1404390204254-CGA of Medically Incapacitated, De-Categorised Staff

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RBE No.ffl!2007

NO. E(NG)W99/RC-lISRl12 New Delhi, dt./>06.2007

The General Manager (P).

All Zonal RailwayslPUs,
(Asper standard mailing list)

Sub: Grant of compassionate appointment to wards/ dependents of

deceased/medically unfit.apprentices,

, ,", ',' Some oOile ZonalRailways have be¢nseekingc}arificatiOnfr()rll):1j~J30ard' ,
,'regarding~y, ~dI11I~sibility~~ftocompassi6nateapp;6.jntmeht,toone ,Q.t,~hedepe.ndent~· ,
family niembcrs of<,the";.ex ..employeedtie todeath':Qr'm.edical
decategorisation/incapacitatlon , of
an, Apprentice (who has heenappoi~ted.' on
.compassionate groundJdurfug,tpe courseof 'trainingwheteverit is a pte.:.r~q~is1te for
appoilltrrienttoaworkingpo¥f.ii1:the~ailways; , ' " "'"

2., ',Jt is worth consideri~g that. in 'the event of, death or:medieal
decatgorisation/incapacitation of a candidate, appointed on compassionate ground,
during the course of training, the purpose and real spirit of compassion is defeated as
the family has lost two bread winners. As a result, the family of the ex-employee is
left in same adverse financial position after the death of trainee that prevailed at the
time of consideration of offer of a job to this ward of
deceased/decategorised/incapacitated employee. and. the purpose of compassionate
appointment was not fulfilled, , ",. . .'. .'

. 3. The matter has beeh;~orisi(f~t:edhy the Boardand it has beende¢t.d~d ;tliatin

c~e·a;candidate appoinledtgn.compassionate· ground diesfbecomes"medi¢iJ.lly
incapacitated during the courSeqf1;tain)ngb,efore he/she is .re guiar ly ~pp61nted inthe '
. Railways, another opportuni'tymay be granted to .the original ex.-employee/ex~
'..employee's widow 1 on' whose .request the dead/incapacitated trainee ward :Was offered ..
appointment on compassionate ground by the administration, to applyforanother
wards'iappointrnent. . .

.:Please acknowledgereceipt,

"l:; "~~1<-:
~~~..'- -~~;~~

~;:i;. oJJ :r..",

LJ:5'A L--0~ , 4)~?-
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ttvr '~~ MINISTRY OF RAIL WAYS .. ---~/


. No.E(NG)I!/2006/RC-l/Genl./11 NewDeihl, dtl -:5.2 ~

~~anager(p}, .s» ~4

All.Indian Railways/PUs. V \/~ /

General Secretary, // ~~)

Sub: Appointment on compassionate grounds of wards/spouses

of medically incapacitated employees on the Railways.
. *** "
Attention is invited to Ministry of RailwayS(Railway BoardYs letter of even
number dated 15.1.2007 stipulating that a railway employee if he/she is, totally
incapacitated and is not in a position to continue in any post because of his
medica/condition, may be allowed to opt for retlrernent.jf he/she desires.

It has come to the notice of this Ministry that there have be.en instances
on the Railways/PUs where employees who have been totally medically
incapacitated and have opted for retirement, the provision of consideration for"
appointment on compassionate ground to ward/spouse of such employees are
not being extended. '

With reqard to above, it is clarified that spouse/ward of such

.employees may continue to be considered for appointment .on compassionate
ground subject to their eligibility tothe post in terms of Railway Board letter
No. E(NG)III95/RC-l/94 dated 18.1.2000 (Para-S). .... .
-------- -- .~.-.~,.--., .

(Mahavir Singh) .
Director Establishment(N)iI
Railway Board




No. E(NG)II/2006/RC-l/Genl./ll

~ The General Manager(P),

_~ All Indian Railways/PUs.
cr- General Secretary,

Sub: Appointment on compassionate grounds of wards/spouses

of medically incapacitated employees on the Railways.

Ref: Railway Board's letters

(i) No. E(NG)II/95/RC-l/94 dated 18.1.2000 f~
(ii) No. E(NG)II/95/RC-l/94 dated 14.6.2006; Ii,
I 1.',_)<'
&. II
(iii) No. E(NG)I-2004/RE-3/9 dated 7.12.2005.
i/~ ~h-
*** -1~~,
Attention is invited to Ministry of Railways(Rai/way Board)'s letter
under reference (i) stipulating that in cases where an employee is totally
incapacitated and is not in a position to continue in any post because of his
medical condition, he/she may be allowed to opt for retirement. In such
cases, request for appointment on compassionate ground to an eligible ward
may be considered. The same was reiterated vide para(3) of Board's letter
under reference (ii),

2. Further, vide letter under reference(iii), it has been stipulated that

provision of Section 47(i) of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal
Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 will apply
to medically decategorised Railway servants who ,are declared totally
incapacitated fer -ftfrtiler service even in the lowest medical category. As
these provided for continuation in service of a medically incapacitated
employee on supernumerary post, there would be no occasion for such an
employee to be retired from service by the administration on medical


3. Instructions issued vide E(NG)I-2004/RE-3/9 dated 7.1:2.2005 and ~o·

directions contained in letters Nos. E(NG)II/95/RC-l/94 dated 18.1.2000 &
14.6.2006 are not contradictory. It means that Administration cannot retire a
medically totally incapacitated employee automatically. However, if the
employee himself/herself opts for retirement, he/she may be allowed to do

4. It is clarified that stipulation made vide Board's letter under

reference(i) and reiterated vide para(3) of Board's letter under reference(ii)
has not been withdrawn and if a Railway employee who is totally
incapacitated and is not in a position to continue in any post because of hi:
medical condition rnav'be allowed to opt for retirement, if he so desires.

Please acknowledge receipt

(This disposes South Western Railway's letter No. SWR/P.268/269/

UBLjUBLS/Pilot dated 8.1.2007)

(Mahavir Singh)
Director Establishment(N)II
Railway Board
I ./

(i{j ~,(]j~ r~1~

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The G-2ncra! !Vlanager(P),

NI Indian Rr.dh,'V~1YS/PUS.

