Syllabus 6611

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INSTRUCTOR: Maria Elektorowicz, Ph.D., ing., FCSCE Office: EV 6.213, tel.: 848 2424 ext 7805, e-mail: [email protected] Consultation hours: Thursday from 15:00 to 16:00 Lecturing room: MB-S 2.465, Tuesday 17:45 20:15 Computation Lab: H-819 (ensure that you have Concordia computer lab use privileges). GOALS, OBJECTIVES, SKILLS The objective of this course is introduction the students to general aspects of environmental contamination and prevention by providing principles of water, wastewater and air treatment as well as principles of water supply and municipal solid waste and hazardous waste management. The application of the principles in preliminary/conceptual design of various treatment facilities will be an important part of the teaching process. Since the course will cover theoretical background and technological solutions related to various aspects of modern Environmental Engineering, a management of individual environmental media within ecosystem will be also provided. Furthermore, the course will familiarize the students with some problems and regulations from the national and global perspectives. The course will prepare students to work for environmental technology, municipal sector and consulting firms. The student will learn the following skills: i) ability to identify and solve the problem related to the pollution control and sustainable engineering, ii) ability to design basic environmental processes for treatment of water, wastewater, and air (these processes and waste management meet needs of public health and safety, as well as cultural, society and environmental considerations); iii) understanding of the impact of engineering design on environmental, health, economic, legal and cultural aspiration of society; iv) understanding the responsibilities relevant to engineering practices; v) understanding the role of professional engineer in society including protection of the public; vi) understanding the commitment to professional ethics, accountability, equity, public and workers safety and health, as well as learning a responsibility and norms of engineering practices. METHODOLOGY Lectures, assignments, and a project will be applied to achieve the course objectives. It is expected that the students review the materials from such basic courses as physics, chemistry, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and geology if it is required. The textbook might help in reviewing these materials since it also contains chapters with basic knowledge in science. The students have an access to the class web site where the lecture outlines and lecture handouts are placed. The lecture outline includes the program of each lecture, reading materials and specific questions related to the lecture. Examination problems will contain 50% of these questions.

Another 50% of examination questions will be related to the problems provided in assignments. The project consists on designing a wastewater treatment facilities using software GPS-X. GRADING PROCEDURE The evaluation of students will be based on a final exam (50%), three assignments (21%) and project (29%). Students active participation during the lecture is welcomed and will be rewarded with bonus marks up to 3%. TEXTBOOKS (1) Introduction to Environmental Engineering, 2008, Mackenzie L. Davis, David A. Cornwell, 4th edition, McGraw Hill, NY, USA. SUGGESTED READINGS
(2) Environmental Engineering, 1985, Howard S. Peavy, Donald R. Rowe, George Tchobanoglous. McGraw-Hill, New York.


Date September 6 September 13 September 20 September 27 October 4 October 11 October 18 October 25 November 1 November 8 November 15 November 22 November 29 December 5 TBA Topic Introduction to Environmental Engineering concept. Material balance. Chap. 1 and Chap. 4 Water quality. Water and wastewater characteristics. Chap.9.1, 9.2 Water quality. Water quality standards. Chap. 9.3 Water distribution systems. Chap.10.3 Water supply. Hydrological cycle. Chap.10.1 Surface water pollution control. Chap. 8.2 Chap. 11.4.3 Surface water supply. Chap. 10. Surface and groundwater pollution control. Chap. 8.1, Chap. 10. Water treatment. Coagulation and flocculation. Chap. 10.2. Assignment #1 due Water treatment. Settling. Softening, Chap. 10.2 Water treatment. Filtration, other treatment processes. Disinfection Chap.10.2 Wastewater collection and transport. Reactions. Reactors. Chap. 11.1, 5 and 6. Pretreatment of wastewater. Wastewater primary treatment. Chap. 11.2. Assignment #2 due Wastewater secondary treatment. Chap. 11.3. Tertiary treatment of wastewater. Chap. 11. 4. Sludge treatment, disposal and reuse. Chap. 11.5 Integrated solid waste management. Chap. 14. Introduction to hazardous waste management. Chap. 15 Air pollution. Chap. 12.1, 12. 3. Control of air pollution Chap. 13. Assignment #3 due. Project due. Final Exam

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