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International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL)

Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2022, PP 10-16

ISSN 2347-3126 (Print) & ISSN 2347-3134 (Online)

Significance of Globalisation and English Language

Dr. Bipin Bihari Dash
Assistant Professor in English, Odisha University of Technology and Research, OUTR, Bhubaneswar, Odisha,
(Formerly CET, Bhubaneswar)
English is a language of international commerce, it is the language of diplomacy and it contains many
a rich literary treasure; it gives us an introduction to western thought and culture.

M. K. Gandhi

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Bipin Bihari Dash, Assistant Professor in English, Odisha University of
Technology and Research, OUTR, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, (Formerly CET, Bhubaneswar)

Abstract: Language is our primary source of communication. It's the method through which we share our
ideas and thoughts with others. In order to communicate effectively, one needs a language that is widely
understood and is common. Over the years, English has become that sort of language. It is the language most
commonly used and understood almost by everyone. So it is easier to communicate in English as it is the best
way to express ourselves. In the present age, it has become even more of a medium of almost communication
because it is the language of the Internet and the computer. As of 2020 there are 1.27 billion English speakers
around the world. This makes it the most spoken language, ahead of Mandarin Chinese (1.12 billion
speakers) and Hindi (637 million speakers). More than 50 countries officially list English as an official
language. Globalisation is the process by which the world is becoming increasingly interconnected as a result
of massively increased trade and cultural exchange. Globalisation has increased the production of goods and
services. For both native speakers and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) speakers, strong
communication in English involves four modes: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Different people
have naturally differing aptitudes for these skills. This paper has attempted to analyse the importance of
communication in English language and the significance of globalisation and English language.
Keywords: Globalisation, Language, Communication, Lingua Franca, Culture

Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments
worldwide. Globalization has accelerated since the 18th century due to advances in transportation and
communication technology. This increase in global interactions has caused a growth in
international trade and the exchange of ideas, beliefs, and culture. Globalization is primarily an
economic process of interaction and integration that is associated with social and cultural aspects.
However, disputes and diplomacy are also large parts of the history of globalization, and of modern
It is pertinent to note that R. W, Emerson, the American author gave a significant view on English
language. According to him “the English language is the sea which receives tributaries from every
region under heaven.” Really, this language surrounds us like the sea, and like the waters it is deep
and it is full of mysteries. This is used not only by the vendors but also by the professors. It creates its
warmth and strength of the atmosphere. We live in and by language. The growth and development of
the language is a remarkable matter. English is the most-spoken language in the world, and it can be
found spread far and wide. While there’s no official lingua franca for the planet, English is often used
to communicate across nations. This is because of a number of historical factors, most notably the
patterns of colonialism by English speakers. Out of the world’s approximately 7.8 billio-
n inhabitants, 1.35 billion speak English. The majority aren’t native English speakers, however. About
360 million people speak English as their first language. The most common first language is Chinese,
followed distantly by Spanish and then, in third, comes English. In addition to being widely spoken,
English is by far the most commonly studied foreign language in the world, followed by French at a
distant second.
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English is the language of sports and of glamour world; the official language of the Olympics and the
Miss Universe Competition. It is the official voice of the air, of the sea, and of the modern world. The
most important broadcasting companies in the world are CBS, NBC, ABC, BBC, and CBC transmit in
English to audiences that regularly follows. English is used as the first language in the countries like
USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. It has become a second language in countries like India,
Nigeria and Singapore. It is a vital alternative language. It is quite helpful for trade and research work.
The emergence of English as a global phenomenon – as either a first, second, or foreign language –
has recently inspired the idea that we should talk not of English, but of many Englishes, especially in
Third World Countries where the use of English is no longer part of the colonial legacy, but the result
of decisions made since independence. But what kind of English is it? That is a new and debated one
which needs to be explored completely. “The future, of course, is unpredictable, but one thing is
certain: the present flux of English – multinational standard or international Babel? – It is part of a
process that goes back to Shakespeare and beyond” (Maclarm et al 21).
In today’s global world, the importance of English cannot be denied and ignored since English is the
most common language that is spoken everywhere. With the help of developing technology, English
has been playing a major role in many sectors including medicine, engineering, and education. It is
the only language which is being taught as second language and as an official language in almost
102 countries. It is not only currently considered the most important language for those who
speak it as their first language but also for them who speak it as a second language. English is
essential when it comes to finding jobs or for building career. We know that Communication is
very keen role in any field, whether it is business, medicine, transportation, technology, trade or
marketing. English is globally accepted and known by all. Globalization covers all aspects of life.
Deep understanding is very important in every field. Without proper communication it is not
possible to be in connection.
 It is essential to work
 It is the universal language
 It will open the door of new cultures
 It will help to travel comfortably
 It is the most learned language
 It is required to surpass yourself
 It is an Art and Anglophone literature
 It eliminates weaknesses
 It helps us to higher studies
English has quite a big role in day to day life. It is used in banks, railway stations, bus stops, airways,
educational sector, medical, private sector, etc. It is a trade language with other countries. Many
students fly abroad for education and jobs. If their mode of communication is English they can
manage their communication with the local people. And students are prime learners of English
because if they want to build up a good career, they have to have good English speaking skills and
confidence to face many people in interviews. Without English it is very tough to manage in this
ultra-modern world.
Language has a great impact on the division of the different traditions and cultures of different
people. You learn more about the traditions, cultures and customs of different peoples around the
world through travel and learning. For this effective communication is a necessity. English
Language empowers people from around the world. The Internet also plays an important role in
promoting English as the standard language. Through the pages of various social networks people
connect with each other from anywhere in the world, mostly through English. This is because this
language is accepted worldwide. English is also essential for air traffic control and flight crews.
There are several factors that make English language essential for communication at the present
time. First, it is a common language in foreign. This means that two people from two different
countries usually use English as a common language to communicate. This is also called lingua
franca. This is why everyone needs to learn the language in order to interact at international
level. The Prominent Arenas of English are as follows:

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Significance of Globalisation and English Language

 Telephone
 Administration
 Travel and Business
 Education
 Debates
 Inter-state communication
 Group Discussion (GD)
 Judiciary system
 Public speaking
 Medical sciences
 Presentation
 Media
 Personal Interview (PI)
 Language of Hollywood
 Seminars, conferences &
 Science and technology
 Social contact
 Used in Intergovernmental
 Internet and Press Organisation (UNO)
 Official correspondence
In many countries, children are taught and encouraged to learn English as a second language.
Almost 90% educational subjects are written in English. Number of scientific innovations and
books are written in English Language. On the Internet, most websites have written content in
English. Even sites in other languages offer them the option to translate the site. It is the primary
language of the press, more newspapers and books are written in English than any other language
and no matter where you are in the world, and you will find learning material of English language
easily. With good sense and communicate in English, you can travel around the globe. It will
also help you in any business venture you decide to do. If you visit any office, company,
government organization or even company, you will see the importance of English. Every large
company will employ their professional staff after confirming whether employing people with
good knowledge of English or not. Companies that they want to work at the international level
will consider their staff well educated only if they are speakers, writers and good readers of
English. The remarkable features of the English language are discussed below:
1. English is the most common spoken language in the world.
2. It is the language of science, of aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism.
3. It is the official language of 102 countries.
4. It is the language of media industry both for electronics and print media.
5. It is the language of the websites.
6. Since English is spoken in so many different countries there are thousands of schools around
the world that offer programmes in English. If you speak English, there’re lots of
opportunities for you to find an appropriate school and course to suit your academic needs.
7. By learning English, you will learn about other cultures. Few experiences will make you grow
as a person more than learning the values, habits, and way of life in a culture that is different
from yours.
8. As the third most widely spoken language in the world, English is widely spoken and taught in
over 118 countries and is commonly used around the world as a trade language or diplomatic
language. It is the language of science, aviation, computers, diplomacy and tourism.
9. It’s easy to see just how important English is around the world. Many international businesses
conduct meetings in English, universities teach courses in English and, around the world,
tourists and travellers use English as a common language.
10. Good knowledge of English will allow you to access films, music and literature from hundreds
of countries around the globe. Not to mention the fact that numerous books from across the
world are translated into English. Few experiences will make you grow as a person more than
learning the values, habits and way of life in a culture that is different from yours.