Suo: /IPPQintment on compassionate grounds or ward/spouse

of medically da-cateqorised staff on the Railways.

Attention is invited to para (5) of instructions contained in
Board's letter of even number dated 14.6.2006, wherein, it has
been stipulated that all those employees medically decategorised
after issuance of Board's letter No. E(NG)II/95/RC-l/94 dated
18.1.2000 will also be covered under the conditions stipulated in
para (4) of letter dated 14.6.2006. - .

2. On some of the Railways instances have come to notice where

af! such cases including those where the employee has been
medically decategorised after 14.6~~~)b$:a-r~~~~J$.§"-beliig-s-ub·n:litted
for General Manager's consideration. With regard -to' the-~siimef-witls---
clarified that para (6) of Board's letter date«(14.6~20b6 is applicable
only in those cases wrlerl~"""-·"em·p-foyee..··lla"\ie"""'·bee'h--med!~~a!!y-·.~"
decateq6rlsed"-betlJlieefi""·I8:T:2"lJOi.Y"a"ilo-'I4:-o":2006'-ana cases where-------
decategofisaUon "has occu tTed"after- J4:6~LQQ_§"mily_"~.~-·dea!t in the
same way as done prior 1:0 Tssuanc::e- of Board T~~te.r_"dated
18.l.200().~...'. -...-~.-.-.

Please acknowledge receipt.

_ +A..~'''~e...-
(MC1havir Singh)
Director Establishment (1\1)
Railway Board
1N0 •. E{NG)IX/95/RC-l/94

The General Manager(P),

All Indian Railwavs/Pus.

Sub~Af;tlPointment on .cc~mpcjssiona1teyroundsof
ward/spouse of medically de-cat,egorrisedstaff on
the Railways.

Pursuant to the notification of the Persons with Disabilities
(Equal Opportunitlesy Protectlon of Rights and Full Participation)
Act{1995 instructions were issued by f\1lnistry of Railways (Railway'
Board) laying down that in case where an ernplovee has been
medically invalidated/decategorised where the administration
cannot find alternative posts for such an ernplovee, he may IA~kept
on a supernumerary post in the grade in which he was working on
regular basts, till such time suitable post can be identified or till his
retirement, whichever IS earlier. A.s these instructions provided for
contlnuatlon of service of a me.dicallyinvaHdated/decategorised
emplovee, there would be no occasion to the employee to be retired
from service on medica} grounds. . Tht~ref:orie, according to the
instructions, in such cases the occasion to consider a request for
appointmenton cornpesslonete grc:wnd of an eligible ward would not
arise (Board's letter No.E(NG)I/96/RE-3/9(2) dated 29.04.19Q.9
refers). .

2. Even if the employee chooses to

retire voluntarilv on his being
declared medicaJiy decateqorlsed, if he so desires he may be
permitted lout without extending the benefit of appointment on
compassionate ground to, .3 ward (para 4 of Board's letter of. even
. number dated 18,01.2000 refers).

3. . Board had earlier decided that in cases where an employee is

totally incapacitated and is not in fa position to continue in any post
because of his medical condition/he may be allowed to opt for
retirement. In such cases, request for appointment on compassionte
ground to an eligible ward may be considered if the said employee
.chooses to retlre voluntarily (para 3 of Board's letter of even
number dated 18.01.2000). .

4. Pursuant to the demand raised by staf:f side the issue has

been deliberated upon at length in the full Board Meeting and it has
been decided that compasstcnete ground eppolntment to the
wife/wards! dependants of partially medically de-categerisedstaff
who seeks voluntary retirement may be given subject to the
follewing provlslons: - .,

(8) The appolntrnent will be given only in the eligible Group

'10' categories,'Eligible' weuld mean that in case Group
"Df recruitment is banned fer any particular
cateqorv, the same would also apply for the
compassionate ground appointments.

(b) Such an appointment should enly be 9iven In case of

employees who are declared partially decategorised at a
time when they have atleast 5 years or more service

(c)' CMD of the Railways should keep ill watch over the trend
of de-categorisation so that the present fi$Jure de not
get inflated. CMD should also get: 10% partially de-
c:ategorlsed cases re-examined by another medical
Eloard not belonging to Dtvtstcnat Hospital which
initially declared them unfit.

5. All those employees medically decateqcrtsed.etter issuance of

Board's letter No. E(NG)U/95/RC-l/94 dated 18.1.2000 will also be
covered under these instructions. However, such cases which have
already been flnelised in terms of Board's letters No.
E(NG)II/95/RC-l/94 dated .18.1.2000; 10.11.2000 and No.
E(NG)II/2000/RC-l/Genl./17 dated 6.3,2002 &26.5.2004 need not
be re-opened.

6. While considering such requests for compasstonetecrcund

appointment the General Manager should sattsfv himself on the
basis of a batenced and objective assessment of the financial &.
other condlticns of the family, that the grounds for compassionate
ground appointment in each such case, lsjustifled (Board's letter
No. E(NG)II/98/RC-l/64 dated 28.7.2000 refers) ..

Please acknowtedqe receipt.

(Hindi version will follow)

( Ashok Kumar)
Director Establishment(N)II
Railway Board

I -------~-- ----------

RBIE NO. ;a~/:«OLf
SC NO..57 to Me No.1e

No. E(NG)II/2000/RC-l/(;en;./17 New D4alhl, dt ...l·(.5.2004

The Genera~ Manager(P)! OSo-lAU Zonal RaUway~;1PUs, I i \
REI Allahabad, MTP/CalcuttIEt, Mumbal, chennat,
CAO(R), DCVV/ Patiala, COFMOW/ New Delhi,
0(;, RDSOI Lucknow, Director, IRISETI Secunderabud,
IRICEN/ Puna, IRtEEN/ Nas~k, IRIrY1&EE/ Jarnalpur,
Principal, RSC/ Vadodara, ,

d!i (9) Sub: Compassionate appointment: to the ~'ardsot Medically

BP decategorised staff - Relaxation of cut o'ff period"

Ref: Railway Board's letter No. E(NG)II/2000/RC-1/Gren./17 dt.

