Natal Chart

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Mariam Zedan

02/06/1999 09:30PM
‫ محافظة الجيزة‬,‫الجيزة‬, Egypt

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

What is Astrology
Astrology is the study of the effects of planetary forces upon man. It is not fortune

telling. It is one of the best methods for man to learn about who he is, where he

came from and where he is going. Astrology reveals CHARACTER and character is

destiny. If man can change his character, then man will have changed his destiny.

The main uses of astrology are diagnosis of health and sickness, character analysis,

vocational guidance, analysis of children's horoscopes so as to give parents a better

idea as to how best to raise their children, and analysis of the compatibilities

between people.

Astrology does not show anything but tendencies. A man can rule his stars by

exerting his will. If a man decides to flow with the tide of life, then the tendencies

indicated in the birth chart will at some time have their effect. The one thing a birth

chart does not show is the WILL of the individual and how he may exert it. The

matter of exercising free will is left entirely up to the individual. The wise man rules

his stars, the fool is ruled by them. Astrology forewarns and being forewarned, a

man is thus forearmed to better cope with the struggles of life.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Natal Chart

06/02/1999 09:30PM Tropical
30N00, 31E12 placidus House
+2:00 Mean Node





4 11


2 17
10 13



Q = Sun U= Saturn
a= Aries j= Libra
W= Moon I= Uranus
s= Taurus k= Scorpio
E= Mercury O= Neptune
d= Gemini l= Sagittarius
T= Mars P= Pluto
f= Cancer z= Capricorn
R= Venus {= Node
g= Leo x= Aquarius
Y= Jupiter `= Lilith
h= Virgo c= Pisces
M= Chiron <= Part Of Fortune

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Planetary Positions

Planet Degree House Retro

Q Sun 17° x (Aqu) 33'26" House 5 -

W Moon 29° j (Lib) 12'08" House 1 -

E Mercury 19° x (Aqu) 29'12" House 5 -

R Venus 11° c (Pis) 21'53" House 5 -

T Mars 04° k (Sco) 18'39" House 1 -

Y Jupiter 28° c (Pis) 39'22" House 6 -

U Saturn 28° a (Ari) 08'50" House 7 -

I Uranus 13° x (Aqu) 02'14" House 5 -

O Neptune 02° x (Aqu) 26'15" House 4 -

P Pluto 10° l (Sag) 08'43" House 3 -

< Part of Fortune 27° z (Cap) 14'23" House 4 -

{ Node 22° g (Leo) 26'50" House 11 R

M Chiron 02° l (Sag) 37'56" House 2 -

` Lilith 16° k (Sco) 42'39" House 2 -

Z Ascendant 08° j (Lib) 53'05" House 1 -

DC Descendant 08° a (Ari) 53'05" House 7 -

X Mid Heaven 09° f (Can) 22'24" House 10 -

IC Imum Coeli 09° z (Cap) 22'24" House 4 -

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Natal House Cusp

House Degree

AC (Ascendant) 08° j (Libra) 53'05"

House 2 07° k (Scorpio) 04'28"

House 3 07° l (Sagittarius) 35'27"

House 4 09° z (Capricorn) 22'24"

House 5 11° x (Aquarius) 13'14"

House 6 11° c (Pisces) 34'07"

House 7 08° a (Aries) 53'05"

House 8 07° s (Taurus) 04'28"

House 9 07° d (Gemini) 35'27"

MC (Midheaven) 09° f (Cancer) 22'24"

House 11 11° g (Leo) 13'14"

House 12 11° h (Virgo) 34'07"


Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Aspect Chart

q E
q T
w U
q I
r r t r O
r t P
e t Z
e e r X


r Square (90°) - Challenging q Conjunction (0°) - Dynamic e Trine (120°) - Harmony

w Opposition (180°) - Tension t Sextile(60°) - Opportunities

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Aspects Table

Planet Aspect Planet Orb

Q Sun q Conjunction E Mercury 1.93

Q Sun q Conjunction I Uranus 4.52

W Moon q Conjunction T Mars 5.11

W Moon w Opposition U Saturn 1.06

W Moon r Square O Neptune 3.24

T Mars r Square O Neptune 1.87

T Mars e Trine X Midheaven 5.06

Y Jupiter t Sextile O Neptune 3.78

R Venus r Square P Pluto 1.22

R Venus e Trine X Midheaven 1.99

U Saturn r Square O Neptune 4.29

I Uranus t Sextile P Pluto 2.89

I Uranus e Trine Z Ascendant 4.15

P Pluto t Sextile Z Ascendant 1.26

Z Ascendant r Square X Midheaven 0.49

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Libra Ascendant

People with Libra rising tend to be charming, refined, attractive in some manner,
gracious, appealing, indecisive, cooperative, sociable, creative, artistic, perhaps
musically inclined, harmonious, and wanting to please and not make waves.

You seek the approval and support of others. You may 'need' the company of others
and hate to be by yourself. You are apt to try too hard to please others and
compromise your own principles in order to be liked or to be popular.

“ Yet you can also be very self-centered. You have a

difficult time saying 'no'. You cannot stand disorder
and disharmony and want everything to be balanced,
poised, and harmonious.

You like looking at all sides of an issue before making up your mind. You love to
compare things and find analogies. You enjoy argument, yet you can be very
diplomatic with a friendly exterior.

Looks are important to you. You tend to attract whatever it is that you need without
any real effort on your part. Venus rules Libra so Venus will be important in your

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Spiritual lesson to learn

Decisiveness, especially in relationships.

