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Morals, values and Ethics – Integrity- Academic integrity-Work Ethics- Service

Learning- Civic Virtue- Respect for others- Living peacefully- Caring and Sharing-
Honestly- courage-Cooperation commitment- Empathy-Self Confidence -Social

Ethics in engineering is the ability as well as responsibility of

an engineer to judge his decisions from the context of the general wellbeing of the
society. It is the study of moral issues that confront engineers and engineering
organizations when some crucial decisions are taken. Engineering research and
practice requires that the task being performed considers all the pros and cons of a
certain action and its implementation. Professional engineering bodies like, IEEE,
ASME, IEI etc., have evolved comprehensive ethics codes relevant to their respective
professions, based on the rich experience of their members. Independent organizations
like NSPE have prepared value based ethical codes applicable to all engineering


• The objectives of this course on ‘Professional Ethics and Human Values’ are:
• (a) to understand the moral values that ought to guide the Engineering
• b) resolve the moral issues in the profession, and
• (c) justify the moral judgment concerning the profession. It is intended to
develop a set of beliefs, attitudes, and habits that engineers should display
concerning morality.


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• The prime objective is to increase one’s ability to deal

effectively with moral complexity in engineering practice

• Profession is a commitment to a designated and organized occupation by virtue of
being an authority over a body of knowledge with requisite skills acquired
through specialized training.
• An occupation becomes a profession when a group of people sharing the same
occupation work together in a morally acceptable way with members setting and
following a certain ethics code.
• A professional is a practitioner belonging to a specific profession. Professional
ethics, as opposed to personal values and morality, is a set of ethical standards
and values a practicing engineer is required to follow.

It sets the standards for professional practice, and is only learned in a professional
school or while practicing one’s own profession. Today, it is an essential part of
professional education because it helps students deal with issues they will face.

 Examine the scope of professional ethics. (5 marks)

The scope of professional ethics envelopes diverse activities like

• Engineering as a social experimentation

• Engineers responsibility for safety

• Role of engineers, managers, consultants etc.

• Rights of engineers

• Moral reasoning and ethical theories

• Responsibility to employers

• Global issues and concerns

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• For understanding of how in order for individuals, organizations and societies to

endure and function effectively, it is essential that an individual's positive
exalting forces be rediscovered and revitalized. Human values embrace the entire
range of values pertinent to the humancondition, interest, behavior, and aspiration.

• While laws are a set of rules for personal or corporate behavior and working
against such rules will attract recrimination and punishment, morals on the other
hand are a set of standards for personal behavior and ethics are a set of standards
for professional behavior. Morals and ethics are self imposed or regulated and
voluntary when broadly interpreted.

• Human values have been employed in so distinctively different ways in human

discourse. It is often said that a person has a value or an object has a value.

 Define the term value. (3 marks)

• If one wants to know the origin of the term ‘VALUE’, it may be stated very
firmly that the term ‘VALUE’ comes from the Latin word ‘VALERE’ which
means ‘to be of worth’. Whereas, the concise Oxford Dictionary defines the term
VALUE’ as the ‘worth, desirability or utilityof a thing’.

• In fact, it is difficult to define values, for they are as comprehensive in a nature as

our human life. Somewhere, some other dictionary states that Value is that which
renders anything useful, worthy or estimable. It is price, worth or importance of a

• Value is “a concept explicit of implicit, distinctive of an individual or

characteristics of a group of those desirable traits which influence the selection
from available modes and ends of action.”

• In fact, value is an abstract term which is commonly regarded as an economic

conception. In the words of John Dewey, “Value means primarily, to price, to

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esteem, to appraise, to estimate. It means the act of cherishing something holding

it clear and also, the act of passing judgement upon the nature and amount of its
value as compared with something else,” Values are defined as something which
are desirable and worthy of esteem for their own sake. Human values are defined
as those values which help man to live in harmony with the world.

• Values that may be included in the general definition of human values are love,
brotherhood, respect for others — including plants and animals
— Honesty, sincerity, truthfulness, non-violence, gratitude, tolerance, a sense of
responsibility, cooperation, self-reliance, secularism and internationalism.

• Professional engineers possess various skills and capabilities in designing and

processing numerous products. They are equipped with technical skills to solve
and settle the problems in their careers.

• The engineers, who take up challenging administrative posts, are confronted with
various industrial problems such as worker’s unrest and wage disputes. These
problems could be amicably settled, if engineers have a strategic approach, moral
honesty and self-less commitment.

• In short, better knowledge and exposure on the various aspects of human values
would help them form a successful co-ordination and management of
administrative and labour problems. Hence, human values have become an
essential part of the successful career of the professional engineers


• Morals, values and ethics that form the vital constituents of human values enable
the professional engineers to differentiate right things from wrong things in
order to take a balanced judgment in the industrial conflicts.

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 Define Morals.(3 marks)


• Morals are the welfare principles enunciated by the wise people, based on their
experience and wisdom. They were edited, changed or modified or evolved to suit
the geography of the region, rulers (dynasty), and i n accordance with
development of knowledge in science and technology and with time.

• Morality is concerned with principles and practices of morals such as

(a) What ought or ought not to be done in a given situation?

(b) What is right or wrong about the handling of a situation? and
(c) What is good or bad about the people, policies, and ideals involved?

• Morals are the prevailing standards of behavior that enable people to live
cooperatively in groups. Moral refers to what societies sanction as right and

• Most people tend to act morally and follow societal guidelines. Morality often
requires that people sacrifice their own short-term interests for the benefit of
society. People or entities that are indifferent to right and wrong are considered
amoral, while those who do evil acts are considered immoral.

• While some moral principles seem to transcend time and culture, such as fairness,
generally speaking, morality is not fixed. Morality describes the particular values
of a specific group at a specific point in time.

• Historically, morality has been closely connected to religious traditions, but today
its significance is equally important to the secular world. For example, businesses
and government agencies have codes of ethics that employees are expected to

• Some philosophers make a distinction between morals and ethics. But many
people use the terms morals and ethics interchangeably when talking about

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personal beliefs, actions, or principles. For example, it’s common to say, “My
morals prevent me from cheating.” It’s also common to use ethics in this sentence

• The term morals refers to the philosophical study which focusses on

right and wrong behaviour. An exposure of an engineer to the basic
aspects of moral philosophy provides him the capability to deal with the
financial, industrial and technical formalities. The moral issues enable the
professionally - committed engineers to develop perfect familiarity with the
industrial environment. The various types of moral issues and their interactions
are given below:

 Explain the various types of moral issues? (7 marks)

The various types of moral issues and their interactions are

1. Organization Related Type: This type of moral issues comprises the professionally
employed engineers. The engineers tend to show an enthusiastic interest and
involvement for the upgraded development and growth of their concerned organizations.
This type further restricts the engineers to derive any personnel benefits in an
unauthorized way through the organization
2. Environment Related Type: This type of moral issue underlines the important

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value of certain environmental factors such as land, air and water. It further emphasizes
that engineers should have the innovative capability to make use of these
natural resources without causing any environmental pollution and
depletion thereby maintaining the ecological balance.

3. Society Related Type: Social awareness and commitment of the professional

engineers is the essence of this type. The engineers who have been employed in various
organizations, are not supposed to be self - motivated and self – centered for the sake of
personnel benefits without minding the social and community welfare.

4. Product Related Type: This type of moral issue focuses on the nature and safety of the
product and also its functional value and quality. The professional engineers are inclined to
provide top priority about the geniuses and originality of the product there by avoiding
substandard quality of the products.

5. Finance / Cost Related Type: Fixation of correct cost of any product without any
financial burden on the part of the consumers is the objective of this type of moral issue.
This type is also directly associated with the moral honesty in an ethical sense.

6. Customer Related Type: Easy availability of a specific product without any

scarcity, and its correct cost are the main aspects of this type. Black marketing and
duplicate quality of the product are the other factors that are highlighted by this type.

7. Employee Related Type: Provision of safe or protective working atmosphere,

reasonable and justified work-load norms based on the efficiency, proper remuneration
and retirement benefits to the employees of an organization are the important factors
that are mainly emphasized in this type. Fair treatment and proper care for the well-
being of the employees is also much considered in this category.

8. Competitor Related Type: This type enforces strict morality and commitment in
terms of healthy and genuine business activities on the part of the engineers. Engineers
should be restrained from indulging in any unethical activities against the competitor for
the commercial marketing of the products. He must resist to provide any false assurances

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about the facts and figures of the concerned products to the suppliers or consumers.

9. Government Related Type: This type directly points out the norms and policies of
the government authorities about the manufacturing and distributing the particular
consumer products. This type clearly indicates that the professional engineers should
strictly adhere to the rules and regulations of the government in terms of regular and
prompt payment of central excise duties and taxes as per the existing norms.

Illegal transactions should be strictly prohibited by the professional engineers and all
necessary co-operations should be rendered by them to the customs and central excise
officials, if any controversial disputes arises.

