First Application of Large Reactivity Measurement Through Rod Drop Based On Three-Dimensional Space-Time Dynamics
First Application of Large Reactivity Measurement Through Rod Drop Based On Three-Dimensional Space-Time Dynamics
First Application of Large Reactivity Measurement Through Rod Drop Based On Three-Dimensional Space-Time Dynamics
Wencong Wang, Liyuan Huang, Caixue Liu, Han Feng, Jiang Niu, Qidong Dai,
Linfeng Yang, Mingchang Wu
Nuclear Power Institute of China, China
Reactivity measurement is an essential part of a zero-power physics test, which
is critical to reactor design and development. The rod drop experimental technique is
used to measure the control rod worth in a zero-power physics test. The conventional
rod drop experimental technique is limited by the spatial effect and the difference
between the calculated static reactivity and measured dynamic reactivity; thus, the
method must be improved. In this study, a modified rod drop experimental technique
that constrains the detector neutron flux shape function based on three-dimensional
space-time dynamics to reduce the reactivity perturbation and a new method for
calculating the detector neutron flux shape function are proposed. Correction factors
were determined using Monte Carlo N-Particle transport code and transient analysis
code for a pressurized water reactor at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and
Technology and Xi'an Jiaotong University, and a large reactivity of over 2000 pcm
was measured using the modified technique. This research evaluated the modified
technique accuracy, studied the influence of the correction factors on the modification,
and investigated the effect of constraining the shape function on the reactivity
perturbation reduction caused by the difference between the calculated neutron flux
and true value, using the new method to calculate the shape function of the detector
neutron flux and avoiding the neutron detector response function (weighting factor)
Keywords: Large reactivity measurement; Rod drop technique; Space-time dynamics;
Constrained shape function; Monte Carlo N-Particle
1. Introduction
Reactivity measurement is an essential part of a zero-power physics test, which
is vital for reactor design and development. In a zero-power physics test, different
core configuration types are investigated, and the reactor power is limited to a low
level; thus, the ex-core detector signal level is also low. Therefore, it is critical to
determine the reactivity with a low-strength signal, especially when the reactivity is
The rod swap and boron dilution methods can be used to measure the reactivity
in a zero-power physics test. The rod swap method is slow, and it is easily influenced
by the control rod shadow effect. The boron dilution method is accurate; however, it
takes a long time to dilute the boron to compensate for the reactivity loss. This
method is typically applied in commercial nuclear power plants, but it is rarely
applied in a zero-power critical reactor because it is difficult to dilute boron in an
experimental reactor.
In recent decades, dynamic reactivity measurement methods have been widely
used in commercial nuclear power plant startups. They separately and independently
measure the worth of each control rod bank by inserting each control rod bank into
the core at its maximum allowable speed.
Dynamic methods, such as the dynamic rod worth measurement(DRWM)
method developed by Chao, dynamic reactivity measurement of rod worth
method developed by Kastanya et al., and the dynamic control rod reactivity
measurement method developed by Lee et al., [5,6] have exhibited excellent results for
numerous pressurized water reactor (PWR) startups. In these studies, the
three-dimensional (3D) space-time kinetics theory is employed to overcome the
limitations of a one-point reactor model in dynamic measurement. The reactivities
measured by inserting and withdrawing the control rod bank at its maximum
allowable speed in a commercial nuclear power plant were all less than 2000 pcm.
Recently, Sang Ji Kim et al. presented a preliminary dynamic rod drop simulation
study for a transuranic burner core mockup of a sodium-cooled fast reactor, in which
the reactivities were approximately 1000 pcm. However, there were several
difficulties in applying these methods in a zero-power experimental reactor.
(1) The ex-core detector signal level was lower than that of a commercial nuclear
power plant due to the small core configurations. Hence, with the control rod inserted
at its maximum allowable speed, the detector signal can easily fall below the lower
limit of the measurement.
(2) In certain cases, the reactivity of a single control rod is much larger than that
of a commercial nuclear power plant control rod bank. For such a large reactivity
insertion, the neutron flux distributions in the core and ex-core detector change
rapidly and substantially, which may increase the difference between the calculated
neutron flux and its true value, affecting the accuracy of the correction factors and
reactivity results.
