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41 OF 1978 OF THE

REGULATIONS made by the Minister of Urban Development and Housing under section 21
of the Urban Development Authority Law No. 41 of 1978 of the National State Assembly read
with Section 8 of the Urban Development Authority (Amendment) Act No. 4 of 1982.

Mahinda Rajapakshe
Minister of Urban Development
and Housing
Colombo, ............................ 2020.


1. This regulation may be cited as the Urban Development Authority Planning &
Development Regulations 2020.
2. By virtue of this regulation the extraordinary gazette notification No.392/9 dated
10.03.1986, No. 821/19 dated 01.06.1994, No. 935/6 dated 06.08. 1996, No.1597/8 dated
17.04.2009, No. 1603/53 dated 30.05.2009, No. 1701/13 dated 12.04.2011 shall be
repealed with effect from this date and replaced by amended regulations.
3. The provisions of these regulations shall be applicable for every area for the time being
declared by the Minister by notification published in the Gazette, to be an Urban
Development Area.


Preliminary Planning Clearance

1. (1) Any person who carry out any Development Activity in a development area, may
apply to the Urban Development Authority (hereinafter referred as ‘the Authority’)
in order to obtain a Preliminary Planning Clearance (hereinafter referred to as the

(2) Any Developer or his Agent (hereinafter sometimes referred to as an ‘applicant’)

who is desirous of obtaining PPC under this regulation shall make an application to
the Authority according to Form “A” as set out in Schedule 1 to these regulations.

(3) An application may be forwarded online along with the relevant documents to the
(4) Every application shall be forwarded with the relevant fee to the Authority in the
manner as set out in Schedule 2 to these regulations. In the event the fee payable
exceeds a sum of rupees ten thousand (Rs. 10,000/-) an advance payment of rupees
five thousand (5,000/-) shall be paid at the time the application is made and the
balance shall be settled prior to the issuance of the PPC.

(5) The Authority may exempt the whole or a part of the payment of fees in respect of
an application to pursue developments in connection with Religious Places or
Government Low-income Housing Projects and in such circumstances, the
Administrative Expenses incurred by the Authority, shall be charged from the
applicant as set out in Schedule 2.

2. (1) Upon considering the merits of the duly filled application along with the necessary
documents furnished by the applicant, the Authority may grant a PPC to the
applicant subject to conditions. Where the Developer shall be obligated to disclose
enhanced information that may be deemed necessary for the purpose of enabling the
Authority to consider the application and decide on the desirability of imposing
additional conditions, with the scale of the development.

(2) The PPC issued under these regulations shall not be deemed or serve as a
development permit thus the applicant or his agent shall not commence or be
permitted to carry out any Development Activity in the absence of a proper and
valid permit to that effect.

3. (1) A PPC issued under this regulation shall be valid for a period of one year

(2) Provided however, the Authority may at the request made by the applicant, extend
the validity period of a PPC for a further period or a periods not exceeding 2 years
upon considering the merits of such application/request.

(3) The PPC is non-transferable

(4) Where the applicant to whom the PPC was issued is desirous of transferring the
PPC including all privileges afforded thereto to a third party during the validity
period of the PPC, such applicant shall be required to make a formal request to the
Authority through an affidavit supporting his request,

(5) Every application shall be made to the Authority in Form “A” as set out in
Schedule 1 to these regulations along with the written declaration as set out in
Annexure I and II.

(6) Every applicant shall pay a fee as specified under Schedule 2 of these regulations

Land Subdivision, Amalgamation, Resurvey and Development

4. (1) Prior written consent from the Urban Development Authority and Local Authority
(hereinafter referred to as the Relevant Authority) shall be obtained for any
Development Activity related to sub-division, amalgamation or resurvey of a land.

(2) An application shall be made to the Relevant Authority in Form “B” including
Annexure III, IV as set out in Schedule 1 to these regulations along with a written
declaration of the same endorsed by a qualified person in Annexure V as prescribed in
Schedule 3

(3) An application wherever possible shall be forwarded to the Relevant Authority

online with the relevant documents.

(4) The applicant shall submit a Letter of Indemnity in Form “C” as set out in
Schedule 1 for the purpose of land sub-divisions, amalgamation.

5. Every applicant shall pay a fee as specified under Schedule 2 of these regulations.

6. (1) Where the applicant is desirous of transferring the approval to a third party or any
person connected to such applicant the approval issued for any Development Activity
relating to amalgamation, sub division and re-survey, a request to that effect shall be
forwarded along with an affidavit and relevant documents by the applicant to whom the
approval was issued.

(2) Proposed for the any Development activity for the sub division, amalgamation and re
surveying is in compliance with these Planning and Development regulations and other
relevant laws,
7. Where any land-

(a) Precipitates any impact pertaining to the sensitivity of the existing environment,

The planning committee of the Relevant Local Authority may at its sole discretion
direct the application to the Authority to get ratification for the proposed Development
Activity for land sub division, amalgamation, re-survey is in compliance with the
development plan and the environmental condition of such area.

8. Every applicant shall furnish a detailed block out plan prepared to a scale of not less
than 1:1000, which indicates the proposed lots and the corresponding dimensions,
direction, width and levels of all proposed streets, open spaces and space for other
amenities and the proposed use of every lot. Where site extent is too large to be drawn
on a standard size paper, a plan prepared at 1:4000 scale may be submitted.

9. The Survey Plan for the proposed sub-division, amalgamation, resurvey or any other
related development, shall be prepared in compliance with the standards, regulations and
shall conform with the conditions stipulated hereunder: -

(a) Where the development plan does not specify the minimum plot size of which a
plot may be sub-divided, such sub-divided lot shall be not less than 150m2.

(b) The location of the existing Buildings, if any, shall be denoted by the scale.

(c) The scale of the plan, direction of North point and the assessment numbers of
adjoining lots or buildings ought to be clearly indicated.

(d) The means of access to the site and the width of the access path shall be indicated.

(e) All existing and proposed drains and water courses shall be indicated with the
directions of the water flow.

(f) A drainage system shall be provided in the scheme to drain off natural water and
rainwater and such drainage systems shall be connected to common drains or other
common waterways to systematically drain off excess water from the land. Where
the levels of the existing drains are not receptacle of the outflow of the proposed
drainage system, an alternative means of drainage shall be proposed and the space
to accommodate the same shall be indicated in the plan.

(g) Where slopes could be identified in the land, existing height contours or spot levels
of the site and levels of the road, may be requested by the Relevant Authority to
indicate in the plan. In the slop is exceeds 10 degree couoture and spot levels shall
be indicated in the plan

(h) In the case of hilly area, the slop angle with 10 degree or more, the plan shall be
submitted indicating height of the contours or spot levels of the site and level of the
road to the Relevant Authority.

(i) All boundaries of the plan prepared for the development shall be marked in black,
and in case where previous boundary lines need to be indicated (superimposed) in
the same plan, they shall be marked in red and a note to that effect shall be included
in the plan.
(j) The previous survey plans, if any, shall be included in the plan for review. Where
such survey plans are not available, a note to that effect shall be included in the
plan, with ratification by the owner of the land and a note in respect of the original
source used for the preparation of the plan shall be included in the plans.
(k) The plan shall indicate all Street Lines, Building lines and any other road
reservations, or limits if any, specified in the development plan.

(l) An existing water courses, sewer lines, manholes, fences or boundaries, Retaining
Walls, electricity and telephone lines shall be indicated in the plan.

(m) The Relevant Authority may request to superimpose the entire land as a sketch,
where a portion of a relatively large land is applied for approval.

(n) The Geo coordinates of at least four meeting points of main boundaries covering the
entire land, shall be indicated in the plan.

(o) In the case of any land sub division, where the number of lots exceeds 10 and each
lot is less than 250m2 in extent, a minimum space of 20m2 of land for a proposal for
a waste management shall be provided and such space shall be indicated in the plan.

(p) A space of 71/2cm x 5 ½cm shall be allocated in the front page of the plan to record
the details of the Development Permit.

(q) Each plan shall be prepared on standard metric size sheets of the international ‘A’
series and accompanied with five certified copies with the original copy.

10. Every person shall comply with the development plan and the Planning and development
regulations, for the purpose of carrying out and / or engaging in any sub division,
amalgamation and any other development in a particular land.

11. In the event the proposed sub division fails to conform to the regulations of the
Authority, the Relevant Authority may direct the applicant to amend the proposed sub
division so as to be in conformity with the regulations.

12. A parcel of land or lot designated or proposed for agriculture, horticulture or related
uses shall be sub-divided only if the particular plan for such use or subdivision has been
approved by the Relevant Authority.

13. (1) No person shall carry out or engage in any physical development of the site or any
part thereof, except under the Authority and in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the permit issued in that behalf by the Relevant Authority.

(2) Electricity and water supply including other infrastructure facilities for each lot
shall be provided by the Developer.
14. (1) Unless otherwise provided in the development plan, or Development Guide Plan
(hereinafter referred to as ‘DGP’), a sub-divided lot shall be not less than 150m2 in
extent (6 perches) and 6.0m in width of the frontage and 12.0m in depth.

(2) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Relevant Authority may at its sole
discretion consider to relax the minimum site extent and other requirements in respect
of an existing land parcel, if the proposed development is in compliance with these

(3) Where a sub division is proposed for the purpose of a development in a

condominium property, and if such sub divided portion is not used for common space,
the minimum extent of the land shall be in compliance with these regulations.

15. (1) In any case, where a permanent building exists in a land that is subject to sub-
division or amalgamation, the minimum requirements for open space, light and
ventilation, and other requirements for such building shall be in compliance with these

(2) The Relevant Authority may request the Developer or his agent to furnish a copy of
the approved building plan including floor area.

16. A sub divided, amalgamated or re-surveyed land lots shall be utilized only for the
purpose for which the Relevant Authority had approved the same, unless otherwise

17. Where sub-division of a particular land is adjoining a road, drain, river or any other
water body or water source, the proposed plan for sub division of such land shall
comply with the road reservations and other conditions imposed by the Relevant

18. (1) Every Lot in a sub-division shall have access with existing or proposed street in
compliance with the requirements as specified under Schedule 4.

(2) The minimum width of a carriageway for the street shall be not less than 3.0m.

(3) Any carriageway of a road, which is less than 7.0m in width, shall have the same
width, and drains and other requirements incidental thereto shall be reserved from such

(4) The width of an Access Road shall be decided on the aggregate lots served by
such Access Road.
(5) Where a land is sub divided into a large number of Lots for which the main access
required is 9.0m or more, at the end of the point of serving the excess number of lots,
the width of such access road may be reduced up to 7.0m provided that, the minimum
width of 7.0m shall be maintained in the balance portion of the access road.

(6) Every lot or site that is adjacent to the dead end of a road may have frontage less
than the width specified in the regulations herein, essentially with a minimum width of

19. (1) Where Street Lines are not applicable for any access road of a land sub division shall
be made considering the existing physical width of such road.

(2) Where a land contains access by a road with a Street Line, the number of Lots in a
sub-division of such land shall be decided on the basis of width of the Street Line of the
road. Widening of such Street Line shall be made equally on either side from the centre
line of such road and the land subjected to widening of such road shall be bequeathed to
the Relevant Authority without any monetary consideration by a deed of conveyance or
transfer for the purpose of widening of the road in accordance with the Form “D” as
set out in Schedule 1.

(3) Where the Authority is of the opinion that undue hardship may be caused to any
party, due to compliance with the minimum requirement of the width of a road for a
residential lot as set out in the Schedule 4, the width of such road may be reduced,
subject to the recommendation of the Planning Committee, if-

(a) the minimum width of 3.0m is available in the access road;

(b) the reduction shall not apply for new land sub divisions; and

(c) the proposal is to improve the status of an underserved settlement.

Provided that, every such street shall connect to a public or private road which has a
width of not less than 7.0m and of which the owner possesses the right of way from
such private street.

20. The minimum width of an access road to a Lot that is for residential use, shall be in
accordance with the schedule 4

21. (1) Every street which is less than 9.0m in width and more than 30.0m in length, need to
provide a turning circle of not less than 9.0m in diameter or any other space with the
same diameter at a suitable location on the street, for turning vehicles.
(2) Lots having an access road of not less than 9.0m in width shall be provided with
a turning circle of 15.0m in diameter or any other space with the same diameter at a
suitable location on the street.

22. The meeting point of the two roads shall be rounded off or splayed, maintaining a half
of a width of the road towards both ends as may be necessary for the purpose of the
safety of the users of the street.

23. (1) Where the parcels of land or site to be sub divided exceed 1 hectare or more an area
of not less than ten per centum (10%) of the land or site excluding street shall be
reserved for community, recreation and open spaces is an appropriate location.

(2) Such reserved space shall be transferred to the Relevant Authority free of all
charges as prescribed in Form “D” in Schedule 1

24. (1) In commercial land and industrial land sub division, if the minimum land parcels of
sub division is not less than 2,024m2 (80 perches) and all the road widths are not less
than 9.0m, the land may be subdivided without reserving ten per centum (10%) of the
land for community recreation and open space uses, subject to the condition that in the
event of further sub division of any of the parcels the applicant should either-

(a) reserve the ten per centum (10%) of the land so sub-divided; or

(b) remit the ten per centum (10%) of the market value of the land so sub
divided to the designated account held by the Relevant Authority.

25. In residential land sub division, if the minimum land parcel of sub division is not less
than 1,012m2 (40 perches) and the development is limited to two housing units per lot
the land may be sub-divided without reserving ten per centum (10%) of the land for
community recreation and open space uses but subject to the condition that in the event
of further sub division or construction of more than of two housing units per Lot, the
applicant should deposit the market value of the ten per centum (10%) of the land so
sub divided or developed at the Relevant Authority.

26. (1) In the event the land to be sub divided is located 0.5km away from a public open
space such as a lake, public playground and seashore etc. which is accessible to public
which exceeds a land extent of 4047m2 (1 acre) where the Relevant Authority so
demands the applicant, shall be obliged to deposit fund maintained by the relevant
Authorities a sum equivalent to the market value of the land which would have been
set aside for the community recreation and open space requirement, in lieu of providing
such space physically within the site.
(2) In the event the community recreation and open space requirement of a subdivision
exceeds a land extent of 300m2 (12 perches) where the Relevant Authority with the
approval of the chairman of the Relevant Authority so demands, the applicant shall
deposit in the funds of the Relevant Authority a sum equivalent to the market value
of the portion of land required for open space for the sub division in lieu of providing
the open space physically.

(3) In the event the applicant had failed to procure a development permit in respect of
the whole or a part of any building activity or sub-division that had been embarked on
or completed by the applicant , in accordance with the regulations imposed herein, such
applicant shall be entitled to regularize such irregularity upon depositing in the
consolidated fund of the Relevant Authority a sum equivalent to ten per centum
(10%) of the total market value attached to the land parcel and/or reservation of 10 per
centum (10%) of the land parcel so developed or sub divided.

(4) The funds collected from such deposits shall be used exclusively for the purpose of
providing community recreation and open space development in the Relevant Authority

(5) A public open space which is allocated for community and recreational activities
may be used for the construction of indoor pavilion, swimming pool, building for sports
and recreational activities, subject to a maximum plot coverage of 25% and maximum
height of 5.0m of such buildings.

(6) The applicant shall develop such open space in consultation with the Relevant

27. (1) The Relevant Authority shall issue a development permit with guidelines for sub-
division, amalgamation or any other developments within the land.

(2) A Certificate of Conformity (hereinafter referred as the ‘CoC’) in respect of a land

sub division or amalgamation shall be granted by the Relevant Authority in pursuance
with Regulation 82, provided the requirements set out in the development permit is
(3) No person shall have the right to advertise, promote or dispose the land so sub
divided to a third party without the consent of the Relevant Authority until a CoC is

Construction, Alteration or Renovation of Buildings

28. (1) A prior approval from the Relevant Authority shall be obtained for any development
activities in respect of any construction, alteration or renovation of a Building.

(2) Every application for a Development Permit shall made to the Relevant Authority by
the applicant in Form “E” including written declaration of Annexure VI, VII as set
out in Schedule 1 to these regulations along with a written declaration of the same
endorsed by a Relevant Qualified Person in Annexure VIII, IX, X as prescribed in
Schedule 3.

(3) An application wherever possible shall be forwarded to the Relevant Authority

online with the relevant documents.

(4) Every application shall be forwarded with the relevant fee as set out in Schedule 2

29. An applicant shall submit a detailed development proposal in the relevant form for
approval. Such proposal shall comply with the technical requirements prescribed by the
Relevant Institutions or departments and the other requirements under the PPC.

30. (1) A development permit issued under these regulations shall be valid for a period of one

(2) Provided however, that the Relevant Authority may on application extend the validity
period of a permit for a further period or periods not exceeding 2 years if the Relevant
Authority is satisfied that the Development Activity referred to in the permit has been
commenced but not been completed due to unforeseeable circumstances.

(3) An application for renewal of a development permit shall be made as set out in Form
“F” in schedule 1 along with the Post Permit Observation Report obtained under
Regulation 81 and the fee shall be paid as set out in Schedule 2.

(4) The validity period of the development permit shall expire after the lapse of three
(5) In any case if the applicant desires to further extend the development period of the
permit upon the expiry of the validity period or periods of 3 years that was initially
accorded thereunder, such applicant may apply for a fresh permit along with a copy of the
approved building plan and the payment of the relevant fee as set out in Schedule 2.

(6) Such request shall apply as per the paragraph 28(2) mentioned above.
(7) Where any applicant to whom the development permit was issued is desirous to
transfer the permit in favour of a third party along with all privileges afforded thereto,
during the validity period of the Development Permit, such applicant shall be required to
make a formal request through an affidavit supporting such request.

(8) Every plan shall -

(a) be prepared on standard metric size sheets of the international ‘A’ series;
(b) include a title setting out the purpose of the development of such building or
premises to which the plan relates;
(c) be submitted with five copies

(9) The Relevant Authority may require additional copies of plans or details,
specifications or other information or documents related to the same, if necessary.

(10) The applicant shall retain a copy of the approved survey plan and building plan at
the site and shall present such copy to an officer of the Relevant Authority where

(11) A sketch plan of the surrounding area which is sufficient to locate the development
site, shall accompany the application.

31. There shall be three categories of Buildings as follows: -

(1) Any Building consisting of five or more floors including the Ground Floor or any
Building, the height of which is 15.0m or above the adjoining street, shall be considered
as Buildings of Category “A”,

(2) Any Building not being a high-rise Building which consists of -

(a) four floors including the ground which is less than 15.0m in height where a wall
or column is situated on the property boundary;
(b) a building with a Basement
(c) a pile or raft Foundation;
(d) a roof expands exceeding ten (10) meters;
(e) a place of public assembly or a public building; and
(f) a building which is wind sensitive such as Warehouse or Factory;
shall be considered as Buildings of Category “B”;
(3) (a) Any Building less than 100m2 consisting Ground Floor and one upper floor
which does not fall under Category “B” shall be considered as Buildings of
Category “CI”;
(b)Any Building less than 400m2 and height less than 12.0m which does not
fall under Category “B” shall be considered as Buildings of Category “CII”;

(c)Any Building which exceeds 400m2 and more than12.0m and less than 15.0m
in height which does not fall under Category “B” shall be considered as
Buildings of Category “CIII”

32. All building floor plans, sections and elevations shall be drawn in the following scale
and consist of:

(a) site plan - 1:1000 or a suitable scale depending on the extent of the land.

(b)floor plans and sections of a building 1:100 except where the size of the
building is too large for the plan to be drawn on the required standard size
paper. In such instances, the Relevant Authority may accept drawings prepared
to a scale not smaller than 1:200.

33. A plan corresponding to any development in a building related work submitted for the
purpose of obtaining a development permit shall include the details set out in
regulations 34, 35, 36 and 37,38 in recommended colours and symbols.

34. (1) A site plan or a blocking out plan shall be prepared indicating among others the
details stipulated hereunder: -

a. boundaries of the development premises and the length and the width of the
premises and distance between the existing building to the boundary with
dimensions in figures;

b.the scale of the plan, the north-point and the numbers of premises relating to
adjoining lots or buildings, as may be specified in the approved survey plan;

c. the means of access to the site;

d.all Street Lines, Building Lines, and road widening line and a service road, or
drainage reserve and such other details as may be marked in Development Plan
approved by the Minister or any Street Line imposed by the Relevant Authority;

e. distance from the proposed building to all existing drains, watercourses, sewer
lines, manholes, fences, Retaining Walls and slopes on the lot or adjoining Lots
with dimensions in figures;
f. the highest known Flood Level of the site as recorded by the Irrigation
Department, Sri Lanka Land Development Corporation or any other institutions
if such land is subject to inundation;

g.height contours or spot levels of the site and of adjoining roads, with slopes
steeper than 45 degrees and exceeding one and a half meters (1.5m) in height to
be indicated; the case of hilly area Geotechnical Investigation shall be carried out for even
in a single storey building where degree of slop angle more than 10 and /or in
the event of soil is instability.

i. any formation of a new slope or embankment and the provision of a Retaining

Wall or other structure to stabilize such slope or embankment which is safe for
such prevailing site, if the slope or embankment is taller or steeper;

j. plan of the wall or structure prepared under the conditions as may be determined
by the Relevant Institution or Geological Engineer’s report, to be submitted to
the Relevant Authority for approval;

k.proposed surface or ground drain and its point of discharge or connection to an

existing drain or a watercourse;

l. proposed sewer line and manhole and their respective connecting point to an
existing sewer line and manhole;

m. proposed landscape arrangements;

n. all parking arrangements for the proposed development; and

o.proposed electrical and telecommunication lines and their connections to an

existing network.


35. A floor plan of each floor and roof of the Building shall be prepared encompassing
among others the details stipulated hereunder: -
(a) statement specifying the purpose for which every part of the floor is to be used;

(b) the type of materials to be used for the walls, super structure and floor slabs of
the building or in the building works and the maximum permissible live loads that
such floor slabs are designed to carry;
(c) all Rooms, compartments, corridors, staircases, verandas and roof terrace of a
building and the thickness of the wall and columns thereof;

(d) dimensions of every Air Well, back yard, court yard and open spaces in and
around the building and the distances between the External Walls of the building
and to the centre line of road/s, road reservation and drainage reservation within
the lot or adjoining thereto;

(e) dimensions of spaces between all walls, columns and piers;

(f) the positions of all sanitary appliances, vent pipes and floor traps and their
connections to drain lines;

(g) surface drainage in or around the building with arrows indicating the direction
of flow of water and the outlet drains into which the water discharges and the
sizes of such outlet drains;

(h) the means of escape from fire and the fire prevention measures taken in respect
of the building including the location of fire extinguishing equipment and
installations of lighting protection measures in case of high rise buildings;

(i) each floor of the building which is to be air-conditioned, mechanically

ventilated or pressurized, and whether such part is to be air conditioned by means
of a centralized system or package unit and where possible the position of the Air
Conditioning plants or units shall be indicated on the floor plan;

(j) allocated space for parking bays, ramps, staircases, landings, generators,
electrical transformers, central point of LP Gas distribution etc.;

(k) all pipes and appurtenance used for the harvesting of rainwater shall be
differentiated by colour and markings.

(l) where a Condominium property is concerned, the statutory requirements given

under the Apartment Ownership Law No. 11 of 1973 and its amendments shall be
complied with and plans shall be prepared and endorsed by a Relevant Qualified
Person; and

(m) the position of garbage disposal point as may be required by the Relevant

36. The cross, longitudinal and other section drawings of the building shall be delineated the
disposition of the adjoining ground and shall be prepared incorporating the details
enumerated hereunder: -

(a) types of materials used and the thickness of all walls, floors, roofs, ceilings,
Foundations, pillars, beams, roof terrace and other related parts of the building.

(b) existing ground level and where the building site is to be raised or lowered, any
proposed new ground level, with a statement regarding new ground level where it
may affect the stability of all adjoining lands or buildings and the steps taken to
safeguard the same;

(c) the distance from any existing or required Retaining Wall or slopes of the site,
which exceeds 1.5m in height to the proposed building, and the boundaries of the
adjoining land which is within 10.0m of the Retaining Wall or slope and the
distance to any existing building on such adjoining land; and

(d) dimensions in figures of the doors, windows or openings of ventilation, the

height of every storey, height of the ceiling and the Ground Floor level and footway
level of the building in relation to the existing ground and street level thereof, and
the clear distances between the boundaries and the External Walls of the Building.


