Electrical Machine Design - Unit 3

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Subject Name: Electrical Machine Design Subject Code: U19EET64

Prepared By:
Mr. D.Sivaraj, Assistant Professor/EEE
Mr. R. Nakkeeran, Assistant Professor /EEE

Verified by: Approved by:

Output Equations of Single phase and three phase transformer–Main Dimensions- KVA output for
single and three phase transformers–Window space factor–Overall dimensions Determination of number of
turns and length of mean turns of windings-Resistance of windings- No load current calculation


A transformer consists of two windings coupled through a magnetic medium. The two windings work
at different voltage level. The two windings of the transformer are called high voltage winding and low
voltage winding. Both the windings are wound on a common core. One of the winding is connected to AC
supply and it is called primary. The other winding is connected to load and it is called secondary. The
transformer is used to transfer electrical energy from high voltage winding to low voltage winding through
magnetic field.
The construction of transformer varies greatly, depending on their applications, winding voltage
and current ratings and operating frequencies. The two major types of construction of transformers are core
type and shell type. Depending on the application, these transformers can be classified as distribution
transformers and power transformers.
The transformer is extremely important as a component in many different types of electric circuits,
from small signal electronic circuits to high voltage power transmission systems.

The most important function performed by transformers are,
 Changing voltage and current level in an electric system
 Matching source and load impedances for maximum power transfer in electronic and control
 Electrical insulation

Core type transformer

In core type transformer, the magnetic core is built of laminations to form a rectangular frame and the
windings are arranged concentrically with each other around the legs or limbs. The top and bottom
horizontal portion of the core are called yoke. It has a single magnetic circuit. The core rectangular has two
limbs. The winding encircles the core. The yokes connect the two limbs and have a cross sectional area
equal to or greater than that of limbs.

Fig. 1 Core type transformer

Each limb carries one half of primary and secondary. The two windings are closely coupled together to
reduce the leakage reactance. The low voltage winding is wound near the core and high voltage winding is
wound over low voltage winding away from core in order to reduce the amount of insulating materials
As the windings are uniformly distributed over the two limbs, the natural cooling is more effective.
The coils can be easily removed by removing the laminations of the top yoke, for maintenance.

Shell type transformer

In shell type transformers the windings are put around the central limb and the flux path is
completed through two side limbs. It has a double magnetic circuit. The core has three limbs. The core
encircles most part of the windings. The central limb carries total mutual flux while the side limbs forming
a part of a parallel magnetic circuit carry half the total flux. The cross sectional area of the central limb is
twice that of each side limbs.

Fig 2 Shell type transformer
As mentioned earlier, each high voltage coil is in between tow low voltage coils and low voltage
coils are nearest to top and bottom of the yokes.
Comparison of core and shell type transformer
S.No. Core type transformer Shell type transformer
1. Easy in design and construction Comparatively complex
Has low mechanical strength due to
2. High mechanical strength
non-bracing of windings
Reduction of leakage reactance is Reduction of leakage reactance is high
not easily possible possible
The assembly can be easily It cannot be easily dismantled for repair
dismantled for repair work work
Better heat dissipation from Heat is not easily dissipated from
windings windings since it is surrounded by core
Has longer mean length of core and
shorter mean length of coil turn. It is not suitable for Extra High Voltage
Hence best suited for Extra High requirements
Voltage requirements
Distribution transformer
Transformer upto 200 KVA or 500 KVA are used to step down distribution voltage to a standard
service voltage or from transmission voltage to distribution voltage are known as distribution transformers.
They are kept in operation all the 24 hours a day whether they are carrying any load or not.
The load on the distribution transformer varies from time to time and the transformer will be on no load
most of the time. Hence in distribution transformer the copper loss will be more when compared to core
loss. Hence distribution transformers are designed with less iron loss and designed to have the maximum
efficiency at a load much lesser than full load. Also it should have good regulation to maintain the variation
of supply voltage within limits and so it is designed with small value of leakage reactance.
Power transformer
The transformers used in substations and generating stations are called power transformers. They
have ratings above 200 KVA. Usually a substation will have number of transformers working in parallel.
During heavy load periods all the transformers are put in operation and during light load periods some
transformers are disconnected. Therefore the power transformer should be designed to have maximum
efficiency at or near full load. Power transformers are designed to have considerably greater leakage
reactance that is permissible in distribution transformers in order to limit the fault current. In the case of
power transformers inherent voltage regulation is less important than the current limiting effect of higher
leakage reactance.

