Grade 8 - Unit 1 Review Revised

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A. Simple Present:
Affirmative Statement
S + V(s/es) + (O)
She watches TV everyday.

Yes/No Questions
+ S + V + (O)?
Does she watch TV on weekends?

Negative Statement
S + + V + (O)
He doesn’t watch TV on weekends.

Wh- Questions
Wh- + S + V + (O)?
What does she do on Sunday?
1. Use the simple present to talk about The earth is round. The earth goes round
general truth. the Sun. The moon doesn’t go round the
2. We use the present simple to talk She doesn't speak English.
about permanent situations. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
3. We use the present simple to talk I go to school every day.
about things that happen repeatedly. Jack sometimes plays tennis.

Affirmative Statement
adjective/adverb + enough (for sb) + to + V
She is old enough to get married.
I ran fast enough to win the game.

Negative Statement
not Adjective/adverb + enough (for sb) + to + V
He is not good enough to play for the team.
I didn’t run fast enough to win the game.

1. We use enough to mean sufficient You're not working fast enough, you won't
and in a negative sentence to mean finish on time.
less than sufficient or less than Your clothes are big enough to fit me.

2. TOO:

Affirmative Statement
too adjective/adverb + (for sb) + to + V
too many/much Noun + (for sb) + to + V
She is too young to get married.
There are too many people on this train, there's nowhere to sit.

We use too to mean more than sufficient It's too late to stop him.
or more than necessary. Jerry was too young to watch the movie.

C. Simple Past:

Affirmative Statement Negative Statement

S + V (sp/ed) + (O) S + didn’t + V + (O)
I traveled to South Africa last year. We didn’t travel to Ha Long Bay.

Yes/No Questions Wh- Questions

Did + S + V + (O)? Wh- did + S + V + (O)?
Did she watch TV last weekends? Where did you often travel?
We use the past simple to talk about He worked there in 1980.
finished actions and time. What did they talk about at the meeting
in Zurich?

D. Word Form:

No. Verb Noun Adjective Adverb

1. annoy annoyance annoying/annoyed annoyingly
2. blond blond
3. characterize/ character characteristic characteristically
characterise characteristic
4. curl curl curly
5. fairness fair fair, fairly
6. generosity generous generously
7. joke joke joking jokingly
8. orphan orphanage/
9. reserve reserve/ reserved
10. rise rise/ riser
11. seem seeming seemingly
12. slim slimness/slim slim
13. socialize/socialise sociability/ social/ sociable/ socially
socialization/ unsociable
14. straighten straightness straight straight
15. volunteer volunteer voluntary voluntarily
A. Combine the following sentences using ENOUGH or TOO.
Example: The radio isn’t small. You can’t put it in your pocket.
=> The radio isn’t small enough (for you) to put in your pocket.

These exercises are very difficult. The pupils can’t do them without any
=> These exercises are too difficult for the pupils to do without any mistakes.

1. Sue is so clever. She can make a dress by herself.

2. That bus doesn’t leave very early. The pupils can’t reach their school on time.
3. The room isn’t quite clean. Nobody lives there.
4. This coat isn’t warm. I don’t wear it in winter.
5. She is beautiful and intelligent. She can become Miss World.
6. The weather was fine. We could go swimming.
7. My grandma is very weak. She can’t walk alone.
8. Those apples aren’t ripe. We can’t eat them.
B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
wooden generous orphanage sociable lovely
Vietnamese planet next door humor joke

Example: The Earth is a ...........................

=> The Earth is a planet.

1. He has a good sense of................ He always makes people laugh.

2. After the death of his parents, he was sent to an…………................
3. What a ........................... day!
4. Don’t do it as a........................... It’s a serious thing.
5. It is a ........................... table.
6. It was...........................of you to share your food with me.
7. Mai has a lot of friends. She is very………..................
8. These are ........................... products.
C. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the tense.
Example: Most rivers (flow)………..................into the sea.
=> Most rivers flow into the sea.

Mai and Long (go)……… Ha Noi with their parents yesterday.

=> Mai and Long went to Ha Noi with their parents yesterday.

1. I (meet) ………..... Nam last week and he (introduce)………...... his friends to me.
2. They (live) ……….............. there 5 years ago.
3. Bees (make)……….............. honey.
4. Her mother (leave) ………........ this city two years ago.
5. Rice (not grow)……… cold climates.
6. It (be) ……….......... often hot in summer.
7. Where (Martin, come)………........ from? – He (be)………............ Scottish.
8. I (send) ………..................a letter to my old friend last week.

D. Put the words or phrases in correct order to make sentences.

Example: married / She / young / to / too / get / is / .
=> She is too young to get married.

1. enough / Jane / stay / to / alone / old / isn’t / at home / .

2. you / do / what / do / on / weekends / ?
3. in the East / rises / Sun / the / in the West / sets / and / .
4. table / large / was / in the kitchen / there / a / wooden / round / .
5. We / having / are / an / enjoyable / . / day
6. awful / an / what / house / !
7. My / is / live / too / to / alone / in / his / uncle / house /. / old
8. That / girl / blue / has / nice / big /. / eyes

E. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
Example:a. humor b. music c. cucumber d. sun
=> d. sun

1. a. humor b. sum c. plum d. sun

2. a. enough b. young c. country d. mountain
3. a. old b. sociable c. outgoing d. volunteer
4. a. my b. curly c. library d. lucky
5. a. reserved b. booked c. received d. annoyed
6. a. planet b. character c. happy d. classmate
7. a. enough b. extremely c. generous d. planet
8. a. classmate b. character c. grade d. place

F. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.

Example: She has long……………………hair. CURL
=> She has long curly hair.

1. ……………………, Helen paid for everyone. CHARACTER

2. They are very kind and …………………… GENEROSTIY
3. ……………………, I am old enough to go shopping at Metro. LUCK
4. Khai likes the ……………………and quiet of the local library. PEACEFUL
5. How does he feel …………………… a lot of friends? HAVE
6. Bao and Song are quite …………………… in public. RESERVE
7. Nien was Hoa’s …………………… when she lived in Hue. NEIGHBORHOOD
8. Can you put the …………………… in your bag? GROCER


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