres to obtain
amphetamines. It is worth pointing out, however, that 62 per cent of the current dealers rarely or
never travelled more than 50 kilometres to obtain amphetamines.

Overall, these results suggest that the task of sourcing and delivering amphetamines to
consumers is often performed by dealers. The relatively short distances travelled by the majority
of respondents (including dealers) also provides additional evidence of local clandestine
amphetamine production throughout the state and high levels of amphetamine


availability.11 Only those respondents living in the Far West region were significantly more likely
than all respondents on average (p=<.001) to report that they mostly (26%) or sometimes (44%)
obtained amphetamines more than 50 kilometres away.

Table 4.6: Proportion of respondents travelling more than 50 km to obtain amphetamines, by dealer status
Percentage of respondents reporting Total
Dealer status
Mostly Sometimes Rarely Never number

Current dealer 13.1 24.6 18.0 44.3 61

Ex-dealer 5.4 14.4 15.3 64.9 111
Non-dealer 3.1 11.2 12.2 73.5 196
Total 5.4 14.4 14.1 66.0 368
Chi2 test, p= .001

Amphetamine production
In 2003, the CMC reported that the production of amphetamines in Queensland was
characterised by the use of portable ‘boxed’ laboratories situated at multiple sites throughout the
state (CMC 2003). This was apparent in police detection data that showed a dramatic increase
in the number of clandestine amphetamine laboratories discovered in recent years — 12 in 1994
compared with 162 in 2002; and a change in the type of laboratories exposed — laboratories
detected in 1994 tended to be large and professionally organised, while those detected in 2002
tended to be small and portable (CMC 2003, p. 5).

The notion that amphetamines are produced in portable ‘boxed’ laboratories in Queensland is
supported somewhat by respondents participating in the AIQ project (see Figure 4.1). More
than half of those surveyed (56%) believed that amphetamines were produced in ‘backyard’ or
‘boxed’ labs. A significant proportion of respondents (28%) indicated that they were unaware of
where the amphetamines they used were manufactured, while 16 per cent believed amphetamines
were produced in professional laboratories. Further analysis shows, however, that current dealers
(25%) were far more likely to believe that amphetamines were manufactured in professional
laboratories than were non-dealers (14%) or ex-dealers (14%) (p=< .001). This is an interesting
finding if we assume that current dealers have a greater and more reliable understanding than
other amphetamine users of the organisation of the amphetamine market. In the context of
current law enforcement intelligence, this result suggests that dealers may have been sourcing
amphetamines that were manufactured overseas.

Figure 4.1: Place of amphetamine production — users’ perceptions (n=647)

Don’t know

Backyard/Box Lab

Professional Lab

11 A move towards portable or ‘boxed’ amphetamine laboratories in the late 1990s and early 2000s in
Queensland has been well documented (ACC 2003, p. 61; CMC 2003, p. 5). Although almost 80% of
recent clandestine amphetamine laboratory detections have been found between the Gold and Sunshine
Coasts, portable amphetamine laboratories have the advantage of quickly producing moderate quantities
of methylamphetamines in any location (CMC 2003, p. 6).

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

The distribution of amphetamines and other illicit substances

Illicit drug markets are generally considered to be organised around two phases of supply —
production and distribution. This model assumes a supply link between producers and high-level
distributors and multiple supply links between high-level distributors and retail-level distributors.
The result is a pyramid-shaped, hierarchical line of distribution, with the purity of the product
diminishing as it moves along the supply chain from the high-level distributor towards the

The relatively simple procedures required to produce amphetamines mean that the differentiation
between producers, high-level distributors and street-level dealers is less distinct in the
Queensland amphetamine market than that found in other illicit drug markets. High-level
distributors may be involved in the production of amphetamines and retail dealers may be able to
purchase amphetamines directly from producers or produce amphetamines themselves.

The following section examines the distribution of amphetamines in Queensland as assessed

by the selling patterns of amphetamine dealers in the AIQ survey. The results show that it is
relatively common for users to become involved in low-level distribution, where illicit substances
are supplied to a select group of people in quantities associated with personal use. A number
of amphetamine dealers indicated that they were also involved in the distribution of other illicit
substances, thereby demonstrating the highly interrelated, dynamic nature of illicit drug markets.

Selling amphetamines
Nearly half (46%) of those surveyed reported that they had sold amphetamines at some stage,
while 16 per cent of respondents indicated that they were selling at the time of the survey.12
Males (53%) were more likely than females (39%) to have been involved in the sale of
amphetamines, as were frequent and heavy users of amphetamines compared with infrequent
users. Just over 70 per cent of dependent users and 57 per cent of binge users stated that they
had sold amphetamines, while only 16 per cent of experimental and 37 per cent of recreational
users had sold amphetamines (see Figure 4.2). The sale of other illicit substances was also
prevalent among the surveyed amphetamine users — just over a quarter of all respondents had
sold other illicit drugs and about 11 per cent of the sample sold amphetamines and at least one
other type of illicit substance.

Figure 4.2: Ever sold amphetamines, by type of user

Experimental 16.0
(n = 25)

Recreational/casual 37.1
(n = 356)
Type of user

Work related
(n = 37) 40.5

(n = 136) 57.4

(n = 86)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Chi2 test, p=<.001

12 The survey used a broad definition of selling — it includes those who buy amphetamines and pass them
on to others at cost price.


Initiation to the sale of amphetamines

The relatively high proportion of users reporting that they had sold amphetamines at some stage
indicates that low-level distribution is often part of the amphetamine use trajectory. Table 4.7
shows some of the reasons given by dealers to explain why they started selling amphetamines.
Sixty-three per cent of those who had sold amphetamines at some point agreed ‘a lot’ that
sustaining their drug use was a significant motivating factor in their decision to start selling,
while 55 per cent initially viewed amphetamine supply as an opportunity to secure additional
income. Although peer groups play an integral role in the initiation of amphetamine use, it
appears that peers have little influence on a user’s choice to start selling amphetamines. Only 16
per cent of amphetamine sellers agreed ‘a lot’ that they first sold amphetamines because their
friends encouraged them, while 15 per cent reported that having fun was a significant factor in
their decision to first sell amphetamines.

Table 4.7: Key indicators of selling initiation

Reasons started selling Percentage of respondents reporting
Total number
amphetamines Not at all A little A lot
To support my own drug use 10.9 26.2 62.9 302
For money 15.4 29.5 55.1 292
Friends encouraged me 47.2 37.2 15.6 288
For fun 50.2 34.4 15.4 285

Distribution networks
To gain a better understanding of how amphetamines are distributed in Queensland, current
dealers were asked about who they sold amphetamines to and how often they did so. The results
shown in Figure 4.3 (next page) are consistent with the purchasing patterns of consumers
reported earlier and show that the amphetamine market generally operates in a closed
environment in Queensland. Amphetamines were most regularly dealt to close friends or casual
acquaintances — 44 per cent of current dealers sold to close friends and/or casual acquaintances
on a weekly basis, while 34 per cent sold to close friends and 25 per cent to casual acquaintances
on a daily basis. Only 9 per cent of current dealers reported daily sales to strangers, while 18 per
cent indicated that they sold amphetamines to strangers on a weekly basis. These results highlight
the importance of trust in the operation of the illicit amphetamine economy — deals are usually
made with persons known to the dealer. The connection between trusted social networks and
the distribution of amphetamines is also evident in the proportion of respondents stating that
they ‘sometimes’ (46%) or ‘mostly’ (33%) bought amphetamines for themselves and a couple of
friends when making amphetamine purchases.

Quantities usually sold

Current dealers were asked about the quantities or measures they usually dealt in as an
indication of their level of involvement in amphetamine distribution. Figure 4.4 (next page)
shows that the active dealers interviewed by the AIQ study most often sold in measures
associated with personal use rather than large quantities — 55 per cent usually sold points, 45
per cent usually sold grams and 30 per cent usually sold half grams of amphetamines.13 Only 14
per cent of current dealers reported that they usually sold amphetamines in ounce measures14 —
such respondents are considered more likely to be highly connected in the amphetamine market
and hold a higher position within the market’s organisation.

13 One point equals 0.1 of a gram.

14 One ounce equals 28.35 grams.

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

Figure 4.3: Amphetamine market networks — to whom and how often amphetamines are sold

34.3 Close friends

(n = 108)
Daily 25.0
Casual acquaintances
8.7 (n = 108)

44.4 (n = 104)
Weekly 44.4



Monthly 14.8



Every few months 8.3



Once a year or less 2.8



Never 4.6


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 4.4: Quantities of amphetamines usually sold (n=111)

Half gram/s 30.1

Gram/s 45.0

Ounce/s 13.5

Point/s 55.0

Other 5.4

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Selling other drugs

While 16 per cent of respondents were selling amphetamines at the time of the survey, about
25 per cent of all respondents were selling other drugs. Male users (31%) were more likely than
female users (18%) to be selling other drugs; binge (30%) and dependent users (37%) were
more likely than experimental (12%), recreational/casual (22%) and work-related users (22%) to
sell other drugs.


Money from selling drugs

Figure 4.5 shows the share of total income made from the sale of illicit substances by current
dealers. The notion that most users begin and continue to sell drugs to maintain their own drug
use is supported by the proportion of current dealers (26%) claiming that they did not generate
any income from the sale of illicit substances. It is also evident, however, that a significant
proportion of those respondents selling drugs do so to supplement their income. Just over 50 per
cent of current dealers indicated that revenue from drug dealing represented up to half of their
earnings, while 18 per cent reported that more than half, but less than all of their income, was
drug related. Only 3 per cent of dealers stated that they solely relied on the sale of drugs for their

Figure 4.5: Share of total income made from sale of illicit drugs, including amphetamines (n=180)
More than three quarters 2.8%

Half to three quarters

11.1% None

A quarter to a half

Less than a quarter


Further analyses have been performed on the AIQ data, which demonstrate significant
differences in the characteristics of respondents who sold drugs for profit, sold drugs without
profit or did not sell drugs at all. See the Appendix for these results.