37. The front, rear and side elevation of the building shall be submitted in accordance with
the specifications stipulated hereunder;

(a) all External Walls, external columns, parapet walls and doors, windows or
openings of ventilation, canopies, balconies and the roof of the building with
dimensions in figures and the types of materials to be used for the construction of
such External Walls, external columns, parapet walls, openings, canopies, balconies
and roof as may be required by the Relevant Authority;

(b) where the detailed guidelines of the Relevant Authority are required, every
existing building within the premises indicating its height, floor levels, External
Walls, doors, windows, roof and other external and visible features and the types of
materials used in the construction thereof;

(c) the levels of every adjoining footway, Verandah Way, street and ground of the
building and the levels of all proposed counterparts of the footway, Verandah Way,
street and ground.

38. The detailed structural engineering design of any building works shall be submitted to the
Relevant Authority in the form of plans and sections, together with a copy of the design
calculations. Where such design is submitted to the Relevant Authority an electronic
copy shall also be submitted.

39. The detailed structural engineering drawings and design calculations based on the soil
report shall be prepared under the provisions of these regulations, and any other written
Law relating to building construction and certified by the Relevant Qualified Person who
prepared the same as set out in Schedule 3 and shall include the followings: -

(a) the superimposed load for which each floor system or part thereof has been

(b) the results of any soil test carried out, the calculations for determination of soil
bearing capacity and complete boring investigation and details of the soil;

(c) the type of Foundations to be used; and

(d) the type of piles, method of pile drilling and type of machinery which is to be
used for piling work, if applicable.


40. (1) Where the floor area is 400m2 or more, or where the Relevant Authority deems
necessary, the clearance from the Relevant Institution shall be obtained for all
Building services including plumbing, mechanical, electrical and electronic
installations of developments.

(2) The plans for installations, extension or alteration of the building services shall be
prepared by a Relevant Qualified Person, as set out in Schedule 3 and submitted to the
Relevant Authority for approval.

41. (a) Every residential building exceeding 15.0m height or has five units; and

(b) Every non-residential building exceeding 15.0m height or 400m2

must comply with the fire safety requirements as may be required by the Relevant
Authority and Fire Service Department;

42. (1) Every plan submitted for approval shall be clearly drawn and produced in prints.
All extensions to the existing building works shall be indicated clearly and new
additions shall be marked in red color. Where the plan consists of more than one unit
such units shall be clearly marked in different colors.

(2) All parts of an existing building which are to be removed shall be marked in black
color broken lines on the plan.

43. Where any building work consists of repair or alteration to an existing building or any
addition thereto, a plan of such building work submitted under these regulations, if so
required by the Relevant Authority, shall be accompanied with a certificate by a
Relevant Qualified Person to the effect that he has examined the Building and in his
opinion, the Building is capable of bearing such loads which may be increased or
altered by reason of such repair, alteration or addition.

44. (1) The Green Building Certificate issued by the Authority shall be obtained in
respect of every development which contains a floor area of 400m or more, save and
except private single unit residential building;

(2) An application for obtaining Green Building Certificates shall be forwarded to the
Authority according to the Form “G” as set out in the Schedule 1 together with the
Building Application. An application to the Relevant Authority where ever possible
shall be forwarded online by the submission of relevant documents.

(3). Every Development Activity specified in paragraph 44(1) shall comply with the
“Minimum Certificate Level” of the Green Building Rating as set out in Schedule 5.

(4) Every application shall be forwarded with relevant fee as specified in Schedule 2 to
these regulations.


Planning, Designing and Calculation of the Development

45. (1) The Permissible Floor Area for a development within any plot of land shall depend
on the factors enumerated hereunder -

(a) the extent of land;

(b) the length of the boundary of the land directly abutting the road, from which the
land has right of way (road frontage);

(c) Width of the road that provide access to the land;

(d) the Zone Factor which indicates the development density specified for the area,
(e) the other conditions imposed by the other relevant Laws or regulations.

46. (1) The Permissible Floor Area in respect of a Development Plan shall be computed
based on Form “A” “B” and in the absence of a Development Plan computed based
on Form “C” and “D” respectively as set out in Schedule 6. Such Permissible Floor
Area shall exclude the spaces allocated for parking facilities, air conditioned plant and
other service machinery of such building use.

(2) Space provided for parking in excess of the ten per centum (10%) of the regulatory
parking requirements may be permitted in respect of a Development Plan specified in
sub-regulation 46(1), and any additional space shall be included in the Permissible
Floor Area.

(3) The floor area of the roof terrace shall be included in the Permissible Floor Area
where it is used for an activity other than the Ancillary Facilities of such Building.

(4) The varandha, Balcony, cantilever etc. is projected beyond 1.2m it shall be takes
when compute the Permissible Floor Area.

(5) The relevant Zone Factor shall be used for calculating Permissible Floor Area, with
respect to a Development Plan and specified in sub-regulation 46(1).

47. The extent of the land plot, excluding the portion that falls within the Street Line/s shall
be considered for the purpose of computing as the Permissible Floor Area for the
Development Activity.

48. The plot coverage shall comply with the requirements specified in the relevant
Development Plan.

49. (1) The width of the Street Line shall be considered as the width of the access road for
the purpose of calculation of the Permissible Floor Area, where there is no Street Line
which is applicable for a road, the existing physical width of the road from which the
land has right of way, shall be considered for the same.

(2) Where there is more than one access road over which the land has a right of way
having a width not less than 6m leads towards two different roads, both roads shall be
considered to decide the Permissible Floor Area for a given development. In this
situation PPC shall be applied from the Authority.
50. Where the existing road width is 6.0m and the Street Line/ Proposed Road Width is
demarcated /marked only on a single side of the Access Road, the land owner
occupying the opposite plot is required to award ½ of the compensation value of the
other side for the same frontage to the Relevant Authority in order to derive a tangible
benefit from the development.

51. Where there are more than one road bearing width of not less than 6.0m, permitting
access to the adjoining plot of land, all such frontages shall be considered
proportionate to the portion of the widest road frontage when computing the
Permissible Floor Area

52. (1) A land or part thereof that falls within the reservation of a proposed road of a
Development Plan, shall be transferred or conveyed to the Relevant Authority or
physically amalgamate to the said road without consideration, by a deed of transfer, at
the time of execution of such development.

53. Where any proposed development may cause an adverse impact on the vehicular
traffic flow in the area, environmental conditions of the surroundings, fire risk, safety
of the public, health hazards, security reasons associated with developments,
archaeological value and the character of the surrounding developments etc, the
Authority may limit the extent of any development, notwithstanding the proposal for
such development is in compliance with the maximum Permissible Floor Area.

54. After the Authority satisfied itself that the requested levels are fulfilled may return a
percentage of processing fee for Green Building Certificate as mentioned bellow.
(a) for “Silver Level” - 10%
(b) for “Gold Level” - 30%
(c) for “Platinum Level” - 50%

Provided that, the Developer shall provide adequate evidence that such development
may achieve the specified rating, as set out in the Schedule 5.


55. (1) An open space shall be provided inside or around the proposed building as set out in
the Schedule 6 in Form “C” in an area with a Development plan. In the absence of
a Development Plan, Schedule 6 in Form “F” shall be applicable.

(2) Where an open space is provided in a Building as an alternate access to such

building, for maintenance of such building or separating it from adjoining
properties, such open space shall be not less than 1.0m in width.

(3) The Building Line is deemed immaterial in so far as all buildings contain a setback
of 1.0m from the Boundary Wall.
(4) 50% of the open space of the land shall be used for green garden or to maintain
green shade except the hard landscape.

56. (1) Where any site has irregular shapes and it is impracticable to provide an open space
to the entire width of the rear of the site or where the site is abutting several roads, the
Relevant Authority may, as it deems appropriate, direct the Developer to provide an
alternative means of open space at the rear of the site.

(2) Any land which takes an irregular shape shall have a minimum of 3.0m frontage of
which the development shall be permissible from the point of which the width of the
land is 6.0m.

(3) Where a reservation of a river or canal falls within the rear side of the building
exists, such reservation may be considered as rear space. However, a rear space shall be
provided in the Schedule 6 in Form “C” in an area with a Development Plan. In
the absence of a Development Plan, Schedule 6 in Form “F” shall be applicable

57. (1) The Relevant Authority may impose building setbacks as per the requirements of
any other applicable Laws or regulations.

(2) Any Building work which involves a wall construction on a boundary, such wall
shall be a Blind Wall and prior to any construction of such wall, an application shall
be submitted to the Relevant Authority for obtaining a Development Permit, along
with -

(a) a declaration from a Relevant Qualified Person as set out in the Schedule 3 to
the effect that the construction shall not cause any damage to the adjoining

(b) If the Building comprises of more than 4 floors where an Insurance Policy to
cover all damages which may occur to adjoining properties as requested by the
Relevant Authority

(c) A letter of Indemnity as set out in Form” H” in Schedule 1

58. (1) All constructions shall be in compliance with the Street Lines imposed by the Road
Development Authority or Relevant Institution or as set out in the Development Plans.

(2) The maximum height of the Boundary Wall shall not exceed 2.0m excluding the
height of the gate unless otherwise specified in the Development Plan. An additional
1.0m height that shall be constructed with transparent materials may be permitted at the
request of the applicant.
(3) A Boundary wall or security hut not exceeding 5.0m2 of floor area may be
permitted within the Building Line upon entering into an agreement with Relevant
Authority. Where an extension of the road is required, the owner or the Developer shall
remove such Boundary Wall or security hut without any claim.

(3) Where the owner agrees to renounce any land which falls within the Street Line, by
the execution of an appropriate legal instrument to the Relevant Authority, as the case
may be, the Relevant Authority may consider the full width of the Street Line as the
physical width of the road in order to determine the access road to a development site.

59. No part of any Building or a fixture shall project: -

(a) over a street; or

(b) into a Street Line or acquisition line as indicated in relevant documents or plan
approved by the Relevant Authority.

60. (1) The overhangs, canopies, wings or other sun-shading devices of a Building may be
permitted beyond 1.2m from the Building Line, or towards the rear space provided so that
it does not go beyond the Street Line.

(2) Where such a Balcony or a terrace is facing an adjacent property, a minimum of 1.0m
distance shall be maintained from the outer edge of such Balcony or terrace to the
relevant boundary.

(3) Where any space is provided for a Balcony or any other use up to the boundary of the
adjoining property, such boundary shall be considered as a Blind Wall and a minimum of
2.0m height Guard Wall shall be maintained.

61. (1) For the purpose of these regulations, the side which is furthest from the road having
access to the land on which the building is situated shall be considered as the rear of such

Provided that, where the building has access from more than one road, unless
otherwise directed by the Relevant Authority, the side which is furthest from the
widest road which the land gets the right of way shall be considered as the rear of
such building.

(2) Where the rear space of a building is abutting to a public road or a private road
which contains a right of way and is not less than 6.0m in width, the rear space need
not be provided.
(3) Any construction that obstructs the light and ventilation of such rear space,
mentioned in sub-regulation 61(1) and 61(2) shall be denied save and except the open
well and an additional spiral stairway for the emergency exit.

62. Any uncovered footway, arcade or verandah shall -

(a) be located within the building lot; and.

(b) continue along the entire portion of the building lot abutting the street or be as
directed by the Relevant Authority.

63. Where a Building is erected at a junction of two streets and where the degree of splay
or rounding off is not specified in the Development Plan or any other relevant
document, the corner of such Building shall be splayed or rounded off as specified in
regulation 22 to a height not less than 6.0m above the street level.

64. Where a footway or any open space has been provided for the maintenance of a
building, such footway or space shall not be used for any other purpose. Any
construction of a roof above the full length or part of such footway or open space, in a
manner that may reduce the space of such footway or open space shall not be permitted.


65. (1) the height of a Building and the number of floors thereof shall be in accordance
with the provisions of these regulations, unless otherwise specified in the
Development Plan.

(2) Unless otherwise specified in a Development Plan, the maximum height of a

Building for an Existing Lot shall not exceed 10.0m, where -
(a) the extent of the land is less than 150m2 , or
(b) the land gets access from a road where the width is less than 3.0m, or
(c) the road frontage of the land is less than 6.0m wide.

66. The area of any habitable room in a residential Building shall be as set out in the
Schedule 7.

67. (1) The minimum height of rooms in residential buildings shall be –

a. 2.8m average height and 2.4m at the lowest point for living rooms and bed

b. 2.8m average height and 2.4m at the lowest point for kitchen; and
c. not less than 2.2m for bathrooms, lavatories, water closets, verandah, balconies,
terraces and garages.

(2) The height of Ground Floor rooms in a shop shall be not less than 3.0m and the
height of upper floor rooms shall be not less than 2.8m average and 2.4m minimum at
the lowest point.

(3) The height of classrooms in a school shall be not less than 3.5m average and 2.5m
minimum at the lowest point.

(4) The height of rooms used for the accommodation of patients in a hospital shall be
not less than 3.5m average and 2.8m minimum at the lowest point.

(5) The height of rooms in a Factory shall be not less than 3.5m average and 2.8m
minimum at the lowest point.

(6) (a) The height of a habitable room in a resort shall be not less than 3.0m;

(b) In a resort, the provision of the sub-regulation 67(7) shall apply to lavatories,
water closet, cloak rooms, kitchens, corridors and rooms which are rarely

(7) (a) Any building other than any of those specified in sub-regulations 67(1) to 67(6)
of these regulations, the height of the room on the Ground Floor shall be not
less than 2.8m and any part on upper floors shall be not less than 2.4m.

(b) Save and except in a paragraph (a), any roof terrace used as open or covered
garden, the height shall be not less than 2.6m

(8) (a) A minimum of 1.0m distance shall be maintained between the boundary of a
land and the excavation line of the Basement subject to the following condition;

(i) If there is a Building Line such Basement floor can excavate up to the
Building Line.

(b)The minimum height of the Basement shall be not less than 2.4m, if it is below
the ground level and used for stores, vehicle parking and utility services
(c) The minimum height of a Basement shall be not less than 3.0m, if it is used for
shops, offices, commercial buildings, Factory or allied activities.

(d)If the Basement floor is used for purposes other than as mentioned in the
paragraph (c), it shall be constructed in accordance with these regulations and
other conditions imposed by the Relevant Authority.
(9) Notwithstanding the provision of the sub regulation 67(7) and 67(8), a building or
part thereof intended to be used for car parking purposes except the Ground Floor,
the minimum height of any part including the underside of the ceiling, beams,
ducts, sprinkler, heads, service pips, lightings, fixtures and etc. shall be not less
than 2.4m.

(10) The minimum height of any covered footway and stairways constructed within
the building, shall be not less than 2.4m. The following item shall be not permitted
where the height is less: -
(a) beams;
(b) stairways and landings;
(c) screens; or
(d) signboards or advertisement

68. (1) The minimum width of the stairs and the minimum dimensions of treads and risers
shall conform with the specifications set out in the Schedule 8.

(2) (a) Where a Building is not a Public Building, the minimum height of a hand rail
or Guard Wall shall be not less than 1.0m.

(b) Where a Building is a Public Building, the minimum height of a hand rail or
Guard Wall shall be not less than 1.1m.

69. The lifts of required standards shall be installed at the main entrance and other suitable
locations in the buildings exceeding four floors or more than 15.0m in height as set out in
Schedule 9. A letter from a suitable qualified person shall be submitted affirming the
installation of the same.

70. (1) Every Building shall be provided with: -

(a) natural lighting by one or more means eg: glazed windows, skylights, fanlights,
doors or any other natural light transmitting media approved by the Relevant

(b) natural ventilation by one or more means eg: windows, skylights, fanlights,
doors, louvers or ventilation openings.

(2) In a building where the size of windows and openings through which natural light
and ventilation is obtained into a room or space shall be not less than 1/5 of such
room or space and at less 50% of the device shall be opened.

(3) Every such opening shall open to: -

(a) an area which opens to sky; or

(b) a public road or a street from which the building has right of way; or

© a courtyard, open space or Air well shall suitably located within the Building
and complying with the provisions of Schedule 10.

(4) With respect to a building other than specified in sub-regulation 70 (5), no part of
the room served by the sources mentioned 70(3) above shall be more than 10.0m
away from such opening in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the opening.
Further no part of such room shall be less than 3.0m away from the edge of the
opening in a direction parallel to the plane of the opening.

(5) Where the building is used for a Factory, workshop or Warehouse, no part of the
Room served by such source shall exceed: -

(a) less than 12.0m away from such opening in a direction perpendicular the
plane of the opening. Further no part of such room shall be less than 5.0m away
from the edge of the opening in a direction parallel to the plane of the opening;

(b) vertically not more than 9.0m away from a source, if such source is a
ventilation device in the roof of the room or other natural ventilation.

(6) (a) Where the sources of natural light and ventilation is from the Balcony, verandah
or porch the depth of the Room served by such sources shall not exceed 10.0m
measured from the outer face of the enclosure wall of the Balcony, verandah or

(b) The front of the said Balcony, verandah or porch that served such room shall
have an opening to absorb external air, the area of which shall be at least 75% of
the floor area of such Balcony, verandah or porch

71. (1) An air-well or a courtyard meant for obtaining natural light and ventilation shall
comply with the requirement as set out in Schedule 10.

(2) An Air well for natural light and ventilation of toilets, store Rooms, garage, washing
areas shall be as set out in Schedule 10

(3) The internal Air well or courtyards provided for the purpose of natural lightning and
ventilation shall not be obstructed.

(4) Where the shortest side of the Air well is less than 5.0m, overhangs, canopies, sun
shading devices, eaves or balconies projected over such Air well shall not exceed

(5) The floor of an internal courtyard shall either be paved or turfed and maintained as
an internal garden with a proper drainage system.

(6) The distance between the means of natural light and ventilation in a room of a
building with Ground Floor and upper floor, and the opposite boundary of the open
space, shall be not less than 2.3m.

(7) The minimum distance between the means of natural light and ventilation for water-
closets, toilets or bathrooms and the opposite boundary of the open space shall be

Provide that, where twenty-four hours (24) exhaust fans are in operation in rooms,
the distance between the External Walls of which the exhaust fans are installed and
the opposite boundary of the open space shall be not less than 2.3m.

(8) Unless otherwise specified in the Code of Fire safety, the minimum dimensions of
an opening for natural light and ventilation for enclosed staircase, corridor or lobby
shall be in accordance with regulation 70 (2).

(9) In case of Terrace Houses of depth greater than 12.0m there shall be permanent
means of ventilation from front to rear by suitable vents in all front, back and cross
walls at each floor and such vents shall have a net opening area of not less than

(10) For the purpose of determining light and ventilation requirements, any room may
be considered as a portion of an adjoining room where half of the common wall is
opened/exposed and unobstructed.

(11) Where any room is located in a Basement and has the capacity to attract natural
light and ventilation, such room shall have at least 1/3 (one third) of the height of
its External Walls above the ground level and requirement of regulation 70 (2)
shall be fulfilled.


72. (1) Where Air-Conditioning, Mechanical Ventilation or artificial lighting is installed or

intended to be installed in a Building: -
(a) such installations shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions of these
regulations considering the particular type of use of the building or part

(b) where the Air Conditioning unit, Mechanical Ventilation system or artificial
lighting is not used in a building, an approval shall be obtained by fulfilling
the requirements of these regulations for obtaining natural light and

(2) Where fresh air is obtained by mechanical means by supplying a minimum of 3 air
changes per hour in a room for residential purposes, the area of openings of the
natural ventilation source may be reduced to half of that specified in regulation 70
(2), but shall be not less than 0.5m2.

(3) Except as set out in regulation 70, Mechanical Ventilation shall be provided in
every room of non-residential purpose, staircase, corridor or lobby where the
relevant requirements for natural ventilation under these regulations are not fulfilled.

(4) (a) Where Air Conditioning, Mechanical Ventilation or artificial lighting is installed
in a building, a minimum one third (1/3) of the area on every floor of such building
shall have openings to benefit from natural source of ventilation.

(b) Where underground constructions are involved in the development, 100% of the
area shall be provided with Mechanical Ventilation and artificial, lighting installed in
compliance with the standards specified by the Construction Industry Development
Authority (CIDA) and a generator shall be installed to facilitate emergency power
requirements. A certification from a Relevant Qualified Person shall be submitted
confirming the installation of the same.

(c) Where an Air-Conditioning machine is installed, the adjoining boundary must

maintain a distance of 2.3m length.

(d) Such installations referred to in sub-regulation (4)(b), shall be on the

recommendation and certification issued by the Relevant Qualified Person.

(1) Every proposal submitted along with the application for a Development Permit,
shall comply with the parking requirements set out in the Schedule 11.
Notwithstanding the above, each development shall provide a minimum number of
parking stalls as set out in Schedule 11.

(2) The standard specifications for parking stalls for each type of vehicle and minimum
width of aisles shall be as set out in Form “A” and “B” in Schedule 12.

(3) Where the planning committee deems that the provision of the parking space as
specified in paragraph 73(1) and 73(2) is not practicable, a service charge shall be
levied as set out in the Schedule 2.

(4) No parking space shall be permitted within the Building Line reservation.

(5)(a) Where the Planning Committee deems that the provision of parking space cannot
be provided as specified in paragraph 73(1) and 73(2) in this regulation the
Authority may exempt of service charge from the Developments of the non-profit
making Organisations, Development of the Charitable Organisations, Government
Departments on the provision of a minimum of 50% of the required parking space.

(b)For developments by non-profitable and charitable organisations and

Government Department where service charge is exempted as provided in
paragraph 73(5), the applicant is required to provide documental evidence to
verify their status

(6)(a) The width of the access and entry and exit point to residential parking areas
shall be not less than 3.0m if entry and exit are separately provided. However,
where entry and exit are provided collectively, the width of the access and entry
and exit points shall be not less than 6.0m
(b)Where the entry and exit are provided separately in a parking area for
commercial purpose, the width of the access and entry and exit point shall be not
less than 4.5m and where the entry and exit are provided collectively, the width
shall be not less than 6.0m

(7) In a building where more than two parking spaces are required to be provided, all
vehicle maneuver of parking and reversing shall be located inside the site. No
reversing shall be permitted from or into the street.

(8) In the event parking is available for two stalls or less, angle parking with direct
access from the street shall be permitted, provided that-
(a) The angle parking is 45 degree or less; and
(b) There is no bus halt, bus shelter or bus bay within 5.0m from any part of
such opening for parking; and
(c) There is no pedestrian crossing within 25.0m from any part of such
opening for parking; and
(d) There is no intersection with any other paved road within 25.0m from
any part of such an opening for parking; and
(e) Physical obstructions will be placed to the satisfaction of the Relevant
Authority excluding more than two vehicles from parking in such space
provided; and
(f) There is no dire requirement for commercial vehicle parking; and
(g) The street is not a National Highway/ road.

(9) The Relevant Authority may reduce the width of a driveway for the parking area to
3.0m, where a development site has a road frontage less than 12.0m and depth
less than 40.0m if: -

(a)a traffic holding base of required size, has been provided at acceptable
locations, along such drive way to the satisfaction of the Relevant

(b) the total parking requirements of such development does not exceed ten
(10) parking lots.

(a) the maximum gradient of ramps shall not be steeper than 1:8 for ramps
of 12.0m or less. In the case of longer ramps, the gradient shall not be
less than 1:10

(b) for every such ramp, a flat space of not less than 6.0m shall be
provided at the edge of the proposed or existing Street Line and in the
absence of an existing or proposed Street Line, from the boundary of a plot
of land shall be provided.
(10) The width of ramps shall not be less than 3.5m clear of all footways and other
obstructions where entry and exit are separately provided and contain 6.0m.

(12) A minimum clear height of 2.1m shall be retained on the ramps and in multi-
storied parking areas.

(13) Security clearing and parking control activities such as barriers, booth and lifts
shall not be located within a minimum clear distance of 6.0m from the edge of the
street to such barrier. For each 25 parking stalls or part thereof, the aggregate clear
distance shall be increased by 6.0m, which may be provided in one and the same
lane or in multiple lanes.

