TVET Leadership and Management Course Guidebook

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Technical and Vocational Training Institute

Bahir Dar Satellite Campus

Department of Common Courses
TVET Leadership and Management
1. Instructor Information
Name Shegaw Molla Ejjigu
Office Location
Phone Number +251927322753
E-mail [email protected]
Office Hours Friday morning
2. Course Information
Course Name/Title TVET Leadership and Management
Course Code TvLm-3011
Credit hours 2Cr.Hrs /3 ECTS
Work load Lecture Tutorial Lab. Home study Assessment Total
32 32 ------ 66 5 135
Pre-requisite --/None
Target group UG students
Semester Year III, Semester I
Course of delivery Semester based
Status of the course Professional Course
3. Course Description and Objectives
 Course Description: This course introduces the students to work in a range of leadership and management settings. It
focuses on the application of concepts and theories, styles functions of leadership and management
based on global contexts. It also offers a unique combination of practiced based perspective on
leadership and management of TVET system. Students will assess leadership traits and skills to
improve their own performance.

Aim / Course At the end of this course, the learner will be able to:
objective:  Exercise an understanding of the fundamental ways of leadership practiced in the organization
 Analyze the different theory of leadership and management
 Analyze applicability of an integrated leadership and management Theories
 Communicate with confidence and clarity so that always understood use creative problem
solving and decision making methods
 Distinguish contexts and purposes in which TVET institutions functions, and merits strategic
responses to trends, challenges and opportunities
 Critic key elements and purposes institutional mission, vision and value statements to guide
strategic management of an institution

4. Method of Instruction
Class lectures 2 lecture hours every week
 Active learning (involves the full participation of students)
 Conducting the lecture using deductive and inductive methods according to the nature
of the topic provided.
 Use multi-media, Internet, e-learning written materials etc
In-class Tutorial 2 tutorial hours every alternative week.
(Evaluation)  Student shall perform the given assignments, solve assigned problems in the class,
prepares plans for project works.
 Discuss on problems associated with given course, raise questions that are unclear in
the lecture time and while reading the materials related to the course, answer questions
Study of lecture notes.  This is fully the responsibility of the student

Demonstrations Demonstrating through presentation, discussion and questioning and answering

Lab assignments -
Group Assignment  The student shall include him/herself in seminar-based projects which will take up with a
group of 5 students.
Individual assignment  The student shall perform the given assignment as per the schedule individually
5. Learning Outcomes
5.1 Knowledge: - After the completion of this course the student will be able to:
5.1.1 Have increased knowledge to understand and evaluate organizational, management and leadership problems and
5.1.2 Have increased knowledge and skills to design and change work organization, to contribute to work environments
in which everyone is able to contribute to organizational learning and success
5.1.3 Have increased awareness of his/her personal leadership style
5.1.4 Have strengthen his/her skills
5.2 Practical skills
5.2.1 Apply leadership styles using appropriate techniques
5.2.2 Solving defects and provide solutions
5.2.3 Implement conflict management system
5.2.4 Apply leadership theories based on the context of the organization

5.3 Attitude
-Develop professional ethics for Leadership and Management

6. Detail Course Outline

Chapter Week Topics to be covered (Lecture hours) Assignments/activity (Tutorial hours)

Chapter: 1 1.1 Leadership Vs management

Leadership and 1.2 Authority VS Responsibility Discussion in the class,
Management 1.3 Delegation Vs Acceptance
1.4 Roles and Relationships Lecture, discussion, questions and answers
1.5 The manager as a leader Tutorials and self-reading
1.6 Managing people issues
Chapter: 2 2. Theories of Leadership Discussion in the class, lecture, demonstration
Leadership 2.1.1 Blake Managerial Grid in the class
Theories 2.1.2 Path Goal Theory
2.1.3 Trait Theory
2.1.4 Theory X, Theory Y
2.1.5 Transformative Theory
2.1.5 Transactional Theory
2.1.6 Contingency Theory
2.1.7 Servant Theory

Chapter: 3 3.1 Leadership and Change Core making activities will be presented
Leadership and 3.1.1 Personal leadership
Change 3.1.2 Leadership Styles
3.1.3 Leadership of change
3.2 Appreciative inquiry
3.3 Appreciative Leadership
3.4 People’s reaction to change