The data presented in this chapter provide an incomplete understanding of the dynamics of
supply within Queensland’s amphetamine market. Although the AIQ survey was able to measure
a considerable level of supply activity at the lower end of distribution, it was less successful at
imparting information about high-level distributors and the organisation of distribution networks.
This gap is created largely by the nature of illicit drug markets (drug suppliers are, by definition,
a group with a vested interest in maintaining secrecy) and the limited capacity of quantitative
strategies to capture detailed information about sensitive issues from concealed populations. The
information does show, however, that it is not uncommon for amphetamine users to become
involved in low-level distribution and that amphetamines are generally distributed via trusted
networks that are difficult for law enforcement to detect. It is extremely rare for amphetamine
users to rely on strangers to supply them with the drug — the procurement and sale of
amphetamines is usually organised to happen in private locations with known persons.

The prevalence of portable or ‘boxed’ clandestine amphetamine laboratories evident in law

enforcement seizure data was supported by consumer perception of amphetamine manufacture.
It will be important and interesting to monitor how recent changes to legislation regarding the
regulation of precursor chemicals and the sale of compounds containing pseudoephedrine will
affect amphetamine demand characteristics and the organisation of the drug’s manufacture and
distribution in Queensland.




This chapter reports some of the harmful outcomes associated with amphetamine
use, such as adverse physical and mental health, exposure to violent situations and
involvement in criminal activity. It is important to note that the results in this
chapter do not demonstrate a causal relationship, but rather highlight the link
between amphetamine use and a range of detrimental consequences identified by
anecdotal evidence and previous research.

Risk of adverse health

The physical and mental health status of AIQ respondents was examined using the 12-item
Short Form Health Survey (SF-12) (Ware, Kosinski & Keller 1996). SF-12 scores refer to recent
functional impairment only and can be benchmarked against scores obtained from general
population surveys (Lynch et al. 2003).

Although the overall physical component summary (PCS) scores did not suggest any difference
in the physical health of AIQ respondents and the general population, when matched for age, the
AIQ sample aged between 18 and 34 years was more likely to experience mild physical disability.
The least physically healthy of AIQ respondents (the lowest 25% of those aged 18 to 34 years)
had a mean PSC score below 45.39, indicating that they were mildly disabled or worse. This
compares to the least physically healthy of the general population (the lowest 25% of those aged
18 to 34 years) who had a mean PSC score of 51.56 and below, indicating that they were not
disabled or worse (Lynch et al. 2003).

Overall, the mental component summary (MCS) scores indicated a greater prevalence of mental
disability among AIQ respondents than in the general population. The mean MCS score for all
AIQ respondents was 46.44 (indicating mildly disabled) compared with 50.04 for the general
population (indicating not disabled). Further analysis also showed that AIQ respondents
who were assessed according to the SDS as amphetamine dependent were more likely than
the general population to experience moderate or severe mental disability. Additionally, AIQ
respondents dependent on amphetamines were twice as likely as non-dependent respondents to
experience moderate or severe mental health disability (Lynch et al. 2003).

Amphetamine-induced psychosis
The use of amphetamines is associated with the risk of amphetamine-induced psychosis
(Larson 2006). This condition usually occurs after protracted and high-dose consumption of
amphetamines and may co-occur with pre-existing psychosis. At the discussion forums, health
and law enforcement representatives both raised concerns about the diagnosis of amphetamine-
induced psychosis.

Health representatives were concerned that amphetamine-induced psychosis was not being
adequately distinguished from transitory amphetamine-related psychotic disorders. This
distinction is important since, despite similar symptoms, amphetamine-induced psychosis leads
to long-term psychological problems, while amphetamine-related disorders generally resolve
shortly after the cessation of amphetamine use. It was asserted that the transient nature of most
amphetamine-related psychotic episodes was not adequately recognised, which in turn created
additional burdens for the health care system and overstated the prevalence of the long-term
harmful effects associated with amphetamine use.

Law enforcement raised the issue of amphetamine-induced psychosis in relation to the

prosecution of individuals. It was asserted that individuals before the courts on matters relating
to illicit drugs were more regularly advocating amphetamine-induced psychosis as part of a
defence at trial or as a mitigating circumstance at sentence. In the absence of appropriate

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

assessments in such cases, law enforcement representatives were concerned that courts may be
more lenient than necessary towards these offenders. Law enforcement representatives suggested
that a valid and robust way of assessing amphetamine-induced psychosis was needed to reduce
the likelihood of individuals taking advantage of the criminal justice system. Law enforcement
also acknowledged that they spent a significant amount of time during everyday operations
dealing with mental health issues caused by amphetamine use.

Risk of HIV and Hepatitis C

AIQ respondents were asked whether they had been tested for HIV and Hepatitis C and, if so, to
state the results of those tests. Although caution is required when interpreting self-reported data
on blood-borne virus infection rates, the results show that the prevalence of HIV and Hepatitis
C among AIQ participants was relatively higher than that found in the general population. This
finding is consistent with other epidemiology studies that show a relatively high rate of HIV and
Hepatitis C infection among drug users (Estrada 2002 & Bell et al. 2002).

Of the AIQ respondents who had been tested for HIV (65%), 3.4 per cent reported that they
tested positive at their last test, representing 2 per cent of the total sample. This is noticeably
greater than the prevalence of HIV (0.1%) found among Australian adults in the general
population (UNAIDS 2004). Of the 60 per cent of AIQ respondents who had been tested for
Hepatitis C, nearly 30 per cent had tested positive at their last test, representing 16.8 per cent
of the total sample. This is also higher than the prevalence of Hepatitis C (2.3%) among all
Australians (Amin et al. 2004).

The relatively high prevalence of blood-borne viruses among amphetamine users highlights an
important workplace health and safety issue for those workers responding to amphetamine users.
It also draws attention to the significance of Australia’s Needle and Syringe Program, which
ensures the availability of sterile needles and syringes, provides health information and refers
injecting drug users to voluntary drug treatment services. Without the services offered by NSPs,
the incidence of HIV and Hepatitis C infection would most likely be significantly higher among
intravenous drug users (ANCAHRD 2000). As a police presence at NSPs or their surrounds may
reduce the number of clients accessing such services, it is essential that police maintain discretion
around these premises and develop a good rapport with NSP staff.

Risk of violence
Anecdotal evidence indicates that law enforcement officers and other service providers risk
exposure to agitated and aggressive behaviour when responding to people using amphetamines.
The AIQ research project explored the relationship between amphetamine use and violence by
asking respondents whether they had encountered or caused violence because of the drug.

Figure 5.1 shows that approximately half of those surveyed reported that they had been verbally
threatened as a consequence of their own or other people’s amphetamine use. Just over 28
per cent had been assaulted without a weapon and 16 per cent had been assaulted with a
weapon. There is some evidence to suggest that these results show substantially higher rates of
victimisation among amphetamine users compared with those found in the broader community.
The 2002 Crime and Safety Survey, for example, revealed that 5 per cent of Australians had
experienced an assault (of any type) in the previous 12-month period (ABS 2003).

The results also show that the risk of violence is amplified by certain factors, such as the
level of involvement in the amphetamine market and type of amphetamine use. An analysis
of amphetamine-related violence by dealer status shows that current dealers were more likely
to have encountered amphetamine-related violence than ex-dealers and much more likely to
indicate victimisation than non-dealers (see Figure 5.2). A clear relationship between type of user
and levels of victimisation is also apparent, with self-identified binge and dependent users more
likely to be victims of violence than self-identified work-related, recreational and experimental
users. For example, 61 per cent of dependent users compared with 12 per cent of experimental
users had been verbally threatened; and 26 per cent of dependent users compared with 4 per
cent of experimental users had been assaulted with a weapon.


Figure 5.1: Experience of violence associated with amphetamine use

Verbally threatened
(n = 663) 48.4
Type of victimisation

Assaulted without weapon

(n = 658) 28.3

Assaulted with weapon

(n = 659) 15.5

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 5.2: Experience of violence associated with amphetamine use by dealer status

72.2 Verbally
Current dealer 43.5
(n = 109) Assaulted without
28.3 weapon

Assaulted with
Dealer status


Ex-dealer 40.6
(n = 201)


Non-dealer 16.8
(n = 353)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

The AIQ study further explored the relationship between amphetamine use and violence by
asking respondents whether they had ever been physically violent towards anyone because of their
amphetamine use. As shown in Table 5.1, at least one in four respondents believed that taking
amphetamines was a contributing factor in an episode of physical violence directed towards
another person. Twenty-six per cent of all respondents reported that they had once or twice
caused bodily harm to a partner due to their amphetamine use and 25 per cent indicated that
such violence had been directed towards friends/acquaintances on occasion. Seven per cent of
those surveyed reported that they often had been physically violent towards their partners and 5
per cent had often been violent towards strangers.

Table 5.1: Amphetamine use and physical violence against various types of people
Percentage of respondents reporting perpetration of
Type of person violent violence (%) Total number
Often Once or twice Never

Partner/boy-/girlfriend 5.1 25.5 69.4 648

Close friends 1.7 21.9 76.4 643
Friends/acquaintances 3.0 24.8 72.3 642
Family members 3.3 18.3 78.5 646
Strangers 6.6 17.2 76.3 641

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

Although male respondents were generally more likely than female respondents to report causing
frequent physical harm to others due to their amphetamine use, females (7%) were more likely
than males (3%) to admit that they were often violent towards their partners because of their
amphetamine use. This finding is not consistent with other AIQ data, which indicated females
were more likely than males to report that they had been victims of amphetamine-related
violence perpetrated by their partners (who are more likely to be male than female). The results
show that, of the AIQ respondents who had been verbally threatened, females (56%) were more
likely than males (20%) to have been threatened by their partners. Furthermore, 56 per cent
of female respondents who had been assaulted without a weapon had been assaulted by their
partner, compared with 18 per cent of males; and 47 per cent of female respondents who had
been assaulted with a weapon had been assaulted by their partner, compared with 12 per cent of

Although numbers are small, further analysis also shows that binge or dependent use of
amphetamines is statistically associated with an increased likelihood of perpetrating violence
against others. No link was found between current dealing of amphetamines and the likelihood of
causing bodily harm.

