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Test Bank for Essentials of Psychology: Concepts and

Applications, 4th Edition Jeffrey S. Nevid


Psychology Concepts and Applications 4th Edition Nevid

Solutions Manual


Test Bank for Psychology Concepts and Applications 4th

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2 Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology

4. In the definition of psychology, the concept of behavior incorporates ALL EXCEPT which of the following?
a) Thinking
b) Dreaming
c) Quiet reading
d) Making yourself a sandwich
e) Secretion of insulin by the pancreas
ANS: e TOP: MOD: Intro REF: Chapter Introduction MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 1- Define psychology and explain why psychology is a science. KEY: Evaluate/Explain
5. Why is psychology considered to be a scientific discipline?
a) Psychology discounts tradition and folklore.
b) Psychology focuses on testing theories.
c) Psychology relies on popular opinion.
d) Psychology emphasizes mental, as opposed to behavioral, processes.
e) Psychology values scholarly opinions over laboratory tests.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: Intro REF: Chapter Introduction MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 1-Define psychology and explain why psychology is a science. KEY: Evaluate/Explain
6. Psychology made the transition from philosophy to scientific discipline with which event?
a) Fechner published Elements of Psychophysics.
b) Confucius proposed the idea that humans have an inborn capacity for good.
c) G. Stanley Hall founded the American Psychological Association.
d) Titchener brought methods of introspection to the United States.
e) Wundt founded the first psychological laboratory.
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
KEY: Identify
7. Psychology is a scientific discipline in that it focuses on:
a) the pursuit of truth, not simply opinion.
b) testing opinions and assumptions in the light of evidence.
c) systematically building theories to explain phenomena.
d) behavioral, as opposed to mental, processes.
e) the accumulated wisdom of scholars.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: Intro REF: Chapter Introduction MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 1- Define psychology and explain why psychology is a science. KEY: Evaluate/Explain
8. For her first psychology paper in graduate school, Tina decided to write about the subject of psychophysics.
Which of the following is most likely to be the name of her paper?
a) Men's physical reactions to different concentrations of perfume
b) People's reflections upon first coming in contact with "silly putty"
c) Why do only women wear makeup?
d) Why are people susceptible to optical illusions?
e) Which parts of the mind are activated when one looks at great art?
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: applied KEY: Apply
9. G. Stanley Hall is known for all of the following EXCEPT that:
a) he founded the American Psychological Association.
b) he is considered the founder of American psychology.
c) he was the first president of the American Psychological Association.
d) he established the first psychological laboratory in the United States.
e) he was the first American to work in Wundt's laboratory.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
KEY: Evaluate/Explain
Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology 3

10. Which of the following early pioneers of psychology became the first scientist of the mind?
a) Fechner
b) von Helmholtz
c) James
d) Wundt
e) Titchener
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 2- Identify the early schools of psychology and their important contributors. KEY: Identify
11. You have been assigned to write a report on Wilhelm Wundt's contributions to psychology. Which would be
the most useful term for an Internet search?
a) Introspection
b) Psychodynamic
c) Behaviorism
d) Association
e) Humanism
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 3-Describe the major concepts associated with early schools of psychology.
KEY: Describe/Define, Apply
12. A functionalist is most likely to ask which of the following questions?
a) Can you describe the taste of a peach?
b) What is the purpose of superstitions?
c) What does the texture of chalk remind you of?
d) How does seeing a butterfly make you feel?
e) What thoughts does this musical passage evoke?
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: applied KEY:
13. Your psychology professor asks a student volunteer to concentrate on eating an apple and then describe the
individual elements of that experience. Your professor is demonstrating the technique of _______, which is
a technique used by investigators of ________.
a) stream of consciousness; functionalism
b) introspection; structuralism
c) introspection; Gestalt
d) introspection; humanism
e) stream of consciousness; structuralism
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 3- Describe the major concepts associated with early schools of psychology.
KEY: Describe/Define, Apply
14. Psychological researcher Dr. Tatrino relies chiefly on introspection. Tatrino probably belongs to which
school of psychology?
a) Behaviorism
b) Structuralism
c) Humanism
d) Functionalism
e) Psychodynamic
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 2-Identify the early schools of psychology and their important contributors. KEY: Identify
15. Identify the school of thought that focused on breaking conscious experience into its component parts.
a) Psychoanalysis
b) Structuralism
c) Gestalt
d) Introspection
e) Functionalism
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
4 Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology

OBJ: 2-Identify the early schools of psychology and their important contributors. KEY: Identify
16. Which early school of psychology is associated with the method of introspection?
a) Behaviorism
b) Gestalt
c) Functionalism
d) Structuralism
e) Social-cognitive
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 2-Identify the early schools of psychology and their important contributors. KEY: Identify
17. Who is generally recognized as the founder of American psychology?
a) Hall
b) James
c) Wundt
d) Freud
e) Watson
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 2-Identify the early schools of psychology and their important contributors. KEY: Identify
18. Wundt is to ________ as James is to ________.
a) structuralism; Gestalt
b) structuralism; functionalism
c) behaviorism; Gestalt
d) behaviorism; functionalism
e) functionalism; psychoanalysis
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 2-Identify the early schools of psychology and their important contributors. KEY: Identify
19. Functionalism focused on:
a) breaking down mental experience into its component parts.
b) how individuals adapt to their environment.
c) studying overt behavior that could be recorded and measured.
d) how the human brain organizes perceptions so that they make sense.
e) unconscious sexual and aggressive forces that motivate behavior.
ANS: b OBJ: 3-Describe the major concepts associated with early schools of psychology. TOP:
MOD: 1.1
REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual KEY: Define/Describe NOT: WWW
20. The founder of behaviorism was:
a) Watson.
b) Skinner.
c) James.
d) Pavlov.
e) Freud.
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 2- Identify the early schools of psychology and their important contributors. KEY: Identify
21. In preparing a report on John Watson, which of the following search terms would likely yield the best results?
a) Psychodynamic
b) Functionalism
c) Structuralism
d) Humanism
e) Behaviorism
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 2- Identify the early schools of psychology and their important contributors. KEY: Identify, Apply
Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology 5

22. The behaviorist emphasis on observable events as the focus of inquiry can be traced to which philosopher?
a) Socrates
b) Plato
c) Aristotle
d) Rousseau
e) Confucius
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 2-Identify the early schools of psychology and their important contributors. KEY: Identify
23. A strong belief that the environment molds the behavior of humans and other animals is characteristic of
which school of psychology?
a) Psychodynamic
b) Behaviorist
c) Structuralist
d) Gestalt
e) Humanist
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: conceptual

OBJ: 3-Describe the major concepts associated with early schools of psychology. KEY: Define/Describe
24. The major proponent of behaviorism for much of the twentieth century was:
a) Titchener.
b) Skinner.
c) James.
d) Wertheimer.
e) Freud.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 2-Identify the early schools of psychology and their important contributors. KEY: Identify
25. Animal trainer Bob Jeffers uses rewards to teach his animals to perform silly tricks in the circus. Jeffers's
techniques are based on principles from which school of psychology?
a) Behaviorism
b) Structuralism
c) Psychodynamic
d) Functionalism
e) Humanism
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 2- Identify the early schools of psychology and their important contributors. KEY: Identify, Apply
26. Regarding behaviorism, which of the following statements is FALSE?
a) Watson believed that with control of their environments, he could shape infants to be any kind of
b) B. F. Skinner conducted most of his research with humans.
c) In the early 20th century, behaviorism was the dominant force in psychology.
d) B. F. Skinner presented ideas and techniques for rewarding and punishing behavior.
e) Behaviorists rejected introspection as a research method.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
KEY: Explain/Evaluate
27. Your dog is demonstrating an unacceptable behavior. You are able to go back in time to talk to one of the
pioneers of psychology. Who would be the best choice to help you modify your dog’s behavior?
a) Sigmund Freud
b) Wilhelm Wundt
c) Edward Titchener
d) William James
e) B F Skinner
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology REF: applied
OBJ: 2- Identify the early schools of psychology and their important contributors. KEY: Identify, Apply
6 Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology

28. The Gestalt school of psychology was founded by:
a) Wundt.
b) Koffka.
c) Maslow.
d) Darwin.
e) Wertheimer.
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 2- Identify the early schools of psychology and their important contributors. KEY: Identify
Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology 7

29. Dr. Spires talks with some students before psychology class begins. Spires says, "I believe that mental
experience is best understood as a whole, rather than in terms of its parts." Her students recognize that Spires
follows which school of thought?
a) Gestalt
b) Humanism
c) Introspection
d) Structuralism
e) Functionalism
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: applied
KEY: Evaluate/Explain, Apply
30. The psychodynamic school of psychology places an emphasis on:
a) breaking down mental experiences into their component parts.
b) how behavior helps individuals adapt to demands of their environment.
c) the acquisition of more adaptive behaviors to overcome psychological problems.
d) the unconscious and early childhood experiences.
e) the ways in which the brain organizes perceptions of the world.
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 3-Describe the major concepts associated with early schools of psychology. KEY: Define/Describe
31. The definition of the German word "Gestalt" is closest to that of the English word:
a) "thought."
b) "element."
c) "guess."
d) "pattern."
e) "part."
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 3-Describe the major concepts associated with early schools of psychology. KEY: Define/Describe
32. According to Freud, abnormal behaviors, like phobias, are:
a) shaped by early experiences.
b) learned through reinforcement.
c) genetically determined.
d) adaptive from an evolutionary perspective.
e) the product of introspection.
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 3-Describe the major concepts associated with early schools of psychology. KEY: Define/Describe
33. "Talk therapy" is associated with which of the following?
a) William James
b) Edward Titchener
c) Kurt Kafka
d) Max Wertheimer
e) Sigmund Freud
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 2-Identify the early schools of psychology and their important contributors. KEY: Identify
34. Which of the following reflects an influence of psychodynamic theory in today's culture?
a) The realization that ethnicity plays a role in psychological adjustment
b) The stress on the creative potential of each individual
c) The tendency to explain human thinking in computer terms
d) The belief that psychological problems are rooted in childhood
e) The understanding of the biological bases of behavior
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 3- Describe the major concepts associated with early schools of psychology.
KEY: Define/Describe, Evaluate/Explain
8 Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology

35. An extension of the behavioral perspective that incorporates the study of mental processes is termed:
a) social-cognitive theory.
b) psychophysics.
c) Gestalt psychology.
d) humanism.
e) neuroscience.
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology. KEY: Identify
36. Which of the following mental health professionals is most likely a behavior therapist?
a) Dr. Angelo, who helps clients learn techniques for changing maladaptive thoughts.
b) Dr. Barney, who uses techniques based on learning principles to help clients alter maladaptive
c) Dr. Childers, who helps her clients uncover unconscious motives and desires.
d) Dr. Diaz, who prescribes drugs for his patients who suffer from anxiety disorders.
e) Dr. Evans, who helps her patients understand how their culture influences their maladaptive
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology.
KEY: Define/Describe, Apply
37. Compared to Freud, neo-Freudians place less emphasis on:
a) childhood roots of abnormal behavior.
b) sexual and aggressive motives.
c) self-awareness.
d) self-direction.
e) conscious choice.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology. KEY: Define/Describe
38. The "third force" in psychology is more formally known as:
a) social-cognitive theory.
b) humanistic psychology.
c) the psychodynamic perspective.
d) Gestalt psychology.
e) the physiological perspective.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology. KEY: Identify
39. Which theorists are associated with humanistic psychology?
a) John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner
b) Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Titchener
c) William James and Charles Darwin
d) Max Wertheimer and Sigmund Freud
e) Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual KEY:
40. A humanistic psychologist is most likely to agree with which of the following statements?
a) "Human behavior is determined by the environment."
b) "Behavior reflects inherited dispositions that had survival value to our ancestors."
c) "Each individual is unique."
d) "Psychology should focus on unconscious motives and wishes."
e) "Psychology should limit itself to observable behavior."
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: The Humanistic Perspective MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology.
KEY: Define/Describe, Evaluate/Explain
Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology 9