 Write a short note on Values.(7 marks)


• Humans have the unique ability to define their identity, choose their values and
establish their beliefs. All three of these directly influence a person’s behaviour.
• Values which constitute an important component of behavioral andintellectual
status of people, contribute to the stable and justified character.

• These values enable the persons to differentiate several moral issues suchas good
from bad, favorable from unfavorable and honest from dishonest.
• In real ethical sense, the term values strictly refers to the strong beliefs that
influence the persons to take suitable remedies as a guiding force toany critical

Generally, value has been taken to mean moral ideas, general conceptions or
orientations towards the world or sometimes simply interests, attitudes,
preferences, needs, sentiments and dispositions.

• Values which constitute an important component of behavioral and intellectual status

of people, contribute to the stable and justified character. These values enable the
persons to differentiate several moral issues such as good from bad, favorable

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from unfavorable and honest from dishonest.

• In real ethical sense, the term values strictly refers to the strong beliefs that influence
the persons to take suitable remedies as a guiding force to any critical problem.
• A value system is viewed as a relatively permanent perceptual frame work which
influences the nature of an individual’s behaviour. The values are the attributes
possessed by an individual and thought desirable. Values are similar to attitudes but
are more permanent and well built in nature.
• “Values are the scales we use to weigh our choices for our actions, whet her to
move towards or away from something.”
 State the importance of values. (5 marks)

• Values lay the foundations for the understanding of attitudes and

• Personal value system influences the perception of individuals.
• Value system influences the manager’s perception of the different
• Personal value system influences the way in which a manager views theother
individuals and the groups of individuals in the organization.
• Value system also influences a manager’s decisions and his solutions tothe
various problems.
• Values influence the attitudes and behaviors. An individual will get morejob
satisfaction if his values align with the organization's policies.
• If the organization's policies are different from his views and values, he
will be disappointed; the disappointment will lead to job dissatisfaction and decline
in performance.
• The challenge and reexamination of established work values constitute important
corner stones of the current management revolution all over the world. Hence, an
understanding of the values becomes a necessity.

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 What are the sources of values? (9 marks)

1. Family Factor: The most important factor which influences the value system of
an individual is his immediate family. Some values are inculcated and a person learn
and develops values from the following sources the individuals from the childhood
and remain in his mind throughout his life. The child rearing practices the parents
adopt shape the personality of the human being. Family is the most influential factor
in theindividual’s learning of social behaviour, values and norms.

2. Social Factors: Out of all the social factors school plays the most important
role in developing the value system of an individual. The child learns the basic
discipline from the school.

Moreover, the interactions with the teachers, classmates and other staff members
in the schools and colleges make the child inculcate values important to the
teaching- learning process. Other social factors which may affect values are
religious economic and political institutional in thesociety.

3.Personal Factors: Personal traits such as intelligence, ability, appearance and

educational level of the person determine his development of values. For
example, if a person is highly intelligent, he will understand the values faster. If he
is highly educated, high values will be inculcated in him by his school and

4. Cultural Factors: Cultural factors include everything that is learned and

passed on from generation to generation. Culture includes certain beliefs and
other patterns of behaviour. An individual is a participant in social culture, group
culture and organisational culture. Thus, he is known as a composite of many
cultural elements.

Culture is based on certain implicit and explicit values. For example, whether a
person is co-operative, friendly or hostile depends upon to which culture he
belongs to Individual relationships are different in different cultures and within

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certain groups of society also. Whether, the individual values money making or
doing service to the mankind againdepends upon his cultural background.

5. Religious Factors: Individuals, generally, receive strength and comfort from their
religion. Religion comprises of a formal set of values which arepassed on from
generation to generation. Advancement in technology has under viewed faith in
traditional religious beliefs and values.

6. Life Experiences: A man learns the most from his own personal life experience.
Sometimes man can learn from the experience of others also. In the long run, most of
the values which influence our behaviour are validatedby the satisfaction we have
experienced in pursuing them. Individuals work out their values on the basis of what
seems most logical to them.

 Values carry importance in direct proportion to how much faith the individual has
in them. He should have those values which can stand the test of reality. He should
not have rigid values but flexible system which can change with the changes in the
individual himself, his life situation and the socio-economic environment.

7. Role Demands: The role demand refers to the behaviour associated with a particular
position in the organization. All organisations have some formal and some informal code
of behaviour. Role demand can create problems when there is a role conflict. Thus, the
managers will have to quickly learn the value system prevalent in the organization. If
they want to move up the ladder of success.

 For example, if the informal code of behaviour says that the manager must mix up
socially with the subordinates, he should learn to do so even though, his personal
value system conflicts with his role as a manager.

8. Halo Effect: The halo effect refers to the tendency of judging people on the
basis of a single trait, which may be good or bad, favorable or un-favorable.
Sometimes, we judge a person by one first impression about him or her. For
example, if a person is kind, he will also be perceived as good, able, helpful,
cheerful, nice, and intelligent and so on. On the other hand, if a person is

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abrasive, he shall also be perceived as bad, awful, unkind, aggressive, harmful

and wicked. Thus, what one sees in the universe depends partly on one’s inner
needs. Thus, with the help of halo effect, we see certain values in others which are
actually not there, but we perceive them to be there.

 Explain the major types of values? (5 marks)


 Terminal values comprise factors such as comfortable life, assured family

security, self - respect and sense of wisdom.

 Whereas, factors such as ambitious goal, sense of moral conviction and courage,
undisputable honesty and imaginative thoughts have been included in the
instrumental values.

In addition to this, values are further classified into the

following categories:

1. Theoretical type: It refers to the combination of moral reasoning and thinking to

discover the truth.
2. Economic type: It refers to the practical application of enthusiasmand
interest in terms of earning and procuring wealth.

3. Aesthetic type: It refers to the personal taste of interest to appreciatethe natural

beauty and cultural heritage.

 4. Social type: It refers to the motivated interest for the welfare of thepeople.

 5. Political type: It refers to the obligation of interest towards theselection

of specific political power for the people in a democratic way.

 Write a short note on ethics?(5 marks)


 The word ethics is derived from the Greek word meaning as customs or traditions.

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The term engineering ethics literally refers to the study that is concerned with
ethical and moral issues pertaining to the professional and engineering
organisations. ethic is a “system of moral principles, rules and conduct.” Ethics
is a “science of morals.” The words ethics has emerged from Latin ‘Ethicus’ or in
Greek ‘Ethicos’.

 Ethics is the word that refers to morals, values, and beliefs of the individuals,
family or the society. The word has several meanings. Basically it is an acti
vity and process of inquiry.

 Secondly, it is different from non-

moral problems, when dealing with issues and controversies.
 Thirdly, ethics refers to a particular set of beliefs, attitudes, and habits of
individuals or family or groups concerned with morals.

 Fourth, it is used to mean ‘morally correct

 The engineering ethics strongly focuses on the moral virtues, ideal characters,
committed policies and the social interactions of the individuals and
corporate sectors that are associated with the technical or technological
activities. Engineering ethics lays down the basic moral code of conduct and
professional commitment on the part of all sections of a community such as
workers, technical assistants, public individuals, professional engineers and
government employees.

 Engineering ethics also provides necessary solutions to deal with the conflicts
and confrontations faced by the engineers and corporate managers.

 ‘Right’, ‘Fair’ and ‘Proper’ are three terms normally used to express the
social behaviour of the people. When we tell these words, there are right and
wrong behaviour towards others; fair and unfair actions taken against someone or
for someone; or some fair or unfair decisions.
 The beliefs what is right, what is fair and what is proper are our beliefs and our

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moral standards. The beliefs differ from individual to individual, place to place and
time to time. What is right in one place or situation may be wrong in other
situation. The moral standards also differ based on moral value an individual
attaches. Any action can be termed good or right or bad or wrong are relative and
moral judgments. The problem has one more side that who is making the
judgment. From different sides the problem is seen in different light and
accordingly the judgment. The distinctions are made as ‘us’ and ‘others’ or
‘benefits’ and ‘obligations’.
 State the importance of ethics. (7 marks)


1. Part of Society:

 Business is part of society. Whatever ethical principle apply in society apply to

business. Example tax evasion is considered unethical in society. If a company
deliberately evades tax payments the company istreated unethical.

2. Expectations of Public:

 All stakeholders have an eye on the culture and behaviour of a business

organization due to dominance of economics in the society. The public expects a
high level of ethical behaviour from the business organisations.

 ‘Doing the right thing’, ‘Do no harm’ and ‘Good to all’ are the expectations of
general public from business. Example: a company manufacturing a tobacco
based products say ‘pan masalas’ and making advertisements appealing to college
students in not respected. Whereas a company that recalls unsafe product is
3. Trust of Employees

 High level of morale and productivity can be easily obtained in companies that
treat their all employees with equality, encourage good team and work culture, and

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with ethical practices. The employees in the company as well as those connected
feel good and develop a mutual trust. Employees get attraction to ethically and
socially responsible companies.

4. Image

 An ethical organization command trust and respect of all its stakeholders. The
organization builds image for itself. Ethical good image is important because all
stakeholders stand to gain.

