Wings of Chemistry 2 3 Marks Only

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Wings of Chemistry
Important Questions(2,3 Marks)
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Higher Secondary Second Year Chemistry Public Examination March-2024
Two and three mark questions
Lesson: 1. Metallurgy

S.N Questions and Answers completion

1. What is the difference between minerals and ores?
mineral mineral
Naturally occuring substances
Minerals that contain high
obtained by mining which contain the
percentage of metal from which it
metals in free state or in the form of
can be extracted conveniently and
compounds like oxides, sulphides etc.
economically are called ores.
are called minerals.
All the minerals are not ores All the ores are minerals
Mineral of Al is Bauxite
Ore of Al is Bauxite
and Clay
2. What are the various steps involved in extraction of pure metals from their
1. Concentration of the ore.
2. Extraction of crude metal.
3. Refining of crude metal
3. Explain the following with appropriate examples. Gangue (mineral waste), Slag
Gangue: The Rocky Nonmetallic impurity associated with ore.
Slag:The fusible product formed when flux react with gangue.
. CaO + SiO₂→ CaSiO3
4. Which type of ores can be concentrated by froth flotation method? Give two
examples for such ores.
Sulphide ores can be concentrated by froth flotation method.
Eg. Galena(PbS) and zinc blend (ZnS).
5. What is the role of limestone in the extraction of iron from its oxide Fe2O3?
1. Lime stone (CaCO3) is used as a basic flux
2.It combines with impurities (SiO₂) to form slag and remove impurities.
6. Explain the principle of electrolysis with an example.
Cathode : Pure Silver
Anode: Impure silver
Electrolyte : An acidic silver nitrate solution
Cathode: Ag→ Ag+ + e Anode: Ag+ + e-→ Ag
During electrolysis, pure metal is deposited in the cathode.
Impurities remain at the bottom of the Anode. (Anode impurities).
7. Describe a method for refining Nickel.. (Mond method)
Ni + 4 CO → Ni (CO)4 (350K)
Ni (CO)4 → Ni + 4 CO (460K)
8. Write about the purification of zirconium/ titanium in van Argal process.
Ti + 2 I2 → TiI4 ( 550K)
TiI4 → Ti + 2 I2 (1800K)
9. Write short note on electrochemical principles of metallurgy.
1. It is not possible to reduce the oxides of reactive metals such as sodium and
potassium with carbon.
2. Such elements are extracted from their ores by electrochemical methods.
ΔG° = -nFE°
n=number of electrons, F = faraday and E = Emf


If ΔG is negative and E is positive then the reaction is spontaneous

10. What is the use of silica in copper extraction?

Acidic silica is used to remove the alkaline iron oxide (FeO) mineral waste
present in copper.
FeO + SiO2→FeSiO3
What is the use of sodium cyanide in froth flotation method?
As a reducing agent to remove the foaming nature of zincsulphide in galina ore.
11. Define Calcination
The ore is heated in the absence of oxygen in a furnace. The water molecules
are removed as moisture.
CaCO3 → CaO + CO2
12. Give the basic requirements for vapor phase refining
The metal should form a volatile compound with the reagent.
The volatile compound decomposes to give the pure metal

Lesson: 2.P Block Elements -I

S.N Questions and Answers completion

13. What is catenation ? Describe briefly the catenation property of carbon.
➢ Catenation is an ability of an element to form chain of atoms.
➢ Valency of element is greater than or equal to two,
➢ Ability to bond with itself
➢ Self bond must be strong
➢ Kinetic inertness of catenated compound

14. Write a short note on anamolous properties of the first element of p-block.
1. Small size
2. High ionisation enthalpy and high electronegativity
3. Absence of d-orbitals.
15. Write down the uses of boric acid
1. Antiseptic, ophthalmic medicine 2.Food processer,
3. Glossy earthen pots, enamel.