(14) In the case of slopping floors for parking areas, the gradient of such shall not
exceed 1:20

(15) Where a sidewalk continues across the openings for entry or exit to any, parking
area, the Relevant Authority shall specify alterations if any to be made at the
Developers cost, to the curbs or any part of such a sidewalk to maintain mobility of
pedestrians, with special consideration to handicapped persons. The Relevant
Authority may also require the Developer to paint and maintain a pedestrian
crossing across such openings.

(16) A minimum inner and outer turning radius shall be provided as set out in Form
“C” in Schedule 12.

(17) (a) Mechanical parking (fully automated systems, vertical system or Stack type
system, Puzzle type system) can be provided where the guidelines deal with the
car parking provision and layout aspects. Notwithstanding the guidelines, each
mechanised parking proposal shall be evaluated on its own merits. Designers
shall be required to seek clearances or approvals on other operational aspects of
the systems such as fire system, security etc. from other relevant institutions. The
Relevant Authority does not regulate the mechanism of the parking system and
car lift. Requirements for mechanical car parking as specified in Form “D”, “E”
and “F” of Schedule 12.

(b) mechanism of the system does not come under the jurisdiction of the

(c) ratio of car lifts to parking capacity is 1:50.

(d) maximum number of parking lots to be served by car-lifts shall not

exceed 200.
(e) a minimum of 2 lifts shall be provided

(18) The Authority may require a Traffic Impact Assessment (hereinafter referred to
as TIA) of the proposed development, as specified in Schedule 13.


74. (1) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one water closet and every other type of
building shall be provided with an adequate number of water closet, urinals, wash
basins and other sanitary conveniences as set out in the Schedule 14.

(2) Every Sewerage and waste water outlets shall be connected to an existing public
Sewerage system and the Relevant Institutions may, require the Sewerage and
waste water to be pre-treated to conform to acceptable standards prior to the
connection to the public Sewerage system.

(3) Where the Relevant Authority decides that the outlets cannot be connected to
the public system, Sewerage shall be disposed through septic tank and waste water
to a soakage pit.

(4) Where housing schemes located in an area where public Sewerage disposal
systems are not available and individual septic tank or package treatment plants
cannot be provided, common septic tanks and soakage pits shall be provided in
cluster wise. Number of housing units in such cluster shall be limited to
maximum of five (5). Provided however, the Relevant Authority may consider
any alternative system if recommended by a Relevant Qualified Person.

(5) A Sewerage treatment plant shall be provided for a condominium housing

development that exceeds fifteen units (15), with standards imposed by the
relevant institutions for such Sewerage treatment plant.


(1) Every building shall be provided with a protective water supply system.
Provided that, where the pipe borne water supply system is not available, a
suitable water supply system shall be provided for the development activities on
the recommendation of Relevant Institutions.

(2) Where the provision of connection to the public water supply system is
impracticable a system connected to a private source shall be provided.
(4) Where the Relevant Authority deems that the supply of water is irregular, taking
into consideration the condition of the building and other landmarks of the area,
every such building shall be provided with water storage tanks and pumps of such
capacity as may be determined by the Relevant Institutions.

(4) A well-used for the supply of drinking water shall be located 15.0m away from
the cesspit or a soakage pit of a septic tank and 1.0m from the boundary.

(5) A well which is to be located at 10.0m away from the cesspit or a soakage pit or a
septic tank may be permitted upon the recommendation of a Geologist or the
Medical Officer of the relevant area, in absence of pipe borne water.


(1) Every existing or proposed building, shall be provided with adequate drainage
facilities to drain off water from roof, inclusive of gutters of appropriate sized and
fixed to prevent leakage or overflow, down pipes and related appurtenance, in
order to provide for rain water harvesting and to provide minimal rain water to
fall directly from the roof to the ground.

(2) With respect of the disposal of rain water, the following shall be prohibited: -
(a) Direct discharge from roof to street drain;

(b) Connection to a septic tank, soakage pit, open trench or public Sewerage

(c) Discharge into an adjacent property.

(3) The requirements set out in Part I, Part II in Schedule 15 shall be complied with
for the disposal of rainwater. Provided that, the provisions of this paragraph shall
not apply to any premises, which is less than 6 perches (150m2)

(4) Every application submitted for construction of a building shall be as follows: -

(a) a sketch of the plan of the surrounding area including existing water drains;

(b)The floor plan (of each story where the building consists of more than one
floor) with the roof or any area which consists of a Flat Roof, all pipe lines
of the drainage, sizes and location of storage and infiltration and outlet
drains which discharges the rain water, with arrows indicating the direction
of the flow of the water.
(c) the cross and longitudinal sections of the building, including storage tank,
down pipes and appurtenances incidental thereto.

(a) The provision in sub regulations 76(1) to 76(4) herein shall be applicable to
the uses of buildings specified in Part I of Schedule 15 to these regulations
and the Maximum Equivalent Rainwater Holding provisions requirement for
each of such category shall be as set out in the Part II of the Schedule 15:
Provided that, where any applicable building uses or rainfall band is not
clearly identifiable, Relevant Authority shall, considering all conditions,
make the required identification of the rain fall band
Provided further that, the proposed distribution of the rainwater holding
provision shall be computed in accordance with the storage and ground
water infiltration of the premises as set out in Part II of the Schedule 15.

(b)Where common rainwater holding facilities are proposed by one or more

owners of adjacent properties, such joint facility shall be located at such
place as may be determined by the Relevant Authority, provided the
Relevant Authority directs that prior written consent of all owners to the
implementation of a joint facility be obtained.

(6) The factors stipulated hereunder shall be taken into consideration when assessing
the Equivalent Rainwater Holding Provision of any premises;
(a)Availability of space for storage of water for fire requirements and the
measures adopted to meet such fire requirements;

(b)100m2 of unpaved ground sufficient for 0.5m3;

©location of infiltration trenches specially for rainwater;

(d) any facilities available on adjacent premises where, the written consent of
the owner thereof has been obtained for the use of such facilities.

(7) The factors stipulated hereunder shall be taken into consideration when assessing
the Equivalent Rainwater Holding Provision: -
(a) storage spaces for public main supply;

(b) availability of septic tank effluent soakage pit or trench.

(8) The rainwater system and plans shall be prepared by a Relevant Qualified Person
in accordance with these regulations and shall be-

(a) constructed as specified in the plan

(b) consist of necessary instruments capable of discharging the first
flush of rain;

(c) structures infiltrated in to the ground, by means of either a waste

water soakage pit, a dug or bore well, pond or other similar measure,
ensuring that the optimal use of water is achieved for home, garden and
landscaping purposes.

(9) The storage structure of rainwater shall be covered and protected against all
possible accidents and shall-
(a) be built in compliance with required standards;

(b) have necessary methods for the elimination of dust, vermin and other

(c) be of such design which shall not contrivance any other building
regulations or aesthetic consideration imposed by the Authority;

(d) be located at appropriate location above, below or on the ground

level, to facilitate the maximum use of the water storage.

(10) Where water is not used for home gardening or any other purposes structure
shall be of such specified dimensions in order to be able to contain the quality of
water directed to it to in ensure proper infiltration.

(11) There shall not be direct cross floor between the rainwater and the public main

(12) There shall be filtration devices as specified by the Relevant Institutions where
the rainwater is used.

(1) The waste generated within any premises or public space shall not be disposed
in a manner that may cause harm or be hazardous to the public health or

(2) Any identified waste shall not be disposed to any space intended to be used as
public place, wetland or any environmentally sensitive area.

(3) A proposal for solid waste disposal with spaces provided for collection and
temporary storage shall be submitted in respect of buildings which are
residential and non-residential with a floor area that exceeds 400m2 and 100m2,

(4) The Authority may require the applicant to obtain a clearance from the Relevant
Institutions or the Relevant Authority for the disposal of solid waste.


78. Every civil, electrical and plumbing works of a building shall be certified and carried
out under the supervision of the Relevant Qualified Persons as set out in Schedule 3, in
order to ensure maximum safety and sanitary conditions within such building or

79. A space dedicated for a Generator shall be provided in every building which is more
than 15.0m in height or in any other building in which the Relevant Authority may
direct to do so, considering the use of such building.

Commencement of Building Works

(1) No development shall be commenced, continued or completed unless and until
the development permit is issued by the Relevant Authority.

(2) Every development shall be in compliance with the limits and conditions set out
in the development permit.

(3) The Relevant Authority may permit a Temporary Building which facilitates the
commencement or continuation of building works, for a particular period as per
Regulation 104.

(1) The Relevant Authority shall carry out inspections during the construction
period, once in six months, for such buildings that exceed a floor area of 400m2
from the date of the development permit being issued, in order to confirm and
ensure that the development work is being carried out in accordance with the
design for which the development permit was granted, and thereby issue a Post-
Permit Audit and Monitoring Report to the applicant.

(2) If the applicant not respond to the Relevant Authority within fourteen days
(14) from the date of the letter issued by the same, the Authority Relevant
Authority shall forward such report for further action.

(3) A letter to obtain the final Post Audit & Monitoring Report shall be lodged
with the Relevant Authority.

(4) The fees payable for such report shall be made in pursuance with the terms set
out in schedule 2

Certificate of Conformity

(1) No applicant shall be permitted to occupy or permit or acquiesce the occupation
of any third party after completion of the development until the issuance of a
CoC from the Relevant Authority, certifying the fact that the development is in
compliance with the approved Development Plan.

(2) Every application for the purpose of obtaining CoC shall be made to the
Relevant Authority along with Form “I” as set out in the Schedule 1. An
application to the Relevant Authority wherever possible shall be forwarded
online by the submission of relevant documents.

(3) The fees payable for such applications shall be made in pursuance with the
terms set out in Schedule 2.

(1) The Relevant Authority shall ensure that all conditions specified in the
development permit issued for such development are fulfilled prior to applying
for the CoC.

(2) Such application shall accompany a certificate, where applicable, from a

Relevant Qualified Person as set out in Schedule 3, confirming that the sub-
division, amalgamation or re-survey has been carried out as per the Approved
Plan and adhering to the conditions specified in the Permit.

(3) Where the development involves the construction of roads and culverts or any
other engineering work related to development, the application shall accompany
a certificate from a Relevant Qualified Person, as set out in the Schedule 3,
confirming that such works have been carried out as per the Approved Plans and
conditions specified in the Permit.
(1) Upon completion of the building or part thereof in accordance with the
Approved Plan, the applicant or occupant shall request for a CoC from the
Relevant Authority in order to occupy such building.

(2) Notwithstanding a CoC for partial completion has been issued for the
occupation of such building, it is mandatory to obtain a further certificate upon
completion of the entire building, according to these regulations.
(3) In applying for the CoC under regulation 82 for a completed building or part
thereof the applicant shall: -

(a) fulfill all conditions specified in the development permit;

(b) pay all relevant fees;

(c) If applicable;

(i) submit a certificate from a Relevant Qualified Person as set out

in Schedule 3, confirming that the development has been carried
out under his supervision and in compliance with the Approved
Plan and adhering to the conditions specified in the development

(ii) submit a certificate from a Chartered Civil or Structural Engineer

as set out in the Schedule 3, confirming that the development has
been carried out under his direct supervision and in compliance
with the structural details pertaining to the Approved Plans and
development permit.

(iii) submit a certificate from a Relevant Qualified Persons well-

versed in mechanical, electrical, drainage, Air Conditioning or
other related fields, as set out in the Schedule 3, confirming that
such works of the building have been carried out under his
supervision and in compliance with the approved plans,
development permit.

(iv) submit certificates for fire services, electricity, water supply,

Sewerage disposals, waste water disposal and solid waste
management obtained from Relevant Institutions;

(v) submit any other certificates mentioned in the Development


(vi) submit final report of Post Audit & Monitoring, obtained from
the Authority as per the regulation 81.

(1) The Chairman or an authorized representative of the Relevant Authority may
enter at a reasonable time into a building while the building works are
underway, in order to determine whether all the provisions of these regulations
have been complied with, prior to the issuance of a CoC is issued.
(2) The authorized representative of the Relevant Authority shall produce his
identity before entering or inspecting a Building or any development premises.

(1) The Relevant Authority may grant or renew a CoC for occupation of a building
or part thereof, where the planning committee deems that the deviation from the
Approved Plan of the building or non-compliance with a requirement on the
plan of the building or development permit or non-completion of the
construction of such building is neither of a serious nature nor in any way
detrimental to the well-being and safety of the person who may occupy the
building or part thereof.

(2) The Authority may revoke the development permit or the CoC issued for such
development at any time if the Relevant Authority discovers that the applicant
had violated a term or condition stipulated in the development permit or the

(1) The CoC of a Building or part thereof except single unit residential building
shall be displayed on a suitable location for the awareness of the occupants.

(2) The fire certificate together with particular floor plan showing the evacuation
route or routes of fire shall be displayed at a suitable location of each floor in
residential buildings of which the height exceeds 15.0m or exceeds five units
and in non-residential buildings of which the floor area exceeds 400m2.

(3) No person can be exempted from the obligation of compliance with the
Approved Plan and the development permit after obtaining such CoC.

(4) The Authority may revoke or cancel a CoC for the occupation of a building, if
the Authority is of the opinion that the construction has been erected in violation
of the conditions attached to the Development Permit.

(5) Where a building or part thereof is intended to be used for a purpose other than
any use specified in the CoC, the owner of the building shall notify the
Authority the proposed use thereof and obtain the approval from the Authority.

(6) Where a Fire Certificate has been issued for a building where the whole or part
of which is being used or occupied, all necessary steps shall be taken to ensure
that the fire escape route is not be obstructed, unless otherwise directed by the
Chief Fire Officer.
88. Any owner, occupier or Developer of a building or part thereof who, without any
reasonable cause, contravenes or fails to comply with regulations 82 and 87 commits
an offence.

(1) No person shall occupy or permit any person to occupy in a building or part
thereof, or construct any structure in a land amalgamated or subdivided, without
a CoC.

(2) A person who contravenes the provisions of regulation 89 (1), commits an



(1) An owner, occupier or their agents of a Public Building or part thereof which: -

(a) provides access to general public; or

(b) accommodates more than hundred (100) persons per day,

shall apply for a Public Building Certificate in addition to a COC, from

the Relevant Authority prior to the occupation or use of such Building or
part thereof. No person shall occupy, use or permit any other person to
occupy such building or part thereof in the absence of a Public
Building Certificate.

(2) Every application for the purpose of obtaining a Public Building Certificate
shall be made to the Relevant Authority along with the Form “J” of the
Schedule 1 including a written declaration as set out in Annexure XI, XII
and XIII.

(3) An application for the renewal of a Public Building Certificate shall be

accompanied by:
(a) a certificate from the Relevant Qualified Person confirming that the
building is structurally sound to hold more than 100 occupants;

(b) four copies (4) of the plan of every floor of the building or part thereof,
drawn to a scale not smaller than 1:200 and setting out the relevant
information in distinct colours and signed by the owner or his Developer
of the building or part thereof;
(c) a statement of the intended use and occupants of the building or part

(d) the approved path ways of fire escape of the building or part thereof and
any other requirement in the Code of Fire Precaution for buildings as
may be imposed by the Chief Fire Officer;

(e) the position and type of every fire extinguishing equipment installed in
the building or part thereof in accordance with the Code of Fire
Precaution for buildings or Chief Fire Officer;

(f) the position and size of every window and other opening in every
External Wall for lighting, natural ventilation, Air Conditioning system
and other means of ventilation, if any; and

(g) the position of every lift, escalator, fire protection system, portable fire
extinguishers and other service equipment.

(4) The fee payable according to the Schedule 2

(5) A Public Building Certificate shall be valid for a period of five years and
may be renewed for a period or periods not exceeding 2 years upon a
request made by the owner, occupier or his agent at least two months prior
to the expiry of such permit.

(6) A certificate from one or more qualified persons certifying that they have
examined the building or part thereof and every system and equipment
referred to in regulation 90 (3) and in accordance with the provisions of
these regulation made thereunder and the Code of Fire Precaution for
buildings shall also be submitted.

(7) The name, qualifications and other relevant particulars of the person
designated to act as a Safety Officer for the building or part thereof under
regulations 90, shall be provided by the Developer when applying for Public
Building Certificate.

(8) With respect of an application for the renewal of a Public Building

Certificate under regulation 90 (5), the floor plan referred to in regulation
90(3) (b) shall not be required to be submitted if there is no change of such

(9) Where an application for the issuance or renewal of a Public Building

Certificate is made under regulation 90 (5), the Relevant Authority may
refuse to issue or renew such certificate on such terms and conditions as the
Relevant Authority may deem fit.

(10) The Relevant Authority may revoke any Public Building Certificate that
has been issued or renewed under these regulations, in the event of:-

(a) a breach of any term or condition of the certificate;

(b) a failure to comply with the provisions of regulation 90 (3);

(c) any misrepresentation of particulars in the application, plans or


(d) a fire hazards within the building or part thereof, has gone out of
control, due to the failure to entertain adequate fire safety measures
to the satisfaction of the Chief Fire Officer.

91. The owner, occupier or their agent of a Public Building or part thereof which has a
floor area of more than 400m2 or an occupancy load of more than one hundred
persons (100) shall designate a responsible person to act as a Safety Officer, for the
purposes of: -

(1) enforcing good housekeeping rules and fire safety precautions within the
building or part thereof;

(2) supervising the maintenance of all means of fire escapes, lifts and fire
protection systems and maintenance of equipment within the building or
part thereof;

(3) organizing periodical fire drills in order to ensure that all persons employed
in or using the Building or part thereof are familiar with all means of
escapes in case of fire;

(4) supervising the safety and security surveillance systems of the building.

92. (1) The owner or Developer of a building or part thereof, which has an occupant load of
more than one hundred persons (100) contravenes or fails to comply with regulations
90 and 91 commits an offence under the section 28 of Urban Development Authority
Act no 41 of 1978.
(1) With respect to every development which is registered for Green Building
Certificate, the owner or Developer shall ensure, at the time of applying for
the Certificate of Conformity, that the development complies with: -

(a) minimum certificate level of the Green Building Rating;

(b) the agreed level for which the additional benefits under the
Regulation 54 are granted.

(2) The Relevant Authority may direct the owner, Developer or their agent to
take necessary corrective measures to the development, in order to comply
with the minimum certificate level of the Green Building Rating, within
the criteria set out in Schedule 5, before the issuance of the Certificate of

(3) Where the owner or the Developer fails to conform to the minimum
certificate level or the agreed level of the Green Building Rating, the
Relevant Authority may impose a surcharge on the development as set out
in the schedule 2.



(1) No Building shall be occupied for any purpose except the purpose for which
the CoC was issued.

(2) After the development plan is published in the Gazette, the Authority

(a) carry out a survey on the usage of the property;

(b) notify the owner or occupier who has violated the conditions of
the permit regarding the nature of the violation; and

(c) inform the owner or occupier to apply for a change of use, if it is

so desired.

(3) (a) Where any owner or occupier intends to change the use of the
building, an application may be made as per Form “K” as set out
in Schedule 1 and submit copies of approved survey plan, Building
plan, CoC and payment of assessment receipt to the Authority. The
fee shall be made as set out in the Schedule 2.

(b) The Authority may grant a temporary permit for a change of use
for a period of one year, provided the proposed use is in
compliance with the zoning regulations of the Development Plan,
and compatible with the existing land use pattern and no adverse
impacts may be caused to the existing environment, the parking,
open space and other requirements within the site, width of the
access roads and infrastructure are satisfactory and the safety and
security of the neighbours are ensured.

(c) The Authority may decide to renew the period for change of use
upon the request of the applicant if it was evident to the
satisfaction of the Authority that the prerequisites for a change of
use described in the forgoing provision had been successfully
complied during the preceding year for which a temporary permit
was granted to effectuate the change of use.

(4) Where the Authority decides that the proposed change of use may adversely
affect the conditions referred to in sub-regulation 3(b), the Authority may
revoke the temporary permit without any payment.

(5) Where an Approved Plan is available and if any party intends to change the
use permanently, an approval shall be obtained from the Authority for the
proposed use based on the planning and building regulations of the
development plan.



95. (1) The Relevant Authority shall not accept an application for a Preliminary Planning
Clearance, Development Permit, or CoC, if: -
(a) the plans, drawings or calculation submitted under these
regulations, are beyond the scope of professional competence
of a Relevant Qualified Person;

(b) the information and the particulars provided in the application

are incomplete or inaccurate;

(c) the application is not duly certified by the applicant and

Relevant Qualified Person.
(3) The Relevant Authority shall direct the applicant or Developer to display a
hoarding at the site indicating the nature of the proposed development, for
public view for a period of thirty (30) days.

(4) Where the approval or a permit is not granted for any Development Activity,
the Relevant Authority shall bring to the actual notice of the applicant the
reasons for such refusal, and tender copies of the relevant plan whilst
retaining one copy of the plan in the custody of the Relevant Authority.
Notwithstanding the grounds of refusal, the Relevant Authority shall not be
liable to refund whole or part of the any fees paid to the Relevant Authority.
(5) The Relevant Authority shall not accept an application for Preliminary
Planning Clearance, Development permit or Certificate of Conformity an
appeal shall be made according to the Form “L” as set out in Schedule 1.

(6) Every application shall be forwarded with the relevant fee as set out in
Schedule 2

96. Where an applicant is aggrieved by the decision of a Relevant Authority in respect of

his application for a Preliminary Planning Clearance, Development Permit, or
Certificate of Conformity, an appeal may be made in writing to the Minister within
thirty days (30) of the communication of such decision to him.

(1) Where an application for any Development Activity is submitted, the
approval shall be granted with or without terms and conditions, if: -

(a) the information required by the Relevant Authority is

provided and the particulars in the application is duly

(b) the proposed development is free from objections from any

Government Institution or any private party; and

(c) the proposed development or any part thereof may not affect
the proceedings of an on-going litigation in a court of Law or
the status quo of the property, an investigation being carried
out by the Commission to Investigation Allegations of
Bribery and Corruption, Human Rights Commission or any
other statutory body.
(2) Where any building or building work has been approved with or without conditions,
a single copy of its plan shall be obtained by the owner of the premises, Developer or a
Relevant Qualified Person prior to the commencement of the construction of such

98. The Relevant Authority may revoke any approval or permit, if there is a contravention
of the provisions of these regulations, providing false or incorrect information, failure
to comply with whole or part of the terms and conditions of approval or permit or
failure to submit plan and other particulars as required by the Relevant Authority.

(1) Where any provision of any other Law requires or where the Authority has
identified Buildings or places which are of architectural, environmental, aesthetic or
archaeological value, any addition or alteration to such buildings or places shall not
be carried out by the owner or the occupier without the prior approval of the relevant
institutions or Authority.

(2) The maintenance, conservation or change of use of such building or property may
be permitted where such maintenance, conservation or change of use are in
compliance with the planning and Development Regulations.

(1) The Relevant Authority may grant approval for any development of a condominium
property which is deemed to be a development by stage or part under the
Condominium Management Authority Law, as set forth hereunder: -

(a) the approval shall be obtained for the entire development

proposal at the first stage of the development;

(b) all regulatory requirements shall be assessed for the total


(c) where any changes are done to the Approved Plan, the entire
plan with amendments shall be re submitted for approval.

(2) Further sub-division or separation into units of a condominium property shall not be
permitted, if it is contrary to these regulations where sub division or separation
allows only for the preparation of condominium deed without physical separation.

(3) The final certificate from the Condominium Management Authority shall be
obtained prior to the sale of such condominium units.
(4) Any development of a residential condominium property shall be in accordance
with the Apartment Ownership Law, No. 11 of 1973 and its amendment.


(1) Every Development Activity carried out within DGP area, shall be in compliance
with building setbacks, reservations, land use, environmental improvements,
infrastructure services, roads and traffic flow, location of open spaces, heights of
buildings, intensity of developments, conservation, redevelopments, building
construction and its facades, advertisements, preservation of trees, safety and
security measures specified in the relevant development plan.

(2) Until the preparation of the DGP, the Authority may direct the owner, Developer or
the Relevant Qualified Person to cause relevant modifications in such development
proposal, so as to be consistent with the contemplated development in the area, as
may be proposed in such DGP.


(1) The display of commercial advertisements, billboards, hoardings, exhibition stalls,
telephone booths etc. shall be in compliance with the provisions of the DGP of such
area. If there is no DGP available, such activities shall comply with these

(2) No person or institution shall erect, display or maintain any activity specified in the
regulation 102(1) without, prior approval of the Relevant Authority.