The relatively high levels of violence experienced by amphetamine users may possibly reflect the
pharmacological effects of the drug on some individuals and/or the use of violence often found
in illicit drug economies. The latter point is further supported by a recent study of incarcerated
male offenders, which showed that significant levels of violence was used to procure drugs.
Twenty per cent of the incarcerated males surveyed reported that they had used force or violence
to obtain amphetamines and 8 per cent stated that they had also used weapons (Makkai & Payne

Risk of crime
AIQ respondents were asked whether they had ever committed crime, been arrested or been
imprisoned for criminal offences. The results support previous research that reveals a relatively
high incidence of criminal activity among illicit drug users (Tonry & Wilson 1990).

Table 5.2 shows that AIQ respondents were more likely to have committed property offences
than offences against the person. Nearly half (45%) of the AIQ respondents had stolen something
from a place or person and/or dealt in stolen goods, while one-third (33%) had committed a
break and enter. Just under 30 per cent of respondents had committed an assault/caused bodily
harm, and about twice as many respondents reported robbing someone without a weapon (13%)
than robbing someone with a weapon (7%).

AIQ respondents were more likely to have been arrested for stealing from a place or person
(14%), break and enter (12%), dealing in stolen goods (10%), stealing motor vehicles (9%) and
physical assault/causing bodily harm (8%) than other crimes. A small proportion of respondents
also reported spending time in prison for break and enter (6%), stealing motor vehicles (5%),
dealing with stolen goods (5%), fraud/embezzlement (4%) and physical assault/causing bodily
harm (4%).

Since respondents were asked about the type of crimes committed, rather than the number of
crimes committed, it is not possible to ascertain from the survey a reliable measure of police
performance in relation to different crimes based on the rates of arrest and incarceration. It is
interesting to note, however, that a relatively high proportion of respondents reported being
arrested and spending time in prison for committing fraud/embezzlement and stealing motor
vehicles. This occurred despite the fact that these were not the most common crimes committed.

Even though respondents committed more property crime than personal crime, there was a
greater likelihood of ‘always’ committing personal offences (26%) when under the influence of
amphetamines than the likelihood of ‘always’ committing property offences (19%) while under
the influence of amphetamines. In contrast, property offences were more likely than personal
offences to be committed for money. A greater proportion of AIQ respondents stated that they
‘always’ committed property offences (26%) to obtain additional money (not used for the
procurement of amphetamines), compared with personal offences (19%).


Table 5.2: Involvement in property and personal offences

Percentage ever Total
Type of offence
Committed Arrested In prison number

Stolen motor vehicle 21.3 9.1 4.9 651
Broken into somewhere to steal something 32.9 12.3 5.5 651
Stolen something from a person or place 45.4 14.2 3.1 648
Vandalised property 26.8 5.8 1.7 642
Committed fraud/misappropriation/embezzlement 22.7 6.3 4.1 640
Sold, bought/traded stolen goods 44.6 10.3 5.1 650
Physical assault/bodily harm 26.9 8.3 4.0 651
Robbed (without weapon) 12.8 2.8 2.2 648
Robbed (with weapon) 7.4 3.1 2.5 646
Sexual assault 1.8 0.5 0.3 647
Killed 1.4 0.2 0.2 642

Factors predictive of involvement in crime

Multivariate analyses were performed to determine whether various factors predicted
involvement in committing criminal offences.15 The results show that the factors predictive of
involvement in different crimes varied, and highlight the relationship between illicit drug use
and crime. Generally, respondents who were more seriously involved in the illicit drug market
(in terms of drug use patterns) were more likely than other respondents to have been involved in
criminal activities. Males were also more likely than females to commit certain criminal offences.

Physically assaulting someone

A multivariate analysis of the factors associated with physically assaulting someone revealed
that males were almost twice as likely as females to commit assault (p=.000). After controlling
for gender, individuals who reported using speed powder (p=.041) and amphetamine liquid
(p=.005) were approximately 90 per cent more likely to report assaulting someone than
participants who had not used such drugs (see Table 5.3). Inclusion of other socio-demographic
variables such as age, income and place of dwelling had no predictive influence.

Table 5.3: Predictors of physically assaulting someone

Significance Odds ratio
Variables 95% Confidence interval
(p value) [Exp(B)]
Block 1
Gender .000 1.966 1.364 2.833
Block 2
Gender .004 1.732 1.189 2.522
Base/pure/wax n.s. .855 .552 1.323
Ice/shabu/crystal n.s. 1.436 .979 2.106
Speed/powder/pills .041 1.877 1.027 3.433
Amphet. liquid .005 1.862 1.203 2.882
Amphet. dependent n.s. .803 .449 1.437
Heroin n.s. 1.088 .742 1.594
Note: n.s. = not significant

15 See Chapter 2 for a discussion of multivariate analyses and how to interpret results.

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

Robbing a person without a weapon

A similar investigation that focused on identifying the factors predictive of robbing a person
without a weapon revealed that, once again, males were more than twice as likely as females
to rob someone (p=.001) (see Table 5.4). In addition, respondents who reported using liquid
amphetamines (p=.022) or heroin (p=.011) at some point in their lives were approximately
90 per cent more likely to engage in such behaviour compared with respondents who had
not consumed these substances. Furthermore, individuals who were assessed by the SDS as
dependent on amphetamines were two-and-a-half times more likely to report robbing someone
without a weapon than non-dependent respondents (p=.000). It is worth noting that the
availability of amphetamine liquid is relatively low compared with other forms of amphetamine,
and its use would generally require highly established connections to amphetamine suppliers.

Table 5.4: Predictors of robbing someone without a weapon

Significance Odds ratio
Variables 95% Confidence interval
(p value) [Exp(B)]
Block 1
Gender .001 2.370 1.412 3.976
Block 2
Gender .005 2.144 1.257 3.657
Base/pure/wax n.s. 1.221 .655 2.279
Ice/shabu/crystal n.s. .859 .510 1.447
Speed/powder/pills n.s. 2.419 .925 6.326
Amphet. liquid .022 1.886 1.095 3.246
Amphet. dependent .000 2.683 1.636 4.414
Heroin .011 1.934 1.166 3.208
Note: n.s. = not significant

Stealing from a person or place

A more general examination of the factors predictive of stealing from a person or a place
revealed that individuals who reported using ice were approximately 50 per cent more likely
than participants who had not used these substances to report stealing (p = .014) (see Table
5.5). Similarly, individuals who reported using heroin were also approximately 50 per cent
more likely than non-users to steal (p = .028). In contrast, gender and other socio-demographic
characteristics had no predictive influence.

Table 5.5: Predictors of stealing from a person or place

Significance Odds ratio
Variables 95% Confidence interval
(p value) [Exp(B)]
Block 1
Gender n.s. 1.331 .970 1.826
Block 2
Gender n.s. 1.251 .902 1.737
Base/pure/wax n.s. .803 .544 1.187
Ice/shabu/crystal .014 1.536 1.092 2.160
Speed/powder/pills n.s. .982 .614 1.571
Amphet. liquid n.s. 1.314 .864 2.000
Amphet. dependent n.s. 1.361 .976 1.896
Heroin .028 1.556 1.102 2.197
Note: n.s. = not significant


Breaking in to steal
A more refined investigation of factors predictive of breaking into a premises to steal revealed
that males were more than twice as likely than females to engage in such behaviours (p=.000)
(see Table 5.6). After controlling for gender, individuals who reported using liquid amphetamines
(p=.009), heroin (p=.005) or were considered dependent on amphetamines according to the
SDS (p =.004) were approximately 70 per cent more likely to report breaking in to steal,
compared with participants who had not used these illicit drugs.

Table 5.6: Predictors of breaking in to steal

Significance Odds ratio
Variables 95% Confidence interval
(p value) [Exp(B)]
Block 1
Gender .000 2.600 1.827 3.699
Block 2
Gender .000 2.406 1.673 3.459
Base/pure/wax n.s. .735 .483 1.119
Ice/shabu/crystal n.s. 1.265 .876 1.826
Speed/powder/pills .535 1.182 .696 2.007
Amphet. liquid .009 1.779 1.157 2.734
Amphet. dependent .004 1.656 1.157 2.373
Heroin .005 1.682 1.167 2.425
Note: n.s. = not significant

Sold, bought or traded stolen goods

An investigation into the factors predictive of being involved in the practice of selling, buying or
trading stolen goods revealed that males (p=.000) were twice as likely as females to engage in
such behaviours (see Table 5.7). After controlling for gender, individuals who reported taking
ice (p=.000) or were assessed by the SDS as amphetamine dependent (p=.000) were also
approximately twice as likely than non-users or non-dependent users to report such behaviours.
Those who had used heroin (p=.002) were about 75 per cent more likely than non-users to
sell, buy or trade stolen goods. Inclusion of other socio-demographic characteristics (e.g. age,
education and level of income) had no predictive influence.

Table 5.7 Predictors of selling, buying or trading stolen goods

Significance Odds ratio
Variables 95% Confidence interval
(p value) [Exp(B)]
Block 1
Gender .000 1.963 1.421 2.710
Block 2
Gender .000 1.911 1.354 2.698
Base/pure/wax n.s. .906 .608 1.351
Ice/shabu/crystal .000 2.276 1.596 3.244
Speed/powder/pills n.s. 1.189 .734 1.924
Amphet. liquid n.s. 1.190 .774 1.829
Amphet. dependent .000 2.173 1.534 3.079
Heroin .002 1.758 1.238 2.497
Note: n.s. = not significant

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

Selling drugs
A final investigation focused on predictors of selling drugs. The results show that males were
more likely than females to sell drugs (p=.003). After controlling for gender, individuals who
had used heroin were approximately two-and-a-half times more likely than individuals who had
never used heroin to engage in the behaviour (p=.000). Furthermore, those who were assessed by
the SDS as dependent on amphetamines were more than two times more likely to report selling
drugs (p=.000). The inclusion of an additional variable that focused on perceptions of the risk of
selling amphetamines revealed that respondents who believed that selling drugs was risky were
more likely than other respondents to sell amphetamines (p=.017). Finally, participants who sold
drugs were also more than twice as likely to have friends who had been arrested for drug use
(p=.000), suggesting that involvement in the sale of amphetamines requires making connections
with other amphetamine suppliers.