Chapter: 4 4 Leadership skills class discussion and exercise, assignment

Leadership skills 4.1 Coaching skills
4.2 Leadership in groups
4.3 Building and leading efficient teams
4.4 Conflict Management and Handling
4.5 Communication Skills
4.6 Decision making skills
4.7 Staffing
4.8 Planning.
4.9 Organizing
4.10 Directing
4.11 Effective Resource Utilizations
4.11 Training and Development
4.12 Budgeting
4.13 Reporting
Chapter: 5 5 Addressing Ethics in Leadership -Class lecture
Addressing Ethics 5.1 The characteristics of an ethical Test and analyze defects in Colleges
in Leadership leader
5.2 Action of a leader
5.3 Goals of a leader
5.4 Sources of Power and Power of a
5.5 Value of a leader
Chapter: 6 6 Overcoming Obstacles -Class lecture
Overcoming 5.1 Concepts of Obstacles in the work Test and analyze defects in Colleges
Obstacles place
5.2 Obstacles in practice
5.3 Major obstacles from Path Goal
theory of motivation
5.4 Ways to solve obstacles
5.5 Methods of solving stress

Chapter: 7 7 Strategic Management -Class lecture

Strategic 7.1 Creation a vision, mission and values Test and strategic Management proposal
Management 7.2 SWOT Analysis development
7.3 Organizational Design
7.4 The basics of Planning process
7.5 Project proposal
Chapter:8 8 Global Trends and Perceptions -Class lecture
Global Trends and towards TVET Test and assignment
Perceptions 8.1 Global Trends
towards TVET 8.2 National Trends
8.3 Perception towards TVET
8.4 The Role TVET for development
8.5 National Framework of TVET
8.6 The new road map Policy

Exams and Continues assessment

Final Examination period

Suggested texts and reference materials
Reference Books References:
A Guide to the Leadership and Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)
Armstrong,M.N., Management Principles , Six Edition, Pearson Publishers, 2010
Blake, R.R., & Mouton, J.S. 1998. Building a Dynamic Corporation through Grid Organization
Development. Reading, USA: Addison Wesley.
Dembley, S., H Handbook for Management, Black well Publishers, 2011.
Fielder, F.E., Chemers, M.M., & Mahar, L. 2003 .Improving Leadership Effectiveness. New York,
NY: John Wiley.
Kretch, D., &Cretchfield, R.A. 2005. Theory and Problems of Management. New York, NY:
Kretch, D., Crutchfield, R.A., & Ballachey, E.I. 2000. Individual in Society. New York, NY:
Likert, R. 2007. New Patterns of Management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Manz, C.C., & Sims, H.P., Jr. 2007. Super leadership Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Maslow, A.H. 2002. A theory of human motivation. Review, 50: 370-396.
McGregor, D. 2000. The Human Side of Enterprise New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Stogdill, R. 2004. Personal factors associated with leadership. Journal of Applied Psychology,
January: 35-71.

10.Assessment methods
Type Weight submitting date Behavior and Criteria/ Assessment for
Mid semester Exam 20% As per the calendar of
the institute
Final semester Exam 40% As per the calendar of
the institute
Individual Assignment (cases on 20% Tir 1/2015 E.C
leadership and change in TVET)
Group assignment /Project with 20% Tir 26/2015 E.C
presentation (Filed visit about
leadership and management practices)
Total 100%
11. Academic Honesty
In all cases i.e. in performing assignments, project works and examinations, copying from others and using others’ work as
own is considered to be cheating and cheating is forbidden by the law of the academic principles and regulation of the
institute. Failure to do so will lead to take disciplinary action starting from canceling the results of the assignments; project
works, and examination up to the dismissal of the institute in consultation with the concerned body.
12. Submitting Date
All assignments, project works and laboratory reports should be submitted to the instructor according to the timetable
provided. All assignments, project works will be invalid if they are not submitted on time and will be reported to the
concerned body as miss conduct of the student.
13. Classroom Behavior
Classroom discipline is primary for healthy teaching learning process. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the class to avoid
disturbing behaviors and activities that competes the attention of the class and the instructor. Switching off the cell phone is
vital in the class. Failure to do so will lead to take disciplinary measure.
14. Approval
Name Signature Date
Section Head:
Department Head:

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