Working Principle
The principle of mutual induction states that when tow coils are inductively coupled and if current in
one coil is changed uniformly then an e.m.f. gets induced in the other coil. This e.m.f can drive a current,
when a closed path is provided to it. The transformer works on the same principle. In its elementary form,
it consists of two inductive coils which are electrically separated but linked through a common magnetic
circuit. The two coils have high mutual inductance. The basic transformer is shown in the Fig 1.2.

Fig.1.2 Basic transformer

One of the two coils is connected to source of alternating voltage. This coil in which electrical energy
is fed with the help of source called primary winding (P). The other winding is connected to load. The
electrical energy transformed to this winding is drawn out to the load.

Fig 1.3 Symbolic representation

This winding is called secondary winding (S). The primary winding has N1 number of turns while the
secondary winding has N2 number of turns. Symbolically the transformer is indicated as shown in the Fig
When primary winding is excited by an alternating voltage, it circulates an alternating current. This
current produces an alternating flux (Φ)which completes its path through common magnetic core as shown
dotted in the Fig 1.2. Thus an alternating, flux links with the secondary winding. As the flux is alternating,
according to Faraday's law of an electromagnetic induction, mutually induced e.m.f. gets developed in the
secondary winding. If now load is connected to the secondary winding, this e.m.f. drives a current through
Thus through there is no electrical contact between the two windings, an electrical energy gets
transferred from primary to the secondary.
Key point : The frequency of the mutual induced e.m.f. is same as that of the alternating source which is
supplying energy to the primary winding.

1. Output equation of single phase transformer: (Nov 2011, Nov 2013, April 2014, Nov 2012)
The equation which relates the rated KVA output of a transformer to the area of core & window is
called output equation. In transformers the output KVA depends on flux density and ampere turns. The flux
density is related to core area & the ampere turns is related to window area.
The simplified cross-section of core type and shell type single phase transformer are shown in the
below figure. The low voltage winding is placed nearer to the core in order to reduce the insulation
requirement. The space inside the core is called window & it is the space available for accommodating the
primary and secondary winding. The window area is shared between the winding and their insulations.

Induced emf in a transformer E = 4.44 f ϕm T volts

Emf per turn, Et =E/T
= 4.44 f ϕm volts
The window in single phase transformer contains primary and one secondary winding. The window
space factor is defined is the ratio of conductor area in window to total area of window.

Window space factor, Kw = =

Conductor area in window, ----(1)

Current density  is same in both the windings,

Ip Is
Current density () = =
ap as
Area of the conductor, a =

Cross section area of the primary conductor, ap =

Cross section area of the secondary conductor, as=

If we neglect magnetizing mmf then primary ampere turns is equal to secondary ampere turns

Ampere turns, AT = Tp Ip = Ts Is

Ip Is
= Tp ap + Ts as = Tp + Ts
 
1 1
= (Tp Ip + Ts Is) = (AT+AT)
 

Where, AT = Tp Ip = Ts Is

2 AT
= ---(2)

On equating equation 1 & 2, we get

2 AT

Ampere turns, AT=  ---(3)

The KVA rating of single phase transformer is given by

KVA rating, Q = Vp Ip × 10-3 Ep Ip × 10-3

= Tp Ip × 10-3

= Et AT * 10-3 ---(4)

Where, Et = and AT = Tp Ip

On substituting the Et and AT in the above equation 4, the output equation become

Q = 4.44 f m  103

Q = 2.22 f m Kw Aw  × 10-3

m = Bm Ai

Q = 2.22 f Bm Ai Kw Aw  × 10-3

Output equation of three phase transformer (May 2012)

The equation which relates the rated KVA output of a transformer to the area of core & window is
called output equation. In transformers the output KVA depends on flux density and ampere turns. The flux
density is related to core area & the ampere turns is related to window area.
The simplified cross-section of core type three phase transformer are shown in the below figure.
The cross section has three limbs and two windows. Each limb carries the low voltage and high voltage
winding of a phase.

Induced emf in a transformer, E = 4.44 f ϕm T volts

Emf per turn, Et = E / T
= 4.44 f ϕm volts
In case of three phase transformer, each window has two primary and two secondary windings. The
window space factor is defined is the ratio of conductor area in window to total area of window.

