Imp Questions Final

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Qp. Qp.

No. U

Prove that R is not a vector space over the field C with usual addition and
scalar multiplication.

Define vector space V over the field F.

Define subspace of vector space V over the field F.

Prove that in a vector space V, the additive inverse is unique.

Prove that in a vector space V, the additive identity is unique.

Define vector space V over the field F.

Is the set of all points on the line x +y = 1 in the XY plane, a vector subspace
of R with respect to usual vector addition and scalar multiplication?

Define subspace with an example.

Is the union of subspaces of a vector space V is a subspace? Justify?

Define group with an example

How many properties to be satisfied for V to be a vector space over field F

Define field and give example.

Determine whether the following subset of the vector space R (R) is a 3

subspace.W ={(a ,a ,a ):2 a -7 a + a =0}

1 1 2 3 1 2 3

Determine whether the subset W={a1,a2,a3)belongs to R3:a1-a3=2} of the

vector space R3is a subspace of R3 under the operations of addition and
scalar multiplication defined on R3.

Determine whether the subset W={(a ,a ): 2a +3a =2} of the vector space R2
1 2 1 2

is a subspace.

Determine whether W={a1,a2,a3)belongs to R3:a1=3a2 & a3= -a2} is a subspace of R3

under the operations of addition and scalar multiplication defined on R3

Define abelian group and give example.

Determine whether the subset W={(a ,a ): 2a +3a =2} of the vector space R2 is a
1 2 1 2


Define linearly independent.

Define linearly dependent

Prove that the set S = {(1, 0, 0, -1), (0, 1, 0, -1), (0, 0, 1, -1), (0, 0, 0, 1)} is linearly

Prove that the standard basis in V3(R) is linearly independent.

Prove that the standard basis in V2R) is linearly independent.

Show that (1,0), (0,1) are linearly independent in R2.

Define a basis with an example

Write down the standard basis of V3(R).

Write down the standard basis of V2(R).

Write down the standard basis or R3

Write down the standard basis or R2

Define a basis with an example

Show that the transformation T : R3 → R 2defined by T(x, y, z) = (x+1, x + 2)


is not linear.

Show that the transformation T : R→ R defined by T(x) = x+3is linear.

Find whether the transformation T : R 3→R2 defined by 3

T(x, y) = (x + 1, 2y, x + y) is linear.

Show that the transformation T : R→ R defined by T(a) = a+5 is linear

Show that the transformation T : R→ R defined by T(y) = y+4 is linear

Show that the transformation T : R→ R defined by T(c) = c+2 is linear

Define kernel of a linear transformation.

Define Range of a linear transformation.

Define image of a linear transformation.

Define null space of a transformation.

Define Range of (T)

Define N(T)

Let defined by . Find the rank of T nullity

of T using dimension theorem.

Let be a mapping defined by T(a,b)= (a-b, b-a,-a).Find nullity of

T and Rank of T.

Define Rank of linear transformation.

Find the dimension of (1,2,3), (2,3,4), (3,4,5) in R3(R)

Define dimension .

Find the dimension of (1,2,3), (2,4,6) in . R3(R).

Let be defined by Find the matrix of T

relative to the standard basis.

Define onto mapping..

Define Zero transformation.

Let be defined by Find the matrix of T

relative to the standard basis.

Define linear transformation.

Define one to one mapping

Define identity transformation.

( )
2 2 1
1 3 1
Find the eigen values of the matrix
1 2 2
( )
2 2 1
1 3 1
If the eigen value of the matrix
1 2 2 are 1,1,5. Find eigen value of A-1.

( )
1 2 −2
1 0 3
Find the sum and product of eigen values of the matrix
−2 −1 −3

( )
3 0 0
8 4 0
Find the eigen values of the matrix
6 2 5

( )
3 0 0
8 4 0
Find the sum and product of all the eigen values of the matrix
6 2 5

Part – B ( 5 x 16 = 80 Marks)
Show that set of all mxn matriceswith real entries. Show that V is a vector
space over with respect to usual matrix addition done entry wise and usual
scalar multiplication done entry wise. Verify all the conditions of a vector
space (16)

Show that is a vector space over F with

respect to addition and scalar multiplication defined component wise.

Let V be the set of all 2x2 matrices with real entries. Show that V is a vector
space over with respect to usual matrix addition done entry wise and usual
scalar multiplication done entry wise. Verify all the conditions of a vector space.

Let V be the set of all polynomials of degree n, including the zero polynomial in
F[x].Then V is a vector space over F. (16)

Let V be the set of all positive real numbers. Define the addition and scalar
multiplication as follows . Test Whether V is a vector space
over R.

