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read the evidence at the inquest, which led up to a verdict of wilful murder against some person or persons

unknown, I realized more clearly than I had ever done the loss which the community had sustained by the
death of Sherlock Holmes. There were points about this strange business which would, I was sure, have
specially appealed to him, and the efforts of the police would have been supplemented, or more probably
anticipated, by the trained observation and the alert mind of the first criminal agent in Europe. All day as I
drove upon my round I turned over the case in my mind, and found no explanation which appeared to me
to be adequate. At the risk of telling a twice-told tale I will recapitulate the facts as they were known to the
public at the conclusion of the inquest. The Honourable Ronald Adair was the second son of the Earl of
Maynooth, at that time Governor of one of the Australian Colonies. Adair’s mother had returned from
Australia to undergo the operation for cataract, and she, her son Ronald, and her daughter Hilda were living
together at 427, Park Lane. The youth moved in the best society, had, so far as was known, no enemies, and
no particular vices. He had been engaged to Miss Edith Woodley, of Carstairs, but the engagement had been
broken off by mutual consent some months before, and there was no sign that it had left any very profound
feeling behind it. For the rest the man’s life moved in a narrow and conventional circle, for his habits were
quiet and his nature unemotional. Yet it was upon this easy-going young aristocrat that death came in most
strange and unexpected form between the hours of ten and eleven-twenty on the night of March 30, 1894.
Ronald Adair was fond of cards, playing continually, but never for such stakes as would hurt him. He was a
member of the Baldwin, the Cavendish, and the Bagatelle card clubs. It was shown that after dinner on the
day of his death he had played a rubber of whist at the latter club. He had also played there in the
afternoon. The evidence of those who had played with him—Mr. The Return of Sherlock Holmes Arthur
Conan Doyle Elecbook Classics 14 Murray, Sir John Hardy, and Colonel Moran—showed that the game was
whist, and that there was a fairly equal fall of the cards. Adair might have lost five pounds, but not more. His
fortune was a considerable one, and such a loss could not in any way affect him. He had played nearly every
day at one club or other, but he was a cautious player, and usually rose a winner. It came out in evidence
that in partnership with Colonel Moran he had actually won as much as four hundred and twenty pounds in
a sitting some weeks before from Godfrey Milner and Lord Balmoral. So much for his recent history, as it
came out at the inquest. On the evening of the crime he returned from the club exactly at ten. His mother
and sister were out spending the evening with a relation. The servant deposed that she heard him enter the
front room on the second floor, generally used as his sitting-room. She had lit a fire there, and as it smoked
she had opened the window. No sound was heard from the room until eleven-twenty, the hour of the
return of Lady Maynooth and her daughter. Desiring to say good-night, she had attempted to enter her
son’s room. The door was locked on the inside, and no answer could be got to their cries and knocking. Help
was obtained and the door forced. The unfortunate young man was found lying near the table. His head had
been horribly mutilated by an expanding revolver bullet, but no weapon of any sort was to be found in the
room. On the table lay two bank-notes for ten pounds each and seventeen pounds ten in silver and gold,
the money arranged in little piles of varying amount. There were some figures also upon a sheet of paper
with the names of some club friends opposite to them, from which it was conjectured that before his death
he was endeavouring to make out his losses or winnings at cards. A minute examination of the
circumstances served only to make the case more complex. In the first place, no reason could be given why
the young man should have fastened the door upon the inside. There was the possibility The Return of
Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle Elecbook Classics 15 that the murderer had done this and had
afterwards escaped by the window. The drop was at least twenty feet, however, and a bed of crocuses in full
bloom lay beneath. Neither the flowers nor the earth showed any sign of having been disturbed, nor were
there any marks upon the narrow strip of grass which separated the house from the road. Apparently,