(3) A sketch plan of any activity mentioned in regulation 102(1) shall be submitted to
the Relevant Authority for approval and a certificate from a qualified structural
engineer shall be forwarded where necessary, before exhibiting of the same in any

(4) Every installation for commercial advertisement, billboard or hoarding etc. shall not
cover any important landscapes, landmarks or public places (eg: school, temple,
church, cemetery, court etc.) in the area, shall be compatible with the landscape of
the area. Proposed commercial advertisements, hoardings or billboards etc. shall be
in compliance with the environmental values of the place, identity and the
architectural character of the location and its surroundings.
(5) The permission shall not be granted for the display of advertisements, which contain
messages that are detrimental or likely to be detrimental to the inherent qualities
and characteristics of the proposed development zones or contain nude or obscene

(6) No advertisement, billboard or hoarding etc. shall be erected, maintained and

displayed in a manner that disturb the vehicular movements and likely to misguide
the users of the roads. The colour, shape, font types and symbols used for
advertisement shall not be similar or identical to the road symbols.

(7) Every advertisement, billboard or hoarding etc. shall be erected away from the
boundary limits which has access to roads and it shall not cause any disturbance for
access roads.

(8) No advertisement panel shall obstruct any door, window, emergency door, staircase
or any other means of obtaining light and ventilation.

(9) No advertisement, hoarding or billboard etc. shall be erected in front of a

commercial building or a Public Building, in a manner that would cover more than
50% of the frontage of such building.

(10) No advertisement, billboard or hoarding etc. shall be erected or displayed with the
support of trees, telephone or electricity posts, rocks, bridges, parapet walls, walls,
vehicles or road sign board.

(11) Every advertisement, billboard or hoarding shall be maintained in a pleasant and

protective manner.

(12) The display of advertisements or notices may be permitted for a limited period of
time for special commercial events, cultural or religious festivals or any other
special occasion. All hoarding erected temporarily shall be removed on the first
day of the week after such event, festival or occasion and the place of display
shall be restored to the original condition.

(13) Where any advertisement, bill board or hoarding etc. erected on a temporary basis
for a special event exists after the completion of such event, the Relevant
Authority may direct the removal of such advertisement, bill board or hoardings
within fourteen days of prior notice. If such advertisement, bill board or hording
is not removed within fourteen days, the Relevant Authority may remove such
advertisement, bill board or hoarding etc. and the owner of such property shall
reimburse the Relevant Authority for any cost or expenses associated with such

(1) An application for communication towers shall be submitted to the Relevant
Authority through the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission along with the
recommendations of relevant other institutions and the final recommendation of the
Telecommunication Regulatory Commission.

(2) The specification for antenna towers shall be as set out in Schedule 16 of these

(3) Following special concerns need to be considered;

(a) Location specific planning and Development Regulations
enforced for the area by the Authority.

(b) Location of tower hall be in a manner that do not disturb the

scenic beauty especially in an area not accustomed to tall

(c) Possibilities shall be looked in to for encouraging operators

to share towers as much as possible with a view to optimize
the visual impacts created due to erection of several towers in
the same location.


(1) In the case of a Temporary Building, a plan or the application for permission to
erect the building may be approved by the issue of a temporary permit on such
terms and conditions as the Relevant Authority think fit;

(2) A temporary permit for the erecting of a Temporary Building which is used under
paragraph 104(1), shall be valid for such period of time as may be specified in the

(3) The permit shall be valid for not more than one year

(4) Where the Temporary Building is;

(a) a shed for entertainment purpose; or

(b) a shed for funeral, religious or other purposes; or

(c) a builders working shed, or store or any other shed used in
connection with any new building works; or

(d) a container used on a temporary basis for any activity

(e) a hording or frame for the display of advertisements or sign

boards or other advertising devices; or

(f) a protective hording, catch platform or side walk shed on

street or footway in connection with any building works; or

(g) a scaffolding on a street; or

(h) a stall or shed in a building or other premises for a trade fair,

fun fair or exhibition purposes.

105. Every Public Building shall be in compliance with the Protection of the Right of Persons
with Disabilities Act, No. 28 of 1996 and its amendments.

(1) Clearances shall be obtained from the Relevant Institutions for any underground or
ground level water supply lines, sewer lines, drainage lines, telecommunication
lines or electric lines that are located in the land, or on near the boundary

(2) Where high tension electricity supply lines are situated, every building shall be
away from a vertical distance of 4.5m and horizontal distance of 2.5m from such
lines and clearance shall be obtained from the Ceylon Electricity Board.

107. Where any existing building is unsafe for the occupants or other persons, the Relevant
Authority shall: -

(a) direct the owner of the property to carry out any modification
to such building or ,

(b) the Relevant Authority shall direct the applicant to demolish

such building or remove such building if owners are unable
do so;
(c) take any other appropriate measures to prevent any accident;

(d) recover all costs incurred for removal of such building from
the owner
108. The applications for the approval of construction in any developments for the
‘Prescribed Projects’ under the Part IV (c) of the National Environmental Act No. 47 of
1980 and its amendments shall be in compliance with the requirements of the said Act.

109. Where any new development in relation to religious purposes is required, the consent
shall be obtained from the general public who reside within 500m of the area through
Grama Niladhari of the Division and submit a certificate from the Divisional Secretary
and the Relevant Institution.

(1) All construction works excluding single unit private residential buildings which fall
outside category “B” shall be examined by the Relevant Qualified Person in every
six months until the completion of the same.

(2) After the examination as in regulation 110(1), a progress report of the building work
shall be submitted to the Relevant Authority by the qualified persons until the
completion of the building works.

(1) The Relevant Qualified Person whose services is terminated shall notify the
Authority in writing of such termination of the services, within fourteen days (14)
there from. With effect from the date of such termination, building work shall not
be commenced, carried out or resumed unless any other qualified person has been
appointed by the Developer and notified the Authority in writing of this

(2) A notice of the termination of services given by a Relevant Qualified Person shall
be accompanied with a summary report and certificate of the building works.

112.The developments on both sides of existing or proposed Express ways shall be in

compliance with the Schedule 17.

113. Where solar energy is used for the building, the maximum height for installation of solar
panels on a Flat Roof shall be 1.2m.

(1) The development plan shall be valid for a period of ten years from the date of its
grant. It shall be amended or revised from time to time.

(2) Where the necessary updates or revisions are not completed before the expiry of the
period of validity of the plan, an additional period of one year may be granted by the
115.In the event of any inconsistency between the Sinhala and English texts pertaining to the
interpretation of the plan, Sinhala Language shall prevail.



In these Regulations, unless the content otherwise requires;

“Access Road” means any street used as a means of access to a building or a plot of land; of
whether or where such building or plot of land contains a right of way over it or not.

“Administrative Expenses “means the inspection fee and documentation fee

“Air Conditioning” means the processing of treating air so as to control, simultaneously its
temperature, humidity, purity, distribution and movement to meet the requirement of the air-
conditioned space of a building or part thereof.

“Air well” means any space within the building which opens to the sky for the purpose of
obtaining natural light & ventilation.

“Ancillary Facilities” means extra uses of a building which directly facilitate the main use;
such as parking area, swimming pool, generator Room etc.

“Apartment” means a building with one or more vertically connected dwelling units.

“Approved Plan” means a plan of a building, any building works or any land subdivision
amalgamation, perimeters or resurvey approved by the Relevant Authority in accordance with
the Law and the Regulations;

“Authority” means the Urban Development Authority established by virtue of the Urban
Development Authority Act No. 41 of 1978 as amended.

“Balcony” means any stage, platform, oriel window or other similar structure projecting
outwards from External Wall of the Building and supported by brackets or cantilevered;

“Basement” means a storey which is constructed or designed below the Ground Floor
entirely or 2/3 of the height of such storey.
“Blind Wall” means a solid wall constructed without using lucent materials or having no
“Boundary Wall” means any wall, built on or along a any boundary line of a parcel of land for
the purpose of separating such land from another adjoining parcel of land;

“Building” means any construction made using permanent raw materials including walls and

“Building Line” means the line up to which a building will be permitted to extend.

“Chartered Architect or Registered Architect” is any person who is registered with the
architect registration board established by Sri Lanka Institute of Architect law No. 1 of 1976

“Code of Fire Precautions for Buildings” means the Code of Fire Precautions practiced by
the relevant Local Authority.

“Developer” means the owner of the land or person who has been authorized to carry out the
Development Activity.

“Development Activity” has the same meaning as in the Law.

“Existing Lot” means a lot sub divided before the area declared as an urban development area.

“External Wall” means an outer wall or vertical enclosure of a building not being a even
though it may adjoin a wall of another building;

“Factory” means a building or part of a building use for the manufacture or production or
repair of any article.

“Flat Roof” means a horizontal roof instead of a slanted roof.

“Flood Level” means such Flood Level as may be specified for an area by the Department of
Irrigation and Sri Lanka Land Development Corporation.

“Floor” includes a horizontal platform forming the surface of a storey constructed using,
timber, stone, concrete, steel or other substance.

“Foot Way” includes non motorable space allocated for access.

“Foundation” means the part of a construction immediately below the footings of a building,
which is in direct contact with and through which the weight of the Building is transmitted to
the ground;

“Guard Wall” means a short wall constructed on a boundary of a balcony or verandah.

“Ground Floor” means the Ground Floor of a Building most nearly on a level of access road
with the ground. Where there are two or more adjacent roads, the floor which is in close
proximity to the main entrance of the building.

“Height” means a vertical clear distance between two points mentioned in the regulations.

“Licensed Surveyor” is a person who is registered under the Survey Council enacted by the
Surveyor General of Sri Lanka to practice by Survey Council Act No. ................ of 18;

“Industrial Building” includes factories, workshops and warehouses;

“Local Authority” means any Municipal Council, Urban Council, Pradeshiya Sabha or any
other statutory body established under the 13th amendment to the constitution and are governed
by the Provincial Councils Act 1987.

“Lot” means the entirely of any land which has been demarcated by boundary marks or
enclosed within boundary wall or fences.

“Law” means the Urban Development Authority Law of No 41 of 1978 and its amendments

“Mechanical Ventilation” means the process of supplying or removing air to or from a

Building or part thereof by mechanical means or devices;

“Mechanical Lighting” means the lighting of a building or part thereof by artificial sources or

“Owner” means is an individual whose name is registered in the Assessment Registry of the
Local Authority and one who is capable of proving his title/ ownership to a particular property
by producing relevant documents.

“Party Wall” means a wall forming part of a building and used or constructed to be sued for
the separation of adjoining buildings, lands or part of the building

“Permissible Floor Area” means maximum floor area permissible for construction and it can
be single or multi-storied.

“Persons with Disability” means any person who, as a result of any deficiency in his physical
or mental capabilities, whether congenital or not, is unable by himself to ensure for himself,
wholly or partly, the necessities of life;

“Planning Committee “means the committee appointed by virtue of section 8(b) of act no 4 of
1982 of Urban Development Authority Law;
“Plot Coverage” means the percentage of total plinth area of a building in relation to the total
land area in the plot where building situated
“Preliminary Planning Clearance” means a set of guidelines designed by the Authority to
evaluate the criteria complied by the developer in respect of a development activity.

“Proposed Road Width “means the width of the future street which may be proposed via
Development Plan

“Public Building” means a building or part thereof used or constructed or adapted to be used
as a school, shop, office, hospital or place of public resort, not being a church, chapel, mosque,
temple, or other place where public worship is or religious ceremonies are performed;

“Public Street” means any street over which the public have a right of way and has become
vested in a relevant Institute under any Law or by operation of any Law and includes the drain
or footway attached thereto;

“Qualified Engineer Relevant Subject” means any person who is registered with the Institute
of Engineers Sri Lanka established by the Institute of Engineers Act No. 17 of 1968

“Relevant Authority” means such Local Authorities that exercise powers so delegated by the
UDA under Section 23(5) of the Urban Development Authority Act No. 41 of 1978 as

“Relevant Institute” means the government or corporation established under the Act for the
particular subject.

“Relevant Qualified Person” means any person who is designated to perform a profession by
the relevant Professional Institute established under a Parliamentary enactment.

“Religious Places” means a building or a defined or enclosed place used or constructed or

adopted to be used either regulatory or occasionally as a church, chapel, mosque, temple or
other place where public worship is or religious ceremony are performed.

“Residential Unit” means a dwelling unit consisting of a, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom or toilet
used or proposed to be used for a single family.

“Retaining Wall” means a protective wall constructed to stabilize the slope or prevent
deformation of the soil layer in a steep slope.

“Room” means a portion of a building enclosed by walls or partitions.

“Sewerage” means any sewer or liquid waste and includes water-borne sullage and trade
“Street Line” means a line or lines defined on one or both sides of any existing street, to show
its future width or to show the width of a future street as sanctioned by the Relevant Authority
or Relevant Institution
“Structure of a Building” means includes the roof, column or main post, beam, foundation,
wall suspended floor, or staircase of a building but not include a door, window or internal
partition thereof;

“Temporary Building” means a building which is permitted by the relevant authority to

remain for a specified period, at the expiration of which the building shall be demolished.

“Terrace House” means a residential building designed as single dwelling unit and forming
part of a row or terrace,

“Town Planner” means a corporate member of Institute of Town Planners Sri Lanka
established by the Institute of Town Planners Sri Lanka (incorporation) Act No. 23 of 1986

“Valuer” means a corporate member of Institute of Valuers which is incorporated under the
Institute of Valuers of Sri Lanka Law No. 34 of 1975

“Verandah Way” means a covered foot-way at the side of street.

“Warehouse” means large building where raw materials or manufactured goods may be stored
prior to their distribution for sale

“Zone Factor” is a tool introduced to guide the development to optimize the utility of the
developable lands and infrastructure and to regulate the form of the physical environment and
distribution of the development density as envisaged in the development plan.
Schedule 1
[Regulation 1, 3,4, 19,28,30,44, 57,81,89,93]
Form “A”

Preliminary Planning clearance [Reference No: ]

Applicant’s details: Application details:

Name: Type of proposed development:
N.I.C/Passport number: Local Authority:
Contact: Cluster:
Additional Mobile Number:
Submitted on:

Preliminary Planning Clearance Application

1.0 Applicant/s Information

1.1 Full Name of the Applicant

1.2 NIC Number

Upload a scanned copy of NIC

1.3 Telephone No.

Mobile No.

1.4 Fax Number (if any)

1.5 Email Address

1.6 Postal Address (For correspondence)

1.7 If the Applicant is a Company or an Association, the VAT Reg. Number

1.8 Upload the Applicant’s (s) Declaration

1.9 Owner’s Details (If Applicant is not the Owner of Land)

1.10 Upload the Owner’s declaration

2.0 Summary of Proposed Development

2.1 Type of Proposed development (specify)

2.2 Address of the site for development

2.3 Assessment No.

2.4 Road name

2.5 Name and No. of the Grama Niladhari Division

2.6 Local Authority Name

2.7 Ownership of the land (absolute owner or not)

2.8 Upload the Deed/Ownership certificate

2.9 Current use of the land

3.0 Access to the Site

3.1 Location of the site (Please submit a sketch/map of the location, indicating the main town, junction, access
road to the land from the main road, adjoining properties and special land marks)
3.2 Ownership of the main road/access way

3.3 Physical width of the road/access way (m)

4.0 Details of the Proposed Site

4.1 Size of the land (Perch)

4.2 Survey Plan Number

Upload the Survey Plan

4.3 Name of the Surveyor

4.4 Date of the Survey Plan

4.5 Lot Number of proposed site to be developed

4.6 Width of the road frontage of the site in meters

4.7 Are there any existing buildings in the site?

Details of existing buildings

4.8 Upload the approved Building Plan and Certificate of Conformity (CoC) of existing buildings

5.0 Details of Proposed Development (Please complete if the development for the Building Constructions)

5.1 Is the site proposed to be filled up and raised

5.2 If yes, give details of such proposals in relation to roads and drainage proposals.

5.3 Upload the drawings/proposals related to site development (If Applicable)

5.4 Details of proposed development (Give a brief description with line plans and elevations)

5.5 Upload drawings/plans related to proposed development (If Applicable)

5.6 Gross Floor Area of the building (m2.)

5.7 Number of Floors in proposed building

5.8 Upload a schedule of the floor area of each floors

5.9 Proposed Floor Area Ratio (FAR) / (Gross Floor Area of all buildings/Site Area)

5.10 Proposed Plot Coverage (Floor Area at Ground Level/Site Area) x 100

5.11 Upload a tentative Cost Estimate of the project certified by a qualified person (If applicable)

6.0 Infrastructure availability

6.1 Describe the water availability to the site

6.2 Describe the Solid Waste Disposal arrangements

6.3 Describe the availability of Sewer/Wastewater Disposal facility

6.4 Is the proposed site can be served through National Electricity Grid?

6.5 No. of car parking bays provided

6.6 Other parking arrangements (specify)

7.0 Details of Proposed Development for Sub division/ Amalgamation /Resurveying

7.1 Total extent of the land (Perch)

7.2 Upload the Survey plan

7.3 Upload schedule lots including proposed uses

7.4 Total No. of lots to be subdivided

7.5 Proposed Use

8.0 Additional Information

Upload 01

Upload 02

9.0 Payment Gateway

9.1 Paid amount

9.2 Paid Type

9.3 Upload the payment slip

Please verify all the information provided before proceed with submission

9.4 Submit
Annexure I

Urban Development Authority

Preliminary Planning Clearance Reference No.

Declaration Form of the Applicant PPC/......../......../........ /........./ .......

Details of the Proposed Development

Proposed Development Type

Address of the Site

Assessment No.

(If Applicant is a Company or Association the form must be signed by Director or Authorized
Person under common seal)

I/we declare that,

The information furnished herein by me/us is true and correct.

I/we understand that the effective date relating to an application will be the date on
which, all plans and documents specified in the application have been submitted.
I/we understand that incomplete applications will not be accepted nor registered.
I am/we are aware that I/we will be informed within 8 days of any major shortcomings,
which prevent the determination of the application.
I am/we are aware that if any of the information provided by me/us is/are found to be
false by the Urban Development Authority/ Local Authority, the permit issued with
regard to the development will be cancelled.

I/We hereby declare that the following relevant qualified person has prepared the plans
submitted by me/us.

Name of the Architect

Name of the Surveyor

Name of the Applicant/s 1. 2.

National Identity Card No. 1. 2.

Signature of the Applicant/s 1. 2.

Date 1. 2.

Does the applicant own the Yes No

land proposed for development
Annexure II

Urban Development Authority

Preliminary Planning Clearance Reference No.

Declaration Form of the Owner of the Land PPC/......../......../........ /........./ .......

Details of the Applicant and Proposed Development
Name of the Applicant

National Identity Card No. Tel No.

Proposed Development Type

Address of the Site

Assessment No.

(If the Applicant is not the Owner of the land get this declaration signed from the Owner of
the land)
I/we declare that,

I am / we are the absolute Owner / Lessee of the land on which the Developer intends
to erect the building.

I am / we are enclosing copies of the relevant documents of ownership / lease certified

by Magistrate, DC Judge / Notary Public or Gazetted Officer authorized by the
commission on this behalf.

I/we have given my/our legal authority to undertake the above development on my

I am/we are aware that if any of the information provided by me/us is/are found to be
false by the Urban Development Authority/ Local Authority, the permit issued with
regard to the development will be cancelled.
I/we hereby declare that the following relevant qualified person has prepared the plans
submitted by me/us.
Name of the Architect

Name of the Surveyor

Name of the Owner/s 1. 2.

National Identity Card No. 1. 2.

Signature of the Owner/s 1. 2.

Date 1. 2.
Form “B”

Land Sub-Division Application [Reference No:]

Applicant’s details Application details:

Name: Type of proposed development:

N.I.C/Passport number: Local Authority:

Telephone number: Cluster name:

Address: Submitted on:

Land Sub-Division Application

1.0 Applicant/s Information

1.1 Full Name of the Applicant

1.2 NIC Number

Upload a scanned copy of National Identity Card No.

1.3 Telephone No.

Mobile No.

1.4 Fax Number (if any)

1.5 Email Address

1.6 Postal Address (for correspondence)

1.7 If the applicant is a Company or an Association, the VAT Reg. Number

1.8 Upload the Deed / Ownership certificate

2.0 Summary of Proposed Development

2.1 Type of proposed Development

 Perimeter plan
 Extraction
 Subdivision
 Amalgamation

2.2 Previously approved plan No. of proposed site for development

2.3 Address of the proposed site for the development

2.4 Assessment No

2.5 Road name

2.6 Name and number of the Grama Niladhari Division

2.7 Local Authority Name

2.8 Is a Rate Clearance available for proposed site?

2.9 If yes, provide the receipt no and date paid of Rate Clearance

Upload the rate clearance receipt

2.10 Proposed use

2.11 Does the applicant owns the land proposed for development

Upload the applicant declaration

2.12 If the applicant is not the owner of the land, details of land owner

Upload the declaration of the owner of the land

3.0 Details of Proposed Survey Plan

3.1 Survey Plan No.

Upload the Survey Plan

3.2 Date of surveyed

3.3 Name of the licensed surveyor

3.4 Reg.No. of the licensed surveyor

3.5 Total land extent in Acres, Rood and Perches ( ex- 2A 5R 3P)

3.6 Total No. of lots

3.7 Is schedule of lots submitted? Yes/ No

3.8 Current use of the land

3.9 Are all the existing/ demolishing buildings, boundary walls, fences and other details shown in
the plan

3.10 Are the physical boundaries tally with the previous plan? Yes/ No

3.11 If "No" the reason/s

4.0 Effects of proposed sub division to the existing buildings - Will the proposed
subdivision/amalgamation reduce the given factors?

4.1 Open space Yes/No

4.2 Rear space Yes/No

4.3 Side space Yes/No

4.4 Front space Yes/No

4.5 Light and ventilation Yes/No

4.6 Parking area Yes/No

4.7 Sanitary facilities

4.8 Other (specify)

5.0 Details of Access Road/s

5.1 Ownership of the abutting street/s

 R.D.A
 P.R.D.A
 Local authority
 Private

5.2 Name of the access road

5.3 Width of the access road (m/ft)

5.4 Is there any street/ building line exists? Yes/ No

5.5 If street/building line exists, nature of it

 Provisional
 Sanctioned
 Proposed

5.6 Width of the street/building line (m/ft)

5.7 Is the land area in street/ building line marked as a separate lot? Yes/ No

5.8 If private access, type of it

 Already approved private street

 Approved private street with amendment/s
 Proposed private street

5.9 Street name

5.10 Is it affected by any street line? Yes /No

5.11 Street width (m/ft)

5.12 Street length (m/ft)

5.13 Is a turning circle provided as per regulation? Yes /No

5.14 Number of lots already served by the private street

5.15 Number of lots proposed to obtain access from private street

5.17 Total number of lots proposed to obtain access from private street

5.18 Location plan of the site (please submit a sketch/map of the location, indicating the
main town, junction, Access Road to the land from the main road, adjoining properties and
special land marks)

6.0 Details of Storm Water Drainage

6.1 Is there any drainage (belongs to any Local authority/Private owned) within or adjacent to
proposed development site? Yes /No

6.2 If yes, is it shown in the survey plan? Yes /No

6.3 Is there any arrangement made for storm water disposal? Yes/ No

6.3 If "No", what are the reason/s?

7.0 Details of other reservations

7.1 Are there any Drain/ Canal/River/ Lake/ or other reservation mentioned in the plan?

7.2 Are there any reservation

 Road reservation Yes/ No

 Railway reservation Yes/No
 Coastal reservation Yes/No
 Fire gap Yes/No
 Arcade line Yes/No
 High-tension electricity line reservation Yes/No
 Other (specify)

8.0 Details of the service lines - Is any of the service lines passes through the land

8.1 Water line Yes/ No

8.2 Sewerage line Yes/ No

8.3 Storm water line

8.4 Electricity line

8.5 Telephone line

8.6 Other (specify)

9.0 Declaration of the Licensed Surveyor

9.1 Name of the Licensed Surveyor

9.2 Email address

9.3 Telephone No.

9.4 Postal address

9.5 Registered No. of the professional institute

9.5 Declaration of the licensed surveyor

10.0 Additional Information Requirements

Upload 01

Upload 02

Other details

11.0 Payment Gateway

11.1 Paid amount

11.2 Paid type

11.3 Upload the payment slip

Please verify all the information provided before proceed with submission

11.4 I hereby certify that all the information furnished by me in this application are true and
accurate to the best of my knowledge

11.5 Submit
Annexure III
Urban Development Authority
Land Sub Division Application Reference No.
Declaration Form of the Applicant ....../......../......../........ /........./ .......
Details of the Proposed Development
Proposed Development Type (Perimeter Plan, Extraction,
Subdivision, Amalgamation)

Address of the Site

Assessment No.

