Coperion 01 WP 1504

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Application Example

Extruded Dry Pet Food & Treat Processing

Background Raw Ingredient De- pressure to unload material.

Other types of delivery to the
Today’s manufacturers of high livery via Pneumatic
batching step of process can
quality dry pet foods and pet Conveying involve either positive pressure
treats for dogs and cats rely on Major ingredients such as grains or negative pressure pneumatic
manufacturing processes which and flour arrive at the plant in conveying.
are cost-efficient, time-saving a variety of forms, including (For more information about
and sanitary in design. Whether railcar, truck and bulk bag sys- material transfer and batching
manufacturing in a batch pro- tems. These major ingredients methods for macro and micro
cess or in higher volumes via are usually stored in specialized ingredients see Application
continuous methods, Coperion silos and then conveyed to the Sheets A-800310 and A-800311)
and Coperion K-Tron feeders specific weigh batch stations
and material handling equip- as required for the blend. PLC
ment as well as Coperion high systems featuring recipe control Dilute Phase Transfer:
efficiency extruders are used for multiple ingredients can Vacuum or Pressure?
throughout the dry pet food easily be integrated into this Depending upon the volumes
and pet treat manufacturing transfer system, in order to al- required, other possible sources
processes. Screw feeders (both leakage of dust. This is one
low maximum flexibility for the of ingredient delivery include
volumetric and loss-in-weight), of the reasons why vacuum
system. boxes, sacks, bulk bags or super
liquid loss-in-weight, and weigh systems are often used in dust
The arrival and transfer of major sacks. Pneumatic conveying
belt feeders are used for meter- containment applications. An-
ingredients to a pet food plant systems can be used to transfer
ing and highly accurate feed- other advantage of vacuum
can include a number of differ- these ingredients in all steps
ing of ingredients into mixers systems is the simple design for
ent types of conveying systems. of the process, utilizing either
(batch or continuous) and multiple pickup points. It should
The mode of ingredient trans- positive or negative pressure
extruders as well as portioning be noted, however, that the
fer is dependent upon a wide (vacuum) dilute phase convey-
end products for the packag- distances and throughputs pos-
variety of process parameters, ing or a combination of vacuum
ing line. In addition, Coperion sible with a vacuum system are
including material characteris- and pressure conveying.
pneumatic conveying systems limited due to the finite level of
and components are used for tics, distance to be transferred, Positive pressure conveying vacuum that can be generated.
the transfer of dry powder ma- required rate of transfer, and the systems are typically used
type of container in which the Coperion high efficiency and
terials, such as grains, premixes, to transport bulk materials
ingredient is originally received. easy clean rotary airlocks are
vitamins and even probiotics. over long distances and at
utilized in both of these types of
Finally, the use of the Coperion For example, majors such as high throughputs. Applica-
pet food ingredient conveying
ZSK MEGAvolume PLUS twin flour and grains are often re- tions which involve pressure
applications. These airlocks can
screw extruder delivers an ceived by truck or railcar and conveying often include loading
be provided for blow through
extremely high product output then stored in silos prior to us- and unloading of large volume
systems or as discharge valves
for optimal efficiency in dry pet age. Pressure Differential (PD) vessels such as silos, cyclones,
at the bottom of silos or feed
food and treat production. trucks and railcars use positive railcars, trucks, and bulk bags.
Conversely, vacuum systems are
often used for lower volumes
and shorter distances. One
Screening and
of the advantages of vacuum Sifting Operations
systems is the inward suction In-line or off-line screeners
created by the vacuum blower are often used during the raw
and reduction of any outward ingredient transfer process for

Coperion K-Tron pneumatic conveying system Coperion ZRD rotary valve with FXS extraction device

