English (Mis Ai) X

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Yayasan Dzurriyyatan Thoyyibah


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Jenjang : Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan
Hari/Tanggal :
Kelas : X (Sepuluh)
Waktu : 90 Menit


1. Bacalah Bismillah dan Berdo’alah kepada Allah SWT sebelum mulai mengerjakan soal.
2. Isikan identitas anda pada kolom yang tersedia.
3. Isikan jawaban anda dengan memberikan tanda Silang (X) pada pilihan A, B, C, dan D.
4. Tersedia waktu 90 menit untuk mengerjakan soal.
5. Jumlah soal sebanyak 40 butir, dengan masing-masing empat pilihan jawaban.
6. Periksa dan pahami dengan baik soal-soal yang akan anda jawab.
7. Lapor kepada pengawas jika ada masalah atau soal yang tidak dipahami.
8. Periksa dan baca kembali jawaban anda sebelum mengumpulkan soal kepada pengawas
9. Jika sudah selesai, bacalah Alhamdulillah.
Good Luck ........!!!


1. ____ always ____ to the dentist
A. Do not, go D. Does not, went
B. Does not, go E. Do, not
C. Do not, went
2. When __ you ____ a shower?
A. Do, took D. Do, taking
B. Do, take E. Does, takes
C. Do, taken
3. Q: Do you like to sing?
A: …
A. Yes, I like to sing D. Yes, I liked to sing
B. Yes, I like to sing E. yes, I like singing
C. Yes, I am liking to sing
4. Tom and I ____ ____ together.
A. Do surfing D. Don’t surf
B. Don’t surfing E. does surfs
C. Do surfs
5. You have been 20, but you are still like ___ child.
A. A D. Is
B. An E. Are
C. The
6. I will go to ___ cinema with you.
A. A D.were
B. An E. It
C. The
7. Is there ___ public telephone near here?
A. A D. was
B. An E. Has
C. The

Natural Bridge National Park is luscious tropical rainforest.

It is located 110 kilometers from south of Brisbane and is reached by following the Pacific
Highway to Nerang and then by travelling through the Numinbah Valley. This scenic roadway lies in
the shadow of Lamington National Park.
The phenomenon of the rock formed into a natural ‘arch’ and the cave through which a
waterfall cascades is a short one-kilometer walk below a dense rainforest canopy from the main picnic
area. Swimming is permitted in the rock pools. Night-time visitors to the cave will discover the unique
feature of the glow worms. Picnic areas offers toilets, barbeque, shelter sheds, water and fireplaces;
however, overnight camping is not permitted.

8. What is the function of paragraph 1?

A. as an identification D. as a classification
B. as an orientation E. as an abstract
C. as a thesis

9. The text above is in form of………….

A. hortatory exposition D. report
B. narrative E. explanation
C. description

10. What is the communicative purpose of the text?

A. to present two points of views about natural bridge national park
B. to explain the bridge national park
C. to describe the bridge national park
D. to retell the bridge national park
E. to persuade readers to treat preserve the bridge nationl park

11. Where is the natural bridge national park located?

A. 110 kilometers from South of Brisbane
B. 110 kilometers from Pacific Highway
C. 110 kilometers from Numinbah Valley
D. 110 kilometers from Lamington National Park
E. 110 kilometers from Nerang

12. What the visitors will see in the night?

A. a common glow worm D. the unique rocks
B. the unique feature of the glow worms E. the fantastic bridge
C. a great dark cave

Read the text below and answer the questions number 13 to 16

“Talaga Warna”
Long ago there was a kingdom in West Java. The kingdom was ruled by a king called
Prabu.Prabu was a kind and wise king, and there was no hunger in his kingdom. But Prabuand
his queen didn’t have any children. It made them very, very sad.
Then one day Prabu went into the jungle. There he prayed to his god for a child. A few
months later, the queen was expecting a baby, and all the people in the kingdom were happy.
Prabu and the queen loved their little daughter and gave her everything. This made the princess
a very spoiled girl. If she didn’t get what she wanted, she became very angry. But even though the
princess behaved badly, her parents loved her, and so did the people in the kingdom.
Day by day, the princess grew more beautiful. When she was 17, her parents invited all the people in
the kingdom to a party. Prabu took their gift s of gold and bright jewels and had a
a beautiful necklace made for his daughter.
On the day of the birthday, people gathered in the palace field. When Prabu and the queen
appeared, people welcomed them happily. The cheers were even louder when the beautiful princess
appeared. Prabu took the necklace. “My beloved daughter,” he said, “today I give this necklace to you.
It is a gift from the people of this country because they love you so much.”The princess looked at the
necklace. “I don’t want it! It’s ugly!” she shouted, and she threw the necklace on the ground, where it
broke into pieces. Everyone was shocked. Nobody spoke.They never thought that their beloved
princess would do that terrible thing.
In their silence people heard the queen crying. Everyone was sad and began crying,too. A pool of
water formed on the ground. Soon the pool became a big lake. The lake sank all of the
Today, people call the lake Talaga Warna. It means ‘Lake of Colors’. It is located in
Puncak, West Java. On a bright day, the lake is full of amazing colors, which in fact come from the
reflection of the trees and flowers around it. But some people believe that the colors are from
the princess’s necklace, which still lies in pieces at the bottom of the lake.

