Certificate of Registration
Certificate of Registration
Certificate of Registration
Course Lab- Lab- Lec- Credit-
- Subject Title Section Room & Schedule Faculty
Code HoursUnitsHours Unit
CE - 12: MWF 08:00 AM -
*GE 02 Readings in Philippine History 0 0 3 3 2 BSCS - A
09:00 AM, :
CE - 12: MWF 09:00 AM - De Guzman,
*GE 05 Purposive Communication 0 0 3 3 2 BSCS - A
10:00 AM, : Jeswil James T.
CE - 12: MWF 10:00 AM - Pal-iwen,
*GE 06 Art Appreciation 0 0 3 3 2 BSCS - A
11:00 AM, : Roviline R.
CE - 12: Th 01:00 PM -
Corpuz, Nor-
*ICT 04a Human Computer Interaction 3 1 2 3 2 BSCS - A 02:30 PM, ICT - 2: F 01:00
aine M.
PM - 02:30 PM
CE - 12: T 08:00 AM -
Oliva, Virgilio
*CS 07 Architecture and Organization 3 1 2 3 2 BSCS - A 10:00 AM, CE - 16: Th
P. Jr
07:00 AM - 10:00 AM
CE - 10: T 02:00 PM -
Galas, Clarence
*CS 08 Networks and Communication 3 1 2 3 2 BSCS - A 04:00 PM, CE - 16: W 01:00
Dave G.
PM - 04:00 PM
CE - 10: MW 04:00 PM -
CS Elec Lorilla, Joseph
* Computational Science 3 1 2 3 2 BSCS - A 05:00 PM, CE - 16: T 10:00
01a C.
AM - 01:00 PM
PATHFit 4: Menu of Dance,
Sports, Martial Arts, Group GYM: Th 03:00 pm - 05:00 Lopez, Helen
*PE 04 0 0 2 2 2 BSCS - A
Exercises, Outdoor and Adventure pm, : Grace D.
Account Name Remarks
* U-Tuition Fee (per unit) 125.0000 @ 23 units. 2875.0000
* U-Registration Fee 0.0000
* U-Athletic Fee 0.0000
* U-Socio-Cultural Fee 0.0000
* U-Medical/Dental Fee 0.0000
* U-Laboratory (with computer)
CS 07 (350); CS 08 (350);; CS 1400.0000
Elec 01a (350);; ICT 04a (350);;
* U-Charity 0.0000
* U-Test Paper 0.0000
* U-Publication 0.0000
* U-Guidance 0.0000
* U-Psychological Testing Fee 0.0000
* U-USG Fee 0.0000
* U-LSG Fee 0.0000
* U-Internet Fee 0.0000
* U-Student Affairs Services 0.0000
* U-SCUAA Fee 0.0000
* Total Assessed Fees 0.0000
Printed Date: 1/31/2024