5. Costs

 Deterioration of relationships, damage to reputation and reduction of employee

productivity, loyalty that come out of unethical practices cost companies. An
uncaring employer will find it difficult to employ good professions for his

6. Pride of Best Companies

 The ethically managed companies command respect from public as well as

government organisations. ‘Fortune’ magazine publishes yearly best companies.
Similarly Indian will managed companies are published by ‘Business India’.
These companies have a brand value and accepted as leaders in the industry.
The company policies with regards to profit sharing bonuses, social
responsibility, balance of work and social life arequoted.

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The word Ethics originated from the Greek The word Morals originated from
word ethos. The meaning of ethos is a character the Latin word Mos. The meaning of
Mos is custom.

Legal guidelines and professional rules govern When it comes to the acceptability
ethics. The acceptability of ethics is confined of Morality it transcends the norms
within a particular space and time frame. laid down by culture.

Ethics are dependent on the prism of others. Morality is seen from the
perspective of an individual.

If the contexts are different then the ethics Change in Morality depends on the
could be different, hence there is some degree change in the beliefs of an
of flexibility in ethics. individual.

Ethics are followed because society has decided Morality is followed because a
that it is the right course of action person believes that it is the right
course of action.

A person who follows the ethical principles There could be situations where
need not necessarily have strong moral values, ethics are violated by a moral person
in fact, there are even possibilities that he may to maintain to uphold his moral
not have any morals. values.

Ethics is something usually associated in the Morality has a religious connotation

field of law, medicine or business. Ethics does
not have a religious connotation.

 Differentiate morality & Ethics (7 marks)

 Define Integrity? (3 marks) INTEGRITY

 Integrity is one thing that every business should have. When employees follow
work ethics, they show integrity to the outside world. Customers believe in the
company and also business prospects increase. Every industry has its own ethical
guidelines, and a business should make sure that they follow these standards.
Integrity refers to the upright honesty and fair- mindedness to communicate the
exact truth to the individuals. The integrity would increase the self-respect of an
individual and also would enable him to command respect from others thereby
earning himthe prestigious social status.

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 Integrity is used to describe a person's level of honesty, moral commitments, and

willingness to do what's right. For example, we expect our doctors to be honest
with us about diagnoses, won't try to prescribe medications we don't need, and
will generally work in the best interest of our health and well-being. We expect
this because, in most societies, doctors are perceived to be people of great
integrity with strong moral compasses.

 Define Academic Integrity.(3 marks)

 Explain the five pillars of academic integrity 6 marks)

The integrity is of the following types

 a) ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: This refers to the lack of honesty among the

educational institutions and organizations. There has been an alarming increase in
the dishonesty and several sectors of educational institutes such as students,
workers, teaching faculty members and management. Academic integrity could
contribute to the successful educational career of the students thus paving a
definite way for the academic excellence.

 Academic integrity is the commitment to and demonstration of honest and moral

behavior in an academic setting. This is most relevant at the university level as it
relates to providing credit to other people when using their ideas. In simplest
terms, it requires acknowledging the contributions of other people. Failure to
provide such acknowledgement is considered plagiarism.

 In academic contexts and scholarly work, integrity is of tremendous importance.

For example, when college professors write books or perform experiments, it is
expected that their theories and assertions are backed up by rigorous research for
which they provide citations. In cases where it has been discovered that someone
has falsified research data or outright lied, that person can face a number of
consequences because he or she was expected to work with honesty and integrity.

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The International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) has identified fivepillars
of academic integrity to generate positive conversations about integrity.


 Honesty is sincerity. All other pillars of academic integrity have somebasis in

honesty. Honest individuals take stock of individual abilities and represent their
effort fairly.

 Trust in other people and in your community eases working relationships. Trust
is established in a system where all members are doing their best work, where
structures and policies are fair and all willbe treated fairly.


 Fairness goes hand in hand with trust. Every individual should believe that they
will be treated fairly and judged by the same standard as all others in the
community. For example, you can trust that your professors will evaluate all
work fairly and not favor one person over another. The best work comes out of a
fair system.


 Respect allows for individual points of view and opinions to be shared. Students
show respect by “listening to other points of view, being prepared, meeting
deadlines, and performing to the best of their ability.” Instructors show respect by
listening to students’ ideas and “providing full and honest feedback.”


 Responsibility means acknowledging your agency and accountability in

daily actions and in your work. Everyone is personally invested in

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performing their work with integrity and encourages others to act with
integrity too. Academic integrity starts with individuals and positively
influences the entire community.

The basic essence of academic integrity is contaminated by the

following dishonest acts

 Cheating: Student community resort to various modes of cheating acts such as

copying in the university examinations and adopting the unscrupulous techniques
in chasing of university examination papers and for bribing the concerned
authorities for bogus mark sheets. Nowadays, leakage of question papers prior to
the conduct of the competitive examination is a good example for this

 Fabrication: This includes the unethical alteration of marks in the original mark
sheets and resorting to submit a fake or false mark sheets to gain admission in
professional colleges.

 Plagiarism: This refers to unethical duplication of data or theoretical information

from the records already published. There has been a steady increase in the
duplicated and manipulated data in the submission of project works and thesis.

 Misinterpretation: This refers to the failure to provide correct and true statements
to the concerned authorities with reference to academic activities.

 Sabotage and theft: It refers to the gross misbehavior and indiscipline among
the section of student community to resort to violent activities by damaging the
properties of educational institutions such as college laboratory equipments and
library. Similarly, stealing of worthy journals, publications and books in the library
by a few groups of students, also cause social concern among academicians.

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 Define Work ethics.(3 marks)


 Industry and Society are the two systems which interact with each other and are
interdependent. Society requires industry/business system which provides
manufacturing, distribution and consumption activities. It needs investment
(capital input), labor (input), supply (raw materials), production (industries,
business organizations), marketing and distribution (transport), and consumption
(public, customer). A lot of transactions (and interactions between
these sub- stems involving people are needed for the welfare
of the society. It is here, the work ethics plays an essential role.

 Work ethics is defined as a set of attitudes concerned with the value of

work, which forms the motivational orientation. In simple terms, work ethics
means the moral value in association with thespecific accountability
of an individual towards the responsible
discharging of his duties.

 Traditionally, work ethic has been understood as a value based on hard work and
diligence. Capitalists, for example, believe in the necessity of working hard and in
consequential ability of enhancing one’s character.

 Socialists suggest that a concept of “hard work” is deluding the working class into
being loyal workers of the elite; and working hard, in itself, is not necessarily an
honorable thing, but simply a way to create greater wealth for those at the summit
of the economic pyramid.

 The term work ethics is more suitable for a person who possesses the inclination
for hard work with a sense of dedication and integrity. Work ethics has become a
crucial criteria for the proper development of an industrial organisation.
Interpersonal capability, initiative efforts and dependability are the three
essential aspects of work ethics.

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 Explain the basic work ethics for an organization?(7 marks)


 Ideally, the policies a business operates with are compassion, fairness,honor,

responsibility, and integrity. One of the best ways to communicate organizational
ethics is by training employees about company standards. Basic work ethics for
any organization should include:

• 1. Uniform rules and regulations: An ethical organizational example is the

common treatment of all staff, i.e., with the same respect, regardless of race,
culture, religion, or lifestyle, with equal chances for promotion. Therefore, small
company managers should desist from favoring any one employee, for it can
lead to lawsuits andis also highly counterproductive.

• 2. Communication of the rules and regulation to all employees:

Company policies must be clearly communicated to each employee with a
transparency at all levels of the hierarchy. Employees are the spine of all
organizations and should have a say in the goals and objectives of a firm.

•3. Respect for Employees: Respect employees and in return receive the same.
Regulations should not be so rigid, and therefore, don’t expect staff to attend
work two days before a marriage. If somebody is not well, don’t ask them to
attend office unless or until there’s an emergency.

• 4. Allow a degree of freedom to employees without constant micro-

management: Key roles of responsibility need to be established on the first day of
joining with responsibilities commensurate with a person’s expertise.
Employees should be inducted into training if needed.

• 5. Clear cut salary and promotion policy: Employees crib if they are underpaid.
Make sure they get what is deserved and decided in the presence of the person. A
major attrition factor is a poor appraisal, promotion prospects are ideally based on

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merit, not favor. Clarity is crucial.

•6. Clear and uniform holiday schedule: It is the responsibility of human

resource professionals to prepare the holiday calendar at the beginning of the
year and circulate the same among all employees.

•7.Effects of Work Ethics within an organization: Preferably a

Work place ethic culture will ensure that employers guide and mentor staff
appropriately while management treats all as equal.Transparency is

 What are the core ethical elements that define the ethics of anorganization?
(14 marks)

 There are at least four elements that aim to create an ethicalbehavioral

culture of employees within an organization.

• A written code of ethics and standards (ethical code).

• Ethics training for executives, managers, and employees.

• The availability of ethical situational advice (i.e. advice lines or offices).

• A confidential reporting system.