therefore, it was the young man himself who had fastened the door. But how did he come by his death? No
one could have climbed up to the window without leaving traces. Suppose a man had fired through the
window, it would indeed be a remarkable shot who could with a revolver inflict so deadly a wound. Again,
Park Lane is a frequented thoroughfare, and there is a cab-stand within a hundred yards of the house. No
one had heard a shot. And yet there was the dead man, and there the revolver bullet, which had
mushroomed out, as softnosed bullets will, and so inflicted a wound which must have caused instantaneous
death. Such were the circumstances of the Park Lane Mystery, which were further complicated by entire
absence of motive, since, as I have said, young Adair was not known to have any enemy, and no attempt
had been made to remove the money or valuables in the room. All day I turned these facts over in my mind,
endeavouring to hit upon some theory which could reconcile them all, and to find that line of least
resistance which my poor friend had declared to be the starting-point of every investigation. I confess that I
made little progress. In the evening I strolled across the Park, and found myself about six o’clock at the
Oxford Street end of Park Lane. A group of loafers upon the pavements, all staring up at a particular
window, directed me to the house which I had come to see. A tall, thin man with coloured glasses, whom I
strongly suspected of being a plain-clothes detective, was pointing out some theory of his own, while the
others crowded round to listen to what he said. I got as near him as I could, but his observations seemed to
me to be absurd, so I withdrew again in some disgust. As I did so I struck against an elderly deformed man,
who had been read the evidence at the inquest, which led up to a verdict of wilful murder against some
person or persons unknown, I realized more clearly than I had ever done the loss which the community had
sustained by the death of Sherlock Holmes. There were points about this strange business which would, I
was sure, have specially appealed to him, and the efforts of the police would have been supplemented, or
more probably anticipated, by the trained observation and the alert mind of the first criminal agent in
Europe. All day as I drove upon my round I turned over the case in my mind, and found no explanation
which appeared to me to be adequate. At the risk of telling a twice-told tale I will recapitulate the facts as
they were known to the public at the conclusion of the inquest. The Honourable Ronald Adair was the
second son of the Earl of Maynooth, at that time Governor of one of the Australian Colonies. Adair’s mother
had returned from Australia to undergo the operation for cataract, and she, her son Ronald, and her
daughter Hilda were living together at 427, Park Lane. The youth moved in the best society, had, so far as
was known, no enemies, and no particular vices. He had been engaged to Miss Edith Woodley, of Carstairs,
but the engagement had been broken off by mutual consent some months before, and there was no sign
that it had left any very profound feeling behind it. For the rest the man’s life moved in a narrow and
conventional circle, for his habits were quiet and his nature unemotional. Yet it was upon this easy-going
young aristocrat that death came in most strange and unexpected form between the hours of ten and
eleven-twenty on the night of March 30, 1894. Ronald Adair was fond of cards, playing continually, but
never for such stakes as would hurt him. He was a member of the Baldwin, the Cavendish, and the Bagatelle
card clubs. It was shown that after dinner on the day of his death he had played a rubber of whist at the
latter club. He had also played there in the afternoon. The evidence of those who had played with him—Mr.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle Elecbook Classics 14 Murray, Sir John Hardy, and
Colonel Moran—showed that the game was whist, and that there was a fairly equal fall of the cards. Adair
might have lost five pounds, but not more. His fortune was a considerable one, and such a loss could not in
any way affect him. He had played nearly every day at one club or other, but he was a cautious player, and
usually rose a winner. It came out in evidence that in partnership with Colonel Moran he had actually won
as much as four hundred and twenty pounds in a sitting some weeks before from Godfrey Milner and Lord
Balmoral. So much for his recent history, as it came out at the inquest. On the evening of the crime he
returned from the club exactly at ten. His mother and sister were out spending the evening with a relation.