r: t» ....•.
L >l:.T")
,"••.•. r- 6.03.2002.

r-? 1.nterms of thIs Mtnl!,try's letter under reference, comp~sslonilte
bappolntment"may be considered In favour of wife/eligible wards of
such of the employee who werem.edh:afly decategorfsed between
29.4.99 and 18.1.2000 (both days Inclusive) and declarled unfit to
continue In ~~eposts they were"hoRllng but fit to hold posts wIth· .
lower medical dasslfic!lt~on, subject to the condmon that:-

(I) the employees concerned have 'retlred voluntarily

between 29.4.99 and 18.1.2000 (bethdays Inclusive)
on medical decategorlsatlon during thl/! pertod; and

(it) such cases are personally consDdered and decided by'

the General Manager on Individual-merit of each case.

2. Staffside have represented vide ltern No, 11/2004 in the DC-

JCM' 'he~d In March, 200~~ that In many of the cases, though the
employees were medically decategorised between the planod 29.4.99
and 18.1 2.000 and so,ught voluntary ~~
u ement on med1cal
decateqcrtsetlcn but were retired after . 8.12. OOO,thecases for
appointment on compesslcnate ground 4")f, ' empl~yee:s have riot
been considered by the RaHway Admil"tistration ,vhic:h is net ,justified •

2 :

3. The matter has been considered by the BOclrd and It has, been
decided that. further to BClard's letter under reference, compassionate
L grou,ndappoln'tment may also be considered In favour of wife/eligible
wards of such of the employees who were mecfr!caUy de,categortsed
between the period 29.4.99 and 18.1.2000 and sought voluntary
retirement on rnedlc:at decategorlsa1tlon but were rE!t~red after
18.1.2000. Such cases are to be considered and declded personally by
the (;ieneral Manager 0111 Individual merits of each case.

4. P'ease~acknow!edgE! receipt.

:( Asnok Kumar)
Jt. {)frectc;)f' E!,1:t. (N}II
RaUWity Board

No. E(NG) IIj2000/RC* liGen ./17 New Oielhi, dt. :<., .5.2004
Copy to:-' -". '. . ,.' ,
1. TheG.eneral Secf"letary, ,AIRF, 4, State Entry Road, New Delhi,. with 35
spares. ., .
-. ;..... '" ..

2. The General Secretary, NFIR, 3, Chelmsford ROCid,. New Delhi, with 35,'

3. . AlIlo1embers of Dfapaltmental Council/National Council and Staff Secretary,

National Council, 14-C, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi with 90 spares.

4. The Secratar( General, FROA &. lRPOA, Room 256A & 268, Railwa'Y Board
(5 spares).

5. .The Secretary General, AIRPF Association, Room No. S49, Rail Bhawan,
. New Delhi-1, with 5 spares.

. '~YJC;;4):~01
for Secrets!ry /Ra\lwayBQ'21rcJ.

Copy to:-PPSt~ eRB, MS, Adv(S}, DGjRHS, Sr.PSs, EDE(N}, Adv.(IR), EDE(Res),
,," .' .

EDE, EDE(RRB),.-EDPC-I, II, ED(H), DE(G), DE(N), D(MiPP),' DV(A), JDE(Rep),

JDE(N)I, n, JDE(L), JD(IH), JDE(LR), DDE(RE~p)-I~ II, DDE(N)IJ:, DD(Sac), DDRR,
DDE(LR)If II, III, E(Rep)I, II, III, E(G), IE(W}, E(SCT)I, I1~See.(El, E(MPP), E(D&A), .
E(NG)I, PC-IVy V, 7(R~;~10 copies), Code Revision CaU (5 copies) Branches
of Railway 8oclrd-/ Gel)e~ """~--:::::--.
! ~.!:llr:ct/~8t)aQ"',,~itr, ••.
i . VI "Ii' - qE:Ct::" 01i'loID .
- v~!)
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• ,:~' ,!;~ ~ ~'\'
:~;1<C;:,1\jry ROE No. 31/'1.002
SC No. 51 to IVIC No. 16
, No. ')
E(NG)-llf2000fl"C-lfGenl.17 New Delhi, dt. 06.03.2002.
.' TIle General Manager (P), /1 (:. 1\
AU Zonal Railways/Production Units

Sulz:- Absorption of medically decategorised staff in alternative

Employment hardship caused consequent upon
Implementation of Railway Board' 8 orders dated 29.04.1999.

Pursuant to the notification of "111e Persons with Disabilities (Equal

Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation), Act, 1995/'
instructions were issued vide this Ministry's letter No. E(NG)If%/RE-3f9(2)
dated 29.4.99,laying down inter-alia that,:in cases where an employee bas been
medically Invalidated/ decategorised he may be kept 011 a supernumerary post In
the grade in which he was working on regular basis, till such time he is absorbed
in a suitable post or till his retirement, whichever is earlier. f\.S these instructions
provtded for continuation in service of a medically invalidated/ decategorised
employee, there would beno occasion for an employee to be retired from,service
on medical ground after 29.4.99. Therefore, in such Cf.!S~5). the occasion to
consider a request for appointment on compassionate ground of an eligible ward
would not arise. ;

1.1 However, on review of the matter instructions were issued vide this
Ministry's letter No. E(NG)II/95fRC·1/94 dated 18.01.2000 lhat in cases where
an employee has been declared totally Incapacitated for further Service and he
opts for retirement, request for appointment on Compassionate ground of an
eligible ward maybe considered.