Step 1: Be professional about your work

 Professionalism is beyond a clean shirt, for it includes one’s values, attitude, and
demeanor. Practice being cordial and positive while refraining from gossip.
Knowing how to communicate constructively and positively, while respecting the
feelings of others is an invaluable tool. Respect others and develop a reputation
for having integrity, meaning honesty, fairness, and consistency in what you do
and say. Reliability and honesty: Work ethic is more than completing long hours
for its foundation is integrity. To develop integrity, one can:

 Act the same when people are not watching you, as when they are.

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 Perform consistently at the same level of quality. Be conscientious. Be honest in

all things.

 Honesty isn’t a business policy, it is a state of mind.

 Be consistent in delivering good quality work and earn good reputation:

Everything worthwhile accomplishing requires discipline. Remain focused on a
long-term goal while avoiding getting side- tracked by a short-term
gratification. To be persistent and able to follow through on assignments…
Train yourself.

• Step 2: Manage your time

 Know your strength and weaknesses (including potential distractions, so you

can avoid them): Evaluate work. Identifying one’s weaknesses and making a
plan to improve these areas builds a stronger work ethic. One way of evaluating
this is to create a list summarizing the skills and requirements of your work, and
the strengths and weaknesses. Be honest about weaknesses, and what it is that
distracts you – this is stepone in learning to manage those weaknesses.

 Set yourself deadlines for delivering even small tasks: Being able to complete
your tasks and finish what you start, is an essential part of character building. You
cannot imagine a fully mature, fully functioning person who is unable to finish
what she begins. The development of this habit is the key to long-term
success. Don’t waste time by doing stuff that is not important. Constantly
evaluate to check which things absolutely must get done.

 Prioritize tasks and set the most important ones in the morning: Complete
projects and tasks immediately. A trademark behavior of a worker with a poor
work ethic is delaying work until another day, which usually only leads to an
incomplete or late project.

 Avoid procrastination: Procrastinating is a great waste. Imagine all that could be

accomplished by eliminating procrastination from this moment on. To overcome

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procrastination, first realize that it’s not the real issue. Procrastination, laziness,
bad time management, or lack of discipline, are merely symptoms of the issue. The
real reason is beneath this. You can also use the Pomodoro technique to avoid

 Avoid negative talk and gossip: Keep the lazy, the negative minded, and the
unproductive, at arm’s length, for it’s a psychological prison. Associate with
ambitious, hard-working people, and soon count yourself amongst them. Provide
feedback that improves situations and builds people up. Be an active listener and
keep an open mind.

Step 3: Keep a balance and deliver consistent high performance work

Do sport, sleep well, and socialize: Play is best when it’s earned, equally sleep. Earn
sleep by working hard on one’s goals in the day. A good work ethic isn’t just being
glued to a computer. It is also understanding how to take care with decent sleep,
and eating nutritiously. Take time to relax and recharge while keeping priorities
in your life clear, helps maintain a good perspective at work.
Step 4: Develop good work habits

 Steer the self-development path towards choosing to be an employee with a

strong ethic, after all, creating a habit for oneself is really a question of being an
action- minded person. The ‘doing component’ flows easily when embracing the
‘being part.’

 Create and learn habits: Values to inculcate and habitualize:

 Valuing punctuality and attendance.

 Valuing time, orderliness, neatness, and speed.

 Working smarter but not harder; being psychologically self-employed.

 Playing an internal game of working, yet enjoying the importance of relaxation

and rest.

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“Do it now” habit: Never leave ‘till tomorrow what can be accomplished
today.’ Good ethics habitualize attitude, action, and inevitably – consequence: how
you do, what you do in this moment.

Other Good Habits

 Concentration is the ability to stay on a task until it is completed, by
working in a straight line to get from where one is, without distraction or
diversion, to the destination, i.e., completion of the work.

• Get off to a good start.

 Clean up and get organized.
 Plan activities.

 Streamline work and emphasize the important work.

 Concentrate on one work task at a time until completion.

 Work steadily.

 Make smart use of technology.

 Be in control of office paper, work in-basket, and e-mail.

 Multitask on routine matters.

 Make better use of time.

 Explain the Core Elements of a Strong Work Ethics? (14 marks)

 It is difficult to define the elements of good work ethics, as it is such an

individualistic approach and thinking. What may be good work ethics for me may
not be the same for you.

 Much depends upon how each organization or person looks at work ethics and the
moral values that each follows. What moral values you practice in daily life will
define your attitude towards work and your work ethics. But there are a few
common elements that are universally followed and employers look for it in their

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 1. Honesty: This is the core element of work ethics, all the other elements are
based upon your honesty. Be honest about your successes and failures, take credit
only where due, do not steal other’s works or ideas, and own up to your failures.

 2. Integrity: Do not let people down, try to fulfill your commitments, andbe
consistent in your thoughts, action and behavior.

 3. Impartiality/Fairness: Be fair to all, do not practice favoritism. Treat

everyone as equals.

 4. Alertness: Be aware of what is happening around and keep an eye onthings.

5. Openness: Share your ideas, results and resources with the other team
members, so that everyone has the same opportunity and know what you are
doing. Being secretive is counterproductive.

 6 Respect for others: No matter how urgent a deadline or heated that tempers
become, remain diplomatic and poised and show grace under pressure. Whether
serving a client, meeting a customer or meeting with management, do the best to
respect other’s opinions, even in stressful circumstances. It shows one values
other’s individual worth and professional contribution.

 7. Reliability and Dependability: Means being punctual for work and meetings,
delivering assignments within budget and on schedule. Be reliable about keeping
promises for reputation precedes one so that clients, customers, and colleagues do
trust in you to do all that you say you will – everyone appreciates the stability this

 8. Determination: Obstacles cannot stop you as they are a challenge to be

overcome. Embrace challenges positively and know that your role is to solve
problems with purpose and resilience. Push on, no matter how far it is necessary to

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 9. Dedication: Continue until the job is complete, and delivered. “It’s good
enough” is not sufficient for you and the team, as you aim to be “outstanding” in
content and quality. Put in the extra hours to get things right by attending to detail
and excellence.

 10.Accountability: Accept responsibility personally for one’s actions and

outcomes in all situations, plus avoid excuses when work does not proceed as
planned – admitting mistakes or oversights are used as a learning curve and will
not be repeated again. Employers expect employees to attain to high standards,
and they should fully support staff who accepts responsibility, instead of passing
the buck.

 11. Confidentiality: Any confidential information of documents you have should

remain confidential. You cannot discuss it or show it to anyone else, other than
the people authorized to do so.

 12. Responsibility: Take responsibility for your thoughts, actions, behavior and

 13. Legality: Always work within the legal boundaries, do not break or twist the
law to fit your agenda.

 14. Competence: Improve your performance and competence by constantly

learning and including the new learning into your work.

 15. Professionalism: From how one dresses and presents oneself in the business
world, to how others are treated, professionalism is such a very broad category
that it encompasses all the elements of a work ethic.

 16. Humility: Acknowledge other’s contribution, and share credit for successes.
You have integrity and are open to learning from mentors and others, even as you
teach via your action, example, and words. Though you take the work seriously,
you are also maintaining a sense of humor about yourself.

 17. Initiative: Do not be afraid to put forth your ideas or volunteer for work.

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Possession of above - said qualities of work ethics of an individual or employee

would shape himself into a qualitative and competent worker. These employees
with awareness on the work ethics would contribute to an increased productivity of
an organization thus fulfilling the expectations and achievement goals of their
organizations. These days a work ethics is important in many situations. It is a skill
that can be learned by every person and has so often proved to be the path of success
for many. All businesses give a higher regard to an ethical employee, and hiring staff
with positive ethics is appreciated around the world.

 Define Service Learning? (3 marks)


 Service-learning refers to learning that actively involves students in a wide

range of experiences, which often benefit others and the community, while
also advancing the goals of a given curriculum. Inmost of the universities,
service learning has been made compulsory for the students in the form of NSS.

 Service learning provides better opportunities to the student community to

understand the practical problems faced by the common public. Students are better
trained to provide assistance and counseling about education, agriculture, hygiene,
welfare schemes and health to the urban and village people. Service learning
imparts valuable guidance and career training to the students not only about the
academic curriculum but also the social commitment and moral values to become
the responsible citizens. Enough provisions have been made in the academic
curriculum and syllabi to award ranks/credits for the active participation of
students in community services.

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 Explain the qualities of service learning? (7 marks)


 By making appropriate changes in the basic pattern of academic curriculum, the
essentials of civic virtues could be actively focused to the student community.
Students should be motivated and encouraged to learn the principles of civic
virtues to show their academic excellence. When the students are exposed to the
moral values, their practical knowledge about current trends of civilization and
globalization would be much enhanced to be a dutiful citizen.

 There is a compulsory role of teachers at lower and higher education levels for
imparting the essential goal of civic virtues. They can design and formulate their
own methods to teach the basics of civic virtues and the drastic consequences in
not learning them.

 The learning and teaching procedures could be made more innovative and
purposeful by involving the parental and community associations. This would
help the students to sort out and identify the common civic problems and
interference that seriously threaten the honest efforts of the student community.
Consistent co-operation and monitoring by the academic management and teachers
would improve and strengthen the attitude and interest of the students about the
importance of civic virtues. Suitable provisions should be made to reward and
encourage the students who have shown keen interest and enthusiasm to acquire
the basics of civic virtues and their applications.