41. Your friend asks whether there is any evidence that ADHD (Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) might
be due to abnormal brain structures. You might suggest that she take a course in:
a) cognitive psychology.
b) physiological psychology.
c) personality psychology.
d) evolutionary psychology.
e) geropsychology.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology. KEY: Identify, Apply
42. The approach that studies the relationships between biological processes and behavior is termed:
a) cognitive-behavioral therapy.
b) Gestalt psychology.
c) structuralism.
d) introspection.
e) physiological psychology.
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology. KEY: Identify
43. A movement within modern psychology that applies principles from Darwin's theories is called:
a) humanism.
b) evolutionary psychology.
c) cognitive psychology.
d) behaviorism.
e) sociocultural psychology.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual

OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology. KEY: Identify
44. Which of the following psychologists is most likely to study how humans process information?
a) Dr. Alvarez, a behaviorist
b) Dr. Benitez, a humanist
c) Dr. Carlson, a cognitive psychologist
d) Dr. Dimitri, a neo-Freudian
e) Dr. Elrod, a physiological psychologist
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual

OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology. KEY: Identify, Apply
45. Cognitive psychologists would be interested in all of the following EXCEPT:
a) concept formation.
b) language processes.
c) problem solving.
d) decision making.
e) instincts.
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology
KEY: Define/Describe, Evaluate/Explain NOT: WWW
46. Which perspective is most responsible for bringing issues related to diversity to the forefront of psychological
a) Cognitive
b) Behaviorism
c) Psychodynamic
d) Sociocultural
e) Humanistic
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: The Sociocultural Perspective MSC: factual
OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology KEY: Identify
10 Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology

47. Regarding the major contemporary perspectives in psychology, which of the following statements is FALSE?
a) The behavioral perspective focuses on observable actions and the influences of learning processes in
b) The humanistic perspective emphasizes the importance of subjective conscious experience and
personal responsibility and freedom.
c) The physiological perspective examines how behavior and mental experience is shaped by biological
processes and the workings of the brain and nervous system.
d) The sociocultural perspective focuses on mental processes that allow us to gain knowledge about
ourselves and the world.
e) The psychodynamic perspective suggests that our psychology is shaped by unconscious motives and
conflicts outside the range of ordinary awareness.
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology.
KEY: Define/Describe, Evaluate/Explain
48. Dr. Holder is a psychologist working from the sociocultural perspective. In her research, which variable is Dr.
Holder LEAST likely to study?
a) Income level
b) Individual personality differences
c) Gender
d) Disability status
e) Sexual orientation
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: applied
KEY: Evaluate/Explain, Apply
49. What is a limitation of early psychological research studies?
a) The samples are made up of white, middle class, male college students and findings may not
generalize to other populations.
b) The samples are made up of college students who are smarter than the general population.
c) The sample sizes are too small.
d) The studies were conducted with animals and cannot be generalized to humans.
e) The studies have not been replicated.
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: conceptual
KEY: Evaluate/Explain
50. An eclectic psychologist is one who:
a) compares different cultural and ethnic groups on psychological measures.
b) conducts basic as opposed to applied research.
c) does research only on animal subjects.
d) applies the principles of computer-based information processing to humans.
e) employs the theories and principles of different psychological perspectives.
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual

KEY: Define/Describe
51. Positive psychology is distinctively different from much of the rest of psychology because of its emphasis on:
a) unconscious factors in determining thoughts and behaviors.
b) understanding human weaknesses and deficits.
c) behavior as opposed to mental processes.
d) understanding the sociocultural factors that influence human behavior and thinking.
e) understanding human strengths and assets.
ANS: e Module: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology.
KEY: Define/Describe
Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology 11

52. Who is most closely associated with the positive psychology movement?
a) Abraham Maslow
b) Kenneth Clark
c) Martin Seligman
d) Sigmund Freud
e) Max Wertheimer
ANS: c Module: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology. KEY: Identify
53. Which perspective in psychology would suggest that depression is related to changes in brain chemistry?
a) Psychodynamic
b) Physiological
c) Cognitive
d) Humanistic
e) Behavioral
ANS: b Module: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology. KEY: Identify
54. A humanist would give which explanation for aggression?
a) Brain abnormalities explain violent behavior in some people.
b) Social conditions give rise to drug use, which, in turn, causes aggressive behavior.
c) Aggression results from unconscious impulses.
d) Aggression increases when people become frustrated by not being able to meet their goals.
e) Aggression is learned through observing others and through reinforcement.
ANS: d Module: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology.
KEY: Evaluate/Explain NOT: WWW
55. Dr. von Waldner conducts research on depression. His hypothesis is that depression results from maladaptive
thought patterns. From which perspective is von Waldner working?
a) Cognitive
b) Humanistic
c) Psychodynamic
d) Sociocultural
e) Physiological
ANS: a Module: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology. KEY: Identify, Apply
56. Which perspective in psychology would suggest that obesity is related to unresolved childhood needs for
love and support?
a) Cognitive
b) Psychodynamic
c) Sociocultural
d) Humanistic
e) Behavioral
ANS: b Module: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 4-Identify and describe major contemporary perspectives in psychology. KEY: Identify, Apply
57. A researcher adhering to the behavioral perspective would likely believe that:
a) unhealthy eating habits might lead to obesity.
b) aggression results when people are blocked from pursuing their goals.
c depression is related to changes in brain chemistry.
d) depression is linked to social stresses like poverty.
e) aggression is related to unconscious impulses.
ANS: a Module: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: conceptual
KEY: Evaluate/Explain
12 Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology

58. You eavesdrop as several psychologists eat lunch together. After reading the first chapter in your psychology
textbook, you can correctly identify which psychologist as a behaviorist?
a) Dr. Tsui, who says, "I'm excited about my new research project. I'll be studying how creativity helps
people solve problems."
b) Dr. Lightman, who says, "I believe that early learning experiences have shaped my actions as an
c) Dr. Melfi, who says, "I have a client who has a lot of unresolved unconscious conflicts with his
mother. I think we'll be working together a long time."
d) Dr. Fraser, who says, "Looking back at my life at midlife, I recognize how my goals have given me a
sense of meaning."
e) Dr. Reeves, who says, "I'm delivering my favorite lecture today – the role of heredity in language
ANS: b Module: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: applied
KEY: Evaluate/Explain, Apply
59. A researcher adhering to the psychodynamic perspective would likely believe that depression:
a) represents anger turned inward.
b) stems from a sense of purposelessness.
c) is influenced by genetic factors.
d) is more common among certain groups because of social stresses more prevalent in those groups.
e) can be treated through changes in reinforcement patterns.
ANS: b Module: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: applied
KEY: Evaluate/Explain, Apply
60. As a humanist, Dr. Randall is most likely interested in which of the following questions?
a) Do negative role models play a part in eating disorders?
b) Is shyness inherited?
c) Is obesity associated with a malfunction in the hypothalamus?
d) Can a lack of purpose influence a person's depression?
e) How do aggressive people direct their unconscious impulses?
ANS: d Module: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology MSC: applied
KEY: Evaluate/Explain, Apply
61. The difference between basic and applied research is that only basic research:
a) involves finding solutions to specific problems.
b) has practical consequences.
c) is conducted in the workplace.
d) is almost always associated with universities or government agencies.
e) involves psychologists who provide services to individuals or organizations.
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC:
KEY: Evaluate/Explain
62. What is the graduate degree most commonly earned by psychologists?
a) Psy.D.
b) Ph.D.
c) Ed.D.
d) Master's
e) Bachelor's
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: factual

KEY: Identify
Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology 13

63. Which subspecialty represents the largest group of psychologists?

a) Industrial/organizational
b) Clinical
c) Counseling
d) School
e) Experimental
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: factual

OBJ: 5-Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Identify
64. Of the following subspecialties in psychology, which is LEAST likely to focus on applied research?
a) Experimental
b) Clinical
c) School
d) Industrial/organizational
e) Counseling
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do
MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 5-Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Identify, Evaluate/Explain
65. The Psy.D. degree is appropriate for those who wish to focus more on ________ skills than on ________
a) practitioner; research
b) writing; practical
c) teaching; consulting
d) basic; applied
e) research; clinical
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC:
KEY: Identify
66. Regarding training to work in the field of psychology, which of the following statements is FALSE?
a) The primary difference between the Ph.D. and the Psy.D. is that the Psy.D. focuses more on
practitioner skills than on research skills.
b) Those who pursue doctorate level work in schools of education typically earn a Doctorate in
Education, or Ed.D.
c) A dissertation requires the completion of an original research project.
d) The Bachelor’s degree is recognized as the entry-level degree for professional work in some specialty
areas like school psychology and industrial/organizational psychology.
e) The Doctor of Philosophy is the most common doctoral degree.
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: factual

KEY: Evaluate/Explain
67. The work of __________ psychologists often overlaps with the work of psychiatrists.
a) experimental
b) physiological
c) clinical
d) biological
e) comparative
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: factual

OBJ: 5-Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Identify
14 Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology

68. A school psychologist would be most likely to:

a) consult to a classroom teacher about how to address a student’s behavior problems.
b) study how groups affect individuals.
c) provide psychoanalysis for troubled students.
d) make suggestions as to how managers could improve employee morale.
e) investigate the relationship between childhood obesity and self-esteem.
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: applied

OBJ: 5-Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Apply
69. Dr. Fiennes, a psychological researcher, studies the biological bases of memory problems in the elderly using
animal research subjects. Fiennes is a(n) ___________ psychologist.
a) comparative
b) biological
c) environmental
d) health
e) physiological
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: applied

OBJ: 5-Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Identify, Apply
70. The executives of an aircraft company want to redesign the interior of their jet planes to offer passengers the
most comfort within the confined space. What type of psychologist would they need to consult?
a) Industrial/organizational
b) Social
c) Cognitive
d) Environmental
e) Consumer
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do
MSC: applied
OBJ: 5-Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Identify, Apply
71. An industrial/organizational psychologist would typically:
a) testify at a trial in which the defendant's sanity was in question.
b) make suggestions to a manager regarding employee morale.
c) administer a cognitive abilities test to a teenager.
d) be interested in the structure and measurement of personality.
e) do research to determine how to help people quit smoking.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: applied

OBJ: 5- Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Apply, Evaluate/Explain NOT: WWW
72. A developmental psychologist is most likely to study which of the following research questions?
a) How can we get teenagers to eat more nutritious meals?
b) What effect do fast-food restaurants have on teens' eating habits?
c) What personality characteristics do obese teens have in common?
d) How do children's eating habits change as they progress from childhood through adolescence?
e) What psychological disorders are likely to coexist with eating disorders in teenagers?
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: applied

OBJ: 5- Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Apply, Evaluate/Explain
Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology 15