1.2 It was subsequently clarified vide this Ministry's letter of same number
dated 10.11.2000 that in cases where a medically decategorised employee before
issue of this Min:istry's letter dated 29.4.99 had taken Voluntary retirement and
he had neililet been absorbed in an alternative employment nor adjusted against
a supemll1l1e1'ary postafter the issue of this Ministry's letter dated 29.4.99, the
facility of allowing appointment on compassionate ground of one ward may be

1.3 Later vide this Ministry's Ietter of same No. 11.4.2001 the facility of
appointment 011 compassionate ground was also extended to an eligible
spouse I ward of totally incapacitated employees who were declared so after the
issue of this Ministry's letter dt. 29.4.99 and prior to. Issue of their letter dated
18.1.2000 and were also allowed to retire.
COuld .....

, !

~-' .~.
,- :';


2. The matter has been further reviewed pursuant to' a demand raised by the
staff side in the DC/JCM and it has now been decided that compassionate
ground appointment may also be considered in favou .. r of wif~~/eligi.blewards of
such of the employees as were medically decategorised between 29.4.99 and
H11.2ooo (both days Inclusive) and declared unfit to continue in the posts they
'were holding hut fit to hold posts with lower medical classification, subject to the
conditions that t-

(i) the employees concerned have retired volu:n.tal'i~Ybetween 29A.99

and 18.1.2000 (both days mclusive) 011 medical decetegorisation
during this period; and

(ii) such cases are personally considered and decided by the Ceneral
Manager on individual merit of each case. !

. Please acknowledge receipt.

Executive Director Establishment (N)

No. E(NG)TI/2000/RC-ljGenl/17


2; The CeneralSecretary, NFIR,3, Chelmsford Road, New t)elhi, with 35 sp*t.res.

3. . All Members of Departmental Councilz'National Council and Staff Secretary,

National Council, 14-C, Ferozeehah Road, New Delhi with 90 6pues.

tl~ Secretary General, FROA & IRPOA, Room 256A &. 263 RftUway Board.

- ..~..

Copy io:-PPS to eRB, .MS, AM(S), Sf. PAs, EDE(N), Adv.(IR),EDE(.Ref.;), EDE, EDE(HI{B),
EDPCI, IL DE(G), D}~(N), D(MI'P), DV(A..),JIJE(Rep) I, IT, m, JUn{N)I, It HI, fDE(L),
JDJ~(LR), DDE(LR)I, ill JL\ l)D(Sec)" DDE(Rep)H, DDFI'ZI J~(Rep )11' llVUI, li(G), E(SCJ}i., H,

Sc<:.(E)" E(.tvtPP)1 E(D&A)r E(.NG)I, PC-Ill., IV, VI E(RRB) Branches of RnU1'lmy Board.

RBE N0.44/2001
SC NO. 47 to ~.1CNo. 16

No. E(NG)II/86/RC-l/1 Policy

Appointment on compilsslOna.te growlc1s 1!1 the event of Medical

de.CLltcs·cr:[isCLtlO!1 /in.valid.,l tion and misslllg husband and wife (botI} are

Kindlv} refer to Board's letter of even number dilled 2.6~97 regi.!:rding:

c., <....-' adrnissibilitv./ of

appoint..."Dcnt on compassionate grou.."1(:'.s;D C:1;5C of death of mother or father subject to tile

stioulation that onlv Dt'2C compassionate appointment will be available either on the death of
th~JnJsbilild wif~ whicheve~ event occu;s- first.

111e matter has a.g&1I1 been reviewed by the Board and it has been decided thnt the
instructions contained in Board's letter of even number dated 2.6.97 will apply Mutatis-
mutandis to cases where both husband and wife are Railway employees and one of them is
retired consf'qu.-=nt to medical decategorisation / invalidation and also in the case of missing
Railway ernolov _ . ees,_ subject to all other relevant conditions .vgoveLling~ such "'!)"Gln~r<e~'1-s
r' . \"f. .",,- £...l. ...l.<..,;....:..J. '-

bci."1g fulfilled. A '

"I) 't

---, v
....•...•. i-.ra
oJ zak"/1

)t. L'rrector
'1' 1 (',r

1~.10. E(I'-JG)II/86/RC-l/1/Po1icy

Copy to.-
1. The General Secretary, Ah~:r; c~, St,1tr:: Entry Road, New Delhi, wi;:h 35 spu::es.
2. The General Secretary, '.NPIf~~ 3..Che:'u:2t;:·l.o!d
• C "T' 'x'
r'~_o0_d, l~e~'" 1-"'1" .tl:r.~
.re In, wnn J:-} sp2:;:es.
3. All Members of Departmental (~Ol.mCi1/l'-J ~ti;';"!
Counc:iL';;:-L.-1_3::,ff Secretary,
National Council, 14-C, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi 'with 90 spares.
4. Secretary General, FROA & IRPOA, Room 256A & 268, Railway Board.

Copy to:-PPS to eRE, ~fS, AM(S), Sr.PAs, EDE(N), Adv.(IR), BDE(Res), EDR, EDE(1UG),

E(NG)I, PC-III, IV, V Branches of Railway Board.


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GOVER.l\Jrvl&~T OF INDIA(Bharat Sarkar)
I ! .:': I"UNIS'rRYOF RAIUI'lAYS (Rail tJlantralaya)

No. E(NG)II/99/RC-l/CR/20 New Delhi,dated 21.2.2000

The General Hanager,

Central Railway,
. Mumbai.

Sub: Nedical decategorisation

...of non-gazetted staff.

Kindly refer to your letter No.EP.369/0/Vol.II

dtd 25.6.99 on the above me~tioned subject.

2. The provision of considering compassionate

appointment in the event of Railway employee being
medically decategorised has ceased to be in force
wi th the issue of Board s letter
I No. E (NG) I/96/RE-3/9X2)
dtd 29.4.99.

3. In sri:« •.·, of the above, the earlier instructions

regarding obtaining General Manager's approval for
con siderin 9 compassion ate appo Ln tments where the medic al
decategorisation occurs after the age of 55 yrs has
become infructuous.

4. Howe ver , in the case of VI those employees who

have been totally incapacitated, option for retirement
and compassion ate appointment may be considered in
terms of Bo ar-d+ s letter No.E(NG)II!95/RC-l/94 dtd 18.1.2000.

