VC CH 13
VC CH 13
VC CH 13
Dear learner in the previous lesson you have studied that lalita-
sahasra-naam-stotra is a part of Brahmanda Purana. And it is
in the form of a conversation between Hayagriva and Sage
Agastya. The Lalita-Sahasra-Nam-Stotram is about the
Goddess Lalita. Her thousands of names are mentioned here.
You have studied some of them in previous lesson. In this
lesson you will know her other names.
After studying this lesson, you will be able to:
• recite shlokas properly;
fdfjpØ&jFkk:<&n.MukFkk&iqjL—rk A
Tokyk&ekfyfudkf{kIr&ofàçkdkj&e/;xk AA „‰ AA
Kiri Chakra Ratharooda Dhanda Natha Puraskrutha - She who
rides in the chariot with five stories and is served by goddess
Varahi otherwise called Dhanda natha
Jwalimalika Ksiptha Vanhi Prakara Madhyaga - She who is in
the middle of the fort of fire built by the Goddess Jwalamalini
Hk.MlSU;&o/kks|qä&'kfä&foØe&gf"kZrk A
fuR;k&ijkØekVksi&fujh{k.k&leqRlqdk AA „Š AA
Bhanda sainya vadodyuktha shakthi vikrama harshitha - She
Hk.Miq=&o/kks|qä&ckyk&foØe&ufUnrk A
efU=.;Eck&fojfpr&fo"k³~x&o/k&rksf"krk AA „‹ AA
Banda puthra vadodyuktha bala vikrama nandhita - She who
was pleased by the valour of Bala devi (her daughter) in
destroying the sons of Banda
Manthrinyamba virachitha vishangavatha toshitha - She who
became happy at seeing Goddess Manthrini kill Vishanga (this
ogre (brother of Banda) represents our desires for physical
fo'kqØ&çk.kgj.k&okjkgh&oh;Z&ufUnrk A
dkes'oj&eq[kkyksd&dfYir&Jhx.ks'ojk AA …å AA
Vishuka prana harana varahi veeerya nandhitha - She who
appreciates the valour of Varahi in killing Vishuka (another
brother of Banda-he is personification of ignorance)
Kameshwara mukaloka kalpitha sri Ganeshwara - "She who
created God Ganesh by the mere look of the face of her Lord,
djk³~xqfy&u[kksRiUu&ukjk;.k&n'kk—fr% A
egk&ik'kqirkL=kfXu&funZX/kklqj&lSfudk AA …„ AA
Karanguli nakhothpanna narayana dasakrithi - "She who created
the ten avatharas of Narayana from the tip of her nails (when
Bandasura send the Sarvasura asthra (arrow), she destroyed it
by creating the ten avatharas of Vishnu)"
Maha pasupathasthragni nirdagdhasura sainika - She who
destroyed the army of asuras by the Maha pasupatha arrow.
dkes'ojkL=&funZX/k&lHk.Mklqj&'kwU;dk A
czãksisUæ&egsUækfn&nso&laLrqr&oSHkok AA …… AA
Kameshwarasthra nirdhagdha sabandasura sunyaka - She who
destroyed Bandasura and his city called sunyaka by the
Kameshwara arrow.
Brhmopendra mahendradhi deva samsthutha vaibhava - "She
who is prayed by Lord Brahma, Vishnu, indra and other devas"
d.Bk/k%&dfV&i;ZUr&e/;dwV& A
'kfä&dwVSdrkiUu&dVî/kksHkkx&/ AA …‡ AA
Kantatha kadi paryantha Madhya koodaiga swaroopini - She
whose portion from neck to hips is Madya koota
Sakthi koodaiga thapanna Kadyatho bhaga dharini - She whose
portion below hips is the Shakthi koota
ewy&eU=kfRedk ewydwV=;&dyscjk A
dqyke`rSd&jfldk dqyladsr&ikfyuh AA …ˆ AA
Moola manthrathmikha - She who is the meaning of Moola
manthra (root manthra) or She who is the cause
Moola kooda thraya kalebhara - She whose body is the three
parts of the basic manthra i.e. pancha dasakshari manthra
ewyk/kkjSd&fuy;k czãxzfUFk&foHksfnuh A
ef.k&iwjkUr#fnrk fo".kqxzfUFk&foHksfnuh AA …Š AA
Moladharaika nilaya - She who exists in Mooladhara in
Mooladhara which is in the form of four petalled lotus the
kundalini sleeps.
Brhama Grandhi Vibhedini - She who breaks the tie in Brahma
grandhi i.e she who helps us to cross the ties due to our birth
Mani poorantharudhitha - She who exists in Mani pooraka
chakra full dressed in her fineries
Vishnu grandhi vibedhini - She who breaks the ties of Vishnu
grandhi i.e she who helps us cross the ties due to our position.
vkKk&pØkUrjkyLFkk #æxzfUFk&foHksfnuh A
lglzkjkEcqtk:<k lq/kk&lkjkfHkof" AA …‹ AA
Agna chakarantharalastha - She who lives in between two eye
lids in the form of she who orders
Rudra grandhi vibhedini - She who breaks the ties of Rudra
grandhi i.e she who helps us cross the ties due to our violent
thoughts and nature
Sahararambhujarooda - She who has climbed sahasrara the
thousand petalled lotus which is the point of ultimate
Sudha sarabhivarshini - She who makes nectar flow in all our
nerves from sahasrara i.e. she who gives the very pleasant
experience of the ultimate
1. -----------------&jFkk:<&lokZ;q/k&ifj"—rk A
2. Hk.MlSU;&-----------------&'kfä&foØe&gf"kZrk A
3. egkx.ks'k&fufHkZUu&-----------------&çgf"kZrk A
4. gj&us=kfXu&lanX/k&dke&----------------- A
5. ewy&eU=kfRedk ewydwV=;&----------------- A
7. ewyk/kkjSd&----------------- czãxzfUFk&foHksfnuh A
8. -----------------&le#fp% "kV~pØksifj&lafLFkrk A
• Her qualities.
b) çgf"kZrk
c) dqy;ksfxuh
d) ewydwV=;
e) czãxzfUFk
f) Hk;kigk
1. pØjkt
2. o/kks|qä
3. fo?u;U=
4. l¥~thoukS"kf/k%
5. dyscjk
6. dkSfyuh
7. fuy;k
8. rfMYyrk
9. Hkfäfç;k
10. Jhdjh
11. fujkdkjk