Table 5.8: Predictors of selling drugs

Significance Odds ratio
Variables 95% Confidence interval
(p value) [Exp(B)]
Block 1
Gender .003 1.701 1.199 2.415
Block 2
Gender .003 1.813 1.221 2.692
Base/pure/wax n.s. 1.552 .971 2.481
Ice/shabu/crystal n.s. 1.197 .802 1.786
Speed/powder/pills n.s. 1.257 .718 2.202
Amphet. liquid n.s. 1.288 .774 2.143
Heroin .000 2.487 1.664 3.718
Amphet. dependent .000 2.197 1.476 3.270
Selling drugs is risky .017 1.143 1.063 1.879
Friends arrested .000 2.462 1.660 3.651
Note: n.s. = not significant

The results discussed above show a relatively high prevalence of criminal activity among
amphetamine users and are consistent with previous research demonstrating an association
between drug use and crime (e.g. Krenske et al. 2004; Makkai & Payne 2003). It is this
association between illicit drug use and crime, otherwise known as the drug–crime nexus, which
makes illicit drug use a key focus of law enforcement activity. However, it is important to note
that the best available research also concludes that the relationship between drug use and crime
is extremely complex and defies simple causal models of explanation (AIC 2004) — illicit drug
use does not necessarily lead to crime and involvement in criminal activity does not necessarily
lead to illicit drug use. Research evidence suggests that the risk factors associated with
involvement in crime are similar to those associated with involvement in illicit drug use and that
these risk factors interact in a multifaceted matrix of causation (Spooner & Hetherington 2005).
These shared risk factors have been identified as ‘genetic disposition, victim of child abuse,
personality disorder, family disruption and dependence problems, poor performance at school,
social deprivation, depression and suicidal behaviour, drug availability, poverty, social change,
peer culture, occupation, cultural norms/attitudes and drug policies’ (WHO Alcohol and Public
Policy Group 2004, p. 23). To be effective, therefore, responses aimed at addressing the drug–
crime nexus need to consider the range of individual and environmental risk factors associated
with illicit drug use and crime.


This chapter examined some of the risks associated with amphetamine use. The possibility of
adverse physical and mental health outcomes and the transmission of blood-borne viruses has
considerable consequences for the wellbeing of amphetamine users and highlights the importance
of health responses to amphetamine use. In particular, it is clear that some attention must be
focused on amphetamine-induced psychosis, and that police discretion around health agencies
that deal with amphetamine use represents an essential component of harm minimisation.

The drug–crime nexus poses particular problems for health and the criminal justice system.
The shared and complex aetiology of involvement in criminal activity and involvement in illicit
drug use suggests that multiple interventions that focus on the risk factors associated with both
outcomes will be more effective than any stand-alone response or initiative. Indeed, the identified
risk factors for illicit drug use and involvement in crime lend themselves to the implementation
of early or developmental initiatives. These initiatives would require a whole-of-government
approach aimed at improving the capacity and social situation of individuals at risk of being
drawn into the drug–crime nexus.

The prevalence of violence in the amphetamine market also has significant implications both
for amphetamine users and service providers involved in responding to amphetamine use in
the community. Given the illegal status of amphetamines, victims of amphetamine-related
violence are unlikely to seek the assistance of police, and service providers risk personal injury
when attending to those users who have become agitated or aggressive. It is essential that risk
management strategies are developed and implemented to mitigate the possible harms associated
with attending situations involving amphetamine-affected persons.




Although the prevalence of amphetamine use clearly demonstrates that legal

sanctions and police activity do not deter all people from consuming, manufacturing
and supplying the drug, there is evidence to suggest that law enforcement
strategies can affect the dynamics of the market and the length of involvement with
amphetamines. This chapter examines the impact of law enforcement interventions
on the amphetamine market by presenting information on amphetamine users’
perceptions and the views of health and law enforcement representatives.

Amphetamine users’ experience of, and attitudes towards,

criminal justice
AIQ participants were asked about their experiences with the QPS and whether they believed
that drug laws reflected an understanding of drug use. The results show that a significant number
of respondents believed that they had been harassed and treated unfairly by the police. The
majority of those interviewed also indicated dissatisfaction with current legislation regarding
illicit drug use.

Table 6.1 reveals that approximately half (46%) of the respondents believed they had been
targeted by the police for no reason other than they had the appearance of a drug user. Half (51
per cent) believed that their belongings had been searched for drugs for no reason while out in
public and about another half (48%) believed that they had been treated unfairly by police. Male
respondents were significantly more likely than female respondents to relay negativity about
their experiences with the police — 54 per cent of males compared with 37 per cent of females
believed that they had been harassed because they looked like they used drugs (p=<.001) and 58
per cent of males compared with 42 per cent of females had been searched for drugs in public

More than two-thirds (69%) of those surveyed also believed that legal responses did not reflect
the realities of illicit drug use (see Figure 6.1, next page). Although the survey did not measure
factors contributing to this attitude, this result may signal a high degree of normalisation about
the use of illicit drugs within the drug-using community and reflect a general belief that illicit
drug use should be viewed in relation to broader social context and health issues, rather than
being a matter for law enforcement. Indeed, users most vulnerable to amphetamine-related health
problems were more likely than other users to believe that illicit drug laws were not responding
to the real issues. Eighty-one per cent of self-identified dependent users, compared with 71 per
cent of binge users, 73 per cent of work-related users, 66 per cent of recreational/casual users
and 56 per cent of experimental users, agreed that drug laws did not respond to the real issues.

Table 6.1: Amphetamine users’ attitudes towards, and experience of, the QPS
Percentage of respondents
reporting Total
Type of experience
Agree Disagree Not sure

I am harassed for no reason because I look like I use drugs 46.4 41.7 12.0 660
My belongings have been searched for drugs for no reason while
51.1 40.4 8.5 658
out in public
I am usually treated fairly by the police 35.2 47.8 17.0 659

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

Figure 6.1: Attitudes towards criminal justice — do law makers understand drug use? (n=664)
Don’t know Yes
6.9% 2.3%



Law enforcement and the perceived risk of selling amphetamines

Table 6.2 shows that nearly three-quarters of AIQ respondents believed that police activity made
selling amphetamines a ‘very’ or ‘quite’ risky endeavour and that levels of perceived risk varied
based by geographical location. Those respondents living in the Mid-West region reported the
highest levels of risk associated with the sale of amphetamines. Over half (53%) of respondents in
Ipswich, Toowoomba and Warwick thought police activity made selling amphetamines very risky,
compared with 22 per cent of those respondents living in the Far North/North region.

While a substantial proportion of respondents in the Far West region (41%) believed that police
activity made selling amphetamines a ‘very’ risky enterprise, about one-quarter (26%) also
understood the market in their region to be relatively unaffected by police presence. This is an
interesting result given the higher-than-average perceived levels of availability reported by these
respondents across the range of different amphetamine types (see Chapter 4). Respondents living
in the Brisbane area were also less convinced about the impact police had on amphetamine
supply. The proportion of Brisbane respondents reporting very high levels of risk associated
with the sale of amphetamines was lower than average (22% compared with 35%), while the
proportion of Brisbane respondents stating that police activity made no difference to levels of
associated risk was higher than average (15% compared with 11%).

Further analysis shows that current dealers were just as likely as ex-dealers and non-dealers to
believe that the police made selling amphetamines ‘very’ risky, but ex-dealers were more likely
than current dealers and non-dealers to believe that selling amphetamines was ‘quite’ risky
because of the police. About one in five current dealers thought that police activity did not pose
any risks to their amphetamine transactions (see Figure 6.2).

Table 6.2: Perceived risk of selling amphetamines

Percentage of respondents reporting perceived level of risk
Region associated with selling amphetamines Total number
Very Quite Not at all Don’t know
Mid-West 53.0 27.3 9.1 10.6 66
Far West 40.5 23.0 25.7 10.8 74
Gold Coast/Logan 40.4 34.3 4.0 21.2 99
S’Coast/Pine Rivers 39.4 29.8 13.5 17.3 104
Mid-Coast 36.0 45.0 7.0 12.0 100
Brisbane 25.3 48.0 14.7 12.0 75
Far North/North 22.1 52.9 8.6 16.4 140
Total sample 35.3 38.8 11.1 14.9 658
Chi2 test, p=<.001
Note: Caution should be used when interpreting results by region, since they are subject to probable bias due to sampling strategies and


Figure 6.2: Risk of selling amphetamines, by dealer status

33.9 Current dealer
(n = 109)
Very risky 36.4
(n = 195)
(n = 353)


Quite risky 43.6



Not at all risky 13.3



Don’t know 6.7


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Chi2 test, p=<.001

Overall, the results discussed here suggest that the majority of those involved in the amphetamine
market are aware of the possible presence of law enforcement activity, and dealers are required
to continuously perform transactions in a manner that avoids detection. The different levels of
perceived risk associated with the sale of amphetamines in different locations may be explained
by variance in the characteristics of those sampled, population size, geographical distance,
individual personalities, police numbers, level of police activity, and the relative sophistication
and organisation of local amphetamine markets.

Friends arrested for selling amphetamines

To ascertain whether personal knowledge of successful police activity affected the perceived level
of risk associated with selling amphetamines, respondents were asked whether any of their friends
or acquaintances had been arrested for amphetamine-related drug offences.16 Forty-two per
cent of respondents reported that friends or acquaintances had been arrested for such offences
within the past six months. These respondents were significantly more likely than respondents
without friends or acquaintances apprehended for drug-related offences to believe that selling
amphetamines was a risky activity (see Figure 6.3, next page). Further analysis also shows that
those more heavily involved in amphetamine use were more likely to be acquainted with people
who had been arrested. Sixty-eight per cent of self-identified dependent users and 44 per cent
of binge users had friends or acquaintances who had been arrested, compared with 29 per cent
of experimental users, 35 per cent of recreational users and 35 per cent of work-related users.
Furthermore, respondents with dealing experience (either past or present) were significantly
more likely than non-dealers to have friends or acquaintances who had been arrested.

