Alfa Laval Welded Spiral Heat Exchangers Product Brochure en

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The ultimate problem solver

Alfa Laval welded spiral heat exchangers

Improving sustainability with
spiral heat exchangers
Alfa Laval’s range of welded spiral heat exchangers offer a robust and
reliable option for demanding liquid-to-liquid and two-phase duties,
with surprisingly low maintenance requirements. With over 80,000 units
delivered to support applications across all parts of the hydrocarbon
chain, wastewater, mining and much more, they are a well-proven
solution when other types of heat exchangers just don’t cut it.

High energy savings, SpiralPro will never foul up SpiralCond: the ideal solution for
low lifetime costs For processes involving fouling fluids, vacuum condensing
Alfa Laval spiral designs provide thermal sludges, emulsions, slurries, fibres or SpiralCond heat exchangers are a highly
efficiency 2-3 times that of comparable particle loaded liquids, nothing beats efficient solution for two-phase duties,
shell-and-tube heat exchangers. They the reliability of Alfa Laval SpiralPro with a compact, vertical configuration
can therefore recover much more waste heat exchangers. The SelfClean™ that offers a much smaller footprint than
heat, creating huge potential for design resists fouling and clogging with equivalent shell-and-tube heat exchang-
increased energy savings. Lower fuel dirty media that cause problems for ers. Each SpiralCond is fully customized
costs combined with reduced emissions any other type of heat exchanger. to the required duty, with channel
offer a smart way to improve the Maximum uptime and easy cleanability spacings adjusted to provide the lowest
sustainability of your processes and dramatically reduces operational pressure drop. They are therefore ideally
your profitability. expenses and simultaneously boosts suited to challenging vacuum condens-
production capacity. ing and evaporation duties.
At the same time, a compact design
reduces installation and materials costs, SpiralPro heat exchangers can be SpiralCond heat exchangers can be
while simplified service shrinks your configured for liquid-to-liquid duties or installed onto existing process columns
annual maintenance budget. This is why as steam heaters. or delivered as a stacked column for
you can expect a short payback time as applications involving multiple cooling
well as low total cost of ownership. media.

SpiralPro SpiralPro SpiralCond SpiralCond

for liquid-to-liquid duties for steam heater duties for vacuum condensing in stack configuration
and evaporation duties
Benefits to solve tough problems
Alfa Laval is the only supplier that has been developing spiral heat
exchangers for more than a half-century. Our extensive experience
in welded heat transfer technology means that our SpiralPro and
SpiralCond models offer benefits that you simply cannot find on
other types of heat exchangers:

• Improved heat recovery translates to

significant energy savings, along with
reduced fossil fuel consumption and
CO2 emissions

• Low installation and operational expenses,

along with improved energy efficiency,
result in short payback times

• Virtually no fouling or clogging in duties

involving very dirty, highly viscous or
particulate media

• Easy-to-open design makes cleaning quick

and simple, ensuring low maintenance costs

• Reduced pipework and steel structures

means lower installation costs.

SpiralPro SpiralCond
Available for liquid-to-liquid or steam Suitable for vacuum condensation or
heater duties evaporation duties
Can be configured onto existing process
columns or delivered as a stacked column for
applications involving multiple cooling media
Design temperature: Design temperature:
−100°C (−148°F) to 400°C (752°F) −100°C (−148°F) to 400°C (752°F)
Design pressure: Design pressure:
Full vacuum to 100 barg (1,450 psig) Full vacuum to 100 barg (1,450 psig)
Diff. pressure: Diff. pressure:
Up to 50 barg Up to 50 barg
Maximum heat transfer area: Maximum heat transfer area:
900 m2 (9,688 ft2) 2,500 m2 (26,910 ft2) (for stacked columns)
For more product information, visit
Unique features
Compared to other heat exchangers used in similar applications,
Alfa Laval spiral designs offer a more compact footprint with
increased thermal efficiency. They are also built with unique features
that ensure the most reliable performance:

SelfClean™ Relevant industries for Alfa Laval

Superior cleaning and extended spiral heat exchangers include:
A single channel for each fluid ensures • Petrochemical
reliable self-cleaning of the unit.
• Refinery

• Steel making

RollWeld™ • Pulp and paper

Automated, reliable channel
enclosure • Mineral processing (metals, ore)
An automated bending and welding
• Wastewater treatment (municipal
process for the closure of each channel
ensures consistent quality and reliability. and industrial)

• Pharmaceutical

HighP™ • Vegetable oil refining

A custom solution for high-
pressure duties • Natural gas processing
Circular shell design and a self-support-
ing internal coil improves mechanical
strength under high pressure.

