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MT-260Actuating Manual

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Department of Mechatronics

andBiomedical Engineering

Air University

MT 260L: Actuating Systems

Laboratory Experiment Manual
Week No Title
a) Safety in Lab, Introduction to fundamentals of power technologies and
Week 1 electrical actuator’s equipment.
b) Familiarization with LVDAM-EMS system
Capacitor in AC Circuit
To demonstrate the behavior of capacitors in ac circuits, capacitive reactance, parallel
Week 2
and Series combinations of capacitors, capacitive phase shift, active, reactive, and
apparent power associated with capacitors.
Inductors in AC Circuits
Week 3 To demonstrate the behavior of inductors in ac circuits, Inductive reactance, parallel
and Series combinations of inductors, inductive phase shift, active, reactive, and
apparent power associated with inductors.
Separately Excited DC Motor
a) To demonstrate the main operating characteristics of a separately
Week 4 excited DC motor using the DC motor/Generator module.
b) To demonstrate how the field current affects the characteristics of a
separately excited dc motors using the DC Motor/Generator module.
Self-Excited DC Motor
Week 5 To demonstrate the main operating characteristics of Self- Excited DC Motor

DC Generated
Week 6
To demonstrate the main operating characteristics of DC Generator
Hydraulics Trainer: Setup and operation
Week 8 a) Understanding the working of Hydraulic systems and its basic
b) Demonstration of setup, operation and application of hydraulic system
Hydraulics Trainer: Application of hydraulic systems
Week 9 Illustration of application of hydraulic actuators for application in Door Operation and Lift
table and Machine Lift.
Pneumatics Trainer: Setup and operation
Week 10 a) Understanding the working of a pneumatic systems and its basic
b) Demonstration of setup, operation and application of hydraulic system
Pneumatics Trainer: Application of hydraulic systems
Week 11 Illustration of application of pneumatic actuators for application in, inspection station,
bus door and barrier control.
Electro-Pneumatics Trainer: Setup and operation
a) Understanding the working of an Electro-pneumatic systems and its basic
Week 12 components.
b) Demonstration of control of various components in an electro-pneumatic
setup and their interaction
Electro-Pneumatics Trainer: Application of hydraulic systems
Week 13 Illustration of application of electro-pneumatic actuators for application in Lamp
(indicator), Relay control, Solenoid Actuated Valve.
Week 14 Open ended Lab
Week 15 Final Term Exam

Familiarization with LVDAM-EMS system

DC Power Measurement
 To determine the power dissipated in a dc circuit.
 To verify power calculations using voltage and current measurements.

Equipment required:
 EMS Workstation
 Resistive Load
 Power Supply
 Connection Leads and Accessories
 Data Acquisition Module

The LVDAC-EMS (or LVDAM-EMS) system uses a customized data acquisition module to interconnect
modules of the Lab-Volt Electromechanical System with the personal computer. Dedicated software routes
the measured values from the data acquisition module to the computer-based instruments that provide all
the standard measurements associated with voltage, current, power, and other electrical parameters.
However, the system does much more, because built-in capabilities for waveform observation and phasor
analysis, data storage and graphical representation, as well as programmable meter functions, allow
unimagined possibilities for presenting courseware material.
A power source in an electric circuit is used to supply energy to a load. The load uses this energy to perform
some useful function or work. In electricity, work is performed by the movement of electrons and power is
the rate of doing work. A voltage of one volt producing one ampere of current flow through a resistor of
one ohm equals one watt of power. In dc circuits, the power supplied to a load is always equal to the product
of the dc voltage across the load and the dc current through the load.
This fact, along with the conservation of energy law, allows us to conclude that the power dissipated by a
combination of several resistors in a circuit is equal to the total power supplied by the source. The total
power can be obtained by adding the individual powers dissipated by each resistor.
When electrical energy is supplied to a resistor, it is immediately converted to heat, and the resistor heats
up. The more power supplied to the resistor, the hotter it will become, until a point is reached where the
resistor or nearby components burn out. In order to maintain acceptable temperatures, resistors having to
dissipate large amounts of power are made physically large, while those dissipating small amounts are
physically smaller. It is for this reason that the physical size of a resistor depends almost entirely on the
power it has to dissipate and not its resistance value. That is why 150-W lamps are physically larger that
25-W lamps. The increased size allows better cooling both by convection and by radiation.
The formula for determining power in any two-terminal device is,
Where, P is the power in the device, expressed in watts (W)
E is the voltage across the device, expressed in volts (V)
I is the current flowing through the device, expressed in amperes (A).

Other useful expressions can be derived from the formula for power, namely,
E= ,I=
Since voltage and current are related to resistance through Ohm's Law, the formula for power in anytwo-
terminal device can be written in terms of either the current or the voltage. Substituting IR for E will give
P=IR x I=I2 x R, while substituting E / R for I gives P =

Therefore, power in a resistor can be calculated using the voltage and current related to the resistor or the
value of resistance and either the voltage or the current.


High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not make or modify any banana jack
connections with the power on unless otherwise specified!
1. Examine the resistors in the Resistive Load module. Based on their size, list them in order of their
power dissipation capability and state which one can safely handle the most power.

2. Install the Power Supply, data acquisition module, and Resistive Load module in the EMS Workstation.

3. Make sure the main power switch of the Power Supply is set to the O (OFF) position and the voltage
control knob is turned fully ccw. Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase wall receptacle.

4. Ensure the USB port cable from the computer is connected to the data acquisition module.

5. Set up the circuit shown in Figure 1. Select the appropriate resistor value for the given line voltage, and
connect inputs E1 and I1 as shown. Ensure the polarity of the connections, and that the POWER INPUT
of the data acquisition module is connected to the main Power Supply

Figure 1 Circuit Setup for Determining Power.

6. Display the Metering application and select E1 and I1. Note that the metering setup configuration can
be changed during the exercise if desired.

7. Turn on the main Power Supply and set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (ON) position. Adjust the
main voltage control knob to 100 %.

8. From the virtual instrumentation main screen, click on the Record Data button to store the
measurements of circuit voltage and current in the Data Table. Turn off the Power Supply.
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

9. Use the measurements to calculate the power dissipated in the circuit. P = ES x IS = W

10. Double the circuit resistance value. Turn on the Power Supply and adjust the voltage control knob to
100 %. Use the virtual instrumentation to record the measurements in the Data Table, and then turn off
the Power Supply.
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

11. Calculate the power dissipated by the resistor using the three forms of the power formula given in the

P=ES x IS= W P=IS2 x R= W P=ES2 / R= W

12. Do the three formulas give approximately the same results?

 Yes  No

13. Set up the circuit shown in Figure 2, and use the Impedance Table to select the resistor values given.
Connect input E1 across R1, input E2 across R2, and input E3 across R3, and use input I1 to measure
the total circuit current IS. Display the metering setup. Ensure that the correct meters for voltage and
current measurement are connected.

14. Turn on the Power Supply and adjust the voltage control knob to 100 %. Use the virtual instrumentation
to record the measurements in the Data Table, and then turn off the Power Supply.
Paste the values of the Data Table here.
15. Calculate the power dissipated by each resistor using the measurements from the Data Table.
P1 = ER1 x IS = W P2 = ER2 x IS = W P3 =ER3 x IS = W

Figure 2. Determining Total Power in a Circuit with Several Resistors.

16. Calculate the total power dissipated, and compare it to the total power supplied by the source.

PT = P1+P2+P3 = W PT = ES x IS = W

17. Are the results approximately the same?

 Yes  No

18. Remove the connections for voltage measurement from the circuit of Figure 2, and connect input E1 to
measure the supply voltage ES at terminals 7-N. Leave input I1 connected to measure the circuit current.
Edit the label of the meter associated with input E1 so that it indicates ES instead of ER1.

19. Turn on the Power Supply and set the voltage control knob at about 75%. Use the Record Data button
to record the measurement for current, return the voltage to zero and turn off the Power Supply.
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

20. Calculate the power dissipated by each of the resistors.

2 2 2
P1 =IS R 1=_____ W P2 =IS R 2=_____ W P3=IS R3= ______W

21. Calculate the total power dissipated, and compare it to the total power supplied by the source.
PT = P1+P2+P3 = W PT = ES x IS = W

22. Are the results approximately the same?

 Yes  No

23. Figure 3 shows a source voltage ES applied across the parallel combination of R1 and R2. Use the
formula for finding power from the voltage to determine the power dissipated by each resistor, and
the total power (use value of ES given in Figure 3).
PR1 = ES2 / R1 = W PR2 = ES2 / R2 = W PT = PR1 + PR2= W
24. Knowing that the Power Supply must furnish the total power and the source voltage is ES, calculate
the current supplied by the source.
IS = PT / ES = A
25. Set up the circuit shown in Figure 3. Connect input E1 to measure the source voltage ES, and use input
I1 to measure the total circuit current IS. Display the metering setup.
Turn on the Power Supply and set ES for the value given in Figure 3. Use the Record Data button to
record the value of IS, and then turn off the Power Supply.
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

Figure 3. Determining Total Power in a Circuit With Parallel Resistors.

26. Compare the measured value for current with the value calculated in step 24. Are they approximately
the same?
 Yes  No

27. Ensure that the Power Supply is turned off, the voltage control is fully ccw, and remove all leads and
PLO2: Problem Analysis (Domain level P3-Guided Response)

No Min
Basic Adequate Good Excellent
Attributes Progress Benchmark
0 1 2 3 4 5
Aware of
Mostly Aware of Aware of Aware of process and
unaware of process but process and can process and follow it.
Apparatus Setup No Progress the process can not set up set up the follow it Setup apparatus
of setting up apparatus apparatus with rightly as well rightly and
apparatus properly minor errors as can setup Can de assemble
apparatus or turn off the
apparatus with

No Progress Does not Comprehend Comprehend Follows Follows

comprehend the procedure the procedure procedure procedure
the basic but cannot Follows appropriately appropriately
procedure of perform the procedure but and can with all
experiment steps to not completely execute the precautionary
execute the follow all the experiment measure
experiment steps to execute correctly
the experiment
Able to get
Unable to observations Can take Can take Take
No Progress note and readings readings and observations, observations
readings and from the tabulate tabulate accurately,
Result and observation apparatus but properly but properly and tabulate
Analysis from the not cannot perform perform properly and
apparatus completely do analysis by analysis perform
and can not and have right method analysis.
perform errors can not
analysis perform


Progress Min Benchmark Basic Adequate Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fulfill No Progress Does not Inconsistently Performs Performs all

perform any Performs
Assigned performs tasks tasks that are tasks
tasks assigned partially withno
Duties that are assigned with assignedand
interest. assigned with minor actively
. little interest negligence
Team Work No Progress Put minimum Interaction Does assigned assigned
effort in Perform the and work and work and
group activity assigned task coordination gladly helps gladly helps
to perform but with no with only others and is others and is
any task working selective involved in involved in
plays the role coordination. members constructive constructive
of a Passive with no discussion and discussion
member involvement coordination and
in coordination
constructive and urge
discussion. others to be
the team
leader and
perform tasks
by their own
Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted
and not and poorly and poorly with proper tiemly with
formatted , formatted ,having formatted, format, proper
Individual Lab No Progress missing the the procedure, having the procedure, format,
Report procedure, observations or procedure, observations procedure,
observations or conclusion with observations or and analysis.. observations
conclusion errors conclusion with and analysis

Capacitor in AC Circuit

Capacitive Phase Shift and Capacitive Power

 To measure and demonstrate capacitive phase shift
 Observe the phenomenon of negative power associated with reactive power in ac

Capacitive Phase Shift and Reactive Power

 To measure and demonstrate capacitive phase shift
 Observe the phenomenon of negative power associated with reactive power in ac circuits

Equipment required:
 EMS Workstation
 Capacitive Load
 Power Supply
 Connection Leads and Accessories
 Data Acquisition Module

The voltages and currents in resistive ac circuits are in phase, and the power dissipated by resistors is active
power in the form of heat. Now however, unlike the case when only resistance is present in an ac circuit,
there will be a phase shift between the circuit voltage and current because of the presence of capacitance.
The phase shift is due to the fact that capacitors oppose changes in the voltage across their terminals.

The charging-discharging process associated with capacitors, hence the capacitive current flow, is related
to the fact that the applied voltage is changing. If we stop for a moment to consider what is happening when
an ac voltage goes through a minimum value (negative peak value), we realize that for that particular
moment the voltage is no longer changing. Hence, the capacitive current must be zero at that time, since
the rate of change in the voltage is zero. Then, when the ac voltage is going through zero amplitude, its rate
of change is maximum, and the current must therefore be maximum. As a result, the voltage lags the current
by 90E. In the case of an ideal capacitor the phase shift is 90o. The capacitive phase shift of 90E between
voltage and current is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Capacitive Phase Shift in an AC Circuit.
Reactive components like capacitors that cause a phase shift between circuit voltage and current will
produce an instantaneous power waveform having negative values as well as positive. The negative power
just means that power is being returned to the source. The instantaneous power waveform of a purely
capacitive ac circuit is shown in Figure 5. The waveform has equal areas of positive and negative power

and therefore the average power over a complete period is zero. The negative portion in the waveform
indicates the presence of reactive power, and the reactive power will equal apparent power when there is
no resistance present in the circuit. Note also that the instantaneous power waveform frequency is twice the
ac source frequency.

Figure 5. Instantaneous Power in a Capacitive AC Circuit


High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not make or modify any banana jack
connections with the power on unless otherwise specified!
1. Install the Power Supply, data acquisition module, and Capacitive Load module in the EMS

2. Make sure that the main switch of the Power Supply is set to the O (OFF) position, and the voltage
control knob is turned fully ccw. Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase wall receptacle.
Figure 6. Capacitive Phase Shift and Reactive Power in an AC Circuit

1. Set up the circuit shown in Figure 6, and connect inputs E1 and I1 to measure the circuit voltage and
current. Set the Capacitive Load module for the value of CMAX given in Figure 6.

2. Ensure that the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module is connected to the main Power Supply,
and that the USB port cable from the computer is connected to the data acquisition module. Display the
Metering application.

3. Turn on the main Power Supply and set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (ON) position. Adjust the
voltage control to 100 % and verify that the circuit parameters are displayed on the Metering application.
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

4. Note the rms values of the voltage and current, and the apparent power (S) displayed by
the meters.
ES = V IS = A S (PQS1) = VA

5. Is the apparent power equal to the product of the rms values of voltage and current?
 Yes  No
6. Click on the Oscilloscope button and display E1, I1, and P1 on CH1, CH2, and CH3. Ensure that the
time base control is adjusted to show at least two complete cycles of the sine waves.
7. Compare the current waveform with the voltage waveform. Are they both sine waves at the same
frequency?  Yes  No
8. What is the phase shift between the voltage and current? Phase shift =

9. Does step 10 confirm that the current leads the voltage by about 90o?  Yes  No

10. Does the current waveform attain its maximum when the voltage is going through zero amplitude,
and become zero when the voltage is going through its maximum?  Yes  No

11. Determine the period and frequency of the instantaneous power waveform?
T= ms f=1/T= Hz

12. How does the frequency of the instantaneous power waveform compare with that of the ac source?

13. Does the instantaneous power waveform show that the areas of  Yes  No
positive and negative power are approximately equal?