73. Dana and Leonard are being quizzed tomorrow in their elective psychology courses. Dana is studying the
variables that influence initial attraction, while Leonard is studying the traits that are typical of couples in
long-term relationships. Dana is most likely taking a class in ________ psychology, whereas Leonard is most
likely taking a class in ________ psychology.
a) social; personality
b) developmental; health
c) experimental; social
d) social; developmental
e) personality; environmental
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do
MSC: applied
OBJ: 5-Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Identify, Apply
74. Graduate student Felicity Farraday has just completed her dissertation, which is entitled "The role of
observational learning in the development of prejudice." What is Farraday's area of graduate study?
a) Health psychology
b) Environmental psychology
c) Experimental psychology
d) Educational psychology
e) Social psychology
ANS: e OBJ: 5- Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: applied

KEY: Identify, Apply

75. A health psychologist might study the:
a) brain centers that are involved in nicotine addiction.
b) effectiveness of ads that use fear to get adolescents to stop smoking.
c) different brands of cigarettes that men and women prefer.
d) change in smoking habits as teens progress through high school and then college.
e) personality traits that chain smokers have in common.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: applied
OBJ: 5- Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Apply, Evaluate/Explain
76. Caroline Sherry is a counseling psychologist. Which of the following is she LEAST likely to see as a client?
a) Mr. Andrews, a mailman, who has generalized anxiety disorder
b) Mr. and Mrs. Babette who have marital problems
c) Ms. Diaz, a college student, who is confused about choosing a college major
d) Mr. White, a high school student, who is being bullied by his peers
e) Ms. Evans and her teenage daughter, who are having communication problems
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: applied

OBJ: 5- Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Apply, Evaluate/Explain
77. Which type of psychologist is most likely to administer an intelligence test to a seven-year-old child who is
being evaluated for placement in a special education program?
a) School
b) Educational
c) Counseling
d) Clinical
e) Personality
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: applied

OBJ: 5- Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Identify, Apply
16 Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology

78. Dr. Vickers just took a position as an educational psychologist with the Blackstone School System. Of the
following tasks, which is Vickers LEAST likely to perform in this position?
a) Develop a test to measure students' academic potential.
b) Train teachers in the use of a new instructional method.
c) Administer intelligence tests to students.
d) Develop a new instructional method for use in the classroom.
e) Conduct research on student motivation.
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: applied
OBJ: 5- Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Apply, Evaluate/Explain
79. Which type of psychologist would most likely study such phenomena as the effects of parenting style on a
child's emotional growth?
a) Clinical
b) Physiological
c) Experimental
d) Developmental
e) Health
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: applied

OBJ: 5- Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Identify, Apply NOT: WWW
80. Of the following, which psychologists would be most likely to be involved in a study that seeks to identify
the common traits of people who develop a stress-related disorder?
a) Experimental psychologists
b) Personality psychologists
c) Environmental psychologists
d) Social psychologists
e) Developmental psychologists
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Major Specialty Areas MSC: applied
OBJ: 5- Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Identify, Apply
81. Which type of psychologist would evaluate whether overcrowding in urban areas is associated with increased
violent crimes?
a) Evolutionary
b) Consumer
c) Environmental
d) Social
e) Personality
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: applied
OBJ: 5- Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Identify, Apply
82. Dr. Greenberg is an industrial/organizational psychologist. In his job at Acme Corporation, he is NOT likely
to work on which of the following tasks?
a) Use psychological tests to determine the fit between a job applicant’s abilities and available positions
in the company.
b) Identify leadership qualities that are most effective in increasing worker productivity.
c) Examine ways to make computer systems easier to use.
e) Conduct a survey to determine employees’ job satisfaction.
e) Conduct a survey to determine which consumers are most likely to buy Acme’s products.
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: applied

OBJ: 5- Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Apply, Evaluate/Explain
Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology 17

83. Dr. Mars is conducting research on the type of toothbrush that is most likely to appeal to young adults. Dr.
Mars is most likely which of the following type of psychologist?
a) Consumer
b) Physiological
c) Industrial/organizational
d) Clinical
e) Health
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: applied

OBJ: 5- Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Identify, Apply
84. A geropsychologist is likely to spend time working mostly with:
a) college students.
b) stroke victims.
c) senior citizens.
d) schizophrenics.
e) athletes.
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do
MSC: factual OBJ: 5- Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of
KEY: Identify, Apply
85. Dr. Samuelson conducts research on the relationship between stroke and speech problems. He is probably
a(n) _______________.
a) experimental psychologist
b) health psychologist
c) neuropsychologist
d) social psychologist
e) geropsychologist
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do
MSC: applied OBJ: 5- Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of
KEY: Identify, Apply
86. Which type of psychologist would be most interested in memory loss in elderly individuals?
a) Social psychologist
b) Health psychologist
c) Counseling psychologist
d) Forensic psychologist
e) Geropsychologist
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do
MSC: applied
OBJ: 5- Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Identify, Apply
87. Dr. Starling works with the FBI to develop personality profiles of rapists. Dr. Starling is probably a(n)
______________ psychologist.
a) social
b) forensic
c) industrial/organizational
d) physiological
e) health
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: applied

OBJ: 5- Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Identify, Apply
18 Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology

88. Dr. Fernandez evaluates a mother’s parenting skills for a child custody dispute. Dr. Fernandez is probably
a(n) __________ psychologist.
a) developmental
b) forensic
c) educational
d) consumer
e) industrial/organizational
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: applied

OBJ: 5- Identify specialty areas and apply your knowledge to the varied work of psychologists.
KEY: Identify, Apply
89. Christine Ladd-Franklin is credited as being:
a) the first woman to receive a Ph.D. in psychology.
b) the first African-American woman to conduct research in psychology.
c) the earliest woman pioneer in psychology.
d) the first person to receive a Ph.D. in psychology from Johns-Hopkins University.
e) the first female president of the APA.
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: factual
OBJ: 6-Identify women and African-American pioneers in psychology and describe their contributions
KEY: Define/Describe NOT: WWW
90. Which of the following statements regarding Mary Whiton Calkins is FALSE?
a) She was the first female pioneer in psychology, having completed her doctorate requirements at Johns
Hopkins University in 1882.
b) She was the first female president of the American Psychological Association, in 1905.
c) Although she completed all of her doctoral requirements at Harvard, the school denied her a
d) She conducted important research on learning and short-term memory.
e) She was a student of William James.
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: factual
OBJ: 6-Identify women and African-American pioneers in psychology and describe their contributions
KEY: Define/Describe, Evaluate/Explain
91. Who is the only African American to have served as president of the American Psychological Association?
a) Kenneth Clark
b) J. Henry Alston
c) Gilbert Haven Jones
d) Francis Sumner
e) Richard Suinn
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: factual
OBJ: 6-Identify women and African-American pioneers in psychology and describe their contributions
KEY: Identify
92. Who was the first woman to earn a Ph.D. in psychology in the United States?
a) Mary Whiton Calkins
b) Margaret Floy Washburn
c) Christine Ladd-Franklin
d) Francis Sumner
e) Mamie Phipps-Clark
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: factual
OBJ: 6-Identify women and African-American pioneers in psychology and describe their contributions
KEY: Identify
Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology 19

93. ________, an early pioneer in psychology, developed a new theory of color vision and received his/her Ph.D.
several decades after completing all of the requirements for completing the degree.
a) Mary Whiton Calkins
b) Margaret Floy Washburn
c) Christine Ladd-Franklin
d) Francis Sumner
e) Gilbert Haven Jones
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: factual
OBJ: 6-Identify women and African-American pioneers in psychology and describe their contributions
KEY: Identify
94. Kenneth and Mamie Phipps-Clark conducted a classic study that showed which of the following?
a) Preschool children are “color blind,” and neither African-American nor white children showed a
preference for playing with a white or black doll.
b) Preschool children showed preferences for playing with dolls of their own race, i.e., African-
American children preferred to play with black dolls and white children preferred to play with white
c) African-American preschool children preferred to play with white dolls and attributed more positive
characteristics to the white dolls.
d) African-American preschool children preferred to play with black dolls and attributed more positive
characteristics to the black dolls.
e) Preschool children preferred to play with children of their own race.
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: factual
OBJ: 6-Identify women and African-American pioneers in psychology and describe their contributions
KEY: Define/Describe
95. The first African American to receive a doctorate in psychology in the United States was ________, and the
first African American to publish research findings in a major U.S. psychology journal was ________.
a) Kenneth Clark; Mamie Clark
b) J. Henry Alston; Kenneth Clark
c) Gilbert Haven Jones; Francis Sumner
d) Mary Whiton Calkins; Margaret Floy Washburn
e) Francis Sumner; J. Henry Alston
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: factual
OBJ: 6-Identify women and African-American pioneers in psychology and describe their contributions
KEY: Identify NOT: WWW
96. Whose work played an important role in the U.S. Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education of
Topeka, Kansas?
a) Kenneth and Mamie Clark
b) J. Henry Alston
c) Gilbert Haven Jones
d) Francis Sumner
e) Margaret Floy Washburn
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: factual
OBJ: 6-Identify women and African-American pioneers in psychology and describe their contributions
KEY: Identify
97. Women now account for approximately what proportion of doctorates in psychology?
a) one-third
b) one-half
c) two-thirds
d) three-quarters
e) nine-tenths
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: factual

OBJ: 7-Describe ethnic and gender characteristics of psychologists today and changes over time.
KEY: Define/Describe
20 Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology

98. In 1970, women accounted for about what proportion of new doctorates in psychology?
a) one in ten
b) one in five
c) two in five
d) five in ten
e) nine in ten
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: factual
OBJ: 7-Describe ethnic and gender characteristics of psychologists today and changes over time.
KEY: Define/Describe
99. A member of which minority group is least likely to be the recipient of a doctorate in the field of psychology?
a) Latino American
b) African American
c) Pacific Islander
d) Asian American
e) Native American
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: factual
OBJ: 7-Describe ethnic and gender characteristics of psychologists today and changes over time.
KEY: Define/Describe NOT: WWW
100. Despite the fact that the percentage of minorities in the field of psychology has increased in recent years,
what percentage of new recipients of doctorates in psychology are in a minority group?
a) 50%
b) 25%
c) 10%
d) 15%
e) 5%
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: factual
OBJ: 7-Describe ethnic and gender characteristics of psychologists today and changes over time.
KEY: Define, Describe
101. Currently, there is one Native American psychologist per how many Native Americans?
a) 1,000
b) 3,000
c) 10,000
d) 30,000
e) 50,000
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do MSC: factual
OBJ: 7-Describe ethnic and gender characteristics of psychologists today and changes over time.
KEY: Define, Describe
102. A method of developing knowledge based on the evaluation of evidence from experiments and careful
observation is called the:
a) intuitive approach.
b) statistical approach.
c) empirical approach.
d) theoretical approach.
e) introspective approach.
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: factual KEY:
Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology 21

103. The goals of psychology are to describe, predict, explain, and:

a) replicate studies.
b) persuade people.
c) manipulate people.
d) publish results.
e) control events.
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: factual KEY:
104. All of the following are steps in the scientific method EXCEPT:
a) drawing conclusions.
b) developing a hypotheses.
c) ignoring contradictory evidence.
d) gathering evidence.
e) generating a research question.
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 8-Identify and describe steps of scientific method. KEY: Identify, Evaluate/Explain
105. Hypotheses are:
a) conclusions drawn from observations.
b) precise predictions that can be tested through research.
c) useful only if they prove to be correct.
d) explanations that organize observations and account for the relationships among them.
e) ultimate truths.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: factual