(If Applicant is a Company or Association the form must be signed by Director or Authorized
Person under common seal)

I/we declare that,

The information furnished herein by me/us is true and correct.

I am /we are understand that an effective date will be given to my application only if,
all plans and documents specified in the application have been submitted.

I am /we are understand that incomplete applications will not be accepted nor
I am/we are aware that I/we will be informed within 8 days of any major shortcomings,
which prevent the determination of the application.
I am/we are aware that if any of the information provided by me/us is/are found to be
false by the Urban Development Authority/ Local Authority, the permit issued with
regard to the development will be cancelled.

I/We hereby declare that the following relevant qualified person has prepared the plans
submitted by me/us.
Name of the Surveyor

Name of the Applicant/s 1. 2.

National Identity Card No. 1. 2.

Signature of the Applicant/s 1. 2.

Date 1. 2.

Does the applicant own the

Yes No
land proposed for development
Annexure IV
Urban Development Authority

Reference No.
Land Sub Division Application BOP/......../......../........ /........./ .......
Declaration Form of the Owner of the Land
(If the Applicant is not the Owner of the land get this declaration signed from the Owner of the
Details of the Applicant and Proposed Development
Name of the Applicant

National Identity Tel No.

Card No.

Proposed Development Type (Perimeter Plan,

Extraction, Subdivision, Amalgamation)

Address of the Site

Assessment No.

I/we declare that,

I am / we are the absolute Owner / Lessee of the land on which the Developer intends
to erect the building.

I am / we are enclosing copies of the relevant documents of Ownership / Lease certified

by Notary Public.

I/we have given my/our legal authority to undertake the above development on my

I am/we are aware that if any of the information provided by me/us is/are found to be
false by the Urban Development Authority/ Local Authority, the permit issued with
regard to the development will be cancelled.

I/We hereby declare that the following relevant qualified person has prepared the plans
submitted by me/us.
Name of the Surveyor

Name of the Owner/s 1. 2.

National Identity Card No. 1. 2.

Signature of the Owner/s 1. 2.

Date 1. 2.
Annexure V
Urban Development Authority
Reference No.
Land Sub Division Application
Declaration Form of the Licensed Surveyor BOP/......../......../........ /........./ .......
Details of the Applicant and Proposed Development
Name of the Applicant

National Identity Tel. No.

Card No.

Proposed Development Type (Perimeter Plan,

Extraction, Subdivision, Amalgamation)

Address of the Site

Assessment No.

I/we declare that,

I have prepared the Survey Plan No. ............................ dated ........................... and plans
is/are in accordance with subdivision regulations of the Urban Development Authority
and other Relevant Laws.

I am/we are aware that if any of the information provided by me/us is/are found to be
false by the Urban Development Authority/ Local Authority, the permit issued with
regard to the development will be cancelled.
Signature of the Licensed Date

Email Address Tele No.

Registration No. of the Professional Institute (If available)

Postal Address National

Card No.

Form “C”
{Regulation 4}
Letter of Indemnity for Land Sub Division and Amalgamation

I / We ……………………………………………………………………………….………
(name of the
Owner/s or Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer (CEO) / Director with the name of the
Company) ……………………………………
……………………………. of ……………………………………………… (Permanent Address
of the Owner / Head Office of the Company) do hereby agree and undertake to pay or fully remedy
any damages foreseeable or otherwise which may be incurred or suffered by any third party
and to indemnify keep indemnified and saved harmless the Urban Development Authority
at all times against any such claims or demands or any damages whatsoever which may be
incurred or suffered by the third party in the future or at present arising out of boundary
disputes and / or ownership disputes associated with the said property bearing Assessment No.
…………………………………………. ………………………………(Location of the
(address) depicted in the Plan No. ………………………. dated ………………………made by
………………………………………Licensed Surveyor in the Sub Division Application
bearing No. ………………………………………………………

Signature of the Owner /MD/CEO

Name: ……………………………………. NIC No. ………………………………………


1. Name: ………………………………. 2. Name: ……………………………….

Address: …………………………… Address: ……………………………..
Signature: …………………………… Signature: ……………………………
NIC No.. …………………………… NIC No. ……………………………….
Tel No. ………………………………. Tel. No. ……………………………….

Date:………………………… …………………………………..

Note: In the case of a Company Board Resolution shall be provided.

Form” D”
(Regulation 19)
Attorney –at-Law & Notary Public
Prior Registration
Deed of Transfer
To all to whom these presents shall come,………………………………(Holder of National Identity
Card No………………………………) of No ……………………….of the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka (hereinafter sometimes called and referred to as the “the Vendor” which term or
expressions as herein used shall where the context so requires or admits mean and include the
said…………………..and his/her heirs executors and administrators.)

Send Greetings

WHEREAS the said Vendor under and by virtue of Deed of Transfer bearing No…………dated
………………attested by ……………….., Notary Public of …………….(place) is seized and
possessed of or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to all that allotment of land marked
Lot……………….depicted in Plan No……..dated…………..made by………………… Licensed
Surveyor morefully described in the First Schedule hereto.

AND WHEREAS Section 22 of the Gazette of the said Republic of Sri Lanka No.392/9 dated
10.03.1986 has mentioned where the parcel of land or site to be subdivided exceeds One Point Zero
Hectares(1.0 Hect.) an area of not less than Ten per centum (10%) of the land or site, excluding streets
shall be reserved for community recreation and open space uses in appropriate locations.

AND WHEREAS the Vendor being desirous of sub dividing the land morefully described in the First
Schedule hereto has sought the approval of the URBAN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY
……………………..…. successors and assigns) to sub divide the said land.

AND WHEREAS in view of the Gazette Notification referred to above the Vendee has requested the
Vendor to transfer 10% of the land from and out of the land described in the First Schedule hereto
which said land is marked Lot …….. depicted in Plan No……. made by ………..Licensed Surveyor
and is morefully described in the Second Schedule hereto.

AND WHEREAS the land marked Lot …… morefully described in the Second Schedule hereto is
valued at Rupees…………………(Rs……………)

AND WHEREAS the Vendor has agreed with the Vendee for the absolute sale and transfer unto the
Vendee the said allotment of land marked Lot……… in the said Plan No………. at no consideration in
view Section 22 of the abovementioned Gazette of the said Republic of Sri Lanka No.392/9 dated
NOW KNOW YE AND THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that in pursuance of the said section 22 of
the Gazette of the said Republic of Sri Lanka No.392/9 the vendor doth hereby give grant convey
transfer sell assign set over and assure unto the Vendee and its successors and assigns the said allotment
of land marked Lot…………….. Depicted in the said Plan No…….. fully described in the second
schedule hereto(hereinafter sometimes referred to as “ the said land and premises”) together with all
rights ways easements servitudes and appurtenance whatsoever thereto belonging or in anywise
appertaining or said to belong or to be appurtenant thereto or used or enjoyed therewith or reputed or
known as part and parcel thereof and all the estate right title interest property claim and demand
whatsoever of the said Vendor in to upon or out of the said premises and every part or portion thereof.

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said land and premises hereby sold and conveyed or expressed or
intended so to be with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise
appertaining unto the Vendee and its successors and assigned absolutely and forever.

AND the Vendor doth hereby covenant and declare to and with the Vendee that the Vendee shall and
may at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly possess and enjoy the said land and premises hereby
sold and conveyed and receive the rents and profits thereof without any interruption or disturbance by
the Vendor or any person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming any right title claim or demand
whatsoever from under or in trust for Vendor and that the Vendor shall and will at all times hereafter
warrant and defend the title to the said land and premises and further shall and may at all times
hereafter at the request cost and expense of the Vendee make do and execute or cause to be made done
and executed all such further and other acts Deeds assurances matters and things whatsoever as shall or
may be reasonably required for the further and more perfectly and effectually assuring and vesting the
said land and premises and every part or portion thereof unto and in favour of the Vendee.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Vendor doth set her hand hereunto and to two others of the of the same
tenor and date as these Presents at …………………. on………….. day of …………….. Two Thousand





I/We do here by declare ………………….)
……… and place of residence……………)



Form “E”

Building Application [Reference No: ]

Applicant’s details: Application details:

Name: Type of proposed development:
N.I.C/Passport number: Local Authority:
TP No: Cluster:
Mobile No: Submitted on:

Building Application

1.0 Applicant/s Information

1.1 Full Name of the Applicant

1.2 NIC Number

Upload a scanned copy of NIC

1.3 Telephone No.

Mobile No.

1.4 Fax Number (if any)

1.5 Email Address

1.6 Postal Address (for correspondence)

1.7 If the applicant is a Company or an Association, the VAT Reg. Number

1.8 Upload the Deed / Ownership certificate

1.9 Upload the Deed / Ownership Certificate

1.10 Current use of the land

Specify the use mentioned in 1.10

2.0 Summary of Proposed Development

2.1 Type of Proposed development

2.2 Address of the proposed site for the development

2.3 Assessment No.

2.4 Road name

2.5 Name and number of the Grama Niladhari Division

2.6 Name of the local Authority

2.7 Ownership of the land

2.8 Upload the Deed/ Ownership Certificate

2.9 Current use of the land

2.10 Proposed use of the building

1.11 Is a rate clearance receipt available for proposed site? Yes/ No

1.12 If yes, provide the receipt no. and date paid of Rate Clearance

3.0 Access to Site

3.1 Location of the site (Please submit a sketch/map of the location, indicating the main town,
junction, Access Road to the land from the main road, adjoining properties and special land

3.2 Ownership of the main road/access way

3.3 Physical width of the road/access way (m)

4.0 Details of Proposed Site

4.1 Size of the land (Perch)

4.2 Is the subdivision plan approved? Yes/ No

4.3 If a sub-division Plan is approved, its Reference Number & Date

4.4 Upload the approved sub division plan

4.5 If No for above item 4.4, Survey plan Number

4.6 Name of the Surveyor

4.7 Date of the Survey plan

4.8 Lot Number of proposed site to be developed

4.9 Width of the road frontage of the site in meters(m)

5.0 Distances to the boundaries from proposed building

5.1 From road (m)

Distance (m)

5.2 From rear boundary

Distance (meters)

6.0 Details of proposed development

6.1 Number of floors in proposed building

6.2 Total Floor Area of the building (m2)

6.3 Upload the schedule of floor area including existing, proposed and total floor area of each

Details of floor area, if total number of floors less than G+4

6.4 Plot Coverage (area covered by the building / site area (excluding area within Street Line x

6.5 Floor Area Ratio (Gross floor area on all floors (excluding area reserved for parking) / site
area (excluding area within Street Line)

6.6 If the proposed site to be reclaimed or raised, please UPLOAD the proposal indicates the
existing Buildings, roads and drainage plan.

6.7 Upload a schedule of floor area by use as at each floors.

6.8 Upload the plans of proposed development

6.9 Value of Investment for the proposed development

6.10 Type of Air Conditioner (If Applicable)

Details of construction materials

7.0 Additional details related to non-residential developments

7.1 Details of Parking and Traffic Impact

7.2 Details of condominium residential properties

7.3 Is/Are Elevator/s provided? (If yes, location/s should be clearly shown in the floor plan)

7.4 Is a Standby Generator provided?

7.5 Is a Transformer provided?

8.0 Other Arrangements

8.1 Describe the Surface water drainage arrangements

8.2 Describe the Sewage Disposal arrangement

8.3 Waste water disposal arrangements

8.4 Describe the Solid Waste Disposal arrangements

8.5 Provision of facilities of disable persons? (as per the Gazette Notification No. 1467/15,
dated 17/10/2006)

9.0 Checklist of submitted plans & documents

9.1 Upload the checklist of submitted documents

10.0 Declaration of the Drafting Technical Officer / Architect/ Chartered Architect)

10.1 Name

10.2 Email address

10.3 Telephone No.

10.4 Postal address

10.5 Registered No. of the professional institute

10.6 Upload the declaration of a relevant qualified person

11.0 Declaration of the Structural Engineer

11.1 Name

11.2 Email address

11.3 Telephone No.

11.4 Postal address

11.5 Registered No. of the professional institute

11.6 Upload the declaration of Structural Engineer

12.0 Available Clearances already obtained from relevant agencies

12.1 Details of available Clearances

13.0 Additional Information Requirements

Upload 01

Upload 02

14.0 Payment Gateway

14.1 Paid amount

14.2 Paid type

14.3 Upload the payment slip

Please verify all the information provided before proceed with submission

12.4 I hereby certify that all the information furnished by me in this application are true and
accurate to the best of my knowledge

12.5 Submit
Annexure VI

Urban Development Authority

Building Application Reference No.

Declaration Form of the Applicant BA/......../......../........ /........./ .......
Details of the Proposed Development
Proposed Development Type (New construction, Re-
construction, Amendment, Alteration, Addition)

Address of the Site

Assessment No.

(If Applicant is a Company or Association the form must be signed by Director or Authorized
Person under common seal)

I/we declare that,

The information furnished herein by me/us is true and correct.

I am/we are understand that the effective date relating to an application will be the date
on which , all plans and documents specified in the application have been submitted.

I am/we are understand that incomplete applications will not be accepted nor registered.

I am/we are aware that I/we will be informed within 8 days of any major shortcomings,
which prevent the determination of the application.

I am/we are aware that if any of the information provided by me/us is/are found to be
false by the Urban Development Authority/ Local Authority, the permit issued with
regard to the development will be cancelled.

I/we hereby declare that the following relevant qualified person has prepared the plans
submitted by me/us.
Name of the Relevant Qualified Person Signature
Drafting Technical Officer/ Architect
Chartered Architect

Name of the Applicant/s 1. 2.

National Identity Card No. 1. 2.
Signature of the Applicant/s 1. 2.
Date 1. 2.
Does the applicant own the Yes No
land proposed for development
Annexure VII

Urban Development Authority

Reference No.
Building Application
Declaration Form of the Owner of the Land BA/......../......../........ /........./ .......
(If the Applicant is not the owner of the land get this declaration signed from the owner of the
Details of the Applicant and Proposed Development
Name of the Applicant

N.I.C. No. Tel No.

Proposed Development Type (New construction, Re-

construction, Amendment, Alteration, Addition)

Address of the Site

Assessment No. Gross floor area (m2)

I/We declare that,

I am / we are the absolute Owner / Lessee of the land on which the Developer intends
to erect the building.

I am / we are enclosing copies of the relevant documents of ownership / lease certified

by Magistrate, DC Judge / Notary Public or Gazetted Officer authorized by the
commission on this behalf.

I/we have given my/our legal authority to undertake above development on my land.

Since the proposed development is high rise building I am/ we are aware that
contractor/s to be appointed to perform the construction work shall have minimum
qualification (grade) set out by the Construction Industry Development Authority
(CIDA) depending on the nature and magnitude of such work.

I am/we are aware that if any of the information provided by me/us is/are found to be
false by the Urban Development Authority/Local Authority, the permit issued with
regard to the development will be cancelled.

Name of the Owner/s 1. 2.

National Identity Card No. 1. 2.

Signature of the Owner/s 1. 2.

Date 1. 2.
Annexure VIII
Urban Development Authority

Reference No.
Building Application BA/......../......../........ /........./ .......
Declaration Form of the Qualified Person

Details of the Applicant and Proposed Development

Name of the Applicant

National Identity Tel No.

Card No.
Proposed Development Type (New construction, Re-
construction, Amendment, Alteration, Addition)
Address of the Site
Assessment No. Gross Floor area (m2)
I/we declare that,
Site and building plans are accordance with the provisions under Urban Development
Authority Law and other relevant laws.
Alterations to the existing building which does not affect any structural part thereof.

The walls or columns are not situated on the boundary of the property and the
construction does not involve pile or raft foundation.
I am /we are aware that if any of the information provided by me/us is/are found to be
false by the Urban Development Authority/ Local Authority, the permit issued with
regard to the development will be cancelled.
I/we aware that Urban Development Authority has the right to report to the respective
Professional Institute regarding any breach of professional code or any unprofessional
conduct committed by me in relation to the provided professional services for proposed
I am/we are aware that I/we have to inform the Urban Development Authority/ Local
Authority with a two weeks prior notice, if I am/we are planning to resign from the
responsibilities of the proposed project.

Signature of the Qualified Person Date

Email Address Tele. No.
Registration No. of the Professional Institute
(If available)
Postal Address National Identity
Card No.
Annexure IX
Urban Development Authority

Reference No.
Building Application
Declaration Form of the Chartered Architect BA/......../......../........ /........./ .......

Details of the Applicant and Proposed Development

Name of the Applicant

National Identity Tel No.

Card No
Proposed Development Type (New construction, Re-
construction, Amendment, Alteration, Addition)
Address of the Site
Assessment No. Gross Floor area (m2)

I/we declare that,

I am/we are a Chartered Architect/s who is a registered in the Sri Lanka Institute of
I/we have personally checked and verified that the plan is in accordance with the Planning
and Development Regulations of the Urban Development Authority and other relevant
I/we have examined the validity of the evidence produced by the applicant along with this
I am/we are aware that if any of the information provided by me/us is/are found to be false
by the Urban Development Authority/ Local Authority, the permit issued with regard to
the development will be cancelled.
During the construction period, I/we will make periodic supervision and provide necessary
instructions until the Certificate of Conformity is obtained.
I am/we are aware that Urban Development Authority has the right to report to the
respective Professional Institute regarding any breach of professional code or any
unprofessional conduct committed by me in relation to the provided professional services
for proposed development.
I am /we are aware that, I /we have to inform the Urban Development Authority/ Local
Authority with a two weeks prior notice, if I am/we are planning to resign from the
responsibilities of the proposed project.

Signature of the Qualified Date

Email Address Tele. No.
Registration No. of the Professional Institute
Postal Address National Identity
Card No
Annexure X
Urban Development Authority

Reference No.
Building Application
BA/......../......../........ /........./ .......
Declaration Form of the Structural Engineer
(For structural designs, stability of the proposed building and safety of adjacent buildings /
neighbouring properties as per Planning and Development Regulations of Urban Development
Details of the Applicant and Proposed Development
Name of the Applicant

National Identity Tel No.

Card No
Proposed Development Type (New construction, Re-
construction, Amendment, Alteration, Addition)
Address of the Site
Assessment No. Gross Floor area (m2)

I/we certify that,

I am/we are a qualified Structural Engineer/s who is a member of Institute Engineers Sri
Lanka and Society of Structural Engineers.
I/we have prepared the structural plans and design calculations for the proposed building
under this application and ensure the structural stability of the building during and after
I am/we are aware that if any of the information provided by me/us is/are found to be false
by the Urban Development Authority/ Local Authority, the permit issued with regard to
the development will be cancelled.
During the construction period, I /we will make periodic supervision and provide
instruction/s to avoid damages to adjacent structures and neighbouring properties until the
Certificate of Conformity is obtained.
I am/we are aware that Urban Development Authority has the right to report to the
respective Professional Institute regarding any breach of professional code or any
unprofessional conduct committed by me in relation to the provided professional services
for proposed development.
I am/we are aware that I have to inform the Urban Development Authority/Local Authority
with a two weeks prior notice, if I am/we are planning to resign from the responsibilities of
the proposed project.
Signature of the Qualified Date
Email Address Tele. No.
Registration No. of the Professional Institute
Postal Address National Identity
Card No
Form “F”

Application for Re-validation of Permits/Clearance [Reference No : ]

Applicant’s details Applicant’s details:

Name: Type of proposed development:

N.I.C/Passport number:
TP No: Local Authority:
Mobile Number: Cluster:
Address: Submitted on:

Application for Re-validation of Permit /Clearance

1.0 Applicant’s Details

1.1 Name of the Applicant

1.2 Postal Address (for correspondence)

1.3 Email Address

1.43 Telephone No.

Mobile No.

1.5 Fax Number (if any)

1.6 NIC Number

Upload a scanned copy of NIC

1.7 Upload the Applicant/s Declaration

2.0 Details of Previous Application

2.1 Type of the Application

2.2 Nature of the Development

2.3 Permit/ Clearance Number

2.4 Date of issued

2.5 Upload a Scanned copy of development Permit / Clearance

3.0 Payment Gate

3.1 Paid amount

3.2 Paid type

3.3 Upload the payment slip

Please verify all the information provided before proceed with submission

3.4 I hereby certify that all the information furnished by me in this application are true and
accurate to the best of my knowledge

3.5 Submit
Form: “G”

Green Building Certificate

Application for Registration of Green Building Certificate [Reference No : ]

Applicant’s details Application Details:

Name: Type of proposed development:
N.I.C/Passport number: Local Authority:
TP No: Cluster:
Mobile Number: Submitted on:

Application for Registration of Green Building Certificate

1.0 Applicant/s Information

1.1 Full Name of the Applicant

1.2 NIC Number

Upload a scanned copy of NIC

1.3 Telephone No.

Mobile No.

1.4 Fax Number (if any)

1.5 Email Address

1.6 Postal Address (for correspondence)

1.4 If applicant is company Yes/No

1.5 Name of the company

1.6 Address of the company

1.7 Tele phone No

1.8 Upload the applicant declaration

2.0 Details of Proposed Development

2.1 Type of the proposed development

2.2 Address of the proposed site

2.3 Name of the Local Authority

2.4 Extent of the land

2.5 Location of the site (Please submit a sketch/map of the location, indicating the main town,
junction, Access Road to the land from the main road, adjoining properties and special land

2.6 Number of Floors in proposed building

2.6 Total Floor Area of the building (m2)

2.8 Plot Coverage

2.9 Number of Floors

3.0 Requested Green Certificate Level

3.1 Certificate Level Yes

3.2 Silver level Yes

3.3 Gold Level Yes

3.4 Platinum Level Yes

4.0 Payment Gate

4.1 Paid amount

4.2 Paid type

4.3 Upload the payment slip

Please verify all the information provided before proceed with submission

4.4 I hereby certify that all the information furnished by me in this application are true and
accurate to the best of my knowledge

4.5 Submit
Form “H”
[Regulation 57]

Letter of Indemnity for construction

I/We ……………………………………….………………………………………………….
(Name of the Owner/s or Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer/Director with the name
of the Company)
Address of the owner/Head Office of the Company) do hereby agree and undertake to pay or
fully remedy any damages foreseeable or otherwise which can be incurred or suffered by any
third party and to indemnify keep indemnified and save harmless the Urban Development
Authority at all times against any such claims or demands or any damages whatsoever to the
adjacent structures and movable & immovable properties arising out of the construction and
also relating to boundary disputes and / or ownership disputes including access roads and
service lines and issues relating to the height or number of floors issues at the said property
bearing Assessment No. …………………………..……………(location of the development)
………………………depicted in Plan No. ……………………dated …………………… made
by ………………………………..Licensed Surveyor stated in the building application bearing
Reference No. …………………………………………………in respect of the said

Signature of the Owner/MD/CEO
Name: …………………………….……… NIC.No. ………………………………………


1. Name :………………………….…….. 2. Name: …………………..…………..

Address……………………………….. Address: ……………………………
Signature: ……………………………… Signature: …………………………...
NIC..No:. ……………………………… NIC.No:…………………................
Tel. No. ………………………………. Tel. No. ……………………………..

Date: ……………………. …………………………………………..

Note: In the case of a Company a Board Resolution shall be provided.

Form “I”

Certificate of Conformity Application [Reference No: ]

Applicant’s details Application details:

Name: Type of proposed development:

NIC No. /Passport number:
TP No: Local Authority:
Mobile No: Cluster:
Address: Submitted on:

Certificate of Conformity Application

1.0 Applicant/s Information

1.1 Full Name of the Applicant

1.2 NIC Number

Upload a scanned copy of NIC

1.3 Telephone No.

Mobile No.

