Re1 First Level Regulatory Exam Support Fsps Key Individuals Factsheet

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FSPs (Sole proprietors) and Key
Individuals in Category I,
Category II, Category IIA,
Category III and Category IV


PROGRAMME DESCRIPTION  Adhere to the General Code of Conduct.

The first level Regulatory Examination (RE) is a competence  Manage and oversee the compliance functions as
requirement in terms of the fit and proper regulations of the required by the FAIS Act, 2002.
FAIS Act. The regulatory examinations aim to test knowledge  Comply with regulated record keeping requirements.
in relation to the FAIS Act, subordinate legislation, codes  Manage and oversee the accounting and auditing
of conduct and legislation relevant to money laundering. requirements.
All financial services providers, representatives and key  Manage and oversee the requirements of the Financial
individuals are impacted by these examinations, which Intelligence Centre Act, 2001 (Act No. 38 of 2001) (FIC
are conducted by approved examining bodies. Milpark Act) and Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
Education offers various support options for the regulatory Control Regulations, 2002, as it applies to the FSP.
examinations. You may select any option, or a combination  Deal with complaints that have been submitted to the
of options, to suit your individual need. Ombud for FSPs.
 Define the role of the Representative in terms of the
FAIS Act, 2002.
OPTIONS OFFERED  Manage and oversee the appointment of
1. Study material Representatives.
Study material will be offered in the user-friendly Milpark  Manage the rendering of services under supervision.
format and will be couriered to you upon completion of  Manage and oversee the Representatives appointed
the registration process with Milpark. The content of the by an FSP.
study material covers the following 16 topics as prescribed  Debar Representatives that have failed to comply
by the FSCA: with any provision of the FAIS Act, 2002 in a material
 Demonstrate understanding of the FAIS Act, 2002 as a manner.
regulatory framework.
 Define financial products and financial services. 2. Three electronic practice examinations
 Maintain the licence of the FSP. A unique username and password will be allocated to
 Operate as a Key Individual in terms of the FAIS Act, students after completion of the registration process.
2002. These will allow students three opportunities to practise
 Manage and oversee the operational ability of the FSP. with questions set on a similar basis as those on the official

FSCA examination. These practice examinations will be RESEARCH UNDERTAKEN
web-based and students will be able to access them via While acknowledging that historical results are no indicator
a standard browser within a 12-month period. Students of future performance, Milpark researched results from
selecting the three practice examinations will be issued numerous FAIS-related modules written with Milpark since
with a username and password. 2006. Our research clearly indicates that despite high quality
materials, a tutor help-line and numerous self-test questions,
Sufficient preparation time should be allowed to study students struggle without face-to-face interventions being
before attempting the practice examinations. They will provided. Throughput rates have increased significantly when
provide excellent preparation for the actual examination. students attended workshops offered by Milpark; it is thus
our recommendation that one of the workshop offerings be
3. Two-day online workshops selected.
Milpark offers online workshops for groups of 12 and
bigger. These workshops focus on examination techniques
(the approach to multiple choice questions) as well as ABOUT THE SCHOOL
the content of the selected regulatory examination. For Milpark Education offers a range of HEQC-accredited higher
corporate clients or small brokerages/groups (minimum of education qualifications. The qualifications range from a DBA,
12 students), these online workshops can be tailored and MBA, six postgraduate diplomas, a BCom and a Bachelor of
offered at convenient times across South Africa. Business Administration to various certificate and diploma
programmes. Class of Business certification is available as
It is imperative that students have prepared thoroughly well as a number of CPD short courses.
for the workshop by working through the material before
attending the workshop.
Students who select the workshop option will have access The content of this brochure is accurate at the time of going
to a tutor service where individual questions can be posed to print. Milpark Education reserves the right to change the
and answered. programme content due to changes in legislation, market
requirements and other reasons. Notice of such changes will
It is imperative that students bring the RE training material be published on our website.
or copy of the Acts to the training session.

4. Six-week online course

The course has been carefully structured into a six-week
programme that breaks up the 16 tasks (listed in 1 above)
and associated qualifying criteria required for the exam
into small, manageable portions. During the programme,
students will view video recordings on some of the
important concepts relevant to those tasks, cover sections
of the study material, and actively engage in their learning
and preparation by completing multiple self-assessment
quizzes that provide feedback to assist in identifying that
week’s problem and further areas for development. The
course focuses on both the content required in terms of
each of the tasks and on examination techniques, i.e. the
approach to answering multiple choice questions.

This online course provides all study material in electronic

format; however, students can order a printed and bound
copy from Milpark Education.

ENQUIRIES: 086 999 0001

[email protected] (Students wanting to register)
AN EXTRAORDINARY LIFE [email protected] (Admin/support related queries)

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