14. Calculate the apparent power (S) by multiplying of the rms values of the current and voltage displayed
on the oscilloscope and compare it with the active power P [average (AVG) power value of P1 given
in the waveform data box of the Oscilloscope screen].
Apparent power (S) = ES x IS = VA Active power (P) = W

15. Do the results of step 16 confirm that the apparent power and the active  Yes  No
power are different, due to the presence of reactive power (Q) in the circuit?

16. What is the total active power consumed by the circuit? PACTIVE= W
17. Is the instantaneous power null when the current or the voltage is zero?
 Yes  No

18. Change the circuit capacitance by opening the three switches on one section of the Capacitive Load

19. What effect does the change in capacitive reactance produce on the circuit current, voltage
and reactive power?

20. Did the phase shift between the current and voltage change?
 Yes  No
21. Why is the instantaneous power waveform different in amplitude?

22. Ensure that the Power Supply is turned off, the voltage control is fully ccw, and remove all leads and
PLO2: Problem Analysis (Domain level P3-Guided Response)

No Min
Basic Adequate Good Excellent
Attributes Progress Benchmark
0 1 2 3 4 5
Aware of
Mostly Aware of Aware of Aware of process and
unaware of process but process and can process and follow it.
Apparatus Setup No Progress the process can not set up set up the follow it Setup apparatus
of setting up apparatus apparatus with rightly as well rightly and
apparatus properly minor errors as can setup Can de assemble
apparatus or turn off the
apparatus with

No Progress Does not Comprehend Comprehend Follows Follows

comprehend the procedure the procedure procedure procedure
the basic but cannot Follows appropriately appropriately
procedure of perform the procedure but and can with all
experiment steps to not completely execute the precautionary
execute the follow all the experiment measure
experiment steps to execute correctly
the experiment
Able to get
Unable to observations Can take Can take Take
No Progress note and readings readings and observations, observations
readings and from the tabulate tabulate accurately,
Result and observation apparatus but properly but properly and tabulate
Analysis from the not cannot perform perform properly and
apparatus completely do analysis by analysis perform
and can not and have right method analysis.
perform errors can not
analysis perform


Progress Min Benchmark Basic Adequate Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fulfill No Progress Does not Inconsistently Performs Performs all

perform any Performs
Assigned performs tasks tasks that are tasks
tasks assigned partially withno
Duties that are assigned with assignedand
interest. assigned with minor actively
. little interest negligence
Team Work No Progress Put minimum Interaction Does assigned assigned
effort in Perform the and work and work and
group activity assigned task coordination gladly helps gladly helps
to perform but with no with only others and is others and is
any task working selective involved in involved in
plays the role coordination. members constructive constructive
of a Passive with no discussion and discussion
member involvement coordination and
in coordination
constructive and urge
discussion. others to be
the team
leader and
perform tasks
by their own
Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted
and not and poorly and poorly with proper tiemly with
formatted , formatted ,having formatted, format, proper
Individual Lab No Progress missing the the procedure, having the procedure, format,
Report procedure, observations or procedure, observations procedure,
observations or conclusion with observations or and analysis.. observations
conclusion errors conclusion with and analysis

Inductor in AC Circuit
Inductive Phase Shift and Reactive Power

 To measure and demonstrate inductive phase shift
 Observe the phenomenon of negative power associated with inductance in ac circuits

Equipment required:
 EMS Workstation
 Inductive Load
 Power Supply
 Connection Leads and Accessories
 Data Acquisition Module

The voltages and currents in resistive ac circuits are in phase, and the power dissipated by resistors is active
power in the form of heat. Now, just like the case when capacitance is present in an ac circuit, there will be
a phase shift between voltage and current because of inductance. This phase shift is caused by the opposition
of inductors to current changes.
When current flowing in an inductor starts to change, the inductor reacts by producing a voltage that
opposes the current change. The faster the current changes, the greater is the voltage produced by the
inductor to oppose the current change. In other words, the voltage across the inductor is proportional to the
rate of change in current. Now, suppose that a sine-wave current flows in an inductor. At the instant the
current goes through a minimum value (negative peak value), the current is no longer changing and the
inductor voltage must be zero since the current rate of change is zero. Then, when the current is going to
zero amplitude, its rate of change is maximum and the inductor voltage must be maximum. As a result, the
current in an ideal inductor lags the voltage by 90o. The inductive phase shift of 90o between current and
voltage is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Inductive Phase Shift in an AC Circuit.

Reactive components that cause a phase shift between circuit voltage and current produce instantaneous
power waveforms having negative and positive values, meaning that power is being returned to the source.
The instantaneous power waveform for a purely inductive ac circuit is shown in Figure 8. This waveform
also has equal areas of positive and negative power, like that for a capacitive ac circuit, and the average
power over a complete period is zero. However, as you will see in this exercise, real inductors have some
resistance and they will consume a small amount of active power. Consequently, positive and negative areas
in the power waveform will not be exactly equal. Note that the instantaneous power waveform frequency
is twice the ac source frequency, the same as for capacitive circuits.

Figure 8. Instantaneous Power in an Inductive AC Circuit


High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not make or modify any banana jack
connections with the power on unless otherwise specified!
1. Install the Power Supply, data acquisition module, and Inductive Load module in the EMS Workstation.

2. Make sure that the main switch of the Power Supply is set to the O (OFF) position, and the voltage
control knob is turned fully ccw. Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase wall receptacle.

Figure 9. Inductive Phase Shift and Reactive Power in an AC Circuit

3. Set up the circuit shown in Figure 9, and connect inputs E1 and I1 to measure the circuit voltage and
current. Set the Inductive Load module for the value of LMIN given in Figure 9.

4. Ensure that the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module is connected to the main Power Supply,
and that the USB port cable from the computer is connected to the data acquisition module. Display the
Metering screen.

5. Turn on the main Power Supply and set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (ON) position. Adjust the
voltage control to 100 % and verify that the circuit parameters are displayed on the Meteringapplication.
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

6. Note the rms values of the voltage and current, and the apparent power (S) displayed by the meters.
EL = V IL = A S (PQS1) = VA

7. Is the apparent power equal to the product of the rms values of voltage and current?
 Yes  No

8. Click on the Oscilloscope button and display E1, I1, and P1 on CH1, CH2, and CH3. Ensure that the
time base control is adjusted to show at least two complete cycles of the sine waves.
Paste the Oscilloscope output here.
9. Compare the current waveform with the voltage waveform. Are they both sine waves at the same
frequency?  Yes  No
10. What is the phase shift between the voltage and current? Phase shift =

11. Does step 10 confirm that the inductor current lags the voltage by about  Yes  No
12. Does the current waveform attain its maximum when the voltage is  Yes  No
going through zero amplitude, and become zero when the voltage is
going through its maximum?

13. Determine the period and frequency of the instantaneous power waveform?
T= ms f=1/T= Hz

14. How does the frequency of the instantaneous power waveform compare with that of the ac source?

15. Does the instantaneous power waveform have unequal areas of  Yes  No
positive and negative power, thus demonstrating that real inductors
consume active power?

16. Calculate the apparent power (S) by multiplying of the rms values of the current and voltage displayed
on the oscilloscope and compare it with the active power P [average (AVG) power value of P1 given
in the waveform data box of the Oscilloscope screen].
Apparent power (S) = EL x IL = VA Active power (P) = W

17. Do the results of step 16 confirm that the apparent power and the active
power are different, due to the presence of reactive power in the circuit?  Yes  No

18. What is the total active power consumed by the circuit? PACTIVE= W

19. When does the instantaneous power waveform go through zero amplitude?

20. Does step 19 confirm that the instantaneous power is zero when the
current or the voltage is zero?  Yes  No

21. Change the circuit inductance by opening the three switches on one section of the Inductive Load

22. What effect does the change in inductive reactance produce on the circuit current, voltage and reactive

23. Did the phase shift between the current and voltage change?  Yes  No

24. Why is the instantaneous power waveform different in amplitude?

25. Ensure that the Power Supply is turned off, the voltage control is fully ccw, and remove all leads and


PLO2: Problem Analysis (Domain level P3-Guided Response)

No Min
Basic Adequate Good Excellent
Attributes Progress Benchmark
0 1 2 3 4 5
Aware of
Mostly Aware of Aware of Aware of process and
unaware of process but process and can process and follow it.
Apparatus Setup No Progress the process can not set up set up the follow it Setup apparatus
of setting up apparatus apparatus with rightly as well rightly and
apparatus properly minor errors as can setup Can de assemble
apparatus or turn off the
apparatus with

No Progress Does not Comprehend Comprehend Follows Follows

comprehend the procedure the procedure procedure procedure
the basic but cannot Follows appropriately appropriately
procedure of perform the procedure but and can with all
experiment steps to not completely execute the precautionary
execute the follow all the experiment measure
experiment steps to execute correctly
the experiment
Able to get
Unable to observations Can take Can take Take
No Progress note and readings readings and observations, observations
readings and from the tabulate tabulate accurately,
Result and observation apparatus but properly but properly and tabulate
Analysis from the not cannot perform perform properly and
apparatus completely do analysis by analysis perform
and can not and have right method analysis.
perform errors can not
analysis perform


Progress Min Benchmark Basic Adequate Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4 5
Fulfill No Progress Does not Inconsistently Performs Performs all
perform any Performs
Assigned performs tasks tasks that are tasks
tasks assigned partially withno
Duties that are assigned with assignedand
interest. assigned with minor actively
. little interest negligence
Team Work No Progress Put minimum Interaction Does assigned assigned
effort in Perform the and work and work and
group activity assigned task coordination gladly helps gladly helps
to perform but with no with only others and is others and is
any task working selective involved in involved in
plays the role coordination. members constructive constructive
of a Passive with no discussion and discussion
member involvement coordination and
in coordination
constructive and urge
discussion. others to be
the team
leader and
perform tasks
by their own

Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted

and not and poorly and poorly with proper tiemly with
formatted , formatted ,having formatted, format, proper
Individual Lab No Progress missing the the procedure, having the procedure, format,
Report procedure, observations or procedure, observations procedure,
observations or conclusion with observations or and analysis.. observations
conclusion errors conclusion with and analysis
The Separately-Excited DC Motor

 To be able to demonstrate the main operating characteristics of a separately-excited DC motor.

 To measure armature resistance of DC motor.
 To measure and plot motor speed vs armature voltage.
 To measure and plot motor torque vs armature current.

Equipment required
 EMS Workstation
 DC Motor/Generator
 Power Supply
 Timing Belt
 Connection Leads and Accessories
 Prime Mover and Dynamometer Module
 Data Acquisition Module

Operating Principle of DC Motors
As we know, motors turn because of the interaction between two magnetic fields. This unit will discuss
how these magnetic fields are produced in dc motors, and how magnetic fields induce voltage in dc

The basic principle of a dc motor is the creation of a rotating magnet inside the mobile part of the motor,
the rotor. This is accomplished by a device called the commutator which is found on all dc machines. The
commutator produces the alternating currents necessary for the creation of the rotating magnet from dc
power provided by an external source. Figure 8-1 illustrates a typical dc motor rotor with its main parts.
This figure shows that the electrical contact between the segments of the commutator and the external dc
source is made through brushes. Note that the rotor of a dc motor is also referred to as the armature.

Figure 8-1. The Main Parts of a DC Motor Rotor (Armature).

Figure 8-2. Operation of the Commutator.
In Figure 8-2 (a), the brushes make contact with segments A and B of the commutator and current flows in
wire loop A-B. No current flows in the other wire loop (C-D). This creates an electromagnet A-B with north
and south poles as shown in Figure 8-2 (a). If the rotor is turned clockwise a little as shown in Figure 8-2
(b), current still flows in wire loop A-B and the magnetic north and south poles rotate clockwise. As the
rotor continues to rotate clockwise, a time comes where a commutation occurs, i.e. the brushes make contact
with segments C and D instead of segments A and B, as shown in Figure 8-2 (c). As a result, current now
flows in wire loop C-D instead of flowing in wire loop A-B. This creates an electromagnet C-D with north
and south poles as shown in Figure 8-2 (c). By comparing Figures 8-2 (b) and (c), you can see that the
magnetic north and south poles rotate 90o counterclockwise at the commutation. As the rotor continuesto
rotate clockwise, the same phenomenon repeats every 90o angle of rotation as shown in Figures 8-3
(a) to (c).

Figure 8-3. Operation of the Commutator (continued).

In brief, as the rotor turns, the north and south poles of the electromagnet go back and forth (oscillate) over
a 90o angle as shown in Figure 8-4. In other words, the north and south poles are stationary, i.e. they do not
rotate as the rotor turns. This is equivalent to having an electromagnet in the rotor that rotates at the same
speed as the rotor but in the opposite direction. The higher the number of segments on the commutator, the
lower the angle of rotation between each commutation, and the lower the angle over which the north and
south poles oscillate. For example, the north and south poles would oscillate over an angle of only 11.25o
if the commutator in Figures 8-2 to 8-4 were having 32 segments.

Figure 2-4. The North and South Poles Oscillate Around a Fixed Position.
If this rotor is placed next to a fixed permanent magnet stator as shown in Figure 8-5, the magnetic poles
of opposite polarity attract each other (in order to align) and the rotor starts to turn. After the rotor has
turned of a certain angle, a commutation occurs and the north and south poles of the electromagnet go back.
Once again, the magnetic poles of opposite polarity attract each other, and the rotor continues to rotate in
the same direction so as to align the magnetic poles of opposite polarity. However, another commutation
occurs a little after and the north and south poles of the electromagnet go back once again. This cycle repeats
over and over. The force that results from the interaction of the two magnetic fields always acts in the same
direction, and the rotor turns continually. Thus, a converter of electrical-to-mechanical energy, i.e. an
electric motor, has been achieved. The direction of rotation depends on the polarity of the voltage applied
to the brushes of the rotor.

Figure 8-5. Rotation Resulting from Interaction of Magnetic Fields in the Stator and the Rotor.

Previously, you saw that a dc motor is made up basically of a fixed magnet (stator) and a rotating magnet
(rotor). Many dc motors use an electromagnet for the stator, as illustrated in Figure 8-6.
Figure 8-6. Simplified DC Motor with an Electromagnet as Stator.

When power for the stator electromagnet is supplied by a separate dc source, either fixed or variable, the
motor is known as a separately-excited dc motor. Sometimes the term independent-field dc motor is also
used. The current flowing in the stator electromagnet is often called field current because it is used to create
a fixed magnetic field. The electrical and mechanical behaviour of the dc motor can be understood by
examining its simplified equivalent electric circuit shown in Figure 8-7.

Figure 8-7. Simplified Equivalent Circuit of a DC Motor.

In the circuit, EA is the voltage applied to the motor brushes, IA is the current flowing through the brushes,
and RA is theresistance between the brushes. Note that EA, IA, and RA are usually referred to as the armature
voltage, current, and resistance, respectively. ERA is the voltage drop across the armature resistor. When
the motor turns, an induced voltage ECEMF proportional to the speed of the motor is produced. This induced
voltage is represented by a DC source in the simplified equivalent circuit of Figure 8-7. The motor also
develops a torque T proportional to the armature current IA flowing in the motor. The motor behavior is
based on the two equations given below. The first relates motor speed n and the induced voltage E CEMF,
and the second relates the motor torque T and the armature current IA.

n = K1 × ECEMF and T = K2 × IA

where, K1 is a constant expressed in units of r/min/V,

K2 is a constant expressed in units of Nm/A.
When a voltage EA is applied to the armature of a dc motor with no mechanical load, the armature current IA
flowing in the equivalent circuit of Figure 8-7 is constant and has a very low value. As a result, the voltage
drop ERA across the armature resistor is so low that it can be neglected, and ECEMF can be considered to
be equal to the armature voltage EA. Therefore, the relationship between the motor speed n and the armature
voltage EA is a straight line because ECEMF is proportional to the motor speed n. This linear relationship
is illustrated in Figure 8-8, and the slope of the straight line equals constant K1.

