ALH Level1 Wordlist U9

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American Language Hub - Level 1 - Unit 9

Part of
Word/Phrase IPA (UK) IPA (US) Definition Sample sentence
9.1 People watching
boot noun /buːt/ a type of shoe that covers all of your Those boots are very expensive.
foot and part of your leg (giày ống; ủng)

cap noun /kæp/ a soft hat with a stiff part called a peak Stephen wore a cap because it was very sunny.
that comes out over your eyes (mũ lưỡi
coat noun /kəʊt/ /koʊt/ a piece of clothing with long sleeves that Don’t forget your coat; it will be cold later.
you wear over your other clothes when
you go outside (áo choàng)
dress noun /dres/ a piece of clothing that covers a Emily wanted a new dress for the party.
woman’s body and part of her legs (đầm)

gloves noun /glʌvs/ a piece of clothing that covers your His hands were cold because he had forgotten
fingers and hands (găng tay) his gloves.
hat noun /hæt/ a piece of clothing that you wear on your Do you like the red hat or the blue one?
head (mũ; nón)
headscarf noun /ˈhedˌskɑː(r)f/ /ˈhedˌskɑrf/ a piece of cloth that a woman or girl She wears a headscarf every day.
wears on her head and ties under her
chin (khăn trùm đầu)
jeans noun /dʒiːnz/ /dʒinz/ pants made of heavy cotton cloth called He was told he couldn’t wear jeans to work.
denim that you wear in informal
situations (quần jean)
pants noun /pænts/ a piece of clothing covering the body I’m going to wear gray pants and a black jacket.
from the waist to the feet, divided into
separate parts for each leg (quần dài)

scarf noun /skɑː(r)f/ /skɑrf/ a piece of cloth that you wear around Wear a scarf – it’s really cold outside.
your neck or head to keep warm or to
make yourself look nice (khăn quàng cổ)

shirt noun /ʃɜː(r)t/ /ʃɜrt/ a piece of clothing that covers the top Mark looked nice in his shirt.
part of the body (áo sơ-mi)
shoes noun /ʃuː/ /ʃu/ something that you wear on each foot, Greg’s shoes were dirty.
usually over socks (giày)
shorts noun /ʃɔː(r)ts/ /ʃɔrts/ short pants that end at or above the It was very hot so he wore shorts.
knees (quần đùi; quấn sóoc)
skirt noun /skɜː(r)t/ /skɜrt/ a piece of clothing that hangs from the Girls can choose to wear a skirt or pants.
waist and is not joined between the legs
sneakers noun /ˈsniːkə(r)z/ /ˈsniːkərz/ strong, comfortable shoes which are I got some new sneakers for Christmas.
designed for doing sports in, but which
many people wear as informal clothing
(giày thể thao)
sock noun /sɒk/ /sɑk/ a soft piece of clothing that you wear on I can’t find any matching socks.
your foot inside your shoe (vớ; tất)
sunglasses noun /ˈsʌnˌglɑːsɪz/ /ˈsʌnˌglæsəz/ glasses with dark lenses that you wear to It will be very sunny so bring sunglasses.
protect your eyes when the sun is bright
(kính mát; kính râm)
sweater noun /ˈswetə(r)/ /ˈswetər/ a warm piece of clothing, usually made Rosie knitted a sweater for her sister.
of yarn, that you pull over your head and
that covers your upper body and arms
(áo len)
tie noun /taɪ/ a long narrow piece of cloth that is worn The dress code is formal so you should wear a
around the neck under the collar of a tie.
shirt (cà vạt)
T-shirt noun /ˈ ːʃɜː(r)t/ /ˈtiʃɜrt/ a soft shirt that usually has short sleeves That’s a really nice blue T-shirt.
and no collar (áo thun)
9.2 Job swap
at the moment phrase /æt ðə ˈməʊmənt/ /æt ðə ˈmoʊmənt/ now (vào lúc này) They’re very upset and don’t want to talk at the
currently adverb /ˈkʌrəntli/ /ˈkʌrənt(ə)li/ at the present time (hiện tại) She is currently away from her desk.
now adverb /naʊ/ at the present time (bây giờ) I’m cooking dinner now.
right now phrase /raɪt naʊ/ at the present time (ngay bây giờ) We’re working on it right now, so it should be
ready soon.
these days phrase /ðiːz deɪz/ /ðiz deɪz/ used for talking about things that are Children grow up much more quickly these
happening or are true now (ngày nay; days.
dạo này)
today adverb /təˈdeɪ/ on this day (hôm nay) I am going to see my friend today.
9.3 Shop till you drop
bakery noun /ˈbeɪkəri/ /ˈbeɪk(ə)ri/ a building where bread, cakes, etc are The bread in the bakery smells amazing.
made or sold (tiệm bánh)
bank noun /bæŋk/ a financial institution that people or I need to go to the bank to take out a loan.
businesses can keep their money in or
borrow money from (ngân hàng)
bookstore noun /ˈbʊk stɔː(r)/ /ˈbʊk stɔːr/ a store that sells books (hiệu sách; nhà Helen can spend a long time looking around a
sách) bookstore.
butcher’s noun /ˈbʊtʃə(r)z/ /ˈbʊʧərz/ a store that sells meat (cửa hàng bán Can you buy some chicken from the butcher’s?
dentist’s noun /ˈdentɪsts/ the place where a dentist works is the If your tooth is hurting, you should go to the
dentist’s (phòng nha) dentist’s.
department store noun /dɪˈpɑːtmənt stɔː(r)/ /dɪˈpɑrtmənt stɔr/ a large store divided into separate Have you been to that new department store
sections, each section selling a different on North Street?
type of thing (cửa hàng bách hóa)

grocery store noun /ˈɡrəʊsəri stɔː(r)/ /ˈɡroʊsəri stɔːr/ a very large store that sells food and Is there a grocery store near here?
other products for the home (cửa hàng
tạp hóa)
hairdresser’s noun /ˈheə(r)ˌdresə(r)z/ /ˈherˌdresərz/ the place where a hairdresser works is a I’m going to the hairdresser’s on Saturday.
hairdresser’s (tiệm làm, cắt tóc)
library noun /ˈlaɪbrəri/ /ˈlaɪˌbreri/ a place where books, documents, CDs, You can borrow a copy from any public library.
etc are available for you to look at or
borrow (thư viện)
market noun /ˈmɑː(r)kɪt/ /ˈmɑrkət/ a public building or place where people There are some great products at the market.
sell goods on tables called stands (chợ)

newsstand noun /ˈnjuːzˌstænd/ /nuzˈstænd/ a store or stand which sells newspapers They probably sell it at that newsstand down
and magazines (sạp báo) the road.
pharmacy noun /ˈfɑː(r)məsi/ /ˈfɑrməsi/ a store where medicines are prepared She needs to get her medicine from the
and sold (nhà thuốc; hiệu thuốc) pharmacy.

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