Effect of PH

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Journal of Solid State Chemistry 281 (2020) 121044

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Effect of pH in the hydrothermal preparation of monoclinic tungsten oxide

Teodora Nagyne-Kovacs a, *, Istvan Endre Lukacs b, Anna Szabo
 c, Klara Hernadi c, Tam
as Igricz d,
 , Imre M. Szilagyi , Gyo
Krisztina Laszlo e a
€rgy Pokol a, f

Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, M} uegyetem rakpart 3, Budapest, H-1111, Hungary
Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Konkoly Thege M. út 29-33, Budapest, H-1121, Hungary
Department of Applied and Environmental Chemistry, University of Szeged, Rerrich B.ter 1, Szeged, H-6720, Hungary
Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, M} uegyetem rakpart 3, Budapest, H-1111, Hungary
Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, M} uegyetem rakpart 3, Budapest, H-1111, Hungary
Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Magyar tudosok k€orútja 2, Budapest, H-1117, Hungary


Keywords: This paper presents the preparation of monoclinic WO3 by a one-step hydrothermal method. The effect of very
Monoclinic WO3 acidic pH (0.1) and the significance of various additives (CH3COOH, NaClO4, Na2SO4) were investigated. To
Hydrothermal clarify the role of pH on the obtained crystal structure and morphology, every synthesis using pH 1 were repeated,
and the effect of temperature, using 180 and 200  C, was also studied. All samples prepared at pH 0.1 were pure,
Band gap
well crystallized monoclinic WO3 independently from the temperature, the presence and the quality of the ad-
ditives. At 180 and 200  C, applying CH3COOH and NaClO4 resulted nanosheets similar in size. With Na2SO4
additive at 180  C sheets, at 200  C sheets and also rods formed indicating that SO2
4 was a capping agent only at
200  C. For comparison, at pH 1 at both temperatures the crystalline phases and the morphologies varied
depending on the type of the additive.

1. Introduction monoclinic (m-) WO3 there is always need for a post calcination step [21,
42–47]. The implementation for one-step hydrothermal synthesis of
Tungsten oxides are widely studied materials due to their versatile m-WO3 without any post calcination would be huge improvement, since
possibilities in everyday use. They can catalyse many reactions e.g. CO it is the most examined phase of WO3. So far, however, only some papers
oxidation [1], isomerization of alkenes [2], dehydrogenation of alcohols have reported about its one-step hydrothermal synthesis [48–52].
[3], hydrodesulphurization and hydrocracking [4,5], epoxidation of Although, in these works the authors studied the effect of various pa-
cycloocta-1,5-diene [6], Knoevenagel condensation [7] but can be also rameters such as temperature, time, pH in the acidic range or concen-
used as gas sensors [8–13] or photoanodes in electrochemical cells tration of the acid, the role of pH is still not clear. Since these
[14–16]. Additionally, their potential in photocatalysis has attracted preparations were carried out always in the presence of some additive, it
many researchers’ interest, since due to their smaller band gap is not clarified, whether the additive itself, the additive together with the
(2.5–2.8 eV) than TiO2 they are able to absorb not only ultra violet but adjusted pH, or only the pH is responsible for the formation of m-WO3.
visible light as well [17–25]. In this report, we prepared m-WO3 by one-step hydrothermal reaction
For the preparation of WO3 powders or thin films there are numerous without any calcination using 0.1 pH. Moreover, we investigated the
ways such as sol-gel method [14,15,26,27], spray pyrolysis [28,29], effects of different additives such as CH3COOH in the volume of 1.25/
annealing of various W precursors [10,30,31], evaporation techniques 2.5/5 and 7.5 mL, as well as Na2SO4 and NaClO4. To get a definite answer
[32,33] or hydrothermal procedures [34–41]. Among these, the hydro- to the effect of pH we carried out syntheses also at pH 1 and also without
thermal method offers not only simple apparatus and usage, but also any additive. For revealing the influence of temperature, we used 180
well-crystallized nanostructures. and 200  C as well. We investigated the obtained crystalline phases and
In most cases the one-step hydrothermal treatment results hexagonal morphology of the samples by XRD and SEM, then the pure m-WO3
(h-) or orthorhombic (o-) WO3 phase, and for the preparation of products were further examined by FT-IR, Raman, UV–Vis spectroscopy,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Nagyne-Kovacs).