Window space factor, Kw = =

Conductor area in window, ----(1)

Current density  is same in both the windings,

Ip Is
Current density () = =
ap as
Area of the conductor, a =

Cross section area of the primary conductor, ap =

Cross section area of the secondary conductor, as=

If we neglect magnetizing mmf then primary ampere turns is equal to secondary ampere turns

Ampere turns, AT = Tp Ip = Ts Is

Ip Is
= 2 Tp ap + 2 Ts as = 2 Tp + 2 Ts
 
2 2
= (Tp Ip + Ts Is) = (AT+AT)
 

Where, AT = Tp Ip = Ts Is

4 AT
= ---(2)

On equating equation 1 & 2, we get

4 AT

Ampere turns, AT=  ---(3)

The KVA rating of three phase transformer is given by

KVA rating, Q = 3 Vp Ip × 10-3 3 Ep Ip × 10-3

= 3× ×Tp Ip × 10-3

= 3 Et AT * 10-3 ---(4)

Where, Et = and AT = Tp Ip

On substituting the Et and AT in the above equation 4, the output equation become

Q = 3 × 4.44 f m  103

Q = 3.33 f m Kw Aw  × 10-3

m = Bm Ai

Q = 3.33 f Bm Ai Kw Aw  × 10-3

Relationship between output and emf per turn of a transformer.

The transformer design starts with selection of an appropriate value for emf per turn. Hence an
equation for emf per turn can be developed by relating output KVA, magnetic and electric loading. In
transformer the ratio of specific magnetic and electric loading is specified rather than actual value of
specified loadings.

The volt-ampere per phase of a transformer is given by the product of voltage and current per
phase. Considering the primary voltage and current per phase we can write,
KVA per phase, Q = Vp Ip × 10-3
= 4.44 f m TpIp × 10-3
= 4.44 f m AT × 10-3
Where, Tp Ip = AT
= 4.44 f m × 10-3
Where, AT =

m 2 
4.44 f 103

Qr 103
m 
4.44 f
We know that,
emf per turn, Et = 4.44 f ϕm
On substituting for in the above expression we get,

Qr 103
Et = 4.44 f
4.44 f

= 4.44 f  r 103

Where, K = 4.44 f  r 103 = 4.44 f  103

The emf per turn is directly proportional to K. The value of K depends on the type, service
condition and method of construction of transformer.
 Shell type 1.0 to 1.2
 Core type 0.75 to 0.85
3 Shell type 1.3
3 Core type (distribution transformer) 0.45
3 Core type (power transformer) 0.6 to 0.7

Design of cores in a transformer (April/May 2012)

For core type transformer the cross-section may be (i) Rectangular, (ii) Square, (iii) Stepped. When circular
coils are required for distribution and power transformers, the square and stepped cores are used.
For shell type transformer the cross-section may be rectangular. When rectangular cores are used the
coils are also rectangular in shape. The rectangular core is suitable for small and low voltage transformers.
In core type transformer with rectangular cores, the ratio of depth to width of the core is 1.4 to 2. In shell
type transformer with rectangular core, the width of the central limb is 2 to 3 times the depth of the core.
The excessive leakage fluxes produced during short circuit and over loads, develops severe mechanical
stresses on the coils. On circular coils these forces are radial and there is no tendency for the coil to change
its shape. But on rectangular and square coils the forces are perpendicular to the conductors and tends to
deform the shape of coil. Hence the circular coils are employed in high voltage and high capacity

In square cores the diameter of the circumscribing circle is larger than the diameter of stepped cores of
same area of cross-section. Thus when stepped cores are used the length of mean turn of winding is
reduced with consequent reduction in both cost of copper & copper loss. However with larger number of
steps a large number of different sizes of laminations have to be used. This results in higher labor charges
for shearing and assembling different types of laminations.
(i). Design of Square Core Design
a = side of square
d = diameter of circumscribing Circle.
d = diagonal of the square core
Diameter of circumscribing circle, d = a2  a2 = 2a 2 = 2 a2
Side of square, a =
 d 
Gross core area, Agi = area of square = a =  
 2
Agi = 0.5 d2

Let, Stacking factor, Sf = 0.9

Net core area, Ai = Stacking factor × Gross core area
= 0.9 × 0.5 d2 = 0.45 d2
Ai – area of iron alone excluding insulation area
Agi – area including insulation area

Area of circumscribing circle = d2

The ratio,

Another useful ratio for the design of transformer core is core area factor.