Figure 8-8. Linear Relationship Between the Motor Speed and the Armature Voltage.
Since the relationship between voltage EA and speed n is linear, a dc motor can be considered to be a linear
voltage-to-speed converter as shown in Figure 8-9.

Figure 8-9. DC Motor as a Voltage-to-Speed Converter.

The same type of relationship exists between the motor torque T and the armature current IA, so that a dc
motor can also be considered as a linear current-to-torque converter. Figure 8-10 illustrates the linear
relationship between the motor torque T and the armature current IA. Constant K2 is the slope of the line
relating the two. In Figure 8-11, the linear current-to-torque converter is illustrated.

Figure 8-10. Linear Relationship Between the Motor Torque and the Armature Current.
Figure 8-11. DC Motor as a Current-to-Torque Converter.
When the armature current IA increases, the voltage drop ERA (RA x IA) across the armature resistor also
increases and can no longer be neglected. As a result, the armature voltage EA can no longer be considered
to be equal to ECEMF, but rather the sum of ECEMF and ERA as indicated in the following equation:
Therefore, when a fixed armature voltage EA is applied to a dc motor, the voltage drop ERA across the
armature resistor increases as the armature current IA increases, and thereby, causes ECEMF to decrease. This
also causes the motor speed n to decrease because it is proportional to ECEMF. This is shown in Figure 2-13
which is a graph of the motor speed n versus the armature current IA for a fixed armature voltage EA.

Figure 8-12. Motor Speed Drop as the Armature Current Increases (Fixed Armature Voltage EA).


In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation, connect the equipment as
shown in Figure 2-14, and make the appropriate settings on the equipment.

In the second part of the exercise, you will measure the armature resistance RA of the DC Motor / Generator.
It is not possible to measure the armature resistance RA directly with a conventional ohmmeter because the
non-linear characteristic of the motor brushes causes incorrect results when IA is too small. The general
method used to determine the armature resistance RA consists in connecting a dc power source to the motor
armature and measuring the voltage required to produce nominal current flow in the armature windings.
Power is not connected to the stator electromagnet to ensure that the motor does not turn, thus ECEMF equals
zero. The ratio of the armature voltage EA to the armature current IA yields the armature resistance RA

Note: The motor will not start to rotate because it is mechanically loaded.

In the third part of the exercise, you will measure data and plot a graph of the motor speed n versus the
armature voltage EA to demonstrate that the speed of the separately-excited dc motor is proportional to the
armaturevoltage EA under no-load conditions.

In the fourth part of the exercise, you will measure data and plot a graph of the motor torque T versus the
armature current IA to demonstrate that the torque of the separately-excited dc motor is proportional to the
armature current IA.
In the fifth part of the exercise, you will demonstrate that when the armature voltage E A is set to a fixed
value, the speed of the separately-excited dc motor decreases with increasing armature current or torque
because of the increasing voltage drop across the armature resistor.

High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not make or modify
any banana jack connections with the power on unless otherwise specified!
Setting up the Equipment
1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.
Note: If you are performing the exercise using the EMS system, ensure that thebrushes of the DC Motor / Generator areadjusted to
the neutral point. To do so, connect an ac power source (terminals 4 and N of the Power Supply) to the armature of the DC
Motor / Generator (terminals 1 and 2) through CURRENT INPUT I1 of the data acquisition module. Connect the shunt winding
of the DC Motor / Generator (terminals 5 and 6) to VOLTAGE INPUT E1 of the data acquisition module. Start the Metering
application and open setup configuration file ACMOTOR1.DAI. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob so that
an ac current (indicated by meter I line 1) equal to half the nominal value of the armature current flows in the armature of the
DC Motor / Generator. Adjust the brush adjustment lever on the DC Motor / Generator so that the voltage across the shunt
winding (indicated by meter E line 1) is minimum. Turn the Power Supply off, exit the Metering application, and disconnect all
leads and cable.
Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the DC Motor / Generator using a
timing belt.
2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off) position, and the voltage
control knob is turned fully counterclockwise. Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase
power source.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT
to a wall receptacle.
3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the computer. Connect the
POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC output of the Power Supply.

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model 8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V
- AC output of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its
POWER INPUT switch to the I (on) position.

4. Start the Metering application.

5. Set up the separately-excited dc motor circuit shown in Figure 8-13. Leave the circuit open at points
A and B shown in the figure.
Figure 8-13. Separately-Excited DC Motor Coupled to a Dynamometer.
6. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime Mover / Dynamometer to
operate as a dynamometer, then set the torque control to maximum (fully CW position).

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you can zoom in on the Prime Mover / Dynamometer
module before setting the controls in order to see additional front panel markings related to these controls.

7. Turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise and turn the Power Supply off. Interconnect
points A and B shown in the circuit of Figure 8-13.

Determining the Armature Resistance

8. Turn the Power Supply on by setting its main power switch to the I (on) position, and set the
voltage control knob so that the rated armature current flows in the DC Motor / Generator. The armature
current is indicated by meter I arm. (IA) in the Metering window.
Note: The rating of any of the Lab-Volt machines is indicated in the lower left corner of the module front panel. If
you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you can obtain the rating of any machine by leaving the mouse
pointer on the rotor of the machine of interest. Pop-up help indicating the machine rating will appear after a few
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

Record the value of armature resistance RA indicated by meter RA = EA / IA.

RA = Ω
Motor Speed Versus Armature Voltage
9. Turn the Power Supply on.

On the dynamometer, set the torque control to minimum (fully CCW position).

On the DC Motor / Generator, set the FIELD RHEOSTAT so that the field current IF indicated by
meter I field (IF) in the Metering window is equal to the value given in the following table:

V ac Ma

120 300

220 190

240 210
Table 8-1. DC Motor Field Current.
10. In the Metering window, make sure that the torque correction function of the Torque meter is
enabled. The Torque meter now indicates the dc motor output torque. Record the armature voltage,
armature current, field current, speed, and output torque in the Data Table. These parameters are
indicated by meters E arm. (EA), I arm. (IA), I field (IF), Torque, and Speed, respectively.

On the Power Supply, set the voltage control knob to 10%, 20%, 30% etc. up to 100% in order to
increase the armature voltage EA by steps. For each voltage setting, wait until the motor speed
stabilizes, and then record the data in the Data Table.
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

11. When all data has been recorded, turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise and turn the
Power Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the data table as DT211, and
print the data table.
12. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the dc motor speed n (obtained
from the Speed meter) as a function of the armature voltage EA [(obtained from meter E arm. (EA)].
Entitle the graph as G211, name the x-axis as Armature Voltage, name the y-axis as DC Motor Speed,
and print the graph.
Paste the Graph here.

What kind of relationship exists between the armature voltage EA and the dc motor speed n?

Does this graph confirm that the separately-excited dc motor is equivalent to a linear voltage-to-speed
converter, with higher voltage producing greater speed? No

13. Use the two end points to calculate the slope K1 of the relationship obtained in graph G211. The
values of these points are indicated in data table DT211.
n2 − n1 − r/min
K1 = = =
E2 − E1 − V
In the Data Table window, clear the recorded data.

Motor Torque Versus Armature Current

14. Turn the Power Supply on.
On the DC Motor / Generator, slightly readjust the FIELD RHEOSTAT so that the field current IF
indicated by meter I field (IF) still equals the value given in Table 8-1 (if necessary).

On the Power Supply, set the voltage control knob so that the dc motor speed is 1500 r/min. Note the
value of the armature voltage EA in the following blank space.
EA = V (n = 1500 r/min)
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

15. Record the dc motor output torque T, armature voltage EA, armature current IA, field current IF, and
speed n in the Data Table.
On the dynamometer, set the torque control so that the torque indicated by the Torque meter in the
Metering window starts by a value of 0.3Nm, which further increases by 0.1 Nm increments up to about
1.5 Nm. For each torque setting, readjust the voltage control knob of the Power Supply so that the
armature voltage EA (220V) remains equal to the value recorded in the previous step, then record the
data in the Data Table.
Note: The armature current may exceed the rated value while performing this manipulation. It is, therefore,
suggested to complete the manipulation within a time interval of 5 minutes or less.

Paste the values of the Data Table here.

16. When all data has been recorded, set the torque control on the dynamometer to minimum (fully
CCW), turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise, and turn the Power Supply off.
In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the data table as DT212, and
print the data table. Ensure that the Power Supply is turned off, the voltage control is fully ccw, and
remove all leads and cables.
17. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the dc motor torque (obtained
from the Torque meter) as a function of the armature current IA [obtained from meter I arm. (IA)].
Entitle the graph as G212, name the x-axis as Armature Current, name the y-axis as DC Motor Torque,
and print the graph.
Paste the Graph here.

What kind of relationship exists between the armature current IA and the dc motor torque T as long as
the armature current does not exceed the nominal value?

Does this graph confirm that the separately-excited dc motor is equivalent to a linear current-to-
torque converter (when the armature current does not exceed the nominal value), with higher current
producing greater torque? No
Note: The torque versus current relationship is no longer linear when the armature current exceeds the nominal
value because of a phenomenon called armature reaction. This phenomenon is described in the next unit of this
18. Use the two end points of the linear portion of the relationship obtained in graph G212 to calculate
the slope K2. The values of these points are indicated in data table DT212.
T2 − T1 − N. m
K2 = = =
I2 − I1 − A
Speed Decrease Versus Armature Current
19. Usingthearmatureresistance RA andtheconstant K1 determined previously in this exercise, the armature
voltage EA measured in step 14, and the set of equations given below, determine the dc motor speed n
for each of the three armature currents IA given in Table 8-2.
n= ECEMF x K1

V ac A A A

120 1.0 2.0 3.0

220 0.5 1.0 1.5

240 0.5 1.0 1.5

Table 8-2. DC Motor Armature Currents.
When IA equals A:

n = r/min
When IA equals A:

n = r/min
When IA equals A:

n = r/min
Based on your calculations, how should ECEMF and the dc motor speed n vary as the armature current is

20. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the dc motor speed (obtained
from the Speed meter) as a function of the armature current IA [obtained from meter I arm. (IA)], using
the data recorded previously in the data table (DT212). Entitle the graph as G212-1, name the x-axis as
Armature Current, name the y-axis as DC Motor Speed, and print the graph.

Does graph G212-1 confirm the prediction you made in the previous step about the variation
of the dcmotor speed as a function of the armature current IA? No
Briefly explain what causes the dc motor speed to decrease when the armature voltage EA is
fixed andthe armature current IA increases.

21. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the dc motor speed (obtained
from the Speed meter) as a function of the dc motor torque T (obtained fromthe Torque
meter) usingthedatarecorded previously in the data table (DT212). Entitle the graph as G212-
2, name the x-axis as Separately-Excited DC Motor Torque, name the y-axis as Separately-
Excited DC Motor Speed, and print the graph. This graph will be used in the next exercise of
this unit.

22. On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by
setting itsPOWER INPUT switch to the O (off) position.

Remove all leads and cables.

PLO2: Problem Analysis (Domain level P3-Guided Response)

No Min
Basic Adequate Good Excellent
Attributes Progress Benchmark
0 1 2 3 4 5
Aware of
Mostly Aware of Aware of Aware of process and
unaware of process but process and can process and follow it.
Apparatus Setup No Progress the process can not set up set up the follow it Setup apparatus
of setting up apparatus apparatus with rightly as well rightly and
apparatus properly minor errors as can setup Can de assemble
apparatus or turn off the
apparatus with

No Progress Does not Comprehend Comprehend Follows Follows

comprehend the procedure the procedure procedure procedure
the basic but cannot Follows appropriately appropriately
procedure of perform the procedure but and can with all
experiment steps to not completely execute the precautionary
execute the follow all the experiment measure
experiment steps to execute correctly
the experiment
Able to get
Unable to observations Can take Can take Take
No Progress note and readings readings and observations, observations
readings and from the tabulate tabulate accurately,
Result and observation apparatus but properly but properly and tabulate
Analysis from the not cannot perform perform properly and
apparatus completely do analysis by analysis perform
and can not and have right method analysis.
perform errors can not
analysis perform


Progress Min Benchmark Basic Adequate Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fulfill No Progress Does not Inconsistently Performs Performs all

perform any Performs
Assigned performs tasks tasks that are tasks
tasks assigned partially withno
Duties that are assigned with assignedand
interest. assigned with minor actively
. little interest negligence
Team Work No Progress Put minimum Interaction Does assigned assigned
effort in Perform the and work and work and
group activity assigned task coordination gladly helps gladly helps
to perform but with no with only others and is others and is
any task working selective involved in involved in
plays the role coordination. members constructive constructive
of a Passive with no discussion and discussion
member involvement coordination and
in coordination
constructive and urge
discussion. others to be
the team
leader and
perform tasks
by their own
Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted
and not and poorly and poorly with proper tiemly with
formatted , formatted ,having formatted, format, proper
Individual Lab No Progress missing the the procedure, having the procedure, format,
Report procedure, observations or procedure, observations procedure,
observations or conclusion with observations or and analysis.. observations
conclusion errors conclusion with and analysis

Self-Excited DC Motors
Series and Shunt DC Motors
 To be able to demonstrate how the field current affects the characteristics of a Series and Shunt dc
motor using the DC Motor / Generator module.
 To be able to demonstrate the main operating characteristics of series and shunt motors.
Equipment required
 EMS Workstation
 DC Motor / Generator Module
 Four-Quadrant Dynamometer/Power Supply
 Power Supply
 Connection Leads and Accessories
 Data Acquisition Module

Series Motor

The series motor is a motor in which the field electromagnet is a series winding connected in series with the
armature as shown in Figure 9-1. The strength of the field electromagnet, therefore, varies as the armature
current varies. As a result, K1 and K2 vary when the armature current varies. Figure 9-1 shows the speed versus
torque characteristic of a series motor when the armature voltage is fixed. This characteristic shows that the
speed decreases non linearly as the torque increases, i.e. as the armature current increases.

Figure 9-1. Series Motor and its Speed Versus Torque Characteristic.

The series motor provides a strong starting torque and a wide range of operating speeds when it is supplied
byafixed-voltagedcsource. However, thespeed, torque, and armature current depend on the mechanical load
appliedtothemotor. Also, the series motor has non-linear operating characteristics as suggested by the speed
versus torque relationship in Figure 9-1. As a result, it is difficult to operate a series motor at a constant speed
when the mechanical load fluctuates. Furthermore, the armature current must be limited to prevent damage
to the motor when it is starting (when power is applied to the motor). Finally, a series motor must never run
with no mechanical load because the speed increases to a very-high value which can damage the motor
(motor runaway).
Today, series motors can operate with fixed-voltage power sources, for example, automobile starting
motors; or with variable-voltage power sources, for example, traction systems.

