BPCL IRIS - VA Configuration - User Manual v1

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Step 1: User to login to IRIS Portal using the Link https://iris.bpcl.


Click on “LOGIN”
Step 2: Click on VA Configuration from the respective BU dropdown menu

Click on “VA
Step 3: On VA Configuration Homepage, enter respective location SAP ID

Enter respective
Location’s SAP ID and
click on “search”

• If Location details does not appear post clicking search, please

contact IRIS Service Desk to have the EDGE Device registered on
IRIS portal.
• Post successful registration, you should be able to see the EDGE
device details pertaining to your Location
Step 4: After entering SAP ID, following screen will appear with EDGE Device and Location Details

Click on “Manage
Camera” to update
Camera details
User can view respective
Edge Device ID, SAP ID,
Location Name, Device
Status & Device
deployment date
Step 5: After clicking Manage camera, following screen will appear to update Camera Details

Click on “Add New Camera” to

update camera details

User can see Camera name, IP

Address, RTSP URL, Connectivity
status, Prioritized Use-case &
Action buttons
Step 6: Following POP UP would appear once User clicks on Add New Camera

Update Camera IP Address, Camera

Name and RTSP URL and click on
“submit” (please note that special
characters are NOT allowed for
Camera Name)

• Please repeat Step 5 & 6, in case multiple Camera

details needs to be added
• Please DO NOT use similar Camera Name, IP
Address and RTSP URL for multiple cameras
Step 7: How to configure camera wise Use cases and update camera details

VA Summary including EDGE

Device, Location and Camera

Click to refresh (in

case connectivity
status is not visible
post 40 seconds)

Option to Edit/Delete
the Camera Details

Click on “configure” to update

Once Camera details camera wise Use case (please
are updated, camera repeat this step for all
connectivity status Camera’s listed)
would be visible
Step 8A: How to configure camera wise Use case
Step E: Click “Back” to
move back to
homepage and Activate
EDGE Device (Step 9)

Step A: Select the Use

case which needs to be
enabled for the
selected camera

Step B: Click here to

set Area of Interest for
the selected use case
(please refer to the
next slide to view AOI)

Step D: Once selection

is done, please click
on Update
User can view the Step C: Select the Start
• Same Camera can be used to select multiple use summary once the Time & End Time for
cases camera configuration is the selected use case
• Repeat Steps A to D if more than 1 use case needs done to run
to be enabled for same camera
Step 8B: How to update Area of Interest (AOI)

Please follow the

instructions to select
Area of Interest
Step 9: Activation of EDGE Device with selected Use case

Click on Activate once

all listed cameras
details and use cases
are configured
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