Qualified support at your facility
True onsite service by skilled engineers,
anywhere in the world.
The ultimate solution
for ultimate uptime
Alfa Laval spiral heat exchangers are based on our ingenious
SelfClean™ design. A single channel for each media provides optimal
heat transfer and flow conditions for a wide variety of fluids – including
extremely dirty process media – while ensuring maximum uptime
within a reduced footprint.

Fouling is a thing of the past Eliminates dead spots Improved waste heat recovery
The SelfClean™ design makes Alfa The single-channel geometry offers Another secret behind the spiral is the
Laval SpiralPro heat exchangers the other important benefits as well. The true counter current flow, which enables
ultimate problem solvers for use with fluid is fully turbulent at a much lower crossing temperature situations where
media that foul or clog other types of velocity than in straight tube heat the cold fluid can be heated to
heat exchangers. The continuously exchangers, and each fluid travels at temperatures very close to those of the
curving, single-channel geometry constant velocity throughout the whole hot fluid. This effect is further enhanced
creates high turbulence to minimize unit. This eliminates the risk of dead by the high turbulence in the unit.
fouling from the start. If fouling does spots and stagnation for more efficient
start to occur, local velocity increases, heat transfer.
since the entire flow must still pass
through the channel. This creates a
scrubbing effect that flushes away any
accumulations of deposits as they form.
Frequent cleaning
a thing of the past
Mexichem, a global leader in plastic piping Due to incredibly frequent cleaning
systems and in the chemical/petrochemical needs from fouling, the facility required
two shell-and-tubes in alternating
industries, needed to increase its production operation in the PVC slurry interchanger
capacity to meet market demands. position.

Mexichem ordered two compact
SpiralPro models with high thermal
efficiency to replace the existing
shell-and-tubes. After seeing the results
of reduced fouling and increased
performance, Mexichem quickly
followed up with six additional units.

Annual steam savings: €110,000

The ultimate solution

to fouling problems
Leuna Germany’s MIDER refinery, owned by Because the media contained
Total S.A., originally installed two tubular heat suspended solids, the product sides of
the exchangers quickly clogged after a
exchangers for cooling bottoms product in short time in operation. Cleaning, which
their fluid catalytic cracking unit. was needed every ten days, required
3-4 days of downtime.

The MIDER refinery replaced the tubular
units with two Alfa Laval SpiralPro heat
exchangers. The SelfClean™ design
prevented fouling with the suspended
solids, meaning the units could run for
over three years without cleaning.

Capital payback time:
Less than one year, thanks to
reduced service costs
Service that keeps you growing

Our spiral heat exchangers are specially designed to keep maintenance

to an absolute minimum. But with Alfa Laval, service goes beyond the
equipment. With over 50 years of experience with this technology, we
can support you with unique expertise to help you get the most out of
your heat exchanger and keep your business growing.

Local support from Low maintenance, easy access You talk, we listen
experienced experts Alfa Laval spirals are designed for At Alfa Laval, development is based on
With a worldwide service network, Alfa lowest possible maintenance, with our close collaboration with customers.
Laval can make sure there is always a many customers going years before any You are our best source of information
local service technician with the training routine inspection or cleaning is needed. and inspiration, and better under­
and knowledge to support your When it is time to clean, easy-to-open standing your process challenges has
business. Our specialists are here to SpiralPro covers make access far taken our innovation further.
help throughout the entire lifetime of simpler than on comparable
To learn more about our complete
your equipment, from expert guidance technologies like shell-and-tube heat
service offering for spiral heat
during engineering, installation and exchangers. In fact, a quick hydro-
exchangers, and the ways our experts
commissioning, to advice on cleaning, blasting is typically all it takes to return
work with you to find the optimal
maintenance and operation throughout your unit to full performance. All of our
solution for your processes, visit:
the spiral’s long service life. When you spiral heat exchangers can also be
choose Alfa Laval, you are choosing a cleaned with a Cleaning-in-Place cycle
partner who will be at your side for the as needed.
long run.

Alfa Laval – welded spiral heat exchangers 7

About Alfa Laval
Alfa Laval is a leading global provider
of specialized products and engineered
Our equipment, systems and services
are dedicated to helping customers
to optimize the performance of their
processes. Time and time again.
We help our customers to heat, cool,
separate and transport products such
as oil, water, chemicals, beverages,
foodstuff, starch and pharmaceuticals.
Our worldwide organization works
closely with customers in almost 100
countries to help them stay ahead.

How to contact Alfa Laval

You can always find up-to-date Alfa
Laval contact details for all countries on
our website at

100001182-1-EN 1903

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