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Advanced Certificate Program in

Generative AI
100% Project-based Deploy 6+ AI apps
Program in 16 weeks

The Era Of Generative AI

Program Overview

Why Choose Generative AI?

About Generative AI

Application based projects



About upGrad

Admission and Enrollment


The world is at the cusp of Generative AI challenges. Dive into this brave new world
rapidly changing the world as we know it. of Generative AI and Large Language
At Models with us, and watch yourself
upGrad, we’ve always believed in imparting transform into a 10x tech professional.
learners the skills necessary to thrive in the
fast-evolving world of technology. We are As an organisation that asks professionals
hence quite thrilled to pioneer a structured "
to stay updated with the latest skills, we had
way of learning to build Generative AI to be one of the first to teach Generative AI.
enabled applications - and with 100% With this move, we are excited to witness
real-world project-based curriculum. the impact that Generative AI will have on
the future, as well as the value our learners
Learners will delve into the fascinating will bring to the field with this essential
realm of using Artificial Intelligence to skill.”
build practical applications like Mayank Kumar, Co-founder & MD,
conversational AI chatbots, image creators, upGrad
content recommenders, and sales
assistants, amongst others, to solve real-

Build your
own GenAI 5+
hands-on projects

Refresher Live Masterclass

python from GenAI
fundamentals industry pioneers

Student support
is available 7 days No cost EMI
a week, 24*7. options

learning hours

Upskilling in Generative AI offers language translation tools,

Indian professionals a competitive conversational AI agents, and
edge. With India's growing tech sentiment analysis for customer
industry and widespread AI feedback. Upskilling in Generative
adoption, mastering AI empowers professionals to
Generative AI opens doors to revolutionize these industries and
lucrative career opportunities. drive technological advancements
Professionals can become in India.
valuable assets to organizations
seeking innovative solutions, Upskilling in Generative AI
creative content generation, and establishes Indian professionals as
enhanced customer experiences. experts in a global market. By
adding this specialization,
Generative AI skills directly impact professionals can work on cutting-
industries relevant to Indian edge projects, collaborate with
professionals. In computer vision, international teams, and
professionals can contribute to contribute to groundbreaking
advanced image recognition research. With their unique skill
systems autonomous vehicles, set, professionals stand out in a
and healthcare diagnostics. In highly competitive landscape,
natural language processing, they attracting lucrative job
can enhance opportunities within India and

Generative AI, an exciting and transforming the creative

rapidly evolving field, offers landscape.
immense opportunities for Indian
working professionals looking to Our Certificate Program in
enhance their expertise in artificial Generative AI caters specifically to
intelligence. It focuses on Indian working professionals
developing intelligent systems seeking to broaden their
capable of generating new understanding and practical skills
and original content, such as in this exciting field. Through a
images, text, and music. By comprehensive curriculum, we
leveraging deep learning and cover the fundamentals,
neural networks, generative AI algorithms, and advanced
enables machines to exhibit techniques of generative AI.
human-like creativity and Our program emphasizes hands-
problem-solving skills. on learning, real-world case
studies, and interactions with
Generative AI has found wide- industry experts, ensuring that
ranging applications across students gain practical experience
industries, including computer and stay updated with the
vision, natural language latest developments in the field.
processing, and the creative arts. In
computer vision, generative Embark on a transformative
models can create realistic images journey into the world of
and transform existing ones, while Generative AI and unlock the
in natural language processing, potential of artificial creativity. Join
they enable text generation and our program to gain valuable
language translation. For Indian insights, practical skills, and a
artists and designers, generative AI competitive edge in the dynamic
provides innovative tools for visual landscape of AI.
and auditory content creation,
Project GenAI Tools Tools

Create InterviewGynie AI: ChatGPT, GPT 3.5/4,

A Conversational Interview Bot OpenAI API,
that conducts interviews, Whisper API, BERT,
evaluates the candidate using a RLHF
standardised scoring and
provides corrective feedback

Create PixxelCraft AI: Enable and

GPT 3.5/4, OpenAI,
fast-track digitisation for o ine Dall-E,
e-commerce businesses by Midjourney, Stable
generating high-quality images Di usion 2.0 Python,
for a large product portfolio

Create ShrewdNews AI: GPT 3.5/4, b Notebooks,

Automate News Copilot
Recommendations using GPT3 Flask, Gradio,
and Copilot-powered Machine
Learning Excel,

