Physics Notes
Physics Notes
emits tnes o
rts a chsle cf requtrcy 2c0he fhe cmount st chaqe he
Flows th rough
aqtvern conde
find tho fraquency chserve in one second i
Hneres C ote
statrcnany chserver cuNent ol IA lowo in q m fhe
t- tim e
The observed F en adance ok appac
Coulombis la
I4 states that the force F
bfcon 2 chqes 4, and 42 ctn
DA- Timon ah prepotonc Fo he product
Electre statics the'2chages cnd inversely
propotronal to the sqre Bf tho
toloumbls law, electru c Pield, electrrc duskence r sepaNa tinq the bw
potentral, res is tos capacitanca, chages
permita, electrostahc cnerq4
maqnetie heid due to conductors.
Drect taNent! curent; votta q¬, r2
res stance and ther
dc circuits and measuremen ts.
onalyss, ohms
lauw, knchops lcau, supeipositon, mesh
K= constamt ot propohonal1ig
Charqe cxAsts due to either
or b inducticn.
kle thave toote
rubbing 2o = 8.os x o
tye ande tapes c/Nm
lke chargs permitivaty ot hee spac
repel,un lilce tthact
Charqe S F 2
discrete quanti ties and os not
he Fndamental unit ot Colcumbls law aplies only to
chage u
where point charges ie. "Chaqpbbjecs
whose Sizes are much sallu
than he dstcnce btuyn them
Charge is
created norconserved ie, ik
tor severL charges'N in 0., the
Cantor be force F, on chaqe q,a, cue to
but can only be trarsfered
form to anthe
Prom Onc cfher charges S a,given by
he SI Unit of chaqe is thc
cOulcmb CC).
wher f (s the force on 4. cae
Calculate- the a(ue of oo
2 they vepei The dechon o eleckrrc heid LS
oth a fercebi oIN when
iluaked SD em appah in Yacun the direchion or a lÓice . s the
divechon of dtust chage paced
ih the hed
System of
conducior harinq op osie
But cw fl chayqes nd placecd agveh
ds apaít
they aue uscd to store chaIce
and the capac kan Ce of a
A Cipacilor is iis abily
Capaétance s measuied a fared
cohere i f lc
But hcwever lF very biq value
and thérefore, we noma uwe
uf. n F or pt
is a4ng a best
cook doneIrcm where Cn Is ihe nth capac1tul
age cne Plake to (s paratlel aranqment
othtr 6 gven by oo éd
wher Vz Ed Capacitors in Series
stored tn a Capzeiei,
store of
Achaiged apactler
fom Hhe cuit cbove, the charge elechrical enetoy can bseen
hom fhe spark it may qeve cut
tored-in each capaafer ol bo
Since Y us the same Sncedscharge
chage 4 s poponl al, lo
ar any snstan'. Then tho,gaph o
sthayght lne
Sxio-6 X 40
Connect d
of k0 and 30 ot
|n sennes
he eqanalenl capactance ot .the Pocwer supp ly Calcu late
Curculk S Suf. the cquivalent capacilanl,and
Calculare chag aernss eachcapaitor
on each
l: Capactance of C 2 apaalh.
e3 Gruga sortd in C
Pdcros C,
(onnechd m paralelh com bìnale
alln c acllor ohere measue tn C
(alcalale he toial Ca m Ls
cICULt. teslas(T)
paalt plahe cajpact kor has an from ths equatron, lor a chcge a
r e O0cm and the plates al moving at rqht anqlks to the heie
an apcit in yacuam. Calculate the Fonce cxpevenctd by q depnds
gchauqe stere fa 200y
upplg5 Pplred aOvSs he Quantitylmaenttude el chaige
plares Velocil4 of charqcd pait ce
3 Mgqmitde of maanetwc fietd
Plats o densty bt K-|
oye lecic
t the oncc foy
plais Calcu lae he
"aqnekuc held
|ays Pho loelectrre cfet
of elech ors n Ine
Since we can assume that the
conducor s uniforn Hhen hrom
oY one elcctron
magnetic fed
drct on Ne loci ts lul
chauged paincle q is plated subsh tutnq
hesits v. fhen the lorce acthg
Perbrcle i's faV and
-02IOx |0x0T
F or charqed palbcles in a bilow calculae
ho m the cC uit
the alue ok
Catec Cycie hon
PaitLcle n the heid
Exampe (S OCcil Cl on in
A10ey eleclycn
a plane at rqhi cngles lo a 24Y
unrform magne irc red 3- JO
x lof 7.
Calcu late
|.The cibit dres
RThe cqclohron requency
3:The percd er revolubon
V3 :01SA
Ke my 3
MUlli-locp cicuits.
Kinchopls ule
The kucho p's Grst ule
ol fhe (untens
'n lo the
equal thtanc
sumticn je CuIren,
no Cu
ledv1nq the
iS lost at the junctib
.hs rule s also called fhe
(he aboe ciicuit s an eaGmple o junc tron rule or kirchop
muttr loop cir Cåit. ln the myltil CUren law kcl
lop ciiit, thene aie im potnt Jhs ule s a
conse quence ol
tims conservaion el charqe
clese d path in a iiCult S
utled a lecp Knchops second tule stabe Iha
2A mèsh s a speial brcnch
locp hal a The Sum o all pd qrouhd
does not con tain a complete locp 1s equal fo zer
inside -A lso catled the loop rule of
(henetoR the above cicull has two knchop voltce law KrL
mesheS but three loops constquence ol conServalon
1he outside path con
because tt has a
not a mth
o enigy
Use the kuchops rule fo delemin
conhaning Rs insid e he current throuqh an el laqes
CtCCOSS ecch o the resstor m
3 Anode () an e<eceric circct S the abore arcuit.
Fhe point at oh1ch too oI more
compontnls are conneckec teqether
4-A brach
ans clement connece d Simply Pick a duecton for cuntnt
befwlen 2 nods. Ths elemen Ls In cach path, ^ he duecton s
could be sources, res(S tors or anq CorrecE the' cunent s tve, il nor
ofher o element Hhe value s -Ye.
is t pcint ohee at least 2. Use kirchops ist rule to conie
thrt ctrcut Pa hs neet. down the crenl cquahon ei
fhere are seyeral methods of aralynq each junctron
3 Use Krchops secor ule fo cele
a muctuloop cicuib. down the loop equalons y
4e shall discuss bastd
checsing t SBaibinq point ano
t:Kirchopls rule theorem down the loop unt1ll
2 Superpesitron the
theorem back As dow
3- (he meSh or loop aralyss bcl tenes and reSslors, wrte
mehod edch rolaqe che, add them @
Set the m equal
NG hom
( When u CCSS a bttfery
-Ve to tve side