Positive Traits

Charming Easy Going Romantic Idealist

Negative Traits

Indecisive Resentful Easily Influenced Manipulative

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Sun Profile

PRINCIPLE in contrast to that symbolised by the MOON. It is personified by RULERS; LEADERS;

Sun in 5th house

You have a desire to reveal your creativity, either The Fifth House is commonly referred
constructively or destructively. You are interested in all to as the House of Pleasure.
Oftentimes, pleasure is the result of a
forms of creative self-expression, such as sports, books,
creative act. The simple act of creating
acting, the dramatic, games and romance. You have the is, essentially, giving of oneself and
ability to enjoy life and to give enjoyment to others. making something -- making another?
Yes, the Fifth House does speak to
Happiness comes from your artistic or creative
procreation and children, but it also
endeavors. You need to watch a tendency to be addresses the creation of art and
dictatorial or to take unnecessary risks. culture.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Sun in Aquarius

Aquarians tend to be friendly, original, intuitive,

broadminded, nonconforming, different, independent,
Ruled by shocking Uranus is a element
freedom-loving, scientific, unusual, and helpful. They can
of Air, Aquarius very much epitomes
also be impersonal, unpredictable, tactless, rebellious, the planet that inspires it. This sign has
unconventional, stubborn, rigid, radical, bohemian and astonishing intellectual and
communication skill.
eccentric. Aquarians like any work which calls for
inventiveness and the detached application of special rules or formulae.Aquarians seek to share
knowledge with others in order to bring about a better life for all. Group activity is their customary
mode of operation. Helping others so they can help themselves appeals to an Aquarian.Aquarians are
friendly, yet detached, they have warmth, yet they seem distant. Although appearing cold or aloof, they
are not really indifferent to others. It's just that they are much more concerned with humanity as a
whole rather than any one particular individual. Since Aquarians generally do not have large, pompous
or stuffy egos, they rarely bother to exert themselves to win approval or compliments.Aquarians get
excited about bringing new ideas and methods into old, traditional environments. They are
philosophical, visionary and idealistic. Feelings of friendship drive them to try to improve the lot of
everyone they can. Sometimes the people they want to help don't understand these new ways and
react negatively toward them. Sometimes Aquarians are simply ahead of their time, although
sometimes they are just cranks.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Moon Profile

W The Moon symbolises protective urges, the unconscious mind, emotion, the home, feeling,
reflection, instinctual responses, the family, rhythm, self-image, heredity, and nurturing. It
represents the feminine principle, and complements the Sun. It is personified by the mother, wife,
women in general, supportive figures, and those who protect.

Moon in 1st house

Moodiness and changeability are keywords for you. The First House is commonly referred
These emotions can bring on much indecisiveness, to as the House of Self. The First House
speaks to the realization of one's
uncertainty, and insecurity. Being self-conscious about
ultimate potential. This process of
your appearance can also bring about mood swings. You becoming a unique individual is one of
are sensitive and perhaps worry too much over what the greatest contributions we make to
the world in which we live.
people might think or say about you. Forget about
pleasing everyone (it can't be done) and instead focus on doing your best. Develop self-confidence and
the courage to be different and don't let it get to you. You can be very sensitive to your environment
so do not go to places that might bring up ill feelings or bad memories in you. Your sub-conscious is
probably very strong and sometimes quite unmanageable. Be less sensitive to the real or imagined
slights of the people around you. Stay positive. You can be quite restless and impulsive. Your mother
perhaps affected you greatly as you were growing up. Some of your strengths and many of your
weaknesses are probably due to this. Her influence is and may continue to be strong, both for good or
ill. Concerning vocation: the emphasis is upon your individuality and doing your own thing. Try to find
something that allows you to express your own uniqueness within your work. Find something that you
can really put your heart and soul into. Without that deep emotional connection you will simply go
through the motions and be unhappy in and with your work.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Moon in Libra

You are kind, sympathetic, agreeable, optimistic, fair, and

very fond of social pleasures. You are a considerate and
Libra represents the Air element. It is a
thoughtful friend, and have a real flair for making others
sign that is more extroverted and
feel accepted and appreciated. At the same time you active. For Venus- inspired Libra,
probably possess good reasoning powers and the ability beauty, balance and harmony are
important. There is a great need to
to form correct judgments. There is love of art and music
share, to be fair and impartial.
with perhaps decided ability as a performer. You have a
need for people and relationships. You avoid personal confrontations or any expression of intense,
unpleasant behavior or emotion. You strive for peace, harmony, and perfect balance. You feel unsuited
for menial physical labor and you hate to get your hands dirty. Your desire to be liked by everyone may
cause you to seek peace at any price, thus you can be evasive on issues due to your desire to keep the
peace. You can be quite vacillating and indecisive. You are much more at odds with yourself than
people would guess by looking at you from the outside. It is sometimes very difficult for you to make
up your mind because you see all sides of any issue and you always want to be fair. You must learn to
stand up for your principles.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Mercury Profile


HUMOUR; KNOWLEDGE and SPEECH Unlike the Sun and Moon, it is a NEUTRAL planet, and is

Mercury in 5th house

You have a need to prove your intelligence and to use The Fifth House is commonly referred
that intelligence in creating things of a mental nature ? to as the House of Pleasure.
Oftentimes, pleasure is the result of a
mental children, as it were. You desire to pass on your
creative act. The simple act of creating
knowledge to others and to learn from them as well. is, essentially, giving of oneself and
Teaching children or young adults may provide quite a lift making something -- making another?
Yes, the Fifth House does speak to
for you. Games of strategy and skill challenge your
procreation and children, but it also
intellect. You desire to communicate your thoughts in a addresses the creation of art and
clever, inspiring and dramatic manner. You may have culture.

acting, writing, or speaking ability. As a teacher, you

enjoy stimulating the minds of others and encouraging your students to greater things. Romances
probably need to involve someone with whom you can communicate intelligently and relate to
mentally. For you, sexiness is in the brain.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Mercury in Aquarius