Due to these difficulties, the DRWM method is not always the optimal
choice for the zero-power physics test of a zero-power experimental reactor. Thus, in
certain cases, the rod drop experimental technique is used to measure the reactivity in
a zero-power physics test. [10]
The rod drop experimental technique measures the reactivity by dropping the
control rod into the core, and the reactivity is analyzed using a one-point reactor
model, which assumes that the neutron flux distribution in the reactor core maintains
the same shape during the dynamic measurement. However, for large reactivity
insertions, the neutron flux distribution changes greatly during the dynamic process,
which can significantly affect the detector signal. Thus, the accuracy of a large
reactivity measured during this process is unsatisfactory, indicating that the rod drop
experimental technique must be modified.
In this study, a modified rod drop experimental technique was applied to a large
reactivity insertion measurement to reduce the measurement error. We propose a
method that constrains the shape function of the detector neutron flux based on 3D
space-time dynamics to reduce the reactivity perturbation caused by calculated
correction factor errors, which is affected by the difference between the calculated
neutron flux and its true value. We also propose a new method to calculate the shape
function of the detector neutron flux that avoids the neutron detector response
function (weighting factor) calculation. Finally, we evaluate the proposed method
accuracy, influence of the correction factors on the modification, and effect of
constraining the shape function of the detector neutron flux.
Compared to the previous research, our work is innovative in that we are the first
to apply the modification of the rod drop experimental technique to a large reactivity
measurement of over 2000 pcm in a zero-power experimental reactor, to constrain the
shape function to reduce the reactivity perturbation caused by the calculated
correction factor errors, and to propose a new method to calculate the detector neutron
flux shape function without calculating the neutron detector response function
(weighting factor).
The difficulties of the conventional rod drop experimental technique and the
modified method theory are discussed in Section 2. The proposed method application
to large reactivity measurement is introduced in Section 3. The results and are
described and discussed in Section 4. The conclusions are summarized in Section 5.
2. Methodology
2.1 Conventional rod drop experimental technique
The usual rod-drop method was analyzed according to the prompt jump theory.
Its practical difficulty lies in determining the prompt jump flux level because the
actual reactivity insertion is gradually terminated, not in a step. Therefore, the prompt
flux decrease during the latter phase of the reactivity insertion overlaps with the
beginning of the flux decrease due to delayed neutron source decay. Improved
accuracy requires special correction techniques or an analysis of the inverse kinetics.
Thus, in this research, the inverse kinetics based on a one-point reactor model
was employed to analyze the data measured by dropping a control rod into a core,
which we defined as the conventional rod drop experimental technique to make more
easily distinguish the method before and after modification.
The measurement procedure is as follows:
(1) Operate the reactor core in the critical state.
(2) Drop the control rod into the core while recording the neutron signal with the
ex-core neutron detector.
(3) Process the neutron signal using reactivity measurement equipment.
(4) Calculate the reactivity using the experiment data and inverse kinetic
The inverse kinetic equation can be described as follows: [12]
dN (t ) 1 6
i i N ( )e i ( t )d , (1)
N (t )dt N (t ) i 1 t0
is the neutron generation time, and is the delayed neutron decay constant. ,
, and are calculated before the experiment, and they are considered to be
known constant parameters in the measurement. The ENDF/B7.0 cross-section
libraries were used to calculate and in this research. N(t) is the neutron
detector signal, which was assumed to be proportional to the amplitude function p(t);
therefore, the amplitude function p(t) was replaced with N(t) in Equation (1). There
are certain difficulties in using the conventional method, such as the spatial effect of
the neutron detector signal and difference between static reactivity and dynamic
(1) Spatial effect of the neutron detector signal
assumed to be separable from its space and energy dependences, and the flux can be
amplitude function p(t).
In a real situation, the shape function of the flux is time-dependent, and it
changes significantly during the rod drop process. Thus, the detector neutron flux is
affected by changes in the neutron flux shape. This violates the assumption that the
shape function is unchanged during measurement. For this reason, the detected
neutron signal is not proportional to the neutron flux amplitude function, and using it
to determine the reactivity leads to measurement inaccuracies.
(2) Difference between static reactivity and dynamic reactivity
The reactivity determined by the inverse kinetic equation is called the dynamic
reactivity. It is definitional different from the reactivity determined by static
calculation, which is called the static reactivity. Thus, to obtain superior results, it is
important to remedy these difficulties in rod drop reactivity measurement.