Shunt Motor

The shunt motor is a motor in which the field electromagnet is a shunt winding connected in parallel with
thearmature, bothbeingconnected to thesamedcvoltage source as shown in Figure 9-2. For a fixed armature
voltage, constants K1 and K2 are fixed, and the speed versus torque characteristic is very similar to that
obtained with a separately-excited dc motor powered by a fixed-voltage dc source, as shown in Figure 9-2.
As in a separately-excited dc motor, the characteristics (K1 and K2) of a shunt motor can be changed by
varying the field current with a rheostat. However, it is difficult to change the speed of a shunt motor by
changing the armature voltage, because this changes the field current, and thereby, the motor characteristics,
in a way that opposes speed change.

Figure 9-2. Shunt Motor and its Characteristics.

The main advantage of a shunt motor is the fact that only a single fixed-voltage dc source is required to supply
power to both the armature and the shunt winding. Also, speed varies little as the mechanical load varies.
However, a shunt motor has a limited speed range because speed cannot be easily varied by varying the
armature voltage. Furthermore, the armature current must be limited to prevent damage to the motor when it
is starting (when power is applied to the motor). Finally, when the shunt winding opens accidentally, the
field current IF becomes zero, the motor speed increases rapidly, and motor unaway occurs as suggested by
speed versus field current characteristic shown in Figure 9-2.

High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not make or modify
any banana jack connections with the power on unless otherwise specified!

1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.

2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off) position, and the voltage
control knob is turned fully counterclockwise. Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase
power source.
Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply,
Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT to a wall receptacle.
3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the computer. Connect the
POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC output of the Power Supply. On the
Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.
Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply,
Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its POWER INPUT switch to the I
(on) position.
4. Start the Metering application. In the Metering window.
5. Set up the series dc motor circuit shown in Figure 9-3.
6. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime Mover / Dynamometer to operate as
a dynamometer, then set the torque control to 0.4 N-m.
7. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob so that the armature voltage EA indicated by
meter E arm. (EA) is equal to 120V. The series motor should start to rotate.

Figure 9-3. Series Motor Coupled to a Dynamometer.

8. On Dynamometer, make sure that the torque correction function of the Torque meter is enabled. Record
the dc motor speed n, output torque T, armature voltage EA, and armature current IA in the Data Table.
9. On the dynamometer, set the torque control so that the torque indicated by the Torque meter increases by
0.1 N-m increments up to about 1.5 N-m. For each torque setting, readjust the voltage control knob of
the Power Supply so that the armature voltage EA remains equal to the value set in the previous step,
wait until the motor speed stabilizes, and then record the data in the Data Table.
Note: It may not be possible to maintain the armature voltage to its original value as the torque is
increased. The armature current may exceed the rated value while performing this manipulation.
It is, therefore, suggested to complete the manipulation within a time interval of 5 minutes or
10. When all data has been recorded, set the torque control on the dynamometer to minimum (fully CCW),
turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise, and turn the Power Supply off. In the Data Table
window, confirm that the data has been stored.
Paste the results of Data Table here.

11. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain graphs of the series motor torque vs speed
and armature current vs torque.
Paste the Torque vs speed Graph here.

Paste the Armature Current vs Torque Graph here.

12. Briefly describe how the speed varies as the mechanical load applied to the series motor increases, i.e. as
the motor torque increases.
13. Compare the speed versus torque characteristic of the series motor to that of the separately-excited dc

14. Set up the series dc motor circuit shown in Figure 9-4.

15. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime Mover / Dynamometer to operate as
a dynamometer, then set the torque control to 0.4 N-m.
16. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob so that the armature voltage EA indicated
by meter E arm. (EA) is equal to 220V. The series motor should start to rotate.
17. On Dynamometer, make sure that the torque correction function of the Torque meter is enabled. Record
the dc motor speed n, output torque T, armature voltage EA, and armature current IA in the Data Table.
18. On the dynamometer, set the torque control so that the torque indicated by the Torque meter increases
by 0.1 N-m increments up to about 1.5 N-m. For each torque setting, readjust the voltage control knob
of the Power Supply so that the armature voltage EA remains equal to the value set in the previous
step, wait until the motor speed stabilizes, and then record the data in the Data Table.


V ac (mA)

220V 125

Figure 9-4. Shunt Motor Circuit.

19. When all data has been recorded, set the torque control on the dynamometer to minimum (fully CCW),
turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise, and turn the Power Supply off. In the Data Table
window, confirm that the data has been stored.
Paste the results of Data Table here.

20. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain graphs of the shunt motor torque vs speed
and armature current vs torque.
Paste the Torque vs speed Graph here.

Paste the Armature Current vs Torque Graph here.

21. Briefly describe how the speed varies as the mechanical load applied to the shunt motor increases, i.e.
as the motor torque increases.

22. Compare the speed versus torque characteristic of the shunt motor to that of the series dc motor.
PLO2: Problem Analysis (Domain level P3-Guided Response)

No Min
Basic Adequate Good Excellent
Attributes Progress Benchmark
0 1 2 3 4 5
Aware of
Mostly Aware of Aware of Aware of process and
unaware of process but process and can process and follow it.
Apparatus Setup No Progress the process can not set up set up the follow it Setup apparatus
of setting up apparatus apparatus with rightly as well rightly and
apparatus properly minor errors as can setup Can de assemble
apparatus or turn off the
apparatus with

No Progress Does not Comprehend Comprehend Follows Follows

comprehend the procedure the procedure procedure procedure
the basic but cannot Follows appropriately appropriately
procedure of perform the procedure but and can with all
experiment steps to not completely execute the precautionary
execute the follow all the experiment measure
experiment steps to execute correctly
the experiment
Able to get
Unable to observations Can take Can take Take
No Progress note and readings readings and observations, observations
readings and from the tabulate tabulate accurately,
Result and observation apparatus but properly but properly and tabulate
Analysis from the not cannot perform perform properly and
apparatus completely do analysis by analysis perform
and can not and have right method analysis.
perform errors can not
analysis perform


Progress Min Benchmark Basic Adequate Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fulfill No Progress Does not Inconsistently Performs Performs all

perform any Performs
Assigned performs tasks tasks that are tasks
tasks assigned partially withno
Duties that are assigned with assignedand
interest. assigned with minor actively
. little interest negligence
Team Work No Progress Put minimum Interaction Does assigned assigned
effort in Perform the and work and work and
group activity assigned task coordination gladly helps gladly helps
to perform but with no with only others and is others and is
any task working selective involved in involved in
plays the role coordination. members constructive constructive
of a Passive with no discussion and discussion
member involvement coordination and
in coordination
constructive and urge
discussion. others to be
the team
leader and
perform tasks
by their own
Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted
and not and poorly and poorly with proper tiemly with
formatted , formatted ,having formatted, format, proper
Individual Lab No Progress missing the the procedure, having the procedure, format,
Report procedure, observations or procedure, observations procedure,
observations or conclusion with observations or and analysis.. observations
conclusion errors conclusion with and analysis
The DC Generator

 To be able to demonstrate the main operating characteristics of a separately-excited DC generator.

 To be able to demonstrate the main operating characteristics of a shunt DC generator
 To measure and plot motor various characteristics of a DC generator and understand their relationships.

Equipment required
 EMS Workstation
 DC Motor/Generator
 Power Supply
 Timing Belt
 Connection Leads and Accessories
 Prime Mover and Dynamometer Module
 Data Acquisition Module

Although dc generators are rarely used today, it is important to know their operation because this helps
understanding how a separately-excited dc motor can be used as an electric brake in modern dc motor
You saw earlier in this unit that a dc motor can be considered as a linear voltage-to- speed converter. This
linear conversion process is reversible, meaning that when a fixedspeedisimposed on themotorbyanexternal
driving force, the motor produces an output voltage Eo, and thus, operates as a linear speed-to-voltage
converter, i.e. a dc generator. Figure 10-1 illustrates a dc motor operating as a dc generator.

Figure 10-1. DC Motor as a Speed-to-Voltage Converter (DC Generator).

The linear relationship that exists between torque and current for the dc motor is also reversible and applies
to the dc generator, i.e. a torque must be applied to the generator's shaft to obtain a certain output current.
Figure 10-2 illustrates a dc motor operating as a linear torque-to-current converter, i.e. a dc generator.

Figure 10-2. DC Motor as a Torque-to-Current Converter (DC Generator).

Figure 10-3 (a) shows the output voltage versus speed relationship of a separately- excited dc generator.
Figure 10-3 (b) shows the output current versus applied torque relationship of a separately-excited dc
generator. Notice that the slopes of these linear relationships are equal to the reciprocal of constants K1 and

Figure 10-3. Input-Output Relationships of a Separately-Excited DC Generator.

In a manner similar to that for a separately-excited dc motor, the field current IF of a separately-excited dc
generator can be varied to change the strength of the field electromagnet, and thereby, the relative values of
constant K1 and K2. When the field current is decreased, constant K1 increases and constant K2 decreases, as
for a separately-excited dc motor. As a result, the slope of the output voltage versus speed relationship
decreases whereas the slope of the output current versus torque relationship increases. Conversely, when the
field current is increased, constant K1 decreases and constant K2 increases, and thereby, the slope of the output
voltage versus speed relationship increases whereas the slope of the output current versus torque relationship
decreases. Therefore, the output voltage EO of a generator operating at a fixed speed can be varied by varying
the field current IF. This produces the equivalent of a dc source whose output voltage can be controlled by
the field current IF. Figure 10-4 shows the variation of output voltage EO for a separately- excited dc
generator operating at a fixed speed, when the field current IF is varied over the range from zero to its
nominal value.

Figure 10-4. EO Versus IF for a Separately-Excited DC Generator Operating at a Fixed Speed.

The simplified equivalent electric circuit of a separately-excited dc generator is shown in Figure 10-5. It is
the same as that for the dc motor, except that the direction of current flow is reversed and voltage ECEMF
becomes EEMF, which is the voltage induced across the armature winding as it rotates in the magnetic flux
produced by the stator electromagnet. When no loadis connected to the dc generator output, the output current
IO is zero and the output voltage EO equals EEMF.

Figure 10-5. Simplified Equivalent Circuit of a DC Generator.

In the first exercise of this unit, you observed that when a fixed armature voltage EA is applied to a separately-
excited dc motor, its speed decreases as the armature current IA increases. You found that this decrease in
speed is due to the armature resistance RA. Similarly, when the same motor operates as a generator and at a
fixed speed, the armature resistance causes the output voltage EO to decrease with increasing output current
as shown in Figure 10-6. The output voltage EO can be calculated using the following equation:
where EO is the dc generator output voltage,
EEMF is the voltage induced across the armature winding,
RA is the armature resistance,
IO is the dc generator output current.

Figure 10-6. Voltage Versus Current Characteristic of a Separately-Excited DC Generator (Fixed Speed).
The separately-excited dc generator provides flexible use because its characteristics can be changed by
changing the field current. However, a separate dc power source is needed to excite the field electromagnet.
This was a disadvantage when the first dc generators were used because dc sources were not commonly
available at the time. Therefore, dc generators that operate without a dc power source were designed. These
are referred to as self-excited dc generators.
In a self-excited dc generator, the field electromagnet is a shunt winding connected across the generator
output (shunt generator) or a combination of a shunt winding connected across the generator output and a
series winding connected in series with the generator output (compound generator). The generator output
voltage and/or current excite(s) the field electromagnet. The way the field electromagnet is implemented
(shunt or compound) determines many of the generator's characteristics.
Self-excitation is possible because of the residual magnetism in the stator pole pieces. As the armature
rotates, a small voltage is induced across its winding and a small current flows in the shunt field winding. If
this small field current is flowing in the proper direction, the residual magnetism is reinforced which further
increasesthe armature voltage. Thus, a rapid voltage build-up occurs. If the field current flows in the wrong
direction, the residual magnetism is reduced and voltage build-up cannot occur. In this case, reversing the
connections of the shunt field winding corrects the situation.
In a self-excited dc generator, the output voltage after build-up could be of the opposite polarity to that
required. This can be corrected by stopping the generator and setting the polarity of the residual magnetism.
To set the residual magnetism, a dc source is connected to the shunt field winding to force nominal current
flow in the proper direction. Interrupting the current suddenly sets the polarity of the magnetic poles in the
shunt field winding. When the generator is started once again, voltage build-up at the proper polarity occurs.
Figure 10-7 is a graph that shows the voltage versus current characteristics of various types of dc generators.
As can be seen, the separately-excited dc generator and the shunt generator have very similar characteristics.
The difference is that the output voltage of the shunt generator decreases a little more than that of the
separately-excited dc generator as the output current increases. In both cases, the output voltage decreases
because the voltage drop across the armature resistor increases as the output current increases. In the shunt
generator, the voltage across the shunt field winding, and thereby, the field current, decreases as the output
voltage decreases. This causes the output voltage to decrease a little more.

Figure 10-7. Voltage Versus Current Characteristics of Various DC Generators.

It is possible to compensate the variation in output voltage by automatically changing the magnetic flux
produced by the field electromagnet as the output current varies. The shunt and series field windings of a
compound generator can be connected so that the magnetic flux increases when the output current increases.
Thus, the output voltage remains fairly constant and changes very little as the output current increases as
shown in Figure 10-7. This type of connection results in a cumulative compound generator because the
magnetic fluxes created by the two field windings addtogether inacumulativemanner. Forother applications
where the output voltage must decrease rapidly when the output current increases, the shunt and series
windings can be connected so the magnetic fluxes subtract from each other, resulting in a differential
compound generator.

In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation, connect the equipment as
shown in Figure 2-31, and make the appropriate settings on the equipment.
In the second part of the exercise, you will set the field current of the separately- excited dc generator to the
same value as that used in experiment 08. You will measure data and plot a graph of the output voltageE O
versus speed n when no electrical load is connected to the generator output. You will calculate the slopeof
the voltage versus speed relationship.
In the third part of the exercise, you will connect an electrical load to the generator output (setup shown in
Figure 2-32), measure data, and plot a graph of the output current IO versus the applied torque T when the
separately-excited dc generator rotates at a fixed speed. You will calculate the slope of the current versus
torque relationship.
In the fourth part of the exercise, you will vary the field current IF of the separately- excited dc generator and
observe how the output voltage isaffected.
In the fifth part of the exercise, you will use the data obtained in the third part of the exercise to plot a graph
of the output voltage versus output current when the separately-excited dc generator operates at a fixed

High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not make or modify
any banana jack connections with the power on unless otherwise specified!
Setting up the Equipment
1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.
Note: If you are performing the exercise using the EMS system, ensure that thebrushes of the DC Motor / Generator areadjusted to
the neutral point. To do so, connect an ac power source (terminals 4 and N of the Power Supply) to the armature of the DC
Motor / Generator (terminals 1 and 2) through CURRENT INPUT I1 of the data acquisition module. Connect the shunt winding
of the DC Motor / Generator (terminals 5 and 6) to VOLTAGE INPUT E1 of the data acquisition module. Start the Metering
application and open setup configuration file ACMOTOR1.DAI. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob so that
an ac current (indicated by meter I line 1) equal to half the nominal value of the armature current flows in the armature of the
DC Motor / Generator. Adjust the brush adjustment lever on the DC Motor / Generator so that the voltage across the shunt
winding (indicated by meter E line 1) is minimum. Turn the Power Supply off, exit the Metering application, and disconnect all
leads and cable.
Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the DC Motor / Generator using a
timing belt.
2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off) position, and the voltage
control knob is turned fully counterclockwise. Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase
power source.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT
to a wall receptacle.
3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the computer. Connect the
POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC output of the Power Supply.