Your thoughts tend to be unique, unusual, rapid and

coming completely out of the blue, eccentric,
Ruled by shocking Uranus is a element
unconventional, scientific, weird and perhaps a bit ahead
of Air, Aquarius very much epitomes
of their time. You are a progressive and non-traditional the planet that inspires it. This sign has
thinker and are very open and receptive to new astonishing intellectual and
communication skill.
technologies and breakthroughs and the latest
discoveries in any field. You believe that humanity can resolve their problems through creative
intelligence using inventive minds and scientific principles. You are a bit impatient with those who are
conservative and unimaginative and those who are afraid perhaps to think about and try new things
and ideas. Keeping abreast of the latest developments and technologies is fun for you. Reading science
fiction helps give you food for thought regarding radically new ways of looking at things. You have a
strong humanitarian impulse, an aptitude for organization and you enjoy being involved in cooperative
group efforts or businesses that are contemporary and innovative. You have a versatile, disciplined,
practical and original mind. You are intuitive and resourceful, with the ability to correctly judge human
character and penetrate the mask that others wear. You follow your own convictions regardless of
what others think of you and you have the ability to express your ideas clearly so that others easily
comprehend. On the negative side you can be eccentric, bohemian, radical, revolutionary and

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Venus Profile


masculine sexuality of MARS. We thus each have a masculine and feminine side, to a greater or
lesser degree.

Venus in 5th house

You are affectionate, creative and attractive to the The Fifth House is commonly referred
opposite sex, perhaps too attractive for your own good. to as the House of Pleasure.
Oftentimes, pleasure is the result of a
You probably have talent in drama, art, or music and
creative act. The simple act of creating
these may be your favorite hobbies. Perhaps there is love is, essentially, giving of oneself and
of the stage and of performing. You might make a making something -- making another?
Yes, the Fifth House does speak to
delightful and expressive teacher because of your love of
procreation and children, but it also
children. You certainly enjoy having a good time and addresses the creation of art and
people may consider you a party animal. Over- culture.

indulgence needs to be watched.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Venus in Pisces

Your affections are expressed in sympathetic,

compassionate, softhearted, romantic ways. You
Pisces is a Water element, ruled by
unselfishly give of yourself to those you love or to those
mystical Neptune! This sign is
who need or ask for your help. You may be a sucker for extremely receptive, nurturing,
any sort of sob story and perhaps give too much at times compassionate, and other-directed.
Pisces feelings run very, very deep. A
which make some overly dependent on you. You are very
mutable nature endows Pisces with
idealistic in matters of love and this sometimes plays adaptable and unifying energy.
itself out whereby you become the martyr or the savior
in relationships. You tend to be more compassionate than passionate and you become involved with
others because they need love or need to be saved and you want to help them rather than out of
mutual attraction or pleasure. You attract and are attracted to those who are sensitive, imaginative, or
musically or artistically inclined. Your desire is to find someone you can have a deep, spiritual
relationship with. You idealize love and have a very beautiful, romantic vision of what love can be. At
times you can simply be in love with love. You may be highly emotional, perhaps overly so, sensitive,
artistic, compassionate, gentle and psychic. You can be too easy-going or submissive and allow yourself
to be taken advantage of because you do not want other people to feel let down and you don't like to
make waves. You may have the attitude that somehow you must suffer in love, and do so willingly.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Mars Profile

contrast to the feminine sexuality of VENUS. In a woman's birthchart, it often symbolises the IDEAL
MALE IMAGE within the psyche that gives rise to attraction to those who embody or evoke it.

Mars in 1st house

You have an abundance of physical vitality. Sometimes The First House is commonly referred
there is so much energy that you become reckless, to as the House of Self. The First House
speaks to the realization of one's
impulsive, and throw caution to the wind. You may
ultimate potential. This process of
experience cuts and burns on your head and face which becoming a unique individual is one of
may leave some sort of scar. You are assertive, the greatest contributions we make to
the world in which we live.
independent, impatient and want to do your own thing.
You have strong organizing ability. You are usually self-confident. Guard against accidents due to
rushing around in your impulsiveness. You may be subject to higher than normal fevers.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Mars in Scorpio

You are extremely strong-willed and you pursue your

goals and desires with passionate dedication and
Scorpio is a Water element, and this
determination. You are capable of total concentration
makes it a somewhat enigmatic sign.
and tremendous discipline, and you are very difficult to Water is more receptive and
influence once your mind is made up. When you want introverted, but Scorpio is a Plutonian-
power force. Perhaps that is why
something, you can be very one-sided and almost
Scorpio is the sign capable of the
obsessed with it. You tend to be secretive and you do not greatest metamorphosis and renewal.
want others to know what your plans are. You tend to be
instinctive, perceptive, determined, strong-willed, stubborn and magnetic. You have deep emotions
and may occasionally show a primitive side. You need to learn self-discipline or your desire nature will
rule your life, probably causing great sorrow in the end. You must learn to control your jealousy and
possessiveness in matters of love. A certain amount of detachment in relationships would probably be
good and this, of course, would include your tendency to treat loved ones as possessions. You are very
forceful in a quiet and subtle way and others may have difficulty in seeing or understanding your
motives. You can manipulate people in a way that is not obvious to them or others. Direct
confrontation with others is not your preferred style. You like operating behind the scenes. In any case,
you are a formidable opponent when riled. In matters of health, there may be a tendency towards

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Jupiter Profile


INDULGENCE; POSITIVITY and VISION. It is the opposite of the principle of contraction symbolised
by Saturn.

Jupiter in 6th house

This placement tends to give good health. Any health The Sixth House is commonly referred
problems are usually caused by extravagance and over- to as the House of Health. Implicit in
maintaining good health is the ability to
indulgence, too much of a good thing. You are helpful to
cope in the face of adversity, and this
others and are a dependable worker with a sense of theme rings truest in the Sixth House.
loyalty. You inspire cooperation and good will among
your fellow workers. You enjoy your work and give of your time willingly. Watch that you do not
overwork or overindulge in eating or drinking. There could be difficulties in the liver and blood or poor
circulation due to over-indulgence.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Jupiter in Pisces