Let . Define addition component wise and scalar

multiplication by .Test Whether V is a vector space
over R. (16)

(i)A non-empty subset W of a vector space V(F) is a subspace of V if and

only if ∀ α , β ∈ W ⇒ α+ β ∈W .(ii )∀ a ∈ F , α ∈W , (8)
(ii) If V is a vector space over F then show that
(a) a0 = 0 for α ∈F, (b) (-a)α = a (-α) = -(aα ) for α∈V, a∈F .
(c) If α ≠ 0,then aα = 0 implies that a = 0. (8)

(i)A non-empty subset W of a vector space V(F) is a subspace of V if and

only if ∀ α , β ∈ W ⇒ α−β ∈ W .(ii)∀ a∈ F , α ∈ W , (8)
(ii) State and prove cancellation law of vector addition.

Let W1 and W2 be a subspaces of V(F). Then

W 1 ∪W 2 is a subspace of V(F) iff
W 1 ⊆W 2 or W 21 ⊆W 1 . (8)

([ ][ ])
1 −2 4 2 −4 8
3 0 −1 , 6 0 2
Show that the vectors in M 2 x 3 ( R) is linearly

State the necessary and sufficient condition for union of two subspaces. (16)

Prove that the union of two subspaces of a vector space V over F is a subspace of
V if and only if one is contained in the other. (16)

If V1 and V2 are 2 vector spaces. Then prove the condition for

V 1 ∪V 2 to be
vector space. (16)

Check whether W={(x,y,z)/x,y,z are rational numbers } is subspace ofV 3(R). (8)
Prove the necessary and sufficient condition for W to be subspace of V. (8)

(i)Prove that a non empty subset W of a vector space V over F is a subspace of V

if and only if a α +b α ∈W for all a, b ∈ F, α , α ∈w.
1 2 1 2

(ii)Check whether W={(2x,2y,3z)/x,y,z are real numbers } are subspace of


(i)State and prove single criterion test for subspace. (8)

(ii)Check whether W =¿ ¿} are subspace of V=V2(R).(8)
(i)Prove that intersection of two subspace is also a subspace of V.
(ii)Check whether W={(x,y,z)/x,y,z are rational numbers } is subspace ofV 3(R).

(i)Let 1 and 2 be vector spaces of V. Show that 1
V ∩V
2 is also a subspace of V.
(ii)Check whether W={(ax,by,cz)/x,y,z are real numbers } are subspace of V=V3(R)

(i)Prove that a non empty subset W of a vector space V over F is a subspace of V

if and only if for any a , b ∈ F , α , β ∈ V , aα+bβ ∈V .(8)
(ii)Check whether W={(2x,2y,3z)/x,y,z are real numbers } are subspace of V=V 3(R)

(i)Is the vectors (2, -5, 3) in V3(R) is linear combination of (1,-3,2), (2,-4,-1) and
(1,-5,7) . (8)
(ii)Determine whether the vectors (1,3,2), (3,-2,1) and (1,-6,-5) in R are linearly

dependent over R. (8)

(i)Can we able to express (3,7,-4) as a linear combination of (1,2,3), (2,3,7) and

(3,5,6). (8)
Show that the vectors (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1) belonging to R3 are linearly
independent over R. (8)

(i)Show that the vectors (3,0,-3), (-1,1,2), (4,2,-2), (2,1,1) are linearly dependent
over R. (8)
(ii) Is the vectors (2, -5, 3) in V3(R) is linear combination of (1,-3,2), (2,-4,-1) and

(i)Let V=P3(x) be a vector space of polynomials of degree ¿ 3 together with zero

polynomial over R. Check whether x3-3x2+5x+1, x3-x2+8x+2, 2x3-4x2+9x+5 are
linearly independent or not. (8)
Is the vectors (2, -5, 3) in V3(R) is linear combination of (1,-3,2), (2,-4,-1) and
(1,-5,7) (8)

(i)Determine whether (1,3,-1,4), (3,8,-5,7), (2,9,4,23) are linearly independent or

not. (8)
(ii)Is the vectors (2, -5, 3) in V3(R) is linear combination of (1,-3,2), (2,-4,-1) and
(1,-5,7) (8)

(i)Determine whether (1,-2,,4,1), (2,1,0,-3), (1,-6,1,4) are linearly independent or

not. (8)
(ii)Is the vectors (2, -5, 3) in V3(R) is linear combination of (1,-3,2), (2,-4,-1) and
(1,-5,7) (8)

D(V )=
(i)Check whether the transformation D : V →V defined by dx for all
v ∈ V where V=P(x) linear or not. (8)
(ii)Let U and V be two vector spaces over the field F. If T : U →V be a linear
transformation. Then show that (i) T(O)=O (ii)T (−α ) =−T (α ) (iii) T (α−β ) =
T (α )−T ( β ) for any α ,β ∈ V (8)

I (V )=∫ vdx
(i)Check whether the transformation I : V →V defined by 0 for all
v ∈ V where V=P(x) linear or not. (8)
(ii) Let U and V be two vector spaces over the field F. If T : U →V be a linear
transformation.Then show that R(T) is a subspace of V. (8)