The servant deposed that she heard him enter the front room on the second floor, generally used as his
sitting-room. She had lit a fire there, and as it smoked she had opened the window. No sound was heard
from the room until eleven-twenty, the hour of the return of Lady Maynooth and her daughter. Desiring to
say good-night, she had attempted to enter her son’s room. The door was locked on the inside, and no
answer could be got to their cries and knocking. Help was obtained and the door forced. The unfortunate
young man was found lying near the table. His head had been horribly mutilated by an expanding revolver
bullet, but no weapon of any sort was to be found in the room. On the table lay two bank-notes for ten
pounds each and seventeen pounds ten in silver and gold, the money arranged in little piles of varying
amount. There were some figures also upon a sheet of paper with the names of some club friends opposite
to them, from which it was conjectured that before his death he was endeavouring to make out his losses or
winnings at cards. A minute examination of the circumstances served only to make the case more complex.
In the first place, no reason could be given why the young man should have fastened the door upon the
inside. There was the possibility The Return of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle Elecbook Classics 15
that the murderer had done this and had afterwards escaped by the window. The drop was at least twenty
feet, however, and a bed of crocuses in full bloom lay beneath. Neither the flowers nor the earth showed
any sign of having been disturbed, nor were there any marks upon the narrow strip of grass which
separated the house from the road. Apparently, therefore, it was the young man himself who had fastened
the door. But how did he come by his death? No one could have climbed up to the window without leaving
traces. Suppose a man had fired through the window, it would indeed be a remarkable shot who could with
a revolver inflict so deadly a wound. Again, Park Lane is a frequented thoroughfare, and there is a cab-stand
within a hundred yards of the house. No one had heard a shot. And yet there was the dead man, and there
the revolver bullet, which had mushroomed out, as softnosed bullets will, and so inflicted a wound which
must have caused instantaneous death. Such were the circumstances of the Park Lane Mystery, which were
further complicated by entire absence of motive, since, as I have said, young Adair was not known to have
any enemy, and no attempt had been made to remove the money or valuables in the room. All day I turned
these facts over in my mind, endeavouring to hit upon some theory which could reconcile them all, and to
find that line of least resistance which my poor friend had declared to be the starting-point of every
investigation. I confess that I made little progress. In the evening I strolled across the Park, and found myself
about six o’clock at the Oxford Street end of Park Lane. A group of loafers upon the pavements, all staring
up at a particular window, directed me to the house which I had come to see. A tall, thin man with coloured
glasses, whom I strongly suspected of being a plain-clothes detective, was pointing out some theory of his
own, while the others crowded round to listen to what he said. I got as near him as I could, but his
observations seemed to me to be absurd, so I withdrew again in some disgust. As I did so I struck against an
elderly deformed man, who had been read the evidence at the inquest, which led up to a verdict of wilful
murder against some person or persons unknown, I realized more clearly than I had ever done the loss
which the community had sustained by the death of Sherlock Holmes. There were points about this strange
business which would, I was sure, have specially appealed to him, and the efforts of the police would have
been supplemented, or more probably anticipated, by the trained observation and the alert mind of the
first criminal agent in Europe. All day as I drove upon my round I turned over the case in my mind, and
found no explanation which appeared to me to be adequate. At the risk of telling a twice-told tale I will
recapitulate the facts as they were known to the public at the conclusion of the inquest. The Honourable
Ronald Adair was the second son of the Earl of Maynooth, at that time Governor of one of the Australian
Colonies. Adair’s mother had returned from Australia to undergo the operation for cataract, and she, her
son Ronald, and her daughter Hilda were living together at 427, Park Lane. The youth moved in the best
society, had, so far as was known, no enemies, and no particular vices. He had been engaged to Miss Edith
