Astm-D7336 D7336M
Astm-D7336 D7336M
Astm-D7336 D7336M
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D7336/D7336M − 22
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter- E177 define terms relating to statistics. In the event of a
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. conflict between terms, Terminology D3878 shall have prece-
1.6 This international standard was developed in accor- dence over the other terminologies.
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard- NOTE 1—If the term represents a physical quantity, its analytical
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the dimensions are stated immediately following the term (or letter symbol) in
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom- fundamental dimension form, using the following ASTM standard sym-
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical bology for fundamental dimensions, shown within square brackets: [M]
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. for mass, [L] for length, [T] for time, [θ] for thermodynamic temperature,
and [nd] for non-dimensional quantities. Use of these symbols is restricted
to analytical dimensions when used with square brackets, as the symbols
may have other definitions when used without the brackets.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D30 on
Composite Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D30.09 on
Sandwich Construction. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved May 1, 2022. Published May 2022. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 2007. Last previous edition approved in 2016 as D7336/D7336M – 16. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
DOI: 10.1520/D7336_D7336M-22. the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
slope intersects the displacement/deformation axis rication practices and damage induced by improper specimen
δB = displacement/deflection at which the post-crushing machining are known causes of high data scatter in composites
slope equals the initial chord slope and sandwich structures in general. Important aspects of
δcr = crush stroke sandwich core material specimen preparation that contribute to
∆ = normalized displacement/deflection data scatter include the existence of joints, voids or other core
σcr = average compressive crush stress material discontinuities, out-of-plane curvature/warpage, and
surface roughness.
4. Summary of Test Method 6.2 System Alignment—Non-uniform loading over the sur-
4.1 This test method consists of subjecting a sandwich face of the test specimen may cause premature or uneven
honeycomb core material to a uniaxial compressive force crushing. This may occur as a result from non-uniform
normal to the plane of the face sheets as the honeycomb core thickness, failing to locate the specimen concentrically in the
material would be placed in a structural sandwich construction. fixture, or system or fixture misalignment.
The force is transmitted to the sandwich honeycomb core 6.3 Geometry—Specific geometric factors that affect com-
material using loading platens attached to the testing machine. pressive crush stress and crush stroke include honeycomb core
Compressive force is applied past the initial failure force, such material cell geometry, core material thickness, and specimen
that the honeycomb core material is crushed under continuous shape (square or circular). Thicker specimens are generally
displacement of the loading platens. Force versus loading desirable, as the crush stroke is greater for thick specimens
platen displacement data are recorded and used to determine compared to thin specimens.
the crush stress and crush stroke.
6.4 Pre-Crushing—It is recommended to pre-crush honey-
comb core material specimens prior to test, as historical crush
5. Significance and Use
force versus displacement data for pre-crushed specimens have
5.1 Sandwich honeycomb core materials are used exten- displayed greater uniformity (consistency of the crush force
sively in energy absorption applications, due to their ability to level for varying crush stroke) than have similar data for non
sustain compressive loading while being crushed. Proper pre-crushed specimens. If tests are performed using analog
design of energy absorption devices utilizing sandwich honey- equipment to record force versus displacement data, pre-
comb core materials requires knowledge of the compressive crushing may be necessary to ensure the crush force is recorded
crush stress and crush stroke properties of the honeycomb core on a high sensitivity force scale (if not pre-crushed, the peak
material. force to initially fail the specimen may be substantially higher
7. Apparatus
7.1 Micrometers and Calipers—A micrometer having a flat
anvil interface, or a caliper of suitable size, shall be used. The
accuracy of the instrument(s) shall be suitable for reading to
within 1 % of the sample length and width (or diameter) and
thickness. For typical specimen geometries, an instrument with
an accuracy of 6250 µm [60.010 in.] is desirable for
thickness, length and width (or diameter) measurement.
7.2 Loading Platens—Force shall be introduced into the
specimen using fixed flat platens (58 HRC minimum as
specified in Test Methods E18). One platen may be of the
spherical seat (self-aligning) type, if it is capable of being
locked in a fixed position once the platen has contacted and
aligned with the specimen. The platens shall be well-aligned
(centered with respect to the drive mechanism loading train)
and shall not apply eccentric forces. A satisfactory type of FIG. 1 Platen with Transducer and Rod Setup
apparatus is shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The platen surfaces shall
extend beyond the test specimen periphery. If the platens are
not sufficiently hardened, or simply to protect the platen
surfaces, a hardened plate (with parallel surfaces) can be
inserted between each end of the specimen and the correspond-
ing platen.