Dy.Director,Estt. ~)-II
\." Railway Board.
--.:.. ---'-:"~'-'--'""---

" J"

RBE No,K'2000
SCNo, 39 To J1,;1(' No, 16

3m..5fr.'i.?t. 2/~7
J;n~tt q f~UJij W. 16 Eltr
q-(r;'f - -4
- ~ .'-
r-e·q~_~. 2'0
~. -tS Fl. Gfr. ~.'l'I /96 /arrr. ffT /1/i -I 6 ~ <Y~-r~~I"" -
~ F'd,\¥t9'1:) R. 6.-! .. 97

f1Tf0~ ~.ft:c ~.--fqq:) - rc~ d . cli4i! 1- 0!t!)" ~

... ....
qfr 3Ficj;QI
~ 3ff~r(tft- !\9~fG1i' 1
~ ~

~, (~"1 i
I '.1--, . ,. , .... ."

4:' . ~~I~~
BOMBAY-400 001
f~/Dated .~7.~~Qt"99.Q..
~/No. tt.494.M ./


Sub : EmploYllent on Hedical grounds.

Ref: Your letter No.CON/883/R/V dated 16.8.96.

As per extant procedure. CHD 1s accepting the

~lcal Board findings of those cases who are
Invalidated and declared unfit for all clasHes on
aedlcaJ grounds.
For those ellplo~/oes who f1T<! d0categorised due to
1) lneBs or due to visual tmpui r nent; 8S detec ted on PH£
Ire being eX811i.oed 8t divisional ) evel by nosLnat ed
aedlca) officers.
In teras of Rail.way Board's letter No.
E(OO)II/35!RC1/46 dated 28.2.86 circulated by CPO vide
his latter No. CON/883!R/IV d.tted 18.7.1990, it has been
decided that henceforth all cases of decatagorlsatlon of I,}
Qlllployess who haa crossed 55 years of age shoul d be IJ
examined by rledJ~!.:-.._~_Qar.~_lliLd!-.YJ~!P!l~.t_._tto!plta) and a Ii
report along vIdl l'ecolu'Iendation of Lnc ha rge s be ~
submitted to CHD for .aee~ptilnee or otherwise as done in t
invalidAtion C38es.

Copy to : H.Do Byeulla

H.Se PUNE .•
ADRM/SUR in reference to his lC!tter Ho"
5UR/P/SAC/CO"illp.Appoint=a€mt dz , 27 .•06 ••1996
Bddre9s~d to CrO(A)Husbal .•
l~. B .; 1S10'7 0.0 1 ';;·.~·5
ITo~. 1

SUPPLEr'ENTAHY CD(C',h"iiR r.o , 1L::

TO IvTASTER CIHCDl...",a ..o. 16

\.ru~,IL-' "h..L
t: "1-:' v e:-"u'·"
D nil DD \I

N0. E~~G?II/95/RC-1/94 New De u.i, d 2 tea i. 22-9~ 9)

The General' Managers'~p)

All. Lon&l Railways including ,w,--rD-"·
,r'ci...,J..' ,,", '
F,,,,::'Jl~r cue
~1 1a,
mi. ,Alldha bad , f1etro Ra i Iway , C81cutte .•


Sub: :Cmoloy~ent on compassionate groLinds on medical

deeE;tegor iS2 tion of 'ex-rc:, il'way employee •
. . . ..
Tn terms of the,inl?tructions contained in Ferd I".iv} of
D c~ Le t t.en
,'/o..J L. .,l. No:
q . ,.. •• F'I ,,;,"\/:II-1/7R/we
w·,i';U U,.Ll - 1 /-'1- 'd·-·te
.c..l .. ,Jr" 7-
·u:) C..10. ::<; ,::l 8'-3 .,
s.nd .,..;-':;1-
.appoLn.tmen t on c ornpe s sLona t e [,rOLU.'1os< is permissible 'v;L.ere 2
Railway employee becomes medically.decategorised for the job
he is hoiding and no alternative job with .the same 2molumen{s
can os-offered to him and also' wher-e a r a i.Lway employee, is
offe:r:-cdalternative empLoyrnerrt on +he s arne emolument but it .Ls
not ac ce pt.ed'<by the employee and he chooses to retire from s er-v I oe ;

2. tl.'he7ques~ion whether appointment on compas s Lonat c grounds

can be' considered in the case of a+med LcaLl.y decat2Gorised
employee whordoe s not wait f or the Adm.i.n Ls t r-at Lon to-identify
,an '61+e rna t tve job for him but cho os.es to retire al1"~ makes a
request 'for such appointment, has been, under c orrs Ldor-at Lon of
the 13o£;rd• . .

3. j,fter c8.refv,l c ons fd er-at Lon of the matter BOard have

,'decided that in oartial modification of Board's letter No,
B~NG~I1I!78/RC~171dated 3-9-83 in-the case of medicallj
decatecor~sed em~lo~ee,_compassionate a~pointm~nt 6f ,an
-iGible war-d may be considered also in, cases where the.
IjTee concerned does not vial t for the. adrnj.n Lst.r'a t Lcn to
..::1.£y ern alterpati:ve .job for him but chooses to r c t Lre
D~kes a request for such ap90intment.
4. Plz::,se acl.now Ledge receipt.

\ •..:.••
,J Al- Li.L
<---_-.0 .•.•/

Deputy Director Lstz:blishment O-J}I1

Railway 302rd

, .. -

.'1..-2 L_-

Headquart2i-s C.i:i:cc._
Personnel Braneh~
Bombay VT.

NO.CON/883/R/V. Dated 26-07 1995



FN,!:;AO Chi2f Cashier BB. CSC (RPF) BBVT.
T.-v/s Byculla
~- cni

DY. e ,,",1..•
"G''? (Er}1 ) BSL (NM (TM'r) NRRD.

Sub ! Appointment on compassionate grounds-

Cas85for appointment of wards of employees
who have been medically dec3tegorised/unfitted
for all classes after the age of 55 ye3rs •
.P.s per this office letter No. COn/SP-3/RiVdated 22•.6.88
all compassionate appointments (whether that of "7 ife,Son.