OBJ: 8-Identify and describe steps of scientific method. KEY: Define/Describe NOT: WWW
106. Based on social-cognitive theory, the expectation that teens will be more likely to try marijuana if they
believe smoking marijuana will make them more popular among their peers, is an example of a(n)
a) intuition.
b) inference.
c) theory.
d) control.
e) hypothesis.
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 8-Identify and describe steps of scientific method. KEY: Identify
107. How do psychologists evaluate the evidence they gather in their research studies?
a) They compare their results to evidence from past studies.
b) They apply statistical methods to determine whether their results are unlikely to be due to chance.
c) They adjust their hypotheses, but not the theories from which the hypotheses are derived.
d) They have their study undergo peer review.
e) They cannot say what the results of their studies are with confidence.
ANS: b OBJ: 8-Identify and describe steps of scientific method. TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF:
Research , Methods in Psychology MSC: factual KEY: Define/Describe, Evaluate/Explain
108. Which of the following is identified in the text as a step in the scientific method?
a) Developing a theory
b) Selecting a research method
c) Consulting the literature
d) Forming a hypothesis
e) Identifying subjects
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: factual

OBJ: 8-Identify and describe steps of scientific method. KEY: Identify

22 Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology

109. A hypothesis is what an investigator uses to:

a) duplicate research findings of other scientists.
b) frame his/her research question.
c) explain why he/she obtained a certain result from an experiment.
d) define the parameters of a research study.
e) determine what kind of research design to use.
ANS: b OBJ: 8-Identify and describe steps of scientific method. TOP: MOD: 1.3
REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 8-Identify and describe steps of scientific method. KEY: Define/Describe
110. After reading about a study that concluded that having a dog is beneficial for an elderly person's health, Dr.
Wolpe was skeptical. Therefore, he decided to do a similar study to see whether he would achieve the same
results. Dr. Wolpe's study would be termed a:
a) double-blind study.
b) duplication.
c) replication.
d) repeat.
e) retest.
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 8-Identify and describe steps of scientific method. KEY: Identify, Apply
111. Ajit is a graduate student in psychology who is conducting research on the effectiveness of two types of
therapy in the treatment of phobias. Ajit is at the stage where he uses statistics to analyze the data he has
collected in order to determine if his initial hypothesis is supported by the research. At which stage of the
scientific method is Ajit working?
a) Drawing conclusions
b) Developing a research question
c) Gathering evidence
d) Replicating results
e) Forming a hypothesis
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 8-Identify and describe steps of scientific method. KEY: Identify, Apply
112. Which of the following is the correct order of steps in the scientific method?
a) Forming a hypothesis, developing a research question, gathering evidence, drawing conclusions
b) Gathering evidence, developing a research question, forming a hypothesis, drawing conclusions
c) Developing a research question, forming a hypothesis, gathering evidence, drawing conclusions
d) Formulating a theory, developing a research question, gathering evidence, drawing conclusions
e) None of the above
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 8-Identify and describe steps of scientific method. KEY: Identify, Define/Describe NOT: WWW
113. Your psychology professor refers to a research study and says the results were "statistically significant.”
What does this mean?
a) The results can be generalized from the sample to the population.
b) The results have been replicated.
c) The hypothesis proves the theory it was testing.
d) The results are unlikely to have been due to chance or other random factors.
e) The results do not suffer from social desirability bias.
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: conceptual
KEY: Define/Describe
Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology 23

114. Dr. Kavanaugh noticed that many of her students have difficulties understanding the basic parts of a nerve
cell (neuron), but don’t have the same problems understanding the regions of the brain. She wonders if her
lectures have some bearing on this situation and has posed the following question, which she intends to
pursue in her research: Do the ways in which information is presented to students affect interest in and
memory of the material? If she is interested in pursuing this research question further, her next step in the
scientific method would be to:
a) develop a research question.
b) form a hypothesis.
c) gather evidence.
d) manipulate the way she delivers lectures.
e) draw conclusions.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 8-Identify and describe steps of scientific method. KEY: Identify, Apply
115. Dr. Mingus keeps a very detailed record of a series of interviews with an individual who is suffering from a
rare brain disorder. This is an example of which research method?
a) Experimental
b) Correlational
c) Case study
d) Field study
e) Survey
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 9-Identify and describe psychological research methods and apply knowledge to types of studies.
KEY: Identify, Apply NOT: WWW
116. The experimental method requires random sampling in order to ensure a sample drawn from the population
a) homogenous.
b) diverse.
c) sufficiently large.
d) representative.
e) in need of an intervention.
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 9-Identify and describe psychological research methods and apply knowledge to types of studies.
KEY: Define/Describe
117. Developmental psychologist Arthur Chang observes children in a day care center through a one-way mirror.
Dr. Chang is utilizing which form of research?
a) Case study
b) Correlational method
c) Survey
d) Experimentation
e) Naturalistic observation
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 9-Identify and describe psychological research methods and apply knowledge to types of studies.
KEY: Identify, Apply
118. The correlational method of research makes use of which type of statistical measure?
a) Correlational inference
b) Correlation variables
c) Correlation coefficient
d) Change scores
e) Zero-order mean difference
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 9-Identify and describe psychological research methods and apply knowledge to types of studies.
KEY: Identify
24 Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology

119. Which of the following correlations represents two variables with the strongest relationship?
a) +0.80
b) -0.95
c) +.06
d) -0.75
e) The answer cannot be determined with the information given.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 9-Identify and describe psychological research methods and apply knowledge to types of studies.
KEY: Evaluate/Explain
120. Which of the following relationships would most likely have the weakest correlation?
a) A school child's age and vocabulary
b) The number of tires on a truck and its weight
c) A person's height and intelligence
d) Air temperature and number of air conditioners being used
e) Amount of snowfall and number of skiers
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 9-Identify and describe psychological research methods and apply knowledge to types of studies.
121. In her dissertation research, a graduate student finds a correlation of +0.95 between two of the variables
being studied. How should she interpret this correlation coefficient?
a) There is no relationship between the variables.
b) The variables have a moderate, positive relationship.
c) The variables have a strong, negative relationship.
d) The variables have a moderate, negative relationship.
e) The variables have a strong, positive relationship.
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 9-Identify and describe psychological research methods and apply knowledge to types of studies.
KEY: Apply
122. A correlation coefficient of 0.00 means that:
a) there is no relationship between the variables.
b) as one variable increases, the other variable increases.
c) as one variable decreases, the other variable decreases.
d) as one variable increases, the other variable decreases.
e) the variables are dependent.
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: conceptual
KEY: Define/Describe
123. A correlation coefficient of +1.00 means that:
a) there is an error in the calculations.
b) one variable causes the other.
c) knowing the value of one variable allows perfect prediction of the value of another.
d) increases in one variable will be associated with decreases in another.
e) two variables are not closely related.
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: conceptual
KEY: Define/Describe
124. In an experimental study of the effects of sleep deprivation on aggressiveness, the number of hours that a
participant stays awake represents the:
a) dependent variable.
b) independent variable.
c) placebo.
d) control variable.
e) random variable.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 9-Identify and describe psychological research methods and apply knowledge to types of studies.
Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology 25

KEY: Apply, Define/Describe

125. Using the experimental method, a researcher investigates whether watching television while eating causes a
person to eat more potato chips than one eats when not watching television. In this case, the number of
potato chips eaten represents the:
a) dependent variable.
b) independent variable.
c) control variable.
d) random variable.
e) placebo.
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 9-Identify and describe psychological research methods and apply knowledge to types of studies.
KEY: Apply, Define/Describe
126. In the experimental method, the independent variables are _____________ and their effects on the
dependent variables are _____________.
a) controlled; measured
b) manipulated; measured
c) manipulated; controlled
d) manipulated; random
e) manipulated; predictable
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: conceptual

OBJ: 9-Identify and describe psychological research methods and apply knowledge to types of studies.
KEY: Define/Describe NOT: WWW
127. In an experiment, the factor that is expected to change is referred to as the:
a) independent variable.
b) dependent variable.
c) control variable.
d) random variable.
e) placebo.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: factual KEY: Identify
128. An experimental group receives treatment and is then measured for the effect. What happens to the control
group in the experiment?
a) It receives the same treatment and is measured for the effect, exactly like the experimental group.
b) It receives a random treatment.
c) It receives no treatment at all, but it is measured.
d) It receives the same treatment as the control group, but it is not measured.
e) It receives no treatment, and it is not measured.
ANS: c OBJ: 9-Identify and describe psychological research methods and apply knowledge to types of
studies. TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: conceptual
KEY: Define/Describe
129. In a drug study, Group One receives an inactive pill, and Group Two receives a pill that is believed to be
effective in treating depression. Group Two is the:
a) control group.
b) placebo group.
c) independent group.
d) dependent group.
e) experimental group.
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 9-Identify and describe psychological research methods and apply knowledge to types of studies.
KEY: Apply
26 Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology

130. Every participant in an experiment has an equal chance of receiving one of the treatments. This is called a:
a) control assignment.
b) random selection.
c) placebo effect.
d) random assignment.
e) control selection.
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: factual KEY: Identify
131. Dr. Schultze conducts research on the effects of a new drug on obsessive-compulsive disorder. In his study,
neither Schultze nor the participants knows who is receiving the active drug and who is receiving the
placebo. This is an example of:
a) random sampling.
b) a double-blind study.
c) a single-blind study.
d) a control factor.
e) social desirability bias.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 9-Identify and describe psychological research methods and apply knowledge to types of studies.
KEY: Apply
132. A placebo effect would be most likely to account for changes in:
a) blood pressure.
b) blood sugar.
c) pupil dilation.
d) pain intensity.
e) body temperature.
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: conceptual
KEY: Evaluate/Explain
133. In the case "Anatomy of a Research Study: Do Warm Hands Make a Warm Heart," presented in your text,
what was the finding?
a) Tactile warmth has no effect on personality judgments of warmth in others.
b) Tactile warmth influenced people to make personality judgments of warmth in others more rapidly.
c) Tactile warmth influences personality judgments of warmth without direct awareness of such
d) Tactile warmth gave people greater confidence in their personality judgments of warmth in others.
e) Tactile warmth paradoxically influences personality judgments of coldness without direct awareness
of such influences.
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 9-Identify and describe psychological research methods and apply knowledge to types of studies.
KEY: Evaluate/Explain
134. In the case "Anatomy of a Research Study: Do Warm Hands Make a Warm Heart," presented in your text,
the manipulation of tactile warmth with a hot or cold cup of coffee was the:
a) independent variable.
b) dependent variable.
c) placebo.
d) hypothesis.
e) control.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 9-Identify and describe psychological research methods and apply knowledge to types of studies.
KEY: Apply
Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology 27

135. Dr. Chen finds in her study of people’s charitable habits that individuals overestimate the amount of money
they give to churches and private schools. Dr. Chen’s results may reflect:
a) a random sample bias.
b) a social desirability bias.
c) a small sample bias.
d) a large sample bias.
e) volunteer bias.
ANS: b TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 10-Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of psychological research methods.
KEY: Identify, Evaluate/Explain, Apply
136. The use of the survey method is limited by which of the following biases?
a) social desirability and volunteer bias
b) random sampling bias and population bias
c) case study bias and observational bias
d) survey bias and volunteer bias
e) method bias and population bias
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 10-Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of psychological research methods.
KEY: Evaluate/Explain
137. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of correlational research?
a) It can establish cause-and-effect relationships.
b) It can identify high-risk groups.
c) It can allow prediction of one variable on the basis of the other.
d) It can help increase understanding of relationships between variables.
e) It can offer clues to underlying causes.
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 10-Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of psychological research methods.
KEY: Evaluate/Explain NOT: WWW