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model 8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V
- AC output of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its
POWER INPUT switch to the I (on) position.

4. Start the Metering application.

5. Set up the separately-excited dc generator circuit shown in Figure 10-8. Notice that no electrical load
is connected to the generator output.
Figure 10-8. Separately-Excited DC Generator Coupled to a Prime Mover (No Electrical Load).
6. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime Mover / Dynamometer to
operate as a prime mover.

Output Voltage Versus Speed Characteristic of a Separately-Excited DC Generator

7. Turn the Power Supply on.

On the DC Motor / Generator, set the FIELD RHEOSTAT so that the field current IF indicated by
meter I field (IF) in the Metering window is equal to the value given in the following table:

V ac mA
120 300

220 190

240 210
Table 10-1. DC Generator Field Current.
8. In the Metering window, make sure that the torque correction function of the Torque meter is enabled.
The Torque meter now indicates the torque produced by thedc generator. Thistorque opposestorotation.
It is equal in magnitude to the torque applied to the dc generator's shaft but of opposite polarity. This
explains why the torque indicated by the Torque meter is negative.

Record the dc generator output voltage EO, field current IF, speed n, and torque T in the Data Table.
These parameters are indicated by meters E arm. (EA), I field (IF), Speed, and Torque, respectively.
Set the prime mover to CW Prime Mover/Brake Function. Increase the prime mover speed (indicated
by the Speed meter) by 150 r/min increments up to 1200 r/min (150, 300, 450 r/min etc.). For each speed
setting, record the data in the Data Table.
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

9. When all data has been recorded, turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise and turn the
Power Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the data table as DT231, and
print the data table.

10. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the dc generator output voltage
[obtained from meter E arm. (EA)] as a function of the speed n (obtained from the Speed meter). Entitle
the graph as G231, name the x-axis as DC Generator Speed, name the y-axis as Separately- Excited
DC Generator Output Voltage, and print the graph.
Paste the Graph here.

Does this graph confirm that the separately-excited dc generator is equivalent to a linear speed-to-
voltage converter, with higher speed producing greater output voltage? No

11. Use the two end points to calculate the slope of the relationship obtained in graph G231. The values
of these points are indicated in data table DT231.
E2 − E − 𝑉
K1 = = =
n2 − n1 − r/min

Explain the trend of the graph taking in account the slope K1.

In the Data Table window, clear the recorded data.

Output Current Versus Torque Characteristic of a Separately-Excited DC Generator

12. Modify the connections to connect a resistive load (R1) across the separately-excited dc generator output
as shown in the circuit of Figure 10-9. Connect the three resistor sections on the Resistive Load module
in parallel to implement resistor R1.

13. Turn the Power Supply on.

On the DC Motor / Generator, slightly readjust the FIELD RHEOSTAT so that the field current IF
indicated by meter I field (IF) still equals the value given in Table 10-1 (if necessary).
Select the CW CS Prime Mover/ Brake Function. Set the prime mover speed so that it is equal 1200

14. Record the dc generator output voltage EO, output current IO, field current IF, torque, and speed in the Data
Table. These parameters are indicated by meters E arm. (EA), I arm.(IA), I field (IF), Torque, and Speed,

Figure 10-9. Separately-Excited DC Generator Coupled to a Prime Mover (with an Electrical Load).
Modify the settings on the Resistive Load module so that the resistance of resistor R1 decreases by steps
as indicated in Table 10-2. You can refer to the Impedance Table to know how to obtain the various
resistance values given in Table 10-2. For each resistance setting, readjust the speed setting (if
necessary) so that the prime mover speed remains equal to the nominal speed of the DC Motor /
Generator and then record the data in the Data Table.
Note: The dc generator output voltage may exceed the rated voltage of the Resistive Load module while
performing this manipulation. It is, therefore, suggested to complete the manipulation within a time interval of 5
minutes or less.
R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1

V ac Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω

120 1200 600 300 171 120 86 71 57

220 4400 2200 1100 629 440 314 259 210

240 4800 2400 1200 686 480 343 282 229

Table 10-2. Decreasing R1 to Load the DC Generator.

15. When all data has been recorded, set the prime mover speed to 0 then turn the Power Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored. Reverse thepolarityofthetorquevalues
indicated in the Torque column to obtain the torque applied to the dc generator's shaft. Entitle the data
table as DT232, and print the data table.
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

16. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the dc generator output current
[obtained from meter I arm.(IA)] as a function of the torque T (obtained from the Torque meter). Entitle
the graph as G232, name the x-axis as Torque Applied to the DC Generator, name the y-axis as
Separately-Excited DC Generator Output Current, and print the graph.
Note: The torque is not zero when the output current is zero because some torque is required to overcome
opposition to rotation due to friction in the dc generator.
Paste the Graph here.

Does this graph confirm that the separately-excited dc generator is equivalent to a linear torque-to-
current converter, with higher torque producing greater output current? No

17. Use the two end points to calculate the slope of the relationship obtained in graph G232. The values
of these points are indicated in data table DT232.
I2 − I1 − 𝐴
K2 = = =
T2 − T1 − N. m

Explain the trend of the graph taking in account the slope K2.

Output Voltage Versus Field Current of a Separately-Excited DC Generator

18. On the Resistive Load module, set the resistance of resistor R1 to the value given in the following table.

V ac Ω
120 171

220 629

240 686
Table 10-3. Resistance of Resistor R .

Turn the Power Supply on.

On the DC Motor / Generator, slightly readjust the FIELD RHEOSTAT so that the field current IF
indicated by meter I field (IF) still equals the value given in Table 10-1 (if necessary).
Set the prime mover speed so that it is equal to 1200 r/min.

Note below the dc generator output voltage EO and field current IF indicated by meters E arm. (EA) and I
field (IF), respectively:
EO = V IF = A

19. On the DC Motor / Generator, slowly turn the FIELD RHEOSTAT knob fully clockwise sothat the field
current IF increases, but not above the rated value. While doing this, observe the output voltage EO
indicated by meter E arm. (EA).

Note the output voltage EO and field current IF in the following blank spaces:
EO = V IF = A
On the DC Motor / Generator, set the FIELD RHEOSTAT to the mid position.
Describe what happens to the output voltage EO when the field current IF is increased.

20. On the DC Motor / Generator, slowly turn the FIELD RHEOSTAT knob fully counterclockwise sothat
the field current IF decreases. While doingthis, observe the output voltage EO indicated by meter E arm.

Note the output voltage EO and field current IF in the following blank spaces:
EO = V IF = A

On the DC Motor / Generator, set the FIELD RHEOSTAT to the mid position.

Describe what happens to the output voltage EO when the field current IF is decreased.

Is a separately-excited dc generator equivalent to a dc power source with variable output voltage?

Set the prime mover speed to 0, then turn the Power Supply off.

Voltage Versus Current Characteristic of a Separately-Excited DC Generator

Operating at a Fixed Speed
21. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the separately-excited dc
generator output voltage EO [(obtained from meter E arm. (EA)] as a function of the separately-excited
dc generator output current IO [obtained from meter I arm. (IA)] using the data recorded previously in
the data table (DT232). Entitle the graph as G232-1, name the x-axisas Separately-Excited DC Generator
Output Current, name the y-axis as Separately-Excited DC Generator Output Voltage, and print the
Paste the Graph here.

Describes how the output voltage EO varies as the output current IO increases.

22. On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.
Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by setting its POWER
INPUT switch to the O (off) position.
Remove all leads and cables.

Voltage Versus Current Characteristic of a Shunt Generator Operating at a Fixed Speed

23. You can obtain the output voltage versus output current characteristic of a shunt generator and compare
it to that obtained for the separately-excited dc generator.
24. To do so, make sure the Power Supply is turned off and connect terminals 8 and N of the Power Supply
to terminals 5 and 6 of the DC Motor / Generator, respectively. Turn the Power Supply on then turn it
off. This sets the polarity of the residual magnetism. (No need to perform this step if the earlier exercise
have already been performed)

Set up the shunt generator circuit shown in Figure 10-10.

Figure 10-10. Shunt Generator Coupled to a Prime Mover (with an Electrical Load).
25. Make sure the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime Mover / Dynamometer is set
to operate as a prime mover. Set the FIELD RHEOSTAT on the DC Motor / Generator to the mid
position. Turn the Power Supply on. Adjust the prime mover speed so that it is equal 1200 r/min.
Slightly turn the FIELD RHEOSTAT on the DC Motor / Generator so that the field current IFis
equal to the value indicated in Table 10-1. Clear the data recorded in the data table.

In the Metering window, make sure that the torque correction function of the Torque meter is enabled.
Refer to steps 14, 15, and 21 of this exercise to record the necessary data and obtain the graph. Entitle
the data table and graph as DT233 and G233, respectively. Compare the output voltage versus output
current characteristic of the shunt generator (graph G233) to that of the separately-excited dc generator
(graph G232-1).
Note: The output voltage of the shunt generator decreases rapidly as the output current increases because the
armature resistance of the DC Motor / Generator is quite large. This is also due to another phenomenon which
is called armature reaction. This phenomenon will be studied in the next unit of this manual.
Paste the values of the Data Table here.

Paste the Graph here.

PLO2: Problem Analysis (Domain level P3-Guided Response)

No Min
Basic Adequate Good Excellent
Attributes Progress Benchmark
0 1 2 3 4 5
Aware of
Mostly Aware of Aware of Aware of process and
unaware of process but process and can process and follow it.
Apparatus Setup No Progress the process can not set up set up the follow it Setup apparatus
of setting up apparatus apparatus with rightly as well rightly and
apparatus properly minor errors as can setup Can de assemble
apparatus or turn off the
apparatus with

No Progress Does not Comprehend Comprehend Follows Follows

comprehend the procedure the procedure procedure procedure
the basic but cannot Follows appropriately appropriately
procedure of perform the procedure but and can with all
experiment steps to not completely execute the precautionary
execute the follow all the experiment measure
experiment steps to execute correctly
the experiment
Able to get
Unable to observations Can take Can take Take
No Progress note and readings readings and observations, observations
readings and from the tabulate tabulate accurately,
Result and observation apparatus but properly but properly and tabulate
Analysis from the not cannot perform perform properly and
apparatus completely do analysis by analysis perform
and can not and have right method analysis.
perform errors can not
analysis perform


Progress Min Benchmark Basic Adequate Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fulfill No Progress Does not Inconsistently Performs Performs all

perform any Performs
Assigned performs tasks tasks that are tasks
tasks assigned partially withno
Duties that are assigned with assignedand
interest. assigned with minor actively
. little interest negligence
Team Work No Progress Put minimum Interaction Does assigned assigned
effort in Perform the and work and work and
group activity assigned task coordination gladly helps gladly helps
to perform but with no with only others and is others and is
any task working selective involved in involved in
plays the role coordination. members constructive constructive
of a Passive with no discussion and discussion
member involvement coordination and
in coordination
constructive and urge
discussion. others to be
the team
leader and
perform tasks
by their own

Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted

and not and poorly and poorly with proper timely with
formatted , formatted ,having formatted, format, proper
Individual Lab No Progress missing the the procedure, having the procedure, format,
Report procedure, observations or procedure, observations procedure,
observations or conclusion with observations or and analysis.. observations
conclusion errors conclusion with and analysis
Open-Ended Lab

A six-storey building has a pre-installed elevator. The elevator is made to work
such that it only operates when on full capacity i.e. four people and not
otherwise. You are asked to deal with this inconvenient mode of operation of the
elevator. Propose a DC Machine that you think might solve the problem and can
be loaded intermittently (that even a kid, half the weight of an average person
can take the lift alone).

Plot the following characteristic graphs:

Armature Voltage vs Speed
Explain the relation (with equations)?

Armature Current vs Torque

Explain the relation (with equations)?

PLO2: Problem Analysis (Domain level P3-Guided Response)

No Min
Basic Adequate Good Excellent
Attributes Progress Benchmark
0 1 2 3 4 5
Aware of
Mostly Aware of Aware of Aware of process and
unaware of process but process and can process and follow it.
Apparatus Setup No Progress the process can not set up set up the follow it Setup apparatus
of setting up apparatus apparatus with rightly as well rightly and
apparatus properly minor errors as can setup Can de assemble
apparatus or turn off the
apparatus with

No Progress Does not Comprehend Comprehend Follows Follows

comprehend the procedure the procedure procedure procedure
the basic but cannot Follows appropriately appropriately
procedure of perform the procedure but and can with all
experiment steps to not completely execute the precautionary
execute the follow all the experiment measure
experiment steps to execute correctly
the experiment
Able to get
Unable to observations Can take Can take Take
No Progress note and readings readings and observations, observations
readings and from the tabulate tabulate accurately,
Result and observation apparatus but properly but properly and tabulate
Analysis from the not cannot perform perform properly and
apparatus completely do analysis by analysis perform
and can not and have right method analysis.
perform errors can not
analysis perform


Progress Min Benchmark Basic Adequate Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fulfill No Progress Does not Inconsistently Performs Performs all

perform any Performs
Assigned performs tasks tasks that are tasks
tasks assigned partially withno
Duties that are assigned with assignedand
interest. assigned with minor actively
. little interest negligence
Team Work No Progress Put minimum Interaction Does assigned assigned
effort in Perform the and work and work and
group activity assigned task coordination gladly helps gladly helps
to perform but with no with only others and is others and is
any task working selective involved in involved in
plays the role coordination. members constructive constructive
of a Passive with no discussion and discussion
member involvement coordination and
in coordination
constructive and urge
discussion. others to be
the team
leader and
perform tasks
by their own

Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted

and not and poorly and poorly with proper tiemly with
formatted , formatted ,having formatted, format, proper
Individual Lab No Progress missing the the procedure, having the procedure, format,
Report procedure, observations or procedure, observations procedure,
observations or conclusion with observations or and analysis.. observations
conclusion errors conclusion with and analysis
Introduction to hydraulic trainer

To be able to get information about hydraulic systems

To able to work with hydraulic trainer

Equipment required

Hydraulic trainer
Hydraulic pump
Hydraulic tubes
Power supply


A hydraulic system is a system that uses a fluid, typically oil or water, to

transmit and control energy. The fluid is pressurized by a pump, and then the
pressurized fluid is used to power a motor, cylinder, or other device to perform
work. The fluid is then returned to the pump to be pressurized again. This type
of system is commonly used in industrial and heavy machinery, such as
excavators, cranes, and forklifts.

1. A hydraulic trainer is a training tool or educational equipment that is used to

demonstrate and teach the principles of hydraulic systems. A typical hydraulic
trainer includes the following components.
2. Hydraulic power unit: This is the heart of the system and consists of a pump,
motor, reservoir, and control valves.
3. Actuators: These are devices that convert the energy from the pressurized fluid into
mechanical movement.
4. Control valves: These are used to regulate the flow and pressure of the fluid in the
5. Piping and tubing: These are used to connect the various components of the system
6. Educational materials: These include textbooks, workbooks, and other resources to
help teach the principles of hydraulic systems.
7. Manifold: A manifold is a block that contains multiple ports for connecting various
8. Electrical panel: This is used to control and monitor the electrical components of
the trainer.
9. Visualization tools: This may include gauges, pressure and flow meters, and other
instruments that allow the user to observe the operation of the system
The characteristics of a pressure relief valve are to be demonstrated by way of
measurements, as indicated.