16 Different respondents could be referring to the same people when commenting on their personal
knowledge of arrest activity due to the sampling strategies used during data collection.

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

Figure 6.3: Perceived risk of selling amphetamines, by whether friends or acquaintances had recently been
arrested for drug offences involving amphetamines

41.3 Friends arrested

Very risky (n = 271)
31.4 No friends arrested
(n = 382)

Quite risky

Not at all risky

Don’t know

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Chi2 test, p=<.001

Number of friends arrested for selling amphetamines

Figure 6.4 shows the number of friends or acquaintances of AIQ respondents arrested for
amphetamine-related drug offences in the past six months. About 60 per cent of respondents
stated that they did not have any friends who had been arrested for amphetamine-related
offences, while 19 per cent knew one or two people, 9 per cent knew three or four people
and a further 9 per cent knew five or more people arrested for such offences. These results
highlight two important factors. First, they indicate a reasonable level of police activity within
Queensland’s amphetamine market. Second, despite knowledge of successful cases of drug law
enforcement on a personal level by a considerable proportion of those surveyed, involvement
in the amphetamine market, either as consumers or suppliers, was maintained.17 This, in
effect, illustrates one of the primary obstacles to the development and implementation of law
enforcement strategies aimed at reducing amphetamine supply and demand.

Figure 6.4: Number of friends arrested for drug offences involving amphetamines (n=656)
More than 10 5.2%
Five to 10




Note: This pie chart summarises the results of two survey questions. Missing data refer to those respondents who stated that they had
friends who had been arrested for amphetamine-related offences, but did not state the number of friends that had been arrested.

17 The survey instrument did not ask if respondents manufactured amphetamines.


Desistance of amphetamine use

One of the aims of the AIQ project was to identify factors that may influence a user’s decision
to stop taking amphetamines. Figure 6.5 (next page) shows that law enforcement policies and
personal health issues may act as deterrents to future amphetamine consumption.18 However, it
is critical to note that 4 in 10 respondents (40%) indicated that they were not at all interested in
ceasing their amphetamine use. This was especially the case for recreational/casual users.

One of the most significant disincentives to using amphetamines was police activity and the
existence of criminal sanctions.19 Just over 40 per cent of respondents stated that avoiding
trouble with the law and/or the police signified a possible reason to stop using amphetamines.
This was an unexpected finding given that this view was advanced by respondents whose very
actions demonstrate the limited capacity of criminal justice initiatives (legal penalties and police
activity) to discourage some individuals from using amphetamines. Furthermore, other studies
have shown that the influence of legal sanctions on illicit drug use diminishes after initiation
and the start of regular use (MacCoun 1993). Jones and Weatherburn (2001) also found in their
study of cannabis use and prohibition that fear of arrest or imprisonment were seldom advanced
as compelling reasons for deciding not to use, or to stop using, cannabis.

The deterrence value of law enforcement strategies apparent in the AIQ research may be related
to levels of perceived punishment certainty. A closer examination of the results shows that the
types of users most likely to nominate law enforcement as a possible deterrent to future use
were binge and dependent users. As a group, these users were most likely to be involved in, and
consequently sanctioned for, other criminal activities (p=.02).20

The perceived harmful effects of amphetamine use are apparent in the proportion of AIQ
respondents indicating that they would stop using amphetamines to gain more control over their
lives (38%), with a sizeable proportion of respondents also showing an interest in desistance to
reduce or avoid the mental harms (37%) and physical harms (33%) associated with use.

Importantly, the significance of informal social controls in the regulation of behaviour is

highlighted by the number of respondents indicating that they would stop using amphetamines if
their family and friends wanted them to (32%), while 24 per cent reported that they would stop
using amphetamines if they no longer enjoyed the experience.

18 The results discussed in this section only provide an indicator of future behaviour. Although intentions
to act are closely related to future behaviour under certain conditions (Fishbein & Azken 1975), there
is no evidence in the research to suggest that users will actually desist from using amphetamines for the
reasons stated in the survey.

19 The survey instrument only allowed for a dichotomous (yes/no) response to this question.

20 This is also inconsistent with Jones & Weatherburn (2001), who concluded that law enforcement
strategies provide greater deterrent effects on infrequent, rather than frequent, users of cannabis.
Although this difference may be explained by the different penalties associated with each drug and/or
the different survey items and sampling procedures used by each study, it also underscores the need for
further research on amphetamine use and the value of understanding the specificities of different illicit
drugs and the efficacy of law enforcement responses.

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

Figure 6.5: Potential reasons for not using amphetamines (n=665)

To avoid trouble with the law/police 41.3

To be more in control of my life 38.3

To have better mental health 37.4

To have better physical health 33.3


Friends or family want me to stop 31.7

I don’t find using speed fun any more 23.5

It’s causing problems with work/study 13.4

Other 10.3

Don’t wish to stop using speed 30.6

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Note: Respondents were permitted multiple responses to this question. It is possible that respondents who indicated that they did not
wish to stop using speed also indicated potential reasons for not using amphetamines. The graph provides a summary of responses
to multiple variables; therefore number size may change slightly with each reason for not using amphetamines due to missing data.

Desistence of selling amphetamines

AIQ respondents indicating that they no longer sold amphetamines were asked the reasons that
prompted them to stop selling (see Table 6.3). The results reveal that the respondents primarily
decided because they had reached a point where it was no longer appealing: 55 per cent ‘strongly
agreed’ that they had just had enough of selling.

The results also indicate that law enforcement strategies can work to deter the selling of
amphetamines. Thirty-seven per cent of those no longer selling strongly agreed that they decided
to stop before they got caught by police and 24 per cent indicated that police activity played a
role in their decision to cease selling. Nine per cent of ex-sellers reported that they had stopped
selling predominantly because they had experienced police detection.

It is particularly noteworthy that 28 per cent of ex-sellers reported that the threat of violence
was either a small or significant reason for leaving the supply side of the market. Indeed, as
mentioned in Chapter 5, those involved in the illicit amphetamine market are highly vulnerable
to amphetamine-related violence — a phenomenon obviously exacerbated by their diminished
ability to use legal means to resolve disputes within their illegal activity.

Table 6.3: Key indicators of selling desistance

Reasons not selling Percentage of respondents reporting

Not at all A little A lot

I’d just had enough 21.3 23.9 54.8 188

Decided to stop before I got caught by the police 39.5 23.8 36.8 185

Family/friends encouraged me to stop 57.5 25.3 17.2 186

Don’t need the money anymore 64.5 21.0 14.5 186

I’d been threatened with violence 71.7 14.7 13.6 184

Decided to stop because I got caught by the police 85.2 6.0 8.8 182


Perceived effectiveness and future of law enforcement interventions

Both the state and federal governments have developed and implemented a range of interventions
to deal with illicit drug use in the community. While health interventions generally focus on
demand- and harm-reduction strategies, law enforcement interventions tend to focus on supply
reduction. Health and law enforcement representatives at the amphetamine market discussion
forums were encouraged to comment on the efficacy of current law enforcement interventions on
amphetamine use, which led to commentary on the possible future of various initiatives.

A key component of recent supply-reduction interventions developed and/or implemented by law

enforcement is precursor chemical control. This aims to limit the ability of individuals to obtain
the precursor chemicals and equipment necessary for the manufacture of illicit amphetamines.21
These types of interventions have been employed on a national level, but are particularly
relevant to Queensland given the high incidence of local amphetamine production evident in this

Law enforcement participants in the discussion forum believed that precursor chemical control
was an integral and effective component of supply reduction. While the outcomes of recent
precursor chemical control initiatives are as yet unknown, the potential harmful impacts of these
types of interventions were considered. Law enforcement representatives acknowledged that
diminished access to local sources of pseudoephedrine could result in:
• the increased importation of precursor chemicals from other countries
• the increased importation of amphetamines from other countries
• a rise in the theft of pseudoephedrine from pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies
• the re-emergence of old production methods that do not rely on pseudoephedrine
• the emergence of new production techniques that do not rely on pseudoephedrine
• the creation of more sophisticated clandestine laboratories to overcome the supply gap
created by dismantling small operators
• the creation of more sophisticated crime networks to organise amphetamine production
• the increase in demand of other illicit substances due to reduced amphetamine supply
• an increase in drug-related crime due to increased amphetamine prices.

Although the majority of comments made by law enforcement centred on precursor chemical
control, it was recognised that the relationship between supply and demand meant that supply-
reduction interventions could affect demand by limiting availability and increasing the price
of illicit substances. Law enforcement also acknowledged that harm- and demand-reduction
initiatives were important. For example, delegates raised the possibility of introducing roadside
drug testing to Queensland. This would involve random roadside saliva tests to detect people
driving under the influence of illicit substances and potentially decrease the number of road
accidents associated with ‘drug-driving’.22

21 The manufacture of illicit amphetamine is a relatively simple process. The most common methods used
in Queensland are the hypophosphorous and Hi Red P methods. Both rely on pseudoephedrine as an
essential chemical component for production. Consequently, national law enforcement interventions
have recently focused on limiting the availability of pseudoephedrine by re-scheduling over-the-
counter products containing pseudoephedrine to more restricted categories. In Queensland, access
to large quantities of pseudoephedrine has also been limited by the implementation of Project STOP
— an online recording system of pseudoephedrine purchases made in pharmacies. Furthermore,
pharmaceutical companies have begun formulating and selling products containing phenylephrine as an
alternative to pseudoephedrine. Phenylephrine is not easily converted to illicit amphetamine, but further
research is required to assess the efficacy and the potential side effects of this drug. The national roll-
out of Project STOP is expected to take place in 2007.

22 Roadside drug testing has been implemented in Victoria. Research shows that 31 per cent of drivers
killed in Victoria in 2003 were driving under the influence of drugs other than alcohol (http://www. The Transport Operations (Road Safety) Amendment Bill 2006
was introduced to Queensland Parliament in November 2006. If passed, this legislation will allow police
to conduct random roadside drug tests for cannabis, speed and ecstasy.