7.3 Testing Machine—The testing machine shall be in ac-
cordance with Practices E4 and shall satisfy the following
7.3.1 Testing Machine Configuration—The testing machine
shall have both an essentially stationary head and a movable
7.3.2 Drive Mechanism—The testing machine drive mecha-
nism shall be capable of imparting to the movable head a
FIG. 3 Representative Serrated Plate for Honeycomb Core Material Pre-Crushing (SI Version)
FIG. 4 Representative Serrated Plate for Honeycomb Core Material Pre-Crushing (Inch-Pound Version)
TABLE 1 Recommended Minimum Specimen by Test Method D5229/D5229M; however, if the test requestor
Cross-Sectional Area does not explicitly specify a pre-test conditioning environment,
Minimum no conditioning is required and the test specimens may be
Minimum Cell Size Maximum Cell Size
Cross-Sectional Area
(mm [in.]) (mm [in.])
(mm2 [in.2])
tested as prepared.
— 3.0 [0.125] 625 [1.0] 10.2 The pre-test specimen conditioning process, to include
3.0 [0.125] 6.0 [0.250] 2500 [4.0]
6.0 [0.250] 9.0 [0.375] 5625 [9.0]
specified environmental exposure levels and resulting moisture
content, shall be reported with the test data.
NOTE 3—The term moisture, as used in Test Method D5229/D5229M,
includes not only the vapor of a liquid and its condensate, but the liquid
milling, or grinding. The use of diamond tooling has been itself in large quantities, as for immersion.
found to be extremely effective for many material systems.
Record and report the specimen cutting preparation method. 10.3 If no explicit conditioning process is performed the
specimen conditioning process shall be reported as “uncondi-
8.4 If honeycomb core material density is to be reported, tioned” and the moisture content as “unknown.”
samples used to determine density shall be obtained from the
same sheet of honeycomb core material being tested. Density 11. Procedure
may be evaluated in accordance with Test Method C271/
C271M. 11.1 Parameters to Be Specified Before Test:
11.1.1 The specimen sampling method, specimen geometry,
8.5 Labeling—Label the test specimens so that they will be
and conditioning travelers (if required).
distinct from each other and traceable back to the sheet of
11.1.2 The properties and data reporting format desired.
origin, and will neither influence the test nor be affected by it.
FIG. 6 Definitions Describing Sandwich Core Material Crush Force Versus Displacement/Deflection
thickness, ti, in the determination of normalized displacements δ(∆=0.003) = recorded displacement value at which ∆ is clos-
is acceptable, as subsequent calculations are intended to est to 0.003, mm [in.]; and
provide a relative assessment of the stiffness, and are not δ(∆=0.001) = recorded displacement value at which ∆ is clos-
intended to provide rigorous assessments of the core material est to 0.001, mm [in.].
13.4 Post-Crush Chord Slope—Calculate KB, the post-crush
13.2 Normalized Displacements—For each recorded dis- chord slope of the force versus displacement curve, working
placement value, calculate the corresponding normalized dis- backwards from the end of the test using Eq 3 and report the
placement and report the results to three significant figures. results to three significant figures. Perform this calculation for
δ all data points until the point is reached where KB equals KA,
∆5 (1)
ti the initial chord slope. Determine the values of Pi, P(∆i+0.002),
δi and δ(∆i+0.002) for this point and report the results to three
significant figures. This value of δ(∆i+0.002) shall be designated
∆ = normalized displacement, mm/mm [in./in.]; as δB which shall be reported to three significant figures.
δ = recorded displacement, mm [in.]; and
ti = measured thickness of honeycomb core material speci- ~~ P ~ ∆i10.002! 2 P i !!
KB 5 (3)
men prior to loading and pre-crushing, mm [in.]. ~~ δ ~ ∆i10.002! 2 δ i !!
13.3 Initial Chord Slope—Calculate the initial chord slope where:
of the force versus displacement curve using Eq 2 and report KB = core material post-crush chord slope, N/mm
the results to three significant figures. Chord slopes are to be [lbf/in.];
determined between two specific force-displacement points of Pi = applied force corresponding to δi, N [lbf];
the force versus displacement curve. The displacement values P(∆i+0.002) = applied force corresponding to δ(∆i+0.002), N
selected are intended to represent the lower half of the core [lbf];
material’s force versus displacement curve. For honeycomb δi = recorded displacement value at ith data point
core materials which fail below ∆ = 0.006, a deflection range after crushing, mm [in.]; and
of 25 to 50 % of ultimate is recommended. However, for some δ(∆i+0.002) = recorded displacement value after crushing at
other materials, another range may be more appropriate; an which ∆ is at least 0.002 greater than ∆i (corre-
alternative range may be necessary if the force versus displace- sponding to δi), mm [in.].
ment behavior is nonlinear prior to the onset of crushing.