Extruded Dry Pet Food & Treat Processing

the removal of foreign materi- the pigment directly into the Raw Ingredients
als prior to the introduction extruder.
of the bulk material into the
conveying line. Screeners can Silos Bulk Bags Bins
also be integrated directly into
Feeding and Pro-
the conveying line for additional portioning via Screw
conditioning of the ingredient Feeders Pneumatic Convey Pneumatic Convey Pneumatic Convey
with Inline Sieving with Inline Sieving with Inline Sieving
powder. This sifting method is The mixed meal can be fed to
also often used at the end of the the extruder using either volu-
process for the proper scaling/ metric or gravimetric feeders. GIW LIW
Batching Stations for
sizing of the finished product Volumetric feeders are typi- Batching Dry Ingredients Batching
prior to packaging. Sifters and cally used only with meal that
screeners are an integral part is “preconditioned*”, or optimal
of the overall material handling for screw feeding flow, without Vitamins and Powder Mixing Belt and Screw
system for reliable product a possibility of bridging or Minerals via Feeders for Raw
quality and safety, and are eas- buildup. However, the addition LIW feeding Ingredients
ily integrated into the overall of other proportioned ingre- Powder Premix Feeding
system design by Coperion dients such as water, steam, via LIW Feeder
and Coperion K-Tron system animal fat, and molasses can
engineers. change the flow properties of LIW ZSK Mv PLUS EXTRUDER Steam
the mix considerably. Meat
Pet Meal Batching *It is important to note that Slurry Homogenous Mixing
and Blending the use of the Coperion ZSK
Kneading/Plasticizing Water via
extruder may not require the Liquid LIW
When creating pet meal blends, Plasticizer
use of a preconditioner prior Cooking Feeder
two types of operations are
to the extrusion step. This
used. In a continuous approach,
is accomplished using direct
various components including
steam injection which brings Vacuum Degassing Steam
meat and grain meals, vitamins,
the material quickly the correct
minerals and other ingredients
operating temperature without Forming
are fed to a continuous mixer.
the need for an additional piece
This approach is often accom-
of equipment.
plished with weight belt feed-
ers, provided the number of Managing the delivery of the Cutting
ingredients is limited. In batch dry premix to the extruder is
applications, a more economi- most important to tight ingre-
cal option is to use a Gain-in- dient and moisture control. If
weight (GIW) batch system for these key process parameters
these same dry ingredients. are not controlled, improper Packaging
Here volumetric feeders are extrusion can result, causing
used for the ingredient feed and manufacturers significant costs Pet Treat Process Flow: equipment for all process steps in blue are manu-
a separate hopper on load cells in wasted product. In order to factured by Coperion / Coperion K-Tron. Equipment for all process steps
for the GIW verification. achieve an acceptable degree green/yellow can be supplied as part of a complete system.
of dry feed accuracy (± 1% of
All ingredients are fed either feeds (dry or liquid additives) 4 L/D which means that 9 to 12
the maximum delivery rate),
onto a conveying line as dis- can be managed by coordinat- barrels are necessary to design
a high precision gravimetric
cussed above or introduced ing them to the dry feed system a proper process.
feeder system is imperative.
directly to the mixer by gravi- proportionally.
Volumetric feeding systems for The barrels and screws are
metric weigh belt feeders or
an extruder can often vary as designed as a modular system
screw feeders depending on
the material characteristics and
much as ± 6% accuracy due to Extrusion of Pet Treats which offers the possibility to
factors such as improper flow set up a custom configuration
feed rate requirements. Each Twin screw extrusion is well
of premix to the screws and tailored to the process require-
of the feeders is outfitted with known to be a suitable High
sensitivity to the hopper level. ments. All materials of construc-
some sort of refill device, e.g. Temperature Short Time (HTST)
Coperion K-Tron’s loss-in- process for pet treats. Depend- tion which are in direct contact
pneumatic conveyors or simple
weight algorithm and smart ing on the process complexity with the product conform to
gravity drop bins complete with
refill techniques ensure that and the amount of feeding in- food standards and are resistant
level indicators.
a consistently high accuracy lets required for raw materials to abrasion and corrosion.
The mixture leaving the mixer is
of dry ingredient feed can be the process length can vary Coperion’s twin screw extruder
often referred to as the “mixed
maintained. Once a predictable between 36 L/D and 48 L/D series ZSK MEGAvolume PLUS
meal”. It is then loaded into
dry premix delivery system is (L = screw length, D = screw with Do/Di (outer to inner di-
another feeder and fed with
set, then the other ingredient diameter). Each barrel is about ameter) of 1.8 is the twin screw

