DBE Class XII Eng - Lit Syllabus 2024-25

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Syllabus for the Session- 2024-2025

English Paper-2 (Literature in English)

Class- XII
Prescribed Text Books:

1. Macbeth ( Drama ) Act 3, 4 and 5 byWilliam Shakespeare

2. Prism- A Collection of ISC Short Stories ( Evergreen Publishers)
3. Rhapsody - A Collection of ISC Poems( Evergreen Publishers)
Theory Paper- 80 marks
Project Work/ Internal Assessment- 20 marks
( Total Marks for English Paper-2, Literature in English 80+20= 100 marks)
 Project work in class- XII consists of an assessment of Writing-Skills( Only from the
syllabusto be covered in XI) which are to be assessed internally by the school. Students
will be required to undertake one written assignment of 1000-1500 words. ( Introduction,
Main Body and Conclusion). Topic for the Project work will be given in the form of a
question to explore the drama or the chosen short stories/poems in depth.

Question Paper Pattern ( Maximum Marks- 80) :

The Question paper has mainly Two sections :
SECTION A ( 20 marks)
This section has 2 questions. First question on MCQs ( Total 10 MCQs) including Drama,
Prose( Short Story) and Poetry. Second question on Reasoning Skill Based questions ( Total 10
reasoning based questions) covering Drama , Prose( Short Story) and Poetry.
SECTION B. (60 marks)
Drama: Two questions of 5 mark each, both compulsory.
Two questions of 10 marks each with an internal choice.
PRISM: Two questions of 5 mark each, both compulsory.
Two questions of 10 marks each with an internal choice.
Rhapsody: Two questions of 5 mark each, both compulsory.
Two questions of 10 marks each with an internal choice.


DRAMA: Macbeth: Act III, Scene 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

POEMS: 1.Small Towns and the River – Mamang Dai
2.Beethoven – Shane Koyczan
SHORT STORIES: 1.Atithi / Guest – Rabindranath Tagore
Introduction by the Theme/Key Concepts Integration /Life Learning outcomes Activities/Project work
teacher skills
Banquo suspects Macbeth of Able to understand Students will be able to: • Assign roles from act 3,
treachery and Macbeth orders the concept of Write about the fear of
Name of the scenes 1 to 3 to be read
his murder and the murder of Tragedy. someone taking your
chapter : Banquo’s son, Fleance. Although out aloud; oral reading of
Able to act the place, such as losing your
Introduction to Banquo is killed, Fleance act 3, scenes 1- 3. (20
scene on stage starting position on the
Macbeth Act III Able to understand basketball team. • minutes) • After the
scene - 1, 2, 3,4,5 that one crime Comprehend the plot of reading, students will
Banquo’s ghost appears at
and 6 Macbeth’s banquet and gives birth to act 3, scenes 1 to 3 of write: questions,
terrorises Macbeth, whose another. Macbeth. • Express their
reactions, notes on the
behaviour indicates his guilt to Robbed personal feelings and
questions of act three, main characters.•The
fellow guests. designations are
never satisfactory. scenes 1 to 3. • class will discuss the
Macbeth, now acting After committing a Comprehend the plot of scenes: questions will be
independently of his wife, plans sin/crime, a man act 3, scenes 4 to 6 of based on general
to see the witches again. becomes guilty. Macbeth; students will comprehension, selected
begin to see the fall of
The witches prepare to meet Macbeth. quotes from the text, and
him. student raised questions.
Students will be able to:
Macduff flees to the English
Define the terms guilt and
court, leaving his wife and
children behind at his castle paranoid • Write about
an incident where they
have felt guilty and/or
paranoid • Come to a
possible conclusion that
Macbeth feels paranoid
at the banquet when he
sees the figure of Banquo.
Poems It contains some important According to the poem about life an the Reading of poem
Name of the themes such as mortality, life poet, living in the poet’s idea more thought- Critical appreciation of
chapter vs death, eternity, nature, town is a provoking and interesting the poem
1.Small Towns and spirituality. The theme of monotonous to the readers mortality Literary Terms
and the River mortality haunts the poet the journey that ends
most. Through the symbol of at the hands
“small towns”, the poet ofdeath.
introduces with this theme.
2. Beethoven Beethoven” by Shane Koyczan The poet, always The students will learn Biographical Reading and
is a descriptive poem that heard, the that his story is a presentation group
uses vivid imagery to explore negative, hurtful metaphor for the power discussions analyzing the
the theme of love. Beethoven comments directed of passion, perseverance, impact of Beethoven's
was unable to find love at towards him and and the pursuit of innovations in music
home, and suffered from never the greatness. composition.
severe physical and emotional “audience’s
abuse. clapping” or “the
people loving
Short-Story It is a story of a gentle The The protagonist’s Cultural Exploration -
1.Atithi/Guest teenage boy consumed with Protagonisthas an inquisitive nature, this Bengali Culture and
wanderlust. urge to learn more bond, though amusing Traditions: Visual
about the world as and much to his liking, Representation - Explore
he does not want seemed to be a hindrance the idea of a film
to be tied down in towards his goal to visit adaptation of "Atithi."
one place. A thirst many places and gather
for knowledge and more knowledge.
a penchant for
music makes this
boy special and