1. Equipment Required:
2. a) 1 off Flow control valve
3. b) 1 off Pressure relief vaive C
4. c) 1 off Flow meter
5. d) 1 off Distribution manifold pressure/tank
6. e) Connection hoses as required
Operational Procedure

7. Ensure that the hydraulic power pack is switched “off”.

8. Connect the “pressure feed” and “tank return” hoses on the hydraulic power
pack to the ‘pressure’ and ‘tank’ manifolds in the tutor case.
9. Following the circuit diagram, connect hoses between the pressure manifold,
flow control valve, flow meter and tank manifold as required.
10. Check the assembled circuit with the circuit diagram.
11.Fully close the flow control valve by turning the adjuster clockwise. Start the
hydraulic power pack and adjust the pressure relief valve setting to 2.5 bar (36
12. Open the flow control fully by turning the adjuster anti clockwise.
13.Observe if the flow meter is: R | LNot Rotating (are Now fully close the flow
control valve and observe if the flow meter is: Rotating Not Rotating Switch
“off” the power pack and remove all hoses.

Circuit Explanation;
in this exercise the “motor/flow meter’ is used to monitor flow on/off valve, and
the “flow control valve” is used as control valve fully closed and the pump
running that the flow meter is ‘not rotating’ indicating stopped. Passing
through the flow control valve. If it is not passing through the flow control
valve 5 up pressure at the port ‘P’. Upon reaching rating ae ae bar (36 psi) the
relief valve will open Reese. Fluid to tank, whilst maintaining the system the
flow control valve is open the flow meter ae an the pressure reading falls to
approximately 2 bar : psi) indicating the fluid is now flowing through this part
of Circuit, and not through the relief valve.

The symbol, purpose, position and application of pressure valve.

Task 2

Function test on one way direction control valve,

1. Equipment Required:
1 off Flow control valve
b) 1 off Pressure relief valve C
c) 1 off Flow meter
d) 1 off Distribution manifold pressure/tank
e) Connection hoses as required

2. Ensure that the hydraulic power pack is switched “off”.
3. Connect the “pressure feed” and “tank return” hoses on the hydraulic power

pack to the ‘pressure’ and ‘tank’ manifolds in the tutor case.

4. Following the circuit diagram, connect hoses between the pressure manifold,

4/3 directional control valve, one way flow control valve, flow meter, andthe

tank manifold.

5. check the assembled circuit against the circuit diagram.

6. Operate the 4/3 directional control valve (DCV) to the centre position ‘o’.

7. Start the hydraulic power pack and adjust the pressure relief valve setting to

2.5 bar (36 psi).

8. Operate the 4/3 DCV to position ‘a’ and adjust the one way flow control valve

clockwise or anti clockwise until the flow meter rotates at approximately two

(2) revolutions per second.

9. Now operate 4/3 DCV to position ‘b’ and observe the rotational speed of the

flow meter. If the speed is different from the vo (2) revolutions set by the flow

control valve, then try readiusting as required.

10. Switch ‘off the hydrauic power pack and remove all the

hoses11.Compare your observations with the circuit explanation.


Describe the components of flow control valve. And their direction of flow control.
PLO2: Problem Analysis (Domain level P3-Guided Response)

No Min
Basic Adequate Good Excellent
Attributes Progress Benchmark
0 1 2 3 4 5
Aware of
Mostly Aware of Aware of Aware of process and
unaware of process but process and can process and follow it.
Apparatus Setup No Progress the process can not set up set up the follow it Setup apparatus
of setting up apparatus apparatus with rightly as well rightly and
apparatus properly minor errors as can setup Can de assemble
apparatus or turn off the
apparatus with

No Progress Does not Comprehend Comprehend Follows Follows

comprehend the procedure the procedure procedure procedure
the basic but cannot Follows appropriately appropriately
procedure of perform the procedure but and can with all
experiment steps to not completely execute the precautionary
execute the follow all the experiment measure
experiment steps to execute correctly
the experiment
Able to get
Unable to observations Can take Can take Take
No Progress note and readings readings and observations, observations
readings and from the tabulate tabulate accurately,
Result and observation apparatus but properly but properly and tabulate
Analysis from the not cannot perform perform properly and
apparatus completely do analysis by analysis perform
and can not and have right method analysis.
perform errors can not
analysis perform


Progress Min Benchmark Basic Adequate Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fulfill No Progress Does not Inconsistently Performs Performs all

perform any Performs
Assigned performs tasks tasks that are tasks
tasks assigned partially withno
Duties that are assigned with assignedand
interest. assigned with minor actively
. little interest negligence
Team Work No Progress Put minimum Interaction Does assigned assigned
effort in Perform the and work and work and
group activity assigned task coordination gladly helps gladly helps
to perform but with no with only others and is others and is
any task working selective involved in involved in
plays the role coordination. members constructive constructive
of a Passive with no discussion and discussion
member involvement coordination and
in coordination
constructive and urge
discussion. others to be
the team
leader and
perform tasks
by their own
Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted
and not and poorly and poorly with proper tiemly with
formatted , formatted ,having formatted, format, proper
Individual Lab No Progress missing the the procedure, having the procedure, format,
Report procedure, observations or procedure, observations procedure,
observations or conclusion with observations or and analysis.. observations
conclusion errors conclusion with and analysis
Introduction to hydraulic trainer

To be able to get information about hydraulic systems

To able to work with hydraulic trainer

Equipment required

Hydraulic trainer
Hydraulic pump
Hydraulic tubes
Power supply


A hydraulic system is a system that uses a fluid, typically oil or water, to transmit and control energy.
The fluid is pressurized by a pump, and then the pressurized fluid is used to power a motor, cylinder,
or other device to perform work. The fluid is then returned to the pump to be pressurized again. This
type of system is commonly used in industrial and heavy machinery, such as excavators, cranes, and
1. A hydraulic trainer is a training tool or educational equipment that is used to demonstrate and teach the
principles of hydraulic systems. A typical hydraulic trainer includes the following components.
2. Hydraulic power unit: This is the heart of the system and consists of a pump, motor, reservoir, and control
3. Actuators: These are devices that convert the energy from the pressurized fluid into mechanical
4. Control valves: These are used to regulate the flow and pressure of the fluid in the system.
5. Piping and tubing: These are used to connect the various components of the system together.
6. Educational materials: These include textbooks, workbooks, and other resources to help teach the
principles of hydraulic systems.
7. Manifold: A manifold is a block that contains multiple ports for connecting various components.
8. Electrical panel: This is used to control and monitor the electrical components of the trainer.
9. Visualization tools: This may include gauges, pressure and flow meters, and other instruments that allowthe
user to observe the operation of the system

Exercise 1
Equipment Required:
• 1 off Single acting cylinder
• 1 off 3/2 way lever actuated, directional control valve
• 1 off Pressure relief valve
• 1 off Distribution manifold pressure/tank
• Connection hoses as required
Operational Procedure
• Ensure that the hydraulic power pack is switched “off”.
• Connect the “pressure feed” and “tank return” hoses _ the hydraulic power
pack to the ‘pressure’ and tank’ manifolds in the tutor case.
• Unclip the cylinder from its horizontal position and fully Screw it into the
vertical mounting flange.
• Fit the 4kg weight to the top of the now vertical cylinder.
• Following the circuit diagram, connect the hoses between the pressure
manifold, directional control valve, flow meter, and the tank manifold as

• Check your assembled circuit against the circuit diagram.

• Switch ‘on’ the hydraulic power pack and adjust the pressure relief valve
setting to 2.5 bar (36 psi).
• Operate the cylinder using the 4/2 way directional control! valve (DCV) and
enter into the table below the following information:
a) Spool position (square ‘a’ or ‘b’) of the DCV.
b) Flow direction through the DCV.
• Remove the weight and return the cylinder to initial position.
Circuit Explanation
The lever value controlling the single acting cylinder is of the 3/2 way, the
single acting cylinder is of the the fluid supply to closed (N/C) type. In the ‘at
rest’ condition A, which is conn the valve is closed at port P, the output port A
which is connected to the cylinder, is open to tank port it thereby allowing
external load
Upon actuati the Bibi A cre Ae lever valve the supply P is connected t travel
into the c ti tank port is closed (T), this allows fluid to extend. When a inder, the
piston and piston rod will now extend. When lever valve is acutataed to position
‘b’ the fluid supply is c;osed at P and fluid in cylinder is allowed to flow.

Discuss symbol, position, working, advantages and disadvantages of single
acting cylinder.

Experiment 02

Lift Table
Boxes which are fed along a conveyor belt, are to be lifted to a second belt by
means of a lift table. The table is controlled by means of double acting cylinder.

Equipment Required:
• 1 off Double acting cylinder
• 1 off 4/2 way lever actuated, directional control valve
• 1 off pressure relief valve
• 1 off distribution manifold pressure

Operational Procedure
• Ensure that the hydraulic power pack is switched “off”.
• Connect the “pressure feed” and “tank return” hoses _ the hydraulic power
pack to the ‘pressure’ and tank’ manifolds in the tutor case.
• Following the circuit diagram, connect the hoses between the pressure
manifold, directional control valve, flow meter, and the tank manifold as
• Switch ‘on’ the hydraulic power pack and adjust the pressure relief valve
setting to 2.5 bar (29 psi).
• Operate the cylinder using the 4/2 way directional control! valve (DCV) and
enter into the table below the following information:
c) Spool position (square ‘a’ or ‘b’) of the DCV.
d) Flow direction through the DCV.

a) List 5 methods of operating spool valve.
b) What do the letters P,T,A and B marked upon ports of the hydraulic valves
c) Discuss symbol, position, working, advantages and disadvantages of single
acting cylinder
Exercise 3(Machine Lift)

Equipment Required:
• 1 off Double acting cylinder
• 1 off Pressure relief valve
• 1 off Flow control valve
• 1 off Distribution manifold pressure/tank
• 1 off Pressure relief valve
• Connection hoses as required
Operational Procedure
• Ensure that the hydraulic power pack is switched “off”.
• Connect the “pressure feed” and “tank return” hoses _ the hydraulic power
pack to the ‘pressure’ and tank’ manifolds in the tutor case.
• Following the circuit diagram, connect hoses between the Pressure manifold,
4/2 directional control valve, one way flow control valve, cylinder, and the
tank manifold.

• Check the assembled circuit against the circuit diagram.

• Operate the 4/2 directional control valve (DCV) to the position ‘b’.
• Open the one way flow control valve by turning the adjuster anti-clockwise
until it stops.
• Start the hydraulic power pack and adjust the pressure relief valve setting to
2.5 bar (36 psi).
• Using the 4/2 DCV to extend and retract the cylinder adjust the one way
flow control valve clockwise in increments until the cylinder extending
stroke takes fourteen (14) seconds for complete.
• Retract the cylinder and switch ‘off the hydraulic power pack.
• Remove all hoses.

1. What is the function of flow control valve?
2. What does the term meter out means?
3. list one disadvantage of “metering out” when controlling the speed
of cylinder
PLO2: Problem Analysis (Domain level P3-Guided Response)

No Min
Basic Adequate Good Excellent
Attributes Progress Benchmark
0 1 2 3 4 5
Aware of
Mostly Aware of Aware of Aware of process and
unaware of process but process and can process and follow it.
Apparatus Setup No Progress the process can not set up set up the follow it Setup apparatus
of setting up apparatus apparatus with rightly as well rightly and
apparatus properly minor errors as can setup Can de assemble
apparatus or turn off the
apparatus with

No Progress Does not Comprehend Comprehend Follows Follows

comprehend the procedure the procedure procedure procedure
Procedure Follows
the basic but cannot appropriately appropriately
procedure of perform the procedure but and can with all
experiment steps to not completely execute the precautionary
execute the follow all the experiment measure
experiment steps to execute correctly
the experiment
Able to get
Unable to observations Can take Can take Take
No Progress note and readings readings and observations, observations
readings and from the tabulate tabulate accurately,
Result and observation apparatus but properly but properly and tabulate
Analysis from the not cannot perform perform properly and
apparatus completely do analysis by analysis perform
and can not and have right method analysis.
perform errors can not
analysis perform


Progress Min Benchmark Basic Adequate Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fulfill No Progress Does not Inconsistently Performs Performs all

perform any Performs
Assigned performs tasks tasks that are tasks
tasks assigned partially withno
Duties that are assigned with assignedand
interest. assigned with minor actively
. little interest negligence
Team Work No Progress Put minimum Interaction Does assigned assigned
effort in Perform the and work and work and
group activity assigned task coordination gladly helps gladly helps
to perform but with no with only others and is others and is
any task working selective involved in involved in
plays the role coordination. members constructive constructive
of a Passive with no discussion and discussion
member involvement coordination and
in coordination
constructive and urge
discussion. others to be
the team
leader and
perform tasks
by their own
Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted
and not and poorly and poorly with proper tiemly with
formatted , formatted ,having formatted, format, proper
Individual Lab No Progress missing the the procedure, having the procedure, format,
Report procedure, observations or procedure, observations procedure,
observations or conclusion with observations or and analysis.. observations
conclusion errors conclusion with and analysis
Introduction to pneumatic trainer

To be able to get information about pneumatic systems

To able to work with pneumatic trainer

Equipment required

Pneumatic trainer
Air Suction pump
Pneumatic tubing
Power supply


A pneumatic trainer is a training system that uses compressed air to

demonstrate and simulate the basic principles and operations of pneumatic
systems. It is used to teach students and industrial technicians about the
components, operation, and maintenance of pneumatic systems, which are
commonly used in manufacturing and industrial environments. Pneumatic
trainers typically include a variety of components such as air compressors,
control valves, actuators, sensors, and control panels that can be used to
simulate different pneumatic circuits and processes. The trainer allows students
to learn about the behavior of pneumatic systems through hands-on
experimentation and observation, and provides a safe and controlled
environment for learning about the potential hazards associated
With working with Pneumatic systems.
Pneumatic trainer typically includes the following components:

• Air compressor: used to generate and supply compressed air to the system.
• Air receiver tank: stores and regulates the compressed air.
• Control valves: used to control the flow of compressed air to the different
components of the trainer.
• Actuators: convert the compressed air into mechanical motion to simulate the
movement of various machine parts.
• Sensors: measure various parameters such as pressure, flow, and position.
• Control panel: used to operate and monitor the system.
• Pneumatic circuit diagrams and component layout.
• Connecting tubing and fittings: used to connect the various components of the
• Safety equipment: such as pressure relief valves and emergency stop buttons.
• Pneumatic circuit diagrams and component layout.
Experiment 1(Bending Fixture)

Equipment Required:
• 1 off Single acting cylinder
• 3/2 way push button operated, spring return, directional control Valve
• One-way flow control (throttle/check) valve
• Distribution manifold with ON/OFF valve
• 4mm pneumatic tubing as required

Operational Procedure
• Ensure that the ON/OFF valve is in the ‘OFF’ position.
• Connect tubing between the manifold and port 1 of the push button valve.
• Connect tubing between port 2 of the push button and the inlet port of the
flow control valve.
• Connect tubing between the output port of the flow control valve and the
inlet port of the single acting cylinder.
• Fit blanking plugs into all the unused manifold ports.
• Check your assembled circuit against the circuit diagram.
• Select the ON/OFF valve to the ‘ON’ position.
• Operate and hold down the push button and observe what happens,
especially while adjusting the flow control valve.
• Release the push button and again observe what happens, especially
while adjusting the flow control valve.
• Compare your observations with the written circuit explanation.
• Turn ‘OFF’ the air supply at the manifold.
• Remove all tubing.