Woodley, of Carstairs, but the engagement had been broken off by mutual consent some months before,
and there was no sign that it had left any very profound feeling behind it. For the rest the man’s life moved
in a narrow and conventional circle, for his habits were quiet and his nature unemotional. Yet it was upon
this easy-going young aristocrat that death came in most strange and unexpected form between the hours
of ten and eleven-twenty on the night of March 30, 1894. Ronald Adair was fond of cards, playing
continually, but never for such stakes as would hurt him. He was a member of the Baldwin, the Cavendish,
and the Bagatelle card clubs. It was shown that after dinner on the day of his death he had played a rubber
of whist at the latter club. He had also played there in the afternoon. The evidence of those who had played
with him—Mr. The Return of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle Elecbook Classics 14 Murray, Sir John
Hardy, and Colonel Moran—showed that the game was whist, and that there was a fairly equal fall of the
cards. Adair might have lost five pounds, but not more. His fortune was a considerable one, and such a loss
could not in any way affect him. He had played nearly every day at one club or other, but he was a cautious
player, and usually rose a winner. It came out in evidence that in partnership with Colonel Moran he had
actually won as much as four hundred and twenty pounds in a sitting some weeks before from Godfrey
Milner and Lord Balmoral. So much for his recent history, as it came out at the inquest. On the evening of
the crime he returned from the club exactly at ten. His mother and sister were out spending the evening
with a relation. The servant deposed that she heard him enter the front room on the second floor, generally
used as his sitting-room. She had lit a fire there, and as it smoked she had opened the window. No sound
was heard from the room until eleven-twenty, the hour of the return of Lady Maynooth and her daughter.
Desiring to say good-night, she had attempted to enter her son’s room. The door was locked on the inside,
and no answer could be got to their cries and knocking. Help was obtained and the door forced. The
unfortunate young man was found lying near the table. His head had been horribly mutilated by an
expanding revolver bullet, but no weapon of any sort was to be found in the room. On the table lay two
bank-notes for ten pounds each and seventeen pounds ten in silver and gold, the money arranged in little
piles of varying amount. There were some figures also upon a sheet of paper with the names of some club
friends opposite to them, from which it was conjectured that before his death he was endeavouring to
make out his losses or winnings at cards. A minute examination of the circumstances served only to make
the case more complex. In the first place, no reason could be given why the young man should have
fastened the door upon the inside. There was the possibility The Return of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan
Doyle Elecbook Classics 15 that the murderer had done this and had afterwards escaped by the window.
The drop was at least twenty feet, however, and a bed of crocuses in full bloom lay beneath. Neither the
flowers nor the earth showed any sign of having been disturbed, nor were there any marks upon the
narrow strip of grass which separated the house from the road. Apparently, therefore, it was the young man
himself who had fastened the door. But how did he come by his death? No one could have climbed up to
the window without leaving traces. Suppose a man had fired through the window, it would indeed be a
remarkable shot who could with a revolver inflict so deadly a wound. Again, Park Lane is a frequented
thoroughfare, and there is a cab-stand within a hundred yards of the house. No one had heard a shot. And
yet there was the dead man, and there the revolver bullet, which had mushroomed out, as softnosed
bullets will, and so inflicted a wound which must have caused instantaneous death. Such were the
circumstances of the Park Lane Mystery, which were further complicated by entire absence of motive, since,
as I have said, young Adair was not known to have any enemy, and no attempt had been made to remove
the money or valuables in the room. All day I turned these facts over in my mind, endeavouring to hit upon
some theory which could reconcile them all, and to find that line of least resistance which my poor friend
had declared to be the starting-point of every investigation. I confess that I made little progress. In the
evening I strolled across the Park, and found myself about six o’clock at the Oxford Street end of Park Lane.