16. Give the uses of Borax.

➢ To identify coloured metal ions.
➢ Acts as preservative.
➢ To manufacture optical and borosilicate glass, enamels.
➢ As flux in metallurgy.
17. What are the uses of Potash Alum
1. For purification of water
2. For water proofing and textiles
3. In dyeing, paper and leather tanning industries
4. Employed as a styptic agent to arrest bleeding.
18. What are the differences between graphite and diamond?
Graphite diamond
1. Soft Very hard
2. Sp2 hybridised carbon atoms Sp3 hybridised carbon atom
3.C-C bond length is 1.41 A° C-C bond length is 1.54 A°
4. Conducts electricity Does not conduct electricity


5. It is used as a lubricant. Used to cut glass
19. Write a note on the metallic nature of p-group elements.
The ability of an element to lose an electron and form a positive ion
Group Non-metal Metalloid metal
13 - B Al, Ga, And, TI
14 C Yes, Ge Sn, Pb
15 N, P As, Sb Two
16 O, S, Se Tea After
17 All - -
18 All - -
20. Give the structure of CO and CO2

Lesson: 3.P Block Elements -II

S.N Questions and Answers completion

21. Write the preparation of Bleaching powder
Ca(OH)2 + Cl2 → CaOCl2 + H2O
Chlorine gas + dried calcium hydroxide → Bleaching powder
22. What are inter halogen compounds? Give examples
Each halogen combines with other halogens to form a series of compounds
called inter halogen compounds.
Ex : IF7.
23. Give the uses of helium
1. It is used to fill balloons floating in the air.
2.Used in cryogenic technology.
3. It is used to welding of metals.
Lesson: 4. Transition and Inner transition elements

S.N Questions and Answers completion

24. Explain variable oxidation states of 3d series elements?
The energy difference between the (n-1)d and ns orbitals is very small.
25. What are interstitial compounds?
Compounds formed by the presence of small atoms such as H, B, C or N in
the interstitial holes in a metal lattice are called interstitial compounds. Ex: TiC
26. Why do transition elements form more number of complexes?
➢ Smaller sizes,
➢ High positive charge density.
➢ Availability of low energy vacant orbitals to accept an electron pairs .
27. Which of the following is the most basic Lu(OH)3 and La(OH)3? Why?
La(OH)3 is highly basic. Reason : Lanthanoid contraction.
Lesson: 5.Coordination Chemistry

S.N Questions and Answers completion

28. What are the limitations of the VB theory (valence bond theory)?
1. The colours of the coordination compounds are not explained.


2. It does not explain the magnetic moment.
3. It does not explain the existence of inner orbital and outer orbital complex.
29. What are the differences between double salts and coordination compounds?
Double salts Coordination compound
1. It dissociates into simple ions in Will not dissociate
the solution.
2.Loses individuality Does not lose individuality
3. There are positive and negative There are simple and complex ions
30. Define coordination number
It is the number of ligands that are bonded to the central atom in a
coordination compound.

Lesson: 6.Solid State

S.N Questions and Answers completion

31. Define unit cell
A Basic repeating the structural unit of crystalline solid is called unit cell.
32. What are the characteristics of ionic crystal
1. High melting point
2. It does not conduct electricity in a solid state.
3. Conducts electricity in molten state.
4. They are hard
33. What is meant by Isotropy and Anisotropy?
Isotropy Anisotropy
Isotropy means uniformity in all Not Uniformity in all the direction.
Same physical properties in all Different physical properties in
direction different direction
34. Write about simple cubic, Body centered cubic, Face centered cubic unit cell.