Your needs for growth and expansion are perhaps best

satisfied when you are working to help raise mankind to
Pisces is a Water element, ruled by
a higher spiritual level. You recognize that we are all in
mystical Neptune! This sign is
this together and what is bad for one is bad for all. You extremely receptive, nurturing,
are sympathetic, charitable, genial, unassuming, quiet, compassionate, and other-directed.
Pisces feelings run very, very deep. A
visionary, intuitive, with a subtle sense of humor. You
mutable nature endows Pisces with
have an interest in spiritual or metaphysical ideas and adaptable and unifying energy.
issues, but you need to find your own path and
experience Truth for yourself. Periodically retreating from society and the people closest to you is good
for your nerves and your own mental health. The strong desire you have to help others comes out in
your willingness to help the unfortunate. Perhaps you volunteer in hospitals, jails, or other places of
confinement. You give hope to those who need it most. You probably love nature and large animals,
especially horses. There may be an interest in healing. On the negative side you may be hypersensitive,
over-emotional, too sentimental, have a tendency to exaggerate, or to be too extravagant or self-

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Saturn Profile


the CONTRACTIVE PRINCIPLE in contra-distinction to the EXPANSION represented by JUPITER. It is

Saturn in 7th house

There may be the tendency to attract older, more serious The Seventh House is commonly
partners. Partnerships may involve much duty, referred to as the House of Partnership.
With this House, we see a shift away
responsibility and hard work. There may be a karmic tie
from the self toward another -- a
from the past to the partners in this life. Whatever the partner. By cooperating with and
case, there may be a feeling of restriction, bondage, relating to another we unite for the
purpose of achieving something.
depression and anxiety in your relationships. They
certainly can be enduring, though. Saturn here indicates you need to learn to cooperate with and to
develop empathy for others. You are perhaps cautious about marriage, but, when committed, may find
it very difficult to leave your marriage partner, even if you are unhappy. You may marry for security
rather than love. Discipline is needed in relationships. There may be a very self-controlled and
sometimes calculating attitude towards all forms of partnership. You are inclined to seek a partner
who will awaken your sense of responsibility and give you a greater sense of purpose and will to
succeed. For a woman there may be a subconscious desire to marry a father figure and the partner
may well feel an urge to organize your life on a more effective basis. The responsibilities of marriage
or the fear of marriage may delay marriage. If Saturn is well aspected in your natal chart, then this
position usually indicates that one loyally abides by marriage vows and faithfully carries out marital
duties. With a well placed and well aspected natal Saturn, the partner is likely to be a person of
integrity, faithful, steady, reliable, industrious, persevering and economical, perhaps not over-
demonstrative and preferring deeds to words, and providing a real anchor for the partnership. If natal
Saturn is badly aspected, then there is a tendency to endure an unhappy marriage rather than to lose

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

face by breaking up. If you neglect to make your partner happy, your own happiness will be affected in
the same proportion. This position can also mean a second choice marriage, which endures in spite of
boredom, unhappiness and a lack of love. In other words you may have wanted to marry someone else
but settled on a second choice instead. The partner may act in such a way as to become a burden, and
may be uncommunicative, narrow in outlook, cold, and over-critical. In some cases the spouse may be
much loved, but prone to ill health. Marriage to a widow or widower is possible.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Saturn in Aries

The best quality of Saturn is system and the best quality

of Aries is leadership. Therefore, you can be a very
The Fire element of Aries brings
capable leader, one who knows what to do and is not
assertive "I" energy. This is a flaming
afraid of going out and doing it no matter what it takes drive and the desire to do something!
or how long it takes. Combat and competitiveness spur The Aries will is full of tension and
passion; the "I" brings a need for
you on to greater achievements. Self-reliance is high
within you and you probably feel that you are more
capable than those around you, hence you may end up doing all the work, which may antagonize you
if you feel that others are not holding up their end of things. Saturn's worst quality is selfishness and
Aries worst quality is interference with the plans of others. Therefore, you are also capable of meddling
and trying to run the affairs of others. You may run roughshod over them in trying to get them to do
your will rather than their own. You can be a real slave-driver. You dislike restraint of any kind and do
not take kindly to others telling you what to do. Remember this as you give the orders. Obstructions,
frustrations, and limitations come into play in your pioneering, self-starting efforts. Freedom comes
only through responsibility and discipline. Impatience can ruin all the good work you try to do. Caution
may need to be developed in the carrying out of your plans. Stability and security are important to you
and you work with those thoughts in mind. Feelings of being inadequate may spur you on to tackle
immense undertakings in order to feel more valued or worthy. Stress from trying to accomplish too
much may make you prone to headaches. Saturn in Aries calls for you to be self-sacrificing.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Uranus Profile


ASTROLOGERS; REVOLUTIONARIES; REFORMERS, and those who are unusual or different in some

Uranus in 5th house

You definitely possess creative originality. Your hobbies The Fifth House is commonly referred
are unusual and interesting. Your desire for to as the House of Pleasure.
Oftentimes, pleasure is the result of a
independence may make love affairs and relationships
creative act. The simple act of creating
with children unsettling. Your children may be very is, essentially, giving of oneself and
unique, so much so that neither you nor they can making something -- making another?
Yes, the Fifth House does speak to
understand the other. You are disinterested in society's
procreation and children, but it also
social games and are more concerned about your own addresses the creation of art and
inclinations. Speculation can get you into trouble — be culture.

careful. Sudden gain and sudden loss are possible.