A group of loafers upon the pavements, all staring up at a particular window, directed me to the house
which I had come to see. A tall, thin man with coloured glasses, whom I strongly suspected of being a plain-
clothes detective, was pointing out some theory of his own, while the others crowded round to listen to
what he said. I got as near him as I could, but his observations seemed to me to be absurd, so I withdrew
again in some disgust. As I did so I struck against an elderly deformed man, who had been read the evidence
at the inquest, which led up to a verdict of wilful murder against some person or persons unknown, I
realized more clearly than I had ever done the loss which the community had sustained by the death of
Sherlock Holmes. There were points about this strange business which would, I was sure, have specially
appealed to him, and the efforts of the police would have been supplemented, or more probably
anticipated, by the trained observation and the alert mind of the first criminal agent in Europe. All day as I
drove upon my round I turned over the case in my mind, and found no explanation which appeared to me
to be adequate. At the risk of telling a twice-told tale I will recapitulate the facts as they were known to the
public at the conclusion of the inquest. The Honourable Ronald Adair was the second son of the Earl of
Maynooth, at that time Governor of one of the Australian Colonies. Adair’s mother had returned from
Australia to undergo the operation for cataract, and she, her son Ronald, and her daughter Hilda were living
together at 427, Park Lane. The youth moved in the best society, had, so far as was known, no enemies, and
no particular vices. He had been engaged to Miss Edith Woodley, of Carstairs, but the engagement had been
broken off by mutual consent some months before, and there was no sign that it had left any very profound
feeling behind it. For the rest the man’s life moved in a narrow and conventional circle, for his habits were
quiet and his nature unemotional. Yet it was upon this easy-going young aristocrat that death came in most
strange and unexpected form between the hours of ten and eleven-twenty on the night of March 30, 1894.
Ronald Adair was fond of cards, playing continually, but never for such stakes as would hurt him. He was a
member of the Baldwin, the Cavendish, and the Bagatelle card clubs. It was shown that after dinner on the
day of his death he had played a rubber of whist at the latter club. He had also played there in the
afternoon. The evidence of those who had played with him—Mr. The Return of Sherlock Holmes Arthur
Conan Doyle Elecbook Classics 14 Murray, Sir John Hardy, and Colonel Moran—showed that the game was
whist, and that there was a fairly equal fall of the cards. Adair might have lost five pounds, but not more. His
fortune was a considerable one, and such a loss could not in any way affect him. He had played nearly every
day at one club or other, but he was a cautious player, and usually rose a winner. It came out in evidence
that in partnership with Colonel Moran he had actually won as much as four hundred and twenty pounds in
a sitting some weeks before from Godfrey Milner and Lord Balmoral. So much for his recent history, as it
came out at the inquest. On the evening of the crime he returned from the club exactly at ten. His mother
and sister were out spending the evening with a relation. The servant deposed that she heard him enter the
front room on the second floor, generally used as his sitting-room. She had lit a fire there, and as it smoked
she had opened the window. No sound was heard from the room until eleven-twenty, the hour of the
return of Lady Maynooth and her daughter. Desiring to say good-night, she had attempted to enter her
son’s room. The door was locked on the inside, and no answer could be got to their cries and knocking. Help
was obtained and the door forced. The unfortunate young man was found lying near the table. His head had
been horribly mutilated by an expanding revolver bullet, but no weapon of any sort was to be found in the
room. On the table lay two bank-notes for ten pounds each and seventeen pounds ten in silver and gold,
the money arranged in little piles of varying amount. There were some figures also upon a sheet of paper
with the names of some club friends opposite to them, from which it was conjectured that before his death
he was endeavouring to make out his losses or winnings at cards. A minute examination of the
circumstances served only to make the case more complex. In the first place, no reason could be given why
the young man should have fastened the door upon the inside. There was the possibility The Return of
Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle Elecbook Classics 15 that the murderer had done this and had
afterwards escaped by the window. The drop was at least twenty feet, however, and a bed of crocuses in full