Daughter" etc.) of employees who become medically decategorised
after the age of SS years are to be ,rnaoewith the prior approval
of General Hanager.

FUrther vide this office letter No.CON/883/R/IV dated

18.7 90 it was advised that before conducting the suitability

test of candidate to be considered for appo trrcmen t on compa-

ssionate ground. in case of medically decategorised /un£itted
employees after attaining the age of 55 yearslO General !.r!anager!~
prior permission should be ta)<en for assessing suitabilit~
screening of a candidate •

. Now it has been decided that once General Manager has

-"-corded permission for assesing screening/suitability of
.. ...
'fl idate and if the candidate is found sui table for appointment.
c can be processed for suitable posting and it is not considered
necessary to put up the papers for General Manager's aanct ion-
for a ppodrrtment; on compassionate ground aga:.n.

. Ct<j!i
It f~''{,.{j.",,?,~,,'_
IV-, rl-.
1 !'rJ.•
( N 4 • PRA.s,~T) j .
! Chief Personnel O~ficer (HQ)
Copy to DY. C?O (GAZ)

SPO (EL) (fvf'!:c'i-I ) ..~

C"') (C) (T) (M"T)

APO (8L) (.s,~T) (.sTO.;~::'3) (.MJ5D) (A) for information

and necessary action •

.. "
I !

., ,

lLwM Y.

- 'j'Jo, cONI 'Rtv ~ , ,

,'1 'ORIVJ IlP)8t3,' '~$L ,PH~ ;J ~p NGP SlJR
C LlMs rJR MT ~ JHS ,~ it h 0 u 1. t J
CWE MMR~ " ,,'
Sub ~'~'Ern p i9.~~,nt2Q,~ c;,!1E!£Z-~~~~P...:1J.0
t.,§l~ ,~,r ~un_d,?_~.

Vide this pffiqel~tter of' e~annum~e~ dated . 24.02,88~a

format for ,~el1(jingp~op6~a.l. for apoo Lnt man t on c qrnp as s Lo riat e .
ground.s wiElf circulated. I~~' p ar Lt ern . 4\v) of the f o r mat t he
i j

post a.nd ''Jr:pde f,PF .\J!1j.ch,'the'candidCite"ist;o· be considered

for appoint:'!.Uent 'qn!compa~3~*ongt~ ':Jro~nd.$ 01'(;1 to be indicated.
'Flctord.i/lg~Yr SFre~i!in~/<,9;~Jtqqi)ity 'is, being conducted in all
C?913$ inclLldiri~,t~me "baFfe,d!c':1$~$ 'P¥ t he di\iisions/units' and
. prpposals, are bein·Qse.nt;t;.gt'h,it~ ortrice ~n time barred C?~E:lS
fa]: ob ta' Ln Lnq and GommunJ:-'giltingljM
," . ., .
t!;l , 'Hoard'
., ~.'
s ~pproval.
-.:~.. ;'.: ,-

,', It' hn~ :"nowbee.~,.~J6~~d8d that in all time 'barred cases

where GM1s /x:Joardis 'appF9v9L,i'~'neG8ss~ry for' appointment so n
GompRssionate grqunds~ 'd~vlsi6nsl Units 'mriy indicate in th~
sa Ld format und?i' Ij em 4l·,vj uhe t h e r the ie~u8st 'for appointment
on c ornp ass Lo ria t e grQunps'is for 'GrQup 11,':' or '0' Cate';/ory without
cpn~ucting ~creen~ngl $4itability and Qnlyaft8r competa~t
authority'~ apprDv91~s Gonveyed, the ~ivisipns/ units may
'cond~c~(scr~enin.g/9Ul.tabulity andbfferjob ~r . found s u i t ab Le ,
ke(;1pihg ~his office' • infpr~~d. For norma! casas which are not
t.im~7 batted,' p re s e'nt.' ~¥stem 1.J~11. continue.

For' appoLnt mant : oft c ornp a s s Lo (late 9rou'nds in caS 8 0 f

fTledi6allY deca£egori~~d/, uhfitt~d ~taff . afte~ , attaining'
,~h~ agQ bf ~~,y8.~S~1n~tfu~tiqn~ ~~$~~~ V~d8 this,of~ic8
tetter of eVen n~mbe, .~at8d qS~q7~~O w~llcont~nue
t9 be follDweda~ befoi~~;

Incide~~ally, it is ,mentioned th<;:lt in the format circuiated

v~d~ this office letter o f . ~V~n number dated 24 ..02.88, ,there'
is no column to ~indfcate,whether' th e candidates b e Lo n j s to
se/ ST Community or 'otherGJis)?T 'While.sef1cJing the proposal, it'
, ..
may invariably be rn en t Lo ne dc.i n the fi,Yrm8.t 'as .i t arn l'Jo.11 whether
th~ ~~ndidate be16ngstQ SC/ST Commuri~ty, p~ otherw~s~.
.; /1,
~ r-
~. I ,
. " \ ' . r C~'---
, j
C4{) 'b ''''-.9J- c~ ... _
I. ;:j~'J. Rawadka) -'
~ C:;HItf PiRSO i\Ji~E L OFF rcra.

Copy to ~- ov , (GII Z, \ Ht.J) l ELECT j

S PO l [VI) \ C ) (T) ~E ) V' L) .
,(;PO (59;T) I. S&~Yj) tLLj l Ei\lGL.) I. COURT) for
information and n~c8ssary adtjon~
Fr. &C;\O CSC u~ VT Chi~f' C;"Jsh.ier, C.Rly .•Jt.:l VT '"
LTC dSL for irir'ormatl.on.'·
y ....

". >.

.~' ... '

' Sub?&ff~;~i#°ti!i~:S
.. .• .: " ":"'
-. _.,. .
."...... .;.. .... '. -:' . '.-.'

to tl~e.eligible
',. :. ."
;~'~ ..
.. ..~
. -".

.' .