2.2 Modified rod drop experimental technique
The modified rod drop experimental technique is based on exact point dynamics,
which are the 3D reactor dynamics. The modification is focused on two aspects: (1)
the difference between the neutron flux amplitude function and neutron detector
signal and (2) the difference between the calculated static reactivity and measured
dynamic reactivity.
2.2.1 Detector signal correction Detector signal correction factor
From the exact point dynamics, the neutron flux in the reactor core ( r, E , t )
can be factorized into a purely time-dependent amplitude function, p(t), and a space-,
Based on the exact point dynamics, the neutron signal N Det (t ) is related to the
where W (r, E ) is the weighting factor that denotes the neutron contribution degree
at position r in the core region to the neutron detector signal, describing the space and
energy dependences of the neutron detector sensitivity.
Thus, Equation (5) can be written as follows:
N Det (t ) W ( r, E ) p(t ) ( r, E , t )dEdV . (5)
The neutron flux amplitude function p(t) can be extracted from the neutron signal
using the following equation:
N Det (t )
p(t ) . (6)
W (r, E ) (r, E, t )dEdV
Using Equation (6), the neutron signal is converted into the neutron flux
amplitude function p(t), and the difference between the neutron flux shape and
neutron signal can be largely reduced, resulting in a more accurate result.
To modify the detector signal, one must calculate the denominator on the right
side of Equation (6). The neutron detector response function (weighting factor)
W ( r, E ) can reduce the accuracy due to the mesh precision and the assumption of no
changes under different control rod patterns, and the denominator on the right side of
Equation (6) is proportional to the shape part of the detector neutron flux ( rd , t ) .
Thus, we use the shape part of the detector neutron flux ( rd , t ) to describe the
denominator on the right side of Equation (6) to reduce the inaccuracy induced by the
neutron detector response function (weighting factor) W ( r, E ) . The new method for
calculating the shape part of the detector neutron flux ( rd , t ) is described in detail
in Section 3.2.5.
Normalization about the detector signal is performed as follows:
Because the calculated energy spectra of the detector neutron flux stay the same
during the rod drop process, (t ) is assumed to be unchanged in the measurement.
( rd , t )
Cdet , (10)
( rd ,0)
where Cdet is the detector signal correction factor, and “0” refers to the critical state at
the beginning of the rod drop process. By substituting the normalized amplitude
function p(t ) into Equation (1), instead of the neutron detector signal N(t), the
reactivity is obtained.
reduce the reactivity perturbation caused by the neutron flux or shape function
calculation error.
From the 3D neutron diffusion equation:
1 ( r, E , t )
( Fp M ) ( r, E , t ) Sd ( r, E , t ) S ( r, E , t ) , (11)
v t
where M is the neutron destruction operator, Fp is the prompt neutron production
operator, Sd ( r, E , t ) is the delayed neutron source, and S ( r, E , t ) is an independent
By substituting Equation (3) into Equation (11), we obtain the following
[ p(t ) ( r, E , t ) p(t ) ( r, E , t )] ( Fp M ) p(t ) ( r, E, t ) Sd ( r, E, t ) S ( r, E, t )
. (12)
Allowing the shape function to depend on time is a first generalization compared
to the use of the time-independent shape in the derivation presented in Equation (2). A
second generalization used in the derivation does not remove an approximation, but
rather exploits a certain freedom of choice; the neutronics equation is multiplied by a
weight function, w ( r, E ) , prior to integration with respect to space and energy. The
flux factorization is also introduced into the left side of equation (11). [11]
dp(t ) w ( r, E ) ( r, E , t ) d w ( r, E ) ( r, E , t )
dt V E
dEdV p(t ) dEdV
v( E ) dt V E v( E )
w ( Fp M ) p(t ) ( r, E , t )dEdV w Sd ( r, E , t )dEdV w S ( r, E , t )dEdV
. (13)
The second term on the left side of Equation (13) that appears with flux
factorization can be eliminated by only using the integral to constrain the time
variation of the shape function, thus making the factorization unique:
w ( r, E ) ( r, E , t )
0 v( E )
dEdV C , (14)
reactivity errors, a weight function should be selected that reduces the effect of shape
function inaccuracies on the reactivity.