bloom lay beneath. Neither the flowers nor the earth showed any sign of having been disturbed, nor were
there any marks upon the narrow strip of grass which separated the house from the road. Apparently,
therefore, it was the young man himself who had fastened the door. But how did he come by his death? No
one could have climbed up to the window without leaving traces. Suppose a man had fired through the
window, it would indeed be a remarkable shot who could with a revolver inflict so deadly a wound. Again,
Park Lane is a frequented thoroughfare, and there is a cab-stand within a hundred yards of the house. No
one had heard a shot. And yet there was the dead man, and there the revolver bullet, which had
mushroomed out, as softnosed bullets will, and so inflicted a wound which must have caused instantaneous
death. Such were the circumstances of the Park Lane Mystery, which were further complicated by entire
absence of motive, since, as I have said, young Adair was not known to have any enemy, and no attempt
had been made to remove the money or valuables in the room. All day I turned these facts over in my mind,
endeavouring to hit upon some theory which could reconcile them all, and to find that line of least
resistance which my poor friend had declared to be the starting-point of every investigation. I confess that I
made little progress. In the evening I strolled across the Park, and found myself about six o’clock at the
Oxford Street end of Park Lane. A group of loafers upon the pavements, all staring up at a particular
window, directed me to the house which I had come to see. A tall, thin man with coloured glasses, whom I
strongly suspected of being a plain-clothes detective, was pointing out some theory of his own, while the
others crowded round to listen to what he said. I got as near him as I could, but his observations seemed to
me to be absurd, so I withdrew again in some disgust. As I did so I struck against an elderly deformed man,
who had been read the evidence at the inquest, which led up to a verdict of wilful murder against some
person or persons unknown, I realized more clearly than I had ever done the loss which the community had
sustained by the death of Sherlock Holmes. There were points about this strange business which would, I
was sure, have specially appealed to him, and the efforts of the police would have been supplemented, or
more probably anticipated, by the trained observation and the alert mind of the first criminal agent in
Europe. All day as I drove upon my round I turned over the case in my mind, and found no explanation
which appeared to me to be adequate. At the risk of telling a twice-told tale I will recapitulate the facts as
they were known to the public at the conclusion of the inquest. The Honourable Ronald Adair was the
second son of the Earl of Maynooth, at that time Governor of one of the Australian Colonies. Adair’s mother
had returned from Australia to undergo the operation for cataract, and she, her son Ronald, and her
daughter Hilda were living together at 427, Park Lane. The youth moved in the best society, had, so far as
was known, no enemies, and no particular vices. He had been engaged to Miss Edith Woodley, of Carstairs,
but the engagement had been broken off by mutual consent some months before, and there was no sign
that it had left any very profound feeling behind it. For the rest the man’s life moved in a narrow and
conventional circle, for his habits were quiet and his nature unemotional. Yet it was upon this easy-going
young aristocrat that death came in most strange and unexpected form between the hours of ten and
eleven-twenty on the night of March 30, 1894. Ronald Adair was fond of cards, playing continually, but
never for such stakes as would hurt him. He was a member of the Baldwin, the Cavendish, and the Bagatelle
card clubs. It was shown that after dinner on the day of his death he had played a rubber of whist at the
latter club. He had also played there in the afternoon. The evidence of those who had played with him—Mr.
The Return of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle Elecbook Classics 14 Murray, Sir John Hardy, and
Colonel Moran—showed that the game was whist, and that there was a fairly equal fall of the cards. Adair
might have lost five pounds, but not more. His fortune was a considerable one, and such a loss could not in
any way affect him. He had played nearly every day at one club or other, but he was a cautious player, and
usually rose a winner. It came out in evidence that in partnership with Colonel Moran he had actually won
as much as four hundred and twenty pounds in a sitting some weeks before from Godfrey Milner and Lord
Balmoral. So much for his recent history, as it came out at the inquest. On the evening of the crime he
returned from the club exactly at ten. His mother and sister were out spending the evening with a relation.