The total number of atoms in a simple cubic unit cell = 1

The total number of atoms in the Body centered cubic unit cell = 2
The total number of atoms in a face centered cubic unit cell = 4
35. Give the Bragg equation
nλ = 2dsinθ
n=order of reflection
λ=wave length of X-ray used for diffraction
d=inter planar distance between two successive planes
θ=angle of diffraction
36. Distinguish between Hexagonal close packing and cubic packing
Hexagonal close packing cubic close packing
1. ABA System ABC System
2. The spheres arranged in the third Does not agree
row resemble the first row.
3. The unit cell of hexagonal close The unit cell of cubic close packing
packing has 6 spheres. has 4 spheres..
37. Distinguish between Tetrahedral and Octahedral voids


Octahedral voids Tetrahedral voids
This void consists of six spheres This void consists of four spheres.
When the centers of these six When the centers of these four spheres
spheres are connected, a Octahedral are connected, a Tetrahedral void is
void is formed. formed.
The number of Octahedral void is n The number of Tetrahedral void is 2n

Lesson: 7. Chemical Kinetics

S.N Questions and Answers completion

38. Write the Arrhenius equation and explain what is contained in it.
K = Ae-Ea/RT
A -Frequency factor, R -Gas constant
Ea- Activation Energy, T -Temperature (in K)
39. What are pseudo first order reactions? Give an example
“In a second order reaction, when one of the reactants concentration is in
excess of the other then the reaction follows a first order kinetics, such
reactions are called Pseudo first order reactions.
Example: Acid hydrolysis of an ester.
40. Define Half-life
The half-life of a reaction is defined as the time required for the reactant
concentration to reach one half its initial value
41. Define Activation energy
The minimum energy required by the molecules to react, and form the products
is called Activation energy.
42. Give the differences between order and molecularity of a reaction.
Order of a reaction Molecularity of a reaction
It is the sum of the powers of It is the total number of reactant
concentration terms involved in the species that are
experimentally determined rate law. involved in an elementary step.
It can be zero (or) fractional It always a whole number, cannot be
(or)integer zero or fractional.
It is assigned for an overall reaction. It is assigned for each elementary
step of mechanism.
43. Give any three examples for the first order reaction.
1. Decomposition of dinitrogen pentoxide
2. Decomposition of Thionyl chloride
3. Decomposition of the Hydrogen peroxide in aqueous solution

Lesson: 8. Ionic equilibrium

S.N Questions and Answers completion

44. Explain arenius theory of acids and bases.
Acid: It dissociates in water to give H+ ion. Ex: HCI
Base: It dissociates in water to give OH- ion. Ex. NaOH
45. Distinguish between Lewis acids and Lewis bases.
Lewis acids Lewis Bases
Electron deficiency molecules. Ex: Electron Rich. Ex: NH3
Metal ions. Ex: Fe²+ All anions. Ex: F-
Carbon cation Ex: (CH3)3C + Carbon anion. Ex: CH3-


They contain Polar double bonds. They contain carbon-carbon double
Ex: CO₂ Bond. Ex:CH=CH
They contain empty D-orbitals.And All metal oxides Ex: CaO
can expand its octet. SiF4
46. Define pH.

pH is defined as the negative logarithm of base 10 of the molar concentration

of the hydronium ionspresent in the solutions.

pH = -log10[H3O+]
47. Explain common ion effect with an example.
When a salt of a weak acid is added to the acid itself, the dissociation of the
weak acid is suppressed further.
Ex: When sodium acetate is added to acetic acid, the dissociation rate of
acetic acid decreases.
48. What is buffer solution? (e.g.) Give.
Buffer solution: Buffer is a solution which consists of a mixture of a weak
acid and its conjugate base (or) a weak base
and its conjugate acid.
Acid buffer solution : Acetic acid + sodium acetate
Basic buffer solution : NH4OH + NH4CI

Lesson: 9.Electrochemistry

S.N Questions and Answers completion

49. What are the factors that affect the conductivity of the electrolyte?
1. As the temperature increases, the conductivity of the electrolyte solution
2. The molar conductivity value of a solution increases during dilution.
3. Conductivity increases when viscosity decreases.
4. A solvent with a high dielectric constant has a higher conductivity.
5. When the interaction between the ions having the opposite charge in the
solute increases, the conductivity decreases.
50. State Kolrash's law
At infinite dilution, the limiting molar conductivity of an electrolyte is equal to
the sum of the
limiting molar conductance of it constitute ions.
E.x.:- NaCl