-. ",

- ", ~'- ..... ' .

"." .

.< :
'"" - :' -.: ..... " .. ".
j •. :

"~'~'~b$'-Employm€nton compaSSiCD? tB gr;O~i~;ds'tothG~1):g:{b~.0

~tjards ..'b1' m6ctlcall}~ dBc;:-itecDl~:,cs,sd$Liif'f',,"


" ." . - ,: .
.' ..
' .. .-·O~f\::';I:t:Ea{}i;1~)

. :-.' j
.' ~.'

Headquarters Office
Personnel Branch
Bombay VT
No•• HPB/LED/ Ens t.r'u , /Comp. Apptt. 1/9/90

DY-.CPO(HQ~). (G"
-SPO {RP)(M) (R), (C)' (T) (L&W2.",(-B/C) (p/C)
,.......-- - ' ',~ii,

-"'APO,'(A) -(SPL) '(G) (T) (ENGG )i'D) (STffiES)

- ,M~ -(S&T)'(HQ), '(COuRT) (1r1EL) (S~ORTS) (PASS)
...• ' ,

.subr ' Compassionate Appointment on Medical
'J' •••••
'rf}".' -',

i(:' ,I
'- " The .numbez-. of' cases of compassionate appointments on
~dt,cal uni"i'theS$ lafter the age of 55 years 2 ar~ increasing
" ay-tY-day.,
- l$e,se,
cases require personal sanc t Ion of the GM.

GM de s Lr-e.s tr.a t ~ while putting up the proposals for.

compassionate appointment 9 in such cases the details of
..'leave 't aken by, the' 'em.Qloyee on' med'Lca L s i.ckne se ground
~i,' .. ' .ror- the -last, 10' years ~ should also 'be attach2d with the '
:-" l'1edl.cal proposa.las
f ~ • .'.".'
arinexure' and the report of the 'Board ofLDoctor§

should also be 'attached. It is ascertained from CMOthat :}~~

iilall cases of medical unfitness? a report of Board of ~;;t,

Medical Doctors is'also maintained in CMO's office.

'There!or~9 a :.copy this report should be obtained from of
C"MO for :p~tting~~~~GM. - _
" 'GlVl' a1,s:0 desire~ that 'the names of serving children
t ,of .t he 'empLo yee shbuld also be indicated 9 giving details.
'\" These details should 'be checked up before pu:tting up .the
, pos i. tion to GM,to enable him to take_ a decision for giving
compassionate. appointment to the wards of medically unfit
. ', ..... .'. euiploye.es on compassionate grounds •
41': , '


.: .

,--",-'1' _-'" f~/

"L~"'~l~;:,_,,~:~L~lJ A!:.

;teTs OffiCe
,.-~l !::'l"'3nch, '
.: 2 yJ •T •
Ot. 18/7/1990.
NCl.. CON/883/R/IV


QRM (p) 88 8SL
Fr, & CAD 88, Chief Cashier 88, CSC 88

,'~' c 00
L, r·""

Sub; Appointment on Compassionate nrounds - ca§es

f,or a ppoi nt ment of wards of employ'ees wh a
have baen medically decateaorised7unfitte~
for all classes ~fter the a~e of 55 years.
~. . " , ..
, As per this pffice letter No. CON/883/R/IV dated 22-6-88
compassiona'te appointment for the wards of employees wh'a
be came me&icall y decateq or 1s ed after th e 8~e' of 55 years is
in the di6creti~~ at Ge~eral Manaqer.ThUs compassionate'
appointment is not t,o be qiven as a matter o f cour~e.

General ManaQer has to personallyconsi~~r mer!t of eGoh'

case and decide.As per th~ present practice, tha wtitten test
is Keld by Committee nominated and ORM's recommendations is
pbtained prior to r,Mts approval. 'G.M. therefore desires
~. t,hat the cases of compassionate:ap~ointment for the wardS of
medically debateqoI'isedst<;lff abova 55 year 'Jf ane be put up
to- r..M. for administrative approval before' the suitability
test is conducted. .
l~ view of the ab?ve, hence forth, eveh before
conductin" ; he suital!aility tests afcandidates to be canside!'c,d
for appointme~t on compassionate "round, in case of'medica1ly
d~categorised/unf'itted employees after attaining. the aqB of
55 yeaisy General Mananer's prior permission should be taken
for as.~essinn suitabilitv/screeninn of ca"i'ldidates.' On obtail'-
inn General Manager's prior permission the o as.e mAY be furtt'tsr ,~,
:, .

pr oce s s e d- The.reafter, if they are found suitable far ,

appOintment, their cases should be processed for ~8neral Manan-
sr "s sanction far apl\OClintment on compassionate nround.

The receip.t of this letter may please be ackno1l11ednel3.

\.-.~ \ . ..---,~,-,
,I l,._---

(Dr. P. L Ban~,~ .
for Chief Per.s-::rnnel Qffic.:..r•

-,( £(.,
C!Jpy to:
SPO (C) T (St':lres) (I"lech)
APO (Adrnr1
necessary acticm. Suffic'iE>nt
for infO'!" BS of this let£er are attached f~T
number o~ o their concerned HODs as \Jellas
ci rculat:L
concerned department.
units of

nr.u ,:~'f.\F~',:('.:,i' t~''':J

'~" c··!.i·IJ~~;
(RAlLvn\Y ElOflP ..D)

,'.0 c:
]1 >Jc/l'/(~_1/._"10
'-...J _J J. 0 New Delhi. • dl:o"flU .-6-90&

General Manug8rs•.
AJ,l Indian Railways
Lnc Lud.Lnq CLW, DLW &

Sub: Decatagorisation and Medical invalidation

of Hailvlay Llllployees.
o • e ••

It h as been brought to the notice of thi s Ministry that

a large number of Rei.Lw ay employees on various Zones, are .
~pressurising to get themselves invalidated on medical
II grounds during the last yeur of their service.