1.4 Fax Number (if any)

1.5 Email Address

1.6 Postal Address (for correspondence)

1.7 If the applicant is a Company or an Association, the VAT Reg. Number

1.8 Upload the Deed / Ownership certificate

1.9 Upload the Deed / Ownership Certificate

1.10 Current use of the land

Specify the use mentioned in 1.10

1.11 Upload the applicant/s declaration

2 Summary of the Development

2.7 Type of Development
2.2 Reference No. of Development Permit

2.3 Date of Development Permit issued

2.4 Upload a scanned copy of condition letter/development permit issued by Urban

Development Authority/Local Authority

2.5 Address of the developed site

2.6 Assessment No of the site

2.7 Road Name

2.8 Number and name of the Grama Niladhari Division

2.9 Local Authority name

2.10 Location Plan of the site (Please submit a sketch/map of the location, indicating the main
town, junction, Access Road to the land from the main road, adjoining properties and special
land marks

3.0 Details of deviations from Development Permit

3.1 Is the development carried out in conformity with the conditions of the permit? Yes/ No

3.2 If No, details of deviations

3.3 Upload the details of deviations from the development permit

4.0 Other relevant conformity certificates & recommendation letters

4.1 Are all the conformity and recommendation letters specified in the development permit,
enclosed with this application?

4.2 List down all the certificates/recommendation letters enclosed with the application

5.0 Payment Gate

5.1 Paid amount

5.2 Paid type

5.3 Upload the payment slip

Please verify all the information provided before proceed with submission

5.4 I hereby certify that all the information furnished by me in this application are true and
accurate to the best of my knowledge

5.5 Submit
Form “J”

Application for Public Building Certificate

Application for Public Building Certificate

[Reference No: ]

Applicant’s details Application details:

Name: Type of proposed development:

NIC No. /Passport number:
TP No: Local Authority:
Mobile No: Cluster:
Address: Submitted on:

1.0 Applicant/s Information

1.1 Full Name of the Applicant

1.2 NIC Number

Upload a scanned copy of NIC

1.3 Telephone No.

Mobile No.

1.4 Fax Number (if any)

1.5 Email Address

1.6 Postal Address (for correspondence)

1.7 Upload the Applicant/s declaration

2.0 Summary of the Development

2.1 Type of the development

2.2 Reference number of the development permit

2.3 Upload a scanned copy of Certificate of Conformity (if any)

2.4 Assessment No. of the premises

2.5 Name of the access road

2.6 Name of the Local Authority

2.7 Address of the proposed site

3.0 Details of the Building

3.1 No. of Floors

3.2 Function of the building

3.3 Number of people working in each floor per day

3.4 Use of each floor and loading capacity of each floor

3.5 Certificate of Conformity of Fire Department plan of fire equipment placed

3.6 All mode of light & ventilation system

3.7 Upload the certificate from a Relevant Qualified Person regarding the function of light
and ventilation system of the building

3.8 Are security person/s provided for the building

3.9 Upload the certificate from a Relevant Qualified Person regarding the Fire Escaping, Lift
maintenance etc.

3.10 Upload the certificate from a Relevant Qualified Person regarding the Structural Stability
to the total weight of the people

4.0 Payment Gate

4.1 Paid amount

4.2 Paid type

4.3 Upload the payment slip

Please verify all the information provided before proceed with submission
4.4 I hereby certify that all the information furnished by me in this application are true and
accurate to the best of my knowledge

4.5 Submit
Annexure XI

Urban Development Authority

Reference No.
Application for Public Building Certificate
Declaration Form of the Owner of the Land BA/......../......../........ /........./ .......

(If the Applicant is not the owner of the land get this declaration signed from the owner of the

Details of the Applicant and Proposed Development

Name of the Applicant

National Identity Tel No.

Card No.
Type of the Development
Address of the Site
Assessment No. Gross Floor area
Reference No. of the Date
approved building plan
Reference No. of the Date
Certificate of Conformity
(if any)

I/we declare that,

I am / we are the absolute Owner / Lessee of the land

I am / we are enclosing copies of the relevant documents of ownership / lease, approved

building plan, Certificate of Conformity (CoC)

I am/we are aware that if any of the information provided by me/us is/are found to be
false by the Urban Development Authority/ Local Authority the certificate issued with
regard to the development will be cancelled.
Name of the Owner/s 1. 2.

National Identity Card No. 1. 2.

Signature of the Owner/s 1. 2.

Date 1. 2.
Annexure XII
Urban Development Authority

Application for Public Building Certificate Reference No.

Declaration Form of the Structural Engineer BA/......../......../........ /........./ .......

(For structural designs and stability of the proposed building and safety of adjacent buildings /
neighboring properties as per Planning and Development Regulations of Urban Development
Details of the Applicant and Proposed Development
Name of the Applicant

National Identity Card No. Tel No.

Type of the Development
Address of the Site
Assessment No. Gross Floor area
Reference No. of the approved Date
building plan
Reference No. of the Certificate Date
of Conformity (if any)

I/we certify that,

I am/we are a qualified Structural Engineer/s who is a member of Institute Engineers Sri
Lanka and Society of Structural Engineers.
I/we have ensured that the structural stability of the building to hold an occupancy load
of more than 100 persons for the given time period.
I am/we are aware that if any of the information provided by me/us is/are found to be false
by the Urban Development Authority/ Local Authority, the certificate issued with regard
to the development will be cancelled.
I am/we are aware that Urban Development Authority has the right to report to the
respective Professional Institute regarding any breach of professional code or any
unprofessional conduct committed by me in relation to the provided professional services
for proposed development.

Signature of the Qualified Date

Email Address Tele. No.
Registration No. of the Professional Institute
Postal Address National Identity
Card No.
Annexure XIII
Urban Development Authority
Application for Public Building Certificate
Reference No.
Declaration Form of the Chief Fir Officer
BA/......../......../........ /........./ .......
Details of the Applicant and Proposed Development
Name of the Applicant

National Identity Card No. Tel No.

Type of the Development
Address of the Site
Assessment No. Gross Floor
area (sq.m.)
Reference No. of the Date
approved Building plan
Reference No. of the Date
Certificate of Conformity (if

I/we certify that,

I am/we are a Chief Fire Officer/s working in the

I have ensureed that the position and type of every fire extinguishing equipment installed
in the building or part therof are in accordence with the Code of Fire Precautions for
Building or Chief Fire Officer
I/am/we are aware that if any of the information provided by me/us is/are found to be false
by the Urban Development Authority/Local Authority, the certificate issued with regard to
the development will be cancelled.
I am/we are aware that Urban Development Authority has the right to report to the
respective institute regarding any breach of professional code or any unprofessional
Signature of the Chief Fire Date
Email Address Tele. No.
Name of the Institute
Postal Address National
Card No.
Form “K”

Permit for Change of Use [Reference No: ]

Applicant’s details Application details:

Name: Local Authority:

NIC/Passport number: Cluster:
TP No: Submitted on:
Mobile No:

Permit for Change of Use

1.0 Details of the Applicants and Owners:

1.1 Full Name

1.2 NIC Number

1.3 Telephone Number

1.4 Fax Number

1.5 Email Address

1.6 Postal Address

1.7 Owner’s Details (if the applicant is not the owner)

1.8 Upload the owner’s declaration

2.0 Particulars of the Existing Development

2.1 Local Authority

2.2 Ward

2.3 Address

2.4 Assessment Number

2.5 Survey Plan Number

2.6 Date of the Survey Plan

2.7 Lot Number

2.8 Land Extent (m2)

2.9 Upload the Survey Plan

2.10 Present Use of the building

2.12 Upload the details of every building on the site from Layout Plan or existing use of every
floors shown by the relevant plan

3.0 Building Plan/s

3.1 Number of the approved building plan

3.2 Approved building plan , upload the plans and other supportive documents. If there is
more than one document, zip them into a single file and upload.

4.0 Particulars of the Change of Use of the building/s

4.1 Specify ,the conversion of proposed use

5.0 Parking Space

5.1 Parking Space for Cars (m2)

6.0 Supporting Documents

6.1 A sketch plan of the proposed location indicating the surrounding areas in order to identify
the premises properly

6.2 Survey Plan

6.3 Approved Building Plan

6.4 Permit issued by the Urban Development Authority/Local Authority

6.5 Certificate of Conformity (CoC)

6.6 Plan of the proposed development (the areas to be converted shall be indicated by Red

6.7 Parking Provisions Diagram

6.8 Upload the plans and other supportive documents. If there is more than one document,
zip them into a single file.

7.0 Declaration

Upload the sighed Declaration

8.0 Payment Gate

8.1 Paid amount

8.2 Paid type

8.3 Upload the payment slip

Please verify all the information provided before proceed with submission

8.4 I hereby certify that all the information furnished by me in this application are true and
accurate to the best of my knowledge

8.5 Submit
Form “L”

Application for an Appeal [Reference No: ]

Applicant’s details Application details:

Name: Type of proposed development:

NIC/Passport number:
TP No: Local Authority:
Mobile No: Cluster:
Address: Submitted on:

1.0 Details of the Applicants and Owners:

1.1 Full Name

1.2 NIC Number

1.3 Telephone Number

1.4 Fax Number

1.5 Email Address

1.6 Postal Address

1.7 Owner’s Details (if the applicant is not the owner)

1.8 Upload the owner’s declaration

1.9 Upload the applicant’s declaration

2.0 Particulars of the Existing Development

2.1 Local Authority

2.2 Ward

2.3 Address

2.4 Assessment Number

2.5 Type of the rejected application

2.6 Previous Reference No. and date of the application

2.7 Upload the rejection letter issued by the Relevant Authority

3.0 Payment Gate

3.1 Paid amount

3.2 Paid type

3.3 Upload the payment slip

Please verify all the information provided before proceed with submission

3.4 I hereby certify that all the information furnished by me in this application are true and
accurate to the best of my knowledge

8.5 Submit
Schedule 2
[Regulation 1,3,5,28,30,44,73,80,81,89,93]

Fee for issuing Preliminary Planning Clearances and Renewal

Nature of Development Fee (excluding tax)

1. Sub-division of lands Land Extent Amount
(m2) (Rs)
i. 150 – 499 m2 Rs 2,000/-
ii. 500 – 999 m2 Rs. 3,000/-
iii. 1000 – 4999 m2 Rs. 7,500/-
iv. 5000 – 9999 m2 Rs. 10,000/-
v. 10000 m2 or Rs. 10,000/- + Rs.
1,000/- for every
additional 1,000 m2 or
part thereof, in excess of
10,000 m2

2. Reclamation of low i. up to 250 m2 Rs.2500/-

lying lands / paddy
lands. ii. More than 250 m2 Rs 2,500/- + Rs 2,500/-
for every additional 100
m2 or part thereof, in
excess of 250 m2
3. Erection of Parapet Per linear meter. Rs. 100/-
walls/ Retaining walls.
4. Communication
Antenna Towers/ Rs. 30,000/-
Transmission Towers

5. Filling Station / Service i. Emission testing Rs. 25,000/-

ii. Filling Station Rs. 75,000/-
iii. Vehicle Service Station Rs. 50,000/-
iv. Vehicle Service Station Rs. 75,000/-
& Emission Testing
v. Filling Stations & Rs. 150,000/-
related other uses

6. Advertising Board i. Digital Advertising board Rs. 5000 /-

(Per m2.)
ii. Non digital Advertising Rs. 3000 /-
boards (Per m2)

iii. Name Boards Rs. 1000/-

(Per m2)
iv. Gantries (Per m2) Rs. 6000 /-

7. Garbage Dumping i. Land extent up to 4000m2 Rs.50,000/-

yards/ Transfer Stations
/ Compost plant / ii. More than 4000 m2 Rs. 50,000 + Rs.
Sanitary land filling
10,000/- for every
and other related
activities. additional 4000 m2 or
part thereof, in excess
of 4000 m2

8. Water related buildings and other water related Rs. 50,000/-


Rs. 10,000/-
9. Metal quarry / crusher plant, soil cutting, soil washing for
sand mining, clay and gravel mining on commercial,
10. i. Up to 1 km2. Rs. 100,000/-
i. Investigations on
Mineral Mining
ii. More than 1 km2 Rs. 100,000/- + Rs.
10,000/- for every
additional 1 km2. or
part of thereof, in
excess of 1 km2

ii. Any other iii Up to 1 km2 Rs. 100,000/-

Mineral Mining
except above
item 10(i) iv. More than 1 km2. Rs. 100,000/- + Rs.
10,000/- for every
additional 1 km2or part
of thereof, in excess of
1 km2

11. Children Homes Land Extent Amount

/Elders Homes/
Rehabilitation Centre. i. Up to 400 m2 Rs. 2,500/-

ii. 400 m2> 500 m2 Rs. 5,000/-

iii. 500 m2 > 750 m2 Rs. 10,000/-

iv. 750 m2> 1000 m2 Rs. 20,000/-

v. More than 1000 m2 Rs. 20,000 + Rs.

200/- for every
additional 100 m2or
part thereof, in excess
of 1000 m2

12 Other Development Floor Area Amount

activities except above
i. Up to 400 m2 Rs. 5,000/-
1 to 11
ii. 400 m2> 500 m2 Rs. 10,000/-

iii. 500 m2 > 750 m2 Rs. 25,000/-

iv. 750 m2 > 1000 m2 Rs. 50,000/-
v. More than 1000 m2. Rs.50,000/- + Rs.
500 for every
additional 100 m2or
part thereof in excess
of 1000 m2
13. Changes to the Up to 1000 m2 Rs. 5,000/-
Approved Plan
(without increasing More than 1000 m2 Rs. 10,000/-
floor area)

14. Traffic Impact

Assessments (TIA) Rs. 50,000/-

15. Environmental
Recommendation from
Environmental Rs. 50,000/-
Committee - ECC

16. Renewal of i. If applying before the validity period - 25% of the

Preliminary Planning amount received at the time of obtaining the PPC.
Clearance (PPC).
ii. If applying within a year from the date of expiry
of the validity period - 50% of the proceeds of the
initial PPC

iii. If applying after one year from the date of

expiration – Total payment of PPC
17. Issuing of certified Rs.2,500/-
copies of the PPC.
18. Transferring of Rs. 25,000/-
Preliminary Planning
Clearance to a third
19. Speedy Process
(within 7 working days
from the day of the
fulfilment of all Double the charges of normal fee

20. Administrative Rs.5,000/-

21. Charges relating to Excepted subject to Administrative Expenses of Rs.
Religious activities 5000/- as given in the forgoing item
and Low Income
Housing Projects
Fees for issuing Development Permit and Renewal

Nature of Development Fee (excluding tax)

1. Sub-division of lands land extent m2 Processing Fees
150 m2 >300 m2 Rs. 1000/- per lot

300 m2 > 600 m2 Rs. 800/- per lot

600 m2 > 900 m2 Rs. 600/- per lot

Above 900 m2 Rs. 500/- per lot

2. Erection of Parapet walls/ Per linear meter Rs.100/-

Retaining Walls
3. Communication
Rs. 40,000/-
Towers/Antenna Towers/
Transmission Towers
4. Filling Stations/ Vehicle Per 1 m2 Rs. 100/-
Service Station/ Emission
5. Advertising boards i. Digital Advertising Rs. 2,500 /-
boards (Per m2)

ii. Non digital Advertising Rs. 1,500 /-

boards (per m2)
iii. Name Boards Rs. 500/-
(per m )
iv. Gantries (per m2) Rs. 1,000 /-

6. Garbage Dumping yards/ up to 1hec. Rs.25,000/-

Transfer Stations /
Compost plant/Sanitary More than 1hec. Rs. 25,000 + Rs.
Land filling 5,000/- for every
additional 1hec. or
part thereof, in excess
of 1hec.

7. Residential and Non- Floor Residential Non Non

residential Buildings Area (Per m2) Residential Residential
(Need to register for the (m2) (Per m2) (Per m2)
Individual Apartment
Green Building
Certificate) Up to 400 Rs.20/- Rs. 25/- Rs. 25/-

400 m2 > Rs.22/- Rs. 27/- Rs.27/-

1000 m2
1000 m2 > Rs.25/- Rs. 30/- Rs.30/-
1500 m2

1500 m2 > Rs. 25/- Rs. 32/- Rs. 32/-

2000 m2
More than Rs. 2,000/- Rs. 2,000/- Rs. 2,000/-
2000 m2 for every for every for every
additional additional additional
90 m2 90 m2 90 m2

8. Extension of validity i. Up to 1000 m2 Rs. 5,000/-

period of Building Permit
ii. More than Rs. 10,000/-
for another one year
1000 m2
9. For commercial purpose Floor area (m2 Fee (Rs)
Up to 300 m Rs. 6,000/-
i. Swimming pool
(with deck) 300 > 500 m2 Rs. 15,000/-
ii. Solar panel
500 > 1000 m2 Rs. 30,000/-

More than 1000 m2 Rs. 30,000/- +

Rs 1,000/- for every
additional 100 m2 or part
thereof, in excess of
1000 m2
i. Additions and 25% of the already paid processing fee + fee for the
Extensions to the additional area.
Approved Plan
ii. Changes to the 25% of the total processing fee already paid
Approved Plan
(without increasing
floor area)

11. Transferring Development Rs. 25,000/-

Permit to a third party
Fee for Green Building Certificate

Nature of Development Activities Processing Fee (excluding tax)

1. Registration of all Levels of Rs. 5000/

Green Building Certificate
2. To obtained Final Green Revalidate Green Final Green
Building Certificate Certificate (m2) Certificate (m2)
(maximum Rs.1million)

i. Certificate Level Rs. 100/ Rs. 100/

ii. Silver Level Rs. 100/ Rs. 100/

iii. Gold Level Rs. 100/ Rs. 100/

iv. Platinum Level Rs. 100/ Rs. 100/

3. Payment method for Re i. At the registration 75% from the initial

validation and for Final cost.
green certificate ii. At the time of issuing Final Certificate
rest of 25%

4. Educational institute of Rs. 50/ per m2

Government and Private
,Religious places,
Government health institute,
Elderly and Child homes
When there is a negative difference between the green level mark which indicates the level
of agreement agreed upon in obtaining the development permit and the final green level
score obtained on the compliance certificate; the following charges will be levied.

1. 10% of the total cost of construction of additional floor area

2. 10% of the pre prepayment fee shall be paid in case of not having reached the
minimum certification level,
Fee for Post Audit and Monitoring Report

Nature of Development Floor area (m2) Fee (Rs.)

400 m2 >1000 m2 Rs. 3,000/
1001 m2 >5000 m2 Rs. 5,000/
5000 m2 < Rs. 10,000/

Service Charges for Covering Approval

(In addition to Processing fees)

Nature of Development Activities Processing Fee (excluding tax)

1. Sub division of lands without Rs. 3,000/- per lot

obtaining necessary approvals

2. Erection of buildings / Residential Non-Residential

Additions/ re-erection ( per m2) ( per m2 )
without approval.
i. Completed Foundation Rs. 200/- Rs. 500/-
(Up to plinth level)
ii. Construction up to roof Rs. 300/- Rs. 1,000/-
including Column and Beams
(excluding roof)
iii. Construction of walls with Rs. 400/- Rs. 1,500/-
iv. Completed constructions Rs. 500/- Rs. 2,000/-
for occupations
v. Erection of Parapet Rs. 200/- Rs. 500/-
Walls/Retaining Walls (per linear meter) (per linear meter)
vi. Erection of Construction – Ground Base Rs. 150,000/-
Transmission and Antenna Construction of Roof Top Rs. 100,000/-

3. Occupation /Usage without Rs. 100/- per day

obtaining Certificate of
Conformity (CoC)
4. Car Parking Places (service
Standard Car parking - Rs. 500,000/-
charges for each car parking
Lorry - Rs. 1,000,000/-
space not provided within the
Multi axle including container - Rs. 2,500,000/-

i. All Municipal Council

ii. Urban Council For all vehicles - Rs. 500,000/-

iii. Pradeshiya Sabha For all vehicles - Rs. 250,000/-

5. Change of the approved parking Rs. 20,000/- per parking space with an increment
space for other uses of 10% per annum until it converted to parking as
Fees for issuing Certificate of Conformity

Nature of Development Activities Fee

(excluding taxes)

1. Sub division of Land Rs. 1,000/- per lot

2. Construction of Building Floor Residential Non-

Area residential
(m2) Individual Apartment
Rs. 4,000/- Rs. 5,000/- Rs. 5,000/-
up to 400

Rs. 4000/- + Rs. 5000/- Rs. 5000/- +

Rs 15/- for + Rs 25/- for
every Rs 20/- for every
additional 1 every additional 1
More m2 or part additional m2 or part
than 400 thereof, in 1 m2 or thereof, in
m2 excess of part excess of
400 m2 thereof, in 400 m2
excess of
400 m2
3. Communication Rs. 5,000/-
Towers/Antenna Towers/
Transmission Towers
4. Parapet walls/Retaining walls Rs. 25/- per linear meter

5. Public Building Certificate Rs.10,000/-

Fee for Change of Use
(Excluding taxes)

Floor Area (m2) Fee (Rs.)

Up to 45 1,000/-
45 – 90 1,500/-
Processing Fee 91 – 180 1,750/-
181 – 270 2,000/-
271 – 450 2,500/-
451 – 675 2,750/-
676 – 900 3,000/-
Fee for Permit

1. Change of Residential to Rs. 750/- per 1 m2


2. Change of non-Residential
to non-Residential Rs. 500/- per 1 m2

Fee for Appeal

1. Acceptance for appeal Category Payment method

to forward Sub Planning
1st appeal Free of charge
Committee/ Main
Planning Committee of 2nd appeal 25% of initial processing fee
Urban Development
Authority 3rd appeal 50% of initial processing fee

4th appeal Total processing fee

Note: In addition to the above, Rs. 50/- will be charged per m2 as transport cost for site
inspection. However, the Urban Development Authority/ Local Authority may change the fee
subject to fuel price in the market
Schedule 3
[Regulations 4,7,30,39,40,57,77,82,83,89]

Qualified Persons

Nature of Development Extent (Where Specific Task Requiring a Minimum Qualification

Activity Relevant) Declaration by the Requirement of the
‘Qualified Person’ ‘Qualified Person’

1. Land Sub Division and If the Development All lands Perimeter plan, extraction, Licensed Surveyor
Amalgamation Activity does not sub division and
involve building work amalgamation plan

2. If the Development All lands Certificate stating engineering Chartered Civil Engineer
Activity involves works have been carried out in
engineering works conformity with the
(construction of roads specifications in the permit
culverts, drains etc.,)

3. Building Constructions If the development Building Compatibility with the Applicant or any relevant
involves a building Category “C I” regulations qualified person
Building A certificate indicating the Chartered Architect or any
Category “C II” compatibility of the building qualified Architect or
design to these planning and Architectural Licentiate,
development regulations and to or
be carried out under his /her Drafting Technical Officer
supervision until issuance the of NVQ Level V
Certificate of Conformity. (Building)
Chartered Civil Engineer
Building A certificate indicating the Chartered Architect
Category “A” compatibility of the building
,“B” and “CIII” design to these planning and
development regulations and to
be carried out under his /her
supervision until issuance the
Certificate of Conformity.
A certificate indicating the Chartered Civil Engineer
compatibility of the Structural
Engineering Design with the
Standards applicable to the
strength and the safety of the
and to be carried out under
her/his supervision until
issuance of the Certificate of
and advising the developer on
adequate precautionary
measures to avoid damages
and disturbances to
neighbouring properties
A certificate indicating the
compatibility of the Building Chartered Electrical
Services Designs including Engineer, Chartered Civil
electricity, water supply, Engineer, Chartered
Sewerage, drainage and rain Structural Engineer,
water harvesting, fire safety, Chartered Building
Air Conditioning, or any Services Engineer,
specialist services, in Chartered Mechanical
conformity with the Standards Engineer
applicable to Sri Lanka

A certificate indicating the A Corporate Member of a

conformity of the Design with Professional Institute
the standards of Green Building Incorporated by an Act of
design (Minimum ‘Certificate’ Parliament with having
Level) certificate minimum
and weight of 03 Credits in
advising the developer to carry
Green Building of SLQF
out the construction work in
compliance with Green Practices
under his supervision until
issuance the Certificate of
4 Valuation Report Market value of the property or Charted Valuer
Schedule 4
[Regulations 18,19,20]

Accessibility to Lands for Residential Use

Minimum Width Maximum Length of Maximum Maximum Dwelling

of Access Road/ Access Road/Street Number of Units per lot
Street (meters) (meters) Lots Served

3.0 up to 4 2
50 meters
*At a distance of 8 2
100m or less, but
both ends connected
to public roads where
width is 7m. or more

4.5 up to 8 2
*At a distance of 16 2
200m or less, but
both ends connected
to public roads where
width is 7m. or more
7.0 - 20 Permissible Floor Area
9.0 - unlimited Permissible Floor Area
or more applies

Note: *This relaxation does not apply to internal land subdivisions.