13.5 Onset of Crush Stroke—Calculate KC, the pre-crush
~~ P ~ ∆50.003! 2 P ~ ∆50.001! !! slope of the force versus displacement curve, beyond δ(∆=0.003)
KA 5 (2)
~~ δ ~ ∆50.003! 2 δ ~ ∆50.001! !! using Eq 4 and report the results to three significant figures.
Perform this calculation for all data points until the point is
reached where KC equals 0.75 KA. Determine the value of δj for
KA = core material initial chord slope, N/mm [lbf/in.]; this point. This value of δj shall be designated as δC which
P(∆=0.003) = applied force corresponding to δ(∆=0.003), N [lbf]; represents the onset of the crush stroke and shall be reported to
P(∆=0.001) = applied force corresponding to δ(∆=0.001), N [lbf]; three significant figures.
NOTE 6—Alternatively, KC can be calculated directly from KA, and δC
!S ( D
can be determined graphically from the force versus displacement plot.
x i2 2 nx̄ 2
13.6 Completion of Crush Stroke—Calculate KD, the post- S n21 5 (10)
crush slope of the force versus displacement curve, working ~n 2 1!
backwards from δB using Eq 5 and report the results to three S n21
CV 5 100 3 (11)
significant figures. Perform this calculation for all data points x̄
until the point is reached where KD equals 0.75 KB. Determine where:
the value of δi for this point. This value of δj shall be
x̄ = sample mean (average);
designated as δD which represents the completion of the crush
Sn-1 = sample standard deviation;
stroke and shall be reported to three significant figures. CV = sample coefficient of variation, %;
~~ P B 2 P i !! n = number of specimens; and
KD 5 (5) xi = measured or derived property.
~~ δ B 2 δ i !!
14. Report
KD = core material post-crush chord slope for δD
determination, N/mm [lbf/in.]; 14.1 Report the following information, or references point-
PB = applied force corresponding to δB, N [lbf]; ing to other documentation containing this information, to the
δB = recorded displacement value of δ(∆i+0.002) as desig- maximum extent applicable (reporting of items beyond the
nated in 13.4, mm [in.]; and control of a given testing laboratory, such as might occur with
δD = recorded displacement value representing the comple- material details or panel fabrication parameters, shall be the
tion of the crush stroke, mm [in.]. responsibility of the requestor):
NOTE 7—Alternatively, KD can be calculated directly from KB, and δD 14.1.1 The revision level or date of issue of this test method.
can be determined graphically from the force versus displacement plot. 14.1.2 The name(s) of the test operator(s).
13.7 Crush Stroke—Calculate the flatwise crush stroke us- 14.1.3 Any variations to this test method, anomalies noticed
ing Eq 6 and report the results to three significant figures. during testing, or equipment problems occurring during testing.
14.1.4 Identification of all the materials constituent to the
δ cr 5 δ D 2 δ C (6)
honeycomb sandwich core specimen tested, including for each:
where: material specification, material type, manufacturer’s material
δcr = crush stroke, mm [in.]. designation, manufacturer’s batch or lot number, source (if not
from manufacturer), date of certification, and expiration of
13.8 Crush Stroke in Percent—Calculate the flatwise crush certification.
stroke in percent using Eq 7 and report the results to three 14.1.5 Description of the fabrication steps used to prepare
significant figures. the sandwich core material including: fabrication start date,
s cr 5 S D
δ cr
3 100 (7)
fabrication end date, process specification, and a description of
the equipment used.
where: 14.1.6 If requested, core material density test method,
specimen sampling method and geometries, test parameters
scr = crush stroke in percent [%.].
and test results.
13.9 Crush Stress—Calculate the average flatwise crush 14.1.7 Method of preparing the test specimen, including
stress using Eq 8 and report the results to three significant specimen labeling scheme and method, specimen geometry,
figures. Honeycomb core materials typically demonstrate rela- sampling method, and specimen cutting method.
tively constant crush force/stress levels between 25 and 75 % 14.1.8 Results of any nondestructive evaluation tests.
of the crush stroke. 14.1.9 Calibration dates and methods for all measurements
P cr and test equipment.
σ cr 5 (8)
A 14.1.10 Details of loading platens and apparatus, including
dimensions and material(s) used.
14.1.11 Type of test machine, alignment results, and data
σcr = average flatwise compressive crush stress, MPa [psi];
acquisition sampling rate and equipment type.
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if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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