138. As a researcher, what might you need to do to overcome one of the challenges of the naturalistic observation
a) Bring the participants into the lab.
b) Take careful notes.
c) Allow the participants to become accustomed to your presence.
d) Tell the participants what they should do while being observed.
e) Only spend short periods of time observing the participants.
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: conceptual
OBJ: 10-Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of psychological research methods.
KEY: Evaluate/Explain
139. Dr. Finnegan, a psychological researcher, adheres to the ethical principle that he must ensure participants’
confidentiality. This means that he:
a) informs participants about the risks of the study.
b) discusses their ethical concerns with them.
c) randomly assigns participants to treatment categories.
d) maintains the privacy of his research records.
e) informs them of the results after the investigation is complete.
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: applied
OBJ: 11-Describe the ethical standards that govern research in psychology.
KEY: Define/Describe, Apply
28 Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology

140. Which of the following is NOT a concern regarding animal research?

a) Demonstration that there is no alternative way to conduct the research
b) Protection from unnecessary harm
c) Approval from a review board
d) Informed consent
e) Following ethical practices
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: factual
KEY: Identify, Evaluate/Explain

141. The ethical code of psychologists is NOT based on which of the following ideas?
a) People have a basic right to make their own decisions.
b) Research participants or clients must not be harmed.
c) People’s dignity and welfare must be respected.
d) People have a basic right to exercise choice.
e) Determination of ultimate truth outweighs individual cost.
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 11-Describe the ethical standards that govern research in psychology.
KEY: Define/Describe, Evaluate/Explain NOT: WWW
142. The ethical guideline of “informed consent” can best be described as:
a) obtaining the informed consent of an Institutional Review Board before proceeding with the study.
b) having each participant take an oath of confidentiality before participating in the study.
c) requiring that information about a research study be disclosed to potential research participants before
they agree to participate.
d) making sure that you are only conducting research in an area in which you are well informed.
e) ensuring you are informed about the potential negative outcomes of the study before consenting to be
the investigator.
ANS: c TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology MSC: factual
OBJ: 11-Describe the ethical standards that govern research in psychology.
KEY: Define/Describe
143. Latoya reads a news headline stating that eating blueberries prevents cancer. She reads further and finds that
this claim is based on a study that found a negative correlation between amount of blueberries people eat and
the risk of developing cancer. She knows that the statement that blueberries prevents cancer is an overstated
claim because:
a) correlation is not causation.
b) it is based on assumptions about the cancer-preventive effects of blueberries.
c) the correlation should have been positive.
d) the measurement of how many blueberries people eat is not reliable.
e) social desirability bias may have impacted the results.
ANS: a TOP: MOD: 1.4 REF: Becoming a Critical Thinker MSC: applied
OBJ: 12-Apply critical thinking skills to evaluate claims and online information.
KEY: Apply, Evaluate/Explain
144. Andrij has referenced some scientific journals in his research paper. He knows that they are trustworthy
sources of information because:
a) the scientists who write them are very knowledgeable.
b) they describe the findings of research.
c) the articles are long and detailed.
d) they are sponsored by private corporations.
e) they undergo peer review by other professionals prior to publication.
ANS: e TOP: MOD: 1.4 REF: Becoming a Critical Thinker MSC: applied
OBJ: 12-Apply critical thinking skills to evaluate claims and online information.
KEY: Apply, Evaluate/Explain
Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology 29

145. Jeremy’s roommate frequently goes online to find information for papers he writes for his health science
class. The roommate uses a popular search engine and visits the first few sites that turn up on the search. It is
important for Jeremy’s roommate to understand that:
a) online health information is usually accurate and reasonably complete.
b) online health information provided by private corporations has been checked for accuracy.
c) online health information is frequently inaccurate and uninterpretable.
d) online health information is usually accurate, but incomplete.
e) online health information is generally as accurate as information published in scientific journals.
ANS: d TOP: MOD: 1.4 REF: Becoming a Critical Thinker MSC: applied
OBJ: 12-Apply critical thinking skills to evaluate claims and online information. KEY: Apply,


1. Psychology is often characterized as being represented by three main forces: the psychodynamic approach,
behaviorism, and humanism. Highlight the main features of each of these forces.
ANS: The psychodynamic approach originated with Freud’s conceptualization of the unconscious, a region
of the mind that lay beyond the scope of ordinary consciousness. The unconscious is responsible for
primitive drives of a sexual and aggressive nature (instincts). The wishes and desires that these instincts
generate serve to motivate our behaviors. Freud also stressed the importance of early childhood experience
in forming our personality and shaping our behavior. Abnormal conditions arise from unresolved childhood
conflicts. These conflicts are the result of a constant battle between the primitive instincts of the
unconscious and mental forces that act to prevent these instincts from achieving conscious awareness.
Psychodynamic theorists who have followed Freud tend to place less emphasis on basic drives like sex and
aggression than Freud did and more emphasis on processes of self-awareness, self-direction, and conscious
Behaviorism was founded by John Watson. Its primary tenet was that psychology should focus on the study
of overt behavior that observers could record and evaluate objectively. Thus, mental processes, such as the
conscious or unconscious, should not and could not be the subject of study. A second major belief of Watson
was that the environment shapes the behavior of humans and other animals. All behavior was the result of
learning. Another behaviorist, B. F. Skinner, observed that behaviors that led to pleasant outcomes
(reinforcers) were likely to be repeated and behaviors that led to unpleasant outcomes (punishers) were not
likely to be repeated. In the 1950s, humanistic psychology developed as a response to the essentially
deterministic nature of Freudian theory and behaviorism. Humanistic psychologists contended that free will
and conscious choice are fundamental components of being human. They appreciated the unique qualities
of each individual. Humanistic psychologists also focus on conscious experience. They stress the
importance of self-awareness. People can achieve authenticity by being true to themselves. All people have
creative potential and can make choices that give meaning and purpose to their lives.
TOP: MOD: 1.1 REF: Foundations of Modern Psychology

2. Discuss the key differences among the four professional degrees awarded psychologists (Ph.D., Psy.D.,
Ed.D., and master's degree).
ANS: The most common degree is the Ph.D., which is awarded to those who complete a course of graduate
studies and a dissertation based on original research. The Psy.D. is a doctoral degree that places more of
an emphasis on applied, practitioner skills than research skills. The Ed.D. is the doctoral degree awarded
by schools of education. A master's degree is sufficient for entry-level professional work in some fields, such
as industrial/organizational psychology and school psychology.
TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do
3. Summarize the major specialty areas of psychology.
ANS: Experimental psychologists utilize experimental techniques to analyze behavioral and mental
processes. They typically study such concerns as learning, memory, sensation, and perception. Comparative
psychologists are experimental psychologists who focus on behavior in different species and seek to
understand what it might teach us about human behavior. Physiological psychologists investigate the
30 Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology

biological basis of behavior. Clinical psychologists focus on individuals with psychological disorders. They
are involved in diagnosis and treatment. Some engage in research; and others train future clinicians. This
category represents the largest group of psychologists. Counseling psychologists are similar to clinicians
but tend to deal with individuals whose problems are less severe, such adjusting to college or marital
issues. School psychologists help children in a school setting who have academic, emotional, or behavioral
problems and may require special education programs. Educational psychologists may also work in a
school setting. They typically focus on test and curriculum development. Developmental psychologists are
interested in how people change across the lifespan. They often focus on the extent to which development is
shaped by nature (or genetics) and nurture (or environment). Child psychologists are developmental
psychologists who emphasize the early periods of development. Social psychologists are interested in the
ways in which people are affected by group or social influences. Environmental psychologists focus on how
the physical environment influences behavior. They study such matters as noise pollution and
overcrowding. Industrial/organizational psychologists study people in the workplace. They focus on issues
such as performance appraisal, motivation, and leadership. Health psychologists look at the relationship
between psychological factors and physical health. For example, they study how stress affects health.
Consumer psychologists are interested in understanding consumer behavior. They explore why people buy
certain products or certain brands.
TOP: MOD: 1.2 REF: Psychologists: Who They Are and What They Do

4. You are planning to do an experimental study with fellow students as participants. Discuss the ethical
guidelines that you need to consider at every step.
ANS: When planning the study, be aware of the need to avoid inflicting physical or psychological harm on
the participants. Submit a proposal to the ethics review committee of the university to make sure that the
study meets the school's research guidelines. When you recruit participants, obtain their informed consent.
This means that they need to have enough information about the study to judge whether or not they wish to
participate. If the study calls for deception, make sure that there is no other way to obtain the same results
and that participants are informed of the deception as soon as possible. Once the study begins, if students
wish to withdraw, allow them to do so without negative consequences. After the study is completed, to
ensure privacy, protect the confidentiality of participants' records.
TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology
5. Explain the fundamentals of experimental research. Use examples.
Ans: Experimental research allows one to establish cause-and-effect relationships. In an experiment, one
variable is systematically controlled and its effects on another variable are measured. The variable that is
controlled is referred to as the independent variable. The variable that is measured is referred to as the
dependent variable. For example, one might be interested in whether a new teaching technique is more
effective than another in terms of student performance. In this case, teaching technique is the independent
variable and student performance is the dependent variable. There would have to be at least two groups,
one of which (referred to as the control group) is taught using a traditional method and another of which
(the experimental group) is taught using the new technique. Ultimately, the performance of the control
group would be compared to the performance of the experimental group. Perhaps the most important
consideration in an experiment is ensuring that variables other than the independent variable are not
responsible for differences between the groups. For example, in evaluating different teaching techniques,
you would have to consider who is teaching, the time of day of the classes, the motivational levels of the
students, and many other factors.
The more similar the two groups are in factors other than the independent variable, the more likely that
changes in the dependent variable are due to the independent variable.
TOP: MOD: 1.3 REF: Research Methods in Psychology
Another random document with
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"Ja jospa sentään olisi joku, joka rakastaisi sinua, tahtoisitko
sanoa: kyllä?"

Tyttö painoi katseensa alas ja vaikeni.

"Ja jos kosija olisin minä?"

"Sinä et rakasta minua, Martti!"

"Jos otaksutaan, että rakastan sinua, voisitko tulla vaimokseni?"

"Kyllä!" vastasi tyttö maahan painetuin katsein.

"Mutta minä otan myös vaimokseni ainoastaan sen, joka minua


"Minä rakastan sinua!" kuiskasi tyttö, mutta niin hiljaa, ettei Martti
sitä kuullut tai ei näyttänyt kuulevan. Hän kysyi:

"Mitä sinä sanot?"

"Minä rakastan sinua", sanoi hän kovemmalla, mutta vapisevalla


"Onko se totta, Lotta?"

"En voi puhua toisin kuin se on."

"Ja mistä asti?"

"Kauvan, jo kauvan!"

"Armas Lotta!" huudahti Martti myrskyisesi, "sinä rakastat siis

todellakin minua! Sinä voit rakastaa pilkattua, herjattua 'papurikkoa'!"
"Entä minä? Olenko minä saanut vähemmän kärsiä kelvottomien

"Tule syliini, kyyhkyseni! Tule, syleilkäämme ja suudelkaamme,

olet ensimäinen tyttö, jota suutelen ja tulet myöskin olemaan ainoa.
Jollet sinä tule vaimokseni, sitten — ei kukaan."

