Life Sciences Paper III (2009)
Life Sciences Paper III (2009)
Life Sciences Paper III (2009)
2. This examination consists of 6 pages and an Information Sheet. Please check to see
that your question paper is complete.
3. You have ten minutes to read through this examination before you begin. You are advised
to read carefully and spend time planning your work.
4. Perform the tasks with care. You will be assessed on your ability to work independently.
6. The Information Sheet is printed on yellow paper. Please read it carefully and refer to it
during the course of the examination.
TOTAL (Max 4)
Busy restaurants need to prepare everything that they need before the customers arrive so that
the food does not take too long to prepare once the customer has ordered. French Fries (hot
chips) are a problem because the potato chips often go soft and limp after the potatoes have been
washed, cleaned and cut. Restaurant owners have found that keeping the potato chips in slightly
salty water helps to keep them crisp and firm. But, if the water is too salty, the chips will go soft too
quickly. If the water is not salty enough, the chips become watery.
The perfect saltiness needed to keep chips crisp is very important for owners of restaurants. The
perfect chip is when the concentration of solutes in the water matches the solute concentration of
the cell sap inside the potato cells. We call this the isotonic point (see Information Sheet).
Before you begin your investigation, make sure that you have all of the following items at
your workstation:
• salt
• 5 ml spoon
• 3 identical containers
• stirring rod
• potato
• sharp knife
• cutting tile/surface
• marking pen
• piece of paper towel
• ruler
• 20 ml syringe
• tap water
• timing device
1. Use your knife and cutting tile/surface to carefully cut your potato in half. Now,
using your ruler to measure, cut a slice 0,5 cm thick from one half of your potato.
From this slice cut three rectangular chips making sure that each one is
approximately 0,5 cm × 0,5 cm × 4 cm as shown in the diagram below. Try to get
the three chips as similar to one another as you can. Put your three chips to one side
until you need them.
44 cm
0,5 cm
0,5 cm
2. Label your three empty containers A, B and C. Using your syringe, measure out
100 ml of tap water into container A, and 50 ml of water into containers B and C.
Accurately measure 5 ml of salt using the spoon provided. Place the spoon with the
salt on the table next to container A.
3. Once your teacher has checked your work, place the salt that you have measured
out into container A and measure the exact same quantity (5 ml) into container B.
Stir the water in both containers well. Place one potato chip into each of the
3 containers and leave for at least 25 minutes.
4. Design an experiment in which you would determine the isotonic point for potato
cells. You may use equipment that you would find in your school laboratory.
_____________________________________________________________ (3)
_____________________________________________________________ (2)
_____________________________________________________________ (2)
_____________________________________________________________ (2)
4.5 List any three Controlled/Fixed Variables and state how they will be
_____________________________________________________________ (8)
IEB Copyright © 2009
5. Remove your three chips carefully and dry gently with a paper towel. Describe the
appearance of each chip (A, B and C) as accurately as possible, noting any colour
change and changes in feel, texture and flexibility.
Below this, note the length of each chip (in mm) bearing in mind that they all
started out 40 mm long.
6. When performing this procedure, how did you work carefully to get results that are as
accurate as possible? Give two examples.
7. How could the design of this procedure be improved to ensure fair testing?
Describe two ways.
8.1 What do you think caused it to look like this after being covered in salty water
for 25 minutes?
8.2 Using your rules for Biological Drawing, make a diagram in the space below to
represent one cell taken from the potato chip which was soaking in container B.
Make sure that your drawing is large enough so that all parts are clearly visible.
Label only the cell wall, cell membrane and vacuole.
Working independently (1 / 0)
Total: 50 marks