Received 18 July 2019; Received in revised form 7 September 2019; Accepted 31 October 2019
Available online 1 November 2019
0022-4596/© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
T. Nagyne-Kov
acs et al. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 281 (2020) 121044

TEM and EDX. Finally, their specific surface area and band gaps were also Table 1
determined. Experimental conditions of the performed hydrothermal reactions.
Sample T pH Amount of Crystalline phase Morphology
2. Experimental ( C) additive

1 180 0.1 1.25 mL m-WO3 nanosheets

2.1. Hydrothermal synthesis CH3COOH
2 180 0.1 2.5 mL
Every synthesis was carried out as the following: first, 4.1 g 3 180 0.1 5 mL
Na2WO4⋅H2O was dissolved in 100 mL ion exchanged water. Under CH3COOH
continuous stirring 3 M HCl acid solution was used to set the required pH. 4 180 0.1 7.5 mL
Next, 3.2 g (COOH)2⋅2H2O was added and the solution was completed up CH3COOH
5 180 0.1 2 g NaClO4
to 250 mL. In our former work we studied the role of oxalic acid and
6 180 0.1 2 g Na2SO4
found, it improved the crystallinity of the products without changing the 7 180 0.1 –
crystalline phases [53]. Based on this result, we used it in every prepa- 8 180 1.0 1.25 mL WO3∙0.33H2O angular
ration. In the following step, 30 mL solution was taken out and mixed CH3COOH nanostructures
with certain additive. Then, it was poured into a 45 mL autoclave (Parr 9 180 1.0 2.5 mL
Instruments) and put into a furnace at 180 or 200  C for 24 h. Finally, the
10 180 1.0 5 mL
product was filtered, washed with ion exchanged water followed by CH3COOH
ethanol and dried at 60  C for 2 h. 11 180 1.0 7.5 mL
The performed reactions are listed in Table 1. The obtained minor CH3COOH
* [54] 180 1.0 2 g NaClO4
crystal phases are written in italics.
* [53, 180 1.0 2 g Na2SO4 h-WO3 nanorods
* [53] 180 1.0 – WO3∙0.33H2O nanograins
2.2. Characterization 12 200 0.1 1.25 mL m-WO3 nanosheets
For X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) measurements a PANanalytical 13 200 0.1 2.5 mL
X’Pert Pro MPD diffractometer with Cu Kα radiation (λ ¼ 0.15418 nm), CH3COOH
14 200 0.1 5 mL
while for investigating the morphology of the samples a LEO 1540 XB CH3COOH
electron microscope was used. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy 15 200 0.1 7.5 mL
(EDX) analyses were carried out by a JEOL JSM 5500-LV instrument. FT- CH3COOH
IR spectra were taken by a PerkinElmer 2000 FT-IR spectrometer be- 16 200 0.1 2 g NaClO4