 Write a short note on respect for others? (7marks)

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 Self - respect and respect for others are the basic constituents of a typical moral
conduct and discipline that plays an important factor in the behavioral pattern and
life - style of an individual. When the young children and students, tend to be aware
of this moral conduct, they are prompted to give respect to their parents, teachers,
public and elders. This type of positive behavioral trend would certainly help to
boost- up the personality and individuality of a person. Respect, also called
esteem, is a positive feeling or action shown towards someone or something
considered important, or held in high esteem or regard. It conveys a sense of
admiration for good or valuable qualities. And it is also the process of honoring
someone by exhibiting care, concern, or consideration for their needs or feelings.

 When an individual or person acquires the modest act of showing respect to

others, he/she would be entitled to get the appreciation and support from all
sections of a society for his/her well - mannered conduct. Some people may earn
the respect of individuals by assisting others or by playing important social roles.
In many cultures, individuals are considered to be worthy of respect until they
prove otherwise. Courtesies that show respect may include simple words and
phrases like "Thank you" in the West or "Namaste" in the Indian subcontinent, or
simple physical signs like a slight bow, a smile, direct eye contact, or a simple
handshake; however, those acts may have very different interpretations,
depending on the cultural context.

 State the characteristics of respect.(6 marks)


 1. Self-respect: Self-respect means an important virtue in the field of

engineering, medicine and public life. It forms the basic foundation for building
up other virtues such as honesty, integrity and self- confidence. It is a desirable act
of good conduct and attitude.

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 2. Altruism: This refers to the act of doing good to others and thus avoiding
harmful acts. The basic attitude of thinking and doing well to others is considered
to be a noble act and would raise up the personal status of an individual.

 3. Calm Composure: When individuals become excited and agitated, they must
keep themselves in a relaxed and composed manner. This good conduct of
maintaining mental stability without any physical provocation would lead to a
healthy and peaceful life without strain andstress.

 4. Daring act: Life is a mixture of pleasures and sorrows with frequent repetition
of failures and successes. An individual should be mentally prepared to take some
risks for any perfect achievement of objectives. He should be courageous enough
to take some solid steps with daring efforts to solve any critical problem.

 5. Good humour: This act of having soft behaviour with the sense of good
humour would earn admiration and appreciation from others. The behaviour of
good humour is the best medicine to keep the body in good health. The persons
who possess this character would be able to solve any conflict or confrontation
without any agitation.
How to Respect Others

 1.Listening to the other person.

 2.Being empathetic, understanding each other and putting ourselves intheir shoes.

 3.Using assertive communication that is, defending our rights while respecting
the rights of others, in an educated and non-aggressive manner.

 4.Keep in mind that our approaches, ideas, and opinions may differ from other
people and none is wrong. No one has the absolute truth.

 5.Apologizing to each other when we make mistakes.

 6.Keeping other people’s secrets.

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 7. Complying with and respecting laws and regulations

 8.Taking care of the common spaces and the environment.

 9.Interest in others, their everyday life and how they feel.

 10.Respecting the privacy and intimacy of others.

 11.Respecting others spaces and belongings, not to invade or use what is not ours
without permission.

 12.Respect personal space.

 13. Make sure we include rather than exclude others.

 14.Helping others when it is in our power to do so.15.Being grateful.


 It is a reasonable ambition of every individual to lead a peaceful and healthy

life. In modern world, several philosophical advocates have suggested various
measures to have a peaceful life which is free from tension and excitement.
Peaceful mind is essential for a healthy and comfortable life. To live in peace, an
individual should have the mental contentment and satisfaction. Various social
and psychological factors such as poverty, over-ambition, jealousy and
discontentment directly affect the process of peaceful living. Social conflicts and
confrontations such as racial discrimination, religious violence and offences also
affectthe peaceful living.

 The basic concept of peaceful living is also disturbed and defeated by the failure
to follow the moral values and self-discipline. Several imbalances in the human
culture and civilization also affect the standard of peaceful living.

 To live peacefully, one should start install peace within (self). Charity begins at
home. Then one can spread peace to family, organization where one works, and
then to the world, including the environment. Only who are at peace can spread

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peace. You cannot gift an article which you do not possess. The essence of
oriental philosophy is that one should not fight for peace. It is oxymoron. War or
peace can be won only by peace, and not by wars!

 Individuals are exposed to various types of stresses and strains due to their
family, communal and social factors. The constant exposures to these
psychological disturbances lead to impatience and anger thereby upsetting the
peaceful mind. Several medical reports and psychotherapists have suggested
various procedures and methods to reduce tension for restoring the peaceful life.

 Describe the qualities required for a peaceful life? (7 marks)


 1.Development of disciplined orderliness: When an individual is subjected to

mental stress due to several factors, he could lead a peaceful life through
disciplined and civilized cultures. By developing the orderly behaviour, an
individual could regain the peaceful mind. Any uncivilized behavioural acts
finally result in the loss of peaceful mind thereby affecting the morality of that
 2. Reorientation of the personal commitment: Any unwanted involvement with
an excess burdening of the life style could cause various problems such as changes
in the personality and behaviour pattern of an individual. Excess commitments in
the social community programmes would make a person to earn the displeasures
and critical comments from others. These displeasures and unwanted arguments
would subject the concerned individual to lose patience, self-respect and balance
of mind. Finally, that person would tend to show violence and arrogance in his
behavioral activity thus losing his peaceful and contented life.

 3.Physical exercise programmes: When persons volunteer to spend considerable

time for physical exercises such as walking, jogging or playing games, they

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derive mental happiness and consolation to avoid stressful and strained life.

 4.Mental exercise programmes: Several research studies have proved that

several mental exercises such as meditation and yoga could provide a magical
cure for those suffering from several health disorders. The constant practice of
meditation and yoga could tone up the mental depression and psychological
imbalances thus motivating aperson to have a peaceful life.
 5.Development of self-reliance and self-control: It has become a common
problem to understand that more individuals tend to lose their patience, when they
face domestic and professional conflicts. Loss of patience and temperament may
be caused by sudden act of irritation and provocation. As a consequence, the
concerned person enters into the state of mental discomfort and instability that
would eventually disturb the process of peaceful living. These problems could be
successfully managed by practicing the positive act of self-reliance, self-
confidence and self-control. These behavioral managements would relieve a
person from the sources of stress and confusion for therestoration of peaceful life.
 Explain the role of caring & sharing in work place? (7 marks)


 The attitude and tendency of understanding and sharing feelings of others is the
essence of caring. The process of caring includes the personal caring, family
caring and community caring. The act of caring has become an important aspect
of human civilization and ethical conduct. The process of caring promotes and
strengthens the bond of love and affinity. Thus reflecting the magnanimous
attitude of a person. The process of caring is the basic tool of social justice and
dignified conduct. The other features of caring is better illustrated by the

 A devoted teacher should be prompt enough to help a student to solve a

mathematical problem, when the student finds it difficult. A teacher should play a
neutral role to solve a moral problem or crisis between the students thus restoring

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the climate of harmony.

 Caring is feeling for others. It is a process which exhibits the interest in, and
support for, the welfare of others with fairness, impartiality and justice in all
activities, among the employees, in the context of professional ethics. It includes
showing respect to the feelings of others, and also respecting and preserving the
interests of all others concerned. Caring is reflected in activities such as
friendship, membership in social clubs and professional societies, and
through various transactions in the family, fraternity, community, country and in
international councils. In the present day context, caring for the environment
(including the fauna and flora) has become a necessity for our very survival. If we
do not care for the environment, the environment will scare us.
 What are the features of caring? (7 marks)


 1. Caring as an essence of moral values: The process of caring is learnt and

followed in life, through moral values and virtues such as honesty,
trustworthiness and humility. When a person follows the basics of caring,
various modes of moral values are spontaneously inducted into his character, thus
making him a respected and prestigious personality.

 2.Caring as the heart of ethics: The process of caring constitutes the basic
foundation of ethical conduct and behaviour. Those individuals who respect the
ethics of caring, possess the noble qualities to work and dedicate for the welfare
of others.

 3.Caring to fulfill one’s obligations: A person who has been committed to the act
of caring, is able to understand and visualize the options and obligations of others
for the final fulfillment of a goal. Moreover, he tends to translate his thoughts into
a real action for himself and others. He becomes highly devoted to contribute his
assistance and efforts to make the life of others a peaceful and comfortable one.

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 4.The ultimate goal of caring: To cater the basic needs of others for their
well-being is the ultimate goal of caring. Caring enables a right person to do
anything that he wants to do for himself. The mentality and interest for the well-
being of others without any selfishness is also the true aspect of caring.

 5.Caring as an experienced learning: The essential features of caring could be

gradually learnt through proper experience with commitmentand dedication.

 All the practical experiences of a person are neatly consolidated to appreciate the
logics of caring. The tendency of caring gradually enhances the intensity of
learning with rich experience.