Unexpected gains without any effort on your part can come to you, which may generate an attitude
within that you just can't lose. Watch out for that. Your love life is unusual, sometimes maybe even
wild. Your approach to romance and dating may be somewhat cavalier, unconventional and/or

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Uranus in Aquarius

You are at home when you are doing your own thing, and
do not care too much what other people think. You tend
Ruled by shocking Uranus is a element
to be unconventional with your friends and with 'your
of Air, Aquarius very much epitomes
public'. You are a loyal friend so people put up with any the planet that inspires it. This sign has
eccentricities. Also, you are extremely tolerant of any astonishing intellectual and
communication skill.
unconventional behaviour and beliefs which your friends
hold. You are not afraid to lend a hand when your friends need you. You are a person of thoughts and
ideas, and also a communicator, but some of your ideas and beliefs might not be practical. You can be
an original and progressive thinker, also being analytical. So you might be interest in or involved in

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Neptune Profile



Neptune in 4th house

You may experience a sense of inner uncertainty, The Fourth House is commonly
insecurity and confusion. Unexplainable fears and referred to as the House of Home.
When we think of home, we think of
anxieties may cause you to withdraw from living. You
that place where we put down our
idealize the home environment and it may be, in reality, roots. We lay our foundation and plant
more in your imagination rather than in fact. A spiritual ourselves firmly into the Earth, as it
tie with one or both parents is likely. A desire to live by
the sea is not uncommon with this position. You may have vague recollections regarding your true
roots and this uncertainty may cause difficulties. Remember, with Neptune, things are not as they
appear and you need to face reality in your home environment and with respect to your parents rather
than what may be in your imagination and sub-conscious.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Neptune in Aquarius

You tend to dream, dreams of freedom and

independence, unconventional dreams, but you are not
Ruled by shocking Uranus is a element
deterred. You can be idealistic about anyone who tries to
of Air, Aquarius very much epitomes
reduce freedom and independence, and even rebellious the planet that inspires it. This sign has
towards the. You are fiercely loyal to your beliefs and to astonishing intellectual and
communication skill.
your friends. You can appear somewhat eccentric to the
other generations, and you may acquire associates who are cranky and artistic, perhaps musicians.
You are sensitive and idealist and sufficiently passionate to carry implement your ideals and
aspirations.You may do this by breaking down conventions and overcoming barriers in an unusual way
and with unexpected results.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Pluto Profile


destruction of old forms and the release of the energy inherent in them in order to create new life.

Pluto in 3rd house

Your mind is versatile, inspired, probing and original. You The Third House is commonly referred
perhaps have a keen ability to size up people and to as the House of Communication. In
this House, much of the
circumstances. You are probably good at understanding
communication is going on between
people's true motives. You want to know the answers to the individual and those he or she
all your many questions. Research and figuring out holds close: brothers and sisters, as
well as neighbors.
puzzles or brain teasers may appeal to you. Perhaps you
enjoy playing detective. You may be searching for that something that will give meaning to your life or
searching for that area that will help you regenerate yourself or your thinking. Frustration, depression
or anxiety may arise when the answers you seek are not forth-coming. Keep at it! Expressing yourself
in writing may help alleviate the tension. This may help purify your thoughts, then allow new thoughts
to enter. Once your thoughts and feelings have been purged, you may want to destroy the material as
its purpose has been served.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Pluto in Sagittarius

You transform in a free and tolerant manner matters

related to higher education and philosophy, and in your
Sagittarius is Fire energy and the ruler
vision of the future and your ideals. There may be
of Jupiter. This is a very active,
significant changes in higher education in this time. extroverted, mobile, expansive sign.
There may also be transformations in your attitudes to The Archer is always ready for action,
bursting with goals and idealism.
freedom and tolerance. There may be greater long
distance travel during this period to foreign places, perhaps even in space. This generation are
obsessed with foreign travel, and about life on other planets.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Chiron Profile

Chiron in 2nd house

This placement usually shows disappointment in one’s The Second House is commonly
self when having financial difficulties. When you are well referred to as the House of
Possessions. While this speaks to that
equipped materially, you will likely still not be happy until
which we own, it's not limited simply to
you find worth in your spirit and own being rather than tangible things. We own our feelings
what you own. If you believe you can’t take care of and emotions, as well as our inner
selves, abilities, needs and wants.
yourself, know that it’s an inner infant you’re carrying
who doesn’t know that you can love yourself. The self-sufficiency natural to the 2nd house can be
hindered in you if you let your fear of rejection or abandonment lead in how you shape your life. You
may have unusual sexual interests as a result of deprivation of appropriate physical affection or sexual
abuse in early childhood. You can see the worth in others who aren’t well off and can be very helpful
in helping others to see the positive sides of themselves that exclude the material, but when it comes
to yourself, you are not as kind. When you truly find your personal worth you will be able to transcend
your deepest wound. You can be powerful teachers of the lesson of "self-worth" if you can overcome
your own self-esteem issues and dealt with your own issues. When you accept your uniqueness when
it comes to how you choose to use your time, energy, and money, you can free yourself to embrace
Chiron’s resourcefulness in figuring out new solutions to old problems, valuing your unique approach
to life.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Chiron in Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a fire sign, ruling spirituality. This placement

indicates a break with traditions or spiritual teachings
Sagittarius is Fire energy and the ruler
that may cause pain. Life may seem like one long
of Jupiter. This is a very active,
continuous spiritual crisis. Throughout your life, you’ve extroverted, mobile, expansive sign.
been hypersensitive to how others react to your big ideas The Archer is always ready for action,
bursting with goals and idealism.
and imagination, and even your beliefs, at times feeling
rejected because others don’t get them or feel they’re not worth anything. Prayer can heal. Building
and forming a lasting and meaningful relationship with God can heal. The soul and the higher self is in
focus here. Spirituality and freedom are of utmost importance here. You could resist letting your mind
travel to far-off places in creative modes. The way you come up with new ideas, as well as how you
approach optimism and developing the faith that tomorrow can be better than today, is infused with
an awareness of human energy and emotion. This particular placement might have experienced
disappointment with organized religion. You may have experimented with many different faiths and
may be on the fence when it comes to religion. You may be frustrated in the quest for the perfect
religion, not realizing that God is within. You are aware of the soul but must learn that what you are
looking for is already there and is within. You possess great wisdom and can be a extraordinary
spiritual teacher. Sagittarius has to do with our ability to get the "big picture" and our ability to judge.
You are modest and don't try to push your views on others and are more likely to give good advice. By
realizing that there is wisdom in your own heart, you will begin to heal. Accept that your beliefs and big
ideas may trigger the sensitivities of others and stop taking their reactions to you as indicative of what
you’re worth, and you’ll open the door to expressing your unique viewpoints and helping others tap
into your own unique perspectives.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

House Profiles

The planets represent energies and cosmic forces that can be utilized in various
ways.They are like the actors in a play. Houses represent the different spheres of
life where these energies can be and are brought to bear, for better or for worse. If
the planets are the actors in a play, then the houses represent the various settings
in which the actors play out their roles (signs).