( T :V 3 ( R )→V 2 ( R) given by T (a , b , c )=(a+b ,2 c−a). Find the matrix

representation of T with respect to standard basis. (8)
(ii) Show that Nulity of T is subspace of U.
T : R 3 → R2 given by T ( x , y , z )=( x + y , 2 z−x ). Find the matrix
representation of T with respect to standard basis. (8)
(ii) Show that kernel of T is subspace of U. (8)

T :V 3 ( R )→V 2 ( R) given by T ( x , y , z )=( x + y , 2 z−x ). Find the matrix

representation of T with respect to (1, 0, -1), (1,1,1), (1,0,0) as basis in
V 3 (R ) and
(0,1) (1,0) as basis in V 2 (R ) . (8)
(ii) Show that image of T is subspace of V if T : U →V (8)

T :V 3 ( R )→V 4 (R ) given by T (a , b , c )=(a+b +c , 2 a+ z, 2 b−c , 6 b ). Find

the matrix representation of T with respect to standard basis. (16)

2 3
Verify dimension theorem for T : R → R defined by
T (a1 , a 2 )=(a 1 +a2 ,0 , 2 a 1−a2 ) (16)

Verify dimension theorem for T : R → R defined by T ( x, y , z )=(2 x− y , 3 z)

3 2


Verify dimension theorem for T : R → R defined by T ( x , y , z )=x− y , 2 z )

3 2


3 3
Verify dimension theorem for T : R → R defined by
T ( x , y , z )=( x +2 y−z , y+ z, x+ y−2 z) (16)
3 3
Verify dimension theorem for T : R → R defined by
T (a , b , c )=(a+2 b−c , b+c , a+b−2 c ) (16)
2 3
Verify dimension theorem for T : R → R defined by
T (a1 , a 2 )=(a 1 +a2 ,0 , 2 a 1−a2 ) (16)

( )
1 1 3
1 5 1
Test whether the matrix
3 1 1 is diagonalizable,if so find the modal matrix.

( )
8 −6 2
−6 7 −4
Diagonalise the matrix A=
2 −4 3 by means of orthogonal
transformation. (16)
( )
6 −2 2
−2 3 −1
Diagonalise the matrix A=
2 −1 3 by means of orthogonal
transformation. (16)

( )
3 1 1
1 3 −1
Diagonalise the matrix A=
1 −1 3 by means of orthogonal

( )
2 1 −1
1 1 −2
Diagonalise the matrix A=
−1 −2 1 by means of orthogonal

( )
7 −2 0
−2 6 −2
Diagonalise the matrix A=
0 −2 5 by means of orthogonal reduction.

State and prove Sylvesters law. (16)

If U and V are vector spaces over the field F. Let T : U →V be linear

transformation. If U is of finite dimensional the rank(T)+ Nulity of (T)=dimension of
U (16)

State and prove Dimension theorem. (16)

State and prove Rank nullity theorem. (16)

State and prove Sylvesters law. (16)

State and prove Dimension theorem. (16)

Show that
( )( )( )( )
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 linear span M2(R). (16)

Show that the polynomials x 2 +3 x−2 , 2 x 2 +5 x−3 , −x 2 −4 x+4 generate

P2(R) (16)

Show that
( )( )( )( )
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 generate M2(R). (16)

Show that the polynomials

2 x 3−2 x 2 +12 x−6 is linear combination of x 3 −2 x 2 −5 x−3 and 3 x 3 −2 x 2 +7 x+8

Show that the first polynomial

x 3 −3 x −5 , can be exp ressed as linear combination of 2 x 2−x +1 , x 3 +3 x 2 −1

Show that
(10 00 ) (00 10 ) (01 00 ) (00 01 ) generate M2(R).

Let T be a linear operator on P (R) given by

2 Find
the matrix of T in an ordered basis B such that matrix of is diagonalizable (16)

Let T be a linear operator on P (R) given by

2 . Find
the matrix of T in an ordered basis B such that matrix of is diagonalizable.

Let T be a linear operator on P (R) given by

2 Find
the matrix of T in an ordered basis B such that matrix of is diagonalizable.
' ''
Let T be a linear operator on P (R) given by T ( f ( x )=f ( x )+ x f ( x )+ f ( x ). Find

the matrix of T in an ordered basis B such that matrix of is diagonalizable. (16)

Let T be a linear operator on P (R) given by

2 . Find
the matrix of T in an ordered basis B such that matrix of is diagonalizable.
' ''
Let T be a linear operator on P (R) given by T ( f ( x )=f ( x )+ x f ( x )+ f ( x ). Find

the matrix of T in an ordered basis B such that matrix of is diagonalizable. (16)

16.b 4

16.b 5

16.b 6

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