tween 450 and 4000 cm1 applying KBr pellets (1 mg sample/300 mg

17 200 0.1 2 g Na2SO4
18 200 0.1 –
KBr). Raman spectra were recorded by a Jobin Yvon LabRam spec- 19 200 1.0 1.25 mL WO3∙0.33H2O, m- angular
trometer equipped with an Olympus BX41 optical microscope using a CH3COOH WO3 nanostructures
frequency doubled Nd-YAG laser (532 nm), while diffuse reflectance 20 200 1.0 2.5 mL
UV–Vis spectra by a Jasco V-570 UV/VIS/NIR spectrometer. Trans-
21 200 1.0 5 mL
mission electron microscopy (TEM) images were taken by a FEI Tecnai CH3COOH
G2 20 X-TWIN instrument operated at 200 keV. N2 adsorption was 22 200 1.0 7.5 mL
measured at – 196  C with a Nova2000e (Quantachrome) computer- CH3COOH
controlled apparatus. The apparent surface area (SBET) was calculated * [54] 200 1.0 2 g NaClO4 WO3∙0.33H2O angular
from the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) model [55].
* [53, 200 1.0 2 g Na2SO4 h-WO3 nanorods
3. Results and discussion 200 1.0 – WO3∙0.33H2O nanorods,

3.1. Crystal structure and morphology The asterisk at the samples prepared at pH 1 with the usage of NaClO4, Na2SO4 or
without additive refers to samples which we prepared in one of our former
3.1.1. Samples obtained at 180  C, pH 0.1 studies [53,54]. Thus, these results are not here reported in detail along with the
Based on XRD patterns, samples 1–7 are identified as pure m-WO3 last sample in Table 1 (200  C, pH 1, without additive).
(ICDD 04-005-4272) independently on the used additive (Fig. 1). The
samples are well crystallized indicated by the sharp and narrow peaks 3.1.2. Samples obtained at 180  C, pH 1
without any other phases or impurities. In the case of using CH3COOH a All XRD reflections are assigned to orthorhombic WO3∙0.33H2O
slight difference in crystallinity can be observed, i.e. the smaller acid (ICDD 01-087-1203) in the case of using CH3COOH additive (samples
volume improves it more, which is demonstrated by the much sharper 8–11, Fig. 3). The sharp, well distinguished peaks prove high degree of
reflections of samples 1 and 2. crystallinity of every sample independently from the volume of the acid.
Based on the SEM images, not only the crystalline phase is the same, On the SEM images homogenous morphology can be seen containing
but also the morphology of samples 1–7 is very similar. Uniformly, the strongly agglomerated forms (Fig. 4). The WO3⋅0.33H2O crystals formed
morphology consists of mostly sheets with cuboid-like shapes. In the case in angular shapes with 100–200 nm thickness and width and
of using CH3COOH additive, the sheets are generally 20–100 nm thick 200–300 nm length in the case of 1.25–5 mL CH3COOH (samples 8–10,
and 200–300 nm wide and long, and the ratio of the cuboids is getting Fig. 4). These become longer when 7.5 mL acid was used, in general,
more significant due to the larger volume of the acid (samples 1–4, more than 300 nm (sample 11, Fig. 4).
Fig. 2). The sample prepared with NaClO4 has similar morphology,
containing bit thicker, 50–200 nm sheets (samples 5–6, Fig. 2), while 3.1.3. Samples obtained at 200  C, pH 0.1
using Na2SO4 additive results much more robust appearance of sheets, Every sample is identified as pure, single phase m-WO3 with high
namely 100–200 nm thickness, 200–300 nm width and 350–800 nm crystallinity (Fig. 5). The lower volume of CH3COOH is more beneficial
length. Intriguingly, without additive, the morphology has the similar as it gives narrower and sharper XRD peaks. Similar was observed in the
characteristics as sample 1 (sample 7, Fig. 2). case of 180  C.

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Fig. 1. XRD patterns of samples 1–7 (180  C, pH 0.1). Fig. 3. XRD patterns of samples 8–11 (180  C, pH 1).

Fig. 4. SEM images of samples 8–11 (180  C, pH 1).

Fig. 2. SEM images of samples 1–7 (180  C, pH 0.1).

