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8.1 Relations on Sets

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Example 8.1.1 – The Less-than Relation for Real Numbers

Define a relation L from R to R as follows: For all real

numbers x and y,
x L y ⇔ x < y.

a. Is 57 L 53? b. Is (−17) L (−14)?

c. Is 143 L 143? d. Is (−35) L 1?
e. Draw the graph of L as a subset of the Cartesian plane
R × R.

Example 8.1.1 – Solution
a. No, 57 > 53. b. Yes, −17 < −14.
c. No, 143 = 143. d. Yes, −35 < 1.
e. For each value of x, all the points (x, y) with y > x are on
the graph. So the graph consists of all the points above
the line x = y.

Example 8.1.2 – The Congruence Modulo 2 Relation

Define a relation E from Z to Z as follows: For every

(m, n) ∈ Z × Z,
m E n ⇔ m − n is even.

a. Is 4 E 0? Is 2 E 6? Is 3 E (−3)? Is 5 E 2?
b. List five integers that are related by E to 1.
c. Prove that if n is any odd integer, then n E 1.

Example 8.1.2 – Solution (1/4)
a. Yes, 4 E 0 because 4 − 0 = 4 and 4 is even.

Yes, 2 E 6 because 2 − 6 = −4 and −4 is even.

Yes, 3 E (−3) because 3 − (−3) = 6 and 6 is even.

No, because 5 − 2 = 3 and 3 is not even.

Example 8.1.2 – Solution (2/4) continued

b. There are many such lists. One is

1 because 1 − 1 = 0 is even.
3 because 3 − 1 = 2 is even.
5 because 5 − 1 = 4 is even.
−1 because −1 − 1 = −2 is even.

−3 because −3 − 1 = −4 is even.

Example 8.1.2 – Solution (3/4) continued

c. Proof: Suppose n is any odd integer. Then n = 2k + 1 for

some integer k. Now by definition of E, n E 1 if, and only
if, n − 1 is even.

But by substitution,

n − 1 = (2k + 1) − 1 = 2k,

and since k is an integer, 2k is even. Hence n E 1 [as

was to be shown].

Example 8.1.2 – Solution (4/4) continued

It can be shown that integers m and n are related by E if,

and only if, m mod 2 = n mod 2 (that is, both are even or
both are odd).

When this occurs m and n are said to be congruent

modulo 2.

Example 8.1.3 – A Relation on a Power Set

Let X = {a, b, c}.


Define a relation S from as follows: For all sets A

and B in (that is, for all subsets A and B of X),

A S B ⇔ A has at least as many elements as B.

a. Is {a, b} S {b, c}? b. Is {a} S ?

c. Is {b, c} S {a, b, c}? d. Is {c} S {a}?

Example 8.1.3 – Solution
a. Yes, both sets have two elements.

b. Yes, {a} has one element and has zero elements, and
1 ≥ 0.

c. No, {b, c} has two elements and {a, b, c} has three

elements and 2 < 3.

d. Yes, both sets have one element.

The Inverse of a Relation

The Inverse of a Relation (1/1)
If R is a relation from A to B, then a relation from B to A
can be defined by interchanging the elements of all the
ordered pairs of R.

This definition can be written operationally as follows:

Example 8.1.4 – The Inverse of a Finite Relation

Let A = {2, 3, 4} and B = {2, 6, 8}, and let R be the “divides”

relation from A to B: For every ordered pair (x, y) ∈ A × B,

a. State explicitly which ordered pairs are in R and , and

draw arrow diagrams for R and

b. Describe in words.

Example 8.1.4 – Solution (1/3)
a. R = {(2, 2), (2, 6), (2, 8), (3, 6), (4, 8)}

Example 8.1.4 – Solution (2/3) continued

To draw the arrow diagram for you can copy the

arrow diagram for R but reverse the directions of the

Or you can redraw the diagram so that B is on the left.

Example 8.1.4 – Solution (3/3) continued

b. can be described in words as follows: For every

ordered pair (y, x) ∈ B × A,

y x ⇔ y is a multiple of x.

Example 8.1.5 – The Inverse of an Infinite Relation

Define a relation R from R to R as follows: For every

ordered pair (x, y) ∈ R × R,

Draw the graphs of R and in the Cartesian plane. Is

a function?