Lotta kietoi itkien kätensä hänen kaulaansa…

Kun Martin äiti palasi kotiin, löysi hän parin vielä sydän sydäntä,
suu suuta vasten. Kuinka iloitsikaan kelpo vanhus! Jo kauvan oli hän
toivonut tätä yhdistystä, mutta ei uskaltanut sitä ilmaista, koska hän
luulotteli siten loukkaavansa poikaansa…

Laskiaiseen mennessä pidettiin häät.

Nyt se vasta juoru alkoi, mutta he eivät välittäneet ihmisten

häijyistä kuiskutuksista, vaan elivät onnellisina ja iloisina kuten
ensimäinen ihmispari ennen syntiinlankeemusta.

Kyläläiset eivät tehneet vähemmän pilkkaa heidän jälkeläisistään,

mutta häijyt ennustukset näyttäytyivät vääriksi: sillä "papurikon" ja
"valakan" lapset olivat mitä kauneimpia tummia poikia ja vaaleita


Oli kirpeän kylmä yö.

Alastomat tähtiraukat vapisivat ja värisivät vilusta, niin että melkein
kuuli niiden hampaiden kalinan ja oli lukevinaan surullisia ajatuksia
niiden kirkkaasti tuikkivissa silmissä; niin mieluinen kuin tuo loisto
olikin, paljon parempi olisi sentään palvella paimenena tai renkinä
lammasnahkaturkkeihin kääriytyneenä kuin alastomana tähtösenä
loistaa kylmänkorkealla taivaalla.

Iltakellot olivat vaienneet. Koko kylässä ei ollut kadulla ketään

muita kuin vanha suntio, joka kiirehti tornista kotiin. Lumi kirskui
hänen jalkojensa alla; eivät edes koirat haukkuneet, joko siksi, että
ne jo tunsivat kulkijan, tai siksi että olivat liian laiskoja aukomaan
kitojaan sellaisella pakkasella.

Kuinka onnellista oli sentään istua tuollaisena aikana lämpimässä

tupasessa! Ja kuinka onnellinen oli se, jonka ei tarvinnut tuvassa
yksin istua, vaan lämmitellä mukavasti omaistensa ympäröimänä!

Monta tällaista onnellista oli kylässä, mutta kukaan ei tuntenut

itseään herra Peter Pergötä onnellisemmaksi. Hän ei olisi ansainnut
jumalansiunausta, jollei hän olisi ollut tyytyväinen. Hänet yhteen
luettuna istui katetussa pöydässä yhdeksän henkeä, mieluisan
lämpimässä tuvassa.

Illallinen tuotiin esille. Ensimäisenä istui vanha Peter Pergö, hänen

rinnallaan hänen rakas elinkumppalinsa, vasemmalla Michel, heidän
poikansa, ja tämän pikku poika, kahdeksanvuotias Peter. Toisella
puolella oli kolme istujaa. Ensimäisenä istui yhdeksänvuotias Katri,
kolmantena kuusivuotias Rosa ja molempien välissä lasten äiti,
Michelin vaimo. Pöydän loppupäähän oli katettu palvelijoille:
palvelustyttö Pannille ja renki Ferkolle.
Kun talonemäntä oli tuonut liemen pöydälle, nousivat kaikki
ruokarukoukseen. Lapset lausuivat sen kovaan, täysikasvaneet
hiljaa itsekseen; sitten istuutuivat kaikki jälleen syömään.

Äkkiä kuului portti aukenevan, koirat alkoivat haukkua ja lapsen

ääni huusi: "Olkaa hyvä, tulkaa, se tahtoo purra minua."

"Kuka siellä on?" huusi Michelin rouva.

"Etkö tunne ääntä, äitiseni? Kummi Andreas Risin Steffin", sanoi


"Tosiaankin, hän se on", vastasi äiti. — "Kiiruhda ulos Panni, ja tuo

poika sisään."

Panni nousi nopeasti, mutta yhtä nopeasti Ferkokin.

"Kuules, Ferko!" huusi Michel.

"Mitä käskette, herra?"

"Istu vaan, poikaseni", vastasi Michel leikkisästi. "Miksi täytyy

teidän molempien vaivautua! — Liika sukkela poika, Ferkoseni!
Kuinka pian olisikaan hän ollut siellä, painaakseen ulkona Pannin
sydämelleen. Heitä veikkonen! Hänhän ei rakasta sinua

"O-ho, hän rakastaa minua, tiedän sen paremmin!" ajatteli Ferko,

istuessaan taas paikalleen, punastuneena, koska hänen isäntänsä
oli arvannut syyn hänen palvelusintoonsa.

Samassa palasi Panni pojan kera.

"Mitä kuuluu, poika?" kysyttiin häneltä.

Hengästyneenä vastasi tämä;

"Terveisiä rakkaalta isältä kummi herralle ja kummi rouvalle ja

vanhalle kummi herralle ja vanhalle kummi rouvalle. Voisitteko tulla
meille illalliselle, meillä on tappajaiskeittoa."

"Onko teillä sika teurastettu?" kysyi talon rouva.

"Kyllä, kummi rouva. Se painoi kahdeksankymmentä sentneriä ja

yhden naulan."

"Kentiesi yhden sentnerin ja kahdeksankymmentä naulaa?"

"Se on samantekevä!" vastasi poikanen. "Hännän olen jo syönyt.

Mutta äiti näpähytti minua niin kovasti sormille, että vieläkin tekee

"Aivan oikein herkkusuulle!" huomautti pikku Peter, "minä en

koskaan herkuttele."

"Etpä varmaan! vastasi" loukkaantunut Steff; "entäs silloin, kun

tartuit hunajavanukkaaseen kiinni, aha?"


"Niinkuin ei hän sitä tietäisi? Pääsiäisenä."

"Jouluna on tapana keittää hunajavanukasta", oikaisi Katri


"No, poikaseni!" sanoi talonrouva sovitellen. "Molemmat olette te

hyviä lapsia, toinen toistaan parempia. Älkää nyt tarttuko toisianne
tukkaan. Kerro, Steff, kummi rouvan, meidän kiittävän kutsusta,
mutta me olemme jo syöneet illallisen."
"Se ei käy päinsä", vastasi poika, "sillä isä kielsi minua ennen
lähtemästä, ennenkuin te tulette mukaan. Hän ei sanonut alkavansa
ilman teitä syömistä, vaikka hänen pitäisi odottaa aamuun asti."

"Mitä me siis teemme?" kysyi Michelin rouva.

"Menkää vaan", sanoi vanha Peter; "myöskin sinä, äitimuori voit

mennä mukaan, minä jään tänne lasten kanssa."

"Ei, ukkoseni", vastasi hänen rouvansa; "sinä menet ja minä jään.

Tiedäthän, että olin viimeksi hääkemuissa."

"Mutta siellähän olimme molemmat. Etkö muista, aarteeni?"

Molemmat vanhukset vaihtoivat monta sanaa siitä, kumpi oli

viimeksi ollut hääpidoissa, kumpi menisi nyt tappajaiskeitolle, kumpi
jäisi kotiin; lopuksi sopivat he, että mummo meni mukaan, ukkovaari
sitävastoin jäisi kotiin poikansa lasten kanssa. Sillaikaa kun lähtijät
kietoutuivat lammasnahkaturkkeihinsa, veti pikku Steff pikku Katrin
syrjään ja kuiskasi hänelle: "Entä sinä, Katri, etkö sinä tulekaan?"

"En voi; minun täytyy viedä Rosa vuoteelle, kun häntä käy

"Mikä vahinko! Olisin ollut paljon enemmän mielissäni. Jos tulet

mukaan niin tanssimme. Luulen että mustalainen tulee myös sinne."

"Olehan huoletta, Steff, mehän saamme kyllä häissämme tanssia


"Aivan niin, vaan siihen taitaa olla vielä pitkälti; kenties vuosi."

"Oi varmasti, kenties kaksikin. Kuinka vanha olet sinä nyt?"

"Kymmenen vuotta, entä sinä, Katri?"

"Minä olen vasta yhdeksän vanha."

"No, mutta ei meidän kumminkaan tarvinne odottaa kahta vuotta."

"Ehkä ei aivan."

Samassa olivat Michel ja hänen vaimonsa pukeutuneet turkkeihin,

isoäiti taas oli kääritty kaikella huolella, sitten menivät he; sitä ennen
tarkasti kumminkin vanhus, oliko hänen vaimonsa suojattu hyvin
pakkasta vastaan. Hän rakasti häntä yhtä hellästi kuin
kolmekymmentä vuotta sitten ottaessaan hänet vaimokseen. Panni
meni samalla ulos, sulkemaan portin menijöiden jälkeen; ja Ferko
pujahti hänen perässään odottaakseen kyökissä hänen paluutaan.

Minkä komean parin muodostivatkaan nämä palvelijat! Ferko

tumma, tulinen nuorukainen. Panni suloinen, vaalea tyttö; poika
kaksikymmenvuotias, tyttö kuusitoista. Ja kuinka hyviä, uskollisia ja
työtelijäitä olivat molemmat! Isäntäväki rakasti heitä kuin omia
lapsiaan. He saisivat vuodetarpeita niin paljon kuin tahtoisivat,
myöskin vasikan; eikä hääkustannuksiakaan heidän itsensä tarvinnut
suorittaa. —

Kyökissä paloi vielä valkea aivankuin olisi siellä vielä illallinen

kiehumassa. Ferko nojasi uunia vasten ja kun tyttö palasi, kuiskasi
hän hänelle:

"Rakas Panni, tule luokseni."

"Miksi?" — kysyi tyttö samallalailla kuiskaten.

"Tuvassahan on kyllin lämmin."

"Mutta täällä on parempi. Tule, kun pyydän sinua koko

sydämestäni, taivas siunatkoon sinua siitä. — No! — Mutta vielä
hiukan lähemmäksi. — Katso minua nyt silmiin, mutta rohkeasti
ilman pelkoa. — Näetkös, minä en ole ujo. — Etkö siis tahdo katsoa
silmiin?" — Hän puhui niin hartaasti, ettei tyttö voinut kauvemmin
vastustaa hänen pyyntöään. Hän katsoi häneen, mutta painoi
kumminkin pian taas silmänsä alas. Ferko oli hurmaantunut;
silmänräpäyksessä oli hän kietaissut oikean kätensä tytön kaulaan,
vasemmalla tarttui hän hänen pyöreään poskeensa ja suuteli hänen
pientä punasuutansa ja hänen suuria, sinisiä silmiään monesti,
monesti. Panni vaaleni, sitten punastui hän jälleen ja muutama suuri
kyynel vieri hänen poskelleen. Tuskaisesti kysyi nuorukainen.

"Miksi itket, ruususen? Olenko tehnyt sinulle pahaa?"

"Et", vastasi tyttö, "et ole tehnyt minulle mitään pahaa."

"Miksi sinä sitten itket?"

"Koska niin suuresti rakastan!"

Ferko, tulipoika, tahtoi häntä jälleen syleillä, mutta tyttö pujahti

pois ja avasi tuvan oven, jossa vanha Peter poikansa lasten kanssa
lopetteli illallista.