The servant deposed that she heard him enter the front room on the second floor, generally used as his
sitting-room. She had lit a fire there, and as it smoked she had opened the window. No sound was heard
from the room until eleven-twenty, the hour of the return of Lady Maynooth and her daughter. Desiring to
say good-night, she had attempted to enter her son’s room. The door was locked on the inside, and no
answer could be got to their cries and knocking. Help was obtained and the door forced. The unfortunate
young man was found lying near the table. His head had been horribly mutilated by an expanding revolver
bullet, but no weapon of any sort was to be found in the room. On the table lay two bank-notes for ten
pounds each and seventeen pounds ten in silver and gold, the money arranged in little piles of varying
amount. There were some figures also upon a sheet of paper with the names of some club friends opposite
to them, from which it was conjectured that before his death he was endeavouring to make out his losses or
winnings at cards. A minute examination of the circumstances served only to make the case more complex.
In the first place, no reason could be given why the young man should have fastened the door upon the
inside. There was the possibility The Return of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle Elecbook Classics 15
that the murderer had done this and had afterwards escaped by the window. The drop was at least twenty
feet, however, and a bed of crocuses in full bloom lay beneath. Neither the flowers nor the earth showed
any sign of having been disturbed, nor were there any marks upon the narrow strip of grass which
separated the house from the road. Apparently, therefore, it was the young man himself who had fastened
the door. But how did he come by his death? No one could have climbed up to the window without leaving
traces. Suppose a man had fired through the window, it would indeed be a remarkable shot who could with
a revolver inflict so deadly a wound. Again, Park Lane is a frequented thoroughfare, and there is a cab-stand
within a hundred yards of the house. No one had heard a shot. And yet there was the dead man, and there
the revolver bullet, which had mushroomed out, as softnosed bullets will, and so inflicted a wound which
must have caused instantaneous death. Such were the circumstances of the Park Lane Mystery, which were
further complicated by entire absence of motive, since, as I have said, young Adair was not known to have
any enemy, and no attempt had been made to remove the money or valuables in the room. All day I turned
these facts over in my mind, endeavouring to hit upon some theory which could reconcile them all, and to
find that line of least resistance which my poor friend had declared to be the starting-point of every
investigation. I confess that I made little progress. In the evening I strolled across the Park, and found myself
about six o’clock at the Oxford Street end of Park Lane. A group of loafers upon the pavements, all staring
up at a particular window, directed me to the house which I had come to see. A tall, thin man with coloured
glasses, whom I strongly suspected of being a plain-clothes detective, was pointing out some theory of his
own, while the others crowded round to listen to what he said. I got as near him as I could, but his
observations seemed to me to be absurd, so I withdrew again in some disgust. As I did so I struck against an
elderly deformed man, who had been read the evidence at the inquest, which led up to a verdict of wilful
murder against some person or persons unknown, I realized more clearly than I had ever done the loss
which the community had sustained by the death of Sherlock Holmes. There were points about this strange
business which would, I was sure, have specially appealed to him, and the efforts of the police would have
been supplemented, or more probably anticipated, by the trained observation and the alert mind of the
first criminal agent in Europe. All day as I drove upon my round I turned over the case in my mind, and
found no explanation which appeared to me to be adequate. At the risk of telling a twice-told tale I will
recapitulate the facts as they were known to the public at the conclusion of the inquest. The Honourable
Ronald Adair was the second son of the Earl of Maynooth, at that time Governor of one of the Australian
Colonies. Adair’s mother had returned from Australia to undergo the operation for cataract, and she, her
son Ronald, and her daughter Hilda were living together at 427, Park Lane. The youth moved in the best
society, had, so far as was known, no enemies, and no particular vices. He had been engaged to Miss Edith
Woodley, of Carstairs, but the engagement had been broken off by mutual consent some months before,
and there was no sign that it had left any very profound feeling behind it. For the rest the man’s life moved
in a narrow and conventional circle, for his habits were quiet and his nature unemotional. Yet it was upon
this easy-going young aristocrat that death came in most strange and unexpected form between the hours
of ten and eleven-twenty on the night of March 30, 1894. Ronald Adair was fond of cards, playing
continually, but never for such stakes as would hurt him. He was a member of the Baldwin, the Cavendish,
and the Bagatelle card clubs. It was shown that after dinner on the day of his death he had played a rubber
of whist at the latter club. He had also played there in the afternoon. The evidence of those who had played
with him—Mr. The Return of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle Elecbook Classics 14 Murray, Sir John
Hardy, and Colonel Moran—showed that the game was whist, and that there was a fairly equal fall of the
cards. Adair might have lost five pounds, but not more. His fortune was a considerable one, and such a loss
could not in any way affect him. He had played nearly every day at one club or other, but he was a cautious
player, and usually rose a winner. It came out in evidence that in partnership with Colonel Moran he had
actually won as much as four hundred and twenty pounds in a sitting some weeks before from Godfrey
Milner and Lord Balmoral. So much for his recent history, as it came out at the inquest. On the evening of
the crime he returned from the club exactly at ten. His mother and sister were out spending the evening
with a relation. The servant deposed that she heard him enter the front room on the second floor, generally
used as his sitting-room. She had lit a fire there, and as it smoked she had opened the window. No sound
was heard from the room until eleven-twenty, the hour of the return of Lady Maynooth and her daughter.