Example 8.1.5 – Solution (1/2)
A point (v, u) is on the graph of if, and only if, (u, v) is on
the graph of R.

Note that if x ≥ 0, then the graph of is a

straight line with slope 2.

And if x < 0, then the graph of y = = 2(−x) = −2x is a

straight line with slope −2.

Example 8.1.5 – Solution (2/2) continued

Some sample values are tabulated and the graphs are

shown below.

is not a function because, for instance, both (2, 1) and

(2, −1) are in
Directed Graph of a Relation

Directed Graph of a Relation (1/2)

When a relation R is defined on a set A, the arrow diagram

of the relation can be modified so that it becomes a
directed graph.

Instead of representing A as two separate sets of points,

represent A only once, and draw an arrow from each point
of A to each related point.

Directed Graph of a Relation (2/2)
As with an ordinary arrow diagram,

Example 8.1.6 – Directed Graph of a Relation

Let A = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} and define a relation R on A as

follows: For every x, y ∈ A,

Draw the directed graph of R.

Example 8.1.6 – Solution (1/2)
Note that 3 R 3 because 3 − 3 = 0 and since 0 = 2 · 0.
Thus there is a loop from 3 to itself. Similarly, there is a loop
from 4 to itself, from 5 to itself, and so forth, since the
difference of each integer with itself is 0, and

Note also that 3 R 5 because 3 − 5 = −2 = 2 · (−1). And 5 R

3 because 5 − 3 = 2 = 2 · 1. Hence there is an arrow from 3
to 5 and also an arrow from 5 to 3.

Example 8.1.6 – Solution (2/2) continued

The other arrows in the directed graph, as shown below,

are obtained by similar reasoning.

N-ary Relations and Relational

N-ary Relations and Relational Databases (1/1)

A special group of relations, called n-ary relations, form the

mathematical foundation for relational database theory.
Just as a binary relation is a subset of a Cartesian product
of two sets, an n-ary relation is a subset of a Cartesian
product of n sets.

Example 8.1.7 – A Simple Database (1/6)

The following is a radically simplified version of a database

that might be used in a hospital. Let A1 be a set of positive
integers, A2 a set of alphabetic character strings, A3 a set of
numeric character strings, and A4 a set of alphabetic
character strings. Define a quaternary relation R on A1 × A2
× A3 × A4 as follows:

(a1, a2, a3, a4) ∈ R ⇔ a patient with patient ID number a1,

named a2, was admitted on date a3,
with primary diagnosis a4.

Example 8.1.7 – A Simple Database (2/6)

At a particular hospital, this relation might contain the

following 4-tuples:
(011985, John Schmidt, 020719, asthma)
(574329, Tak Kurosawa, 011419, pneumonia)
(466581, Mary Lazars, 010319, appendicitis)
(008352, Joan Kaplan, 112419, gastritis)
(011985, John Schmidt, 021719, pneumonia)
(244388, Sarah Wu, 010319, broken leg)
(778400, Jamal Baskers, 122719, appendicitis)

Example 8.1.7 – A Simple Database (3/6)

In discussions of relational databases, the n-tuples are

normally thought of as being written in tables.

Each row of the table corresponds to one n-tuple, and the

header for each column gives the descriptive attribute for
the elements in the column.

Operations within a database allow the data to be

manipulated in many different ways.

Example 8.1.7 – A Simple Database (4/6)

For example, in the database language SQL, if the above

database is denoted S, the result of the query
Admission_Date = 010319
would be a list of the ID numbers and names of all patients
admitted on 01-03-19:
466581 Mary Lazars
244388 Sarah Wu

Example 8.1.7 – A Simple Database (5/6)

This is obtained by taking the intersection of the set A1 × A2

× {010319} × A4 with the database and then projecting onto
the first two coordinates.

Similarly, SELECT can be used to obtain a list of all

admission dates of a given patient. For John Schmidt this
list is

Example 8.1.7 – A Simple Database (6/6)

Individual entries in a database can be added, deleted, or

updated, and most databases can sort data entries in
various ways.

In addition, entire databases can be merged, and the

entries common to two databases can be moved to a new


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