The 12 Houses of astrology are symbolic of the all the departments that make up
human life. The planets and zodiac signs will manifest themselves most strongly
in the sphere of life represented by the House in which they fall on your chart.
Remember, the houses are not "energies" like the elements or planets, nor do they
color the expression of energies like the zodiac signs do. The houses are WHERE
these energies are most likely to manifest. The houses are the fields of experience,
not the experience themselves.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

First House Cusp

House of Self

The First House is commonly referred to as the House of Self. The First House
speaks to the realization of one's ultimate potential. This process of becoming a
unique individual is one of the greatest contributions we make to the world in
which we live.

House I - How others see you Libra j

Appearance Personality First Impression Negotiating Ethical

Angular Fire Air Cardinal

Libra on the First House Cusp

The view you tend to give to the world is one of a well adjusted and happy individual. Others may seek
you out as an arbitrator, or come to you for advice or recommendations since your sense of fairness
and balance is acknowledged and valued. You become uneasy around dissention and bickering, and
will avoid situations that make you apprehensive. You have a naturally attractive and comfortable
bearing that brings friendships and associations in both business and pleasure. Your social life is likely
to be filled with people that possess refined tastes, and artistic talents. You may also be inclined to
enter partnerships, or the marriage partner could become involved in business ventures or enterprises
that would be successful.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Second House Cusp

House of Possessions

The Second House is commonly referred to as the House of Possessions. While

this speaks to that which we own, it's not limited simply to tangible things. We own
our feelings and emotions, as well as our inner selves, abilities, needs and wants.

House II - What you value Scorpio k

Possessions Pleasure Finances Self-Worth Hidden Passionate

Succedent Earth Water Fixed

Scorpio on the Second House Cusp

You possess a positive outlook about your financial status, and have the capacity to work hard to
achieve your ambitions. Your determination will generally prevail over any obstacles whether natural
or man-made, and the expectation is that you will ultimately secure financial independence and
domestic comfort. Although you are not prone to extravagance, there is a tendency to spend in
order to expand your financial base through improvements in equipment, or extending your sphere
of influence. This might result in temporary losses or setbacks should you not re-coup in time for
this to happen. You can usually depend on your shrewd judgement when it comes to investing
in commodities based on growth and expansion, or in regional utilities with potential for future

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Third House Cusp

House of Communication

The Third House is commonly referred to as the House of Communication. In this

House, much of the communication is going on between the individual and those
he or she holds close: brothers and sisters, as well as neighbors.

House III - Routine functioning of the Sagittarius l

Impatient Independent

Communication Writing Teaching Siblings

Fire Mutable

Cadent Air

Sagittarius on the Third House Cusp

You have a broad depth of understanding that inclines you to study Ideas, such as religion, philosophy,
and other subjects related to what might be called the 'higher mind'. Your natural charisma attracts
others to you for advice and recommendations, and you would do well studying psychology or
psychiatry as you have a way of helping others through counseling or social services. You usually enjoy
and probably benefit through travel, especially long journeys to foreign lands. This would include trips
for business or pleasure. All means of transportation will suit your fancy, although road travel will allow
you to experience an appreciation for the natural beauty of the landscape. There is a tendency toward
having many relatives, and deriving pleasure in their company. Your handling of correspondence may
be haphazard at times, although you do get to it eventually.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Fourth House Cusp

House of Home

The Fourth House is commonly referred to as the House of Home. When we

think of home, we think of that place where we put down our roots. We lay our
foundation and plant ourselves firmly into the Earth, as it were.

House IV - Where you belong Capricorn z

Home Roots Heritage Security Ambitious Decisive

Earth Cardinal

Angular Water

Capricorn on the Fourth House Cusp

You are apt to feel very possessive of your home in that it is your castle; your bastian of security and
comfort. You like it the way it is, and don't take to someone moving things around. Others might feel
that you live in rather austere surroundings, or that there is something impersonal about it. You have
a sense of permanence about where you live, and don't like the idea of moving from place to place.
Your parents may have been protective and loving, although the indication is that there was little show
of emotion, or that your upbringing was more business than pleasure. You will probably live well into
your old age, and defy the angel of death for quite some time

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Fifth House Cusp

House of Pleasure

The Fifth House is commonly referred to as the House of Pleasure. Oftentimes,

pleasure is the result of a creative act. The simple act of creating is, essentially,
giving of oneself and making something -- making another? Yes, the Fifth House
does speak to procreation and children, but it also addresses the creation of art
and culture.

House V - Where you have fun Aquarius x

Creativity Love Affairs Children Hobbies Profound Original

Succedent Fire Air Fixed

Aquarius on the Fifth House Cusp

You have many friends and acquaintances in your social sphere, and many will have scientific
backgrounds or be associated with progressive movements. While your individuality remains a distinct
characteristic, and you have no problem entertaining yourself, companionship still provides a source
of comfort and happiness. Your idealistic but unconventional outlook toward love and romance often
brings attractions to unusual yet interesting people. You are seldom concerned about what society
says is proper, and your own values take precedence. There is likely to be a preference for a small to
moderate size family, although planning for such things is not one of your strong points. Your love of
children is genuine and you tend to treat them as equals. You have a flair for artistic activities, and
music is highly favored. The piano could be an instrument of choice.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Sixth House Cusp

House of Health

The Sixth House is commonly referred to as the House of Health. Implicit in

maintaining good health is the ability to cope in the face of adversity, and this
theme rings truest in the Sixth House.