extruder with the highest free
From Batching/Blending to Extrusion volume on the market. This
enables our customers to run
Vitamins, Raw ingredients such
minerals as flours, grains, soy, higher throughputs than on
rework, etc. other machines with similar
screw diameters.
For processing pet treats the
typical process steps are as
follows. First the premix of solid
ingredients (mainly based on
proteins and carbohydrates)
is fed via Coperion K-Tron LIW
Loss-in-weight feeders into a hopper fixed
Screw Feeder above an open barrel of the
ZSK extruder. Usually these raw
materials have a bulk density
Smart Weigh Belt Feeders
between 0.2 and 0.7 kg/dm3,
Mixer making them difficult to feed.
The performance of the ex-
truder strongly depends on the
feed rate of both the solid and
the liquid raw materials. The
extruder is generally referred to
as the “slave” of its feeders. It
Dry premix
depends on consistently reliable
Prefeeder feeding equipment to supply a
constant flow of material. Gravi-
metric loss-in-weight feeders
Water, Plasticizer,
are state-of-the-art and are in
Oil, Flavors most cases the best choice for
a continuous extrusion process.
After the premix is fed into the
Loss-in-weight Liquid Feeders
process section of the ZSK ex-
Screw Feeder
truder one or more liquids are
injected. Typically water, a plas-
ZS-EG ticizer and a slurry are added
Side Devolatilization
Unit to achieve proper moisture
for processing and a suitable
Steam texture and taste of the final
Extruder Die Head product.
After all ingredients have been
fed into the extruder, they must
be mixed homogeneously. Usu-
ally this can be done by one or
more mixing zones, which con-
sist of combinations of different

The Coperion ZSK MEGAvolume PLUS is especially suitable for the economi- Coperion K-Tron Smart Weigh Belt (SWB) feeders are available in closed
cal processing of dry and semi-dry dog and cat food and treats. frame (shown) or open frame models.