The initial adjoint flux, 0* ( r, E ) , fulfills this objective. [11] This is because, in
static perturbation theory, the first order dominates the reactivity perturbation, which
is caused by the perturbation in neutron flux, and therefore, the use of 0* ( r, E ) can
eliminate the first order in the reactivity perturbation. Thus, the use of 0* ( r, E ) can
eliminate most of the reactivity perturbation caused by the difference between the
calculated neutron flux and true value, reducing the reactivity perturbation caused by
the calculation error of the neutron flux or shape function.
It is more precise to use * ( r, E , t ) as the weight function w ( r, E ) . However,
0* ( r, E ) ( r, E , t )
0 v( E )
dEdV K0 , (15)
where 0* ( r, E ) is the adjoint neutron flux distribution of the critical state at the
beginning of the rod drop measurement, v(E) is the neutron velocity, and K0 is an
arbitrary constant, which is 1 in this study.
2.2.3 Dynamic reactivity correction
The reactivity determined by the inverse kinetic Equation (1) is typically
considered the dynamic reactivity, which differs from the static reactivity. To remedy
the difference between calculated static reactivity and measured dynamic reactivity, a
dynamic reactivity correction is performed as follows:
st ,m Cdyn dyn ,m , (16)
st ,c
Cdyn , (17)
dyn ,c
substituting the calculated neutron flux amplitude function into the inverse kinetic
To perform the correction, the difference between the calculated static reactivity
and measured dynamic reactivity is determined via theoretical calculation. The static
neutron detector A
neutron detector B
(1) Build 3D MCNP and 3D dynamic calculation models.
(2) Calculate the static physical parameters.
(3) Constrain the detector neutron flux into the shape function, and modify the
measured neutron signal.
(4) Calculate the amplitude function p(t) of the dynamic rod drop process.
(5) Obtain the dynamic reactivity correction factor to determine the measured
final reactivity.
calculation models used for modification in this research were verified by
experimental critical control rod pattern. The results of the experimental critical
control rod pattern calculation by MCNP are presented in Table 1. The ENDF/B-VI
cross-section libraries were used in the MCNP code.
The detector was located outside the core, and the calculation result of the
detector neutron flux energy spectra remained the same before and after the rod drop.
Therefore, the neutron detector efficiency was assumed to be constant in the rod
ratio in Equation (10), the neutron detector in the model was simplified as a cylinder
with its shell, and each detector was located in a tube. The detector was located
approximately 10 cm above the bottom of the active core in the axial direction. The
sensitive height and radius of the detector were approximately 36 cm and 2.5 cm,
In this study, all of the static physical parameters were determined using the
MCNP code, such as the detector neutron flux ( rd , t ) , neutron velocity v, neutron
flux ( r, E , t ) , and adjoint neutron flux distribution in the core 0* ( r, E ) . The
dynamic physical parameter, which is the amplitude function p(t) in the rod drop
process, was calculated using TAPUX.
3.2 Calculation of static physical parameters
3.2.1 Detector neutron flux
The detector neutron flux ( rd , t ) was calculated using an MCNP neutron flux
tally card based on the previously mentioned MCNP calculation model. The geometry
split technique was used to improve the calculation efficiency. The calculated detector
performed using the neutron flux tally card. The volume tally mesh was in the XY
plane assembly-wise and 10 cm in the Z-direction.
3.2.3 Neutron velocity
The calculation of neutron velocity v in the core was realized using the tally
energy card and MCNP neutron flux tally card. The volume tally mesh was the same
each energy bin in each volume mesh and the relationship between energy and
velocity, the neutron velocity v was calculated as follows:
nV nE
Ei ,up Ei ,down
j 1 i 1 2
i , j
E (t ) nV nE
, (18)
j 1 i 1
i, j
2 E (t )
v (t ) . (19)
The average neutron energy in core E was determined by the upper and lower
energy boundaries and the corresponding neutron flux of each energy bin in the
volume tally mesh elements. nE is the number of energy bins in a volume tally mesh
element, and it was the same for all of the nV volume tally mesh elements.
3.2.4 Adjoint neutron flux
detector position ( rd , t ) , the adjoint neutron flux distribution in the core 0* ( r, E )
was calculated.