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

Law enforcement also suggested that demand-reduction initiatives such as the National Drugs
Campaign (NDC) needed to continue to stop complacency about illicit drug use in the
community.23 It was suggested that future campaigns could contain more information on the
production of illicit substances, such as presenting information on the types of toxic chemical
precursors used to manufacture illicit drugs and highlighting the social (i.e. criminal) and
physical (i.e. contaminated and dangerous) context in which illicit substances are prepared.
Information about the harmful environmental impact of illicit drug manufacture (such as the
toxic chemical waste produced during the manufacturing process) could also be included to raise
awareness of the broader consequences of illicit drug use.

Law enforcement personnel also remarked that some legislation deficiencies in Queensland
impeded their ability to respond to illicit drug use and reduce supply. These deficiencies include
the inability to carry out telephone intercepts and the inadequacy of legislation for precursor
chemicals under the Drugs Misuse Act 1986.

Health delegates at the amphetamine market discussion forum generally recognised the need
for supply-reduction strategies, but showed little support for law enforcement interventions
that targeted individual amphetamine users at the consumer level. Such strategies were seen as
potentially creating harms, having little or no impact on patterns of illicit drug use for individuals
and not reducing overall amphetamine demand.24 For example, there was no support for the
QPS’s use of drug-detection dogs to uncover individuals in possession of illicit substances in
public places, as it was thought that this strategy breached issues of civil liberty and targeted
consumers rather than suppliers. Health delegates asserted that the most effective way for law
enforcement to reduce amphetamine supply was to focus on interventions that removed high-
level manufacturers and suppliers from the market, since removing consumers would not have
any significant impact.25

Another concern for health representatives was the importance of developing interventions that
both responded to the principles of harm minimisation and gave consideration to the potential
impact of implemented interventions. It was contended that this approach was not necessarily
apparent in current law enforcement interventions. For example, health representatives expected
that the decision to re-schedule products containing pseudoephedrine would have minimal
impact on the demand and supply of amphetamines (since amphetamines or precursor drugs can
be sourced from overseas), but would significantly affect patterns of legitimate use by the broader
community. This suggests that future research is needed to measure the community impact of re-
scheduling products containing pseudoephedrine.

Collaborative responses to illicit drug use

There was general support at the health-focus forum for implementing collaborative responses
to illicit drug use, involving both health and law enforcement. In particular, health delegates
advocated law enforcement’s involvement in harm- and demand-reduction strategies and noted
that the greatest opportunity for law enforcement to become more involved in such strategies was
to divert illicit drug users to the health system. Health representatives were highly supportive of
the Police Diversion Program (PDP) and the Illicit Drugs Court Diversion Program (IDCDP),

23 The NDC aims to reduce the number of young people using illicit drugs. The campaign has involved
three television commercials demonstrating the harmful effects of ecstasy, speed and cannabis. These
advertisements were supported by additional television commercials aimed at parents, which promoted
alternatives to taking drugs, places that help youth and ways for parents to build relationships with

24 Harms potentially created by legal sanctions on amphetamine use and supply include the
criminalisation of individuals, the disruption of family and the development of manufacture and supply
networks in correctional facilities.

25 The CMC acknowledges that law enforcement initiatives already involve targeting high-level suppliers
and manufacturers of illicit amphetamines.


but acknowledged that the effectiveness of these interventions largely depended on the
motivation of illicit drug users participating in the program.26

Health delegates suggested that extending the range of collaborative responses to illicit drug
use would facilitate information sharing between health and law enforcement and improve the
awareness of the roles and obligations of each participating agency. For example, the operational
activities of law enforcement officers meant that they may witness the home environment of some
illicit drug users during the course of their work. This type of information could be provided to
health workers to generate a greater understanding of the situation of certain illicit drug users
and be used for the development of individualised treatment plans.27 Health also acknowledged
that they could benefit from a greater understanding of law enforcement and the criminal
justice system and suggested that, likewise, health agencies could offer law enforcement officers
an enhanced understanding of illicit drug use. The introduction of community-based Drug
Action Teams (DATs) was advanced as a way to enhance inter-agency collaboration and the
government’s ability to respond to illicit drug use in the community.28

Although health personnel advocated collaborative responses to illicit drug use, it was
acknowledged that these types of strategies would not be highly effective unless the principles
of harm minimisation and collaboration were adopted at the individual and organisational
level. In particular, health believed that a dramatic change in law enforcement organisational
culture would have to occur to facilitate a change in the way police dealt with illicit drug users.
Furthermore, participants recognised that practical and efficient processes to connect illicit drug
users with different services needed to be developed.

Although law enforcement delegates supported the continued implementation and development
of collaborative responses to illicit drug use, it was acknowledged that the scope of police
business activity and competing priorities impacted on their ability to be involved in such
interventions. Illicit drug use interventions that focused mainly on demand and harm reduction
were viewed as secondary to policing the Drugs Misuse Act 1986, other supply-reduction
initiatives and participation in drug diversion. Resource issues and the significant accountability
mechanisms placed on law enforcement officers when participating in demand- and harm-
reduction interventions were seen to limit their capacity to expand collaborative strategies.
Nevertheless, it was proposed that the implementation of roadside drug testing and the
Queensland Magistrates Early Referral into Treatment (QMERIT) program could provide
further opportunities for law enforcement to divert illicit drug users to health interventions. In
addition, during the review process of this report, prevention, problem solving and community
partnerships were identified as key policing philosophies underpinning law enforcement

26 The PDP allows individuals found in possession of 50 grams or less of cannabis to attend a Drug
Diversion Assessment Program rather than being charged for the offence. The IDCDP permits
individuals who have pleaded guilty to possessing dangerous drugs (Drugs Misuse Act 1986, s. 9) or
possessing things (s. 10) to attend a Drug Assessment and Education Session (DAES). Attending and
completing the DAES means a conviction will not be recorded. The Queensland Magistrates Early
Referral into Treatment (QMERIT) program is also currently under trial. This program will allow
individuals to address their illicit drug use by attending a health intervention pre-sentence. All programs
have strict eligibility criteria — see

27 The issues of confidentiality in relation to this idea were not discussed at the forum.

28 Community-based DATs are operational in other jurisdictions, with the main objective to identify local
illicit drug use problems and develop responses to address these problems. DATs usually comprise
volunteer community members (parents and young people), local councils and representatives from
relevant government agencies such as the police, health and education. Research has shown that
proactive and partnership policing strategies may be more effective than reactive policing strategies for
drug law enforcement interventions (Mazerolle, Soole & Rombouts 2005).

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

This chapter examined the impact of law enforcement on the amphetamine market. It is clear
that two primary obstacles facing law enforcement are the demand for amphetamines and
the normalisation of its use in the community. Amphetamine users continue to use the drug
regardless of its illegal status and despite their personal knowledge of police activity that has
resulted in amphetamine-related arrests. Indeed, a significant proportion of AIQ respondents
indicated that they had no intention of desisting from consuming amphetamines in the future.
There was some evidence suggesting, however, that law enforcement maintained an important
role in reducing amphetamine demand and supply. Avoiding trouble with police and the law
were regarded as important factors when considering possible reasons to stop using and selling
amphetamines in the future, indicating that law enforcement and criminal justice initiatives
may reduce the amount of time spent in the amphetamine market for some users. These results,
however, need to be considered with broader health issues relating to amphetamine use.

Significantly, the predominance of respondents stating that police and health issues were both
potential factors in the possible desistence of future amphetamine use illustrates the importance
of integrating law enforcement and health initiatives in strategies aimed at reducing illicit drug
use. Simple measures do not respond to the complex aetiology of illicit drug use. A range of
initiatives that attend to the multiple social and health issues associated with amphetamine
use are essential components of any reduction strategy. Indeed, this was supported by health
representatives who advocated the further development of collaborative health and law responses
to amphetamine use.

It is also clear that the outcomes of recent precursor chemical control initiatives will need to
be measured in the near future. These measures will provide some evidence to assess whether
such strategies have effectively reduced the demand and availability of amphetamines or simply
changed the dynamics of the market.



This chapter outlines the key findings of this report by describing the characteristics
of the Queensland amphetamine market, the overall impact of law enforcement on
amphetamine use, and the views of those who respond to the challenges of illicit drug
use. The implications of these findings are also discussed.

Characteristics of the amphetamine market

Amphetamine demand
Understanding consumer demand represents an important component of illicit drug market
analysis. General population studies have shown that amphetamines are one of the most
common illicit drugs used by Queenslanders (AIHW 2005a) and the results of the AIQ study
demonstrate that patterns of amphetamine use vary. The most prevalent types of amphetamines
ever consumed by respondents were speed powder (85%) and base (72%), while 44 per cent
had used ice, 26 per cent had used prescription amphetamines and 21 per cent had used liquid
amphetamines. The median number of days that different types of amphetamines had been
consumed during the past six months also varied. Base had been used a median of 30 days, speed
powder had been used on a median 20 days and ice had been used on a median of 10 days.

Users reported different types of amphetamine consumption. The majority of AIQ respondents
identified themselves as recreational/casual amphetamine users (55%), 21 per cent as binge users,
13 per cent as dependent users, 7 per cent as work-related users and 4 per cent as experimental
users. It is worth noting that the SDS showed that 39 per cent of respondents were assessed
as dependent on amphetamines, and law enforcement representatives at the discussion forums
contended that amphetamine bingeing was associated with aggressive and erratic behaviour and
causing problems for general duty officers responding to drug-related situations in the field.

The demand for amphetamines can also be understood in the context of polydrug use, the
perceived benefits of amphetamine use and the way in which consumption of the drug is
normalised. AIQ respondents reported that they often used amphetamines in conjunction with
other substances (such as cannabis, ecstasy and benzodiazepines) and had used an average of
8.5 different substances (including alcohol and cigarettes) in their lifetime. The AIQ study also
showed that the demand for amphetamines is initially created by a desire for experimentation,
opportunity and peer influence and that amphetamine users recognise ‘a better sex life’, ‘spiritual
and personal growth’ and ‘working harder’ as benefits of the drug. Health and law enforcement
representatives at the discussion forums believed the normalisation of amphetamine use created
and sustained demand.