 Listening is identified as an important constituent in the act of caring. There is a

close interaction between listening and caring. The essence of caring remains
incomplete and meaningless without caring. The combination of listening and
caring provide a keen and unbiased senseof self-judgement to a person.

According to the available reports, the act of listening could be well

developed by the following factors.

 1.Personal acknowledgement: This includes the communication of any message

through verbal or non- verbal manner.
 2. Response to the message: A person should reciprocate to any verbal
communication. This positive response would accelerate the act of caring. In
contrast, when a person remains without any response and silent for any verbal
message, act of caring will not further develop andbecomes purposeless.

 3. The process of interpretation and summary: On receiving any verbal

communication, the person should explain the status of the message such as likes,
dislikes, pleasant and unpleasant feelings and also desires. He should be able to
brief or summarise the statements for better focusing of the ideas and views.

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 4.Probing approach: A person who is much interested in listening and caring,

must have the probing approach to have a clear assessment of facts thereby
avoiding the confusions, suspicisions and conflicts.

 5.Application of silence: The process of keeping silent with patience would be a

right step to promote the act of listening and caring. When a person gives a silent
hearing to any information or conversation, he plans a better strategy for
transparent discussion of the concerned matter towards taking a correct decision.

 Define Sharing.(3 marks)


 Primarily, caring influences ‘sharing’. Sharing is a process that describes the

transfer of knowledge (teaching, learning, and information), experience
(training), commodities (material possession) and facilities with others. The
transfer should be genuine, legal, positive, voluntary, and without any
expectation in return. However, the proprietary information it should not be
shared with outsiders. Through this process of sharing, experience, expertise,
wisdom and other benefits reach more people faster. Sharing is voluntary and it
cannot be driven by force, but motivated successfully through ethical principles.

 In short, sharing is ‘charity’ For the humanity, ‘sharing’ is a culture. The

‘happiness and wealth’ are multiplied and the ‘crimes and sufferings’ are reduced,
by sharing. It paves the way for peace and obviates militancy. Philosophically, the
sharing maximizes the happiness for all the human beings. In terms of
psychology, the fear, divide, and distrust between the ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’
disappear. Sharing not only paves the way to prosperity, early and easily, and
sustains it. Economically speaking, benefits are maximized as there is no wastage
or loss, and everybody gets one’s needs fulfilled and satisfied. Commercially
speaking, the profit is maximized. Technologically, the productivity and utilization
are maximized by sharing.

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 Explain the various types of sharing?(7marks)


• 1. Sharing of technological and scientific knowledge and


• 2. Sharing of personal information.

• 3. Sharing of any achievements such as success in exams orpromotions in

professional careers.

• 4. Sharing of sympathy and condolences in terms of any tragic


• 5. Sharing of experiences and exposures in the field of anyprofession.

• 6. Sharing of time for maximum utility.

• 7. Sharing of loss and profits of an organization.

• 8. Sharing of job prospective for professional


 Enumerate the key steps to develop sharing.(6 marks)


 1. Motivation and willingness to earn friendships and relationships.

 2. Gaining of wealth and knowledge by more sharing.

 3. Better identification of the individual personality and personal


 4. Avoiding excess sharing to prevent the loss of potential viability.

 5. Encouragement and promotion of mutual sharing.

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 6. True commitment with a sense of dedication and involvement.

 Define honesty.(3 marks)


 Honesty is speaking the truth. Saying things that aren't true, or thatyou think
might not be true, or that you are making up to hide the truth are all types of
lies. Lying is not honest (also called being dishonest) because you are saying
something that isn't true.

 Examples of what speaking the honest truth means:

• Honesty means you don't say things about people that aren't true.
You are not being honest if you make up rumors about someone
or if you share rumors someoneelse made up.

• Being honest means you admit to your actions, even if you'll get
in trouble. You are not being honest if you denyyou did something
wrong when you really did it.

• Honesty means you explain how a situation really happened. You

are not being honest if you say somethinghappened one way when
it really happened another way.

 Presentation of truth or open fact is the best quality or a trademark ofhonesty.

Honest persons are always respected and honoured by the society for their
truthful character. Although an honest person may face some hurdles or barriers
to achieve his target in the initial period, he will be suitably rewarded with an
ultimate success to fulfil his goal of achievement in the later period.
 Several epic poems in all international languages have focused on theimportance
of honesty to be practiced in daily life. When the honesty is incorporated into the
characters of children and youth, they can blossom in to matured people with a
strong mental willpower and good moral conduct for a bright future. The basic

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essence of honesty is manifested, when the individuals respect their inner

thoughts and consciousness to perform their duties to the entire satisfaction of
theiremployers and common public.
 How honesty is exhibited?(6 marks)
 Differentiate Truthfulness & Trustworthiness.(5 marks)

Honesty is a virtue, and it is exhibited in two aspects namely,

 Truthfulness is to face the responsibilities upon telling truth. One should
keep one’s word or promise. By admitting one’s mistake committed (one
needs courage to do that!), it is easy to fix them. Reliable engineering
judgment, maintenance of truth, defending the truth, and communicating
the truth, only when it does ‘good’ to others, are some of the reflections of
 But trustworthiness is maintaining integrity and taking responsibility for
personal performance. People abide by law and live by mutual trust. They
play the right way to win, according to the laws or rules (legally and
morally). They build trust through reliability and authenticity. They admit
their own mistakes and confront unethical actions in others and take tough
and principled stand, even if unpopular.
Honesty is mirrored in many ways. The common reflections are
• Beliefs (intellectual honesty).
• Communication (writing and speech).
• Decisions (ideas, discretion).
• Actions (means, timing, place, and the goals) and
• Intended and unintended results achieved.
As against this, some of the actions of an engineer that leads to
dishonesty are
• 1. Lying: Honesty implies avoidance of lying. An engineer may

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communicate wrong or distorted test results intentionally or otherwise. It is

giving wrong information to the right people.
• 2. Deliberate deception: An engineer may judge or decide on matters one
is not familiar or with insufficient data or proof, to impress upon the
customers or employers. This is a self-deceit.
• 3. Withholding the information: It means hiding the facts during
communication to one’s superior or subordinate,
intentionally or otherwise.
• 4. Not seeking the truth: Some engineers accept the informationor data,
without applying their mind and seeking the truth.
• 5. Not maintaining confidentiality: It is giving right information to wrong
people. The engineers should keep information of their customers/clients or
of their employers confidential and should notdiscuss them with others.
Giving professional judgment under the influence of extraneous factors
such as personal benefits and prejudice. The laws, experience, social
welfare, and even conscience are given a go-bye by such actions. Certainly
this is a higher-order crime.

 The act of honesty could contribute not only to the credibility, but also to an
enhanced social status of an individual. Most moral and ethical theories have
advocated that an honest person could contribute to the desirable changes
in a community by the way of his two primary virtues such as truthfulness
and trustworthiness.

 Define Courage.(3 marks)

 Explain the various classification of courage? (7 marks)

 Courage is the tendency to accept and face risks and difficult tasks in rational
ways. Self-confidence is the basic requirement to nurture courage. Courage is
classified into three types, based on the types of risks, namely

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 Physical courage,
 Social courage, and
 Intellectual courage.
 In physical courage, the thrust is on the adequacy of the physical strength,
including the muscle power and armaments. People with highadrenalin, may be
prepared to face challenges for the mere ‘thrill‘or driven by a decision to ‘excel‘.
 The social courage involves the decisions and actions to change the order,
based on the conviction for or against certain social behaviors. This requires
leadership abilities, including empathy and sacrifice, to mobilize and motivate
the followers, for the social cause.
 The intellectual courage is inculcated in people through acquired knowledge,
experience, games, tactics, education, and training. In professional ethics,
courage is applicable to the employers, employees,public, and the press.

 Look before you leap. One should perform Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities,
and Threat (SWOT) analysis. Calculate (estimate) the risks, compare with one‘s
strengths, and anticipate the end results, while taking decisions and before getting
into action. Learning from the past helps. Past experience (one‘s own or
borrowed!) and wisdom gained from self-study or others will prepare one to plan
and act with self- confidence, succeed in achieving the desired ethical goals
through ethical means. Opportunities and threat existing and likely to exist in
future are also to be studied and measures to be planned. This anticipatory
management will help anyone to face the future with courage.
 The courageous act is always associated with the disciplined character. When a
person possesses the courageous character in combination with self- discipline, he
is sure to check a success through his determined efforts. The act of courage
could infuse a positive thinking in the minds of people and enhances the power of
tolerance. Individuals with a courageous character are not discouraged and
confused over the failures. Instead, they become ensured to keep on trying and
struggling to reach the successful target with the enhanced motivation. The act of

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courage strengthens the mental caliber and personal integrity of an individual for
the proper management of the critical problems without any fear and
disappointment. Courageous persons would be so determined to the act
against any social injustice or evil with the sense of moral devotion and
commitment thus not minding their personal discomfort.
 Facing the criticism, owning responsibility, and accepting the mistakesor errors
when committed and exposed are the expressions of courage. In fact, this sets
their mind to be vigilant against the past mistakes, andcreative in finding the
alternate means to achieve the desired objectives.
Prof. Sathish Dhawan, Chief of ISRO, was reported to have exhibited his courage
and owned responsibility, when the previous space mission failed, but credited
Prof. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (now our revered President), when the subsequent
mission succeeded.