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Significance of Globalisation and English Language

In today’s technology–driven world, it is impossible to achieve in one’s academic or professional

career without acquiring proficiency in English. It is now the most widely used language in a large
number of work places in India. It is also the most common language used by speakers of different
languages around the world. In India, great importance is given to English language learning in
educational institutions at various levels. The increasing importance of English has led several
employees to recruit people with a good command over English for operations that involve with both
national and international clients. Realising the demand for English at work places, several Indian
universities, technical universities, IITs, NIITs have included course such as English communication
skills, communicative English, Business communication English, technical communication,
professional communication in their curriculum. The technical universities also conduct the language
lab classes.
There are several forms of communication that are common to most workplaces-oral forms such as
meetings, face-to-face, telephonic conversations, negotiations and written forms such as letters,
memos, e-mails, and circulars. All these forms require the use of appropriate expressions in English
so that the message is direct, precise and clear. For today’s professionals, the internet has become the
most important source of information and instruction, as well as medium of communication. Again,
English is the most widely used language over the internet.
This being the account of the unrivalled position of English language, the illustrious men of English
literature, the Indian artists, poets and writers have literally held the world at sway and more than half
of the people of the world have derived solace and solution, aesthetics felicity and critical acumen,
pleasures and profit as well as all the facilities and devices necessary for a quick, prompt and useful
means of communication starting from a common vender on the street to the Nobel Awardees in
literature. English has been the only source of expression that has enabled modern man to manifest his
ideas and vision. Needless to say, for the last one and half century English has played a very
significant, meaningful, and healthy role in shaping the ideas, ideals, and visions of the inhabitants of
the world. This has been possible chiefly because the principal spokesmen, the poets, writers’
novelists, critics, and artists, while being extraordinarily honest to the principles of art and aesthetics,
have been careful enough to keep them within the fringe of literary boundaries. Indeed, the people
have had reposed great confidence, hope and trust in the artists.
The literary world has been upheld by great academic of the world, particularly an academy like the
Swedish Academy which has been the source of great inspiration and patronage to the writers and
artists of the globe chiefly for its high academic standard and principle. But of the doubts and
suspicious have underscored the academy for its selection of writers and spokesmen who have been
not only controversial but suspicious of their aims and achievements. A few deserving men of high
calibre refused to accept the award chiefly because motives and designs which were below their self
dignity and respect were attributed to them. This naturally has caused much concern and anguish to
those devoted to English language and literature.
Another cause of disturbance in the quiet and calm realm of art is due to the unexpected shift of the
artist and writers from their long association with the cause of literature to grounds like politics or
interest leading to the dismantling of their literary tools and tenets. It is matter of fact that the great
critic, writer and linguist like Noam Chomsky leaving his long associated art of literary criticism to
join socio-political activities making him appear in an opposite self. English being a world language
reflecting a universal panorama of international culture and multiculturalism and humane view,
appears to lose its clear and unprejudiced effect when great leaders, statesman and highly responsible
persons make pronouncement, or statements that tend to create tensions or stress in the minds of the
civilised public leading to great conflicts and schisms in the human relationship. The term clash of
civilisation leads to a chaos of the conflict between East-West encounter. This further brings forth
racial, cultural, religious, and ideological differences. The great leaders of the world have sought to
identify their selves with this idea to justify their activities of aggression and suppression for the
purpose of their political achievement.
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Significance of Globalisation and English Language