Amphetamine supply
The distribution of amphetamines in Queensland generally occurs in a closed market
that emphasises the use of trusted social networks. Most AIQ respondents sourced their
amphetamines from people of prior acquaintance (dealers, friends or family members),
and dealers also indicated that they mostly sold to known persons. The concealed nature
of amphetamine transactions is accentuated further by the common practice of conducting
dealings in private locations, as opposed to public places. It was noted, however, that Brisbane’s
amphetamine market was more open than those in other locations.

The most readily available types of amphetamines are speed powder and base. Although there is
anecdotal evidence to suggest that ice is becoming increasingly available, only 12 per cent of AIQ
participants reported that this was ‘very’ available at the time of the survey. That said, ice was
more readily available in Brisbane than other Queensland locations.

AIQ respondents’ perceptions of illicit amphetamine manufacture is consistent with law

enforcement intelligence on the issue. More than half (56%) of those surveyed believed that

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

amphetamines were produced in ‘backyard’ or ‘boxed’ labs, while 16 per cent thought they were
manufactured in professional labs. The hidden nature of illicit drug markets was apparent in the
proportion of AIQ respondents indicating that they did not know where amphetamines were
manufactured (28%).

A significant number of AIQ respondents were involved in distributing amphetamines. Nearly

half (46%) of those surveyed had sold amphetamines at some stage and 16 per cent of
respondents were currently selling amphetamines. It is acknowledged, however, that the majority
of amphetamine sales occur in small quantities to known persons such as friends. Identified
current dealers mostly dealt in points, half grams and grams. Only 14 per cent reported that they
usually sold in ounce measures.

Risks associated with amphetamine use

This report identifies a range of risks associated with amphetamine use, such as adverse physical
and mental health (including amphetamine-induced psychosis), exposure to blood-borne viruses,
experience of violence and participation in crime (including the perpetration of violence).
Although there is a link between these risks and amphetamine use, the AIQ study did not include
a random sample and did not seek information about causal relationships.

The association between illicit drug use and participation in crime (i.e. the drug–crime nexus)
is one of the principal concerns of law enforcement. Nearly half (45%) of those surveyed
reported stealing something from a place or person and/or dealing in stolen goods, while one
in three respondents (33%) reported committing a break and enter and 30 per cent reported
committing an assault/caused bodily harm. The likelihood of always committing offences while
using amphetamines was greater for personal offences (26%) than property offences (19%).
Amphetamine users were also victims of crime — 28 per cent of respondents had been assaulted
without a weapon and 16 per cent had been assaulted with a weapon. The element of violence in
the amphetamine market was also apparent in the proportion of ex-amphetamine dealers (28%)
who stated that they desisted from selling amphetamines because they had been threatened by

There are also risks with attending to persons under the influence of amphetamines. This is
demonstrated by the prevalence of violent behaviour caused by amphetamine use (one in four
AIQ respondents reported that they had been physically violent towards another person due to
their amphetamine use) and qualitative evidence provided by law enforcement representatives at
the amphetamine market discussion forums.

Amphetamine users’ perceptions of law enforcement activity

The AIQ study included a number of survey items that measured amphetamine users’
perceptions and experiences of law enforcement activity. These included attitudes towards
and experience of the QPS, perceived risk of selling amphetamines and the number of friends
arrested for selling amphetamines.

Approximately half of the AIQ respondents indicated that their personal belongings had been
searched for illicit drugs while out in public, 48 per cent believed that they had been treated
unfairly by the police and 46 per cent believed that they had been targeted by the police
because they had the appearance of a drug user. Furthermore, 69 per cent believed that the
legal responses to illicit drug use did not reflect the realities of illicit drug users. This response
is likely to reflect the normalisation of amphetamine use among those that take the drug and, as
law enforcement representatives noted at the discussion forums, the importance given to health
responses to illicit drug use.

The results of the AIQ survey indicate a reasonable level of police activity in the amphetamine
market. Just over 40 per cent of respondents reported that they had friends who had been
arrested for amphetamine-related drug offences and nearly three-quarters of respondents
believed that police activity made selling amphetamines a ‘very’ or ‘quite’ risky endeavour.


Impact of law enforcement interventions

Despite the existing prevalence of amphetamine use, the AIQ study provides evidence to suggest
that law enforcement strategies do affect the dynamics of the amphetamine market.

AIQ respondents nominated ‘avoiding trouble with the law and/or the police’ as one of the
principal possible reasons for not using amphetamines in the future. The potential deterrence
value of law enforcement strategies was also evident in the high proportion of ex-amphetamine
dealers stating that they no longer sold the drug because they did not want to get caught
by the police. It is important to note, however, that factors such as ‘acquiring better mental
and/or physical health’ and ‘having more control of my life’ were also nominated as principal
considerations to stop using amphetamines and that market participation fatigue was the primary
reason ex-dealers gave for no longer being involved in supplying amphetamines.

Law enforcement representatives at the amphetamine market discussion forums focused on

precursor chemical control strategies when reflecting on the efficacy of different law enforcement
tactics to reduce amphetamine use in the community. Representatives identified a number of
unwanted outcomes potentially associated with recently introduced initiatives to limit access to
pseudoephedrine. These included:
• an increased importation of precursor chemicals from other countries
• an increased importation of amphetamines from other countries
• a rise in the theft of pseudoephedrine from pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies
• the re-emergence of old production methods that do not rely on pseudoephedrine
• the emergence of new production techniques that do not rely on pseudoephedrine
• the creation of more sophisticated clandestine laboratories to overcome the supply gap
created by dismantling small operators
• the creation of more sophisticated crime networks to organise amphetamine production
• an increase in demand of other illicit substances due to reduced amphetamine supply
• an increase in drug related crime due to increased amphetamine prices.

Health representatives believed that targeting amphetamine market participants at the consumer
level would have no significant impact on the amphetamine market. They believed that the most
effective way for law enforcement to reduce amphetamine supply was to focus on interventions
that removed high-level amphetamine distributors. Health representatives also asserted that the
impact of law enforcement strategies would be strengthened if they paid more attention to the
principles of harm minimisation and more astutely considered the influence of implemented
interventions. Furthermore, health representatives supported collaborative responses that
diverted amphetamine users from the criminal justice system to appropriate health interventions.

Implications and future directions

The key messages for law enforcement in this report encompass:
• law enforcement and health agencies’ concerns about the harmful outcomes associated with
amphetamine use
• the need for effective demand-reduction strategies
• the increased use of ice
• the value and limitations of supply-reduction strategies
• the importance of maintaining an integrated and responsive approach to amphetamine use
• the need to evaluate interventions and conduct further research.

These will be discussed in turn.

profiling the queensland amphetamine market

Concerns about the harmful outcomes of amphetamine use

Law enforcement and health agencies — key organisations that have to deal with the detrimental
consequences of amphetamine use — consistently report that amphetamine use is increasing in
Queensland, as are the harmful mental and physical outcomes resulting from the drug.

Demand-reduction strategies
The high demand for amphetamines suggests that successful demand-reduction strategies would
significantly affect the amphetamine market. Such initiatives should target amphetamine users
as well as the broader community and respond to the characteristics of demand, such as the
normalisation of amphetamine use and the perceived benefits of the drug. Law enforcement
representatives suggested, for example, that the NDC could be improved by containing more
information about the social and physical context of amphetamine manufacture. Successful
supply-reduction strategies may also affect demand by decreasing the availability and increasing
the price of amphetamines.

Increased use of ice

The recent trend in availability and use of ice was raised as a particular concern by law
enforcement and health representatives at the discussion forums. As ice is not injected,
health representatives believed that this trend could reduce the number of people accessing
NSPs, which, in turn, would possibly diminish the capacity to provide health interventions
to amphetamine users. The relatively high potency of ice also places users at greater risk of
amphetamine dependency and detrimental health outcomes. The increasing availability of
ice was relevant to law enforcement representatives when considering the possible impact
of recent precursor chemical control strategies aiming to circumvent the local production of
amphetamines. Since most of the ice currently consumed by Australians is imported, rather
than produced domestically (ACC 2006), it is unlikely that Australian-based precursor chemical
control strategies will significantly reduce the availability of ice in Queensland. It is clear that the
use of ice will need to be monitored to assess any changes in usage patterns, levels of availability
and harmful outcomes for those who consume it.

Value and limitations of supply-reduction strategies

The existence of international and local sources of amphetamines has important implications
for criminal justice responses to supply reduction. Evidence suggests that the Queensland
amphetamine supply network is not structured by a pyramid-shaped model of distribution
controlled by a few particularly powerful individuals or organisations. Instead, it is largely
organised around two parallel modes of supply — small-scale local production at multiple sites
throughout the state and the interstate transfer of international imports and locally manufactured
product from southern states. The differentiation between producers, high-level distributors
and street-level dealers is less distinct in the Queensland amphetamine market compared
with other illicit drug markets that rely on imports from overseas countries (e.g. heroin and
cocaine). The closed nature of the amphetamine market also represents a serious obstacle for the
implementation of law enforcement supply-reduction strategies.

Law enforcement responses should continue to build upon current inter-agency approaches
that strategically target the various lines of supply found within the market at both the state and
national level. Indeed, the lack of dominant market leaders provides a great challenge to law
enforcement, as the successful reduction of supply from one area of the market is unlikely to
affect the overall availability of amphetamines. It is expected that the reduction of amphetamine
supply (maintained by high demand) will be an ongoing issue, involving substantial resources
and considerable law enforcement attention.

Integrated and responsive approach

This report has demonstrated that criminal justice strategies can potentially affect the dynamics
of the amphetamine market. Although these results support the continuation of supply-


reduction strategies, there is no evidence to suggest that stand-alone measures implemented

by law enforcement will adequately respond to the complex aetiology of amphetamine use and
significantly reduce the prevalence of amphetamine consumption (Spooner & Hetherington
2005). This highlights the importance of a tiered approach to amphetamine use — involving
demand-, harm- and supply-reduction strategies — as outlined by the harm minimisation
framework. Furthermore, since a number of risk factors associated with illicit drug use are also
associated with involvement in criminal activity, effective strategies will ideally target the shared
aetiology of illicit drug use and criminal activity to reduce the impact of the drug–crime nexus.