1. What is the name of the flow control valve that controls the flow (adjustable) in
both directions of travel?
2. Draw a circuit using ISO 1219-1 symbol, showing how throttle/check valve can
be used so that a single acting cylinder can extend and retract slowly with both
directions of travel being independently adjustable
3. What is the function of an actuator?
Experiment 02 (Product Sorting)

Equipment Required:
• 1 off Single acting cylinder
• 3/2 way push button operated, spring return, directional control Valve
• 1 off AND gate
• Distribution manifold with ON/OFF valve
• 4mm pneumatic tubing as required
Operational Procedure
• Ensure that the ON/OFF valve is in the ‘OFF’ position.
• Following the pneumatic circuit diagram, connect tubing between the
manifold and port 1 of two push button valves.
• Connect tubing between port 2 of push buttons and the inlet ports of the
‘AND’ gate.
• Connect Tubing between the output port of the AND gate and inlet port
of single acting cylinder.

• Fit blanking plugs into all unused manifold ports.

• Check your assembled circuit against the circuit diagram.
• Select the ON/OFF valve to the ‘ON’ position.
• Operate and hold down push button 1.1 and observe what happens.
• Release the push button 1.1 and again observe what happens.
• Operate and hold the push button 1.2 and observe what happens.
• Release the push button 1.2 and again observe what happens.
• Operate push buttons 1.1 and 1.2 together and observe what happens.
• Release push buttons 1.1 and 1.2 and again observe what happens.
• Turn off the Air supply
• Remove all tunings.

1. Draw the symbol for an AND gate:
2. Draw a circuit where both the buttons must be pushed but without using an AND
3. Complete the symbol below for an AND gate and tell whether there will be an
output available at A. If yes then what pressure would that output be?
PLO2: Problem Analysis (Domain level P3-Guided Response)

No Min
Basic Adequate Good Excellent
Attributes Progress Benchmark
0 1 2 3 4 5
Aware of
Mostly Aware of Aware of Aware of process and
unaware of process but process and can process and follow it.
Apparatus Setup No Progress the process can not set up set up the follow it Setup apparatus
of setting up apparatus apparatus with rightly as well rightly and
apparatus properly minor errors as can setup Can de assemble
apparatus or turn off the
apparatus with

No Progress Does not Comprehend Comprehend Follows Follows

comprehend the procedure the procedure procedure procedure
the basic but cannot Follows appropriately appropriately
procedure of perform the procedure but and can with all
experiment steps to not completely execute the precautionary
execute the follow all the experiment measure
experiment steps to execute correctly
the experiment
Able to get
Unable to observations Can take Can take Take
No Progress note and readings readings and observations, observations
readings and from the tabulate tabulate accurately,
Result and observation apparatus but properly but properly and tabulate
Analysis from the not cannot perform perform properly and
apparatus completely do analysis by analysis perform
and can not and have right method analysis.
perform errors can not
analysis perform


Progress Min Benchmark Basic Adequate Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fulfill No Progress Does not Inconsistently Performs Performs all

perform any Performs
Assigned performs tasks tasks that are tasks
tasks assigned partially withno
Duties that are assigned with assignedand
interest. assigned with minor actively
. little interest negligence
Team Work No Progress Put minimum Interaction Does assigned assigned
effort in Perform the and work and work and
group activity assigned task coordination gladly helps gladly helps
to perform but with no with only others and is others and is
any task working selective involved in involved in
plays the role coordination. members constructive constructive
of a Passive with no discussion and discussion
member involvement coordination and
in coordination
constructive and urge
discussion. others to be
the team
leader and
perform tasks
by their own
Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted
and not and poorly and poorly with proper tiemly with
formatted , formatted ,having formatted, format, proper
Individual Lab No Progress missing the the procedure, having the procedure, format,
Report procedure, observations or procedure, observations procedure,
observations or conclusion with observations or and analysis.. observations
conclusion errors conclusion with and analysis
Introduction to pneumatic trainer

To be able to get information about pneumatic systems

To able to work with pneumatic trainer

Equipment required

Pneumatic trainer
Air Suction pump
Pneumatic tubing
Power supply


A pneumatic trainer is a training system that uses compressed air to

demonstrate and simulate the basic principles and operations of pneumatic
systems. It is used to teach students and industrial technicians about the
components, operation, and maintenance of pneumatic systems, which are
commonly used in manufacturing and industrial environments. Pneumatic
trainers typically include a variety of components such as air compressors,
control valves, actuators, sensors, and control panels that can be used to
simulate different pneumatic circuits and processes. The trainer allows students
to learn about the behavior of pneumatic systems through hands-on
experimentation and observation, and provides a safe and controlled
environment for learning about the potential hazards associated
With working with Pneumatic systems.
Pneumatic trainer typically includes the following components:

• Air compressor: used to generate and supply compressed air to the system.
• Air receiver tank: stores and regulates the compressed air.
• Control valves: used to control the flow of compressed air to the different
components of the trainer.
• Actuators: convert the compressed air into mechanical motion to simulate the
movement of various machine parts.
• Sensors: measure various parameters such as pressure, flow, and position.
• Control panel: used to operate and monitor the system.
• Pneumatic circuit diagrams and component layout.
• Connecting tubing and fittings: used to connect the various components of the
• Safety equipment: such as pressure relief valves and emergency stop buttons.
• Pneumatic circuit diagrams and component layout.
Experiment 1(inspection station)

Equipment Required:
• 1 off Single acting cylinder
• I off NOT gate
• 3/2 way push button operated, spring return, directional control Valve
• Distribution manifold with ON/OFF valve
• 4mm pneumatic tubing as required
Operational Procedure
• Ensure that the ON/OFF valve is in the ‘OFF’ position.
• Following the pneumatic circuit diagram, connect tubing between the
manifold and port 1 of two push button valves.
• Connect tubing between port 2 of push buttons and the inlet ports of the
‘NOT’ gate.
• Connect Tubing between the output port of the NOT gate and inlet port
of single acting cylinder.

• Fit blanking plugs into all unused manifold ports.

• Check your assembled circuit against the circuit diagram.
• Select the ON/OFF valve to the ‘ON’ position.
• Operate and hold down push button 1.1 and observe what happens.
• Release the push button 1.1 and again observe what happens.
• Operate and hold the push button 1.2 and observe what happens.
• Release the push button 1.2 and again observe what happens.
• Operate push buttons 1.1 and 1.2 together and observe what happens.
• Release push buttons 1.1 and 1.2 and again observe what happens.
• Turn off the Air supply
• Remove all tunings.
• Draw the symbol for an OR gate
• 2. Which of the following statements are correct?
a) An air supply will pass between port B and A of a NOT gate valve
when there is a signal present at port X
• b) An air supply will pass between port B and A of a NOT gate when
there is NO signal present at port X
• 3. A single acting cylinder is fitted with a breather on the spring side,

Experiment 02 (Bus Door)

Equipment Required:
• 1 off Single acting cylinder
• 3/2 way push button operated, spring return, directional control Valve
• 1 off one way flow control valve
• Distribution manifold with ON/OFF valve
• 4mm pneumatic tubing as required
Operational Procedure
• Ensure that the ON/OFF valve is in the ‘OFF’ position.
• Following the pneumatic circuit diagram, connect tubing between the
manifold and port 1 of two push button valves.
• Connect tubing between port 2 of the push buttons and the inlet ports of
the double acting cylinder.
• Fit blanking plugs into all unused manifold ports.
• Set the flow control valve to its maximum position by turning the knurled
adjuster anti-clockwise.
• Check your assembled circuit against the circuit diagram.
• Select the ON/OFF valve to the ‘ON’ position.
• Operate and hold down the push button 1.1 to extend the cylinder.
• Release the push button 1.1 then operate and hold down push button 1.2
to retract the cylinder.
• Now using push buttons 1.1 and 1.2 alternately to operate the cylinder,
adjust the flow control valve clockwise to obtain a cylinder retract travel
time of 3 seconds.

• Compare your observations with the written circuit explanation.

• Turn ‘off the air supply at the manifold.
• Remove all tunings.
1. Draw the symbol for a pressure gauge
2. Draw a symbol for air service unit.
3. Which of the following statements is correct?
a) The term used to describe the speed control of a cylinder by restricting the air
leaving the cylinder is Meter IN
4. b) The term used to describe the speed control of a cylinder by restricting the air
leaving the cylinder is Meter OUT

Experiment 03 (Barrier Control)

Equipment Required:
• 1 off double acting cylinder
• 3/2 way push button operated, spring return, directional control Valve
• 1 off 5/2 way pilot
• 1 off one way flow control valve
• Distribution manifold with ON/OFF valve
• 4mm pneumatic tubing as required

Operational Procedure
• Ensure that the ON/OFF valve is in the ‘OFF’ position.
• Following the pneumatic circuit diagram, connect tubing between the
ON/OFF valve, air distribution manifold and port 1 of the two push
button port 1 of the 5/2 way pilot/pilot valve.
• Connect tubing between port 2 of the push buttons and single port 12 and
14 of 5/2 way pilot.
• Connect tubing between port 2 of the 5/2 way pilot/pilot valve and the
one-way flow control valves.
• Connect tubing between the one-way flow control valves and the
• Set the two flow control valves to their maximum position by turning the
knurled adjusters’ anti clockwise.

• Check your assembled circuit against the circuit diagram.

• Select the ON/OFF valve to the ‘ON’ position.
• Operate and release the push button valve 1.2 to retract the cylinder.
• Operate and release the push button valve 1.1 to extend the cylinder.
• Now using push buttons 1.1 and 1.2 alternately to operate the cylinder,
then adjust the two flow control valves clockwise to obtain a extend
travel time of 3 seconds and a retract travel time of 3 seconds. (Observe
which flow control valve adjusts the speed in each direction)

• Compare your observations with the written circuit explanation.

• Turn ‘off the air supply at the manifold.
• Remove all tunings.

1. Why can a throttle valve not be used in the supply to the 5/2 way control valve
instead of the throttle/check valves?

2. Where should the throttle/check valve be situated in the circuit for the best control
of the cylinder?

3. Which throttle/check valve is controlling the barrier lowering speed (cylinder


PLO2: Problem Analysis (Domain level P3-Guided Response)

No Min
Basic Adequate Good Excellent
Attributes Progress Benchmark
0 1 2 3 4 5
Aware of
Mostly Aware of Aware of Aware of process and
unaware of process but process and can process and follow it.
Apparatus Setup No Progress the process can not set up set up the follow it Setup apparatus
of setting up apparatus apparatus with rightly as well rightly and
apparatus properly minor errors as can setup Can de assemble
apparatus or turn off the
apparatus with

No Progress Does not Comprehend Comprehend Follows Follows

comprehend the procedure the procedure procedure procedure
the basic but cannot Follows appropriately appropriately
procedure of perform the procedure but and can with all
experiment steps to not completely execute the precautionary
execute the follow all the experiment measure
experiment steps to execute correctly
the experiment
Able to get
Unable to observations Can take Can take Take
No Progress note and readings readings and observations, observations
readings and from the tabulate
observation apparatus but tabulate properly and accurately,
Result and from the not properly but perform tabulate
Analysis apparatus completely cannot perform analysis properly and
and can not and have do analysis by perform
perform errors can not right method analysis.
analysis perform


Progress Min Benchmark Basic Adequate Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fulfill No Progress Does not Inconsistently Performs Performs all

perform any Performs
Assigned performs tasks tasks that are tasks
tasks assigned partially withno
Duties that are assigned with assignedand
interest. assigned with minor actively
. little interest negligence
Team Work No Progress Put minimum Interaction Does assigned assigned
effort in Perform the and work and work and
group activity assigned task coordination gladly helps gladly helps
to perform but with no with only others and is others and is
any task working selective involved in involved in
plays the role coordination. members constructive constructive
of a Passive with no discussion and discussion
member involvement coordination and
in coordination
constructive and urge
discussion. others to be
the team
leader and
perform tasks
by their own

Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted

and not and poorly and poorly with proper tiemly with
formatted , formatted ,having formatted, format, proper
Individual Lab No Progress missing the the procedure, having the procedure, format,
Report procedure, observations or procedure, observations procedure,
observations or conclusion with observations or and analysis.. observations
conclusion errors conclusion with and analysis
Introduction to Electro-pneumatic trainer

To be able to get information about electro-pneumatic systems

To able to work with electro-pneumatic trainer

Equipment required

Electro-Pneumatic trainer
Connecting Wires
Power supply


Electro pneumatic systems are systems that use compressed air as the working
fluid and use electrical signals to control and actuate pneumatic valves,
cylinders, and other components. These systems are commonly used in
industrial automation and control applications, such as manufacturing and
process control. They are known for their high power-to-weight ratio, fast
response times, and ability to handle a wide range of operating conditions..

Electro pneumatic systems are used in a variety of industrial applications,


1. Manufacturing: Electro pneumatic systems are commonly used in assembly

lines and other manufacturing processes to control the movement of products
and materials.
2. Process Control: Electro pneumatic systems are used to control the flow of
fluids and gases in industrial processes, such as mixing, filling, and dispensing.
3. Robotics: Electro pneumatic systems are used to power and control robotic
arms and other automated machinery.
4. Transportation: Electro pneumatic systems are used in the control of
braking, suspension, and other systems in trains, buses, and other vehicles.
5. Packaging: Electro pneumatic systems are used for filling, sealing, and
packaging products in various industries such as food, pharmaceutical and

6. Power Generation: Electro pneumatic systems are used in power

plants to control the flow of steam and other fluids in the generation of
7. Material Handling: Electro pneumatic systems are used in the
control of conveyors, hoists, and other material handling equipment.
8. Construction: Electro pneumatic systems are used in the control of
heavy equipment such as cranes, excavators, and bulldozers. Overall
Electro pneumatic systems are used in a wide range of applications where
precise control of air pressure and flow is required.