House VI - Where you prepare Pisces c

Service health employment habits Searching Submissive

Cadent Earth Water Mutable

Pisces on the Sixth House Cusp

Care should be taken in regards to the health; avoid overwork, or any activity that is exhaustive. It
is best to take preventive measures when an infectious illness is sweeping through the population
at large. You may be susceptible to the ill effects of alcohol and/or drugs when taken in excess;
moderation is really the key to a healthy and happy life. Maintaining a clean environment, and seeing
that foods are not contaminated is important in avoiding conditions that would affect the health.
General check-ups on a regular basis will insure that nothing can become a threat to your well-being.
In the area of work, it is better to avoid gossip or complaining, especially about surrounding conditions,
as the wrong impression is often created. You would do well in many diverse areas of employment,
from chemical companies to the theater, or from cosmetology to the fishing industry.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Seventh House Cusp

House of Partnership

The Seventh House is commonly referred to as the House of Partnership. With

this House, we see a shift away from the self toward another -- a partner. By
cooperating with and relating to another we unite for the purpose of achieving

House VI - Projection onto others Aries a

Relationship Marriage Partnerships Challenging Impulsive

Open Enemies
Fire Cardinal

Angular Air

Aries on the Seventh House Cusp

Strong attractions and emotional impulses have a great deal to do with how you form attachments.
You are naturally drawn to find a life long partner to share those cherished moments with. Shyness
is not your strong point when it comes to the fulfillment of your hopes and desires, and going after
what you really want is the natural thing to do. You are apt to seek an active and energetic mate,
but there may be a tendency to dominate the relationship, which could cause some friction. The
question of taking a partner needs careful consideration because of the possibly dynamic nature of the
relationship. The more rigid and tightly bound an agreement might be, the more likely that problems
could develop over the long haul.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Eighth House Cusp

House of Sex

The Eighth House is commonly referred to as the House of Sex. This House delves
into relationships -- interactions with another and how certain aspects of those
interactions can take on a more communal nature.

House VIII - Where you transform Taurus s

Inheritance Death Sexual Intimacy Occult Conservative Concrete

Succedent Water Earth Fixed

Taurus on the Eighth House Cusp

There could be fortunate conditions that fall to you in circumstances surrounding the death of
someone you might have known very well, or even hardly at all. You may be recognized in their will
as receiving cash or something easily converted to cash. Although there might be some amount of
litigation involved in the settling of an inheritance, you will most likely benefit from this action. Your
own passage is apt to be peaceful and easy with friends and loved ones coming from all over. As far
as the manner of death is concerned, the indications point towards a problem with the heart, or some
form of throat affliction. In other less significant areas, the partners money is often associated with this
house, and in this matter you should have little worry, as you will benefit also.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Ninth House Cusp

House of Philosophy

The Ninth House is commonly referred to as the House of Philosophy. In keeping

with that theme, it's our search for meaning which is the focal point here.

House IX - The search for truth Gemini d

Faith Long Trips Religion Philosophy Communicative Playful

Air Mutable

Cadent Fire

Gemini on the Ninth House Cusp

Always on the go, you prefer to be on the road rather than hanging around the same old place. You
have a strong intellectual curiosity about foreign cultures, and look forward to visiting those faraway
lands whenever the opportunity comes up. Air travel is the most likely form of transportation, with
rail getting you around more scenic countryside. Your mental interests lean toward lofty subjects such
as religion and philosophy, although you find it difficult to take a stand on any one point of view.
You tend to be a brilliant conversationalist when engaged in intellectual discussions about life and its
ramifications, and your amiable and agreeable nature make you popular among more academic types.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Tenth House Cusp

House of Social Status

The Tenth House is commonly referred to as the House of Social Status. It is about
the place we have attained in our social (or work/career) grouping and in society
as a whole. Think status, the authority it conveys, and consequently, the role we
take in our community.

House X - Where you walk your talk Cancer f

Goals Profession Career Status Caring Sensitive

Water Cardinal

Angular Earth

Cancer on the Tenth House Cusp

There are many possibilities for success in any number of professions. You may have a preference for
working in the home, such as setting up a home office, or doing computer work for a company without
having to go to a place of employment. You would meet with success working with people, or in a public
capacity, such as in public relations. You could do well in the catering trades, or in domestic service,
or owning a lodging business. Although the transition from city life to the rural environment is not a
common occurrence with most people or families, there is a natural inclination to work with plants as
a profession, and this would be conducive to farming or agricultural interests. It might be better for
independent involvement rather than taking on partners in a business situation.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Eleventh House Cusp

House of Friends

The Eleventh House is commonly referred to as the House of Friends. Through

our friends, we find strength in numbers -- we see the power of the collective, the

House XI - Where one reaches out and Leo g

establishes contacts with the group
Dominant Proud

Friends Social Circle Gains Social Causes

Fire Fixed

Succedent Air

Leo on the Eleventh House Cusp

Your outgoing nature and happy outlook draw many people to you, and they invariably become close
friends. You enjoy the company of young people, and get along well with children, and they tend to
look up to you with respect and admiration. Because of your diverse nature, you can expect to find
companions with varying interests in fields such as science, literature, art, and philosophy. Many of
your closer friends will seek you out for advice or consultation on matters of personal importance, and
your sense of objectivity and fairness is much appreciated. As the years pass, you are apt to come into
greater contact with people in important positions, or positions of influence in the worlds of society
and business. Your fondest hopes and wishes could reach fulfillment through those you have known
down through the years.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Twelfth House Cusp

House of the Unconscious

The Twelfth House is commonly referred to as the House of the Unconscious. The
unconscious state can help engender our successes, as well as assist us in coping
with our failures.

House XII - Where you go to be alone Virgo h

Institutions Past Lives Secret Enemies Careful Minute

Earth Mutable

Cadent Water

Virgo on the Twelfth House Cusp

Because you tend to be a highly discriminating individual, it is not too likely that you would be in a
position for feelings of resentment or enmity to become much of a possibility in your life. Although
there may be times when unknown or hidden activities are working without your knowledge, your
sense of awareness should guide you away from potentially damaging results to your character. Your
greatest unknown enemy may, in many cases, be yourself. Avoid criticism of others; this may strike
sensitive feelings in others that turn their good nature against you. Be particularly careful in what
you write, or communicate, as anything negative or unflattering about co-workers or friends might be
considered libellous, and bring a response that could go as far as legal action.

