LP in English 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Guimaras State University

McLain, Buenavista, Guimaras

Lesson Plan in Teaching English in the Elementary Grades (Language Arts)

During and after the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. Create a sample instructional considering the components identified.
B. References: Teaching English in the Elementary Grades (Language Arts) pp.
C. Materials:
D. Value Focus:


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Free Communication
Pronunciation Drill
(“Cabbage Relay”) with a Twist
 The teacher will distribute the number to the students, after that the
teacher will randomly pick a number from their box.
 The students that have the same number picked by the teacher will
be the one to go in front to peel the cabbage and read the given
tongue twister on the given times.

 Instructional Educational (5x)

 Failing to plan is planning to fail (5x)
 Virals and Spirals, a mix of materials (5x)
 Attainable goals are achievable and feasible (5x)
 Viable plans that are practicable and realizable (5x)

2. Review

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
(“Roll and Tell”)
 The teacher will have a game for the students, and she will read the
mechanics of the game.
 The students are requested to stand and form a circle.
 Let the students roll the dice and after that student will pick a letter then
he/she will answer the question corresponds to the letter he/she picks.

3. Discussion
Instructional planning is one of the most crucial skills teachers have in their
arsenal in their teaching journey. It helps them reflect on their teaching, and
make the necessary adjustments needed to ensure that learners attain the
intended targets of the teachers and the curriculum. A common adage that says,
"failing to plan is planning to fail," highlights the importance of planning. This is
Republic of the Philippines
Guimaras State University
McLain, Buenavista, Guimaras

especially true to teachers who are charged to mold young minds of the future.
Thus, it is important for teachers to have a clear idea of how to plan for effective
instruction. In this lesson, you will be introduced to the basic components of
effective instructional planning.

Instructional Planning and Its Components

Planning involves several factors to consider in order to make it effective.
Teachers planning for their classroom instruction need to think about the
components prior to actually writing their plans. These would help them focus
their energies toward creating more effective experiences for their learners. For
these experiences to be more effective in helping create the optimal environment
for learners to learn, Algozzine (2006) suggests three major components of
instructional planning namely (1) deciding what to teach; (2) deciding how to
teach; and (3) communicating realistic expectations.
The initial go-to for topics to teach is obviously the curriculum. However, since
the standards set the in the K to 12 Curriculum are stated in standards and
competencies, there is a need for the teacher to unpack these standards to less
complex skills. Therefore, in order to decide what to teach, teachers undergoes
the following process:

1. Assessing learners' skills. Being a teacher, we have to consider that the

tasks we provide our learners are within their abilities. The learners are at the
center of our classroom decisions. As such, teachers need to ensure to gather
pertinent data to assess the level of skill the learners. This could be done using
various tool such as their diagnostic tests, achievement tests, or an assessment
of the learners' performance in previous activities.
2. Analyzing instructional tasks. Other than analyzing the learners' skills, the
teachers also need to be sure of what they want the learners to do. Teachers
analyze the task they want the learners to accomplish by breaking down complex
tasks to simpler, manageable ones that are within the learners' skills and
3. Establishing logical sequence. Along with the analysis of the instructional
tasks, the teacher then, needs to sequence these tasks in a logical and
appropriate manner based again on the learners' developmental abilities. This
could be done by prioritizing the lower-level ones to the more complex ones.
4. Considering contextual variables. In deciding what to teach, teachers
may need to look into the contextual variables, which may include how long the
lesson will take, the availability of materials needed, or the time of the day the
lesson will take place (class schedule).
5. Analyzing instructional groupings. As language learning involves
sociolinguistic interactions, creating opportunities for the learners to make
meaningful interactions in the classroom needs consideration. Having an idea
how learners work with each other helps in deciding how to give them
instruction, keep them engaged, and have them perform better.
6. Identifying gaps in actual and expected performance. As the teacher
understands the level of performance of the learners, it is now imperative to
understand how to bridge their current understanding with the new material
being presented to them. This goes to show how important the initial
preparations are before the teacher can even decide what to teach the learners.

