Employee Handbook

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How to access Payslips Online

Welcome Onboard!

Access to the E-Payslip portal is available from your first pay date. You will not have access before this

Our E-Payslip platform is compatible with all web browsers and devices.

Access to your payslip is available via Single Sign On. You do not need any login credentials.

You can access the payslips through multiple ways-

Option 1: AtoZ portal –

Here are the steps on how to access your payslips through AtoZ.

Go to https://atoz.amazon.work/Resources/

You will be directed to below page-


Option 2: My ADP portal

Alternatively, your ePayslip can be accessed directly from the “ADP” portal. You need to enroll for
‘MyADP’ access (https://my.adp.com) alongside AtoZ and this will provide you with independent
access to ePayslips. Advise you to enroll for MyADP access alongside AtoZ as ADP offers the functionality
of accessing payslips online even when you are on long term absence.

1.https://my.adp.com (works on multiple browsers) and select Create Account

2. Select I Have A Registration Code

3. Enter registration code for your company under Registration Code as amazonuk-gua09
4. Enter your details. Depending on your service level, Service Name and Document will be “ADP
Freedom” by default, or you will need to select it from the dropdown list.
5. Enter your contact details using a Personal Email address
6. Verify your contact details and select Continue.

7. Please make a note of your user ID and set initial password of your choice. Please read and accept
terms and conditions. Click on Create Your Account.
8. You will see message on your dashboard indicating a successful account creation. You are now ready
to access your ADP Employee self-service portal online using https://my.adp.com

Option 3: Mobile App

As an alternative to the desktop version, you can download the ADP Mobile Solutions app. The app will
also allow you to view and print your most recent 15 payslips on a mobile device.

The ADP Mobile Solutions app is compatible with iPhone (iOS8 and higher) and Android (4.4 and higher)
devices and is available for download in your device’s app store in the UK.

You can register directly on a mobile device via the ADP Mobile Solutions app:

1. Download the free ADP Mobile Solutions app from your app store.
2. You will be greeted with the login page. Click New? Get Started in the bar at the bottom of the
3. A pop-up box will appear and new users should click Yes, I’m sure.
4. You will be directed to a new screen, where you will be asked if you have a registration code.
Select Yes, enter the code amazonuk-gua09 and click Next.
5. You will then be asked to identify yourself using your first name, last name, employee ID, and
date of birth. (To find your employee ID, check Jon Information in Amazon A-Z, or Job Details in
PeoplePortal. Note: This is different from your Payroll ID).
6. On the next screen, you need to provide your primary contact information (email and telephone
contact details). You will also be asked for your permission to be contacted by text, whereby in
future we will be sending you a notification once your ePayslip is ready to view, you should then
click Next.
7. The next screen is where your User ID is displayed, which you should take note of, and where
you must create a password meeting the requirements. Once completed, click to create your
8. Your registration is now complete, and a message to confirm this will appear.

Please note that your device may give you an option to store your User ID and/or password or sign in via
touch ID.

Payslips can be accessed through Inside Amazon, all the monthly paid employees access their payslips
via Inside Amazon.

Login to Inside Amazon-


Go to Employment
Employment ->Getting Paid
This will take you to the ADP SSO landing page and you will be able to access your epayslip.
For more information or questions, speak to your local HR team or contact the ERC on 0808 145 3744
(toll free) or 0207 855 310.

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