Schedule 5
{Regulations 44,54,92}
Specifications for Green Building Concept
Schedule 6
[Regulations 46,55,56,70,71]

Form “A”
Form A - Permissible Floor Area Ratio
Zone factor = 0.50 - 0.74 Zone factor = 0.75-0.99 Zone factor = 1.00-1.24 Zone factor = 1.25-1.49 Zone factor = 1.50-1.74 Zone factor = 1.75-1.99 Zone factor = 2.00-2.24
Minimum Road Width Minimum Road Width Minimum Road Width Minimum Road Width Minimum Road Width Minimum Road Width Minimum Road Width
Land extent (Sq.M) 12m 12m 12m 12m 12m 12m 12m
7m 9m or 7m 9m or 7m 9m or 7m 9m or 7m 9m or 7m 9m or 7m 9m or
above above above above above above above
150 less than 250 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.4 2.6 2.8 2.8 3.0 3.3 3.2 3.5 3.8
250 less than 500 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.6 2.0 1.7 2.2 2.7 2.2 2.7 3.3 2.6 3.3 4.0 3.4 4.0 4.7 3.6 4.5 5.3
500 less than 750 1.0 1.1 1.5 1.4 1.7 2.2 1.9 2.3 3.0 2.4 3.0 3.7 2.8 3.4 4.5 3.5 4.1 5.2 3.8 4.6 6.0
750 less than 1000 1.0 1.2 1.7 1.5 1.8 2.5 2.1 2.4 3.3 2.6 3.0 4.2 3.1 3.6 5.0 3.6 4.3 5.8 4.2 4.8 6.7
1000 less than 1500 1.1 1.3 1.8 1.6 1.9 2.7 2.1 2.5 3.6 2.7 3.1 4.5 3.2 3.7 5.4 3.7 4.5 6.3 4.3 5.0 7.2
1500 less than 2000 1.1 1.4 2.0 1.7 2.1 3.0 2.2 2.7 4.0 2.9 3.4 5.0 3.4 4.1 6.0 4.1 5.0 7.0 4.7 5.5 8.0
2000 less than 2500 1.2 1.5 2.1 1.8 2.3 3.1 2.3 2.8 4.2 3.0 3.5 5.2 3.5 4.2 6.3 4.2 5.1 7.3 4.8 5.6 8.5
2500 less than 3000 1.2 1.6 2.4 1.8 2.4 3.6 2.4 3.2 4.7 3.1 3.8 5.9 3.6 4.7 7.1 4.3 5.5 8.3 4.9 6.3 9.5
3000 less than 3500 1.2 1.7 2.5 1.9 2.5 3.7 2.5 3.4 5.0 3.2 4.0 6.2 3.7 4.8 7.5 4.4 5.6 8.7 5.0 6.4 10.0
3500 less than 4000 1.3 1.8 2.6 2.0 2.6 3.9 2.6 3.6 5.3 3.3 4.4 6.6 4.0 5.3 7.9 4.6 6.2 9.2 5.3 7.1 10.5
More than 4000 1.3 1.8 2.8 2.0 2.7 4.1 2.7 3.7 5.5 3.4 4.6 7.0 4.0 5.5 8.3 4.7 6.4 9.5 5.4 7.3 11.0

Zone factor = 2.25-2.49 Zone factor = 2.50-2.74 Zone factor = 2.75-2.99 Zone factor = 3.00-3.24 Zone factor = 3.25-3.49 Zone factor = 3.50-3.74 Zone factor = 3.75-4.00
Minimum Road Width Minimum Road Width Minimum Road Width Minimum Road Width Minimum Road Width Minimum Road Width Minimum Road Width
Land extent (Sq.M)
12m 12m 12m 12m 12m 12m 12m
7m 9m 7m 9m 7m 9m 7m 9m 7m 9m 7m 9m 7m 9m
or or or or or or or
150 less than 250 3.6 3.9 4.2 3.6 3.9 4.2 3.6 3.9 4.2 3.6 3.9 4.2 3.6 3.9 4.2 3.6 3.9 4.2 3.6 3.9 4.2
250 less than 500 3.9 4.9 6.0 3.9 4.9 6.0 3.9 4.9 6.0 3.9 4.9 6.0 3.9 4.9 6.0 3.9 4.9 6.0 3.9 4.9 6.0
500 less than 750 4.3 5.2 6.6 4.3 5.2 6.6 4.3 5.2 6.6 4.3 5.2 6.6 4.3 5.2 6.6 4.3 5.2 6.6 4.3 5.2 6.6
750 less than 1000 4.7 5.4 7.5 5.2 6.0 8.3 5.2 6.0 9.2 5.2 6.1 10.0 5.2 6.2 10.8 5.2 6.3 11.7 5.2 6.4 12.5
1000 less than 1500 4.8 5.6 8.1 5.3 6.2 9.0 5.3 6.2 9.9 5.3 6.3 10.8 5.3 6.4 11.7 5.3 6.5 12.6 5.3 6.6 13.5
1500 less than 2000 5.3 6.2 9.0 5.9 6.8 10.0 5.8 6.8 11.0 5.9 6.8 12.0 5.9 6.8 13.0 5.9 6.9 14.0 5.9 7.0 15.0
2000 less than 2500 5.4 6.3 10.0 6.0 7.1 10.4 6.0 7.2 11.5 6.0 7.3 12.5 6.0 7.4 13.6 6.0 7.5 14.6 6.0 7.6 15.7
2500 less than 3000 5.5 7.1 10.7 6.1 7.6 12.0 6.1 7.7 13.0 6.1 7.8 14.2 6.1 7.9 15.4 6.1 7.9 16.6 6.1 7.9 17.8
3000 less than 3500 5.7 7.2 11.2 6.3 8.0 12.5 6.3 8.0 13.7 6.3 8.1 15.0 6.3 8.2 16.2 6.3 8.3 17.5 6.3 8.4 18.7
3500 less than 4000 5.9 8.0 11.8 6.6 8.5 13.1 6.6 8.5 14.4 6.6 8.5 15.8 6.6 8.5 17.1 6.6 8.5 18.4 6.6 8.7 20.0
More than 4000 6.0 8.2 12.0 6.7 9.0 UL 6.7 9.0 UL 6.7 9.0 UL 6.7 9.0 UL 6.7 9.0 UL 6.7 9.0 UL
Above Floor Area Ratio shall not be applicable for the zones where number of floors or FAR indicated under the zoning regulations
Floor area allocated for parking facilities are not calculated for FAR
UL - Unlimited
Above Permissible FAR shall be restricted as per the slope of the land (0 0 -10 0 - No restrictions, 11 0 -20 0 - 75% of the FAR, 21 0 -30 0 - 50% of the FAR, 31 0 -45 0 - 35% of the FAR and over 45 0 - No
Form “B”
Form B - Number of Floors for 3m & 4.5m wide Roads

Minimum Minimum Maximum Number of Floors

* Plot Zone Zone Zone
Road Site Zone Factor
Coverage Factor 0.5 Factor Factor 1.25
Width Frontage 3.50 - 4.00
- 0.74 0.75 - 1.24 - 3.49
3m 6m 65% 1 (G) 2 (G+1) 3 (G+2) 3 (G+2)
4.5m 6m 65% 1 (G) 2 (G+1) 3 (G+2) 4 (G+3)
Number of floors are indicated including parking areas
Number of units allowed for each road shall not be changed
* Where no plot coverage specified under the zoning regulations

Form “C”
Form C - Setbacks
Rear Space (m) Side Space (m)
* Plot Coverage
Building Height Minimum Site Without With Without With Natural Ventilation
(m) Frontage (m) Non Natural Natural Natural Minimum
Residential Ventilation Ventilation Minimum Area
Residential Ventilation width (For light well only)
less than 7 6 **80% 65% 2.3m 2.3m - 2.3m 5 Sq.m
7 less than 15 6 65% 65% 3m 3m - 3m 9 Sq.m
15 less than 25 10 65% 65% 4m 4m 1m and 3m 4m 16 Sq.m
25 less than 40 20 65% 65% 4m 5m 3m both side 5m 25 Sq.m
40 less than 60 30 ***50% ***50% 5m 6m 4m both side 6m 36 Sq.m
60 and above Above 40m ***50% ***50% 5m 6m 5m both side 6m ****
Building Height - Height between access road level to roof top level
* Where no Plot Coverage specified under the zoning regulations
** Purely non residential activities
*** 65% plot coverage can be allowed only for the podium level not exceeding 20% of the tower height or 12 floors which ever is less
**** Minimum area shall be increased by 1 Sq.m for every additional 3m height
Form “D”
Form D - Permissible Floor Area Ratio (General Regulation)
*Controlled Zone Residential Zone Mixed Zone
Minimum Road Width Minimum Road Width Minimum Road Width
Land extent (Sq.M)
12m or 12m or 12m or
7m 9m 7m 9m 7m 9m
above above above
150 less than 250 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.9
250 less than 500 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.6 2.0 1.7 2.2 2.7
500 less than 750 1.0 1.1 1.5 1.4 1.7 2.2 1.9 2.3 3.0
750 less than 1000 1.0 1.2 1.7 1.5 1.8 2.5 2.1 2.4 3.3
1000 less than 1500 1.1 1.3 1.8 1.6 1.9 2.7 2.1 2.5 3.6
1500 less than 2000 1.1 1.4 2.0 1.7 2.1 3.0 2.2 2.7 4.0
2000 less than 2500 1.2 1.5 2.1 1.8 2.3 3.1 2.3 2.8 4.2
2500 less than 3000 1.2 1.6 2.4 1.8 2.4 3.6 2.4 3.2 4.7
3000 less than 3500 1.2 1.7 2.5 1.9 2.5 3.7 2.5 3.4 5.0
3500 less than 4000 1.3 1.8 2.6 2.0 2.6 3.9 2.6 3.6 5.3
More than 4000 1.3 1.8 2.8 2.0 2.7 4.1 2.7 3.7 5.5
*Controlled zone means balance developable land excluding above Residential zone, Mixed zone and
environment conserve areas
Above Floor Area Ratio shall not be applicable for the zones where number of floors or FAR indicated under the
zoning regulations
Floor area allocated for parking facilities are not calculated for FAR
Above Permissible FAR shall be restricted as per the slope of the land (0 0 -10 0 - No restrictions, 11 0 -20 0 - 75% of
the FAR, 21 0 -30 0 - 50% of the FAR, 31 0 -45 0 - 35% of the FAR and over 45 0 - No Developments

Form “E”

Form E - Number of Floors for 3m & 4.5m wide Roads (General Regulation)
Minimum Maximum Number of Floors
Minimum * Plot
Site **Controlled
Road Width Coverage Residential Zone Mixed Zone
Frontage Zone
3m 6m 65% 1 (G) 2 (G+1) 3 (G+2)
4.5m 6m 65% 1 (G) 2 (G+1) 3 (G+2)
Number of floors are indicated including parking areas
Number of units allowed for each road shall not be changed
* Where no plot coverage specified under the zoning regulations
**Controlled zone means balance developable lands excluding above Residential zone, Mixed
zone and environment conserve areas
Form “F”

Form F - Setbacks (General Regulation)

Rear Space (m) Side Space (m)
* Plot Coverage
Building Height Minimum Site Without With Without With Natural Ventilation
(m) Frontage (m) Non Natural Natural Natural Minimum Minimum Area
Residential Ventilation Ventilation Ventilation
Residential width (For light well only)
less than 7 6 **80% 65% 2.3m 2.3m - 2.3m 5 Sq.m
7 less than 15 6 65% 65% 3m 3m - 3m 9 Sq.m
15 less than 25 10 65% 65% 4m 4m 1m and 3m 4m 16 Sq.m
25 less than 40 20 65% 65% 4m 5m 3m both side 5m 25 Sq.m
40 less than 60 30 ***50% ***50% 5m 6m 4m both side 6m 36 Sq.m
60 and above Above 40m ***50% ***50% 5m 6m 5m both side 6m ****
Building Height - Height between access road level to roof top level
* Where no Plot Coverage specified under the zoning regulations
** Purely non residential activities
*** 65% plot coverage can be allowed only for the podium level not exceeding 20% of the tower height or 12 floors which ever is less
**** Minimum area shall be increased by 1 Sq.m for every additional 3m height

Schedule 7
[Regulation 66]

Minimum Requirements for Habitable Rooms and Utility Area

Room Minimum Floor Area Minimum

(m2) width (m)

(a) Where there is only one room in a 11.0 3.0

dwelling unit

(b) Where there are more than 1 room in a dwelling unit

i. First Room 9.5 2.5

ii. Additional Room 8.5 2.5

(c) Rooms in non-residential buildings 7.5 2.4

(d) Kitchen 5.5 1.8

(e) Bathroom 1.7 1.0

(f) Toilet 1.7 1.0

(g) Combined Bath and Toilet 2.0 1.5

Schedule 8
[Regulation 68]

Minimum Requirements for Stair Cases

Category Minimum Minimum Maximum Minimum
Width of Height Riser Tread
Stairs (mm) Clearance (mm) (mm)
1. Internal stairs serving only one 750 2.1 175 250
upper floor.
2. Stairs in buildings, used as
place of Public Building and 1000 2.1 150 275
Condominium Buildings and
all other categories.

Schedule 9
{Regulation 69}

Specification for Lift

Usage Extent of the Capacity (For each
Building (m ) category)

Office 9000 One for 20 persons

Hotel 7500

Housing Complex 9000

*Hospital 1000

*Hospitals shall be provided 8’*8’sized lift in the main entrance and the other
Schedule 10
[Regulation 71]
Specification of Air Wells for natural light and ventilation

Height of the All Rooms Utility Rooms

building (eg: Toilets, Store Rooms,
(meters) Garage, Washing Areas)
Minimum Clear Minimum Minimum Minimum
width Area of space Clear Area of Space
(meters) (square Width (square
meters) (meters) meters)
(a) Less than 15 3.0 9.0 1.0 1.0

(b) 15 – 30 5.0 25.0 1.0 2.0

(b) 30 - 40 4.0 16.0 1.0 2.25

(c) More than 40 Either 1/10th of Either 1.5 Either

the height of the area equal to area equal to
building 1/10 x 1/10 of 1/20 x 1/20 of
or the height of the height of the
6.0m, the building building
whichever is less or or
36.0m2 2.25m2
whichever is whichever is
less less
Schedule 11
[Regulation 73]

Parking Requirements

Specifications Parking Space Requirements

Seri. Floor Minimum
Usage Category m road Multi
No. area land extent Standard Vehicle Bus Lorry
width Axle
(m) (m2)

1 space + additional 1
Single Housing Unit/
1 Residential - - - space for area exceed - - -
Circuit Bungalow
400 m2

1 space for 1 unit +

Residential Apartment / Flats with additional 1 space for
Apartment - or without pool, gym, - - - area exceed 200 m2+ 1 - - -
1st category super markets1 visitor parking space for
every 10 units

Apartment/Flats with
Residential additional luxurious 2 space for one unit + 1
Apartment - facilities (club, - - - visitor parking space for - - -
2nd category penthouse etc.) other every 10units
than the 1st category2
Specifications Parking Space Requirements
Seri. Floor Minimum
Usage Category m road Multi
No. area land extent Standard Vehicle Bus Lorry
width Axle
(m) (m2)

Residential Serviced Apartment - - - 1 space for one unit - - -

Residential Studio Apartment - - - 1 space for two units - - -

Residential Quarters - - - 1 space for one unit - - -

Hostels within the

premises as an ancillary
Residential - - - 1 space for 10 Rooms - - -
facility for main activity
(except schools)

Hostels Outside the

Residential - - - 1 space for 5 Rooms - - -

Dormitories within the

Residential premises as an ancillary - - - - - - -
facility for main activity

Dormitories Outside the

Residential - - - 1 space for 200m2 - - -

1 space for
Elder’s Homes
Residential - - - 10 Rooms (minimum - - -
/Children’s homes
one space)
Specifications Parking Space Requirements
Seri. Floor Minimum
Usage Category m road Multi
No. area land extent Standard Vehicle Bus Lorry
width Axle
(m) (m2)

15% from total build

Residential Government
- - - (sqft) area (excluding - - -
resettlement projects
service area)

Retail shop Groceries Up to

2 Commercial 3 - Not required - - -
and Similar uses 25

Up to
4.5 - 1 space - - -
Up to
7 - 1 space for 50 m2 - - -

Retail shops/groceries
and similar use3 and 1 space for
Commercial Shopping complex/ 500 m2
Supper markets/ &
Departmental stores/ More maximum
Shopping Malls4 9 than - 1 space for 100 m2 - 4 -
Specifications Parking Space Requirements
Seri. Floor Minimum
Usage Category m road Multi
No. area land extent Standard Vehicle Bus Lorry
width Axle
(m) (m2)
1 space 1
Vehicle Show Rooms/
1 space for 200 m2 and 200 m2
Commercial Tool equipment/ home 9 - - - -
minimum 1 space &

1 space for
every 500
Commercial Hardware 9 - - 1 space for 100 m2 - m2 and -

1 space for
Commercial Cinema halls/ Theaters 9 - - 1 space for 10 seats - -
500 m2

Theaters, Auditorium, 1 space for 10 seats or 1

1 for more than
Commercial Conference halls and 9 - - space for 20 m2
similar uses 100 seats
whichever is more
Specifications Parking Space Requirements
Seri. Floor Minimum
Usage Category m road Multi
No. area land extent Standard Vehicle Bus Lorry
width Axle
(m) (m2)

Up to
4.5 - 1 space - - -
Saloon/beauty 15 m2
paler/customer care
Commercial services/tailor shops Up to
7 - 1 space - - -
30 m2
9 - 1 space for 30 m2 - - -
30 m2

1 space (if
Vehicle spare parts floor area
Commercial 9 - - 1 space for 50 m2 - -
shops exceeds
500 m2)

Commercial Funeral Parlor 9 - - 5 space for parlor space 1 space - -

Commercial Betting centers 9 - - 1 space for 200 m2 - - -

1 space for 50m2

Commercial Broadcasting studios 9 - - - - -
excluding service area
Non Broadcasting
Commercial 9 - - 1 space for 50 m2 - - -
Specifications Parking Space Requirements
Seri. Floor Minimum
Usage Category m road Multi
No. area land extent Standard Vehicle Bus Lorry
width Axle
(m) (m2)
1 space &
1 space for
Dedicated economic
Commercial 9 - - 1 space for two shops - 10 shops -
centers/Fish market
up to

1 space (touch
City hotels 9 - - 1 space for 10 Rooms & go) close to 1 space -
service area

Motels 9 - - 1 space for 1 Room 1 space - -
1 space (touch
1 to 20
7 - 1 space for 1 Room & go) close to 1 space -
service area
1 space for 1 Room up
1 to 1 space (touch
Commercial to 20 Rooms + 1 space
Hotels 9 100 - & go) close to - -
Hotel Rooms for 2 Rooms from 21-
service area
100 Rooms
1 space for 1 Room up
Above to 20 Rooms + 1 space 1 space (touch
9 100 - for 2 Rooms from 21- & go) close to - -
Rooms 100 Rooms + 1 space service area
for 5 Rooms from 101
Specifications Parking Space Requirements
Seri. Floor Minimum
Usage Category m road Multi
No. area land extent Standard Vehicle Bus Lorry
width Axle
(m) (m2)

7 - 1 space for 5 seats - 1 space -
y up to

Commercial Banquet hall

capacit 1 space (touch
9 y - 1 space for 5 seats & go) close to 1 space -
above1 service area

Up to 5
Commercial 1 space for 1 Room/unit,
Boutique hotel/Villas 7 Room/ - - - -
Hotel maximum 3 space

Boutique hotel/Villas/
Commercial 5
Guest house/ Lodges/ 9 - 1 space for 1 Room/ unit - - -
Hotel Rooms
Rest house / Spa
/ units
Specifications Parking Space Requirements
Seri. Floor Minimum
Usage Category m road Multi
No. area land extent Standard Vehicle Bus Lorry
width Axle
(m) (m2)

1 space for 20 m2
Up to (except service area) or
7 - - - -
50 m2 1 space for 5 seats
Commercial whichever is more
1 space for 20 m2
(except service area) or 1 space for
9 than 50 - - -
m2 1 space for 5 seats above 500 m2
whichever is more
Banks 9 - - 1 space for 50 m2 - - -
Commercial Finance institution/
9 - - 1 space for 100 m2 - - -
Office insurance institutions

Commercial Office / institutions 1 for every

9 - - 1 space for 100 m2 - -
Office (general) 500 m2

Office/ institutions (not

providing inside 9 - - 1 space for 150 m2 - - -
customer service eg. IT)
Specifications Parking Space Requirements
Seri. Floor Minimum
Usage Category m road Multi
No. area land extent Standard Vehicle Bus Lorry
width Axle
(m) (m2)

Commercial Office complexes( above 1 for every 500

9 - - 1 space for 150 m2 1 space -
Office 10,000 m2) m2

1 space for 10 beds &

Additional 30% of
above parking spaces
Government hospitals
3 Health 9 - - shall be allocated for 1 space 1 space -
(including all facilities)
public parking.(for
newly proposed

1 space for 2 beds or 1

Nursing homes, private
Health 9 - - space for 20 m2 - - -
whichever is more

Medical laboratories/
Health 9 - - 1 space for 20 m2 - - -
OPD & similar activities

6 Space for one

Medical Consultation Room (1 for
Health consultation/channeling 9 - - consultant+ 5 for patients) - - -
enter/ medical centers

Up to
Dispensary/ Animal 7 - 1 space for 50 m2 - - -
Health 50 m2
9 - 2 space for 1 Room - - -
50 m2
Specifications Parking Space Requirements
Seri. Floor Minimum
Usage Category m road Multi
No. area land extent Standard Vehicle Bus Lorry
width Axle
(m) (m2)
1 space for
1 for 1 permanent
4 Education Universities 9 - - academic - -
academic staff

Private campus/ private

Education higher educational 9 - - 1 space for 1 class Room 1 space - -

1 space for 4 class Rooms

& 3 separate space for
Education Government schools 9 - - 1 space - -
drop off & merging lane
within the premises

1 space for 2 lectures &

Government vocational
separate space for drop
Education training centers / 9 - - 1 space - -
off & merging lane within
technical collages
the premises

1 space for 2 class Rooms

+ 1 space for 5000 m2 of
other built up areas
Education Private schools 9 - - (excluding class Rooms) 1 space - -
& separate 3 space for
drop off & merging lane
within the premises
Specifications Parking Space Requirements
Seri. Floor Minimum
Usage Category m road Multi
No. area land extent Standard Vehicle Bus Lorry
width Axle
(m) (m2)

1 space per school &

Preschools/ Day care separate 3 space for drop
Education 9 - - - - -
centers off & merging lane within
the premises

1 space per class Room &

separate 2 space for drop
Education Private tuition classes 9 - - - - -
off & merging lane within
the premises

7 - 500 3 space

Education Libraries 3 space up to 500 m2 & 1 - - -

space for every additional
9 - More than 500
500 m2

Other educational
9 - - 1 space per class Room - - -
Education institutions
Specifications Parking Space Requirements
Seri. Floor Minimum
Usage Category m road Multi
No. area land extent Standard Vehicle Bus Lorry
width Axle
(m) (m2)
Up to
5 Industries Micro Scale 4.5 150 2 space - - -
Minimum 1
Industries Small scale 7 51 -250 500 1 space for 100 m2 - -
1 space
3 space up to 250 m2 and
251 - 1 space for for
Industries Medium Scale 9 1000 1 for every additional 200 -
1500 500 m2 exceed
m2 1000 m2

3 space
1 space
up to 1500
for 2500
9 space up to 1500 m2 & 1 m2 and 1
Above m2 and
Industries Large Scale 9 2000 space for every additional - space for
1500 maximu
300 m2 every
m 5
1000 m2

1space up to 100 m2
Industries 1 space for
Stores with shops 9 - - and 1 space for every - -
Stores 500 m2
additional 200 m2

Industries Up to 1 space for

Stores without shops 7 750 1 space - -
Stores 500 300 m2
Specifications Parking Space Requirements
Seri. Floor Minimum
Usage Category m road Multi
No. area land extent Standard Vehicle Bus Lorry
width Axle
(m) (m2)

Industries Above 1 space for

Stores without shops 9 1000 1 space for 500 m2 - -
Stores 500 300 m2

Up to 1space
7 750 1 space - -

1 space for
Godowns 1 space
Industries 500 m2 up
Godowns to 3000 m2 2500-
9 1000 1 space for 500 m2 - & 1 space
500 m2 and
for every
1000 m2

1 Space for
Leisure, Leisure & Recreational
1000 m2 &
6 Recreational activities & Theme 9 - - 1 Space for 100 m2 1 Space -
& Sports Parks
4 spaces

Leisure, 2 space for 1 court &

Recreational Sport complexes/ Indoor 9 - - 1 space for 10 seats (if 1 Space - -
& Sports stadiums provide pavilion)
Specifications Parking Space Requirements
Seri. Floor Minimum
Usage Category m road Multi
No. area land extent Standard Vehicle Bus Lorry
width Axle
(m) (m2)
Leisure, Commercial swimming 1 space for 100 m2 & 1
Recreational pools/Gym/ Fitness 9 - - space for 10 seats (if - - -
& Sports centers provide pavilion)
Leisure, 1 space for 1000
Recreational Outdoor sport stadiums 9 - - 1 space for 100 seats seats maximum - -
& Sports up to 10
7 Other uses Religious Places - - - 1 space for 200 m2 - - -

1 space for 500

Other Other uses 9 - - 1 space for 100 m2 - -

Parking shall be calculated for the commercial activities that servers outside customers of the Apartment
Parking shall be calculated for the commercial activities that servers outside customers of the Apartment
Liquor Bars
Food outlets (Take away only)
Other similar shops

If uses other than the specified uses in this category are included within the development, the parking requirement for such uses shall be calculated
separately as per the specified parking requirement of each individual use.