Once the teacher has the grasp of what to teach, he/she then decides how to
teach these identified skills. To do this, the following needs to be considered:
Republic of the Philippines
Guimaras State University
McLain, Buenavista, Guimaras

1. Setting instructional goals. Teachers need to present the goals of

instruction to the learners in unambiguous terms. As mentioned before, the
simple, lower-level, skills need to be presented in logical manner that would be
understandable at the level of the learners.
2. Selecting instructional methods and materials. Decisions that would be
made for the method and materials would be guided of course by the topic
selected, the activities or tasks for the learners, and the learners themselves.
This might seem to be straightforward until we realize that some of our learners
might have special needs such as tape recordings or higher level reading
3. Pacing instruction appropriately. Pace is simply how slowly or how
quickly the teacher goes through the material. Thus, the teacher should be able
to set the appropriate pace when going through the material, basing this of
course on the learners' level and the activities the learner are tasked to
4. Monitoring performance and replanning instruction. In planning how to
teach, it is also important for the teacher to know how to monitor learners'
performance, and then use this information to plan the next instruction.

Lastly, Algozzine identifies communicating realistic expectation as the last

component of instructional planning. This involves grousing the teachers'
expectations around realistic goals that the learners can actually achieve given
the time and their level of skills.

Other models also present and highlight other components of instructional

planning. McClymont (2020) further forwards with related components of
instructional planning namely:
1. Clear objectives. Learners must be able to have a clear view of what are
expected of them in the lesson. Providing them with clear objects sets the tone
of the class, gearing their thinking and expectations in the lesson toward a clear
goal. In order to keep the objective clear, they should be SMART (Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time- bound) objectives.
2. Learning materials. Availability of necessary materials must be considered
in planning instruction. This would help the teacher make adjustments to his/her
instruction based on these, such as whether to use realia or to use models.
3. Active background knowledge. Tapping into the learners' prior knowledge
about the topic, lesson, or material helps make a connection with the learners. It
also makes the lesson, topic, or material relatable to the learners, enabling the
teacher to engage the learners more and instill the new concepts easier.
4. Direct instruction. This is the where the teacher presents the concepts or
skills as indicated in the objectives. This is where various means are employed by
the teacher to deliver the learning to the learners.
5. Learner practice. Learners must be given the opportunity to practice the
concepts or the skills they learned in class. Practice should be designed to
gradually let the learners become independent. This has a three-step process,
a. Guided practice - where learners are given practice with the teacher leading
b. Collaborative practice - where learners are provided with practice with
their classmates. This can be through small or large groups. At this stage, the
teacher could be going around the room, providing help to the learners who
might be struggling; and
Republic of the Philippines
Guimaras State University
McLain, Buenavista, Guimaras

c. Independent practice where the learners are provided with activities that
they will perform on their own. The teacher can still roam round the room to
identify who among the learner really grasped the concepts taught, and who
could use additional practice.
6. Closure. After the lesson, the teacher then prepares to synthesize the
concepts presented in the lesson. It can be in the form of an activity where the
learners can participate.
7. Demonstration of learning. This is in the form of an assessment that
assesses the learners' understanding of the concepts presented in the lesson.
This is also an opportunity to gather data about the learners' performance.

4. Generalization
Ask the students the following question:
1. What is the importance of instructional planning to us as a pre-service
2. What is the most important component of instructional planning and

C. Post Activity
 The teacher will group the students into five groups.
 Each group will be provided the materials they needed for the
 The students in each group will have a brainstorming on what
words they are going to write on the provided paper connected
(what is instructional planning and what is the importance of
instructional planning), after the discussion on the group one
representative will post/paste the word on the board.
Direction: Write a sample plan using the standard below from the K to 12 curriculum.

Content Standard Performance Standard

The learners demonstrate understanding The learners share/express personal
of familiar words used to communicate ideas, thoughts, actions, and feelings
personal experiences, ideas, thoughts, using familiar words.
actions, and feelings.
What to teach:

How to teach:



Republic of the Philippines
Guimaras State University
McLain, Buenavista, Guimaras

Direction: Complete the following statements with two sentences each.
I learned that:

I realize that:

I think there is a need to:

Prepared by:

Mr. Joedar P. Satojito


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