PWC It Internal Audit

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IT Internal Audit

Strengthen your IT
Internal Audit activities
The economic environment is changing, The main shortcomings, identified
triggered by ongoing disruption from emerging in 2019 during the “IT risk” on-site
technologies, new operating models, the inspections: IT governance, in particular
introduction of new regulations, the change the lack of IT strategy; IT security
driven by new market entrants or an increase in for management of cyber threats;
the customer expectation level. weak control environment on new IT
development practices; management of
In this context, the Internal Audit (IA) function IT risks with lack of risk coverage; lack of
has to deliver insight and value into key current coverage through IA missions.
and emerging risk areas of your business. CSSF Annual Report 2019

The top three risks currently facing

businesses in 10 European countries are:
cybersecurity and data security (79%),
regulatory change and compliance
(59%) and digitalisation, new technology
and AI (50%), based on Chief Audit
Executives voting. These were followed
by disaster and crisis response (34%),
and climate change and environmental
sustainability (22%).
IIA – Hot topics for internal auditors – 2021 report
Your challenges
IT universe preliminary Prioritisation of in- Developing your IT Designing of targeted
assessment from an scope areas for IT audit roadmap within and impactful work
IA view reviews your 3 years IA plan programs

Usage of new tools/ Keeping internal skills Having deeper and Automation of audit
new approaches and competencies up insightful findings for observations follow-
during each mission to date your IT up

How we can help

Through the below process, PwC Internal Audit specialists can assist you to deliver
insight and value through the audit of your IT universe.

Preliminary IT IT Internal Audit Mission setup Enhancement of your

Assessment Domains internal audit activity

We will support you to In order to define the We support you during We support your Internal
perform the preliminary detailed scope of IT the IT reviews, through Audit department to
IT assessment based on Internal Audit missions, different tailored solutions: enhance its activity with
COBIT 2019 framework, we propose to use a • Co-sourcing on your IT new solutions:
in order to identify the set of 12 IT Internal Internal Audit activity • Automation of data
most relevant IT domains Audit Domains, that is • GAP analysis against processing and
for future IT Internal Audit based on several best specific frameworks / dashboarding
missions. practice frameworks and standards • Automated audit of
regulatory requirements • Advisory / trainings / financial and non-
(e.g. COBIT, CIS, ISO 27k, workshops financial information
NIST, EBA Guidelines), for • End User Computing
which we have identified identification and control
the key areas to be in • In-depth analyses of
scope of the review. targeted processes
• Review of system
configurations and
• Online follow-up platform
for existing observations


Alexandre Lambin Antoine Videment Cristian Amancei

Partner, Internal Audit Director, IT Internal Audit Manager, IT Internal Audit
+352 49 48 48 42 26 +352 49 48 48 22 59 +352 49 48 48 29 73
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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