The proportionality of the iterated fission probability (IFP) to the adjoint flux was
demonstrated , and IFP was therefore calculated instead of the adjoint neutron flux
0* ( r, E ) , which was difficult to obtain using the MCNP code. IFP was determined
( )
s0 (1) s0 (2) s0 ( 1) s0 ( )
I FP ( 0 ) , (20)
s0 (0) s0 (1) s0 ( 2) s0 ( 1)
As the generation number, , increases, distributions of the neutron flux ( )
and the fission neutron emission (source) produced by the progenies converge to those
of the fundamental mode. s0 ( i ) is the number of fission neutrons of the i-th
generation; hence, the corresponding ratio s0 ( i ) / s0 ( i 1) can be written as k0 ( i ) ,
which can be estimated by the eigenvalue calculation in MCNP. [15] 0 is the initial
point source of IFP, and the IFP of 0 (r0 , E0 , 0 ) can be estimated by calculating
the initial source points at 0 . The IFP was calculated using Equation (21).
In the IFP calculation, k0 ( i ) was determined using k-collision, which was
printed in the MCNP output file. The IFP of every tally mesh element was determined
using a corresponding eigenvalue calculation. In every eigenvalue calculation,
sufficient neutrons were sampled by locating hundreds of homogenous source points
in the corresponding mesh grid.
The new method for calculating the shape part of the detector neutron flux
detector neutron flux ( rd , t ) and constraint factor of the shape function C(t).
For the static physical parameters calculated using the methods described in
Sections 3.2.2–3.2.4, the neutron flux in the core ( r, E , t ) was constrained into
The shape function satisfies the constraint condition Equation (15) when K0=1.
detector position ( rd , t ) as follows.
( rd , t )
( rd , t ) . (26)
C (t )
( rd , t )
( rd , t ) . (27)
( r , E ) ( r , E , t )
v( E )
can be determined using the detector neutron flux ( rd , t ) and constraint factor of the
accuracy due to the mesh precision and assumption that it does not change under
different control rod patterns.
3.3 Dynamic physical parameter calculations
The amplitude function p(t) was determined using TAPUX and the dynamic
model mentioned above.
The TAPUX code is a recently developed 3D two-group light water reactor core
analysis code by the Nuclear Engineering Computational Physics laboratory at Xi’an
Jiaotong University. It can be used by utilities to perform transient analysis in
neutronics. The code adopts the non-linear coarse-mesh finite difference method
based on the nodal methodology in steady-state and transient core calculations. The
frequency transform method was applied based on the θ method in time discretization.
Thus, the time step can be expanded to enhance the efficiency.
The cross-section of TAPUX was derived from the Bamboo lattice code ,
which was based on the ENDF/B7.0 library and 69-group lattice calculation. A
two-group homogenized cross-section was generated for each assembly and made into
a look-up table for the transient calculation in TAPUX considering the fuel
temperature feedback, coolant density, and control rod movements.
For the calculation, the control rod was dropped into the core for free fall, which
was the same as that in a real experiment situation. Thus, the amplitude function p(t)
in the rod drop process was determined.
3.4 Correction factor calculations
The shape function at detector position ( rd , t ) was determined using the static
physical parameters, which were calculated using the MCNP code. The detector
signal correction factors in multiple rod positions were calculated using Equation (10),
and the relationship between the correction factor and rod position was obtained by
high-order polynomial fitting. The detector signal correction factor curve is illustrated
in Fig. 3. Then, the raw signals NDet(t) were normalized and modified using Equation
We can see from the figure that the spatial effects of the #1 and #7 control rod
drops were significantly different. The detector signal correction factor of the #1
control rod changes greatly, especially when the rod drops to the bottom, while that of
the #7 rod stays near 1, fluctuating within approximately 4%. Hence, the raw data of
the #1 rod is considered to be “bad”, and that of the #7 rod is “good”.
Table 2. Dynamic reactivity correction factors
By substituting the amplitude function p(t) calculated with TAPUX into Equation
(1), the calculated dynamic reactivity dyn ,c was obtained. With the static keff
focused on the integral rod worth; hence, the corresponding dynamic reactivity
correction factor was calculated using Equation (17), and the results are listed in Table
2. The dynamic reactivity correction factors are close to 1, which means that the
dynamic effect is small during the process.