 State the features of a courageous person. (4 marks)

The courageous people own and have shown the following characteristics, in
their professions:
 Perseverance (sustained hard work),
 Experimentation (preparedness to face the challenges, that is,
unexpected or unintended results),
 Involvement (attitude, clear and firm resolve to act), and
 Commitment (willing to get into action and to reach the desired goals byany
alternative but ethical means).

Define Co-operation.(3 marks)

 It is a team-spirit present with every individual engaged in engineering. Co-
operation is an activity between two persons or sectors that aims at integration of
operations (synergy), while not sacrificing the autonomy of either party. Further,
working together ensures, coherence, i.e., blending of different skills required,

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towards common goals. Willingness to understand others, think and act

together and putting this into practice, is cooperation. Cooperation promotes
collinearity, coherence (blend), co-ordination (activities linked in sequence or
priority) and the synergy (maximizing the output, by reinforcement).

 According to professional ethics, cooperation should exist or be developed, and

maintained, at several levels; between the employers and employees, between the
superiors and subordinates, among the colleagues, between the producers and the
suppliers (spare parts), and between the organisation and its customers. The codes
of ethics of various professional societies insist on appropriate cooperation to
nourish the industry. The absence of cooperation leads to lack of communication,
misinformation, void in communication, and undue delay between supply,
production, marketing, and consumption. This is likely to demoralize and frustrate
the employees, leading to collapse of the industry over time and an economic loss
to the society.

 Enumerate the impediments to successful co-operation.(7 marks)

The impediments to successful co-operation are:
 Clash of ego of individuals.
 Lack of leadership and motivation.
 Conflicts of interests, based on region, religion, language, and caste.
 Ignorance and lack of interest.
By careful planning, motivation, leadership, fostering and rewardingteam work,
professionalism and humanism beyond the ‘divides‘, training on appreciation to
different cultures, mutual understanding ‘cooperation‘ can be developed and also

 State the objectives of co-operation(4 marks)

• Team spirit with active involvement.
• Unified and coordinated efforts.

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• Motivation for public welfare.

• Service mindedness with honesty and integrity without any
expectation for personal benefit.
• Sharing identical views for the common goals.
• Democratic participation with dedication for the welfare of a nation or
community. Voluntary acceptance to the outcome of co- operative efforts.
The social and political architecture of any nation is based on the concept
of co-operation. It is a worth mentioning to point out that liberation
movements in several countries including India for procuring independent
freedom from the clutches of rulers, had been achieved only through
the co- operative movement and struggle. Any social or community
conflict could be amicably settled and solved through the co-
operative movements. The legitimate interests of any subject are fully
protected without any violation by means of co- operation.

 The process of co-operation creates a strong network of bonding by which social

harmony and cultural traditions are fully protected. Right from ancient time
onwards, vedic scholars and philosophers have underlined the importance of co-
operation in the restoration of democratic rights and justice.
 It has become the moral obligation of every individual to cultivate and develop
the sense of co-operation for the betterment of community or organization with
which he is associated

 Define Commitment.( 3 marks)

 Commitment means alignment to goals and adherence to ethical principles during
the activities. One must believe in one‘s action performed and the expected end
results (confidence). Holding sustained interest and firmness, in whatever ethical
means one follows, with the fervent attitude and hope that one will achieve the
goals, is commitment. It is the driving force to realize success. Commitment means

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acceptance of the responsibilities and duties and cooperation means help and
assistance. By developing team commitment and cooperation in a work team you
are assisting the team to meet its goals and objectives. Work teams that are
committed and cooperative are more likely to achieve the goals the business has
There are a number of signals that indicate the work team is committed.
These include:
 maintaining or increasing quality
 reaching or exceeding production targets
 decreasing complaints from team members
 limited conflict between team members
 Fewer workplace injuries.

 There are degrees of team involvement in decision making. Your knowledge of

the skills and abilities of the team members will guide your decision about the extent
supported employees can contribute to making a decision. There are no rules for
when and how team members should be involved. It is a matter for your
judgment. The following diagram shows the degrees of involvement team
members may have. At the highest level of involvement the team identifies and
solves problems, and brings recommendations to the supervisor. At the lowest
level of involvement the team plays no role in the decision making at all. Between
these two extremes the supervisor and team may make the decision together,
or the supervisor may outline the problem and constraints for solving it (time,
money, etc) and hand it over to the teamto solve.

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High involvement to no involvement

 Involving team members in decision making, which can include problem solving,
should be based on whether one or more of the following is met. The need for
acceptance. The greater the need for the team to accept your decisions, the more
you should involve them.

• The effect the decision will have on the team. The more the problem or
decision affects the team, the more you should involve them. Their
involvement in implementing the decision. If the team will be implementing
or carrying out the decision, involve them. The ability and desire of the
group to become involved. If the team wants to be involved, consider
involving them, particularly if they have sufficient knowledge or expertise
in the issue involved. Even if they do not, it could be useful for training and
development purposes.
• The tendency for commitment is much required for the perfect completion
or execution of any personal or professional affair. Lack of commitment
and enthusiasm may not contribute to any successful achievement of any
• Execution of any academic or professional task without the commitment

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may not yield the expected result.

• State the characteristic features of commitment .(6 marks)
The characteristic features of commitment are mentioned as follows.
• Consistent efforts
• Tendency of caring
• Reliable approach
• Dependable attitude
• Duty consciousness
• Sense of integrity
• Dedicated loyalty.
 Commitment is considered to be a voluntary and spontaneous act and is not
enforced by any compulsion or authoritative act. Commitment cannot be formally
registered by any act of pact or written statement. But it is the original expression of
mental attitude of an individual for an active involvement in any task. A person
with a true sense of commitment is prepared to forgo his conveniences and
comforts for the sake of welfare of others. It is also evident to say that selfishness
is totally eradicated by the true application of commitment.

 Explain the different types of commitment? (7 marks)

 1. Any commitment to work or task refers to the application of mental thinking
and inclination to take up any work with a sense of perfection.
 2. Professional commitment refers to the sensible attitude of
involvement for the sustained growth of an organization.
 3. Any commitment to a customer refers to the sincere and satisfactoryservice to
the expectations of a customer.
 4. Any commitment to a friend refers to the true symbol of spirit and enthusiasm
for mutual help and service to justify the true symbol of friendship.
 Any commitment to a nation refers to the patriotic sacrifice to uphold the

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integrity and sovereignty of a country.

The development of tendency for commitment could induce a self- realization
and self-confidence to serve for the community or society. The common public,
students, teachers and professionals should make it as a compulsory criterion to
develop and also cultivate the act of commitment for the sake of both personal and
community welfare benefits. The act of commitment leads to the building up of
disciplined character and conduct. It provides the natural instinct with anticipated
efforts for the honest sharing of the problems of others.
 Define Empathy.(3 marks)

 Empathy is social radar. Sensing what others feel about, without their open talk,
is the essence of empathy. Empathy begins with showing concern, and then
obtaining and understanding the feelings of others, from others‘ point of view. It
is also defined as the ability to put one‘s self into the psychological frame or
reference or point of view of another, to know what the other person feels. It
includes the imaginative projection into other‘s feelings and understanding of
other‘s background such as parentage, physical and mental state, economic
situation, and association. This is an essential ingredient for good human relations

 Enumerate the features of empathy.(7 marks)

To practice ‘Empathy‘, a leader must have or develop in him, the following
 Understanding others: It means sensing others feelings and perspectives, and
taking active interest in their welfare.
 Service orientation: It is anticipation, recognition and meeting the needs of the
clients or customers.
 Developing others: This means identification of their needs and bolstering their
abilities. In developing others, the one should inculcate in him the listening

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 Communication : 22% reading and writing + 23% speaking + 55% listening

 One should get the feedback, acknowledge the strength and accomplishments,
and then coach the individual, by informing about what was wrong, and giving
correct feedback and positive expectation of the subject‘s abilities and the
resulting performance. Leveraging diversity (opportunities through diverse
people): This leads to enhanced organizational learning, flexibility, and

 Political awareness: It is the ability to read political and social currentsin

an organization.
The benefits of empathy include:
 Good customer relations (in sales and service, in partnering).
 Harmonious labor relations (in manufacturing).
 Good vendor-producer relationship (in partnering.)
 Through the above three, we can maximize the output and profit, as wellas
minimizing the loss.
 While dealing with customer complaints, empathy is very effective inrealising
the unbiased views of others and in admitting one‘s ownlimitations and
failures. According to Peter Drucker, purpose of thebusiness is not to make a
sale, but to make and keep a customer.
 Enumerate the importance of listening in empathy( 7 marks)
 Listening and empathy are the two important factors to build up a strong and
worthy relationship, based on the mutual exchange of views and ideas. The
proper listening enables a person to have the accurate assessment of the
conditions, situations and status of other persons for the proper future-orientated
actions. Learning also provides more clues to the person to identify the feelings of
others for mutual help.

