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Simplify Simplify Round off to one

1) 10
12 = 5
1) 1 11
10 = 2 1
10 decimal place.
2) 5 = 1 54
9 7 1
2) 2 6 = 3 6 1) 18
5 = 3.6
3) 12 3) 6 16 = 7 1 2) 11
4 ≈ 2.8
4 =3 12 3
4) 24
2 = 12
4) 2 20 = 3 53
32 3) 23
7 ≈ 3.3
5) 10
4 = 2 1
5) 1 22
10 = 3 5
1 4) 1 83 ≈ 1.4
1 3 3
Multiply: 1) 2 × 4 = 8 2) 3 × 2 21 = 7 21 3) 2 43 × 1 32 = 4 12

Grace uses 45 of her Sarah had 3 25 liters of juice Mr Jones mowed a piece
carpet for playing barbies. for her party. In total her of his lawn before the
Her barbie house takes up friends drank up 34 of the power cut. The part that he
2 of this space. What juice. How much juice did mowed measured 2 34
fraction of carpet does the they drink up? meters long and 1 13 meters
barbie house use? ​The They drank up 2 20 l of wide. What is the area of
house uses 25 of her carpet. juice. the mowed lawn? 3 23 m 2

Divide: Divide: Divide:

1) 31 ÷ 2 = 1
1) 4 ÷ 65 = 4 54 1) 12 21 ÷ 21 = 25
2) 43 ÷ 3 = 1
2) 12 ÷ 98 = 13 21 2) 95 ÷ 3 31 = 61
3) 32 ÷ 4 = 1
3) 5 ÷ 10
11 = 5 2
3) 8 41 ÷ 81 = 66
In a month Kim uses 13 of a Over 3 days Mr. Jack drinks If 3 meters of string needs
bottle of shampoo. How up his 1 21 liters of coca cola. to be shared between 12
many months will 3 such How much did he drink scholars, how many
bottles last her? daily? Write your answer as meters of string will each
Write as a simplified mixed a mixed number in its scholar receive? Write as a
number. simplest form. decimal rounded off to one
9 months 2 liter
decimal place. ​0.3m
If 3 birthday cakes are If it took an athlete 8 If Joe pours 4 liters of juice
shared into pieces 18 in minutes to run 10 8
km on a into glasses and each
size, how many people can running path, what glass has a capacity of 29
get a piece of cake? distance did he run each liters, how many glasses
24 people minute? Write your answer can Joe fill completely?
as a fraction in its simplest 18 glasses can be filled
form. 10 km per minute completely.

Multi-step word problem solving.

If Harry gets $85 dollars as Joe picked up a $20 note. Miss B sold 56 of her dream
pocket money and he likes He immediately spent 34 of catchers at a fair. If she
to save 35 every month. the money at the sweet sold 300 dreamcatchers,
How much money does he shop. How much money how many did she have at
save every month? did he have left over? first?
Harry saves $51 monthly. Joe has $5 remaining. Miss B had 360
dreamcatchers at first.
Ashley had $60. She used If there are 54 children in After spending 25 of her
1 3
4 of it on a doll and 8 of it the park and 49 of them are money on clothes, Miss M
on a toy car. How much boys, how many girls are had $360 left over. How
money did she spend there? much money did she have
altogether? There are 30 girls. at first? ​She had $600 at
Ashley spent $37 12 first.

Mr Paul made 200 leather Mr Paul gave 35 of his Mr J gave 14 of his salary to
bags to sell at the festival. money to his wife and he his wife, he then shared
He sold 14 of them on spent 14 of the remainder. the remainder equally
Friday and then 23 of the If he had $300 left over, between himself and his
remainder on Saturday. how much money did he brother. If his brother
How many bags did he have at first? ​Mr Paul had received $250, how much
have left over to sell on $1 000 at first was Mr J’s salary? ​Mr J’s
Sunday. ​50 bags salary is $ 666 23

If 49 of a group of people Jim spent 13 of his money Jose had a bag of marbles.
3 1
are children and the rest on a computer and another 5 of them were blue and 4
are adults and the 6 on a keyboard. The of the remainder were
difference between the computer cost $95 more green. If there were 40
amount of children and than the keyboard, how more blue marbles than
adults is 5. How many much money did Jim have green marbles, how many
people are there in total? at first? ​Jim had $570 at marbles did he have in
There are 45 people. first. total? ​Jose had 80
1650 students took part in There are 36 students in a Sarah had $360. She used
a parade. There were class. 23 of them are girls. 2
3 of it to buy a doll house.
twice as many boys as 1
4 of the girls wear glasses. She also spent $50 on new
girls. How many boys took How many girls wear doll clothing. How much
part in the parade? glasses? money did she spend in
1100 boys took part. 6 girls wear glasses. total? ​Sarah spent $290 in

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