Landscapes of Primary Activities (Agriculture)

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Agriculture Sustainable Development Goals

- Agriculture is the science of farming. - The Sustainable Development Goals

- It is agriculture that has allowed human civilization (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals,
to expand to the great heights that it is at today. were adopted by the United Nations in 2015
as a universal call to action to end poverty,
Early Agriculture/First Agricultural Revolution protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030
- Agriculture began during the Neolithic Era all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
before roughly 9000 BCE when polished
stone tools were developed and the last ice - 17 SDGs are integrated—they recognize
age ended. that action in one area will affect outcomes
in others, and that development must
Second Agricultural Revolution balance social, economic and environmental
- Began around 300 years ago during the 18 th sustainability.
- Major changes to farming techniques included SDG 15
selectively breeding livestock, systematic crop - Protect, restore and promote sustainable
rotation, and the development of chemical use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably
fertilizers. manage forests, combat desertification, and
halt and reverse land degradation and halt
Third Agricultural Revolution biodiversity loss.
- There were improvements in technologies
for growing plants allowed for much greater - Around 1 million animal and plant species
crop yields, helping to increase the world are threatened with extinction – many within
population. decades – according to the 2019 Global
Assessment Report on Biodiversity and
Agricultural Activities Across the World Ecosystem Service.
CHINA, JAPAN, KOREA- Intensive farming “I believe that the real problem in this world is not
practices, including terrace farming in hilly areas. climate change; the real problem is us because of
our ignorance and apathy.”
SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA- Livestock farming, -Karen Ibasco, Miss Earth 2017
particularly cattle, goats, and poultry.
Prepared by:
NOTRH AMERICA- Technologically advanced Ralph Cedrick Alviedo
farming techniques and precision agriculture. Shanelle Benicta
John Andrei Rabang
LATIN AMERICA- Major exporters of soybeans, Chelsey Pichay
sugarcane, and coffee

Terrace Farming
- Excavating and moving topsoil to form
farmed areas and ridges. The trick is that
water flows down to lower platforms when
the upper ones are full.

Livestock Farming
- Concerned with raising and maintaining
livestock, primarily for the purposes of
producing meat, milk, and eggs.

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