Ai 0.45d 2
Kc = = = 0.45
d2 d2

(ii). Design of two stepped core:

In stepped cores the dimensions of the steps should be chosen, such as to occupy maximum area
within a circle.
a- Length of the rectangle.
b- Breadth of the rectangle.
d- Diameter of the circumscribing circle.
d- Diagonal of the rectangle.
- Angle between the diagonal & length of the triangle

The cross-section of two stepped core is shown in above figure. The maximum core area for a given
d is obtained when θ is maximum value. Hence differentiate Agi with respect to θ and equate to zero to
solve for maximum value of θ.
From figure,
cos   a = dcosθ
sin   b = dsinθ
The two stepped core can be divided into three rectangles. The area of three rectangles gives the
gross core area.
 a b   a b  2(a  b)
Gross core area, Agi = ab   b    b = ab  b
 2   2  2
= ab + ab – b2 = 2ab – b2
On substituting for a and b from equations,
Agi = 2(d cosθ) (d Sinθ) – (d sinθ)2
= 2 d2 cosθ sinθ - d2 sin2θ
= d2(2 cosθ sinθ - sin2θ)
= d2(sin2θ - sin2θ)
= d2sin2θ - d2sin2θ

To get maximum value of θ, differentiate Agi with respect to θ and equate to zero,

d2cos2θ × 2 - d2 2 sinθ cosθ = 0

d2 2sinθcosθ = d2 cos2θ × 2
d2 sin2θ = d2 cos2θ × 2

tan 2 =2

= 31.72
When θ = 31.72, the dimensions of core will give the maximum area for core for a specified d.
When θ =31.72
a = d cos θ b = d sin θ
= d cos (31.72) = d sin(31.75)
=0.85d =0.53d

On substituting the above values of a and b in equation,

Gross core area, Agi = 2 ab – b2
Agi = 2 (0.85d × 0.53d) – (0.53d) 2
Agi = 0.618d2
Let staking factor, Sf = 0.9

Net core area, Ai = Stacking factor × Gross core area

= 0.9 × 0.618d2
= 0.56d2
The ratio,

Another useful ratio for the design of transformer core is core area factor.

Ai 0.56d 2
Kc = = = 0.56
d2 d2
(iii) Design of multi-stepped core

The area of circumscribing circle is more effectively utilized by increasing the number of steps. The
most economical dimensions of various steps for a multi-stepped core can be calculated as shown for
cruciform core.

Ratio of area of Core and Circumscribing circle:

Cruciform core
Square 3 stepped 4 stepped
Ratio (Two stepped
Core Core Core

0.58 0.71 0.75 0.78

0.64 0.79 0.84 0.87

Core Area factor

Kc = Ai / d2 0.45 0.56 0.60 0.62

Choice of flux density in the core.
The flux density decides the area of cross-section of core and core loss. Higher values of flux density
results in smaller core area, lesser cost, reduction in length of mean turn of winding, higher iron loss and
large magnetizing current.
The choice of flux density depends on the service condition and the material used for laminations of
the core. The laminations made with cold rolled silicon steel can work with higher flux densities than the
laminations made with hot rolled silicon steel. Usually the distribution transformer will have low flux
density to achieve lesser iron loss.
When hot rolled silicon steel is used for laminations the following values can used for maximum
flux density (Bm).
Hot rolled Silicon Steel:
Bm = 1.1 to 1.4 wb/m2 –for distribution transformers
Bm = 1.2 to 1.5 wb/m2 – for power transformers
When cold rolled silicon steel is used for laminations the following values can used for maximum
flux density (Bm).
Cold rolled Silicon Steel:
Bm = 1.55 wb/m2 (for transformers with voltage rating upto 132 KV)
Bm = 1.6 wb/m2 (for transformers with voltage rating from 132 KV to 275 KV)
Bm = 1.7 wb/m2 (for transformers with voltage rating from 275 KV to 400 KV)

Overall dimension of the transformer

When dealing with overall dimensions in transformer problems, refer to the following details and
Hw – height of window (length of limb)
Ww – width of window
a – width of largest stamping
d – Diameter of circumscribing circle.
D – Distance between centres of adjacent limbs
Hy – height of yoke
Dy – depth of yoke
H – Overall height of transformer frame
W – Overall width of transformer frame.