In every development where the total parking requirement exceeds 10 stalls, there shall be 30% of such parking requirement of pedal/ motor cycles provided
in such development

Parking facilities for differently able people to be provided according to the Gazette Notification No.1467/15

Service charges in lieu of vehicle parking - 100% of the requirement shall be accepted in areas which were identified by the relevant Development Plan,
Guide Plan or any area identified by the authority considering the practical situation of the area

Parking requirement for any Development Activities which are not listed in above categories shall be considered for the most similar category

Parking requirement for any Development Activities which are not listed in above categories and cannot be considered for a most similar category shall be
considered as other category
Schedule 12
[Regulation 73]
Form “A”
Width of Aisles for Parking Spaces
Parking angle (degrees) Bay on one side (m) Two-way traffic (m)

Bay on one side (m) Bay on two side (m)

Parallel 3.6 3.6 6.0

30 Deg. Angle 3.6 4.2 6.0

45 Deg. Angle 4.2 4.8 6.0

60 Deg. Angel 4.8 4.8 6.0

90 Deg. Angel 6.0 6.0 6.0

Note: The above standards are not applicable for Lorries and Containers. Requirement for
lorries/containers shall be determined by the Urban Development Authority/ Local Authority.

Form B
Dimensions of Parking Spaces
Type of vehicle Stall width (meters) Stall length Stall length
(Angle parking or (meters) (meters)
parallel parking) Angle parking Parallel parking
Car and similar vehicle 2.4 4.8 5.5
Two & Three wheelers 2.1 2.4 2.5
Pedal cycles 0.6 2.25 2.25
Commercial (Two Axle) 3.6 10.0 12.00
Commercial (Multi Axle) 3.6 18.0 20.0

Form C
Dimensions of Inner and Outer Turning Radius
Passenger Car Two Axle Multi Axle
Commercial Commercial
Vehicle Vehicle

Inner turning radius 7.3m 12.8m 13.8m

Outer turning radius 4.7m 8.7m 6.9m

In such an instance, where it may be satisfactorily proven to the Urban Development Authority/ Local
Authority that the minimum turning radius as given above cannot be provided for the development,
then a margin lane of width not less than 3.0m and located within the site shall be provided for any
such entry and/or exit. Such lanes shall be designed to cause the least impact on the free flow of
traffic on the street and should be approved by the Traffic Planning Committee of the Urban
Development Authority.
Form D
Requirements for Fully-Automated Systems
Car lobby internal dimension 6.2m long x2.6m wide

Entrance width 2.6m clear

Platform size 5.4 long x 2.4m wide

Headroom clearance 2.2m clear

Holding bay At entrance and exit

Queuing spaces 5% of car lots served by car lift

Form E
Requirements for Stack & Puzzle Vertical Systems
Platform size (min) 5.4m long x 2.4m wide

Clear width at entry/exit 2.4m (no obstruction)

2.7m (obstruction on one side)

3.0m (obstruction on both side)

Headroom clearance 2.2m clear

Form F
Requirements for Provision of Car-lifts
Car lift internal dimension 6.2m long x 2.6m wide

Entrance width 2.6m clear

Headroom clearance 2.2m clear

Minimum speed 30m/min.

Minimum discharge capacity 30 cars/hr.

Holding bay At entrance and exit

Queuing spaces 15% of car lots served by car lift

Schedule 13
[Regulation 73]

Parking and Traffic Control

1. (1) The Urban Development Authority shall appoint a Traffic Planning Committee for
every specified development to study, evaluate and to recommended for approval the
Parking and Traffic Control Arrangements for any development referred by the
Planning committee.
(2) The Developer or the promoter shall provide a full and detailed assessment of how
the traffic to and from the development might affect the highway network and or
public transport facility.

(3) The Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) shall be an impartial description of the
impact and shall outline both positive and negative aspect of the proposed
development. The TIA shall not be a promotional exercise undertaken on behalf of the

(i) The TIA “process” consists of three main components,

(a) The determination of the need for a TIA

(b) The scope of the TIA

(c) The preparation of the TIA

(ii) The need for a TIA is a responsibility of the Planning Committee. The scope of
the TIA is determined by the traffic planning committee. The TIA shall be prepared
and produced where one or the other of the following thresholds are exceeded:

(a) The traffic ‘to and from” the development exceeded 10% of the two-
way traffic flow on the main high- way/ road.

(b) Traffic to and from the development exceeds 5% of the two- way
traffic flow on the adjoining road/link, where traffic congestion exists or will
exist within the assessment period or sensitive locations.

© There will be some developments that will be so significant in size that

TIA shall be undertaken as a matter of course.

(iii) Following parameters may attract sufficient additional traffic to warrant a


(a) Residential development in excess of 20 units in the Concentrated

Development Zone and Mixed Commercial Zone.

(b) Residential development in excess of 50 units

© Commercial floor area in excess of 10000 m2

(d) Warehousing floor area in excess of 20000 m2
(e) Retail shop floor area in excess of 4000 m2
(f) 100 trip in/out combined in peak hours
(g) 50 on-site parking space
(h) Any Shopping mall/Supper market/Departmental stores
(i) Any development having entry or exit direct onto a road which is
- near to a traffic lights or
- a national highway or
- within 15m of a bus halt or bus stand or
- within 25m of pedestrian crossing
- express way/outer circular roads

2. (1) The Traffic Committee shall be comprised the Relevant Qualified Person who expert in
the field of;
(a) Traffic Engineer or
(b) Transport Planner or
© Town Planner and
(d) A Senior Police Officer (the rank not less than Assistant Superintendent of
Police) and
(e) Chief Engineering of the Local Authority and
(f) Planning Officer of the Local Authority.

(2) The Developer shall submit the application together with a completed Traffic
Impact Assessment Report according to the following Terms of Reference (TOR).

TOR for Traffic Impact Assessment

The Developer shall in consultation with technically qualified personnel, to complete the
TOR. Separate sheets shall be used where detailed information is required. It is in the
Developer’s interest to fill in all information as completely and as accurately as possible. The
duly completed report as per the TOR could be considered as a Traffic Impact Assessment
Report, if duly perfected by the Developer. It is important to note that this information is
being used in decision-making.
PART A - General Information

A.1 Name of the Project :

A.2 Name of the Developer : (Company /Firm / Individual)

Postal Address :

Phone / Fax No. :

Contact person/Name/Designation/Phone No:

A.3 Nature of the Project :

Scale of the Project :

Main objectives of the Project:

Alternatives to the project :

A.4 Location of the Project:

i. Provincial Council :

ii. Divisional Secretariat :

iii. Local Authority :

iv. Provide a location map indicating the project site, access to the site,
surrounding development and infrastructure within 500m of the site (at
appropriate scale – A3 size)

A.5 Extent of the project area (define specific boundaries); approved survey plan shall be

A.6 Present Owner of the Project Site: Ownership certificate shall be submitted. (Deed/Lease
agreement/ Cadaster Map) specify

State Private Other

A.9 Present use of land :

A.10 Proposed time line and schedule including phased out development in summary data
Part B -Project Details

Main pre construction and construction activities:

B.1 Nature of the project:

B.1.1 Brief description of the project including major components

B.1.2 Project layout plan including all component of the project including;

(a) Vehicle circulation pattern inside the development by including widths of the
internal vehicular paths.
(b) All entrances and exits widths including arrows (security barriers are not
allowed at the entrances).
© Width of aisles
(d) Inner and outer radius of entry and exist locations to street
(e) Clear and un-obstructed entry distances (without barriers, ramps) from the
edge of street – all the Ramps shall start 6m away from the front boundary.
(f) Width/gradient and length of ramped sections
(g) Dimensions of parking stalls.
(h) Area designated for passenger pick up/ drop off
(i) Area of security checking and parking tickets
(j) Car lifts (car lift shall be located furthest to the entry point. number of car
lifts required based on the parking requirements of the development)

B.1.3 Clear drawings of the parking arrangements.

(a) Once the parking proposal is accepted from Traffic Impact Assessment point of
view, three set of proposed drawings shall be submitted to Urban Development
Authority, Local Authority, Road Development Authority and Traffic Police with the
signatures of Developer, Project Architect and the Structural Engineer.
Part C -Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA)

Study Area:

Project site - 01km radios from the boundary of the project site shall be considered as the study area.
Surrounding major developments and specially the impact of traffic generation for the same shall be
considered and analysed with the development. In addition to that developments within the last 10
years and proposed developments proposals should be taken into account.

C.1 Traffic Flows (Data collection dates shall be included)

Traffic Survey dates shall be within 6 months of the TIA report. Traffic impact analysis shall be
addressed considering the Traffic Generation, Demand of the proposed development and the
surrounding major developments which already exists and also which are proposed to be developed.
TIA specialist shall analyse the impact of Traffic generation and traffic flow in to the road network

C.1.1 Traffic Flow distribution

C.1.2 Vehicle distributions
C.1.3 Proposed drawing/s including followings;
(a) Building limit, centre line of the road and shoulder widths of
existing road/s
(b) Number of lane/s of the existing road/s and details of pedestrian
crossings, foot walks and guard rails for foot walks, drive way/s
and other private road/s.
(c) Bus bay location, bus stop/s location and distance to the bus bay
from the entry /exist location of the development. (Bus
bays/stops cannot shift due to the developments. As such
entrance and exit shall be located without disturbing exiting
(d) Length of the site frontage of the land, entry/exist gate design
including lane width
(e) Road signs, signals and road markings or any other road details
(f) Center medium opening details and distance to the center
medium opening from entry/exit locations
(g) Lamp posts on road
(h) Pavement area of proposed development
(i) Junction/intersection details close to the development.

C.1.4 Vehicles entering and leaving shall be able to move with the exiting traffic
flow. Conflict points shall be minimal in order to avoid the delays. Entering
and leaving vehicles shall be move with the through traffic.
C.2 Parking arrangement

C.2.1 Details of the parking requirement including Disable Parking requirement

C.2.2 Clear drawing by including requirements

C.2.3 Off site vehicle movement

Part D – Land Transferring

If it is required to open up a Street Line or Building Line for the development, the land within the
Street Line or Building Line shall be transferred to the Relevant Local Authority/ Relevant Institute
with the consultation from same and Developer shall contact the Legal Section of same
authorities/institution and prepare the set of legal documents related to transferring. Subsequently at
the first renewal of the development permit deed of transferring shall be submitted to Relevant
Authorities/Relevant Institute.

PART E - Conclusion and Recommendation

The Traffic Impact Assessment of the proposed project and key finding and recommendation of the
assessment shall be attached hereunder;

The above information furnished by me/us true and accurate to the best of my/our
knowledge. I am/we are aware that this information will be utilized in decision making by the
Relevant Authority/Relevant Institution.

…………………… ………………..……….
Date Signature of Consultant/s
Schedule 14
[Regulation 74]
Standards for Sanitary facilities

Use Female Male

Toilet Wash Toilet Urinal Wash

Basin Basin
1 Restaurants, Hotels and 1 per 1 per 400 1 per 500 1 per 1 per
similar uses 300 m2. m2 . m2 . 400 m2. 500 m2.
2 Cinemas, Theatres, 1 per 40 1 per 50 1 per 120 1 per 40 1 per
Seminar Halls seats seats seats seats 120
3 Shopping Complexes 1 per 1 per 1 per 1 per 1 per
Departmental Stores, 800 m2. 1000 m2. 1000 m2. 1000 m2. 1000
Super Markets and similar m2 .
4 Offices 1 per 1 per 1 per 1 per 1 per
250 m2. 500 m2. 500 m2. 250 m2. 500 m2.
5 Schools/Private 1 per 30 1 per 30 1 per 50 1 per 50 1 per 50
Educational institutes/ students students students students students
Tuition Classes/
International schools
6 Public spaces, Public 1 per 1 per 1 per 1 per 1 per
assembly places, Parks and 100 100 100 100 100
similar uses person person person person person
7 Hospital and similar uses 3 for 3 for 3 for 3 for 3 for
50 beds 50 beds 50 beds 50 beds 50 beds

8 Other 1 per 1 per 1 per 1 per 1 per

200 m2. 200 m2. 200 m2. 200 m2. 200 m2.

Note: The above floor areas show the area, excluding common facilities.
Schedule 15
[Regulation 76]

Rain Water Harvesting

Minimum Equipment Rainwater Holding Provision Requirement

* Annual Minimum Volume required to collect from 100m2 of roof area and hard
Rainwater Band paved area
Residential Commercial Industrial Institutional
Domestic Apartments/
(cu.m.) Condominiums (cu.m.) (cu.m.) (cu.m.)
1 750 - 1000 1.5 2.5 5 8 10

2 1000 - 1500 1.5 2.5 3 8 10

3 1500 - 2000 1.5 2.5 3 5 10

4 2000 - 2500 1.5 2.5 3 3 5

5 2500 - 3000 1.5 2.5 2 2 3

6 3000 - 4000 1.5 2.5 1 1 2

7 4000 - 5000 1.5 2.5 0.5 1 1

8 5000 - 6000 1.5 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

* The rainfall bands are taken from the Sri Lanka National Atlas published by the
Department of Surveys.

Required Rainwater = Minimum Volume x Total Roof area and

Holding Provision (m3) 100 paved area

Note: The ratio of the Required Rainwater Holding Provision both by Storage and
Infiltration, shall be determined by the respective Local Authority taking into
consideration; the location, groundwater table fluctuation, available space,
topography, permeability, type of soil.
Proposed Distribution of Rain Water Harvesting Holder Provision

Storage (m3) Ground Water Infiltration (m3) Total



Dug Well








er Pit


Schedule 16
{Regulation 103}
Specification for Communication Towers

1. (1) Ground Base Antenna Structures – Height less than or equal to 100.0m
(i) The minimum distance from the metal base of the antenna structure to the
boundary of the other land plot should be 5.0m from all directions.

(ii) The minimum distance from the metal base of the antenna structure to the
public gathering places such as preschool, day care centres, Religious Places,
cinema hall etc. of the land plot shall be 15.0m

(iii) The minimum distance from the metal base of the antenna structure to the
hospital building of the land plot shall be 100.0m.

(2) Ground Base Antenna Structures – Height greater than 100.0m

(i)The minimum distance from the metal base of the antenna structure to the
boundary of the other land plot should be 10.0m from all directions.

(ii) The minimum distance from the metal base of the antenna structure to the
boundary of Public gathering places such as preschool, day care centres,
Religious Places, cinema hall etc. of the land plot should be 30.0m.

(iii) The minimum distance from the metal base of the antenna structure to the
boundary of the land plot should be 100.0m.
(3) Roof Top Antenna Structure with a total height less than or equal to 100.0m.

(i) Minimum distance from the edge of the roof slab

Tower Height (m) Distance to edge of the slab(m)

Up to 15 1

15 or < 15 1.5

(ii) Public gathering places such as preschool, day care centres, Religious Places,
cinema hall etc., the minimum distance from the metal base of the antenna
structure base boundary of the land plot should be 15.0m.

(iii) If a hospital Building the minimum distance from the metallic antenna structure
base boundary of the land plot should be 100.0m.
(iv) In the case of the building already constructed a copy of the approved building
plan and Certificate of Conformity and in case of building under construction
the approved building plan and stability report from the Structural Engineer
shall be submitted.

2 (1) Accessibility
The minimum width of the access Road shall be as approved by the authority but in no
case shall be less than 3.0m. However, in height terrain area, where no road constructions
are permitted due to environmental impact, foot paths less than 3.0m wide may be

(2) Stability of the Tower

Developer should submit a report to the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission
regarding the structural stability of the tower; obtain from a qualified Structural Engineer.
Schedule 17
Form “A”
{Regulation 112}

Development Regulations for Expressway related areas

Zone Zone Limits Minimum Plot Building Permissible Other Terms

Size (m2) Height(m) Uses

Development Up to 10.0m Minimum land Two floors or a Only i. The zone up to 5.0m from the expressway
Control Zone horizontal extent maximum residential reserve shall be maintained as a vegetation belt
distance from according to the height of 9.0 Buildings and free from construction.
ii. For the Colombo-Katunayake Expressway (E3)
the form “B” m, and a shall be
only, the zone up to 10.0m from the road reserve
acquisition Basement floor considered for shall be maintained as a vegetation belt and free
boundary of is not permit. from the construction.
the permitted. iii. Trees not having canopy layer with large
expressway leaves and plam-leafed plants more than 6.0m
in height shall not be grown in the vegetation
iv. In express way reservations, plants shall be
selected in such a way as to preserve the
ecological (climate) biodiversity of the
expressway in which the vegetation strip is to
be maintained.
v. In cases where the remaining plots of land
are less than the required size as specified in
Form “B” mentioned herein or in the absence
of the required minimum area as per the
Development Plan (after acquisition of land
Zone Zone Limits Minimum Plot Building Permissible Other Terms
Size (m2) Height(m) Uses

for the Expressway), constructions shall be

considered by the Urban Development
Authority subject to recommendation of Road
Development Authority.
vi. When the distance from the safety fence to the
Express way and the acquired land is more
than 50.0m, a 3.0m vegetation belt free from
constructions will be retained from the
remaining portion of land.
vii. When Building height is more than 1.0 floor,
maximum plot coverage shall be 50%.

viii. Buildings, walls, roofs and retaining parts that

may badly affect the express way during the
high wind shall not be permitted

ix. Land lots directly facing to the Expressway no

Boundary Walls permitted and a wire mesh
fence with a maximum height of 2.0m or a fence
with a similar finish is allowed
x. Permission shall be granted for domestic
excavations or constructions in accordance with
the Central Environmental Authority's
recommended vibration levels, while
excavations, tunnels and explosions carried out
inside of the ground surfaces will not be
permitted. Also, any development work shall be
Zone Zone Limits Minimum Plot Building Permissible Other Terms
Size (m2) Height(m) Uses

planed according to the topography.

xi. Industries currently operating with a valid

license from the Central Environmental
Authority shall continue to operate without
further development.

xii. When changing the colors of the existing

buildings and painting of the new buildings
either side of the expressway, only with
winter light colours and bright proof light
colour shall be used and reflective paints will
not be permitted.

xiii. finishers shall not reflect light and bright

lights lamps on Buildings shall not be directed
towards the Expressway.
xiv. No billboards of any kind on either side of the
express way are permitted to be displayed
facing the Expressway
xv. Use of water logged low lands and paddy
lands shall be, maintained as such and
reclamation shall not be permitted.
xvi. Existing waterways and water retention areas
shall not be filled in any way and the
recommendation of the relevant institutions
Zone Zone Limits Minimum Plot Building Permissible Other Terms
Size (m2) Height(m) Uses

and the Road Development Authority shall be

obtained regarding the change of drainage
channels or diversion of such waterways.
xvii. Disposal sites with flammable, noxious
emissions and solid waste and garbage are not

xviii. Recommendation shall be obtained from the

other relevant institutions on the
recommendation of Road Development
Authority for the construction of towers (with
or without cables), transmission towers,
antenna towers or transmission lines across or
near the express way. All towers shall be
designed in the form of a tree or a lamp post
to suit the landscape on both side of the
express way.

xix. In the sub division land, direct access to the

express way not be given.

Low Density The The Form “B” or The maximum Residential Terms and conditions of Development Control
Zone horizontal minimum land of 3 floors or and Zone ix –xvii will apply.
Zone Zone Limits Minimum Plot Building Permissible Other Terms
Size (m2) Height(m) Uses

distance up to extent maximum commercial

30 -100.0m mentioned in the height of
from the Development 12.0m
acquisition Plan
boundary of
the express

Development Horizontal The Form “B” or The maximum According to i. Recommendations shall be obtained from the
Potential distance up to minimum land of 4 floors or the Road Development Authority and the National
Zone 10 -30m from extent maximum Development Building Research Institute for Buildings of
the mentioned in the height of Plan or in the 04 stories (15.0m) or more.
acquisition Development 15.0m absence of a ii. When locating new industries, with the license
boundary of Plan Development of the Central Environment Authority according
the express Plan , the to the Extraordinary Gazette Notification No.
way authority shall 1533/16 dated 25.01.2008 the Central
decides on Environment Authority shall have
future land use recommended only the medium and small
and the scale non -polluting industries mentioned under
physical categories “B” and “C” in the relevant list.
characteristic iii. Existing industries with a valid license from the
of the area Central Environment Authority and not
mentioned (ii) above shall be carryout without
further development.
iv. Mining and tunnelling excavation, and blasting
activities in this zone shall be considered based
Zone Zone Limits Minimum Plot Building Permissible Other Terms
Size (m2) Height(m) Uses

on the location subject to recommendation of

the Road Development Authority and other
v. Terms xi – xvii of Development Control Zone
will apply.
vi. Storage for the material listed in the scheduled
Waste List published by the Extra Ordinary
Gazette Notification No. 1534/18 dated
01.02.200 (Central Environment Authority) will
not be considered.

Development From 100.0- According to the Development Plan or in the -

Potential 1500.0m absence of a Development Plan , the authority shall
Zone II decides on future land use and the physical
characteristic of the area

Interchanges Covering According to the Development Guide Plan or Urban i. All other terms are applicable under
centered distance of Development Plan or in the absence of both above development Control Zone up to 30.0m
Development radius up to , the authority shall decide based on future land use and other regulations in Low Density
Potential 1500.0m and the physical characteristic of the area
ii. All other terms of the Development
Zone from all Potential Zone I of 30.0 – 100.0m will
interchanges apply until the Development Guide Plan
is prepared
Form “B”
Size of a Plot of Land According to Altitude
Slopes of the ground in degrees Minimum size of a plot of land (perch) Plot Coverage for Buildings
Up to 10 m Other Zones
00 < 10 0
20 10 65%
110 < 200
20 15 65%
210 < 300
20 20 50%
*310 < 450
30 30 40%
450 > Development activities are restricted. However, recommendation from the National Building
Research Organization shall be obtained from any kind of activities.

 , The National Building Research Organization does not grant approval for any buildings to be constructed in this zone with a slop of 310

Note: In case where the slope of the land is more than 110 degrees, the recommendation shall be obtained from the National Building Research

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