The modern civilisation requires the unity of the world in respect of language and culture.
Familiarity with German, English, Spanish, French and Italian is no longer sufficient for anyone
wanting to keep abreast of modern civilisation… The tendency is for the world to have a single
civilisation; but there is a multitude of languages of civilisation (Antoine Meillet, 1918).
In an era of increased communication through the telephone, fax machine, television, and modem, the
world is becoming more and more globally oriented. Businesses, families, friends, and many other
groups with common interests are able to form small “tele-“ or “cyber-“ communities that transcend
geographic boundaries. Yet, despite our ability to transmit information across oceans, communication
still relies on language to mediate interchange between individuals within these communities.
Information is useless if it cannot be processed and understood. Therefore, in order to achieve true
and complete globalization, we would have to eliminate language barriers and develop a universal
standard according to which everyone could interact at the same level of understanding.
People who expect English to triumph over all other languages are sometimes surprised to learn that
the world today holds three times as many native speakers of Chinese as native speakers of English.
“Chinese,” as language scholars use the word, refers to a family of languages and dialects the most
widely spoken of which is Mandarin, and which share a written language although they are not all
mutually intelligible when spoken. “English” refers to a family of languages and dialects the most
widely spoken of which is standard American English, and which have a common origin in England -
though not all varieties of English, either, are mutually intelligible. The versions of English used by
educated speakers practically anywhere can be understood by most Americans, but pidgins, creoles,
and diverse dialects belong to the same family, and these are not always so generally intelligible. The
notion of “English as the Global Language” reflects a completely new phenomenon, even though
many researchers of the use of the English language for international communication had undertaken
a series of research studies of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) as distinct from research of the
English language usage by native speakers themselves yet long before it acquired the global status at
the turn of the twenty first century.
Language is a system of communication that relies on verbal or non-verbal codes to transfer
information. Communication is a way of interchanging messages or information between two or more
people, focusing on the message. Language is a tool of communication. Communication is a process
of transferring messages. Language allows people to communicate with great precision. The
Language and Communication group studies how people use language in specific discourse contexts,
to share information with others, and to persuade or otherwise affect them. The contemporary
American philosopher David Abram wrote, “Only if words are felt, bodily presences, like echoes or
waterfalls, can we understand the power of spoken language to influence, alter, and transform the
perceptual world” (Abram, 1997). This statement encapsulates many of the powerful features of
language. Language express our ideas, affects our credibility, means of control, per formative,
dynamic and relational. Let’s discuss briefly:
 Language helps us express observations (reports on sensory information), thoughts
(conclusions and judgments based on observations or ideas), feelings, and needs.
 Language is powerful in that it expresses our identities through labels used by and on us,
affects our credibility based on how we support our ideas, serves as a means of control, and
performs actions when spoken by certain people in certain contexts.
 The productivity and limitlessness of language creates the possibility for countless word
games and humorous uses of language.
 Language is dynamic, meaning it is always changing through the addition of neologisms, new
words or old words with new meaning, and the creation of slang.
 Language is relational and can be used to bring people together through a shared reality but
can separate people through unsupportive and divisive messages.
Compressing the world into global village; Move to open up the world economic; Technological
advancement to encroach on cultural, political, economic in terms of globalization as a faith accompli;
A general process of complex connectivity and a multi-diametrical process providing simultaneously
in cultural and technical spheres; An ambitious projection of the cultural imperialism; The
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Significance of Globalisation and English Language

homogeneous formation of the big powers for sweeping the world market under the global pressure;
and a general spread of capitalism and modernity into entire world. But all these lead to actually
uneven spread of globalization. It actually becomes the encroachments of Western capitalism and
rapacious indigenous elites. This analysis brings us to the discussion mainly at the cultural level
relating to globalization vis-à-vis India and brings to the foreground the relevance of Edward Said’s
theory of the post – colonial study. According to him, “every work of art or literature text is worldly
i.e. it takes all aspects of a work of art that involves the writer, the text, the reader, the time, the
culture and the influence. The critic Gayatri Spivak has suggested that one has to envisage a universal
civilization that excludes the one-way theory of the oriental culture and includes the culture that
moves on two ways and thus throws open the importance of the Eastern culture in general and the
Indian culture in particular in the course of dialogue on civilization right from the ancient time to the
present day. A study from this angle, i.e. the study of the relevance of Eastern culture in the world
civilization will ultimately reveal the place, role or insignificance of the much talked phenomenon
known as globalization.
The next claim relates to globalization in the field of culture. As per the post-colonial theory of
literary criticism, the west wants its culture to take over the entire world. For it believes in the
superiority and greatness of western cultures as it is supposed to have acquired the standard of having
the only multicultural elements to sweep the whole world. In other words, the globalization instead of
being a two-way traffic becomes a one-way traffic. We, for example, in India because of our colonial
heritage, accept what Gayatri Spivak calls a belief in the normality of the other. Hence globalization
as a movement has created much of the dilemma, conflict and contradiction in the post colonial period
which need to be reflected in the works of artists who have been evidently disturbed and even hurt by
these developments. All these elements as discussed above have appeared in the literary world
revealing the various extra-literary or lop-sided priorities and principles or even misplaced values and
human norms that have soiled the clear and crystal stream of art and literature. It is high time to re-
think the whole problem and evolve a new outlook, and a fresh attitude for creating a correct place for
English literature in the context of modern world. Under this circumstance, it is important to note that
English is becoming the universal language of the world. It is important to note that there is no more
question regarding the immense importance in these days of knowledge of the English language to all
educational pursuits in all parts of the world.
Thus, we have to admit that English language competency is a strategy asset in the global market
place. It is not only the medium of global communication, but also the language of academic thought,
scientific research, technological development and the language of international trade and
negotiations as well as recreation and entertainment. This advocacy of mastering a second language
does not mean we are replacing or diminishing the importance of our national language. The national
language will always have a place in our daily life, in our national culture and heritage. However,
bilingualism if not multilingualism is a global competency that would be required of a global citizen
who will have to work as members of a multi-disciplinary and multi-national team. It means
mastering two or more languages, not replacing our national language; or to put it another way, as
English becomes everyone’s second language, their first language, their mother tongue, becomes
more important and more passionately held.
To conclude, the entire issue, avoiding all kinds of bias, prejudices, egoistic, and selfish notions,
proud and dogmatic attitude attributed to English, we must make a fair and honest approach to this
language in the spirit of aesthetic principles and create an atmosphere and environment wherein the
creative artists and literary figures should dispel the note of discord and disharmony caused by the
recent phenomena in order to give a new direction to English language and literature to create a fresh
literary world of peace and harmony, love and understanding and universal friendship and
brotherhood. Overall, in this paper I discussed globalization and its impact on the English language
with special reference to communicative approach. In a nutshell, globalization is a recent phenomenon
and has a wide connotation meaning various aspects of the development in the modern world.
English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is now a
global lingua franca. It is an official language of almost 105 sovereign states and it is the third most
common native language in the world, after Mandarin and Spanish. It is widely learned as a second
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Significance of Globalisation and English Language