Embeddings, Pandas,
Create Mr.HelpMate AI: A
Pinecone, Vectorstore,
customer-facing Chatbot that
Semantic Search, sklearn, NLTK
answers questions by scanning
organisation's custom data

Create SemanticSpotter: LangChain, Pinecone,

Mr.HelpMate AI on Steroids; Use Chroma, OpenAI,
LangChain to create a chat-based ChatGPT, Cohere,
knowledge retrieval system that Llama, Hugging face
answers questions by scanning
multiple sources of data

Scale Mr.HelpMate AI: using LangChain, Pinecone,

Azure OpenAI services HuggingFace,
Microsoft Azure

Behzad Ahmadi
Machine Learning Engineer at Meta

An M. Tech graduate and PhD from Jersey

Institute of Technology, Behzad possesses
tremendous years of experience in Data Science
and ML

Georgios Ouzounis
Head of AI Research at Atlas AI

Technologist and visionary with over 22 years of

experience and serving as the head of ML
Engineering and at Atlas AI in California, USA

Kshitij Jain
AVP, Data Science & ML Programs, upGrad

Kshitij is an Associate Vice President at upGrad who

leads the learning experience and development of
Data Science, Machine Learning and AI programs and

Ankush Chopra
Director at Tredence Inc.

Ankush is an M. Tech graduate from IIT Kanpur and

has 10+ Years of hands-on Data Science experience
delivering data and ML solutions for fortune 500
clients, across Telecom, Retail, Healthcare, and Finance
Programming 101 2 Weeks Recorded

Introduction to Python and Programming

Python Data Types, Variables, Operators, Data Structures

Python Programming Constructs: Conditionals, Loops,


Python Programming Constructs: Conditionals, Loops,


UDFs, Best Coding Practices and Exception Handling

Python for Data Science and Pandas: Working with relational

databases, Data Cleaning, Preprocessing, Analysis

Advanced Text Processing using Pandas

Basics of Linux: Commands, Setting up Local Environment

Create InterviewGynie AI: 6 Weeks Recorded

A Conversational Interview Bot that conducts interviews, evaluates the

candidate using a standardised scoring and provides corrective

Define the di erent components of the interview bot and design the
workflow for the interview bot

Understand the working of LLMs like GPT3 that power ChatGPT:

Attention Mechanisms, Transformers, Reinforcement Learning, RLHF
among others
Define the di erent components of the interview bot and design the
workflow for the interview bot

Understand the working of LLMs like GPT3 that power ChatGPT:

Attention Mechanisms, Transformers, Reinforcement Learning, RLHF
among others

Apply prompting techniques to create prompts for asking questions

and evaluating the interviewee's response

Establish metric(s) to measure model performance

Prompt Engineering: Improve questions and scoring/feedback

mechanism by applying simple (non-reasoning) prompting

Prompt Engineering: Improve questions and scoring/feedback

mechanism by applying Chain of Thought reasoning-based
prompting techniques

Use of OpenAI API in Python to automate the interview process

Improve grading and scoring quality by simple fine-tuning that trains

the OpenAI model on custom data

Create reasoning-enabled fine-tuning dataset using the STaR


Learn the best practices for fine tuning OpenAI APIs

Integrate speech services like Whisper API for mimicing interview question-
Transfer learning: Apply the same principles to other problems in your

Deploy InterviewGynie locally using Flask

Understand the di erent files requried for creating a Flask app and how to
create them

Take help of ChatGPT to improve the front end for the app
Create PixxelCraft AI: 0 Week 3 Live Masterclasses

Enable and fast-track digitisation for offine e-commerce

businesses by generating high-quality images for a large product

Understand the working of multimodal models like Stable Di usion:

Denoising, Di usion, Autoencoders, Contrastive Learning, Shared Embedding

Apply image prompting techniques on Dall-E and Midjourney to generate

desired product images using various stable diffusion methods and prompt
parameters such as style, ratios, seeds, FPS.