51. Define equivalent conductivity

The conductance of one gram equivalent of an electrolytic solution is called
Equivalent conductance.
52. State Faraday’s Laws of electrolysis.
First law: The mass of the substance (m) liberated at an electrode during
electrolysis is directly proportional to the quantity of charge (Q) passed
through the cell.
M α Q
Second law: When the same quantity of charge is passed through the solutions
of different electrolytes, theamount of substances liberated at the respective
electrodes are directly proportional to their electrochemical equivalents.
m Z


Lesson: 10.Surface chemistry

S.N Questions and Answers completion

53. Definition : 1. Brownian movement 2. Tyndall effect
1. Brownian movement When a colloidal solutions viewed through Ultra
microscope, continuous bombardment of colloidal solution particles with the
molecules of the dispersion medium can be seen and they show a
random, zigzag, ceaseless motion. This is called Brownian movement
2. Tyndall effect scattering of light by colloidal particles
54. Define : promoters
It is a substance that increases the activity of a catalyst.

Catalyst →Fe
promoters →Mo
55. Make a note : Electro osmosis
movement of dispersion medium under the influence of electric potential is
called electro osmosis.
56. What are the factors that affect adsorption?
Nature of adsorbent, Nature of adsorbate, pressure,temperature

Lesson: 11.Hydroxy compounds and ethers

S.N Questions and Answers completion

57. How can three types of alcohols be classified by the Lucas test?

58. How can glycerol be converted into acrolein?

59. Write the coupling reaction.

60. Write the Riemer Tiemann reaction


61. How will you prepare Phenolphthalein from Phenol (or) Write a note on
Phthalein Reaction

62. How picric acid is prepared.?

63. Write the Schotten – Baumann’s reaction

64. Write the Kolbe’s (or) Schmitt’s reaction

65. Write down the dows process

66. Write a note about Williamson's synthesis.

67. Give the TNG preparation method

68. Write the reaction of the formation of dioxane. (Or) Convert ethan – 1,2 –


diol(Glycol) to 1,4 – dioxane

Lesson: 12.Carbonyl compounds and carboxylic acids

S.N Questions and Answers completion

69. Write the Rossenmund reduction reaction. What is the importance of the
catalyst used in this regard?

70. Write three tests for carboxylic acid functional group.

1. The blue litmus changes the paper to red.
2. Foams with sodium bicarbonate (CO2 releases)
3 . The presence of concentrated H₂SO4 gives a fruit-scented ester with
71. What is Formalin and mention its uses ?
40% aqueous solution of Formaldehyde is called Formalin
Uses : -
Preserving biological specimes
It is used for Tanning
✓ Production of Bakelite.

72. Write preparation of Urotropine and Mention its uses

6HCHO + 4NH3 → (CH2)6N4 + 6H2O
Uses : -
It is used as a medicine to treat urinary infection.
Nitration of Urotropine under controlled condition gives an explosive RDX
73. Describe the reducing property of formic acid

Lesson: 13.Organic Nitrogen Compounds

S.N Questions and Answers completion

74. Write a short note: Mustard oil reaction

75. Aniline does not undergo Fridel – Craft’s Reaction. Why?

Aniline is basic in nature and it donates its pair to the Lewis acid AlCl3 to
form an adduct which inhibits further the electrophilic substitution reaction
76. How is Chloropicrin prepared and mention its use ?