language and is an official language of the United Nations, of the European Union, and of many other
world and regional international organisations. Globalization has become a reality of modern life. It is
one of the most important components of international communication. The worldwide spreading of
information would be hardly possible without language, which is basic to international and
intercultural social interactions. Thus, the significance of the world languages under conditions of
globalization is difficult to overestimate. As the result of the expansion of British colonial power and
the emergence of the United States as the leading economic and political power, English has become
the medium of intercultural communication, taking the leading role in world business, science,
popular culture, mass media etc. In fact, it proves that colonialism and post colonialism give us new
hope and aspiration for our lives. This trend is further developed by English-mediated technologies
and the internet. The concerns among the students and politicians have also hold responsible for the
spread of English language. The role of English as a global language only prove that it may function
under good governance for the sake of promoting global understanding and preserving local diversity.
1. Abram, D., Spell of the Sensuous (New York, NY: Vintage Books, 1997), 89.
2. Crystal David. English as a Global Language. 2nd Ed. United Kingdom; CUP, 2003.
3. Das, Shruti. Contemporary Communicative English. New Delhi; S. Chand and Company Limited, 2000.
4. Dash, Bipin Bihari. Professional English. New Delhi; JTS Publications, 2020.
5. Dutt, P. Kiranmai et al. A Course in Communication Skills. New Delhi; CUP, 2008.
6. Gray, John. Vicious and Benign Universalism: Globalisation and Development of Studies. New Delhi;
Vistaar Publication, 2001.
7. Huntington, Samuel. The Theory of Clash of Civilisation.
8. Maclram, R. W. Crax, R. Macnel, Ed. The Story of English. London: Faber and Faber, 1986.
9. Meillet, Antoine, Les langues dans l'Europe nouvelle, Paris: Payot, 1918.
10. Said, Edward. Orientalism. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978.
11. Spivak, Gayatri. Outside in the Teaching Machine. 1963.
12. Srisa-an, Wichit. Global Education, Borderless World, Thailand; Samboon Printing Co. Ltd. 1998.

Dr. Bipin Bihari Dash, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at
Odisha University of Technology and Research (OUTR), Odisha, India. He
received an M.A. M. Phil and Ph.D. Degree in English and M.A. in Linguistics
from the universities of Odisha, India. He has contributed thirty two research
articles on English literature and language to different international Journals to his
credit. He has presented many research papers in seminars and conferences. He is
the author of four books and contributed seven chapters for edited books. He is the
reviewer of two journals. His areas of interest are Indian English Literature, Postcolonial Studies,
Phonetics, ELT and Professional English.

Citation: Dr. Bipin Bihari Dash. “Significance of Globalisation and English Language” International Journal
on Studies in English Language and Literature (IJSELL), vol 10, no. 5, 2022, pp. 10-16. doi:
Copyright: © 2022 Authors. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original author and source are credited.

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