Report-11245702968 KUSHALTHAPA CUS13779 10jun2024 203121

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Master. KUSHAL THAPA Reference: Dr.

AMDA HOSPITAL VID: 11245702968

.. Sample Collected At: Registered On:
M/s N.p.l. Kathmandu
10/06/2024 08:31 PM
Shangrila Building, Opp. Tutu,
PID NO: P11240010577 Maharajgunj-3kathmandu 44600 Collected On:
Age: 9 Month(s) Sex: Male Processing Location:- Metropolis 10/06/2024
Healthcare Ltd,Unit No409-416,4th Reported On:
Floor,Commercial Building-1,Kohinoor
Mall,Mumbai-70 10/06/2024 10:01 PM

Investigation Observed Value Unit Biological Reference Interval

Factor IX Activity 64 % 1 Day : 35-56
(Citrated plasma) 3 Day : 44-97
Upto 1 year : 43-121
Test done on Fully Automated Coagulometer (Clotting).

This test is used for determining the functional activity of coagulation factor IX. It is indicated as follows :

1) For clarifying the cause of a raised PTT (partial thromoplastin time)

2) For diagnosis of an acquired or congential factor deficiency state.
• Haemophilia B
• Hypovitaminosis k (treatment with Vitamin K antagonists, nutritional Intake deficiency, disorder in absorption or metabolism
of vitamin K (Haemorrhagic disease of new born, cholestasis, treatment with Antibiotics)
• Liver Failure
- Cirrhosis
- Hepatitis
• The Factor IX Level is decreased in case of new presence of Factor IX Inhibitor.

-- End of Report --

Tests marked with NABL symbol are accredited by NABL vide Certificate no MC-2139; Validity till 01-06-2024

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M.D. Pathologist
HOD Haematology
Reg No.2009/09/3391

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