Understand and apply the fundamentals of style, design and

photography to improve image quality and accuracy with prompt
iteration and few-shot prompting

Apply self-consistency, seeding and standardised formatting in

prompting to create consistent styles and designs across hundreds of
product images

Generate product descriptions along with images using various instructor-

tuned models and APIs

Create ShrewdNews AI: 0 Week 1 Live Masterclass

Automate News Recommendation using GPT3 and Copilot powered Machine


Understand prompting for code generation and generate accurate codes for
data science tasks in a larger ML problem using GPT and Copilot

Read, load and embed large datasets and tables to read your data with

Perform data cleaning and analysis by both generating code & writing direct
prompts to GPT
Write prompts for data analysis tasks and insights in accordance to the
business problem and objectives

Perform semi-automated modelling, fine-tuning and evaluation for

various regression, classification and clustering problems

Create Mr.HelpMate AI: 3 Weeks Recorded

A customer facing chatbot that answers questions by scanning organisation's

custom data

Define the components of Chatbot

Understand when to use embedding over fine tuning

Understand the working of embeddings and how they help in semantic search

Create and analyse embeddings for semantic search

Create embeddings for large documents by creating chunks

Create a Q/A system that fetches answer using similarilty search over embeddings

Scale the Q/A system by making use of vectorstores like Pinecone

Embed, index large documents and search in Vectorstore

Integrate LLM chat models over the searched embeddings to respond to the customer

Experiment with di erent vectorstores, search and index algorithms and LLMs to
improve the chatbot
SemanticSpotter: 3 Weeks Live

Mr.HelpMate AI on Steroids; Use LangChain to create a chat-based

knowledge retrieval system that answers questions by scanning multiple
sources of data

Define the components of the knowledge retrieval system and design the

Explore how LangChain can connect the di erent components of the


Understand the di erent parts of LangChain - Models, Prompts, Indexes, Chains,

Memory and Agents

Explore the different tools in LangChain and initialise an agent that uses the tools to
read different types of files or data present in the company database

Build the backend for the system using Vectorstore options present in

Divide the documents into chunks and apply the LLM to create the embeddings and
extract entity for the chunks of document and store them in the Vectorstore

Construct the Search Index and Entity Store and create a functionality to update it with
every question that the user asks

Use the Chain functionality of LangChain to connect all the components

Evaluate the results and improve them by experimenting with di erent LLMs, indexing
and embedding algorithms

Explore other agents and tools to improve the system like adding features like
automatic email notifications on some issues, etc.
Scale Mr.HelpMate AI
2 Weeks Live
using Azure OpenAI services

Explore the Generative AI services o ered by Azure: Azure OpenAI services

Modify the workflow design of knowledge retrieval system for scalability

Identify the Azure services required for creating the scalable system

Expose the system through a chat based front end to the user

Future Developments in Generative AI

Mitigating risks in AI: Responsible AI

RLHF as a Product to train your own LLM

Multimodal Learning: Audio, Image, Text, Heatmap among others within a LLM

Total Duration 16 Weeks


upGrad is an online education have been at the forefront of offering

provider that helps individuals to industry-relevant programs and
develop their professional potential courses in the field of data science
in the most engaging learning and analytics.
environment. Online education is a
fundamental and much-needed We incorporate practical hands-on
disruption that will have a far- projects and case studies to provide
reaching impact. At upGrad, we are students with real-world experience
working towards transforming this and enhance their skills.
online education wave into a
tsunami! We are taking a full-stack upGrad's Artificial Intelligence &
approach of leveraging content, Data Science programs have
technology, marketing and services become one of the most popular
to offer quality education at scale in programs due to the industry
partnership with corporates and relevance, quality curriculum,
academics for a rigorous and and personalized support provided.
industry-relevant program. We have helped many professionals
upskill or transition into data science,
upGrad is widely recognized as one machine learning & AI roles,
of the pioneers of Artificial contributing to the growth of the
Intelligence & Data Science field in India.
education in India. We

Our aim is simple:

We strive to create high-impact, on-
campus hands-on experiences that
prepare students for meaningful and
productive careers.

Ronnie Screwvala
Co-founder and Executive Chairman

4.5 months (Includes 1 month optional python programming

Program Start Date:

Please refer to the website for the program start dates

Program Fees
Please refer to the website for the program fee, and connect
with our counselor to ascertain your scholarship eligibility

Basic Python Proficiency

Weekly commitment
10 hrs/week

Selection Process:
Complete your Review and Shortlisting Claim your seat
Application of Suitable Candidates Claim your seat by paying
Fill the details Upon selection, an o er letter the block amount. You may
required for your will be sent to you confirming also avail assistance from
successful your admission to the Advanced our loan partners. Your
application. Certificate Program in journey
GenerativeAI to be a GenAI engineer
begins now!

Disclaimer: Program fee and payment options are subject to change. Please refer to the
website for updated details or speak to our admission counsellor.

For further details, contact

[email protected] 1800 210 2020

We are available 24*7

upGrad Education Private Limited. Nishuvi, 75, Dr. Annie Besant

Road Worli, Mumbai - 400018, India.

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