(i) Single phase core type transformer

From the diagram of the Single Phase Core Type Transformer its overall dimension are written as
 Distance between centres of adjacent limbs, D = d+ Ww
 Depth of yoke, Dy = a
 Overall height of transformer frame, H = Hw+Hy+Hy = Hw+2Hy
a a
 Overall width, W = D+ + = D+a
2 2
Width over two limbs = D + outer diameter of HV winding

Width over one limb = Outer diameter of HV winding

(ii) Single Phase Shell Type Transformer

From the diagram of the single phase shell type transformer the overall dimensions are written as
 Depth of yoke, Dy = b
 Height of yoke, Hy = a
 Overall width,
W = 2Ww+2a+2a
W = 2Ww+4a
 Overall height,
H = Hw + 2Hy
H = Hw + 2a

(iii) Three phase core type transformer

From the diagram of the three phase core type transformer its overall dimension are written as
d d
 Distance between centres of adjacent limbs, D = + + Ww
2 2
D = d + Ww
 Depth of yoke,
Dy =a
 Overall height,
H = Hw + 2Hy
 Overall width,
W = 2D+a
Width over 3 limbs = 2D + outer diameter of HV winding

Width over one limb = Outer diameter of HV winding

Design of winding of the transformer
The transformer has one high voltage winding and one low voltage winding. The design of winding
involves the determination of number of turns and area of cross-section of the conductor used for winding.
The number of turns is estimated using voltage rating and emf per turns (or by using ampere-turns and
rated current). The area of cross section is estimated using rated current and current density.

Usually the number of turns of low voltage winding is estimated first using the given data and it is
corrected to nearest integer. Then the number of turns of high voltage winding are chosen to satisfy the
voltage rating of the transformer.

VLV -rated voltage of L.V windings
ILV -rated current of L.V windings

VHV - Rated voltage of high voltage winding

The area of cross-section of primary and secondary winding conductor estimated by assuming a
current density. The choice of current density depends on the allowable temperature rise, copper loss and
method of cooling. The range of current for various types of transformers are given below.

 =1.1 to 2.2 A/mm2 - for distribution of transformers

 =1.1 to 2.2 A/mm2 - for small power transformers with self-oil cooling.
 =2.2 to 3.2A/mm2 - for large power transformers with self-oil cooling (or) air blast.
 =5.4 to 6.2A/mm2 - for large power transformers with forced circulation of oil or with
water-cooling coils.

Resistance of winding.
Let, Lmtp, Lmts – length of primary and secondary winding respectively, m
rp, rs – resistance of primary and secondary windings respectively, m
Tp Lmtp Ts Lmts
rp   and rs  
ap as

Total I2R loss in windings, Pc = Ip2rp + Is2rs

Total resistance of transformer referred to primary side,
I 
P  Tp 
Rp  c2 = rp   s  rs  rp    rs
Ip  p   Ts 
I p Rp
Per unit resistance,  r 

Estimation the no load current of a transformer (April 2013)

The no load current of a transformer has two components. They are magnetizing component and loss
component. The magnetizing current depends on the mmf required to establish the desire flux. The loss
component of no-load current depends on the iron loss.

(i). No load current of single phase transformer

Total length of core = 2 lc

Total length of yoke =2 ly
lc = Hw - height of window
ly = Ww - width of window
mmf for core = mmf per metre for maximum flux density in core × total length of core
= atc × 2 lc = 2 atc lc

mmf for yoke = mmf per metre for maximum flux density in yoke × total length of yoke
= aty × 2 ly = 2 aty ly

Total magnetizing mmf, ATo = mmf for core + mmf for yoke + mmf for joints
= 2 atc lc + 2 aty ly + mmf for joints
Maximum value of magnetizing current =

If the magnetizing current is sinusoidal then,

RMS value of magnetizing current, Im =

When the magnetizing current is non-sinusoidal, the peak factor Kpk should be used in place of
Im =
K pk Tp
The values of atc and aty are taken from B-H curves for transformer steel. The joints in a magnetic
circuit may be taken as short air gaps in parallel with iron paths.
The loss component of no-load current, Il =
Pi = Iron loss in W
Vp = Terminal voltage of primary winding

The iron losses are calculated by finding the weight of cores and yokes. The loss per kg of iron is
taken from the loss curves given by the manufacturer of transformer laminations.

