Expt 3

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Experiment no.




Aim: To familiarise the commands for Authentication and Authorisation in

Linux server.

1) List all the users in the system.
Command for list all users

 #cat /etc/passwd

Other commands used to list all users.

• #getent passwd

• #cat /etc/shadow-(encrypted password)

2) List all the group in the system.

Commands for list all users.

 #cat /etc/group

Another command to list all group.

• #getent group

3) Find details of login users.

Command to get details of login users

 #pinky -(provide more information.)

Other commands used to list all users.

• #who –(list all logged in users.)
• #w –(provide wide information.)
• #whoami –(showing which user is.)
4) Create 5 groups.
Command for create group.

 #groupadd groupname.

2) Create 6 users (3 each using both commands)

Commands for create users

 #adduser user11 –( ask for password and other informations)

Other commands used to list all users.

• #sudo useradd username –(a new group with same name will
• #useradd -G groupname username
• #useradd -G grp1.,grp2,grp3 username

3) Change password of all users.

Command for chage password.

 #passwd username –(chage user password and set password)

4) Assign each users to any two groups.

Command to assign users to group.

 #usermod -a -G group1 group2 group3 username

(Add user to multiple group) .
5) Change primary group of any two users.
Command to change primary group of any two users

 #usermod -g group username –(lowercase g for assign

primary group)
6) Create additional two users.
Command to create users

 #sudo useradd username -(Adding new user)

7) Create additional two groups.
Command to create groups.

 #groupadd groupname. -(adding new group)

8) Remove new user.
Command to remove user.

 #userdel username. –(remove user)

9) Remove new group.
Command for remove group

 #groupdel groupname. –(remove group)

10) Create 5 directories in user home directory.
Commands create directory.

 #Mkdir –(to make directory)

11) Create 6 files in each directory.

Command to create file

 #touch filename –(to create empty file) .

12) Grand read/write/execute permission to 2 users on all
directories and files.
Command to grand permission.

 #Chmod 777 filename. –(read write and execute permission ).

13) Grand read/write permission on all files of any two directory to

all users.

 #chmod 660 filename –(read write permission) .

Result: familiarised Authentication and Authorisation successfully.

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