77. Write a note on Gabriel Phthalimide Synthesis

Lesson: 14.Biological molecules

S.N Questions and Answers completion

78. Write the Zwitter ion structure of alanine.

79. Write down any three differences between DNA and RNA.
It is mainly present in nucleus, It is mainly present in cytoplasm,
mitochondria and chloroplast. nucleolus and ribosomes.
It contains deoxyribose sugar. It contains ribose sugar.
Base pair A=T G≡C Base pair A=U C ≡G
Double stranded molecules Single stranded molecules
It’s life time is high It is short lived.
It can replicate itself. It cannot replicate itself.It is formed
from DNA.
80. What is isoelectric point
At a specific pH the net charge of an amino acid is neutral and this pH is
called isoelectric point.
At a pH above the isoelectric point the amino acid will be negatively charged
and positively charged at pH values below the isoelectric point.
81. What are the types of RNA?
1. rRNA 2. tRNA 3. mRNA

Lesson: 15. Chemistry in everyday life

S.N Questions and Answers completion

82. What are antacids? Give examples?
Antacids neutralize the acid in the stomach that causes acidity.
To relieve symptoms such as burning sensation in the chest/ throat area (heart
burns) caused by acid reflux.
(i) Milk of Magnesia,
83. How do antiseptics differ from disinfectants?
Antiseptics Disinfectants
Stop or slow down the growth of Stop or slow down the growth of
micro Organisms. Micro Organisms.
Applied to living tissue Generally used on inanimated objects


Example Example
(i) Hydrogen peroxide (i) Chlorine compounds
84. How Nylon 6,6 is prepared? Give its use. Nylon – 6,6 can be prepared by
mixing equimolar adipic acid and hexamethylene – diamine in equimolar
proportion to form a nylon salt which on heating eliminate a water molecule
to form amide bonds..
85. What are food preservatives?

Preservatives are capable of inhibiting retarding or arresting the process of

acidification or other decomposition of food by growth of microorganisms.

இரண்டு மற்றும் மூன்று மதிப்பெண் வினாக்கள்

Kf;fpa Fwpg;GfSk; gbf;Fk; KiwAk; :

✓ Nkw;fz;l 85 tpdhf;fspy; VNjDk; 25 tpdhf;fSf;Fupa tpilfis KOtijAk; gbj;jhy;>

cWjpahf ehd;F tpdhf;fis nghJj;Nju;tpy; vjpu;ghu;f;fyhk;> Fiwe;jJ 8 kjpgn
; gz;fs;
✓ Nkw;fz;l 85 tpdhf;fspy; cs;s tpilfis KOtijAk; gbj;jhy;> cWjpahf Fiwe;ejJ
7 tpdhf;fis nghJj;Nju;tpy; vjpu;ghu;f;fyhk;> Fiwe;jJ 20 kjpg;ngz;fs; ngwyhk;.
✓ Nkw;fz;l tpdh tpilapy; NtWghLfs; rk;ge;jg;gl;l tpdhf;fspy; Fiwe;jJ xd;iwahtJ
nghJj;Nju;tpy; vjpu;ghu;f;fyhk;.
✓ Ntjpapay; nghJj;Nju;Tf;F ,d;Dk; cs;s; ehl;fspy; Nkw;fz;l tpdh tpilfis ed;F
gbj;J> Gj;jfj;jpy; cs;s xU kjpg;ngz; tpdhf;fis ed;F gbj;jhNy> ey;y
kjpg;ngz;fSld; Ntjpapay; nghJj;Nju;tpy; Nju;r;rp ngw KbAk;.
✓ Nkw;fz;l tpdhf;fs; kl;Lky;yhJ> ghlq;fspy; ePqf ; s; Vw;fdNt gbj;j tpdhf;fis
jpUk;gg;gbj;J jpUg;Gjy; nra;J nfhz;lhy; epr;rakhf mjpf kjpg;ngz;fs; ngw KbAk;.

nghWg;Gj;Jwg;G: Nkw;fz;l tpdhf;fspd; Kf;fpaj;JtkhdJ> ,jw;FKd; eilngw;w

Nju;Tfspy; Nfl;fg;gl;lijg; nghWj;J epu;zapf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. vdNt ,J xU
topfhl;b kl;LNk. ,jpypUe;Jjhd;; Nju;Tf;F tpdhf;fs; Nfl;fg;gLk; vd;W cWjpahf
$w ,ayhJ. vdNt ghlg;Gj;jfj;ij gpujhdkhff;nfhz;L gbf;f Ntz;Lk;.
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