"Tule vaan tänne tyttö!" sanoi vanhus sisäänastuvalle. "Mutta

missä on

"Olen täällä, herra!" huusi tämä, ja astui nyt samaten tupaan. "Olin
vaan hevosille hiukan heiniä heittämässä."
Vasta sitten, kun oli jo puhunut, huomasi Ferko valehdelleensa. Se
koski häneen, mutta hän ei uskaltanut ottaa sanaansa enää takaisin
ja rauhotti omaatuntoaan ajattelemalla, ettei tuollaisesta pikku
valheesta toki Jumala voine rangaista. Kelpo nuorukainen! Kuinka
paljon onkaan sellaisia, jotka paljon suuremmista valheista eivät
tunne katumusta.

Illallisen jälkeen otti vanha talonherra raamatun kaapista, veti

silmälasit esille, asetti ne nenälleen ja luki tarkkuudella sivun
toisensa jälkeen. Katri koetti nukuttaa Rosaa, pikku Peter leikki
lattialla maissijyvien kanssa. Panni meni kyökkiin korjaamaan ruuan
tähteitä, Ferko taas talliin syöttämään ja juottamaan hevosia ja

Kun palvelijat olivat lopettaneet työnsä, ottivat he esille tavallisen

iltatehtävänsä, maissin puhdistuksen. Kumpikin asettui matalalle
jakkaralle, jonka päähän oli lyöty veitsenterä, jota käytettiin
maissintähkien jyvittämiseen. Olisi voinut luulla, että tämän työn
nopeasta joudunnasta oli luvattu palkinto, niin sukkelaan se kävi.
Mutta siitä huolimatta eivät he olleet ollenkaan niin suuresti
kiintyneet työhön, etteivät olisi joutaneet vaihtamaan silmäyksiä
keskenään, Jumala paratkoon!

"Isäntä, miksi pilaatte silmänne tuolla lukemisella?" sanoi pitkän

vaitiolon jälkeen Ferko. Mestari Peter kohotti hitaasti katseensa
kirjasta ja kysyi Ferkoon kääntyen:

"Mitä sanot, poikaseni?"

"Kysyn, miksi isäntä tärvelee silmänsä lukemisella. Kirjaimethan

ovat niin pienet, että kolme niitä tuskin vastaa vähäpätöisintä täplää."
"Aivan oikein, Ferko! Mutta mitäpä tekee, kun on vielä liian
aikainen mennä levolle."

"Kertokaa jotain, isäntä, sehän sopii. Silloin eivät silmänne rasitu

ja meiltä kuluisi aika paljon pikemmin."

"Oi rakas isoisä, kerro jotain!" huudahti Katri ja alkoi vanhusta

mielitellä ja pyytää että hän kertoisi, vaan kertoisi.

Mestari Peter Pergö ei ollut liian kova, mielellään täytti hän tuon
yhteisen pyynnön. Hänen oli sitten tapanaan kysyä, mitä hänen
pitäisi kertoa: Haltijattaresta, peukalonpituisesta Hannusta, kolmesta
kuninkaanpojasta, rautanenästä vai muusta sellaisesta; tätä kaikkea
taisi hän.

"Odottakaas, lapset", sanoi ukkovaari hetken mietittyään.

"Tahdonpa nyt kerrankin kertoa teille elämäkertani. Se ei ole niin
kirjava kuin tuo haltijatarsatu, mutta sensijaan on se ehkä paljon
arvokkaampi, sillä se on tosi, ettekä te ole vielä koskaan kuulleet
sitä. — Eikö niin?"

"Niin, niin!" huusivat kaikki.

Vanhus riisui saappaansa, sytytti lyhyehkön piippunysänsä ja

istuutui uunipenkille. Nuorimman lapsenlapsensa otti hän syliinsä,
molemmat toiset nojasivat häneen kahden puolen. Panni ja Ferko
jatkoivat työtänsä. Maissijyvät vierivät sitä varten asetettuun säkkiin,
suuri seinäkello naksutteli hauskasti tiktakkiaan, öljylamppu lieskui
savuten. — Kaikki kuuntelivat ukkovaaria, joka nyt alkoi:

"Siitä on jo kauvan, kauvan, kun se tapahtui, jonka tahdon nyt

teille, lapset, kertoa; sillä minä olin silloin kahdenkolmatta vuotias ja
olen jo aikoja sitte kulkenut yli kuudenkymmenen. Tuohon aikaan
viljeltiin vielä sitä maata, mihin nyt haudataan. Ja nyt viljellään siellä
mihin silloin haudattiin. En ollut erilaisempi muita kylän poikia,
minäkään — mutta mitäpä sanonkaan! Olin kahdenkolmatta vanha.
Totta tosiaan olisin silloin hävennyt ryömiä uunin nurkkaan, kuten
nyt; mutta älkää naurako! Aika tulee teillekin."

Tässä keskeytti mestari Peter puheensa, sillä ulkoa koputettiin

ikkunaan ja heikko, vapiseva ääni rukoili:

"Olkaa armeliaita ja laskekaa minut sisään; kylmää!"

"Kuka siellä?" kysyi Ferko.

"Vanha kerjäläisraukka", kuului ääni taas.

"Mene, Panni", sanoi ukkovaari, "työnnä salpa syrjään ja päästä

Jumalan nimessä onneton sisälle."

Panni päästi kerjäläisen sisälle. Hän oli ryysyinen, vanha mies,

joka lisäksi vielä ontui. Hän oli aivan kylmän kohmettama; hänen
silmäripsiinsä oli jäätynyt kyyneleitä, jotka myrsky oli pusertanut
hänen silmistään; hiuksilla ja parralla törrötti jääpuikkoja. Hän oli
paljain päin ja kenkien sijasta peittivät oljet hänen jalkojaan. Mestari
Peter antoi hänen ottaa paikan lähellä uunia ja Panni toi esille
joitakin ruuan jäännöksiä. Mielellään suotiin hänelle täällä yösija.

Sitten jatkoi vanhus kertomustaan, tahi paremmin sanoen, hän

alkoi sen uudestaan. Kerjäläinenkin kuunteli tarkkaavaisesti hieman
syötyään ja lämmiteltyään. —

"Olin renkinä eräällä rikkaalla herralla. Kelpo herra, rauha hänelle!

Mutta hänen poikansa oli heittiöiden esikuva. Onnettomaksi tunsi
itsensä jokaisen kauniin tytön isä ja kauniin vaimon mies, sillä tuo
jumalaton nuori herra koetti turmella jokaisen. Eikä kukaan
uskaltanut valittaa, sillä kuka sen teki, hänen kävi vielä huonommin.
Mitäpä ei mahtava herra voisikaan aseetonta kansaraukkaa kohtaan!
Mutta ei palvelusväelläkään ollut siellä hyvä olla. Hän piinasi heitä
kaikin tavoin; ja jollei kaikki käynyt hiuskarvalleen hänen mielensä
mukaan, annatti hän heille raippoja tahi pani heidät kaakinpuihin.
Palvelusväki vaihtuikin joka kolmas kuukausi; en minäkään olisi
jäänyt kauvemmaksi, mutta minua pidätti tärkeä syy, joka poisti
kaiken arvelemisen. Isoäiti, lapset, palveli myös siellä ja me
rakastimme toisiamme jo silloin täydestä sydämestämme. Hänellä ei
ollut mitään valittamista, sillä hän oli kaunis tyttö ja sentähden suosi
nuori herrakin häntä. Isoäiti ei huomannut ollenkaan syytä hänen
suosimiseensa, sillä muuten olisi hän kyllä etsinyt toisen
palveluspaikan. Vihdoin tunnusti nuori herra hänelle rakkautensa ja
kysyi: 'No, Julia, rakastatko sinäkin minua?' Julia vastasi, ettei hän
rakastanut häntä vähintäkään.

"'Tiedätkös, lapsi', puheli nuori herra edelleen, 'korotan palkkasi

kahdenkertaiseksi ja annan vielä etukäteen punaisen kenkäparin,
jollaisia kreivittäret käyttävät, mutta rakastaa täytyy sinun minua!'

"'Älkää luvatko suotta, minä en rakasta teitä.'

"'Miksi sitten?'

"'Siksi, kun te olette rikas herra ja minä köyhä palvelustyttö. Mutta

vaikkapa olisi toisinkin, en sittenkään voisi herraa rakastaa, koska
rakastan jo toista. Ymmärrättekö?'

"'Toista? Ketä?'

"'Mutta kuka on tuo joku?'

"'Sitä en sano.'



"Kaikin mokomin tahtoi nuori herra tietää, kuka hänen

rakastettunsa oli, mutta hän ei tahtonut sitä mistään hinnasta
tunnustaa ja siihen se jäi. Nuori herra teeskenteli nyt täydellisintä
välinpitämättömyyttä, mutta salaa hiipi hän hänen perässään,
saadakseen vihiä asiasta.

"Eräänä iltana — muistan sen kuin olisi se ollut eilen, — heitin

juuri rehuja lehmille, Julia lypsi lehmää, senkin muistan vielä, mikä
lehmä se oli.

"Pienen käyräsarven, sen polttomerkin muistan vielä. Sen

vasemmassa reidessä oli H. L. Vähän ennen oli armollinen herra
ostanut sen yhdessä suuren härän kanssa; molemmat olivat niin
samankaltaisia kuin olisivat ne olleet syntyisin samoista
vanhemmista. — Siis Juliani lypsäessä käyräsarvea, astuin äkkiä
hänen vierelleen ja sanoin:


"Hän jatkoi työtään, ikäänkuin ei olisi ollenkaan kuullut minua.

Silloin johtui mieleeni näpätä häntä herrasihmisten tavoin poskelle;
niin, hänen kasvonsa olivat silloin aivan toisenlaiset kuin nyt, ne
muistuttivat puhkeavaa ruusua. Tosiaankin! — Nyt eivät ruusutkaan
ole enää niin kauniit kuin ne olivat ennen; minusta ainakin näyttää
siltä. — Kuten sanottu, näppäsin häntä poskelle ja toistin vielä


"Silloin kääntyi hän ja vastasi:

"'Oletteko se te, Peter? En tiennyt ollenkaan, että olette täällä.'

"Piru, eikö hän tiennyt sitä! Kun olin kolmannessa naapuritalossa,

etsiskeli hän minua uteliaana. Mutta sehän nyt on kerta tyttöjen tapa:
he tahtovat meitä aina uskotella, pienimmistäkin murheistaan
huolehtivat he aina enemmän kuin meistä. — No sanos Panni eikö
se ole niin? — Hä!

"Pikku Panni loi hämillään silmänsä alas ja vastasi punastuen:

"'Ei, ei suinkaan!'

"Ferko sitävastoin ajatteli: 'Hyväpä, että tuon tiedän!'

"Vanha herra jatkoi taas puhettaan:

"'Sitten kysyin Julialta, tietäisikö hän, mitä minä ajattelin; hän

vastasi, ettei hän tiennyt sitä, koskei hän voinut sitä tietää.'

"'Sinähän osaat vaan rakastaa, eikö niin?' vastasin minä. —

'Tahdon sanoa siis sen sinulle! Minulle johtui tuossa mieleen, kuinka
somalta näyttäisi, kun lypsäisit meidän lehmäämme tai lehmiämme.
Antaneehan hyvä Jumala meille toki enempi kuin yhden lehmän; hän
auttaa kyllä kelpo ihmisiä.'
"Julia ei vastannut siihen mitään, huokasi vaan, mutta ei
murheellisesti, mikä näytti minusta hyvältä merkiltä. Kumarruin alas
hänen puoleensa — hänellä oli juuri maitokiulu kädessään — ja
tahdoin suudella häntä, mutta arvelin, että hän kentiesi suuttuu siitä;
siksi kuiskasin vaan hänen korvaansa:

"'Oi, sinä maailman kaunein kukka!'