As per the extant provisions the medicCll ox=mLnn+Lone

for all Cdi3CS for invalidation on med.Lo
al, ground:] Ls o cnduct>-
ed by B03.rd of 3 Hedical Officers. The report of this ex emLn-,
ac Lon is su:tmitted to the CMOs. ~he date of acceptance
of the report by the 010 is date of eetifi Cf.C1Lion For J.llVt1J."\..-
dation on medic i'll grounds.
It h<'3S been decided that in those cases whe re the
date of Heaic al Certific at.Lon if aIls in the last 01113 'leer
of service, the following rules shall apply:-

1. The }1edical Board to be constituted should be

, headed by a SAGOfficer. Employees work Lno in
DivisionsjExtra Divi$ional Unit wh Loh de not hcvo
a SAGHedical Officer wou.l d have to requisition a
sui table SAGOfficer nearby as n crn Lnat.e d by CHO ••
'" .

Generci1 Hanager would be competent authority to

acceptth is invalidation Clfter the <lq(~ o f
ac ting on the expe rt advice of the Cl'lO. He w:Lll
ar s , Sue
use discretion.
3. The grounds for considering invalidation on me di.c a.l,
grounds in such case s would only be for terminal
8tnges of fatal illness or massive injury with
recent loss of bo ch f:! lower l.imbs/both upper :;'imbs,.
For all other cases including diminution loss of
'WI vision, high Blood pressure, uncontrolled diabetese
.:1~,.r!· ,b-' -- etc. leave may ~ granted under Para 529 of Indian
-, Ra i.Lway Medical Manual.
/'0 h.. t(. 'O"~
The rro<",pc1lll:"e enumerated above may be s t r.t.c t.Ly [oLLchI.-
ed In all case of medic a1 invalidation after the age :57 ye areo

'Contd .•<> 2/ __
( Dr. ~ r s.) A. Bane rJ e 0) )
EXE:cutive Director (rlealth)
RaJlvJ ay Board.

Copy for information arrd nc:cf;,sSury action to:-'

The Cld.ef Personnel Oftic~rs/All Indicm Rail,.Jays

including CLW, DL\ri r. r~F. ,
2 ~ The Chief Hedical Officer:::>/Chief Medical Stlr~t:'int-c'luc!llt,C" I

, -
All Indian RaihlClyS including CLI"l, DLl,tJ & ReF. "

3 ~ E (NC)II Br ano h RiCl.LlVJ'lY' Gourd for their file

No.E(NG) II/flR/LC-:l/1/PoliCy .• (with ten ;;pc:rr;~;) ,0

,1,,, Seri i.o t; l':r:o[c~.ssorU'1(:'!dical), Ra Ll w ay Staff CoLJc~'rl'

Vadod ar a ••
5. The Director, C;mcer Res0,")n~h Insti +u+.e, Vur':l'12r..i. ~

; s
./' f. ndi.: 1
, '
') 1 ': I 'l\rc:~
'.• ' . ; ,j ~

'1 C':'''J ',·1· }.
: .~ I J •. \.
:!;;,} ..'

;;., un.i , dt ,
r, ..'
-, I

: Ii ',\.

.nJIl; Hl .~.,.J ,..GUU. v'> the clLt:r:i.fl~o.LLon (;1'1011 ag3.im.:;t

f}·::·.[ri thlf I\1inist:ryl.s'lotter lTo. }~(tl(;) III-'1G/i
'. 3.2,(:Ji~: Ln l,·d.2.ich.,:i.tw:,'.!38 La 10';(J t hn t' in the c as o
tray 8el~io.nt. "\-Ilio .i.i] modic:LLLyi lIC;l.pacLt:L l.o d Or (I '.

~d arxl 1'1110. rc tireu Ifromuer1ric(;, o n l y .: non; 9) ;f'

r'is 81i&1. b.l.e )? (~I'\:a 11llo~lltmc n t on c a rnp:~:J.'3 Lo mip~. 'e;r9ttnq~
1:"8' . l'rif8 l'~'·" !', . U; }.." 'I" I. '-. •. .,1'

" . . -'.!.: ;.~:;(.I.~:".:.:. I: " .; " .~

'§s:Hbn whether"it) such CaSe8 n p po Ln t mo n t on
~.1.~ ,;':g~I~~d8; Of. ~1'D .. :v(i£e t h:: e x:e mployo o . .or .
a.oi3:(al1o~)uc1r h,U3 been u.ndor COYlSWor··lt:Lon.
tj'j:l t·~.ifl···EftIClT i. 't :

~~·ntmautrto. the. vtif:t,:?£ thr;employeo, c()nc~rnf'4}; .'1':

Ilex:...rnii{te~,\·I"... I ~.. : .-: .. ". ,; ';,'1'",'· I

••• + ~v· ....

··.~·r...•... .' . "~;'i':'~~
's, •• · ~ ~~:j:__ I ,''9

:r'i6t·i'.':h:{:Li~aYS'ha·te·i'c:a·r8iul1Y cOnsj;'dOl'cd;tl~G'!;1 '.j . I.

; (1e.cide dtha t i.~i the case oEa ..... ' .•........ '.'
fl~~f;1~f1hpl i·is.· me~1~qal1.Y.il:c~lpac J ta t~ cl . () r de ca tc:g~lr~
".tl4;i:r'G0·' frOJll eOrV ..LC0Etlldl:f comr')iJG'slonalo: : '1"
J?errtJ~8 11)10, j~l \ICh appo i.n hmen tinny
t •• H}.ft·.d:r .t11O, r(L11 H:.tyqp l'v;~~L~_~_I;' j~ 0 b
'ollo'Wing-cbnchtionst-;- ---- . ), .;;,
-:-'j ~:-T~;::~;~l_,-, __~~.-.:.~ .~. ;:1.

l~ftllt31i":tH~ .fe·l;;:}i.OlG"!i.>.h8.~-:110 8 on or cla ughtc r

o,:r.:tJlrE?,tl9!1 lllnin0r n t t1w '\.,Lme
i/h'q·.tt8"ql1qs'tfo;r:ulfIralJ"btnfn.t-q8 nn dc: ! ...

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