DRAMA: Macbeth:Act IV, scene 1, 2 and 3

POEMS: 3)Tithonus – Alfred, Lord Tennyson
4) Telephone Conversation – Wole Soyinka
SHORT-STORIES:2)Indigo – Satyajit Ray
3) The Medicine Bag – Virginia Driving Hawk Sneve
Name of the chapter : Theme /Key Integration /Life Learning outcomes Activities/Project work
Macbeth Act IV, Sc. 1,2 and Concepts skills Macbeth complete Character Monologues:
3 As the act opens, the turning into a Debates on Macbeth's Choices
witches carry on the The blind faith in murderer and the Character Evolution
theme of doubling supernatural entities feelings of remorse
and equivocation at times lead to and equivocation .
that threads downfall.
throughout the play.
As they throw
ingredients into their
cauldron, they chant
"double, double, toil
and trouble"—a
reminder that their
speech is full of
double meanings,
paradox, and
Poems- In this poem The importance of Here, the students Learners will find out the
3.Tithonus Tithonus, the son of blessings if asked will learn about the myths and their importance.
king Laomedan talks wisely. sorrows, sufferings They will do critical
about the miserable and pain Tithonus appreciation of the poem.
plight resulting from bears due to the
the boon of boon of immortality.
immortality granted
to him by his wife.

Poem "Telephone The speaker cleverly Telephone Poetry Recitation: Engage

4. Telephone Conversation Conversation" is a mocks the landlady’s Conversation is a students in a discussion about
poem by the ignorance and poetic satire against prejudice and racism, focusing
Nigerian writer Wole prejudice, the degenerated and on the themes presented in
Soyinka that satires demonstrating that inhumane condition the poem. Explore how
racism. characterizing of black people in societal attitudes are reflected
people by their skin society in the conversation and how it
color diminishes connects to broader social
their humanity. issues
Short-Story Indigo is a It is a gripping story Learners will Digital Storytelling Story
2. Indigo collection of dealing with understand that the Sequen Assign students to
paranormal events. main protagonist write journal entries from the
stories about the
faces some haunting perspective of a character,
supernatural, the
experiences of detailing their thoughts,
peculiar and the paranormal emotions, and reflections at
inexplicable from phenomenon. key points in the story.
Satyajit Ray
Short-Story It concentrates on Familiarity with Learners will come Discuss variety of approaches
3. The Medicine Bag the significance of Native American to know about to engage students with the
familial relationship culture. Native Americans themes, characters, and
and the importance and the emotional cultural elements presented in
of cultural heritage. and cultural "The Medicine Bag,"
importance of the promoting critical thinking,
medicine bag. cultural awareness, and
creative expression.


DRAMA: Macbeth:Act V Complete

POEMS: 5) Death be not Proud – John Donne
SHORT- STORIES: 4) The Cookie Lady – Philip K. Dick
5There Will Come Soft Rains – Ray Bradbury)
Name of the chapter : Theme/Key Integration /Life Learning outcomes Activities/Project work
Drama: Macbeth Concepts skills Act 5, Scene 1 of Literary Symbolism Role-play,
Act -V In Act 5, Scene 1 of Act 5, Scene 1 of "Macbeth" literary techniques and the
"Macbeth," Lady "Macbeth" imparts facilitates learning broader themes embedded in
Macbeth's guilt life skills by outcomes related to Act 5 of "Macbeth." Discussion
manifests as she highlighting the psychological on the ending part of the
sleepwalks and repercussions of awareness, humility, drama. Students familiarity
obsessively washes guilt, warning self-reflection, with Denouement etc.
her hands, revealing against literary analysis, and
her tortured overconfidence, the exploration of
conscience. promoting self- broader themes such
Meanwhile, the awareness, and as fate, justice, and
English army, illustrating the the restoration of
camouflaged with restoration of order order.
Birnam Wood through the
branches, advances fulfillment of
towards Dunsinane. prophecy.
overconfident and
unaware of his
imminent downfall,
faces internal and
external challenges.
As the climax
unfolds, Lady
Macbeth's death. In
the culminating
scenes, the prophecy
is fulfilled, Macbeth
falls in battle, and
Malcolm ascends to
the Scottish throne.

5. Poem: Death be not The central theme of Donne suggests that Death, in the poem, , Debates on Death and
Proud "Death Be Not since he believes is a boastful figure Immortality. Discussion on
Proud" is mortality. that people continue that proudly trades Metaphysical Poetry: its
Donne uses this to exist in the on its reputation as Creative aspects, Classroom
theme to confront afterlife, death is “mighty and Discussion.
the human fear of merely a journey, or dreadful.” Yet the
death and introduce short rest, to get speaker sees death
the Christian belief there. as petty and weak
in eternal life. and confronts it
4. Short-story: The story is horror in The story will leave Learners will Discussion focusing on the
genre. The author the reader in a daze understand the ethical dilemmas presented in
The Cookie Lady focuses the and perplexed, lost horror genre in the story. Assign students
interpersonal in a world of fantasy Literature. Parents roles to defend or critique the
relationships which in which everything sometimes in their characters' choices, fostering
can either be good is possible. preoccupations critical thinking and
or bad. forget to give persuasive communication
attention to their skills. Discuss the themes
children. present in "The Cookie Lady,"
such as empathy, loneliness,
or the impact of technology
5. Short-story: The story brings out Humans must use It depicts a Engage in a class discussion
There Will Come Soft the aftermath of the technology for good dystopian world in on the advancements in
nuclear holocaust. and not for evil. The which technology technology depicted in the
devastation of dominates human story-"There Will Come Soft
Hiroshima and beings. Rains" with other dystopian
Nagasaki is a grim works. Discuss common
warning against the themes, the portrayal of
use of such things technology, and the
discreetly. consequences of human

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