No-Load current,

(ii). No load current of three phase transformer

Total length of core = 3 lc

Total length of yoke =2 ly
lc = Hw
ly = 2Ww + d
Hw - height of window
Ww - width of window
d - diameter of circumscribing circle
mmf for core = mmf per metre for maximum flux density in core × total length of core
= atc × 3 lc = 3 atc lc
mmf for yoke = mmf per metre for maximum flux density in yoke × total length of yoke
= aty × 2 ly = 2 aty ly

Total magnetizing mmf, ATo = mmf for core + mmf for yoke + mmf for joints
= 3 atc lc + 2 aty ly + mmf for joints

Total magnetizing mmf, ATo = (3 atc lc + 2 aty ly + mmf for joints) / 3

Maximum value of magnetizing current per phase =

If the magnetizing current is sinusoidal then,

RMS value of magnetizing current, Im =

When the magnetizing current is non-sinusoidal, the peak factor Kpk should be used in place of
Im =
K pk Tp
The values of atc and aty are taken from B-H curves for transformer steel. The joints in a magnetic
circuit may be taken as short air gaps in parallel with iron paths.
Pi = 3VpIl
The loss component of no-load current, Il = Pi / 3VP
Pi = Total iron loss in W
Vp = Terminal voltage of primary winding

The iron losses are calculated by finding the weight of cores and yokes. The loss per kg of iron is
taken from the loss curves given by the manufacturer of transformer laminations.

No-Load current,

Temperature rise in plain walled tanks. (Nov 2012)

The transformer core and winding assembly is placed inside a container called tank. The walls of
the tank dissipate heat by both radiation and convection. For a temperature rise of 40°C above the ambient
temperature of 20°C, the specific heat dissipation are as follows.

1. Specific heat dissipation due to radiation, rad=6 W/m2-°C

2. Specific heat dissipation due to convection, con=6.5 W/m2-°C
The total specific heat dissipation in plain walled tanks is  = 6 + 6.5 = 12.5 W/m2-°C

Pi  Pc
The temperature rise,  =
Where, Pi – Iron loss
Pc – Copper loss
St – Heat dissipating surface area of the tank

The heat dissipating surface area of the tank is given by total area of vertical sides plus one-half area
of the top cover. If the oil is in contact with the cover then the total heat dissipating surface of the tank is
given by total area of vertical sides plus full area of the top cover. The area of bottom of the tank should be
neglected as it has very little cooling effect.

For transformers of low capacity the plain walled tanks have sufficient surface to keep the
temperature rise within the limits. But for transformers of large output, the plain walled tanks are not
sufficient to dissipate the losses. This is because, the volume and hence the losses increase as cube of linear
dimensions, while the dissipating surface increases as the square of linear dimensions. Thus an increase in
rating results in an increase in loss to be dissipated per unit area giving a higher temperature rise. Modern
oil immersed power transformers with natural oil cooling and a plain tank may be provided for output not
exceeding 20 to 30 KVA.

Transformer rated for larger outputs must be provided with means to improve the conditions of heat
dissipation. This may be achieved by providing corrugations, cooling tubes and radiators.


2 Marks
1. What is the range of efficiency of transformers?(April 2013, Nov 20102)
2. Distinguish between core and shell type transformer.(Nov 2013, Nov 2012)
3. What is window space factor?(April/May 2012, April 2013) (May 2016)
4. Write down the output equation for the1phase and 3 phase transformer. (April/May 2012, Nov 2011)
5. Why circular coils are preferred in transformers?(Nov 2011, April 2013, April 2015)
6. What do you meant by stacking factor (iron space factor)?(April 2015)
7. Why stepped cores are used?(April 2013, Nov 2012) (May 2016)
8. List some methods of cooling of transformers. (May 2012)
9. Give typical value of KC for various types of transformers (April/May 2012)
10. What are the losses in a transformer (April 2013)
11. What are the two component of no load current (Nov 2013)
12. Why is the area of yoke of a transformer usually kept 15-20% more than that of core.(April 2015)
13. How the heat dissipates in a transformer? (April/ May 2014)

11 marks

1. Temperature rise in plain walled tanks: (Nov 2012)

2. With neat diagram explain how to estimate the no load current of a transformer (April 2013)
3. Explain in detail design of core in a transformer (April/May 20121)
4. Derive the output equation of three phase transformer (May 2012)
5. Derive the output equation of single phase transformer (Nov 2011, Nov 2013, April 2014, Nov 2012)


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