13. Which of the following statements is correct?

A. King Prabu and his queen had lots of children.
B. The little princess was a very good child.
C. Prabu gave his wife a necklace for her birthday.
D. The people in Prabu’s kingdom loved their royal family.
E. The people envied to see the king’s happiness to have a beautiful princess

14. The people were shocked

A. by Prabu’s words to his daughter.
B. by the princess’s bad behavior.
C. when the royal family appeared.
D. when the queen began to cry.
E. because of her kindness

15. “I don’t want it! It’s ugly!” The underlined word means:
A. not pretty B. cheap C. attractive D. not modernE. inexpensive

16. The lake is called Talaga Warna because ...

A. of the necklace that lies at the bottom. D. It is located in Puncak.
B. of the colors reflected in the water. E. they had dreamt of a child for a very long time.
C. that was the name of the princess.

This Text Is Suitable for Question 17 -22

On Wednesday, my best friends and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at the Tentrem Hotel
located not far from Malioboro. On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three
big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. On Friday night we
went to Malioboro. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky because there are lots of
promotions for visitors such as discounts for batik and handcrafted bags, free testers for bakpia, and so
on. I bought new clothes for my sister and a bag for my mom with big discount. After that we left for
Jakarta by train.
17. The text is written in the form of a…
A. recount B. narrative C. report D. recipe E. Hortatory
18. What kind of promotion do readers and her friends get in Malioboro?
A. Free product for sandals D. Free testers for bakpia
B. Free entrance ticket E. Free room
C. Free welcome drink
19. The purpose of the text is to…
A. tell past events C. describe the smugglers
B. entertain readers D. report an event to the police E. Inform the Reader

20. Where did the writers and her friends stay while enjoying the holiday in Yogyakarta?
A. Hotel JW Marriotts B. Hotel Tentrem C. Guest house
D. Villa Pademangan E. Hotel atlantis

21. The text above mainly discusses……..

A. the writer’s trip to Yogyakarta D. the writer’s experience at Yogya Kraton
B. the writer’s first visit to Prambanan E. the writer’s meeting in yogyakarta
C. the writer’s impression about the guide

22. What items is the writer bought as a gift for her family?
A. Bag and clothes B. Bakpia C. Bracelet
D. Handcrafted ring E. Earring

This text is suitable for question 23-25

Green Miles West
The substitution of “West” in our name replacing “California” is the result of an agreement we
reached with California Gardening Association, following a protest over the original use of
“California” in our name.
We hope this does not create any confusion among our loyal customers. While this represents a
change from our initial name introduction, it does not change the quality of products we offer our

23. The name “Green Miles West” is . . . .

A. A new name was given to Green Miles California
B. A new name given from The California Gardening Association
C. A new name of a merger of two company
D. A name given to a company formed by the Gardening Association
E. A name of a new company that deals with gardening

24. The company assures its customers that they will always maintain the . . . Of their products.
A. Origin B. Price C. Quality D. Quantity E. Sale

25. The name “Green Miles West” is . . . .

A. A new name was given to Green Miles California
B. A new name of a merger of two company
C. A new name given from The California Gardening Association
D. A name of a new company that deals with gardening
E. A name given to a company formed by the Gardening Association

26. Re-arrange those sentences!

1. Jack had an accident a few days ago.
2. Jill went to the hospital too visit him.
3. He is still in the hospital now.
4. She is at the hospital now.
5. He had to go to hospital.
A. 1-4-3-5-2 B. 1-3-5-4-2 C. 1-2-3-4-5 D. 1-5-3-2-4 E. 1-2-5-3-4

27. Re-arrange those sentences!

1. I went on many rides.
2. Recently, I went to Disneyland in Los Angeles.
3. It went very fast and I got a little wet.
4. My favourite ride was Splash Mountain.
5. I really had a wonderful time there.
6. I also enjoyed Tom Sawyer's Island.
7. We went there through a hanging bridge and walked through caves.
The correct arrangement is ....
A. 2-1-3-4-6-5-7 B. 2-3-1-4-5-6-7 C. 2-1-5-3-6-4-7
D. 2-5-1-4-3-6-7 E. 2-6-5-7-3-4-1

28. Arrange these sentences into a good text …

1.We drank tea but we didn’t order the same food.
2.I met my old friend, Sinta.
3.Then I came to Sinta and said, “Sinta, I am sorry but I forgot to bring my wallet.”
4.Last Sunday I had a dinner in a restaurant.
5.When I wanted to pay for the bill, I couldn’t find my wallet.
6.We sat at the same table and began to talk.
7.I was embarrassed.
The correct arrangement is ….
A. 2-3-4-5-7-6-1 B. 2-5-7-3-4-1-6 C. 4-7-2-1-6-3-5
D. 4-2-6-1-5-7-3 E. 4-2-1-6-3-5-7

29. She enter the classroom……….the class is empty

A. But B. so C. and D. for E. or

30. I come back to my house….. I visit my teacher’s house

A. After B. Before C. when D. with E. since

A. Answer questions with correct and suitable answer!
1. “She comes to the mosque when everyone is finish praying” what is the sentence type of this
2. Analyze each part “my sister join my group in scout camping”
3. She…….. my snacks……I ….. her hand
4. The teacher enter the class before the bell is ringing which one dependent and independent
5. Write example of simple sentence!

B. connect the suitable answer from table A to table B

Stative verb Run
Irregular verb See
Transitive Cry
Intransitive Read
Action verb Jump

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