In references [22] and [23], the uncertainty was estimated using the standard
deviation, and a first-order Taylor formula was used to linearize and calculate an
references [22] and [23], the uncertainty of the detector signal correction factor Cdet
and the dynamic reactivity correction factor Cdyn were determined. Then, the
According to the uncertainty definition in reference [23], the relative uncertainty
was evaluated as the relative standard deviation. For the MCNP output, the relative
error was evaluated as the relative standard deviation. Thus, the relative uncertainties
Using the analytical method of the standard deviation , the relative
u(0,* m ( E )) u( I FP ,m ( ') ) ' u(k0 ,m ( i ) )
0,* m ( E )
I FP ,m ( ')
(i )
. (28)
k0 ,m
i 1
k0 ( i ) from different cycles were the same because the calculation condition was
unchanged even though the source points changed across cycles. Here, u(k0 (i ) ) / k0 (i )
was assumed to be the same in one critical calculation. Then, we obtained the relative
u( I FP ,m ( ') ) u(k0 ,m ( i ) )
' . (29)
I FP ,m ( ') k0 ,m ( i )
fundamental mode source condition was considered to be under the same simulation
conditions, and it was used to determine the relative uncertainty of k. Therefore,
we skipped 50 cycles and used the k of the last 50 cycles to calculate the relative
uncertainty of 0* ( r, E ) .
According to the uncertainty of keff, which is illustrated by the MCNP results, the
uncertainty of the dynamic reactivity correction factor Cdyn was determined. Using
u(Cdyn ) u(keff )
urel (Cdyn ) . (30)
Cdyn keff
Based on the above calculations, the relative uncertainty of the detector signal
correction factor Cdet was obtained, and the relative uncertainty curve of the detector
signal correction factor was obtained with the relative uncertainties at different rod
positions by fitting. Then, the relative uncertainty of the detector signal correction
factor Cdet and the dynamic reactivity correction factor Cdyn were propagated to the
reactivity. Using Equations (1), (9), and (16), the relative uncertainty caused by the
Fig. 4. Normalized detector signals before and after modification.
According to the measurement procedure described in Section 2.1, the detector
signal was obtained through experimentation. Because the control rod position
changes rapidly during the rod drop [24–26], the sample frequency was set to 100 Hz in
the measurement. Neutron detector A measured the neutron signal of control rod
cluster #1 dropping from the top to bottom, and neutron detector B measured that of
control rod cluster #7. The experimental data were normalized to N(0), and the data
were transformed into the relationship between the signal and relative control rod
position using the relationship between time and the relative control rod position
during the free fall rod drop process.
The normalized detector signal N(t)/N(0) is displayed in Fig. 4 (raw signal),
where the relative control rod position ‘1’ means that the rod is at the top of the core,
and the relative control rod position ‘0’ means that the rod is at the bottom of the core.
Using the signal modification procedure in Section 3, the detector signal
correction factor was determined, and the modified detector signal was obtained. The
normalized modified detector signal Nc(t)/Nc(0) is displayed in Fig. 4 (modified
signal). As illustrated in this figure, the detector signal falls rapidly during the rod
drop process, which is less than 1 s, and the signal decreases by approximately one
order of magnitude for the #1 rod.
By substituting the measured detector signal into the inverse kinetic equation, the
reactivity was obtained. The integral rod worth calculated with both raw and modified
data is listed in Table 3.
4.1.2 Results based on dynamic reactivity modification
The integral rod worth both with and without signal modification were modified
with dynamic reactivity correction factor Cdyn using Equation (16) are also displayed
in Table 3.
4.1.3 Final results
With both detector signal and dynamic reactivity modifications, the final results
were obtained, as exhibited in Table 3. The measurement result is compared with the
MCNP result, and the relative difference with the MCNP result is listed in the table.
Table 3. Comparison of modified integral rod worth
Relative difference 14.96% 5.22%
(with raw data)
As the results demonstrate, the discrepancy between the conventional rod drop
experimental technique and MCNP is large because of the spatial and dynamic effects
in the conventional measurement, while most of the modified results are improved.
4.2 Effect of constraining the shape function
As we discussed in Section, the purpose of constraining the shape
function is to reduce the reactivity perturbation caused by the calculation error of the
neutron flux or shape function. The raw signal was modified using the detector
neutron flux ( rd , t ) , which was calculated by MCNP without constraining the shape
function, and the rest of the modifications are the same as those previously mentioned.