Fig. 6 shows the homogenous, well defined morphology of samples

12–18. Nanosheets are the characteristic forms when CH3COOH or Fig. 5. XRD patterns of samples 12–18 (200  C, pH 0.1).
NaClO4 and even when no additive were used, however, elongated,
anisotropic forms appear when Na2SO4 was applied. The sheets are sheets formed with more than 400 nm length (sample 16, Fig. 6). When
20–100 nm thick and 200–300 nm wide in the case of CH3COOH, simi- no additive was used, the obtained morphology was similar to samples
larly to those observed at 180  C, but became much longer from 300 to 12–16 (sample 18, Fig. 6). In the case of Na2SO4 additive, however, the
800 nm due to the higher temperature. Beside the thin sheets, cubes and morphology is mainly consisted of rods along with the sheets and con-
wider angular forms also appear in some places (samples 12–15, Fig. 6). sisted of mainly rods along with sheets. These rods are 200–400 nm thick
When NaClO4 was used, 100–200 nm thick and 200–300 nm width and wide and can be even more than 1 μm long.

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Fig. 7. XRD patterns of samples 19–22 (200  C, pH 1).

Fig. 6. SEM images of samples 12–18 (200  C, pH 0.1).

The effect of Na2SO4 additive on the crystalline phase and

morphology in the hydrothermal reaction of Na2WO4 and HCl is well Fig. 8. SEM images of samples 19–22 (200  C, pH 1).
known. It results hexagonal (h-)WO3 with rod-like morphology at around
pH 1 [53,56,57]. Its role as a capping agent in this work, however, namely W and O (Fig. 9A). There are no other elements present referring
seemed to be varying. Based on the XRD and SEM results neither h-WO3, to any impurity.
nor rods formed at pH 0.1, 180  C (Figs. 1–2). At 200  C, however, the
effect of Na2SO4 additive on the morphology can be observed and the 3.3. FT-IR, Raman spectroscopy
product contained rod-like figures as well beside nanosheets.
In the FT-IR spectra of samples 1–7, the region of 1000 and 500 cm1
3.1.4. Samples obtained at 200  C, pH 1 refers to the characteristic lattice vibrations of WO3 (Fig. 9B). There are
Samples 19–22 were identified as crystalline WO3⋅0.33H2O with three well distinct peaks at around 750, 815 and 950 cm1, which belong
small amount of m-WO3 (Fig. 7). The ratio of m-WO3 phase decreases to ν(W–O), ν(W–O–W) and ν(W–O, W– – O), respectively. The broad peak
along with the decreasing volume of CH3COOH. at 3400-3600 cm1 along with the band at 1600 cm1 and in the case of
Samples 19–22 have similar morphology consisting of objects with some samples at 1400 cm1 are ascribed to the vibration of νsym (OH) of
shorter and longer angular shapes (Fig. 8). They are, in general, at least hydroxyl group as well as δ(OH) and ν(OH) of W–OH interaction,
200 nm thick, 200–300 nm wide and 200–800 nm long. Comparing them respectively (framed in Fig. 9B) [11,58–61]. The appearance of the latter
to samples 8–11, prepared at 180  C, we can conclude, that higher is more considerable when the volume of the acetic acid additive in-
temperature is favourable for the growth of larger crystals. Due to that creases (samples 3–4) and in the case of NaClO4 additive (sample 5).
much greater but fewer crystal formed. Fig. 9C shows the Raman spectra of samples 1–7 which are the same
From the above detailed results we concluded, that neither the quality without any difference in contrast with the FT-IR spectra. The main peaks
of the additive, nor the temperature had considerable influence on the at 810 and 710 cm1 are ascribed to the stretching vibrations of m-WO3.
obtained crystalline phase at pH 0.1. The formation of the m-WO3 phase Bands appearing at 320 and 270 cm1 are assigned to the bending modes,
can be attributed only to the highly acidic pH. Therefore, we further while the less intensive ones below 200 cm1 belong to the lattice vi-
investigated only the as-prepared new m-WO3 phase found in samples brations of the monoclinic phase [15,23,62–65].
3.4. UV–Vis spectroscopy, band gap
3.2. Elemental composition (EDX)
According to the diffuse reflectance UV–Vis spectra of samples 1–7,
A typical EDX spectrum shows the main components of samples 1–7, significant absorption develops only in UV and the UV-near region of the