In addition, the poor mental and physical health outcomes associated with amphetamine
use and the importance placed on health issues by individual amphetamine users points to
the importance of developing and implementing collaborative strategies between health and
law enforcement agencies. The evidence collected at the amphetamine market discussion
forums suggests that the success of collaborative responses could be improved by enhanced
communication between law enforcement and health agencies, additional resources and an
increased understanding of other agencies’ objectives, perspectives and operational experiences.
It is worth noting that, although most harm-reduction strategies are implemented by health
agencies and health-related NGOs, law enforcement can contribute to harm reduction in
meaningful ways. This includes maintaining discretion around NSPs so that client access
is not discouraged, participating in the development of education campaigns and diverting
amphetamine users away from the criminal justice system to health interventions. Law
enforcement may also contribute to harm minimisation by reducing supply and alerting the illicit
drug community of the appearance of particularly toxic or potent ‘batches’ of illicit drugs on the
market. The endorsement and practice of harm reduction principles by police during operational
activities is likely to improve law enforcement’s relationship with illicit drug users and personnel
working within health organisations.

Evaluate interventions and conduct further research

While the findings in this report demonstrate the efficacy of some amphetamine-related
interventions, it is clear that further research is needed to evaluate the value, impact and
outcomes of different interventions. In particular, the results of precursor chemical control
strategies recently introduced by law enforcement must be assessed.29 The findings presented
in this report will be useful for benchmarking any changes brought about by precursor chemical
control strategies since most initiatives were introduced after the fielding of the AIQ survey.30

Further research is also required for the development of a robust and valid diagnostic tool to
measure amphetamine-induced psychosis, the provision of protocols to mitigate the potential
harms for service providers attending situations involving amphetamine-affected persons, and
the creation and implementation of responsive, adequate and accessible treatment programs for
amphetamine users.

29 It is acknowledged that at the time of writing this report law enforcement agencies had begun an
evaluation of precursor control strategies.

30 The AIQ research project is expected to be repeated in the near future. The results of this project will
provide useful information on the status of the Queensland amphetamine market and can be used to
assess any changes in market dynamics since 2002. In particular, they will demonstrate any changes
in the types of amphetamines used by respondents. Such changes may be a result of chemical control



Analyses of AIQ data based on seller rank variable

Further analyses of AIQ data were undertaken based on participants’ involvement in the sale
of amphetamines. To perform these analyses, a new variable was developed that identified AIQ
respondents as either:
• non-sellers
• non-profit sellers
• profit sellers of amphetamines.

The non-seller group consisted of those participants who indicated that they had never sold
amphetamines (n=376). The non-profit seller group included participants who mainly bought
amphetamines for themselves and/or friends and did not receive substantial income from their selling
activity (n=179). The profit seller group includes respondents who reported that they mainly bought
amphetamines to sell for profit (n=110).31

Applying the additional rules had two effects. First, it reclassified some participants from the
non-profit seller group to the profit seller group. This occurred, for instance, when — despite
indicating that they were only sometimes motivated by profit — participants sold large quantities of
amphetamines quite frequently, or made a substantial profit from their sales. Secondly, some profit
sellers were reclassified to the non-profit seller group. Such reclassifications occurred when participants
had also reported infrequent sales of small quantities of amphetamines with little actual profit.

The results of the further analyses using the new variable ‘seller group’ are presented in the following
tables. Information is provided on the characteristics of the different seller groups and against a range
of questions included in the AIQ survey.

31 Further statistical rules were applied when creating the new variable to ensure that the development of
the different seller groups also reflected information provided in other questions. This other information
included the sizes of the amphetamine deal they normally sold (points/half grams, grams or kilos); the
frequency of their sales (monthly or less, weekly or daily) and an estimate of the income gained from
selling drugs.

Table A.1: Profiles of three groups of amphetamine users: profit sellers, non-profit sellers and non-sellers

Profit Non-profit Non- Profit Non-profit Non-
sellers sellers sellers sellers sellers sellers
(n=110) (n=179) (n=376) (n=110) (n=179) (n=376)
% % % % % %
General Law enforcement issues
Males 71 58 49 Buy speed for self and to sell for profit 96 25 3
Aged under 25 years 31 46 45 Currently selling speed 64 19 1
3+ residences in last 6 months 29 24 15 Usually sell ounces (current sellers only) 22 - -
Completed secondary school 56 60 68 Sell daily 30 5 2
Take home pay ≥ $30 290 p.a. 28 11 16 Sell other drugs 57 35 12
Live with 1+ child 36 35 25 Identify with biker sub-culture 15 12 3
Employment: full time job** 22 21 29 QPS don’t make dealing risky 16 17 7
Employment: drug dealing 28 8 3 QPS searched in public for no reason 70 60 42
Employment: other crime 6 3 1 QPS usually treat me fairly 28 28 41
Fair/poor health rating 40 31 17 QPS know of speed habit 40 25 10
Drug use Law/QPS a reason to quit using speed 53 46 36
profiling the queensland amphetamine market

1st use: given to me ¥ 70 74 75 Friends arrested last 6 months (speed) 58

1st use: very much to forget problems 30 18 15 Mainly pay cash for speed 65 75 80
Ever used base/wax 76 83 66 At times travel 50 km+ for speed 16 13 8
Ever used ice/shabu/crystal 55 52 37 Reliable supply: powder ¥ 77 68 70
Ever used heroin 56 50 29 Reliable supply: base 76 73 64
Base 31+ times last 6 months 41 28 22 Reliable supply: ice 55 34 30
Ice 31+ times last 6 months 18 6 5 Assaulted (regarding another’s speed use) 49 38 18
Assaulted/weapon (regarding another’s speed
Heroin 31+ times last 6 months 15 9 4 37 18 8
5+ drugs used last 6 months 54 34 24 Ever committed burglary 54 42 22
Recreational user 38 50 63 Ever defrauded, misappropriated etc. 44 32 12
Dependent user 50 45 33 Ever committed assault, GBH etc. 44 36 17
Very aggressive if using speed 30 22 11 Arrested 3+ times 22 14 5
Usually use with strangers 23 8 8 Ever imprisoned 31 15 7

¥ Not significant. **Statistically significant, chi2, p < 0.1. All other differences are statistically significant, chi square, p ≤ 0.05.

Table A.2: Typical characteristics of profit sellers, non-profit sellers and non-sellers
Profit sellers (n=110) Non-profit sellers (n=179) Non-sellers (n=376)

General General General

» aged late-20s, but a quarter over » aged mid-20s » aged mid-20s
35 years » have moved often in the 6 months » have moved once in the 6 months
» multiple residences in the 6 months prior survey prior survey
prior survey » low to moderate income » low to moderate income
» 1/4 high to very high income » 1/3 live with children » 1/4 live with children
» 1/3 live with children

» sources of income include drug » varied legitimate sources of income. » varied legitimate sources of income
dealing » varied education » varied education
» varied education, lowest rates of
secondary school completion

» 40% report poor or fair health. » 31% report poor or fair health » 17% report poor or fair health

Drug use Drug use Drug use

» initiation often related to personal » initiation likely to be opportunistic » initiation likely to be opportunistic
problems » very high rates of experimentation » lower rates of experimentation
» very high rates of experimentation » polydrug use and regular drug use » lower rates of polydrug use and
» regularly used multiple drugs in the less common in the 6 months prior regular drug use in the 6 months
6 months prior survey survey prior survey
» 1/2 drug-dependent (SDS) » 1/2 drug dependent (SDS) » 1/3 drug dependent (SDS)
» self-described recreational users

» 1 in 3 very aggressive when using » 1 in 5 very aggressive when using » 1 in 10 very aggressive when using
speed and 1/4 use speed with speed and rarely use speed with speed and rarely use speed with
strangers. strangers strangers

Law enforcement issues Law enforcement issues Law enforcement issues

» buy speed — cash or credit — to » buy speed with cash for own habits » few ever sell speed or other drugs
supply own habits and to profit from and to supply friends » typically pay cash for speed
on-sales » 1 in 20 travel over 50 km for » perception of the reliable supply of
» 1 in 10 mainly travel over 50 km to purchases ice and base lower than non-profit
make purchases » sporadic and infrequent sales in sellers
» consistent sales; 1 in 3 sell daily; smaller quantities
1 in 7 sell speed in ounces; 57% sell » 1/3 sell other drugs
other drugs. Perceive supply of ice » compared with profit-sellers, lower
as less reliable than powder or base. rates re reliable supply of ice.

» 40% suggested QPS knew of their » 1/4 felt QPS knew of their speed use » 10% expect QPS know of their
speed use » similar to profit sellers in relation to speed use
» 70% complained of being searched QPS searches and the risk of dealing » compared with sellers, fewer
for no reason by QPS complained of QPS searches
» like non-profit sellers, about 40% » similar to sellers in relation to the
felt QPS made dealing speed very risk of dealing
risky and another 40%, quite risky

» over half reported that ‘avoiding » similar to profit sellers regarding the » 1/3 considered trouble with the
trouble with the law and/or police’ arrest of friends and being justice system a motivating factor to
could motivate them to quit using motivated to quit speed because of quit speed
speed intervention by justice system » 1/3 reported friends arrested (re
» 3/5 reported that friends arrested (re speed) in 6 months prior survey
speed) 6 months prior survey

» about 1/2 self-reported having at » compared with profit sellers, fewer » of the three groups, lowest rates of
some point committed property reported ever committing property self-reported offending behaviour,
crimes and violent crimes or violent offences arrest or imprisonment
» 1 in 5 previously arrested more than » fewer reported multiple arrests or » 18% assaulted, 8% assaulted with a
3 times imprisonment weapon regarding speed
» 1 in 3 imprisoned » 38% assaulted, 18% assaulted with a
» 50% assaulted because of another’s weapon regarding speed
speed use — 37% assaulted with a



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