Extruded Dry Pet Food & Treat Processing

types of kneading blocks. De- tems are of utmost importance. ing machine. The proportion of
pending on the raw materials, Coperion K-Tron’s unsurpassed each individual component is
special mixing elements might repeatability and stability in managed by the recipe controls.
also contribute to a satisfac- feed accuracy through the use
tory result. During mixing the of the patented SFT load cell
product is also sheared, which design are critical for control of
Coperion Advantage
adds mechanical energy. Steam cost and quality. > Complete systems design
injection helps to increase the integration of the pet food
After the dried product is
temperature and to accelerate manufacturing process for
weigh-metered, it is often
the cooking process. one source supply.
sprayed with liquids prior to
Next the mixture is plasticized going to the packaging line. > Global systems engineering
within a shear-intensive cooking The addition of these liquids group with extensive applica-
zone. Combinations of elements can be accomplished in one tion experience for the entire
are used which cause high me- of two ways. For a more eco- pet food processing line en-
chanical energy input. Due to nomical approach, a Coperion sures optimal design with an
the increase of pressure, shear K-Tron control system can be emphasis on product safety,
and temperature the protein integrated with a liquid flow quick product changeover,
denatures and the starch gela- meter. The liquid pump delivery and increased efficiency.
tinizes. The hot plastified mass is controlled by a PID function > Engineered solutions from
is then degassed via a ZS-EG to provide liquid addition in both Coperion and Coperion
side devolatilization unit which gravimetric proportion. K-Tron reflect extensive ex- Coperion K-Tron screw feeders in a
leads to a reduction of moisture As an alternative, and in cases perience in hygienic and vacuum coating process
and temperature. where even tighter control of sanitary design standards,
After a total residence time liquid addition is necessary, including CIP/COP, EHEDG, > Use of the Coperion line of
of a few seconds up to some a liquid loss-in-weight feeder FSMA, GFSI, USDA, and 3A high efficiency ZSK MEGAvol-
minutes (depending on the combined with a positive dis- where applicable. ume PLUS extruders ensures
length of process section, screw placement pump is used to > The Coperion K-Tron line maximum material loading
speed, screw configuration meter the liquids sprayed onto of feeders provides for the combined with modular de-
and throughput) the material the product. highest degree of accuracy sign for increased versatility.
is pushed through the orifices in ingredient and product > The efficiency of the ZSK
of the die without significant delivery in order to optimize extruder may eliminate the
expansion. As a last step the
ingredient cost savings. need for a preconditioner,
product strands are conveyed After coating and drying the therefore minimizing down-
> Integrated control systems
to a strand cutting system finished product, it is often con- time due to cleaning and
featuring Coperion K-Tron
where they are cut into bars/ veyed to the packaging line via optimizing overall space
SmartConnex and custom-
sticks. dense phase positive pressure requirements while lowering
ized PLC control allow for
conveying. Dense phase con- capital costs.
a variety of programming
veying allows for much gentler
Flavor Enhancing/ transfer of the finished product
options including ingredient > Coperion and Coperion
Particle Blending and minimizes damage or attri-
control and recipe manage- K‑Tron engineers possess
during Coating tion which may occur with other extensive material handling
methods of automated transfer > Innovative, custom engi- knowledge for a wide variety
The cooked and “baked” pet
such as dilute phase pneumatic neered Coperion rotary and of ingredients, ensuring that
food product by itself is rather
transfer or mechanical transfer diverter valves ensure reli- designs include the most
unpalatable. Typically various
via screw conveyors. able, long-term and safe efficient means of product
animal fats and flavors are gravi-
operation. transfer.
metrically added to the product In the case of a varied product
after drying and before packag- > Highly accurate extruders, > Superior global service net-
mix, e.g. multiple colors and/
ing. Due to the higher cost of or shapes, each line of dried feeders and pneumatic con- work to ensure 24-7 support
these ingredients, and a definite and sprayed product is sent to veying components designed and coverage of your com-
need for overall quality control, its own individual weigh belt to meet highest hygienic plete pet food processing
the use of weigh belts, loss-in- feeder, where it is metered and requirements. line.
weight feeders and Coperion sent to a horizontal conveying
K‑Tron PID pump control sys- line, and then on to the packag-

Main offices:
Coperion GmbH Coperion GmbH Coperion K-Tron Pitman, Inc. Coperion K-Tron Salina, Inc. Coperion K-Tron (Switzerland) LLC
Compounding & Extrusion Materials Handling 590 Woodbury-Glassboro Rd 606 North Front St. Lenzhardweg 43/45
Theodorstrasse 10 Niederbieger Strasse 9 Sewell, NJ 08080, USA Salina, KS 67401, USA CH-5702 Niederlenz
70469 Stuttgart, Germany 88250 Weingarten, Germany Tel +1 856 589 0500 Tel +1 785 825 1611 Tel +41 62 885 71 71
Tel.: +49 (0) 711 897-0 Tel.: +49 (0) 751 408-0 Fax +1 856 589 8113 Fax +1 785 825 8759 Fax +41 62 885 71 80
Fax: +49 (0) 711 897-3999 Fax: +49 (0) 751 408-200 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
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4 © 2006 K-Tron Technologies, Inc. A-800303-en (0590000459) 2015-03

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