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Fig. 9. A typical EDX spectrum (A), FT-IR (B), Raman (C) and diffuse reflectance UV–Vis spectra (D) of samples 1-7.

visible light (Fig. 9D). Their absorption edge is located at 450–460 nm in ordering is confirmed by the step-like edges at samples 5 and 6.
good agreement to the light yellow colour of m-WO3 phase.
Based on the spectra, the band gaps were also calculated (Table 2). 3.6. Specific surface area
Calculation was carried out using αhυ ¼ A ðhυ  Eg Þn equation, where
α is molar absorption coefficient, hυ is the photon energy, A is a constant, The apparent surface area of the samples is listed in Table 3. SBET of
Eg is the band gap energy and n is depending on the direct or indirect samples 1 and 5 are comparable, considering the similar nanosheet
allowed or forbidden type of the electron transition of the material, but is morphology, however, 6 has much smaller area which can be attributed
2 for WO3. With plotting αhυ against hυ (Tauc-plot), drawing a tangent to the more robust appearance of sheets, which were considerably thicker
line onto the linear range and extrapolating, the value at hυ ¼ 0 gave the than in the case of samples 1 and 5, as discussed in 3.1.1.
band gap energy (eV). For approximating A, Kubelka-Munk function was
used [51,66–68]. Table 2 shows the band gap energy of each sample 4. Conclusion
derived from diffuse reflectance spectra which are in good accordance
with the reported range (2.5–3.0) [17,21,22,51,69–71]. The calculated In this study, we successfully prepared m-WO3 using pH in the very
values are technically equal which means, that neither the quality, nor acidic range (pH 0.1) during a one-step hydrothermal method without
the quantity of the used additives change the optical properties of m-WO3 any post-calcination. Besides, we investigated the effect of various ad-
phase. ditives such as CH3COOH in different volumes (1.25/2.5/5.0/7.5 mL), as
well as NaClO4, Na2SO4 and changed the temperature from 180 to
3.5. TEM 200  C. As reference we carried out reactions using no additive, as well.
To find out the role of pH in the formation of m-WO3 we repeated every
The TEM images show, that the 150–250 nm wide sheets are single synthesis at pH 1. The samples prepared at pH 0.1 at 180  C and 200  C
crystalline and have smooth surface (Fig. 10). Their strict, straight edges were pure m-WO3 in all cases, independently on the type or on the
can be clearly seen confirming the angular shapes appeared on the SEM presence of the additive. The samples had similar, nanosheet-like
images. Their thinness agrees with the SEM images and is obvious due to morphology in the case of CH3COOH, NaClO4 and even when no addi-
the visibility of other sheets ordered under each other. This up and down tives were used, at 180 and also at 200  C. When Na2SO4 was used,
however, elongated sheets were obtained at 180  C, but the morphology
consisted of mainly rods with more than 1 μm length at 200  C. The
Table 2
Calculated band gap of samples 1–7. appearance of the elongated sheets and rods can be attributed to the
structure directing role of Na2SO4. Applying pH 1, the usage of
1 2 2 4 5 6 7
CH3COOH in every volume, NaClO4 and the absence of any additives
Eg, Band gap (eV) 2.58 2.57 2.57 2.57 2.58 2.58 2.57 resulted WO3⋅0.33H2O, but Na2SO4 gave h-WO3. The morphology was
For further investigating the nanosheet morphology of m-WO3, TEM images were affected by the type of the additives. The m-WO3 samples prepared at pH
also taken of samples 1, 5 and 6, and their specific surface area were also 0.1 were further studied by EDX, FT-IR, Raman and UV–Vis spectros-
determined. copies, TEM and their band gap (2.57 eV) and specific surface area were

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acs et al. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 281 (2020) 121044


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