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

Aspects Profile

Sun Conjunction with Mercury - Q q E

Dynamic Orb - 1.93

The conjunction of the Sun and Mercury produces a sound mentality. You handle
stress well. Yet you may think of yourself as a nervous person, and you may be. You
have fixed opinions, although these may or may not be freely expressed depending
on other factors in the chart. The thinking is much in harmony with the individuality
expressed by the Sun. It's hard for you to view yourself objectively, or as others see
you. Usually much mental energy is shown by this placement.

Sun Conjunction with Uranus - Q q I

Dynamic Orb - 4.52

A conjunction of the Sun and Uranus produces a highly self-aware individual

expressing energies freely, and often in a unique fashion. Freedom is all important,
and you reflect this inclination in ways that many consider eccentric. You are slow to
mature because unrestricted attitudes make you appear childlike even as you grow
into adulthood. Your free-wheeling temperament permits to succeed if left to do
projects in your own, often progressive way. Progress is your most important goal,
and your individualism is apparent.

Moon Conjunction with Mars - W q T

Dynamic Orb - 5.11

The conjunction of the Moon and Mars shows much emotional anxiety and
impatience. It is an aspect that seems to energize emotions and those emotions may
often come out with Martian or aggressive qualities. Your feelings are usually very
active, and always in a state of turmoil. In short, your emotions are intense. This

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

conjunction can show passions that are very ardent and demanding, and actions can
sometimes be blind to caution and common sense. There are tendencies that may
lead you to accomplish much if you can only guide these energies with some wisdom.
Often, however, a more destructive vindictive facet to the personality results from
this aspect.

Moon Opposition with Saturn - W w U

Tension Orb - 1.06

The opposition between the Moon and Saturn suggests a negative mental attitude
and often a restriction of the spontaneous flow of ideas. Intellectual responses
are somewhat slowed. Even if you are very bright, the inability to express self in
other than a prosaic manner often hides real mental abilities. Thus, you are more
contemplative than conversational, but nonetheless a good listener. You are austere
in your behavior and having fun is something that is hard for you to do chiefly
because you worry too much. You function well when you are self-employed or at
least have a free hand in deciding what you do. You lack emotional flexibility and
optimism in your dealing with others, and you may sometimes display a stiff formal
manner that can make others ill at ease.

Moon Square with Neptune - W r O

Challenging Orb - 3.24

The square formed between the Moon and Neptune suggests you have difficulty
separating fact and fiction. You may be artistic talent, but reality and imagination
often blur. You try to adjust reality to fit your emotional view of the matter. When
this is not possible there is usually an effort to escape or avoid confrontation. You
feel that you are persecuted by your responsibilities at home or at work. You may try
to escape or reject them. There is a need to examine situations intellectually instead
of emotionally, and then to make fair and firm judgments. There is a naive charm to
your character. Yet your impractical approach to problems can impede your progress

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

until you get your feet more firmly planted on the ground.

Mars Square with Neptune - T r O

Challenging Orb - 1.87

The square between Mars and Neptune suggests that your natural tendencies to
assert yourself may cause confusion and turmoil in your life. You may experience
ups and downs in your feelings and ambitions. Vague or subconscious reasons
prompting you to act may conflict with your sensitive feelings. This aspect stimulates
interest in spiritual issues and produces a degree of psychic energy, even spiritual
delusion. It's often associated with sexual anxieties, repressed sexual urges, or some
degree of deception associated with sexual affairs. This aspect is one that suggests
you may do best when you are alone. You should perhaps work by yourself or with as
few people as possible. Preferably, you should work in a field such as medicine where
you can satisfy a need to provide human service and remain detached. Develop
your abilities to plan and control, and be more willing to accept responsibility when
something goes wrong.

Jupiter Sextile with Neptune - Y t O

Opportunities Orb - 3.78

The sextile between Jupiter and Neptune shows imagination and much hope about
the future. You solve problems in theory, and some ideas may be impractical. An
idealist, you are always trying to help. You are certainly one who is willing to stand
and be counted. You want to believe the best can come from every situation, and of
course that is not always true.

Venus Square with Pluto - R r P

Challenging Orb - 1.22

A square forms between Venus and Pluto suggesting that your emotional life is

Natal Report Mariam Zedan

subject to many problems. Many of these relate to sex. This aspect causes intense
emotional and sexual involvements, and sometimes this can be with very debasing
influences. In extreme cases, this aspect shows involvement with prostitution or
other sex related crimes or rituals. Sexual passions are hard to control and properly
direct, and romantic ties are in some way fated. It may be any benefit you receive
is always accompanied with some negative side effect. What you want and seek is
often not what you need, and obtaining the objective or object creates ill effects. Life
is full of upheavals and upsets in domestic and professional affairs. There is a need
to be more honest and less patronizing with people. Don't make promises unless you
intend to keep them. This aspect must be controlled by the free will. Trines

Saturn Square with Neptune - U r O

Challenging Orb - 4.29

Saturn square Neptune suggests some difficulties between accepting life as it is, and
how it is wished to be. This aspect dilutes the ego, making those subject to it all too
aware of the thoughts and feelings of others, often to the detriment of the self. It can
indicate deep-rooted - or sometimes groundless - fears or anxieties, or a resistence
to pursuing objectives when the going gets tough. Those with this aspect are often
tireless workers for a cause belonging to someone else and may need reminders that
their own needs are precious and worth fighting for.

Uranus Sextile with Pluto - I t P

Opportunities Orb - 2.89

This is a 'generational' influence that is most noticeable in charts where it contacts

the angles or Sun or Moon. Uranus fosters change and innovative breakthroughs.
Pluto relates to political power. When these planets are in contact with each other,
political structures will be shaken and disturbed in order to allow new methods of
government regulatory principles to emerge. Squares

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