1. An Electro pneumatic trainer is a training tool used to teach the principles of
electro pneumatic systems. Some common components of an electro
pneumatic trainer include:
2. Pneumatic cylinder: A device that uses compressed air to generate linear
3. Pneumatic valve: A device that controls the flow of compressed air to the
pneumatic cylinder.
4. Air compressor: A device that compresses and pumps air to the pneumatic
5. Electric control circuit: An electrical circuit that controls the operation of the
pneumatic valves and cylinder.
6. Control panel: A control panel that allows the user to input and adjust
electrical signals to the electric control circuit.
7. Pressure and flow sensors: These devices measure the pressure and flow of
air in the pneumatic system.
8. Electrical and electronic components such as relays, timers,
9. Sensors, limit switches, and programmable controllers may also be included
in an Electro pneumatic trainer, depending on the level of complexity and
the specific application of the trainer.
10.Software: A software interface which allows the user to interact with the
trainer, monitor the system's behavior and adjust the parameters of the
11.Instruction manual: A guide that explains how to operate and troubleshoot
the electro pneumatic trainer.
Experiment 1(Lamp Direct Control)
Equipment Required:
• 1 off 24V d.c power supply
• 1 off green lamp
• Red and blue electrical leads are required

Operational Procedure
• Connect a 24V d.c. power supply to the electrical distribution manifold.
• Ensure that the electrical power supply is switched “off”.
• Now following the electrical circuit diagram connect electrical leads
between the red/blue electrical manifolds, and the green lamp.
• Check the assembled circuit against the circuit diagram.
• Switch ‘on’ the 24V d.c. power supply and observe what happens.
• Switch ‘off the 24V d.c. power supply and remove all electrical leads.
• Compare your observations with the written circuit explanation.
• Answer the questions for this exercise.
1. For safety purposes should the electrical voltages be kept high or as low as
possible in an electro pneumatic system?
2. An electrical power source can be either a.c or d.c what does these abbreviations
stand for?
3. This exercise uses a 24 V dc supply. List two other electrical supplies in general
Experiment 02 (Bus Door)

Equipment Required:
• 1 off 24V d.c power supply
• 1 off electrical push button switch(normally open)
• 1 off Electrical relay
• Red and blue electrical leads are required
Operational Procedure
• Connect a 24V d.c. power supply to the electrical distribution manifold.
• Ensure that the electrical power supply is switched “off”.
• Now following the electrical circuit diagram connect electrical leads
between the red/blue electrical manifolds, and the green lamp.
• Check the assembled circuit against the circuit diagram.
• Switch ‘on’ the 24V d.c. power supply and observe what happens.
• Depress and hold down the electrical push button (S1) and observe what
• Release the push button (S1) and observe what happens
• Switch ‘off the 24V d.c. power supply and remove all electrical leads.
• Compare your observations with the written circuit explanation.
• Answer the questions for this exercise.

o The electrical push button switch used in this exercise has contacts labeled 3
and 4, what does these numbers mean?

o In this circuit, the connections to the green lamp are marked +ve and –ve
what is the reason for this?

o List 3 advantages of electro pneumatics as compared to pneumatics?

PLO2: Problem Analysis (Domain level P3-Guided Response)

No Min
Basic Adequate Good Excellent
Attributes Progress Benchmark
0 1 2 3 4 5
Aware of
Mostly Aware of Aware of Aware of process and
unaware of process but process and can process and follow it.
Apparatus Setup No Progress the process can not set up set up the follow it Setup apparatus
of setting up apparatus apparatus with rightly as well rightly and
apparatus properly minor errors as can setup Can de assemble
apparatus or turn off the
apparatus with

No Progress Does not Comprehend Comprehend Follows Follows

comprehend the procedure the procedure procedure procedure
the basic but cannot Follows appropriately appropriately
procedure of perform the procedure but and can with all
experiment steps to not completely execute the precautionary
execute the follow all the experiment measure
experiment steps to execute correctly
the experiment
Able to get
Unable to observations Can take Can take Take
No Progress note and readings readings and observations, observations
readings and from the tabulate tabulate accurately,
Result and observation apparatus but properly but properly and tabulate
Analysis from the not cannot perform perform properly and
apparatus completely do analysis by analysis perform
and can not and have right method analysis.
perform errors can not
analysis perform


Progress Min Benchmark Basic Adequate Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fulfill No Progress Does not Inconsistently Performs Performs all

perform any Performs
Assigned performs tasks tasks that are tasks
tasks assigned partially withno
Duties that are assigned with assignedand
interest. assigned with minor actively
. little interest negligence
Team Work No Progress Put minimum Interaction Does assigned assigned
effort in Perform the and work and work and
group activity assigned task coordination gladly helps gladly helps
to perform but with no with only others and is others and is
any task working selective involved in involved in
plays the role coordination. members constructive constructive
of a Passive with no discussion and discussion
member involvement coordination and
in coordination
constructive and urge
discussion. others to be
the team
leader and
perform tasks
by their own

Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted

and not and poorly and poorly with proper tiemly with
formatted , formatted ,having formatted, format, proper
Individual Lab No Progress missing the the procedure, having the procedure, format,
Report procedure, observations or procedure, observations procedure,
observations or conclusion with observations or and analysis.. observations
conclusion errors conclusion with and analysis
Introduction to Electro-pneumatic trainer

To be able to get information about electro-pneumatic systems

To able to work with electro-pneumatic trainer

Equipment required

Electro-Pneumatic trainer
Connecting Wires
Power supply


Electro pneumatic systems are systems that use compressed air as the working
fluid and use electrical signals to control and actuate pneumatic valves,
cylinders, and other components. These systems are commonly used in
industrial automation and control applications, such as manufacturing and
process control. They are known for their high power-to-weight ratio, fast
response times, and ability to handle a wide range of operating conditions..

Electro pneumatic systems are used in a variety of industrial applications,


1. Manufacturing: Electro pneumatic systems are commonly used in

assembly lines and other manufacturing processes to control the movement
of products and materials.
2. Process Control: Electro pneumatic systems are used to control the
flow of fluids and gases in industrial processes, such as mixing, filling, and
3. Robotics: Electro pneumatic systems are used to power and control
robotic arms and other automated machinery.
4. Transportation: Electro pneumatic systems are used in the control of
braking, suspension, and other systems in trains, buses, and other vehicles.
5. Packaging: Electro pneumatic systems are used for filling,
sealing, and packaging products in various industries such as food,
pharmaceuticaland chemical
6. Power Generation: Electro pneumatic systems are used in power plants to
control the flow of steam and other fluids in the generation of electricity.
7. Material Handling: Electro pneumatic systems are used in the control of
conveyors, hoists, and other material handling equipment.
8. Construction: Electro pneumatic systems are used in the control of
heavy equipment such as cranes, excavators, and bulldozers. Overall
Electro pneumatic systems are used in a wide range of applications where
precise control of air pressure and flow is required.

1. An Electro pneumatic trainer is a training tool used to teach the principles of
electro pneumatic systems. Some common components of an electro
pneumatic trainer include:
2. Pneumatic cylinder: A device that uses compressed air to generate linear
3. Pneumatic valve: A device that controls the flow of compressed air to the
pneumatic cylinder.
4. Air compressor: A device that compresses and pumps air to the pneumatic
5. Electric control circuit: An electrical circuit that controls the operation of the
pneumatic valves and cylinder.
6. Control panel: A control panel that allows the user to input and adjust
electrical signals to the electric control circuit.
7. Pressure and flow sensors: These devices measure the pressure and flow of
air in the pneumatic system.
8. Electrical and electronic components such as relays, timers,
9. Sensors, limit switches, and programmable controllers may also be included
in an Electro pneumatic trainer, depending on the level of complexity and
the specific application of the trainer.
10.Software: A software interface which allows the user to interact with the
trainer, monitor the system's behavior and adjust the parameters of the
11.Instruction manual: A guide that explains how to operate and troubleshoot
the electro pneumatic trainer.

Experiment 1( Solenoid Actuating Valve)

Equipment Required:
• 1 off 24V d.c power supply
• 1 off electrical push button switch(normally open)
• 1 off 3/2 way solenoid actuated directional control valve
• Red and blue electrical leads are required

Operational Procedure
• Connect a 24V d.c. power supply to the electrical distribution manifold.
• Ensure that the electrical power supply is switched “off”.
• Now following the electrical circuit diagram connect electrical leads
between the red/blue electrical manifolds, electrical push button, and the
3/2 way solenoid actuated directional control valve.

• Check the assembled circuit against the circuit diagram.

• Switch ‘on’ the 24V d.c. power supply and observe what happens.
• Depress and hold down the electrical push button (S1) and observe what
• Release the push button (S1) and observe what happens.
• Switch ‘off the 24V d.c. power supply and remove all electrical leads.
• Compare your observations with the written circuit explanation.
• Answer the questions for this exercise.
1. Draw the symbol according to ISO 1219 for a direct operated solenoid valve 3/2 way
normally closed version.
2. Draw the symbol according to DIN/BS3939 for a mechanical valve (solenoid
3. List 2 ways of protecting an electrical circuit.
Experiment 02 (Relay and Lamps Functions Test using change
over contacts)

Equipment Required:
• 1 off 24V d.c power supply
• 1 off electrical push button switch(normally open)
• 1 off Electrical relay
• 1 off green and red lamps
• 1 off electrical relay with open contacts
• Red and blue electrical leads are required
Operational Procedure
• Connect a 24V d.c. power supply to the electrical distribution manifold.
• Ensure that the electrical power supply is switched “off”.
• Now following the electrical circuit diagram connect electrical leads
between the red/blue electrical manifolds, electrical push button,
electrical relay, green lamp and the red lamp.

• Check the assembled circuit against the circuit diagram.

• Switch ‘on’ the 24V d.c. power supply and observe what happens.
• Depress and hold down the electrical push button (S1) and observe what
• Release the push button (S1) and observe what happens
• Switch ‘off the 24V d.c. power supply and remove all electrical leads.
• Compare your observations with the written circuit explanation.
• Answer the questions for this exercise.

• Draw the symbol according to DIN standards for the operating coil of a relay.
• Draw the symbol according to DIN standards for the following contacts:
Single pole Single throw
• In a d.c. electrical circuit do electrons flow (a) from positive to negative, or (b) from
negative to positive?

Experiment 03 (Relay and solenoid control valve function test)

Equipment Required:
• 1 off 24V d.c power supply
• 1 off electrical push button switch(normally open)
• 1 off Electrical relay
• 1 off 3/2 way solenoid actuated directional control valve
• Red and blue electrical leads are required

Operational Procedure
• Connect a 24V d.c. power supply to the electrical distribution manifold.
• Ensure that the electrical power supply is switched “off”.
• Now following the electrical circuit diagram connect electrical leads
between the red/blue electrical manifolds, electrical push button,
electrical relay, and the 3/2 way solenoid actuated directional control

• Check the assembled circuit against the circuit diagram.

• Switch ‘on’ the 24V d.c. power supply and observe what happens.
• Depress and hold down the electrical push button (S1) and observe what
• Release the push button (S1) and observe what happens
• Switch ‘off the 24V d.c. power supply and remove all electrical leads.
• Compare your observations with the written circuit explanation.
• Answer the questions for this exercise.

1. The relay used in this exercise has a manual override switch, what does it perform?
2. A useful option for pneumatic solenoid valve is to have them with solenoid plugs
which contain an led this then shows the status of the solenoid. What do the letter
LED stand for
3. Ohms law is normally expressed as”the magic triangle” shown below. What do the
letters V, I and R mean?

PLO2: Problem Analysis (Domain level P3-Guided Response)

No Min
Basic Adequate Good Excellent
Attributes Progress Benchmark
0 1 2 3 4 5
Aware of
Mostly Aware of Aware of Aware of process and
unaware of process but process and can process and follow it.
Apparatus Setup No Progress the process can not set up set up the follow it Setup apparatus
of setting up apparatus apparatus with rightly as well rightly and
apparatus properly minor errors as can setup Can de assemble
apparatus or turn off the
apparatus with

No Progress Does not Comprehend Comprehend Follows Follows

comprehend the procedure the procedure procedure procedure
the basic but cannot Follows appropriately appropriately
procedure of perform the procedure but and can with all
experiment steps to not completely execute the precautionary
execute the follow all the experiment measure
experiment steps to execute correctly
the experiment

Able to get
Unable to observations Can take Can take Take
No Progress note and readings readings and observations, observations
readings and from the tabulate tabulate accurately,
Result and observation apparatus but properly but properly and tabulate
Analysis from the not cannot perform perform properly and
apparatus completely do analysis by analysis perform
and can not and have right method analysis.
perform errors can not
analysis perform


Progress Min Benchmark Basic Adequate Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fulfill No Progress Does not Inconsistently Performs Performs all

perform any Performs
Assigned performs tasks tasks that are tasks
tasks assigned partially withno
Duties that are assigned with assignedand
interest. assigned with minor actively
. little interest negligence
Team Work No Progress Put minimum Interaction Does assigned assigned
effort in Perform the and work and work and
group activity assigned task coordination gladly helps gladly helps
to perform but with no with only others and is others and is
any task working selective involved in involved in
plays the role coordination. members constructive constructive
of a Passive with no discussion and discussion
member involvement coordination and
in coordination
constructive and urge
discussion. others to be
the team
leader and
perform tasks
by their own

Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted

and not and poorly and poorly with proper tiemly with
formatted , formatted ,having formatted, format, proper
Individual Lab No Progress missing the the procedure, having the procedure, format,
Report procedure, observations or procedure, observations procedure,
observations or conclusion with observations or and analysis.. observations
conclusion errors conclusion with and analysis
Problem Based Learning(PBL)

Chairs are to be tested for strength and durability, this test is to be carried out
by using a double acting cylinder, which once the system is switched ON is to
continuously cycle (extend and then immediately retract, repeatedly), unit: it is
switched OFF. When the system is switched off, the cylinder must stop in the
retracted position, irrelevant to its position at that time.
Design a Pneumatic System for Component Test Machine.
PLO2: Problem Analysis (Domain level P3-Guided Response)

No Min
Basic Adequate Good Excellent
Attributes Progress Benchmark
0 1 2 3 4 5
Aware of
Mostly Aware of Aware of Aware of process and
unaware of process but process and can process and follow it.
Apparatus Setup No Progress the process can not set up set up the follow it Setup apparatus
of setting up apparatus apparatus with rightly as well rightly and
apparatus properly minor errors as can setup Can de assemble
apparatus or turn off the
apparatus with

No Progress Does not Comprehend Comprehend Follows Follows

comprehend the procedure the procedure procedure procedure
Procedure Follows
the basic but cannot appropriately appropriately
procedure of perform the procedure but and can with all
experiment steps to not completely execute the precautionary
execute the follow all the experiment measure
experiment steps to execute correctly
the experiment
Able to get
Unable to observations Can take Can take Take
No Progress note and readings readings and observations, observations
readings and from the tabulate tabulate accurately,
Result and observation apparatus but properly but properly and tabulate
Analysis from the not cannot perform perform properly and
apparatus completely do analysis by analysis perform
and can not and have right method analysis.
perform errors can not
analysis perform


Progress Min Benchmark Basic Adequate Good Excellent
0 1 2 3 4 5

Fulfill No Progress Does not Inconsistently Performs Performs all

perform any Performs
Assigned performs tasks tasks that are tasks
tasks assigned partially withno
Duties that are assigned with assignedand
interest. assigned with minor actively
. little interest negligence
Team Work No Progress Put minimum Interaction Does assigned assigned
effort in Perform the and work and work and
group activity assigned task coordination gladly helps gladly helps
to perform but with no with only others and is others and is
any task working selective involved in involved in
plays the role coordination. members constructive constructive
of a Passive with no discussion and discussion
member involvement coordination and
in coordination
constructive and urge
discussion. others to be
the team
leader and
perform tasks
by their own

Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted late Submitted

and not and poorly and poorly with proper tiemly with
formatted , formatted ,having formatted, format, proper
Individual Lab No Progress missing the the procedure, having the procedure, format,
Report procedure, observations or procedure, observations procedure,
observations or conclusion with observations or and analysis.. observations
conclusion errors conclusion with and analysis

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