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 The ultimate benefits of the association between listening and empathy are
explained as follows:
 1.It provides a green signal to the other persons about the meaningful perception
of a message and for further closed dialogues.

 2.This erodes and also corrects any misconception or misunderstanding between

the individuals there by creating transparent understanding of others
 3.This interaction promotes and improves the quality of personal
conversation between individuals regarding some sensitive andemotional topics.
 4. This interaction strengthens the bond of friendship thus ensuring forfurther
intimate exchange of personal views.
 5. This interaction contributes certain good qualities and virtues such as mutual
help, forgiveness and tolerance.
 The ideal combination of both empathy and sympathy constitutes the
important aspect of ethical code of conduct and character. This unique
combination of a character is expressed, when a person remains in a state of
calamity due to various personal and social causes. For example, when an
individual is grieved by the death of his family member, the gentle expression of
condolences by uttering a few soothing words with the sharing of his sorrowful
feelings would provide a sense of consolation and comfort to the bereaved
individual. It is the real essence of human values that the persons who are affected
by any natural or personal calamity, should be attended with the deep sense of
affectionand dedication.
 Define Self Confidence.( 3marks)
 The term self-confidence refers to the positive attitude to face and execute
anything with capability. Self-confidence is identified as an important moral
virtue that strengthens the mental stability and will power for the successful
achievement of any task. It acts as a morale booster to motivate a person in a right
direction. It provides a person with self-courage and self-interest to think and act in

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a constructive terms. The basic attitude of optimism and selfless efforts would
provide a striking force to a person for the perfect execution of any task.
 Certainty in one‘s own capabilities, values, and goals, is self-confidence. Such
people are usually positive thinking, flexible and willing to change. They respect
others so much as they respect themselves. Self-confidence is positive attitude,
wherein the individual has some positive and realistic view of himself, with respect
to the situations in which one gets involved.
 The people with self- confidence exhibit courage to get into action and
unshakable faith in their abilities, whatever may be their positions. They are not
influenced by threats or challenges and are prepared to face them and the natural or
unexpected consequences. The self-confidence in a person develops a sense of
partnership, respect, and accountability, and this helps the organization to obtain
maximum ideas, efforts, and guidelines from its employees.
 Enumerate the salient features of self confidence (7 marks)
 1. Powerful conviction of mind.
 2. Courageous attitude to shoulder responsibility.
 3. Positive thinking with optimistic thoughts.
 4. Awareness to cater the needs of others.
 5. Capability to adapt with the changes.

 6. Bold attitude to take risky efforts.

 7. Capability to face the challenging encounters.
 8. Attitude for experimentation to understand new things.
 9. Individuality in taking bold decisions.
 Tendency of expecting approval and consent from others.
 Indecisive approach without bold character.
 Fearful attitude for criticisms and remarks from others.

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 Insecure feeling without moral courage.

 Lack of precise planning without an advanced strategy.
 Arrogant attitude without any flexibility.
 Provocative behaviour towards the organisational authority.
 Examine the factors that shape the self confidence of an individual
(7 marks)
 The factors that shape self-confidence in a person are:
• Heredity (attitudes of parents) and family environment (elders),
• Friendship (influence of friends/colleagues),
• Influence of superiors/role models, and
• Training in the organization (e.g., training by Technical
Evangelists at Infosys Technologies).
 Mental alertness to assess the reason for mistakes and failures.
 Flexible temperament by the mutual exchange of ideas and views.
 Well-designed strategic procedures for the proper achievement of goaland
 Meaningful and beneficial association with the people of good moralvalues and
 Consistent planning for an accurate execution of a task.
 Ignoring the unhealthy comments and criticisms for achieving
professional excellence
 Well-planned preoccupations for purposeful objectives and goals.
 Deriving sense of satisfaction and pleasure, while executing any work.
 Ability to develop positive thinking in terms of progressive upliftmentof an
organization or company.

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The following methodologies are effective in developing self-

confidence in a person:
 Encouraging SWOT analysis. By evaluating their strength and
weakness, they can anticipate and be prepared to face the results.
 Training to evaluate risks and face them (self-acceptance).
 Self-talk . It is conditioning the mind for preparing the self to act, without any doubt
on his capabilities. This make one accepts himself while still striving for
 Study and group discussion, on the history of leaders and innovators (e.g., Sam
Walton of Wal-Mart, USA).
The basic principles of self-confidence is expressed by the following selective
 I have the potential ability of doing any task.
 I have the better exposure and capability of handling and doing anyactivity.
 I have the professional competence of executing that task.
 I have the personal integrity and honesty in my professional approach.
 Proper evaluation and assessment of one’s capability and potential

 I have a transparent and modest character to avoid the balancing byothers.

 I have a better sense of mind to appreciate the nature of work done byothers.
 Write a short note on social expectations (7 marks)
 Social expectations are ideas that we have of how someone in our social
surroundings will behave in the future or in a specific situation. When we
generate an impression of someone, these expectations are associated with the
image we generate. This helps us imagine how we have to behave or act around
them and to predict their behavior.
 This conduct of generating expectations about our relationships fulfills an

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adaptive function. It’s pretty simple to guess what it is. In an artificial environment,
based on complex societies such as the ones most of us inhabit, foreseeing the
behavior of others allows us to adapt our own behavior. Thus, we would greatly
benefit in social interactions. Despite that this isn’t a precise process, making a
prediction and being wrong at times is better than not doing it or never guessing
 It’s important to know that these social or behavioral expectations greatly
influence our own behavior. We don’t treat everyone alike, just as we don’t treat
the same person the same way in every situation. We can see this in many
everyday situations. Plus, we try to make others meet our expectations, either by
forcing them indirectly or altering our perception them. This process takes place in
both directions. We are also aware of the expectations others have of us. So we
also attempt to adaptour behavior in order to satisfy these ideas.


Part – A
(Three-Mark Questions)
1. Define Ethics? What is the need to study Ethics?
2. What is Engineering Ethics?
3. What is the scope of engineering ethics?

4. What is meant by human values? Explain the different types of values.

5. Define the term morals.

6. What is integrity?
7. What are the sources of values?
8. Give any three forms of academic dishonesty among the students.
9. What is meant by work ethics? List out the objectives of work
10. Explain why ethical problems arise in a work place.

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11. Explain caring and sharing.

12. Define courage. Explain the different types of courage.
13. Explain the characteristics shown by a courageous person.
14. Explain the importance of ‘value of time’.
15. Define empathy? Explain the benefits of empathy.
16. Give any four qualities of work Ethics.
17. What is service learning?
18. What are the objectives of Service -Learning?
19. Define the term civic virtue?
20. Mention the salient features of civic virtues.
21. What is altruism?
22. What are the essential elements of respect?
23. What are the suggestions for peaceful living?
24. What is Caring?
25. What is sharing?
26. What is honesty?
27. What is courage?
27. What is meant by valuing time?
28. What is co-operation?
29. What are the objectives of Co-operation?
30. What is meant by commitment?
31. What is empathy?
32. What is self-confidence?
33. What are the salient features of self-confidence?
34. What is character? Bring out the different types of character.
35. What is plagiarism?
36. Define empathy and honesty.

37. Briefly explain about morals, values and ethics.

38. Interpret the two forms of self-respect.

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(14 marks)
1. Write a brief summary on the aspects of morals,
values andethics.
2. Explain the influence of (a) ethics and (b) education on character.
3. Briefly explain the three aspects of morals.
4. Give a brief account on the various types and sources ofvalues.
5. Briefly explain about the salient features of engineering ethics.
6. Write a brief account to the various types of integrity.
7. Explain about the various aspects of work ethics.
8. Write an account on the salient features and objectives of

9.a) Classify the relationship between ethical values and law?

b) Compare between caring and sharing.

10 .Bring out the role of civic virtues in character building and civic
11. Explain the various features of respect.
12.Explain the various suggestive measures for a peaceful living.
13. Explain how a person can achieve a peaceful living in the world.
14. Focus on the various features of caring.
15. Write a short account on the various aspects of honesty.
16. Define honesty. How can we identify the honesty of a person?
17. Explain some of the actions of a dishonest professional.
18. Briefly write about the beneficial aspects of time management
and their ways of implementation.
19.Explain the salient features and types of commitment.

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20. Bring out the importance of commitment of a person in an activity.

21. Briefly discuss the various aspects of empathy.
22. Define self-confidence. Explain the characteristics of a person
with this.
23. Write a brief note on the classical features of self-confidence and
the impact of the lack of self-confidence.
24. Explain the value ‘integrity’ and its importance in professional
25. Explain how self-confidence can be developed in a person.
26. What can be the impediments to co-operation? How they can be
overcome in practice?
27. Write a short account on the various aspects of character.
28. Explain the basic principles with regard to the aspect ‘respect for others’ which can
nurture friendship and team work.
29. Explain the term integrity and its need for engineering professional,

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