Internship 1

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Title: Internship Practical Assignment: Photoshop and Graphic

Design Experience

Objective: The objective of this internship practical assignment is to

provide students with hands-on experience in Photoshop and
graphic design, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge to
practical tasks. Through this assignment, students will develop
proficiency in using Photoshop tools and techniques, understand
principles of graphic design, and demonstrate their creativity in
designing visually appealing graphics.
Assignment Details:
Duration: 4 weeks

Week 1: Introduction to Photoshop

Orientation Session:
Introduce students to the interface of Adobe Photoshop.
Provide an overview of essential tools and their functions.

Basic Image Editing:

Demonstrate how to open, save, and close images.
Teach basic editing techniques such as cropping, resizing, and adjusting

Layer Basics:
Explain the concept of layers and their importance in Photoshop.
Guide students through creating, deleting, and rearranging layers.
Week 2: Intermediate Photoshop Techniques

Selection Tools:
Introduce various selection tools (e.g., marquee, lasso, magic wand).
Teach students how to make precise selections and use selection

Image Retouching:
Demonstrate techniques for retouching images, including spot healing,
clone stamp, and content-aware fill.

Color Correction:
Explain color theory basics.
Guide students in adjusting colors using tools like curves, levels, and
Week 3: Advanced Photoshop Techniques

Layer Styles and Effects:

Teach students how to apply layer styles (e.g., drop shadow, bevel and
Introduce layer effects such as gradients, patterns, and strokes.

Text and Typography:

Discuss principles of typography and text hierarchy.
Guide students in adding and formatting text layers.

Photo Manipulation:
Introduce techniques for photo manipulation, such as blending modes,
masking, and transforming objects.
Week 4: Graphic Design Project

Assignment Briefing:
Provide a design brief for a specific project (e.g., designing a poster, creating a social
media graphic).
Set clear objectives, target audience, and deliverables.

Conceptualization and Sketching:

Encourage students to brainstorm ideas and create rough sketches of their designs.
Provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Allow students to work on their designs using Photoshop.
Provide technical assistance and guidance as needed.

Presentation Preparation:
Instruct students on how to prepare their designs for presentation.
Emphasize the importance of clear communication and storytelling in presenting their
Assessment Criteria:
Proficiency in Photoshop tools and techniques.
Creativity and originality in design concepts.
Attention to detail and visual aesthetics.
Ability to follow design brief and meet project objectives.
Effective presentation skills and ability to articulate design choices.

This internship practical assignment provides students with a comprehensive
learning experience in Photoshop and graphic design, equipping them with
essential skills for future endeavors in the field. Through hands-on projects and
external viva evaluation, students have the opportunity to showcase their talents
and receive constructive feedback from industry professionals.
External Viva Evaluation:
During the viva session, external teachers will assess students based on the
following criteria:
Understanding of Photoshop fundamentals.
Application of design principles in the project.
Ability to explain design choices and justify decisions.
Handling of technical challenges and problem-solving skills.
Overall creativity and professionalism in the final deliverables.


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