Then, the final reactivities both with and without constraining the shape function were
The investigation was based on #1 rod drop data, and the spatial and dynamic
effects of the #1 rod were strong. In addition to the #1 rod drop measurement data,
other #1 rod drop measurement data were considered, where the data were measured
in another critical control rod pattern (critical control rod pattern 3 in Table 1). The
results are compared in Table 4.
The results indicated that constraining the shape function improves the reactivity
results. Although the improvement appears small and the constraint appears complex,
the absolute value of the reactivity improvement is considerable for such a reactivity
measurement scale. For small experimental reactors, the calculation cost of
constraining the shape function is acceptable, and constraining the shape function is
Table 4. Effect of constraining shape function in #1 rod drop measurement
(with constraining the shape ±Uncertainty (pcm) ±43.1 ±47.0
4.3 Discussion
The results of the #1 and #7 rods are substantially different. We think that this is
because the critical control rod patterns and the test control rod positions are different.
This causes a difference in neutron flux distribution, and thus, the reactivity worth for
these rods are different. Additionally, the detector positions are significantly different,
resulting in different signals and correction factors.
The results indicate that the modified rod drop experimental technique can
improve both “bad” and “good” raw data, and they can act as guidance for the
application of modified rod drop experimental techniques in large reactivity
The signal modification (modified results 1) demonstrated sufficient
performance in improving the results. With signal modification, both the #1 and #7
rod reactivity results were closer to the MCNP calculation.
The results were only worse with dynamic reactivity modification (modified
results 2). For modified results 2, the #7 rod reactivity was perfectly corrected, while
the #1 reactivity worsened. We think that this is because the dynamic effect is
determined by the dropped rod position and critical core configuration. The dynamic
correction factor was approximately 1.03 in the #1 rod measurement. The vectors of
the dynamic and spatial effects were in different directions, and that of the spatial
effect was much larger than that of the dynamic effect. Thus, only the dynamic
reactivity modification worsens the result. Thus, detector signal modification is
important and essential, and it dominates the modifications. Only the dynamic
reactivity modification was insufficient.
With both signal and dynamic reactivity modifications, the final reactivity agrees
well with the MCNP result, and the relative differences are much smaller than those
of the conventional rod drop experimental technique. Because the spatial and dynamic
effects are small in the #7 rod drop measurement, the final reactivity does not display
clear improvement compared to the results of single modification (modified results 1
and 2). The final reactivity of the #7 rod is superior to that of the conventional rod
drop experimental technique.
The results obtained with both “bad” (#1 rod) and “good” raw data (#7 rod) are
improved by the modified method, indicating that the modified rod drop experimental
technique can reduce the spatial and dynamic measurement effects. Hence, the
modified method is demonstrated to be more accurate than the conventional method
and valid.
5 Conclusions
In this study, a modified rod drop experimental technique was proposed, and it
was applied to large reactivity measurement. In the modification, static physical
parameters were calculated using the MCNP code, and dynamic physical parameters
were calculated using a transient code. The reactivity of the rod drop process, in
which large reactivity (approximately −5500 pcm) is locally inserted, was measured
using the modified rod drop experimental technique. The primary conclusions can be
drawn from the results as follows:
(1) When the large reactivity is locally inserted in the rod drop, the conventional
rod drop experimental technique accuracy is limited by the spatial effect and the
difference between the static reactivity and dynamic reactivity. The modified rod drop
experimental technique can reduce the spatial and dynamic effects in the
measurement, and it is more accurate and valid.
(2) The detector signal modification is important and essential, and it dominates
the modification of large reactivity measurement. Modifications based on MCNP
exhibit satisfactory results.
(3) The dynamic reactivity modification is necessary for large reactivity
(4) Constraining the shape function can reduce the reactivity perturbation caused
by the difference between the calculated neutron flux and its true value, and the
results suggest that the modification can improve the results.
The authors would like to thank Guoen Fu, Dong Wei, Yongmu Yang, Shibiao
Pan, Cuiyun Peng, Yonglin Zhang, Yan Guo, Jie He, Hang Zhou, Aining Deng, and
Yifan Zhang of the Reactor Engineering Research Sub-institute of the Nuclear Power
Institute of China for their help in the experiment related to this work.
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