Desiring to say good-night, she had attempted to enter her son’s room. The door was locked on the inside,
and no answer could be got to their cries and knocking. Help was obtained and the door forced. The
unfortunate young man was found lying near the table. His head had been horribly mutilated by an
expanding revolver bullet, but no weapon of any sort was to be found in the room. On the table lay two
bank-notes for ten pounds each and seventeen pounds ten in silver and gold, the money arranged in little
piles of varying amount. There were some figures also upon a sheet of paper with the names of some club
friends opposite to them, from which it was conjectured that before his death he was endeavouring to
make out his losses or winnings at cards. A minute examination of the circumstances served only to make
the case more complex. In the first place, no reason could be given why the young man should have
fastened the door upon the inside. There was the possibility The Return of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan
Doyle Elecbook Classics 15 that the murderer had done this and had afterwards escaped by the window.
The drop was at least twenty feet, however, and a bed of crocuses in full bloom lay beneath. Neither the
flowers nor the earth showed any sign of having been disturbed, nor were there any marks upon the
narrow strip of grass which separated the house from the road. Apparently, therefore, it was the young man
himself who had fastened the door. But how did he come by his death? No one could have climbed up to
the window without leaving traces. Suppose a man had fired through the window, it would indeed be a
remarkable shot who could with a revolver inflict so deadly a wound. Again, Park Lane is a frequented
thoroughfare, and there is a cab-stand within a hundred yards of the house. No one had heard a shot. And
yet there was the dead man, and there the revolver bullet, which had mushroomed out, as softnosed
bullets will, and so inflicted a wound which must have caused instantaneous death. Such were the
circumstances of the Park Lane Mystery, which were further complicated by entire absence of motive, since,
as I have said, young Adair was not known to have any enemy, and no attempt had been made to remove
the money or valuables in the room. All day I turned these facts over in my mind, endeavouring to hit upon
some theory which could reconcile them all, and to find that line of least resistance which my poor friend
had declared to be the starting-point of every investigation. I confess that I made little progress. In the
evening I strolled across the Park, and found myself about six o’clock at the Oxford Street end of Park Lane.
A group of loafers upon the pavements, all staring up at a particular window, directed me to the house
which I had come to see. A tall, thin man with coloured glasses, whom I strongly suspected of being a plain-
clothes detective, was pointing out some theory of his own, while the others crowded round to listen to
what he said. I got as near him as I could, but his observations seemed to me to be absurd, so I withdrew
again in some disgust. As I did so I struck against an elderly deformed man, who had been

pretty cool, right?

pretty cool, right?

pretty cool, right?

pretty cool, right?

pretty cool, right?

pretty cool, right?

pretty cool, right?

pretty cool, right?

pretty cool, right?

pretty cool, right?

pretty cool, right?


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pretty cool, right?

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