"Mutta sitten kun lehmät oli lypsetty ja hän aikoi lähteä navetasta,
en voinut enää pidättäytyä sanomasta hänelle: 'Sananen, Julia, jos
rakastat minua!'

"Hän seisoi jo kynnyksellä ja minä puhuin jotenkin kovaan:

"'Oi, suloinen kyyhkyni, kunpa kerran olisit vaimoni! Silloin meille

vasta maailma aukenee. — Eikö niin, Julia! Tulen iltaisin väsyneenä
kotiin ja sanon: Syleile minua, rakas lapsi! Näytähän toki, näytähän
kuinka teet sen sitten! Pyydän sinua niin kauniisti.'

"Mitä olisi voinut raukka tehdä muuta — hän syleili minua. — Se

oli aivan oikein ja hyvin kauniisti, mutta siitä sai myöskin kolmas
tiedon ja tämä kolmas oli nuori herra.

"'No pienoseni', sanoi hän Julialle, 'tiedän jo, ketä rakastat, vaikket
tahtonutkaan ilmaista sitä.'

"Hän sanoi tämän hymyillen; mutta löytyy hymyjä, joita ihmiset

pelkäävät kuin ukonjyrinää, ja nuori herra hymyili sitä hymyä. Pian
selveni se meille, mutta me saimme täydellä syyllä pelätä tätä

"Jo seuraavana päivänä alkoi kurjuus.

"Nuori herra käski minua niittämään heiniä niityllä ja tuomaan
sitten ruskon ja valakan kotiin. Tein niin. Kun nyt purin pihassa
heinäkuormaa, karkasi nuori herra kimppuuni kuin hullu koira ja
huusi, mitä minä teen.

"Sanoin, että olin tuonut heiniä kotiin.

"'Kuka sinun on käskenyt sitä tekemään, sinä kaakinpuuhun

pantava?' ärjyi hän.

"'Armollinen herra itse', vastasin.

"'Uskallatko sinä minulle sitä sanoa, tallirenki! Odotahan hetkinen.

Enkö minä käskenyt sinua viemään tiiliä lammastarhaan? — Mitä?'

"'Totisesti ei armollinen herra maininnut siitä sanaakaan, tahdon

vannoa vaikka pyhän valan.'

"'Jopahan minä tarvitsenkin sinun valojasi, heittiö! Tahdon opettaa

sinua kunnioittamaan käskyjä. Pääset kaakinpuuhun ja älä luulekaan
kuuteen tuntiin siitä pois pääseväsi.'

"'Kuten tahdotte, armollinen herra, mutta työt olen tehnyt, niinkuin

on käsketty.'

"Hän jätti minut seisomaan ja pian tuotiin tuo kirottu puu, johon
minut kaulastani ja jaloistani kiinnitettiin. Asetuin siinä tilassa kyökin
oven luo, jossa luulin tuskasta, häpeästä ja mieliharmista kuolevani.
Välistä meni Julia ohitseni; lapsiraukka katsoi minuun niin
tuskaisesti, että sydämeni kärsi vielä enemmän kuin jalkapuussa
olevat jäseneni. Siten istuin siinä kaksinkertaista tuskaa kärsien.
Hitaasti kului aika kuin olisi sen jalkoihin kuormitettu
neljänkymmenen naulan rautapaino. Äkkiä kävin aivan siniseksi,
kasvot sinisiksi, silmät punaisiksi! Ja kun rakas, pikku Juliani sen
näki, alkoi hän itkeä; hän nojautui seinää vasten ja nyyhkytti ja
puhkesi kovaan valitukseen; vihdoin vaipui hän voimatonna viereeni.
Siinä makasi hän nyt enkä minä voinut häntä auttaa, sillä jäseneni
olivat kahlehditut; enpä edes voinut häntä lohduttaen ilahuttaa, sillä
itse olin liiaksi lohdutuksen tarpeessa. Mutta en vielä kuuden
tunninkaan kuluttua päässyt irti kaakinpuusta, sillä avain oli nuoren
herran taskussa ja hän harhaili Jumala tiesi missä.

"Saatuani jälleen vapauteni, kutsuin Julian luokseni ja ilmoitin

hänelle, että jättäisin talon. Hän arveli sen olevan aivan hyvän eikä
hänkään tahtonut viipyä siellä silmänräpäystäkään kauvempaa. Me
saisimme kyllä muuallakin palveluspaikan, sillä Jumalankiitos, me
emme olleet kumpikaan taitamattomat. Ja jos toiselle kävisi
huonosti, jakaisi toinen hänen kanssaan vaikka viimeisen suupalan.
Menimme nyt yhdessä vanhuksen luo, kiitimme tähäsastisesta
hyvyydestä ja ilmotimme eroavamme palveluksesta. Mutta nuori
herrakin oli siellä ja sanoi että minä saisin Jumalan nimeen mennä,
mutta Julian täytyisi vielä jäädä, hän ei päästäisi häntä pois.

"'Kuinka voitte te pidättää minua', sanoi Julia; 'minä en tahdo


"'Tahdotpa tai et, sinä jäät; olet palkkautunut vuodeksi etkä

epämääräiseksi ajaksi.'

"'Onhan Peterkin vuosipalkalla, miksi saa hän mennä?' kysyi tyttö.

"'Kelvottomalla ei ole sijaa minun luonani; tuo menköön, mitä

varemmin sen parempi. Mutta sinä jäät ja täytyy jäädä, semminkin,
kun olet ottanut suuren osan palkastasi. Tahi voitko ehkä maksaa
sen takaisin?'

"'En', vastasi Julia katkerasti.

"Tuon tiesi nuori herra aivan hyvin ja siksi hän sitä kysyikin. Nyt ei
auttanut mikään muu kuin erota. — Vanhus ei puhunut sanaakaan,
hän antoi kaiken käydä, niinkuin nuori herra, hänen ainoa lapsensa,
tahtoi; hän rakasti häntä liiaksi, tehdäkseen jotain vastoin hänen
tahtoaan. Kokoilin kimpsuni ja kampsuni ja kannoin ne
naapuritaloon; vanhempia ja sukulaisia ei minulla ollut, siksi täytyi
minun asua vieraiden tykönä.

"'Ole rohkea vaan, sydänkäpyseni', sanoin Julialle, 'ole rohkea

vaan! Tästä huolimatta näemme me toisemme usein; ja kun vuotesi
on täysi, tahdomme taas samassa paikassa palvella. Siihen saakka
kärsivällisyyttä ja toivoa. Ja nyt Jumalan haltuun!'

"'Missä kohtaamme toisiamme?' kysyi tyttö itkien.

"'Takapihan portilla', vastasin. 'Kun olet tehnyt iltatyösi, niin tule

sinne, odotan sinua siellä.'

"'Hyvä. Mutta minne rupeat sinä palvelukseen?'

"'Sitä en vielä tiedä; löytänenhän toki kylässä jossain paikan.'

"'Älä vaan mene kauvas täältä, muuten kuolen tuskaan.'

"'Ja vaikka minulle luvattaisiin muualla kuninkaan valtakunta, jään

tänne, enkelini! — Jumala kanssasi!'

"Siten erosimme me.

"Naapurissa, johon vein omaisuuteni oli ihmisystävällinen vanha
isäntä, joka pyysi minua sydämellisesti vieraakseen siihen asti,
kunnes menisin taas palvelukseen. — Minä kuljin nyt läpi koko kylän,
menin talonpojalta toiselle, mutta ei kellään ollut nyt juuri renkiä
tarvis; siksi täytyi minun odottaa, kunnes jokin paikka tulisi vapaaksi.
Sopimuksen mukaan yhdyimme joka ilta Julian kanssa. Hän kiirehti,
tehdäkseen nopeammin työnsä, ettei minun tarvitsisi odottaa
kauvan. Ja toivatpa päivät hyvää taikka pahaa tullessaan, olivat illat
ja yöt aina ihania.

"Hyvä Jumala, kuinka onnellinen olikaan aika tuon pikku portin

luona. Jos olisi ollut mahdollista, olisin ostanut tuon talon, ainoastaan
antaakseni kullata tuon pikku portin. Siellä seisoimme me yhdessä,
puhelimme, kuuntelimme toisiamme ja olimme aina, aina onnellisia.
Katselin Julian silmiin ja sitten tähtitaivaalle, mutta ei ainoakaan
niistä loistanut niin kuin tämä silmäpari, joka on jo himmeä kuin tuon
pöytälampun… Kuinka muuttuvainen on ihminen!

"Jos oli paha ilma, peitin minä rakkaani turkillani, siten oli hän
painautuneena rinnalleni ja me tunsimme toistemme sydänlyönnit.
En koskaan elämässäni ole kuullut kauniimpaa musiikkia. Kun
erosimme huusi vartija useinkin jo ensimäistä tuntia puolenyön

"Siten kului kuukauden päivät. Paitsi rakasta Jumalaa, ei

yhtymisestämme tiennyt ainoakaan vieras siihen saakka, kunnes
nuoren herran palvelija sai siitä tiedon. Tästä oli kanteleminen
mieluisin tehtävä. Varokaa itseänne vaan siitä, rakkaat lapset, sillä ei
löydy likaisempaa tekoa kuin tämä on. Kanteleminen on kateen tytär
ja se joka on kade, se ei voi olla rehellinen, ja on vahinko, että
sellainen on syntynytkään; hän saattaa toisille harmia ja sitä ei Luoja
tahdo. Tämä antaa jokaiselle aarteen: voiman olla hyvä, jos vaan
tahdomme. Älkää hukatko tätä aarretta! Sillä se poika, joka on sen
hukannut, kieltää isänsä, osottaa hänelle ovea ja sanoo: 'mene,
minä en tunne sinua!' — Ja voi sitä, josta taivaallinen isä kääntää
armollisen katseensa. Hän on kuivuneen puun kaltainen, joka ei
anna varjoa eikä hedelmiä, ottaa vaan tilaa ja jonka ohitse väsyneet
ja nälkäiset matkustajat kulkevat kiroten. Ja minä sanon teille,
parempi on teidän päästä yhden Jumalan kuin tuhansien ihmisten
suosioon. Olkaa hyviä, jumalaarakastavia, mutta ei
jumalaapelkääviä. Älkää uskoko niitä, jotka opettavat teille, että
Jumalaa täytyy peljätä, sillä sitä emme vilpittömästi rakasta, jota
pelkäämme ja Jumala vaatii meiltä rakkautta…"

Tässä vaikeni vanha Peter ja vaipui mietteisiin; hetkisen kuluttua

kavahti hän ja alkoi taas:

"Mihin jäinkään?… Tosiaan!… Palvelija antoi meidät siis ilmi

nuorelle herralle, joka tuli meidän seuraavalle yhtymisellemme ja
torui tyttöä, etteikö hän hävennyt öiseen aikaan yhtyessään jonkun
miehen kanssa, eikö hän pelännyt turmelevansa hyvän maineensa.

"Julia vastasi, ettei hän peljännyt sitä, sillä minä naisin hänet.

"'Siten se on', sanoin minä; 'Julia tulee vaimokseni.'

"'Sepähän nähdään', vastasi nuori herra.

"'Mikä nähdään? — Kenellä on jotain sitä vastaan?' kysyin minä.


"'Armollinen junkkari? Ja miksi?'

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